Headlines and Updates for January 4, 2020: No Alternative; We Have to Go Down This Road or Perish [videos] ~ January 4, 2020

Editor’s Note: Yes, my friends…change IS in the air and what a major change this is sure to be! Tolec refers to this in the ending video, yet I will start off by reminding ALL of the unique and awesome astrological alignments taking place at the end of next week (and the rest of January) that WILL tickle your innards in one way or another…

Feeling overwhelm? My advice is to look into your heart and make changes to like what you find in there. Next…s-l-o-w it d-o-w-n and relax inside, before sleeping in the quiet of your bed…imagine your perfect life, relax and then BE…



We may not believe we chose the events on our planet, but we did choose to be here to execute this jail-break for Humanity. The scope of the operation is not understood by all denizens of Earth, but enough of us are aware and we are the civilian army here to support the Generals calling the shots in a complicated world ensconced in a spiritual war.

No matter what the Commander-in-Chief President Trump does, the enemy attacks and screams foul so we can expect it. What needs to be done is getting done, and in as humane a way as possible.

I don’t know of anyone else who could or would do what Donald Trump and his family are doing. Can you think of anyone? What has been accomplished in just over three years is astounding. Never been done before.

The current methods employed to right the once sinking ship America are wildly successful. Why would anyone complain? Step up and do a better job and then you can bellyache about what the current administration is doing.

There is far more going on here than a man stepping up to challenge the old guard politicians. Far, far more. It is historic. It’s not explainable in common terms. It seems “super-natural”, because we are so ill-informed about how our reality works, who we are, and the identity of the enemy and what they have done.

We will see in the very near future that everything was handled miraculously well in what was an almost impossible situation. It’s a 5D chess match most of us could never play. Masters are taking control and we’re along for the ride. We would do well to support what they are doing because it’s working and miracles happen every day in this realm and beyond.

The enemy—the Democrats and the corporate media clowns know who Donald Trump is and what he can do. That is why they are terrified.

Why fight it? Enjoy the show.

Another Q prognostication confirmed? How can it be a coincidence when it keeps happening?

Even when QAnon isn’t dropping, there are messages.

H/T @findcyndy pic.twitter.com/cla89VpuyK


— Julian’s Rum (@JuliansRum) January 4, 2020

This is what the mind-controlled bots—the deep state’s army—are up to now. Jane Fonda’s there. These people have no clue what is happening on our planet. They only know what they’re told and they follow orders like sheep.

Washington protesters condemn Trump’s Iraq and Iran policy: ‘No justice, no peace’

It’s true. The worst stuff gets blamed on the dog.

Drone pilot that led airstrike identified. pic.twitter.com/Cqhk21gnje


— Ph03n1x24 (@Ph03n1x24) January 4, 2020

The humour helps me deal with the unpleasant stuff. I can’t be one of the “chest beaters” Tucker Carlson speaks of. (below)

Its odd, because while I know we have to eliminate the demons and those who do their work, when it comes to actually doing it in plain sight, it makes me very uncomfortable. I’d rather not know, but we are warriors and we have to deal with the unpleasant side of liberating this planet. We also have to support those who have the courage to do it.

The situation on this planet is far worse and far more complex than most know. We have been shielded from it; partly so the perpetrators could continue to cover their crimes, and partly to prevent fear and chaos. Most of the world is not aware that Humanity has been targeted for elimination by those who control the evil regimes in the Middle East, China, and elsewhere.

I will remember the children, the babies, the tortured, the targeted and sickened ones including the military who suffered from a psychopathic network of creatures who believe they’re superior and born to rule us like cattle. I will remember WWI and WWII; 9/11, the Oklahoma City bombing, Waco, the Columbine School shooting, Parkland, Florida, and those killed in fires in California and by their lab-created diseases. We have to do this—but don’t ask me to have a parade.

Nearly every nasty, painful thing that happened on this planet was orchestrated by the evil ones. We only know about a fraction of it and it will take time to ferret out all the booby-traps and sleeper cells they installed across the globe that present potential threats to us all every minute of every day.

