New Q for a Tuesday Afternoon ~ July 23, 2019



And remember Sean at the Cordicon YouTube channel and his brilliant research? Check out his Tweets. 3469

New: Title TBD

Q!!mG7VJxZNCI 23 Jul 2019 – 3:12:14 PM


Targets (‘models’) made to fill out an extensive background report?
Targets (‘models’) asked in detail re: family?
Targets (‘models’) generally ‘green lit’ based on ‘loner’ ‘insecurity’ ‘depressed’ P_eval?
Targets (‘models’) generally ‘green lit’ based on ‘humble’ ‘poorer’ family background? [prevent possible ‘legal’ retaliation]
Highest Level Security + MAX Protect
Q This link isn’t translating into a graphic. See Twitter.

This is a great Tweet, too.

Editor’s Note: Ah…yep…ths S**t is about to hit the fan. Have you got your popcorn? Please listen/learn about the Mueller congressional hearing to morrow, and be…



Headlines and Updates for April 10, 2019: Deep State Dominoes are Falling & Q’s Back [videos] ~ April 10, 2019

What a good news week! I can hardly stand it.

Spring has sprung and Google has, too; a BIG leak! That ship’s goin’ down.

Leaked memos prove Google is a massive criminal enterprise engaged in felony election meddling and racketeering

Yoda is dead. Another one bites the dust and the evil SES is losing power. It’s sudden death overtime in the game of cosmic dominoes.

Andrew W. Marshall died on Mar. 26, 2019 at 97… 13 DAYS AGO!


Linda Paris shared a great meme and we have a video, too. An interview with “Resignation Anon”. Check it out at Jon’s Place at the link above. Good stuff.

Yes, Q has returned and, unfortunately, made a fool out of David Seaman; leaving the following drop (so far as of this writing), but no letter of resignation.3311

Barr Testifies ‘Spying Did Occur’ on Trump Campaign

Q!!mG7VJxZNCI 10 Apr 2019 – 9:59:08 AM



There are a few too many coincidences with respect to a community in New York and Mayor De Blasio’s mandate for forced vaccination for a supposed “measles outbreak”. Thanks, L.

The deep state can strategically create outbreaks wherever they choose. I think there’s a very good chance this opinion may be correct and the community needs protection to avoid those vaccines at all costs.

Too often vaccines give people the disease they’re told it will prevent. My vet told me a week ago that if my dog gets a vaccine for something specific he might get that condition. I declined, but truly, many of the medical interventions we’re given are risky, if not deadly.

We know what is said to be in vaccines, but have no guarantee that those ingredients are actually there, or are limited to that list. What might they be leaving out of the ingredient list? It’s Russian roulette if you get a vaccination for anything, and they can target specific genes or DNA, we’re told. Disinformation? Do you feel lucky?

Coincidence? This video from You Are Free TV about what’s going on in New York immediately disappears from the page after embedding it three times so I’ll provide the link. Unbelievable.

#BIOWEAPON: NY H_sidic Vac_ine Ag_nda, Italy Bucks FED #SATMAR

4/9: Today, New York Mayor declares Emergency Order to forcibly vac_inate the Will_amsburg, Brooklyn community because of “m_asles outbreak.”

Self-explanatory… and includes 5G towers. No… fake palm trees, saguaros, and pine trees don’t suffice.

CA Supreme Court Upholds Ordinance Protecting Scenic Views from Ugly Telecom Infrastructure

Are you tired of winning yet? This news is outstanding and provides more forward momentum. Draconian laws are falling and common sense and freedom are gaining new ground.

Kudos to West Virginia for passing what many are describing as “the best food freedom law in the country”

We had an extraordinary experience on our walk this morning. Mica always trots way ahead of me, but today in one spot he hung back and waited. He advanced again, but not far, and waited. There was something on the road ahead that looked like it could be a branch of a shrub or tree, but we have been watching for rattle snakes because it got so warm and they love to come out of their chilly dens and bag some rays on the hot tarmac.

I put Mica on the leash and as we grew closer I could soon tell it was indeed a snake; a bright-eyed, 4-foot diamond back, fully intact, not run over. Mica has walked right over and right past rattlers before, but today something told him to stay away, and I thank our guardian angels because we don’t ever want to deal with another rattlesnake bite. We are certainly blessed. ;0)

Meanwhile, across the pond our compatriots are still battling hard for freedom against the old guard. Something has to give.

