New Q for a Tuesday Afternoon ~ July 23, 2019



And remember Sean at the Cordicon YouTube channel and his brilliant research? Check out his Tweets. 3469

New: Title TBD

Q!!mG7VJxZNCI 23 Jul 2019 – 3:12:14 PM


Targets (‘models’) made to fill out an extensive background report?
Targets (‘models’) asked in detail re: family?
Targets (‘models’) generally ‘green lit’ based on ‘loner’ ‘insecurity’ ‘depressed’ P_eval?
Targets (‘models’) generally ‘green lit’ based on ‘humble’ ‘poorer’ family background? [prevent possible ‘legal’ retaliation]
Highest Level Security + MAX Protect
Q This link isn’t translating into a graphic. See Twitter.

This is a great Tweet, too.

Editor’s Note: Ah…yep…ths S**t is about to hit the fan. Have you got your popcorn? Please listen/learn about the Mueller congressional hearing to morrow, and be…



Late Edition for July 11, 2019: Yes, This is ‘The Storm’ [videos] ~ July 11, 2019

Editor’s Note: Yes, yes indeedy…we are indeed In the Storm! However…we have good news which Starship Earth brings to us indicating the forces of the Light (knowledge, truth) are buckling down (up) to the task of cornering and defeating the dark (conscious-less control).

Will this happen over night at once? I doubt this…we really need to “let go” of the promises of immediate abundance and all those other perks promised to us by so many…it ain’t happenin’ that way.

The main reason why? The evolution of Humanity is…an “inside” job, that is…it is the decision of each individual person to elevate their heart, or not, which can lead to a better vibratory rate, or not, and all that the vibratory rate you choose entails! As your consciousness becomes higher, synchronicities and manifestation ARE occurring…as you create your own life…no one else’s.

So…please read the latest news, understand the importance of knowing your heart, and be…



Expect the unexpected… and may everyone be safe. Flight AC33. Nice number. It’s my understanding aircraft are designed to rock and roll with turbulence. What’s really going on? We’ll find out… eventually.

35 believed injured after turbulence forces Vancouver-Australia flight to divert to Hawaii

This is a good video from the Patriot Hour. Military guys.

Wheels Up In Military Means [Officially Started Operations] HOT

Juan O Savin was not able to get on the Abel Danger Live call as scheduled today, but he did call in briefly at the end. Those few minutes he gave us were chock full of great information. I will summarize some of it.

Field wanted to know more about the Russian sub incident and if there was or was not a US sub involved, and who attacked who. Juan said there is no quick answer; it’s complicated.

Many of us know this full well, but he said it would be a mistake to assign the parties involved a “side” in the war by country. As we know, the cabal is global and infiltrates nearly every country. They have controlled this planet for a very long time and their tentacles are everywhere.

As I have cautioned more than once, we need to be attentive to our labeling of events by painting participants with a broad brush of US, Russian, etc. because there are positive and negative factions in each.

Juan said there are so many angles to the submarine incident and much of the background has not yet been explored in the public domain. He said one Russian sub was under the control of “the cabal”, and the fact that a “Russian” sub got that close to that area when authorities knew what was going to happen spoke volumes. Putin was notified, and as we deduced by the scrambling of multiple nations’ diplomats to meet about the situation tells us the conflict was global in nature.

He cautioned us not to claim victory at this point; that the discovery, routing out and purging of the evil will go on for years. He says we must understand the insidious nature of it.

Juan stated that the first stage of a military assault involves taking out the enemy’s ability to engage us; airports. When Trump said “airport” recently in his July 4th speech he meant what he said. (As always.) I’ve added the video below for your understanding.

As Q says, “this is not a game”. POTUS does not make mistakes and he doesn’t give a rat’s ass what people say about him and his coded speeches and Tweets. He is on a mission almost 24/7/365.

I think you can surmise that “airports” was code for “activate that part of The Plan.”

