Stunning SerialBrain2 Decodes Brought to Life by ‘And We Know’ Videos + Miracles & Inspiration Intel Call Tonight [video] ~ July 14, 2019

Editor’s Note: It’s all too easy to stay focused on the geo-political scene these days, I mean….will this ever end? But the best advice I can give as a Light Warrior (yep, that’s me!) is when you get too “up-close and personal” about Planet Earth’s plight, then it’s time to step back, take yourself out of the picture you see, and merely become as “observer”.

Nothing will ever be good enough or true enough when you are personally involved with the story you feel yourself a part of. So…if you indulge in despair over the “wrongs” you see in our world, it’s time to take a deep breath, send you thoughts/mind to a topic that is JOYFUL for you, and realize that we would not know what Light (knowledge/information) is without knowing the dark.

Anyways, for those who read my blog…this message IS of hope for NOW and our future! Understand that we have to know what Dark is, before we can recognize the Light, head’s up and eyes forward, and be…



t’s Just a Test

If you didn’t yet have a boo at those SerialBrain2 decodes I shared yesterday and the video from And We Know, you need to do that. Not now—but right now.

The decodes are astounding. You may recall a day or two ago I provided a summary of what Juan O Savin revealed at the end of an Abel Danger call. He said the first thing they do is take control of the AIRPORTS so the enemy can no longer engage us. President Trump, in his July 4th speech said “airports”. I told you it wasn’t an error, and it wasn’t.

Did you think he’s an idiot for saying we have the cleanest air in the world? Don’t you get it? “The Patriots are in control.”

Don’t fret. When the President says odd things, at the very least make a mental note to wait for the revelation about that. It’s coming. The President is speaking to us. Are you listening?

SerialBrain2 told us in his latest decode—if you clicked all the links—that they have taken control of the chemtrail planes. Not only are they no longer spraying toxins, they are furnishing us with positive aerosols instead.

Read it here.

Everyone freaks out over chemtrails so if you’re truly concerned, you need to pay attention to this. When we see chemtrails now… it’s a GOOD thing. Thank President Trump and the Q team—and the US Military.

Now you know why the President has been paying so much attention to the military and beefing it up. IT’S NECESSARY to execute the Plan!

It’s really annoying to hear people complaining about how the President shouldn’t be spending that way, or glorifying the military, or having tanks and flyovers. Get over yourself. I’m out of patience with people dissing the President and second guessing him and doubting QAnon. They’re tight, and they’ve basically given up a nice, easy life for us; for this cause; for this movement—for the PLANET. So many of us have sacrificed a lot to do this work. When you’re committed it takes over. It takes priority.

The Plan is unfolding as it needs to unfold and wasting breath criticizing the President’s words and actions shows the speaker/writer doesn’t know what’s going on—or thinks they know better. OR, they’re the opposition.

Here is the new video (Part 2) from And We Know just uploaded that goes over more of that information. As LT pointed out, however, there is too much info in that post to squeeze into short videos so we would need to read SB2’s decode posts for the full story. This one takes awhile, but it’s worth it. We really appreciate these highlight versions from LT, and thank goodness for SB2!

Post # 179 – The Explosive Message Trump Coded in his Speech on Independence Day.

#SerialBrain2 – Winning: Trump now controls the chemtrails! (Pt.2)

Below is what you need to listen to Scott Mowry’s ‘Miracles & Inspiration’ intel call tonight, 6 pm Pacific/9 EDT.

Scott does a great job of connecting dots, interpreting intel, passing on decodes, and as a former military guy from a military family, he has contacts in the Pentagon. as well as other sources. He aims to pass on good info and his calls are always interesting and uplifting.

If you’ve been too busy or for any reason unable to take in the audios and videos from the alt media this week, Scott will bring you up to speed.  ~ BP

We continue to have a massive amount of new listeners coming to our Sunday night Conference Call and we greatly appreciate your support with your donations. You will find links below to offer your support.   What a month it has been so far in July 2019! We had warned you this month was going to be intense and it is proven to be so, and then some. 