Tune in tomorrow, April 11, at 7:30 pm EDT/4:30 Pacific for the Truth, Honor & Integrity Show when Thomas Williams will share unique intel drops, Q&A, and news analysis on the war effort. Listen live on or at the Think Different website.

Are we going to let the deep state frame and ridicule us? Hell to the no!

The dimms tried to spin her words and Candace Owens let ’em have it with both barrels. You go girl!

Thor brings us good news and bad. The good news is, the “Bombogenesis” storm/blizzard he told us about for tomorrow will not have the massive moisture potential the last super storm did as it wasn’t near the ocean to load up on water so the rainfall/snow will probably be less.

The bad news is, there are currently 5 (yes, five) more storms in the offing which will march across the midwest in rapid succession over the next couple of weeks. If they are severe and they all follow through rather than dissipating, it could leave the central states reeling.

I could tell a weather change was coming because it was super windy here yesterday with HAARP clouds; it got hot suddenly for two days. Today, even windier, but the heat’s gone and the wind is chilly. A new system is rolling through Arizona.

Good luck everyone in the path of these storms. Stock up on food, water, and candles/batteries, and necessities. It would be great if you didn’t have to venture out until it’s all over.

Monster Storm to hit USA. It is the 1st of 5 storms in two weeks & WoW the Sun

Headlines and Updates for April 8, 2019: The Writing is On the Wall for the Criminal Cabal [videos] ~ April 8, 2019

Despite therapy and their petty lawsuits, the sub-humans cannot sustain their defense much longer. While they drown in the filth of their own making and throw it at Humanity, they are weakened.

This battle of attrition has taken its toll. Many of them have fallen; been assassinated to cover crimes, resigned, been forced out, retired, died, outed, and even executed by the military patriots. A few took the cowardly way out and chose to end it all to avert the pain; while others were interrogated and unashamedly spilled their guts.

Those were the lucky ones. The rest will bear the full brunt of karmic justice. They may even see their perp walks. Named, shamed and incarcerated after uncomfortable public trials.

No one pities these creatures any more. They were offered surrender and made their choices. They were so steeped in evil and greed nothing else mattered; even the inevitability of their own pathetic demise.

While they beg a deceived community for money and threaten to sue Lightworkers who have none, they see the writing on the wall.

They can’t run and they can’t hide. They’re currently treading water and the panic is setting in. There is no DUMB deep enough, no mountain fortress high enough, no guarded stronghold secure enough to withstand the wrath of a sentient race unleashed—even when they only just learned of their slavish existence at the hands of predatory psychopaths.

The revelations to come will be stellar and I wouldn’t want to be in the shoes of anyone related to the torture and murder of our children. Complicit is still a crime.

It’s coming. It’s most definitely coming, in Divine timing.

Do you really think that after bringing us all this way and exposing the depth of corruption and the crimes against Humanity, the Clinton body bag, the satanic ritual abuse—that the White Hats will simply let them walk?

Not a chance. This despicable problem is going to continue to be exposed and cleaned up until not an atom of these marauders remains in power, and every man, woman and child learns what happened so it can never happen again.

Breaking News: Hillary Clinton’s Dynasty Is About To Fall

Linda Moulton Howe outs David Wilcock… revealing further infiltration of the Truther community. The web is becoming more visible, like dew on a spider’s nest. It’s not news for many of us, but it needs to get out there. The “awakened” need to practice a lot more discernment and stop donating their hard-earned money to imposters who ridicule them behind their backs.

Many are not who we first thought, but so often the messengers are the ones under attack. Time to out the parasites, folks.

I spoke long ago of these sort of revelations and advised people refrain from getting emotionally (or financially) invested in “whistleblowers”, insiders, bloviating truthseekers, and experiencers.

Why help them in their damage control? It’s bad enough that we share their videos and articles because there is some good information. I’m committed to be more discerning in what I share as well, which is why I no longer publish Benjamin Fulford’s updates after that latest flip-flop. He was in bad company and things took a turn for the worse.

Do you have a Facebook account, or did you ever have one? If so, and you would like to consider joining the class action law suit against Facebook for their crimes, check out the article and video below.

There are instructions for the procedure for joining the suit and what would be required of you.

It IS time the People took these criminals to task. Click the link for the details.

Class Action Lawsuit v Facebook Just Launched

Now here’s a coincidence. I was thinking about David Seaman the other day and wondered why I hadn’t seen him outing pedophiles any longer. I made a mental note to check him out but forgot. A notification just popped in that Dustin Nemos uploaded a video entitled…

David Seaman & His Anti Q Propaganda Club

… but I got the all too familiar… “! This video is unavailable.”