Watch Trump claim the army retook airports during the Revolutionary War in July Fourth speech

(An aside with respect to the Salute to America and the suspected “threat” that caused POTUS to revise his speech… leaving out the expected news about the Federal Reserve and return to the Gold Standard… speculation on the Abel Danger show suggested the threat was not to POTUS, but FLOTUS.)

With respect to the newer Q posts, Juan stated that the current campaign is also about the next phase of the assault: disrupting the enemy’s ability to communicate = disemboweling the media and social media and the tech giants’ operations to throttle truth and spew disinformation, lies and propaganda to mislead the public.

He said the patriots installed a virus in the equipment they sold to the enemy and henceforth when they connected that equipment to everything else they used, the virus spread, making their comms go haywire.

Do you believe the outages we’ve experienced lately at Twitter, Google, YouTube, Instagram, etc. are a coincidence?

Now, you don’t have to believe that Juan O Savin is JFK Jr., but it’s clear to me he is directly connected to QAnon and the ongoing operations by the Patriots. He is well informed and inspiring to listen to as he has a vision for what is coming to overthrow the demonic entities intent on the destruction of our planet.

He sees a higher road for Humanity, and is involved deeply in The Plan. To me, he gives a “voice” to the Q drops. He adds another dimension to the rapport between the Q team and the patriots and anons.

Where Q is brief and cryptic, Juan fleshes out the concepts, adds clarity to the drops, and shares the vision of the team. And then there’s SerialBrain2 who also seems to be part of the team. They’ve got all the bases covered.

There is no excuse for us not knowing what’s going on.

Typically, Juan sheds much light on the past, present and future. He dispels fear, unites the Patriots, and plays an important leadership role, in my opinion, and Field seems to treat him with the utmost in deference.

We learned that this phase is about preventing the enemy from using their communication assets like the mockingbird media, Hollywood, social media and Big Tech to freely broadcasting their messages while preventing the truth getting out to the public.

Remember the memes, folks. QAnon told us the social media bots and Google algorithms find it much more difficult to detect keywords in a meme. That is the way to share important information on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, blogs and websites.

Juan said for some time many have complained it’s going too slowly; but very soon we will complain it’s going too fast.

The pedophilia issue is not partisan, Juan reminded us. We’re going after ALL of them on BOTH sides. We now have the NXIVM, Epstein and Bill Maher spider web to deal with. He said we are in the middle of the storm; it’s “ON” and the enemy will do ANYTHING to slow it down.

He said they’re “mental” and would burn the whole world up to stop what is coming just as they tried to nuke Hawai’i a few years ago.

These entities are psychopaths in every sense of the word. Human life means nothing to them if they can’t squeeze something out of it. Dominating and controlling the planet and her resources—Human and natural—is what matters to them. They know they’re circling the drain and will pull all the stops to prevent their ultimate demise.

Below we remind you that POTUS held a summit today to deal with social media censorship and bipartisan shadow banning. That initiative will be key in the days between now and the 2020 election. I believe the election will easily be won fair and square by informed and inspired voters BUT the Patriots/White Hats/POTUS will not take any chances. Failure is not an option.

BTW, have you visited the Q Proofs website? If not, and you’re not up to speed on QAnon, you should go there.

You may have heard about the summit the President convened to address the illicit tactics of the social media giants. It was a packed room, and we will see the fallout from this initiative in the coming weeks and months.

Juan O Savin confirmed it today as part of the strategy already in place for this time as outlined in the most recent Q drops. He confirmed we are in the middle of the Storm, and what you see is the President’s actions to parry the inept thrusts of the dark to manipulate the information flow and truth in the coming critical 500 days up to the 2020 election and beyond.

A big subject today at the White House Social Media Summit will be the tremendous dishonesty, bias, discrimination and suppression practiced by certain companies. We will not let them get away with it much longer. The Fake News Media will also be there, but for a limited period..

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 11, 2019

Interesting numbers here, from POTUS.