• For this upcoming call, we will cover the latest fall-out from the arrest of Jefferey Epstein, who represents the single biggest sealed indictment yet to become opened. Jeffrey Epstein will lead to numerous other high-profile arrests due to his direct connections to the Clintons, the Rothschilds, Hollywood, the UK Royal Family and many, many others. Watch for other dominoes to begin to fall very soon.   

• We are also on the verge of witnessing the entire coup against the President of the United States exposed, including the involvement of the United Kingdom and several other foreign nations. The recent resignation of the Ambassador of the UK is just the first shoe to drop.   

• Meanwhile, the Democratic Party — which has been exposed by President Trump and the White Hats as nothing less than treasonous and seditious to the American people — is basically self-destructing before our very eyes. Never before in American history have we witnessed a political party this subversive.     However, it appears as though the Democrats downfall is all part of a very well-coordinated and highly sophisticated operation by the White Hats to take back the American Constitutional Republic. Trust the Plan!  

• And “Q” has now returned with a vengeance beginning on July 8 and has been posting some devastating new drops at a furious pace. “Q” has now provided us with a timeline and a road map moving forward into the month of August. We will examine these new “Q” drops with detail.   Once again, this will be another very important upcoming conference call. We really encourage you to join us this Sunday night!!  

Our conference call line is:Dial-in Number: 712-770-4598Access Code: 767664#Replay Number: 712-770-5402Access Code: 767664# / followed by # again (available until the next call is added to the archive the following Sunday)

We greatly appreciate your donations which directly support our work and you can do so through PayPal by clicking on this link:

Headlines and Updates for July 2, 2019: So, About that Q-LARP Guy… [videos] ~ July 2, 2019

Editor’s Note: Yes, the beat goes on! What beat is that? The beat of drums as Patriots march to the beat of FREEDOM! Starship Earth keeps providing thought provoking imformation about what is really going on the world with many on the edge of their seats to see what happens.

Me? Since I Am of a spiritual nature, I completely understand the “real” reason all of the geo-political maneuvers are happening. July 4 just may be the day when humanity begins to understand their own true worth, as…you have to be FREE to understand your value without being controlled to the max!

So yes. let’s bring on tactics and techniques allowing all peace of mind from financial woes (will the Fed go down?), end war and violence (fear goes down substantially with this!), bring on personal abundance in conjunction with better health a shorter working hours, and be…



If your mind isn’t suitably blown after my initial post today, you need a checkup from the neck up.

As un-real as that bit of intel sounded, it’s probably true, and things are about to get real in America.

As your captain, I advised, “Expect the unexpected.” And now, “expect turbulence”. Strap on your harness, because you might need it. We will be landing under canopy, however. No worries.

Are you prepared to explain to those who have thus far sailed without seeing the storm blustering around them, just what is about to be unleashed and its meaning?

Those who said QAnon is a LARP are about to be either exposed, if they’re working for the opposition—or shamed, if they are patriots who just couldn’t count to 17 after all the numerology and Gematria lessons.

We’ve got tanks in DC for the Independence Day celebration of all celebrations; we’ve got patriots “coming back to life” and leading the Q army into the storm; and we’ve got financial restructuring. It will be difficult to ignore what is unfolding in Washington DC from here on—but also across the world.

O.M.G. The show continues in this next video. Give that woman a slap upside the head.

POTUS is “coopting” this event, she says. Celebrating “Independence Day” (which no one will say) is a political ploy. Unbelievable.

Trump reveals 4th of July celebration details

The freak show the Demonrats have been putting on is best described by my favourite word—“outrageous”. Everyone’s using it to describe so many situations in the news. The dimms are outraged and we’re outraged at their outrageous behaviour. It’s like living in an asylum. We never know what we’ll hear or see next. Sometimes you just need to clamp your hands over your ears to keep out the din.

Everyone’s raging, and so is the Storm.