Seaman rapidly went from hero to zero. What happened?

This is an interesting story below from Seattle. Thanks, L.

I have one, as well. The power company replaced a number of poles in our neighbourhood in the last two or three years after several snapped at the half way point like toothpicks in a thunder storm, which made for a puzzling scenario when, a month ago we had a(nother) power outage for a couple of hours.

What I didn’t realize until I headed out to fetch hubby at the airport was that the techs were on the scene as well as police and they shut down the only road into our community while they replaced poles that supposedly “came down” in fine weather. I had to go off-roading to get to the highway. They’d been there nearly all day and were still on the scene when we got home around 7 pm.

They can put bases on Mars and they can’t provide proper infrastructure in a small community. Unbelievable. We know where our tax dollars don’t go.

Could some of these cases be sabotage? This story about “ecoterrorism” popped up when I did a quick search. Apparently it has happened in the past and the FBI caught up with them.


Seattle City Light CEO: Inspections offered no signs that 26 wooden power poles might break

Look out! Trump’s shuffling the deck and no one is safe. These are significant positions.

Confirmed: Kirstjen Nielsen Did Not Resign — Was FORCED OUT By President Trump

Director of the U.S. Secret Service FIRED

This just in. I wish we could get everyone out of there.

Three American service members and contractor killed in Afganistan — US military

Pompeo makes historic announcement on Iran’s Revolutionary Guard

Judicial Watch is busy, busy, busy.

Judicial Watch Sues State Department for Obama Ambassador Victoria Nuland’s Communications Related to the Anti-Trump Dossier

NEW Lawsuit against DOJ for Roger Stone Raid Documents–Was CNN Tipped-Off?

This crap is getting old. It’s so transparent. Thankfully these weaponized people are sometimes caught before they can inflict any more terror.

Man planning truck ramming attack at National Harbor near DC ‘inspired by ISIS’ – DOJ

Dave pointed out the fact that the deep state actors (like Obama and Schiff) are suggesting to the public that imminent video evidence is not actually valid evidence—it’s faked, and qualifies as “fake news”.

Q says not to worry. It’s all good. They’ve got the bases covered.

The [DS] Prepares For Arrests, Damaging Videos & Evidence – Episode 1835b

And, from north of the 49th parallel… Prime Minister Turdeau blames—you guessed it—Russia! for his anticipated failure in the upcoming election. Wait till Canadians find out about the pedophilia…

Idiot Savant Trudeau Already Predicts He Will Lose Election, Blames Russia for His Failure

These sickos are everywhere and taint everything they touch. They are going down.

Allison Mack and cult leader Keith Raniere initials brand

Allison Mack and cult leader Keith Raniere initials brand

‘Smallville’s Allison Mack Pleads Guilty In Sex Cult Case

This is how it has been operating in DC for a long time but most of the public is unaware.

The Secret Washington Does Not Want You to Know

2 long Cigar Shaped UFOs flying at extreme speed by Plane over london, UK

SerialBrain2—FISAGATE: It Was The Rothschilds | And We Know + A Sunday Digest [video] ~ March 31, 2019

Editor’s Note: Thank Goodness for Starship Earth and her multiple, repeated blogs about the “truth of the matter! IMHO…this provides a great service allowing more and more to realize the actual reality of what’s happening in our world…and why!

Please read this report below, learn what is happening in our world, know that many, many positive changes are right around the corner, and be…



If you didn’t watch the President’s Grand Rapids, Michigan MAGA rally yet, it’s terrific.

It’s clear that a strategic education process is going on. The language is getting stronger and the terminology we have used in the alternative news community is going mainstream.

Trump is showing the People that he is one of us; not a stiff, holier-than-thou, starched shirt. He took the sleepers from “fake news” and “enemy of the people” through deep state, widespread corruption, Human trafficking, coup d’état, treason, hoax and “collusion delusion” to “these people are sick” and now “the elite”. The People are getting caught up, fast.

He says they stopped the deep state in their corporate takeover and it’s obvious it’s driving them Qwazy. (my word, not his). When he uses QAnon terminology the crowd goes wild. They jump from “Trump! Trump! Trump!” to “Lock her up!”

The patriots at Fox News are giving the public the education they won’t get at the other networks. There is a plan unfolding there, as well. Hannity’s monologues are driving home the concepts of “conspiracy theory” and that we are considered the “smelly Walmart people”. The great divide. Establishing who the enemy is and that the People have been the targets of despicable lies and manipulation.