…years, or maybe 10 or 14 (just kidding), they will quickly go out of business for lack of credibility, or approval, from the public. That’s why they will all be Endorsing me at some point, one way or the other. Could you imagine having Sleepy Joe Biden, or Alfred E. Newman…

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 11, 2019

What does SerialBrain2 have to say about numbers? Check it out.

Post # 178-A  a special post of note re: Q post 3410.

These people have no shame and never miss a trick when it comes to monetizing and manipulating the People through deception. Drain the swamp.

Tom Steyer telling an Iowa crowd that he would not run for president in January. He has since reversed this decision

The shadow campaign of Tom Steyer

How a billionaire turned his two-and-a-half year email gathering operation into an ego trip

But the people who took heed of these calls to action and entered their contact information on the ‘Need to Impeach’ website were not signing up for a Steyer 2020 presidential campaign. They were signing up for some amorphous pro-impeachment effort, which may have had Steyer as its figurehead but never gave any direct indication that he was actually going to run for president – especially after he swore off the idea earlier this year. Steyer effectively duped eight million people into forming his initial campaign constituency;

Read the rest of the article…

Based on my comment earlier today, does this come as a surprise? Trump has these freaks chasing their tails most of the time. They’re so dizzy… It’s a war of attrition. He knew he would do this all along, don’t you think? Executive Orders are not new. The Art of the Deal.

Trump drops bid to add citizenship question to 2020 census

In closing, allow me to share one of my favourite scenes from a Monty Python movie again, wherein the Black Knight is reduced to nothing more than a torso in the dirt, spurting blood yet still blindly claiming, “it’s just a flesh wound”, while King Arthur looks on in disbelief at the lack of awareness in the evil one.

Outright denial of reality. Programming.

It’s the perfect illustration of what is unfolding now, is it not? A few of the cabal’s ranks have reconsidered and now fight with us, but there is a core group that will never surrender. It’s us or them and WE shall be the victors.

They can chant, “None shall pass” all they like, but they cannot block our path to Ascension.  ~ BP

Headlines and Updates for June 22, 2019: New Frequencies Not Agreeable to All [videos] ~ June 22, 2019

We’re watching… and seeing a lot of eye-popping things. It’s quite a show on multiple fronts and there is plenty of worthy stuff in this post today.

The new energies flowing in are good in many ways, challenging in ways for a few, and possibly the death knell for others.

Before we get to that, here’s a blast from the past in one sense. Back in the day… when nothing was happening… we used to watch the crop circles in the summer. They were quite beautiful; some simple, some complex, and some even striking.

Here’s one from this month in France. There are folks who “decode” crop circles and you can see more here.

Notre Dame of France, Near Moisselles, France. Reported 1st June.

Check out Angela Merkel in this next video. Chilled to the bone or…???  Thanks, J.

Simon Parkes said…

Merkel the German Chancellor has uncontrollable shaking fit. Just as Hitler did in the last year of the war.

“Last year of the war” has a nice ring to it. Are we going to wrap this up in 2019?

The events unfolding around the world (even if it’s flat) are astonishing. We sympathize with those suffering from the Earth changes. Hang in there.

This video compilation from Nared King is, I think, even more mesmerizing than the last—nearly all from June alone. And look—there’s a clear shot of a saucer.  Thanks, L.

This happened on our Earth !! p / 3 last events from all over the world

Steve at WSO brings us another collection of his subs’ shots of the skies.

Our Skies in 2019 – Footage from the World

As new information comes out, we get down to the meat and potatoes of the situation in DC—dished out in small portions so the uninformed public doesn’t choke on it. Like feeding a baby; one tiny spoonful at a time. And if they spit it out—shove it back in until they swallow.

BREAKING: General Flynn Uncovered Massive Clinton Scandal Linked to Terrorist Funding – Was Immediately Targeted by Obama Deep State

Linda and Leonard bring us the updates on the military tribunals at GTMO.

Gitmo Military Tribunals – Transcripts Coverage by C-VINE – June 17&19

Understandably, the deep state cabal/globalists don’t want the truth getting out to the public and the platforms where we share it are seeing more and more censorship.