SerialBrain2 puts his two cents worth in with a new decode.

Post # 177 – Democratic Presidential Debate: A Rigged Circus and a Fake News Feast.

Original Library of Parliament, Ottawa Ontario Canada – Looks Tartarian, eh? Image source:

Original Library of Parliament, Ottawa Ontario Canada – Looks Tartarian, eh? Image source:

My mother tells me the Canada Day celebrations in Ottawa included a speech from Crime Minister Justin Turdeau, and of course the singing of “O Canada” AND “God Save the Queen”.

I don’t think God’s going to save the Queen OR pedophile Justin Trudeau.

Canada declared their exit from the commonwealth long ago, but like in America, it was a ruse. Canada was a royal heist, and it’s time the People got their sovereignty back and stop allowing the globalist cabal to syphon off their money and resources while ramming Sharia law down their throats.

They’re soon to learn that the Republic of Kanata was originally set up for plunder and subjugation by the Crown—which isn’t the Queen.

In the UK, the BREXIT Party turned their back when the globalists played the EU anthem. Everyone’s got an attitude and they’re not hiding it.

Pro-Brexit lawmakers turn back on European anthem ‘Ode to Joy’ at EU Parliament opening

Video and the details here.

I noticed the hits here on Starship Earth were way down this morning when I fired up the dilithium crystals. Before long I learned why. Ironically, even “Down Detector” was down, so folks couldn’t check out the situation there. Where do we go to find out if Down Detector is down?

Millions of websites went down across the internet today after massive Cloudflare outage

Cloudflare Issues Shut Down Millions of Websites Including Gateway Pundit, Drudge Report, Instapundit, etc. — Half of Internet Was Down

We expect this pat response:

The full cause of the outage is unknown, with Cloudflare’s support page simply noting: “Cloudflare is observing network performance issues. Customers may be experiencing 502 errors while accessing sites on Cloudflare.

I wouldn’t automatically assume these outages are a bad thing. The good guys have strategies in play that can involve communications, too. I don’t assume we’re victims of a deep state attack because at this point, the White Hats have more control than the dark.

I would, however, prepare for anything and stock up on a couple of weeks worth of food and water, meds, pet supplies, daily necessities, fuel and cash. If a financial reset is near, we will need to be self-sufficient for a few days when banks are closed and credit/debit cards don’t work.

If, for instance, the military, which has give the “ready” thumbs up this week happened to be working in our communities to say… make arrests… we would want to stay out of their way and let them do their job.

Most patriots are well stocked on popcorn by now. Don’t forget the butter. We don’t know what is slated to happen or when, and we know disinformation and implied activities are put out there by the patriots to throw off the enemy, so it’s best to be ready so we can relax and enjoy the show.

Relaxing is work now, you know. It’s often hard to keep the excitement down and remain calm when we see what is unfolding and hear the amazing intel available from multiple sources. It sounds like the tanks in Washington may at least be about showing everyone that the military is now nearly all behind the Patriots at this point and under the command of the Commander-In-Chief.

Sara Carter dug up some more dirt. There is NO shortage of proof of the slick dealings of the deep state.

In 2015 @BarackObama and @JoeBiden gave #EquatorialGuinea $4.4M in US Aid. In 2016 #Swiss Gov seized 25 supercars valued at $13M belonging to the son of President of EG. He is facing charges of #corruption & #moneylaundering *RETWEET*

— Sara A. Carter (@SaraCarterDC) July 1, 2019

We have plenty of fascinating information coming out for reading, watching, and listening. The selections flowing to me are fabulous and timely. They arrive at the perfect time. Coincidence?

Majestic 12, the Secret Space Program, and The Wilson Memo. Deeper Disclosures with #NEONREVOLT.

And We Know presented his awesome renditions of the latest SerialBrain2 decode, as well. Two gifted guys: what a team. I’m having great difficulty keeping up with everything while living my life and haven’t even watched these yet—and Part 2 has 170K views already!