They echo the sentiments of Trump that this can never be allowed to happen to another president, ever. Repetition. It’s what the media does, right? That’s how you sell something to folks without them realizing it. Multiple exposures. Use the subconscious. QAnon repeats specific phrases, too. Now many of us use them.

I’ve been saying the lamestream media is the “propaganda arm” of the deep state for a long time. Now we hear it every day. The Patriots may not be able to replace or remove the lying, treasonous turds at the cabal’s networks but they are now in control of the information narrative.

Judge Jeanine is back and standing her ground, pounding in the stake defining “us against them” territory. It’s something to behold. The fact that it’s driving the ratings for CNN, MSNBC and the rest into the toilet is very satisfying. Their credibility is all but destroyed and that is testament to the efficiency of The Plan.

When the time comes that the White Hats decide to actually incarcerate those in the highest echelons, they will get little opposition from Americans and there will be no civil war. I believe that is the goal for this slow, methodical education process. For all intents and purposes, the Dems are done.

Just as the New World Order gradually coaxed us to accept their tyranny over decades, the White Hats are gradually getting the public accustomed to new language, concepts, and the dark reality of that tyranny. What happens will be what The People want; not what is forced on them.

Grand Rapids, Michigan patriots It was interesting that while Q paraphernalia was banned in previous rallies for the safety of the patriots, in Michigan they weren’t hiding the “Q factor”. They wore hats and shirts proudly, swimming in a sea of red MAGA hats.

The crowds Trump draws to his rallies are stunning. He not only fills the venues but fill the streets for blocks with lineups. Thank goodness for Jumbotrons. We understand there were 20,000 outside in Grand Rapids. The energy must be amazing. When was politics ever this much fun? When was the last time Americans felt this way about their country and their leadership?

The only negative thing I’ve heard so far was this disgusting display of depravity. What kind of mind even thinks of this—never mind follows through? Such hatred. These people are on the opposite end of the spectrum from Humanity.

The President is now fighting back very hard and showing us that we must do the same. We have allowed the deep state to reveal its true nature and objectives. Now it’s time to fight and stand up for ourselves.

Hillary Clinton giving the sign of the devil

The 2020 election is going to be a piece of cake for Trump. The psychopaths know it, and that’s why the attacks have increased exponentially as well as attempts to remove the President; physically and legally. Attack as they might, these pathetic pirates don’t have a peg leg to stand on.

When Trump and the Patriots are through with them, the Democrats’ candidates for 2020 will not be anything the People consider for leadership. No amount of election rigging will save them; not dropping the voting age to 16, not allowing immigrants without US citizenship to vote, and not padding the voting rosters with millions of dead people.

In time, the Patriots will see that it is not only Democrats at fault; that the conspiracy runs much deeper in society, but for now the teacher must speak the language of the students. They don’t want to alienate them by going too far, too soon.

Washington politics is the stage for now. Hot on its heels is the Central Bank issue and the economy. It’s a juggling act. The Rothschilds have lost most of their assets and the banksters are continually trying to steal funds via the Quantum banking system and plan to manipulate and crash the stock market as they have in the past so they can profit and recoup their losses.

The immediate threat is the Democrat party. We must ensure they do not regain power, and to do that, America must re-elect President Trump. If America goes down, the world goes down. It’s mission critical and the President is hitting the campaign trail already, losing no time in preparing America for what must be done.

I hope folks recognize that the mountain POTUS and Q have set out to climb is monumental and while they say they are doing this “for us”—we must pitch in and do what we can. There is far too much for a small number of warriors. The Q army is deployed and engaged in active duty and trench warfare in the ‘war of the words’; the Information War.

We here in the alternative news/truth community are doing our best to ensure there is more than enough fact, truth, and evidence for those who seek it.

We can educate people, but what they do with that information is key.

Are patriots heeding the words of JFK? No matter what country we call home, we have work to do. Lazing about in limited hangouts and watching videos can be addictive and non-motivational. There are cabal infiltrators within the alternative news community whose sole goal is to distract, misinform and confuse; to assure us everything is being done and we don’t need to lift a finger.

The deep state is extending the tyranny any way they can at this time.

Arizona SWAT team smashes door, raids mother’s home at gunpoint over child having a fever… medical tyranny gone wild in the USA

Door-to-door gun confiscations begin in New Zealand; one gun owner already dead, with thousands more targeted by armed government thugs

The outrageous corruption and tyranny visible in New York state, California, Arizona, Australia and now New Zealand along with the BREXIT fiasco are situations that must be actively addressed and opposed by the People. The attitude that “it’ll never change” is unacceptable. We have to BE the change and take action to make the changes.