We’re now watching to see if social media is going to go down for 10 days beginning either tomorrow, June 23, or 24th, as we believe was predicted through scraps of information provided by QAnon and other clues. Some patriots are quite the sleuths and it does sound possible we may experience “10 days of darkness” for a particular purpose. It would be a strategy of the White Hats, not from the dark ones.

Whatever will we do if we can’t share videos, articles, memes, Tweets, rumours, news clips, decodes, and the latest developments across the planet? Perhaps we’ll have a taste of what life used to be like years ago before we joined the army of digital soldiers and began spending our days and nights on the front lines, in the trenches, and in our bunkers. Perhaps we can go out into the sunlight and get a new perspective on our changing world.

As long as our blogs and websites are still up then we will soldier on, and we can always call out the lying turds at their legacy media websites.

For a taste of the “interference” that can crop up when sharing information, listen to the first few minutes of this video with Sean at SGT Report and Pastor Casper. Unprecedented, he said.


Before I forget, Thomas Williams is having an additional show tonight at 8:30 pm EDT/5:30 Pacific and he says it’ll be a “fun show”. I don’t think he meant “fun”, exactly, but it will be a good one. Listen live on or at the Think Different website

If you didn’t listen to the Thursday call, you would benefit from listening at least to the last portion about the reality here, the division/separation at the time of the “rapture”, if it occurs, and the implications.

Whether social media goes down or not, Scott Mowry will probably hold his weekly Sunday intel roundup conference call for the Miracles and Inspiration group. If the call in number etc. is the same as previous weeks, it will be as follows at 6:00 pm Pacific time/9 EDT:Our conference call line is:Dial-in Number: 712-770-4598Access Code: 767664#Replay Number: 712-770-5402Access Code: 767664# / followed by # again (not a code, as stated)

We, the Patriots/Anons know not to get uptight about what is unfolding, but it’s interesting to hear the perspectives and commentary of those paying attention AND we want to keep putting out the REAL news for those who are recently woke and wanting to innerstand.

While some are running around with their heads cut off screaming that the Neocons are going to start WWIII in Iran, we know everything happens for a reason and nothing is left to chance.

The White Hats will adhere to The Plan and President Trump cares not what anyone thinks of his strategy, behaviour, statements, or Tweets. It’s all carefully choreographed, and The Plan is working beautifully! The more drama there is, the better the result.

How do we know?  Thanks, L. Priceless.

Video: Pelosi and Schumer caught on camera dancing after thinking Trump would attack Iran

It’s all for show, possums. But you knew that.


Another change in plan from POTUS

Trump delays operation to deport migrant families

Patriots Are Now Dismantling & Defunding The [DS], Messages Transmitted – Episode 1899b

In 2016, Mary Matalin said Trump had a 100% chance of winning the election. I wonder what she would say now, because in 2018 she certainly felt he had performed miracles. See the video at the link.

Mary Matalin: “Nothing Short Of A Miracle” What Trump Has Got Done In The Face Of Constant Thwarting

I’m going to leave it there for now. Suggest you watch or listen to what appeals to you ASAP in case there are restrictions on some of it tomorrow.

Thank you to the crew for all the great links, videos, and updates on various things. It’s busy out there and it takes a team to stay apprised.  ~ BP

The Storm: Is the Real Show About to Begin? No Q-incidences! [video] ~ June 18, 2019

Editor’s Note: I just cannot leave this topic alone folks…the dark are goin’ DOWN in a hurry! And they must do this leaving the grand moment for July 4 which will be INDEPENDENCE DAY, not only for America…but for the world! The domino’s will begin to topple here in the US where the Dark have been at their strongest.

Once America regains light and true freedom from the gut-wrenching tactics of control used by the Dark, the rest of the world will quickly follow. China, whose leader is meeting with Trump, Egypt, whose former Mulsim Brotherhood leader Morsi dies during his trial, Angela Merkel shaking like a leaf, and the list of Dark actors and their sudden angst goes on and on.