SerialBrain2: Iran and the reason Trump misspelled “locked”, “site” and “straight”.

SerialBrain2: Trump, the Cabal and the Shocking truth about Iran. (Pt. 2)

Dr. Dave Janda’s update follows.


Mike Morales did a good video last night and jumped right into the recent major storm in Chicago on the weekend with a very interesting bit of data a subscriber sent him. Weather warfare indeed. I did a search and the company does exist. Weather Modification Incorporated

He also discusses the freak hail storm in Guadelajara, MX I featured yesterday. It wasn’t the first time that happened. Texas got the same treatment awhile back.

As discussed in other posts about geoengineering and weather modification, there is often collateral damage. They can’t usually create a situation in one location without impacting surrounding areas, or even areas much further away. Weather systems don’t exist in a vacuum.

The Great Lakes area of Canada and other locales have suffered greatly with flooding as a result of the cabal putting the American Mid-west bread basket under water, and the psychopaths couldn’t care less.

They think their little fits of pique will convince China, Russia, Canada, America, Argentina, India, Italy, France, Korea, and every other nation to abort the mission to free Humanity. They’re delusional, and their demise is imminent.

If you heard Juan O Savin expounding on what has happened in America you understand the conviction to get this done, and when Q says, “nothing can stop what is coming”, you know it’s a fact.


That concludes our updates for now.  ~ BP

Headlines and Updates for July 1, 2019: Winding Us Up for the Festivities [videos] ~ July 1, 2019

Editor’ Note: Below you will see various types of “wake up” calls scattered all over the globe.” Wake up from what?” you say, and I will tell you to wake up from ignorance. “What am I ignorant of, I keep up with the daily news?” you ask.

And I tell you that most these days are ignorant of their heart! We are far too tired from chasing the “American Dream”, or just keeping food in our mouths and a roof over our heads. The dark have designed our current economic slavery to keep us preoccupied and unable to determine the truth of Who We Are.

Yes, yes…I Am on a soapbox and we are starting to see the end of a war fought on Planet Earth between good and evil. The big tools of the dark have been economic slavery and mis-information by MSM and “entertainment”. These have been the major tools used to mis-educate us and keep us under their merciless grip.

Despite this, humanity has been able to keep our emotional selves (a prized human component) from falling into an overwhelming pit of despair. How? Think of those tender, or jubilant, moments when you have felt on top of the world! That is because you ARE that important, you ARE that special! There is NO one else in the world just like YOU!

Holding your newborn baby, or winning any sort of challenge unleashes the JOY you inherently hold. Joy also stems from creating…when you have been successful at anything, you feel joy that stems from being what you truly are…a creator!

Ok…that’s my rant or the day. I urge all to stop…think about what you feel deeeeep inside of yourself…and be…



Happy Canada Day to my compatriots.

BTW, we have a problem, Houston.

I can’t imagine why the Philippines don’t want your mountains of trash.

Why on Earth does a huge country like Canada send trash to an island nation like the Philippines???  Why don’t the people running the planet who think they are so smart (and get paid outrageous salaries for doing precious little) take care of the GLOBAL trash problem?

Containers of Canadian trash that festered in the Philippines for years are set to arrive home just in time to celebrate the country’s 152nd birthday. The Anna Maersk is scheduled to dock at the Port of Vancouver, with the containers aboard, on June 29. The arrival will bring nearly to a close the garbage saga that led to a diplomatic dispute with the Philippines and drew attention to the growing global problem of plastic waste. (from video notes)

More global unrest; live-streamed from Hong Kong where they have ongoing protests. Lam is in trouble and has run into serious opposition.

Live in HK 10: so many armed police!!!

There is an elevated risk of violence and false flag events at this time, so maintain your situational awareness—no matter where you are—or in what country. I would think that the authorities in Washington would be taking extra precautions at this celebratory time in DC.