Protests along Gaza border

In countries outside America millions have taken to the streets; Venezuela, the Gaza strip, France, England, Spain, and many others.

The snowball is rolling now. More and more truth is coming out; more criminals exposed; serious litigation and prison sentences.

Behind the scenes much is happening to achieve our liberation, but there is also a lot of negative action pushing back that we don’t see. There is also a lot of pain, suffering, and ruthless violence every day.

I don’t believe “trust the plan” is a reckless approach for us. It’s happening, but we still have to push this snowball a little further to get to the edge of the hill. We, Humanity, must play a role in this peaceful liberation of our planet. We do not respond in kind to violence. We are better than that.

We are actors in this “movie”, not only spectators. We want to be proud of the expression of our roles when all is said and done and we sit down together to watch the first screening.

When Q says “enjoy the show” and we joke about popcorn, it’s not to suggest that we do nothing to help; it’s to assure frightened and angry people that taking up arms and resorting to violence is not necessary or acceptable. The Executive, the positive military, and the Q team are acting responsibly, setting a good example, and do not encourage violence.

They want us to understand that the Patriots are in charge and have been for some time. The show is an illusion that serves a purpose; educating the uninformed.

We’ve got this, but we do need to protect ourselves and prepare for possibilities. That is why the President told Americans to prepare in this preparedness proclamation in August of 2018.

Now he is addressing via Executive Order the possibility of a threat of an EMP attack. (electromagnetic pulse). It’s proactive, not to suggest anything is imminent—but it is possible. It’s just prudent to prepare for possible threats. Any President worth his salt would endeavor to protect the country and the people.

Unless things take a dire and unexpected turn, I think Donald Trump will probably be able to rest assured that he did the best he could with what he had to work with considering the formidable forces he was up against.

The war effort is bringing out the best in many people as they execute the plan to vanquish the evil racketeers; the slave masters who stole from us, lied to us, tricked us, preyed on us, and tried to eliminate us. The ruthless players and their plots are exposed and blocked every day.

Humanity is waking up and casting the dross from their eyes. In its place is hope; for a brighter future; for real change—and that is motivating.

As Qanon has said, the world IS about to change. Morphogenesis comes to mind.

I believe our new world will be almost unrecognizable. It will be glorious, but we’re not there yet. What we see is that it can be done because powerful forces are on our side driving it; guiding us, encouraging us.

We are evolving as a species every day, and everything is a process. Who we are on a day-to-day basis is as important as who we are in the end when we learn who we REALLY are. ~ BP

SerialBrain2—FISAGATE: It Was The Rothschilds SB2 decode text version is here:

What’s Coming? The Fall of the Cabal and BIG Change ~ November 28, 2018

October 31, 2018

The Deep State’s Control is Fast Coming to an End

The centuries-long tyrannical regime is reaching its termination stage


Thousands of centuries of criminal extortion

The Deep State’s control is fast coming to an end. They never expected this, so they are not prepared for it. Their lackeys – the puppets – in governments all over the world will find themselves in deep trouble. They are being believed less and less with every passing day. They are being exposed and must eventually face the wrath of the people whose lives they have maliciously exploited. President Trump, on his short visit to England, was there for only one reason: to confront the Queen of England with her malevolence and to demand the return of all that was stolen, to which the Queen agreed.

He didn’t want pomp and ceremony. He has the respect of all who seek truth. It was a pity that there were those in England who set out to disrespect him. They were either paid for it by George Soros, or displaying their own ignorance about what is going on in our world. President Trump deserves every respect and success in his endeavour to free the world from the criminal mafia that has terrorised and exploited the populace for thousands of centuries.

Politics is a dirty game. President Trump is not a politician, so he is free to follow his conscience. This is why there is such a huge effort to remove him from office. There have been to date over a dozen assassination attempts. The Cabal is petrified of him because they cannot control him. Never in the history of our world has there been such an effort to remove a President from his Office. The Cabal is ruthless and desperate to hold on to their power and control, which again is why numerous assassination attempts have been undertaken. To fulfill this monstrous task, you must really be driven and totally convinced of the ability to improve the world for all of humanity, for it is the most ungrateful job to fulfill. There is no glamour and money involved, commonly belonging to such a position.