So…please read this report, be prepared for 10 days of darkness (maybe social media shutdown during this time?), actually be prepared for anything as the Dark breathes their final breath, and be…



Look at the images alone in this post, folks. There have been far too many Q-incidences to doubt that QAnon and President Trump are in alliance to remove the evil on this planet.

The blogosphere is a-buzz with the promise of BIG things happening this month and over the next few weeks that will be unmistakable proof of the White Hats/Q Alliance that is systematically deconstructing the olde guard.

Nothing is written in stone, of course, but we have several clues suggesting notable events, the first of which may be “10 days of darkness” which QAnon has spoken of, are soon to manifest. The ‘perfect storm’ is upon us.

Ship’s bell on JFK’s boat: “Where We Go One We Go All”

The ‘rumour’ is that social media may be taken down by the White Hats on either June 23 or 24 for ten days, until July 3rd. We saw that 8Chan post, I believe it was, in a TRUreporting video we shared a couple of days ago.

That was the reason for the miscellaneous outages of Googe, YouTube, Instagram, etc. last week. A test.

Q has suggested that the lamestream media depends on social media to dispense their propaganda and manipulate public opinion among the unawakened and at this key time it may all go black to FORCE the cabal propaganda networks to either shut up or address the real news—which may be epic if we can take the President at his word.

As we’ve shared recently, President Trump stated in his Health Care update last week that an “unrelated” but very big, very “positive” announcement will be coming in two weeks from that press conference.

We won’t know until it happens, but after 10 days, social media may go back online on July 3, at which point we are anticipating that the President and his administration will be announcing a return to the gold standard, and asset-backed currency, and if it all comes out—an end to the Federal Reserve.

John F. Kennedy gravesite Arlington Cemetary “Q”

Of course the pièce de résistance for the Patriots would be the announcement that JFK Jr. is indeed alive, and additionally that he will be Trump’s running mate in 2020, as Vice President.

That will all but shut down the lunatic left’s untruthful claims that POTUS is lagging in the popularity polls and will put the last nail in the coffin of the Democrat Party. They cannot sustain a blow such as that.

The truth is that President Trump commands far more support than he did in 2016. How could he not?

Do you think Kennedy might come out as a staunch Trump supporter we know as “Vincent Fusca” and then remove the goofy disguise and tell us who he really is? It’s difficult not to get too excited about the prospect.

Trump has already begun his rallies, which will no doubt counter a lot of the nonsense the lunatic left spews. This one in Florida tonight kicks off his 2020 election campaign and is already on air.

I can feel the electricity. We can see the crowds already lined up in the wind and rain and nothing can put a damper on the American spirit in Trump fans. They report that 100K tickets went fast and the crowds are now a little unruly and only 20 – 25K will be permitted inside the venue.

I watched them streaming into the facility rather than in the usual single file manner we have always seen in the past and they tell us many of Trump’s family are already on site. This will be an amazing rally.

President Trump Holds MASSIVE Rally in Orlando, FL: 2020 Campaign Launch 6/18/19

Can you imagine having John-John up on stage at rallies saying the same things that Trump and Don Jr. have been saying? Nuclear fission! Americans will go NUTS! (and hopefully the cabal will go into a catatonic state) The People’s civic pride and love for their nation will have patriots swooning.

If all the rumours are true, it won’t just be a fancy 4th of July fireworks, it will be INDEPENDENCE DAY and fireworks like no one has ever seen. The entire world will be watching, and it will be catchy! Patriots the world over will ignite flames of new hope in the Great Awakening and demand change of the globalists—or else.

George Magazine “Indictment Day” Will Hillary Clinton Get Busted?

As QAnon has repeatedly asked, at what point can it no longer be a coincidence?