On one hand they want us to be in fear all the time over nothing, but on the other hand they do activate “people” to bring misery and violence at every opportunity—but particularly at venues where large numbers of people gather—and the globalists will no doubt try to punish us for our newly achieved independence and liberation, thanks to President Trump and the Patriots.

July 4th: Feds Warn of Possible Dangerous Events Launched by “Radicals”

I guess the added security at the celebration can’t hurt.

Trump Wants Military Tanks On Mall As Part of Grand Fourth of July Festivities

Is Merkel’s problem, which seems to mimic her father’s (Adolph Hitler), due to the same disease that Hillary Clinton had before she died?

Angela “KURU” Merkel :coded:

For those who don’t believe the fate of the world is as bad as we claim, that it was due to an evil agenda, and that Divine Intervention was required by an organized group of exceptionally brave liberators, have a listen to this historic monologue from Paul Harvey. Fifty years ago he saw our current predicament coming. How is that possible?


UNBELIEVABLE! Hillary Clinton’s Lawyer Destroyed 33,000 Emails–Receives IMMUNITY from DOJ!

And here’s a little something I picked up for you at the Twitter shop…

…but first, the prelude. Not everyone may appreciate what follows if they are unaware of the hoity-toity attitude of Rep. Jackson Lee. It’s quite the performance—like she’s a queen or something, speaking to her subjects. A beeyotch in every sense of the word.

Getting back to the initial portion of this piece… Nice ring, Sheila.

“Their symbolism will be their downfall.”   ~ Q

…and the high and mighty have the furthest to fall. Keep your ears open for the series of resounding thuds as the once-ruling El-ites hit the dirt. Face-plant, anyone?

Sheila Jackson Lee – TRAITOR/PAWN

Sheila Jackson Lee is a Democrat and currently the U.S. Representative for Texas’s 18th congressional district, serving since 1995. Q linked to a video of Sheila professing advanced knowledge of Rosenstein’s firing.

— X ANON (@therealXANON) June 27, 2019

And in line with the numerous “suicides” of NYPD officers of late…


Officer Familia, a mother of three, was assassinated on July 5, 2017, by a gunman who was later killed by police. She was sitting in an NYPD Truck when it happened. Q implied that Officer Familia had viewed the insurance file on the Anthony Weiner laptop that was

— X ANON (@therealXANON) June 27, 2019

Dave’s expert analyses of recent developments, on the X22 Report follows. That “17 steps to destiny” as Simon Parkes referred to it left no Q in our mind. It’s all about 17, Q, and The Plan. Pure magic.

History Was Just Made, Watch Everything Fall Into Place, Panic Everywhere – Episode 1904b

Thomas Williams and Randy Maugans got together for another chat recently. I’ve not listened as it was just uploaded this morning, but I’m sure it’s thought-provoking and we’ll hear things we never hear elsewhere.

Circle Of White Light Radio_Thomas Williams RandyMaugans_30062019

Weather-wise, it’s extreme all over the planet. Expect the unexpected.

Nearly 100,000 without power as severe thunderstorms hit Chicago, Illinois

You have to see this to believe it.

“The worst affected areas are Rancho Blanco…”   White Ranch? Really?

Video at the link below.

Phenomenal hail accumulations after massive hailstorm hits Guadalajara, Mexico

Visit a one-stop shop to study weather modification of all kinds. (geoengineering)

The end.  ~ BP

Explosive News the Order of the Day [videos] ~ June 26, 2019

Before the Internet overlords lower the boom on this, better take it in. The Project Veritas video of the Google execs didn’t last long, did it? All part of the show. This is a personal assessment of the 9/11 physics from a skyscraper engineer of 17 years experience. Fascinating. There’s info here I’ve never seen before. Really peculiar information.

See the video at the link.

Investigator reveals video of charges being laid on floors 93 to 99 Twin Towers 9/11

And let’s remember that currently pre-trial military tribunals are ongoing at Guantanamo Bay and other locations to prepare for the prosecution of the characters responsible for the 9/11 false flag terrorist attack. Folks can read the transcripts at the C-Vine web site.