People will be shocked to learn the extent of the Cabal’s control over them. Every aspect of our lives is covered. Even in the world of sports, where it is believed that the best man, woman, or team wins. Be assured it is often decided in advance by them, because they are the owners of the game, and have set their huge bets on their designated winner. They never leave anything to chance. They control all; much more than you ever can imagine.


Exposing the Truth

The change cannot occur until all governments cease to use chemtrails, which destroy humanity and the crops people depend on for their survival. No one should be forced to be vaccinated, especially not our lovely children. Drugs that eventually kill patients should be removed immediately.

The full extent of the Satanic Ritual Abuse and killings must be fully exposed and outlawed. Respect for men, women and children, should be the norm. These are the goals we should all intend to achieve. Many freelance investigative reporters are fighting the cabal via the internet. ‘It has become an army of digital soldiers’ that are fighting the cabal and all oppressive forces around us, to inform the awoken public about the progress made.

These are citizens like yourselves that cannot withstand the call to expose the truth. There is no option of being helpless and standing by as a spectator, while knowing the extent of the corruption, high treason and lies, all made possible by a judicial system that is bought and controlled by the cabal. This is all made possible as a result of the privately-owned monetary system that they illegally seized. This has become warfare at its best. Meanwhile, it has been made publicly visible that the cleaning up of the swamp is in progress and very soon a great deal will be exposed when the sealed indictments are opened.


Economic Collapse is being planned

The economy has long ago passed its expiration date and will now be purposely collapsed. This economy is a central bank economy and cannot be repaired. The economy will be replaced by a people’s economy, supported by free markets. The ongoing global financial market correction could continue during the coming weeks, as more GESARA-related changes are made around the world.

The Central Bank system works on debt and people have been brainwashed for years to make them believe that debt is a good thing. The stock market and the housing market are going down. The interest on debt will get to a point where it is unsustainable. President Trump and the patriots are using this strategy to push the MSM into blaming the Fed for the coming crash.

The stock markets all over the world have been declining for the last 5 weeks, and have lost over 8 trillion in paper value. This is the beginning of the entire global economic system breaking down. Around the world the real estate market is experiencing a downturn, even worse than the 2008 market downfall.

The Globalist system is collapsing on all fronts, and this is being done intentionally with the intervention of the Alliance. The most important factor for both sides of this information war is the push to control the narrative of the collapse. The central banks that were planning to introduce a cash-free society, are now experiencing the setbacks. They are in great panic.


The centuries-long tyrannical regime is reaching its termination stage

The centuries-long tyrannical regime is steadfastly reaching its end stage, to be destroyed for ever. No more lies and manipulation. All markets will be free, all aspects of our lives will be free from oppression and suppression. People will take responsibility for their own lives and decide for themselves.

Be prepared and be on your guard, as things are going to move fast from now on. Banks are closing and this will leave many people stranded without the necessities of life. The changeover should take about three weeks. The corrupt and their puppet helpers will be removed as they are unable to move forward. They became part of the Cabal because they have all been bribed to do the work for them. It made them feel important, but they will regret it and are paying a very high price for it.


There is plenty of work to be done

Remember; If only 1 percent of the population is knowingly involved, participating and benefiting from the Deep State fraud scheme, that amounts to about seven million criminals that have to be addressed with some level of questioning and prosecution.

So how are about two million law enforcement officers and judges, and other officials in the Army supposed to arrest, incarcerate, and prosecute these seven million criminal cases? Military tribunals and resources alone cannot possibly handle the vast volume of inquiries and prosecutions. Of course, they can take out the puppet ringleaders and dismantle the infrastructure that supports the Deep State, but in order to do the actual housecleaning, we will need the help of the awakened masses.

We, the people have to work together to put our house in order. We have to assemble our regional infrastructure and appoint or elect our governing bodies, to reclaim our assets and resources, restore our lawful court systems, and many issues more. There will be no sitting around in front of the television set, waiting for superman to come along and rescue us, even though there are many heroes doing their best for us.

We are the answer that we are looking for. Remember that these heroes depend on our civil government to direct and finance their operations. – The Cabal has been leeching off of humanity’s wealth for centuries. The amounts of stolen wealth are being recovered, to be allocated to projects for the benefit of humanity.

There are enough funds to build an entire civilisation on another planet. The funds being allocated to the GCR/RV are equivalent to less than 1% of the total amount of stolen wealth.

For now; the war is nearly over. Roll-up your sleeves and think how you can help to clean up this mess. Start organising your community for the new era that lies ahead.

In the famous words of President John F. Kennedy “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”.