The school shootings, the church bombings, the rammings and hit-and-runs, the racist machete attacks… they’re not perpetrated by mentally ill Humans. These are weaponized Humans created by the deep state/globalist psychopaths. None of them have a place in our civilization if we are to survive.

There is also no place for WWIII. The deep state puppets will scream for it from the rooftops now, but it won’t happen because it is what we have vowed will never be permitted. All who oppose the marauding creatures that stole our planet have committed to “peace”. And we shall have it.

It won’t be easy, and when so many don’t understand the stakes and the perpetrators, there will be disagreement on how to achieve that. It’s a matter of the survival of our species. As QAnon has stated, “This is not a game.” When Humans are no longer prey, everything changes.

We can pat ourselves on the back because the powers-that-be removed massive threats to Humanity in Baghdad with surgical precision and no innocents were harmed.

When Earth is finally and completely liberated, that will be time for celebration. We will celebrate because we are free, not because we killed to get there.

Tucker slams ‘chest-beaters’ cheering US strike on Soleimani

It’s not ONLY Iran that’s the problem. The globalist tyrants have agents in nearly every country to control events and outcomes, to provoke conflict, and eliminate the Human population. They always have. It’s not something new as a result of President Trump and the White Hats going after the war-mongering parties.

As President Trump stated, their actions were to prevent war, not start one. They are finishing it. We are in the later stages of this global conflict with psychopaths.

There’s no easy way to do this. We must all take responsibility for learning the true situation on our planet, the threats, what to watch out for, and to stand up for our rights and protect ourselves. This is war. It’s hard. It’s dangerous, and there will be casualties—but not on the scale the New World Order globalists planned. That has been stopped.

You don’t want to know what would happen if the US Military stood down. And you don’t want to know what will happen if Americans let the tyrants take their guns.


Chinese officials say the problems in America stem from citizens’ possession of guns. Really? Sounds like they fear the citizens. Why would that be? Only a tyrannical government would fear the People.

China is a deplorable place thanks to these sickos, and they need to be removed. They have been telling the Chinese people what to think, say, and do. They prey on the innocent and monetize them. They’re precisely what Americans refuse to accept in their own government and are currently fighting.

The world the Communist Chinese have created is the one Hillary Clinton and her team were planning to mirror in America. Without your guns, you’re toast. You won’t be able to save yourselves—or the rest of Humanity who are counting on you. That is the role of America right now. To save Humanity.

Communist China Says Americans Owning Guns Is A Serious Problem That Must Change

It’s time Americans were educated about the Constitution, the 2nd Amendment, the Bill of Rights, and your duty to your country. This attorney has exploded in popularity. Find out why. He talks sense and gun owners would do well to listen to him.

Meet the Virginia Attorney Educating Thousands On the 2A Sanctuary Movement

Dave’s X22 Report goes into the Iran situation and more fully and sensibly.

Trump & The Patriots Sent A Message, [DS] Event Countered – Episode 2061b

Tolec of the Andromeda Council sent me this video a month ago and I missed it until I was clearing out old mail, so am sharing now. We previously discussed how some of us are feeling a little out of sorts and some folks are acting a bit weird we and can’t really put our finger on it. Perhaps the perspective shared in this video as a result of the cosmic energies washing over us will help. It appears that our very DNA is changing. Everything is changing.  ~ BP

Headlines and Updates for December 27, 2019: “The Plan” is Working and Delivering, As Promised [videos] ~ December 27, 2019

Editor’s Note: Uh…yeah. I’ve only made it through this daily news report to Agent Margaritaville’s video uploaded below… OMGosh, ya’ll need to see this for a YUGE wake-up call! After watching this, meander on to the rest of this report with a more acute awareness of this hosrrific driver for change, but also know humanity has this, which allows the 99% to BE…



I’ll stick this at the top as it just came out.

BREAKING: Epstein Met With Scientists at Military Bases in Israel; Are Co-Conspirators Finally Under Investigation? – Patriots’ Soapbox 24/7 News Network https://t.co/uqx4gHjwm3

— Octothorp #LPEEP (@selvestekjetil) December 27, 2019

Not sure if this is related to the arrests in Italy we learned of this past week or in addition to. Leo Zagami is a self-professed member of the Illuminati, but we are to understand that one faction of the Gnostic Illuminati is a positive element and working for Humanity. Perhaps he is one. Thanks, J.