What’s really fascinating to me is the subtle stuff. We’re kept in the dark about so much, but the little we do get sets the imagination on fire.

For example, Rose, of the Yellow Rose for Texas channel (whom we understand has very good information for the most part) has told us that things will be done a little differently this time, at the division of the families. She says there will be fireworks, and starships in the skies.

President Trump promised there will be a spectacular show for the 4th of July like we’ve never seen in America. And a “flyover”. We’re hearing Airforce One—although without the President on board, it’s not AF1, technically, I read. It will be very interesting and revealing to hear President Trump’s speech that day. Perhaps that event is a prequel to The Event.

Thomas Williams has now broached the topic of the “rapture” or Event, and has been doing what might be considered pre-grief counselling discussions on his show to prepare us for what may be inevitable. I assume that’s because of the “division of the families” we’re told is coming in the near future. Those “what ifs” are killer, aren’t they?

What if… it isn’t about farewells but about reunification? Indeed. Rose says it’s about “the gathering”.

Independence Day. That conjures up visions of the mothership, for some; perhaps like the one lurking in the clouds over Brazil in this video. Anything’s possible. Thanks, L. This is about 10 minutes of skies and then a movie.

The psychopaths running the planet want us to be afraid of extraterrestrials but we’re not. We know the alien invasion happened millennia ago and the damage has been done. Now we’re in the extermination phase, and our protectors upstairs are eager to show themselves and give us the thrill of a lifetime.

In truth, the revelation of the Galactics will signal the dawn of a new era, a new mind-set. Pre-ET and Post-ET.

All that in conjunction with the spectacular news we get every day from the deep state take-down makes it difficult to achieve equanimity, but we’re doing quite well.

The halcyon days of a New Earth are coming for those who are ready to move onward and upward in their spiritual development. And who will be waiting for us on the other side when we make our jail-break? The big reveal is waiting in the wings.

Perhaps Thomas will have some more news of this ilk on his show tomorrow night. Listen to the Truth, Honor & Integrity Show live on or via the Think Different website at 7:30 pm EDT, 4:30 Pacific every Thursday.

No one will say when any of this will happen, but clearly the remainder of 2019 will be outstanding and we’re just along for the ride.

I don’t know anything except I’m so done with this fake reality; this circus. It’s been interesting, but it’s getting really old.

Happy Canada Day to my compatriots north of the 49th who are gearing up for their long weekend. May Canada be snatched from the grasp of the satanists and returned to sovereignty very soon. The stench of the swamp doesn’t respect borders and we’re struggling for breath down here in a miasma of our own.

I’m going to ship this out now to get that controversial and possibly soon-to-be-banned video in front of everyone ASAP. It can be difficult for us to accept that there are many who simply reject the idea that the US (shadow) government (and others) had anything to do with 9/11 but there are a lot of people still in a trance. To acknowledge that reality strikes fear into their hearts, and they are not warriors—like us.

Soldier on, possums. The end, and the beginning, will be breathtaking.  ~ BP

Headlines and Updates for June 26, 2019: More News from the Swamp [videos] ~ June 26, 2019

Editor’s Note: Hooray! From the information below, provided by Starship Earth, (perhaps) we truly are in the final phase of “cleanup” which means loss of control by the Deep State!

This truly IS a global event, my friends, so please watch these vids, share with your friends, I’ll be waiting breathlessly until July 4, and be…



How much longer can this go on?

House panel votes to subpoena Kellyanne Conway over Hatch Act testimony

And the juxtaposition of this next one with the serious note of the headline above tickles my funny bone—not that it’s funny—it’s just such a departure from ordinary and mundane… from an extraordinary guy and these Irish eyes are smilin’. Bill picked a hard instrument—and a hard job—but he pulls ’em both off with flair, doesn’t he? Not to be outdone.