For those not aware, that image just above is a magazine cover for George magazine, the publication JFK Jr. started almost 20 years ago. See Mount Rushmore on the left, and the “Survival Guide to the Future” article featured. We can also see the text on the right about Hillary Clinton. The editorial suggests that readers keep this magazine and pull it out in 20 years. Why are they suddenly now allowing fireworks at Mount Rushmore this year? Q-incidence? I think not.

All the above is what we are expecting, folks. Let it be so—but don’t expect the psychopaths to sit idly by and watch. Expect some incendiary incidents, in some shape or form. It will be an ugly death for them.

For those who like conference calls for getting their intel you may want to listen to the most recent intel call with Scott Mowry from the Miracles and Inspiration group from Sunday night. It was a good summary of recent intel.

The military are clearly behind QAnon and President Trump

Scott goes into more detail about the media, the White Hats’ plan, the degree of control they actually have at this point, and more. Perhaps after seeing the magazine cover above it will be easier for skeptical folks to accept that this military operation has been underway for two decades or more.

This recording is available for one week after the initial call, so until Sunday night, I expect. It’s a feel-good call, folks. If you are experiencing anxiety over what you are seeing and hearing, have a listen. Your frequency and your belief in this astounding military operation will increase a lot.

The network above just played a fabulous compilation video of all the network whores and cabal politicians stating that President Trump would NEVER, EVER be President. I love it.

Donald Trump Will NEVER Be President! Compilation

To quote one of those losers and clowns, I think it’s safe to say, “This race is already over.”Replay Number: 712-770-5402Access Code: 767664# / followed by # again (not a code, as requested)

How scared are they? Another case of “dehydration”. This time, for Angela Merkel.

Angela Merkel Shakes Uncontrollably at Ceremony

Headlines and Updates for March 13, 2019: Counting Down—T[-6] [videos] ~ March 13, 2019

The Ides of March are 2 days off, and March 19 is only a few days away. We’re waiting with baited breath to see what will unfold between now and then. The cascade of truths will be exciting, and the patriots will be hard at work sharing it—with memes!

QAnon is busy trolling the deep state, whose claims don’t add up. We’ve also had more specific information as to what is coming and the effect it will have.

SerialBrain2 brings us another decode, for those interested.

Alex Jones outed? I hate to say I told you so…

Post # 146 – Fast Train and Wacky Nut Job decoded.

This just in…

Senate talks collapse on avoiding Trump showdown over emergency declaration

Our unfortunate friends in Venezuela have another major challenge to deal with; a dangerous one. More sabotage, probably, and those trucks of supplies from the US were torched. I bet they wish they had potable water on hand now. Hang in there folks.

Venezuela’s Water Turns Black, Horrified Residents Find Oil Coming Out of Tap

Weather continues to be a threat globally, as well as seismic activity. The Watchers covers it. Some are still pushing the fear porn about catastrophic events that aren’t going to happen, but we will have ongoing challenges, to be sure.

The Corbett Report brings us another twist.

Mother Nature Demands Child Sacrifice – #PropagandaWatch

Who are the traitors? How about Diane Feinstein who uses her “driver” to distribute data and sit in for her at events where she won’t attend? It gets worse. He has no security clearance as every other member of her staff do. BCP tells us the story in 30 minutes in his DIFI CHI SPY story. Treason. It’s unbelievable the chutzpah of these oligarchs, and they’re going to pay.


The CIA? No kidding.

CIA may be behind February attack on North Korean embassy in Spain – reports

QAnon told us social media, the Internet, communications, etc. could experience blackouts any time as the deep state attempts to prevent the bad news from propagating and so the lamestream, mockingbird media will have the corner on the market and the final and only word on events.

Our Internet crashed this morning as it frequently does with heavy weather. The rain has left but it’s super windy. My other half was on FB already so it’s not a widespread outage in America at this point.

Facebook and Instagram are down for users across the globe — Financial Post

Boeing stock tumbles? Lots of good news these days.

Trump grounds troubled Boeing 737 MAX, jet manufacturer’s stock tumbles

Dave provides excellent coverage of the news and Q updates from yesterday.