300 arrest for irregular Masonic Activities and the ‘Ndrangheta Mafia

J. McStain exposed again. Traitor. No longer a problem.

IG Report Reveals Steele Funneled Claims Through John McCain After FBI Dropped Him

The Poop has to go, too.

“He’s the administrator of the church, and he’s also a politician,” said Bannon, a former adviser to President Donald Trump. “This is the problem. … He’s constantly putting all the faults in the world on the populist nationalist movement.” https://t.co/4ED0V4kBqm

— Lisa Mei Crowley (@LisaMei62) December 27, 2019

Here we have the next chapter in the continuing saga of Field McConnell’s unlawful incarceration from Pentagon Pedophile Task Force correspondent, Timothy Holmseth. Unbelievable. (Tim’s website is behaving a little oddly for me. No images loading.)

Pierce County Sheriff intercepts documents from Poster Master General that will FREE kidnapped U.S. Marine Field McConnell

Here’s a powerful flashback. Check out the actors in the background.

A historical look back…..



The 2009 story of a Globalist/American
laundering scheme that ripped off you and me
@realDonaldTrump #KAG #PANIC pic.twitter.com/cecuyuF41q


— Miguelifornia Supports CODE OF VETS (@michaelbeatty3) December 27, 2019

Someone else is on the same line of thinking as I have followed recently. Is it a coincidence that so many “earthquakes” have happened near nuclear power sites recently? Hey, Fukushima worked so well, why not try it again? It’s not working, though.

WOW ~ Earthquake ~ 5.1 magnitide hits Iran near their Nuclear Power Plant.

What are the odds of that?https://t.co/QsvBBYTvwU pic.twitter.com/sUsfybdUlC

— Ann Vandersteel SteelTruth™️ (@annvandersteel) December 27, 2019

We learned that CNN paid a tonne of money for airports to blast their propaganda non-stop. Here’s a follow-up report. It’s quite a statement. Money talks.

Airport Revenues Soar After Allowing Travelers To Pay To Turn Off CNN #BestofTheBee2019 https://t.co/D48Gnja0Ea

— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) December 27, 2019

Yeah, they’re not going to reveal everything. It will take time, lots of time, for the average person to be able to assimilate the truth about what has happened on this planet at the hands of things that appear Human. The more intrepid ones may do some research.

We never suspected such grossly barbaric activities in Canada, of all places. And that’s how they got away with it.


Bigger than BIG.

— CanadaAgentShowTime (@CanadaSpecialA1) December 27, 2019

Here is Agent Margaritaville’s upload from yesterday. If you’re red pilling yourself, his material is usually historical to current, and his team “has it all”. Monsters Inc is #Canadrenochrome . Gov – With it’s Monsters Inc / 9.11 Connection.

I thought these two Tweets interesting. Just sayin’. D for DEFCON or a D5 avalanche, it matters not. It’s coming.

Its a go.

— Vincent Kennedy (@VincentCrypt46) December 27, 2019

Laura Walker’s latest update follows. At her website, click the audio on the right hand side and download or listen online when it opens.

She speaks of bones and joint issues at this time.

Capricorn 2019 New Moon – “Capricorn Overkill”

Another dirty politician outed.

Mayor Tonita Gurule-Giron of Las Vegas, New Mexico

Las Vegas, New Mexico mayor faces criminal charges

There was another plane crash yesterday—right next to the runway in Kazakhstan. Is that Planet X theory far out?

There was also a US army helicopter crash recently, as we mentioned. It’s not only commercial jets, it’s small planes, all kinds of aircraft, usually shortly after takeoff. Boeing is not always involved so it’s not the BUAP that’s the problem.

A Plane Crashed Into a House in Kazakhstan Seconds After Takeoff and Killed At Least 12 People

This is a riveting discussion with another of Canada’s best exports; Brad Johnson/Adronis, with Laura Eisenhower. They speak frankly about so many different topics and it feels very accurate. Much of it I have never heard anyone address. It’s a little different from our understanding in some cases; the reverse, in fact, in others. Thanks for the share, J.

It’s also great to hear that Brad’s healing sessions have been so successful.

Brad Johnson channels Adronis ~ New Earth Teachings

Further to Brad’s statements: Issues that need to be addressed will continue to break into our consciousness in more and more overt ways until we pay adequate attention and deal with them, because that’s the way the Universe works.

The things that come out of the mouths of the lunatic left should be shocking to the average American. Until they are, they will become more and more obscene.

It’s hard for most reading this to believe that the outrageous behaviour exhibited below might only begin to be noticed by some people at this point because it’s painful for us to watch, but like they said, we’re all waking up at our own speed.

Trump and the Q Team have accelerated the process. When we compress many years of gradual awareness into a shorter time span it screams at a deafening level at those who felt the prodding long ago. No more “totalitarian tip-toe”. It’s a full-on barrage of unHuman, absurd tactics we’re seeing now.

Whose language are these politicians/actors speaking? Wakey-wakey, world!

DEEP THINKERS of the Democrat Party Leadership #FactsMatter pic.twitter.com/p4tvj7lodf


— Ken Jones (@sxdoc) December 26, 2019

This is to be expected in the context explained above as it gets the attention of many Americans.

Virginia Governor Increasing Corrections Budget To Jail Gun Owners

This is just plain bizarre on so many levels. He’s everywhere.

Here’s an episode Donald Trump appeared in during the 1997 season of “Night Man” (superhero television series). In this episode, an escaped convict who can alter his face to look like anyone, morphs into Trump before walking into a bank:pic.twitter.com/bEV0Ih07Mg


— Wojciech Pawelczyk (@PolishPatriotTM) December 27, 2019

“The Plan” is working.

Dems Pissed Off Pennsylvania Voters With Impeachment – They’re Support for Trump Just SKYROCKETED

Gotta run, folks. Hope you’re having a great week. Here, it’s raining again… still. So it’s a good day.  ~ BP

Headlines and Updates for Nov 12, 2019: Laughter is the Best Medicine for Coups and Foreign Invasions [videos] ~ November 12, 2019

Editor’s Note: I had a thought today…this is all happening around us, and we don’t really have much of say in what happens as decision-makers are high above us. Therefore, I think it’s really wise for us to: let go the pain from issues we cannot control, relax and breathe into each moment as you go about your business, and fall into the arms of Love which is where each of us have our own personal power.

Please read this report, recognize this illusion yet (?), and BE…



Looks like the dimms just might be struggling for some kind of foothold in the election. Bernie found half a brain cell and decided a gun grab isn’t the way to ingratiate himself and his administration into the hearts of America.

Maybe he’ll find the other half somewhere and stop referring to a “gun buy-back”. Did the government sell Americans their guns? Does a chicken have lips?

Then how is it a “buy-back”? The terminology used by the left is fascinating. It’s all mind control and brainwashing. Anything to put a warm, fuzzy, less-intimidating spin on Nazi policies.

Do Americans really want the rogue deep state government to have all their guns? That would be akin to genocide, and what the New World Order planned all along. The only reason we’re here having a conversation about this “civil struggle” is because Americans still have their guns.

Do you clowns have any idea how many guns there are in America? How long do you have—because global warming will melt the planet before Americans give up their guns.

But don’t worry—Bernie has acknowledged the “constitution”. That might be worth a few votes. Vilifying the NRA… not so much.

Perhaps the dimms are realizing gun confiscation might see the weapons used on them.

Perhaps the People are realizing only tyrants tell the People what to do, and that’s why there IS a constitution—as protection from tyrants. Use it or lose it.

Bernie Backs Off: Sanders Says Mandatory Gun Buyback Programs ‘Unconstitutional’

And about that election…

The lineup changes almost daily, doesn’t it? Sanford’s out. Chicken! Perhaps they waved the sealed indictment in front of his face with his name on it?

Mark Sanford exits GOP presidential primary

We have a country to run

Important and extremely powerful celestial energies are playing a role in what unfolds on our planet, whether we recognize that or not. Phoenix reveals the remarkable relationships in the category of “prisons and punishment”. Uh-huh.

He also gives us a secret to accessing the “Q research” material at 8kun.us

You don’t need to go there if simply monitoring Qmap.pub. He also revealed there were 17 Q posts yesterday, in case you missed any. Seventeen. What an odd number.

PIR 11 12 19 ~ Full Moon

“Fall back” becomes “Fall Black”.  The fine print reads, “Godfather III. It’s going to be BIBLICAL”  and “Enjoy The Show”

Show! https://t.co/lGL3lyklh8

— EyeTheSpy (@TrueEyeTheSpy) November 12, 2019

The Chief also threw his two cents in. (below) We might recall that Q often gives us a year’s heads up on some events. Last December 2018 we heard that martial law is coming “after Christmas”. We don’t know where that came from (the true source), but had assurances from some voices of authority to relax and that civilians have nothing to worry about.

If the Chief’s timing is correct, it might put martial law after Xmas 2020, but we won’t know until it happens. Or it doesn’t. We also heard that if and when martial law is declared, POTUS can take full control of the media. It can’t come too soon.

When all hell breaks lose (for the deep state), their automatons will undoubtedly unleash mayhem but the American troops are back, trained to deal with civil disobedience, and we’re all at the ready. Until we get the word… “at ease, Patriots” and make popcorn. Trust the Plan. So far it’s been awesome and miracles happen every day.

@JBarr915 Military Tribunals. https://t.co/7leK6AxNtU

— FluffyPup915 (@FluffyPup915) November 11, 2019

New York is fast on the heels of California as the most corrupt state. New York mayor De Blasio makes the moves to solicit political donations by selling the city out from under the People.

This should be no surprise to those who understand that as “indentured servants” of the “elite”, none of us are qualified to own real estate; yet we pay hundreds of thousands plus interest to the banksters for land and structures that technically don’t belong to us. They just let us think we own them.

We’re serfs. They had it all figured out, and their corrupt legal system kept them in riches for eons, and we slaves in the dark, but sheep no more.

REPORT: De Blasio Selling ‘Air Rights’ to NYC Housing Developments to Political Donors, Supporters

First, the good news. Signs of awakening. One eye open, at least. The petition is open to anyone, in any nation.

New banner pic. Feel free to use it.

Sign the petition here: https://t.co/tpxJdHyPfl#IStandWithDonCherry

— Candice Malcolm (@CandiceMalcolm) November 11, 2019

There are folks in Canada who know what’s going on. More people might want to pay attention to them rather than allowing themselves to be shamed into submission by those who are selling out the country to foreign interests and blowing the cultural identity of the vast Republic of Kanata into oblivion.

I checked in with Number One on the status north of the 49th because he was working for The People’s Party of Canada prior to the election and was pretty stoked about the traction they had. He says his worst fear came to pass; the election was definitely rigged and the numbers from varying ridings prove it. Early voting is very revealing and when the final result is the opposite… something’s not right.

We heard subtle indicators that Crime Minister Justin Turdeau (aka Fidel’s bastard) might have been forcibly removed from the public sphere. Is there a clone/double? We don’t know. We’ll have to see how the Patriots decide to play this. Canada could use the shock factor to wake up a few more people, and based on the already public scams Trudeau has pulled it wouldn’t come as so much of a shock to much of the country.

Justin Trudeau Pays Tribute To Founder Of Sikhism On Remembrance Day Weekend | Cultural Action Party of Canada


— CanadaAgentShowTime (@CanadaSpecialA1) November 10, 2019

This is an example of what happens to a country when immigration has no bounds. Sweden has been destroyed by violent, middle eastern immigrants—mostly single, young men. (Not “dreamers” and families looking for a better life.) That was a globalist myth and long planned to destroy Westerns societies. The law has failed to enforce protection for the citizens and women are particularly vulnerable. Rape statistics are off the charts.

Do you want to see this in Canada, folks? If so, just keep it up. Keep bowing to the deep state pressure to welcome immigrants with open arms. Remain silent about how you really feel, about what you see unfolding. Kiss your culture and societal norms goodbye.

This weekend a woman was brutally assaulted in Swedish city Malmö.

The suspect Ibrahim Ramadan has been arrested and confessed to the crime.

The woman has been declared braindead from the attack.

Women aren’t safe in Sweden anymore.

— PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) November 12, 2019

If we don’t laugh, we’ll cry, and OMG—it’s more tasteless, racist controversy because Canadians are not happy with the direction the current leadership is taking them. Tsk! Tsk! For shame! Thank you, Radio-Canada—I needed this. This parody video is in French, sorry, but regardless it’s hysterically funny because it’s more about the visuals and the protagonist really looks like the toking Trudeau. They give Second City a run for their money. Enjoy the show.

Radio-Canada’s parody on Trudeau’s trip to India causes controversy

I’m Gonna Be Indicted [PANIC]

Let’s not forget—“phones were allowed in”. We’ve got it all.

What’s coming? We’ll find out.  ~ BP


Epic trolling going on here… pic.twitter.com/T0B0EEhRpa

— M3thods (@M2Madness) November 12, 2019

Headlines and Updates for September 9, 2019: Eye of the Storm [videos] ~ September 9, 2019

Some catastrophic events have unfolded in the early days of September and we now pick up the pieces.

As a historically “ritual” day approaches, September 11, we hunker down and hope for the best. The White Hats have foiled many attempts at terrorism and assassinations against President Trump, but they can’t prevent everything.

We’re even hearing that “leprosy” could make a comeback. Lord love a duck. We don’t buy into that fear porn.

We never know what events are true accidents and what are linked to plots to save the murderous deep state/globalists, so we watch certain ones closely.

This just in prior to noon Pacific time… They can’t be too careful these days. Sara Carter reports:

Baltimore: Bomb Squad Investigating Suspicious Vehicle. Four Blocks Blocked Off Near Inner Harbor

I happened to see this older article pertaining to the death of a Disney employee and a passenger aboard the Conception dive boat also employed by Disney died on Labour Day weekend. We understand Disney is rife with pedophiles so some may be targets so they can’t testify.

Agenda-Free TV did an update last night on available details including a review of the deadly Conception fire if you need to catch up on that story. They look at the layout of the boat and go through several articles and testimonies.

skeletal remains of the Conception before sinking and smaller vessel alongside

From what I have learned, the custom-built vessel passed all Coast Guard inspections and all safety precautions were embraced wholeheartedly by Captain and crew. A crew member always slept below with passengers so should have been able to assist in exiting the quarters. That crew member died.

One issue raised by a press article was that there was no “roaming night watchman” on the Conception that would have learned of the fire right away. I would think that would be an important safety feature and could have been the deciding factor in this tragedy.

We hear fire blocked the escape routes because it was in the middle deck in the galley area, which is where the exits were from the sleeping quarters were, meaning the people below were trapped. So… did the captain say the passengers’ sleeping quarters were “locked” or “blocked”? Probably “blocked”.

But what caused the fire? A crew member said they had just checked the galley 40 minutes before to ensure the stove was cold and fuel was off and shortly thereafter heard a sound like someone had “tripped” he said, and then saw flames coming from the galley/middle deck area but the fire was already so bad they couldn’t put it out and couldn’t access the middle deck/galley where the escape hatches and exits from below were located. Poor design, I would say.

I wouldn’t relish having to evacuate 30+ people from below in the event of an emergency through that small hatch on top of a bunk, in the dark, and/or the stairway.

That was some fire and the smoke/fumes may have overcome the people sleeping below, with no smoke alarm alerting crew or passengers although there was one. How could a fire spread so quickly? What kind of fire does that?

There was mention of photography equipment on board, charging overnight, and my photographer hubby has said he cannot transport his lithium-ion batteries without attention to regulations on airlines as they are concerned about them exploding so I suppose that might be a possible cause as one person suggested.

Early reports told us the condition of the bodies recovered were consistent with drowning, and now they’re saying they probably died of smoke inhalation. Many questions need answering and at this point it’s all just conjecture as to what caused the fire in the middle deck. Since there was almost nothing left of the vessel after the inferno and the wreckage sank, it’s going to make an investigation difficult.

The Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s website has more.

Aftermath of Dorian in Atlantic Canada

Dorian is predicted to wed Tropical Storm Gabrielle in the Atlantic soon and honeymoon in the UK as Dorian 2.0 so we wish you all the best as Atlantic Canada, the US East Coast, and the Bahamas/Caribbean mop up. We warn you, Dorian’s a party hearty kind of a guy.

Scott Mowry confirmed according to his sources on the Miracles Intel Call last night that the White Hats used Dorian as cover to destroy a malevolent Chinese base in the Bahamas that would have meant certain disaster for America. The Chinese deep state communist faction(s) are a serious threat and must be stopped.

If China and the Middle East factions are still so intent on violence and world dominance I don’t see a major leap for Mankind this year. We cannot move forward until we have peace on Earth. Perhaps Santa will deliver. We’ve asked every year for friggin’ ever.

If there is a light side to the Maritime tale, it’s a lineup of 300 cars for Tim Horton’s. Canucks gotta have their Timmy’s. It makes everything better, and coffee addicts didn’t seem to notice their vehicles were hampering recovery efforts. They cover that in The National, below.

Miracles happen every day, however, and there were no deaths in Canada despite the direct hit. Whew!

The first 13 minutes of this video involve Dorian in multiple locations from the Bahamas to Newfoundland.

What is it with fires on ships this month? I’m no mariner, but doesn’t this water look too shallow for a cargo ship with 4,200 Hyundai vehicles on it?

Someone suggested the storm surge from Dorian may have shifted the ocean bed in this waterway.

I can understand how this accident would happen if the depth changed suddenly mid-turn, which is the maneuver undertaken when it happened. With that many vehicles on board, once the vessel listed to a certain point, the cargo would shift dramatically and then take the craft all the way over.

Soon rescuers noticed smoke coming from the ship as you can well imagine with punctured gas tanks and sparks possible on cars, as one possible source.

Are there now 4,200 mangled vehicles on board? Wow. And how does one right a ship of that mass? What a mess, and still missing crew.

Cargo ship carrying 4,000 Hyundai cars capsizes off Georgia coast

Returning to the most important challenge Humanity currently faces, we have another video about the pedophilia/pedovoria problem on our planet.

Let’s not refer to the perps as “elite”. They are not. It is their “belief” that they are that enables them to use Humans as a piggy bank, a life-long labour force, entertainment, sex, food and sustenance.

Why The Elite Engage In Systemic Child Sex Abuse : awaken your normie friends :

Image source: Getty Images

This is breaking news but honestly… 64,000 arrests at the southern US border—while it may be cause for applause due to the reduction—is horrendous.

It’s mind-blowing that there can be that many people trying to break into the United States every month. Can you imagine if the President had not taken so many measures to stem the flow of illegals?

Americans need to be armed so I hope they’re not paying attention to the dimms and their relentless gun-grabbing rhetoric. Biden is now suggesting Americans have no expectation of upholding the Second Amendment and don’t have the right to keep or bear arms at all!

How do they figure a blatantly unconstitutional sort could possibly be elected to office? It’s sheer lunacy. Bye-bye Biden. You’re long past your expiration date and have lost too many brain cells.

Arrests at southern border drop to 64K in August

Why the wall? We’ll tell you, because the corrupt propaganda media won’t. The American people need protection from criminals like these…

Media Fails to Note 6 Murder Suspects are Illegal Immigrants, MS-13 Gangbangers

We have seen a great deal of proof that the White Hats are actively taking the dark cabal to task. Lower level criminals are learning they are NOT above the law.

Corrupt Democrat Councilman FURIOUS After Being INDICTED

When the coming days demand the arrest and incarceration of Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, James Comey, John Brennan, James Clapper, Peter Strzok, and the rest, there shouldn’t be any opposition from sane people.

I think the American people now understand that there is surveillance, and there is illegal surveillance. Illegal surveillance is called “spying”. A crime by any other name would be as foul.

IG Report Shows James Comey was SPYING on President Trump & Violated the Law! | Tom Fitton

The stage has indeed been set. You will notice that they are not going after the Clintons or the rest for pedophilia. They are only mentioning the laws they have broken, and treasonous activities. We’ll see what happens down the road when the pedophilia story blossoms in full. I suspect that to spare the world the anguish of the pedophilia.

Judicial Watch: Federal Judge Criticizes State and Justice Departments on Clinton Email Cover-Up

If you wish to take in President Trump’s rally today in North Carolina, here is the feed from the Right Side Broadcasting crew who are already on site four hours before the beginning of the rally and reporting. You’ll hear no attacks on the President or the patriots, no cutting away to censor footage, and you’ll get shots of the crowd so you know how many people actually are there and won’t be deceived by the lying, treasonous media turds at the lamestream stations. These folks do such a good job and run solely on viewer support so they aren’t obligated to pander to corporations.

LIVE: President Donald Trump Rally in Fayetteville, NC 9/9/19

Headlines and Updates for September 3, 2019: The War Unfolds—Hold the Line, Patriots [videos] ~ September 3, 2019

Was this a freak accident? Related to oxygen tanks? No word on what caused the fire.

LABOR DAY HORROR: 34 People Feared Dead After Scuba Boat Catches Fire Off California

California boat fire rescue suspended after no signs of other survivors; 20 bodies found, 14 still missing

While the good news is that Hurricane Dorian has not hit Florida as models predicted, it stalled over the Bahamas after doing a tremendous amount of damage and killing half a dozen people. Now we need it to move on out and north, off the coast to avoid landfall. Perhaps all the huffing and puffing worked. The call now is to blow the system North, then before it makes landfall, blow East again, out into the Atlantic.

GoodDog has a theory about the hurricane and the Fentanyl/Human supply chain.

Fentanyl is a very dense poison. A little kills a lot.

My sense is that the Hurricane is messing up the Global Supply Chain for children & adults that are consumed – through experimentation in the camps – as well as on the dining tables of those mentioned by General Haotian. https://t.co/GeSByJKOzk

— Good Dog (@GoodDog94619152) September 3, 2019

Juan appears to be a member of the Q Team, but that’s still speculation at this point. He is very knowledgeable about who did what, however, and makes the crimes abundantly clear.

Juan O Savin calls Jennifer Mac – But that wasn’t the shocking part! Exclusive interview!

Buh-bye, Justin.

Today, the people in Hamilton heckled Justin Trudeau out of the Labour Day Parade.

What a great close to summer!


— LΞIGH (@LeighStewy) September 3, 2019

Protestors in China may want to have a scrub-down in the shower ASAP.

Organizers of today’s Hong Kong general strike say a police helicopter dropped fluorescent powder on their rally, visible under UV light. To tag protesters, presumably. That’s some next level dystopian stuff. #AntiELAB pic.twitter.com/TcWvycTI4I

— Alejandro Alvarez (@aletweetsnews) September 2, 2019

Walmart Says It Will Stop Selling Handgun Ammunition

The announcement follows a string of mass shootings in the last month, one of which occurred at a Walmart store.

Are you enjoying the show, folks? Here’s the next chapter in the Hillary Clinton Email Scandal and the Benghazi Coverup. The Department of Justice is fighting us every step of the way.

Federal Court Wants Answers on Clinton Emails AND Benghazi Scandal | Tom Fitton

We are keeping Sean of the Cordicon YouTube channel in our thoughts after his accident and if you would like to help his recovery, there’s a donation link. Poor guy. Sean is a great QAnon researcher and dot connector.

The last link I tweeted was apparently for a one-time donation and it expires…

If you would like to donate to help Sean through this tragedy, please visit his website(Donate button at the bottom: https://t.co/8HtRUH4VPy

Please continue to pray for Sean. pic.twitter.com/wRnl7qQy7i

— M3thods (@M2Madness) September 3, 2019

The psychopaths see their demise as a reality now and are acting out more than ever before. We are winning.  ~ BP