AG Barr plays bagpipes, speaks at US Attorneys’ Natl Conference

I’m sharing this next one again, because it’s one of the best presentations ever for patriots, but also because it was originally uploaded by Field McConnell at Abel Danger and the notes in the description for the video should be seen. I’ve pasted them below. This was so important and inspirational I’ve listened twice now.

I think most Starship readers are probably on board with this, but for the few that may land here looking for answers, it supports my posts wherein I stated that the ones running the fake world are fakes; actors, imposters, infiltrating every aspect of life and they make the decisions for us while presenting the illusion of choice. There is no democracy. There is no choice. It’s all rigged. We are living a lie, and everything we’ve ever been told was a lie.

The speaker here going by “Juan”, whoever it is, (probably John F. Kennedy Jr.) is eloquent and passionate. I agree with him that it is time we grew up, and came of age. We’re not children any more, and we need to take responsibility for what has transpired and prevent it from going any further.

July 5 is the first day of the new way in America if we can believe what we hear in this audio from “Juan”. We are in epic times, my friends. Epic times, and the feature presentation of this “show” is about to begin.

I like that he commits to not allowing a single family to bear the weight of this mission. I believe “our movement”, as President has referred to it, is much, much bigger, as the notes below state.

If Juan is indeed JJ, then America is in good hands if he decides to run for office. Too many in the past tried to fight the scourge on our planet alone and individually. It took a unified effort of many people who have all the answers and see the problem exactly as it is, a spiritual war as well as a physical one; not as they thought it was. It required devising a fool-proof plan to disembowel the problematic body of evil once and for all—AND—educating the world to the illusion, as well. No small feat.

It’s happening.

BTW, one of the Q-incidences we heard on the Miracles and Inspiration call on Sunday stated that John Jr.’s favourite song was the Rolling Stones’ “You Can’t Always Get What You Want”. What do they play at the end of every Trump rally?

Oh, and when Field speaks of “Big Dog”, he means “GoodDog” and we were enjoying his outstanding research presentations twice a week on John B. Wells’ channel there for awhile until I couldn’t find them any longer. I may share more about that after listening to the interview. It starts off with some technical difficulties.

Operation TORSION FIELD/SLAVES NO MORE: JFK Jr Salutes His Slain Father

Abel Danger livestream
Streamed live on Jun 21, 2019

We who were alive and witnessed JFK Jr saluting his father are now, collectively, globally looking for a leader such as JFK to fill the void that has remained empty from 22 November 1963 until now. For the deep state cabalists be warned we are coming for you and we will not file a flight plan but we know the route, we know the target and are LOADED FOR BEAR and we are legion. We will cause you to suffer involuntary bladder voiding you cowards. In James Bond fictions there was M and there was Q. From our license plate you may think we are Q MINUS. But we are not. We are something much bigger; something that few will anticipate or see coming. In fighter tactics and infantry tactics you can not defend against what you don’t see coming at you. Q, Qanon, Q Minus? No something much, much bigger. If we can microwave Angela MERKIN, if we can remove her sister Cucumber Girl, if we can cause a fake queen to agree to SLAVES NO FUCKING MORE we can save the Republic of the united States and we will. More accurately, we already have. Capeche?  ~ Agent Chips

Okay, here is a fascinating discussion with GoodDog and Field McConnell. They go down a few very interesting paths, including about what is coming between now and July 5th. Field says he doesn’t know if Trump will be at the Lincoln Memorial or Mount Rushmore.

You never know what Field is going to say next and he drops data like it’s water out of a fountain and keeps GoodDog laughing in the process.

There are some initial technical challenges but they’re over by about 4:30 in.

And check this out. Look at the thumbnail on the video. Q told us Iran would be at the end—or the last item on the order of operations in the mission. What are we dealing with now? Iran.

Coupled with the information in the Juan O Savin interview, and the word from Thomas Williams stating we won, and we’re now in the mopping up phase, I think we can be assured we are about to see some amazing information and developments.

Iran Is The Near End Of This Military Operation :coded: