Headlines and Updates for December 28, 2019: New Q and Legal Developments Spell Disaster for the Crooks [videos] ~ December 258, 2019

Editor’s Note: Yep…here it comes! Please read the information below and hear the truth oozing out from many holes in the dike of lies in our lives. In the words of Q…”Nothing can stop this now.”

Please read on, know soul “transparency” is the order of the new day here on Planet Earth, and prepare to BE…



Q dropped some shiny nuggets in our stockings yesterday… 5:5, Q!  Get your Q fix here.

It’s obvious to many of us, not all, that the narrative has been to direct our attention away from the crimes of the dimms and the Ukraine—not Russia—with the theatre unfolding in Washington, DC. It’s so over the top—and dripping with frosting to cover up the stench of the cow pie underneath.


Bidens and Pelosis Fighting for Their Lives

Q!!Hs1Jq13jV6 27 Dec 2019 – 9:26:04 PM



They are FIGHTING for their LIVES.
Good people in place.

See the terror in the eyes?As QAnon has pointed out, is it really a coincidence that FOUR Democrat families and their progeny are linked to Ukraine? Not bloody likely. If we want to know what’s going on, we need to pay close attention to the Tweets from President Trump. He’s leading the charge.

“Wow, Crazy Nancy What’s Going On?” – BOOM! Trump Exposes Nancy Pelosi and Son Paul’s Shady Dealings in Ukraine

They can no longer walk down the street without being called out.

“Can I get a photo with you? I just wanted to tell you that I don’t like what you’re doing to California.” Love it. I couldn’t make out her typical, mumbled response.


Savage… pic.twitter.com/yNsM16XRJl

— M3thods (@M2Madness) December 28, 2019

In case you missed it…

BREAKING: Epstein Met With Scientists at Military Bases in Israel; Are Co-Conspirators Finally Under Investigation?

I also found this clarification on Field McConnell’s situation posted on Timothy Holmseth’s website from December 18. I was under the impression that Kirk Pendergrass was representing Field and had filed documents on his behalf because he was providing updates but that is not the case. See more here. Field is in good hands, however, and we anticipate will be released from his fraudulent incarceration status soon.

Did you listen to that conversation with Leo Zagami and John Barnwell we posted yesterday? Wow. That was another riveting one I wouldn’t have missed. I recognized John Barnwell’s voice from discussions with Douglas Gabriel at American Intelligence Media; two of the most informed people I’ve encountered in this nearly 8 year blogging journey, with interesting roots.

That video went in many directions and gave us valuable insight into the core of the battle unfolding on our planet. Many of the folks with the best information are insiders; members of one faction or another. Who is who will get sorted out, but for now, the intel and insights they share are critical to understanding this multi-dimensional quest for control of Earth, her peoples, her resources.

It IS a spiritual war and if we don’t accept that then we fail to understand the most important component of the struggle. The real issues and our true identity and plight at the hands of evil have been kept well hidden from Humanity in recent decades.

John defined the “us and them” aspect, and got into some of the more esoteric topics. It’s simple, yet at the same time incredibly complex. They spoke of the reasons the White Hats cannot simply walk in and arrest the criminals like the Poop, Nazi Pelosi, the Bidens, Obama, Shifty Schiff, etc.

No matter our personal opinions of some of the players on the chess board—and it is a vast one—if they’re working hard and sacrificing their safety and that of their families for us, we might want to support them—at least for now.

Awake and aware People now realize that much of the “terrorist” attacks around the world are orchestrated hits by the cabal to further their agenda; usually to instigate war and fresh conflict, and sometimes for sacrifice. They have to keep the suffering, extermination, and money going to survive, and they have to appease their evil gods. It’s a cosmic chess match and Humans are mere pawns in their games. We now know who the real terrorists are, and we’re coming after them.

WIKILEAKS: Chemical Weapons Watchdog Ordered Deletion of ‘All Traces’ of Findings That Syrian ‘Chemical Attack’ May Have Been Staged

Much of what we see in the “news” is distraction from the real issues. Like Human sacrifice. It wasn’t an ancient ritual that ended with the Mayans. Those running the world for centuries are pedovores. That reality will be thrust at us until the truth is accepted as fact by Humanity as a whole. The sooner the masses are aware, the easier it will be to stop.

Q also alerted us to the “book deals” making the dimms rich. Now a CEO is retiring. Coincidence?


— The Kek! Bomb (@The_Crimson_Jet) December 27, 2019

There was talk about a “missile” over Christmas on Twitter, linking Japan, and a failed attempt at a possible terrorist act by the cabal. I can’t locate that Tweet now, but Dave includes it in his X22 Report below. Simon Parkes also posted the following:

Avangard Hypersonic Missile System

Finally evidence of what I first went public with back in 2015 – That Russia has been helped by ‘Nordic’ type aliens after Putin withdrew from agreements with Reptilians.

Today – Russia announced the successful launch of the world’s first hypersonic anti missile defence system and nuclear first strike weapon – Yes even the US are not at the launch stage.

Travelling at upwards of 10 times the speed of sound in the Earth’s atmosphere with the ability to – viff – and glide it is super hard to shoot down even with energy weapons.

His hypersonic missile system called Avangard, is a direct result of off planet technology being worked up with Russian military scientists and should set every alarm bell ringing.

Answer don’t trade or make agreements with negative aliens because they won’t give you hardware that goes anywhere!


Simon’s current Connecting Consciousness video is here. Love the snow flakes. All I get is rain.

2019 12 27 Connecting Consciousness – Simon Parkes

About that abysmal Canadian “election”… Agent Margaritaville/Wounded Cheesie leaves his remarks.

There’s more than one way to skin a cat.


I dreamt
We had a Canadian election…
All the candidates were silent
About #prideophilia
Then one of them won
A slight minority
Facing 5 criminal probes
They all resigned
… wonder why?


Thanks for the tweet Andy
Thanks for the KrispyKream assed Judge pic.twitter.com/QLY6qfpR0D

— Wounded Cheesie (@WCheesie) December 27, 2019

Oh and…


This is a sign…
Time is rushing toward the https://t.co/i23IlzRGvr

— Wounded Cheesie (@WCheesie) December 26, 2019

I can’t quite make it all out; did they include the “drone assassinations”?



— M3thods (@M2Madness) December 27, 2019

Things are getting really interesting now, aren’t they Q?

Trump just retweeted a ‘QAnon’ conspiracy-theory hashtag to his 68 million followers

Dave brings us another outstanding roundup on the key moves on the chessboard, including the one just above in yesterday’s report.

[No Name] Involvement Confirmed, Durham And The American Revolution – Episode 2055b

Here’s how you get out from under and rewrite the narrative in Texas: “Search and Replace”.

Dr. Ronny Jackson for Congress

Name sound familiar? Trump’s physician. Uh-huh. Can’t go wrong.

Never forget: Epstein is the keystone.

All These Signs Point To A Global Elite Pedophile Ring, Covered Up By The MSM & FBI, Going On For Decades

Soldier on, patriots, we’re making great progress! This isn’t a season of only hope, but a deep knowing. We’re getting this done and the next year will be monumental.  ~ BP

Your Sunday Digest for November 24, 2019: Nothing is What It Seems; NOTHING [videos] ~ November 24, 2019

It’s interesting what gets the attention of the public. The story, video, and image of a naked young man scaling the wall of a section of Buckingham Palace on a bed sheet got a whole lot of attention—as in over 7300 views on Saturday alone on this blog. It’s been a consistently popular post over the years but yesterday it found a LOT of new eyes.

People are learning that many “conspiracy theories” are actually based in fact, and they’re wanting to know more.

Unfortunately, last week on Scott Mowry’s Miracles Intel Call, he told us that the young man in the image didn’t make it to safety, and that was the first update I’d heard on that sad event that the lying, treasonous media tried to cover up by saying it was a promotional shoot. The pedophiles/pedovores who have been running the world have caused so much suffering. It needs to end, and it can’t be soon enough.

President Trump has called out the media as being “fake” and “dangerous” and synonymous with the “deep state” and they most certainly are. Their days are numbered. They have been creating a false reality and protecting the criminals far too long.

It’s not always easy to know what the truth is, as the Patriots at American Intelligence Media explain.

Very sophisticated propaganda is pouring out of Reuters and Associated Press. We were punked, but now set the record straight. This is an important learning opportunity for AIM patriots everywhere. Bottom line – distrust EVERYTHING that comes from Reuters and AP.

Listen to the details at the video at the link below on Vimeo.

We were punked by fake news, but set the record straight!

President Putin has stated that the world is run by satanic pedophiles. Those in the know are telling the People of our planet the truth, but because of the media’s lies and coverups, too few believe them. They are still under the spell of a false illusion spun by evil predators and don’t recognize the truth when they hear it. It seems so far fetched they simply cannot grasp it.

The disclosure about what has happened on this planet must be handled carefully. This is where QAnon came in. Working hand-in-hand with President Trump they are shaking the masses awake. Each one of us is on our own schedule for recognizing the truth about our reality. Some have been awake for years, like yours truly, while others are just now coming around and putting the pieces of the puzzle together.

We need a lot more people to understand the truth in short order. There is a schedule the Patriots dictate we must stick to, and we’re hoping there won’t be too many we’ll have to drag along with us, kicking and screaming. We want eyes open.

There are so many places to find the truth and we urge folks to get out there on the Internet and do some research about whatever topics call to you. Just dive in and while using your utmost discernment, feel your way along and try to understand that we are living in an illusion created by evil creatures who sought to control us for their benefit. We have been prey.

For too long we brushed aside the “conspiracy theories” as designed by the CIA many decades ago, and were content to allow the dark forces to run our planet and the Human race into the ground. They said one thing and did another. It’s an ugly story we chose to ignore until it was almost too late.

Like a plane in a deep dive, however, we suddenly had the assistance to pull up and level out so we could see ahead of us and make a safe landing.

We are not yet in the recovery phase. We are at war—a war like no other. It’s a civil war in some respects; an information war; a war for the minds of Humanity. Many articles expose the reality, like the following. Thanks, J.

Alarming Trump-Clinton Death Drama Masks Biggest CIA Takedown Since Cuban Missile Crisis

We are in the process of exposing the criminals, the banksters, the predators, and the liars and removing them from society. The People of Earth must step up and take responsibility for what happens now. They must get up off their knees and refuse to be slaves.

Humanity needn’t bow to anyone; any Being. Tyranny has to end. No one who believes they are part of a “high-born bloodline” has the right or permission to dictate what will happen on this planet.

Once we win this battle, the wars will end, Peace will reign, and we will soon experience the life we were created to enjoy as sovereign Beings. It won’t happen over night, and there is much work to do over the next few years, but we can and will do what it takes to eradicate evil from our lives.

It’s not only about America. It’s about our entire planet.

Please stand by, shit is about to get VERY SERIOUS in Canada from these. MASSIVE ARRESTS INCOMING. pic.twitter.com/9rPN0V1ssa

— CanadaAgentShowTime (@CanadaSpecialA1) November 24, 2019

In the not too distant future, pain and suffering are going to end. Lack will be replaced by abundance. Once the manipulation ceases and we are left alone to be who Humans really are, hatred and distrust will give way to love and tolerance. The struggle will fade and we will slip into a life of ease and grace where dis-ease is eradicated. Our Golden Age is on our doorstep. It’s time to invite it in.

Science and physics are so NOT what we’ve been taught. Nearly everything we’ve been told is a lie. It’s a bitter pill to swallow, but the Truth will set us free, as they say. We can learn new truths. We are survivors—or we would not still be here after all the efforts to eradicate Humanity from the face of this planet. We survived, and now we must move forward.

And that’s my sermon for today. It’s not as feisty as Judge Jeanine’s, bless her soul. Why is Fox paying Juan Williams? Is that their token “balanced” news? He’s a misfit. Get rid of him. Please. See the video at the link below. We need more commentators like Judge Jeanine who say it like it is. Video at the link.

WAR AT FOX NEWS! Judge Jeanine & Juan Williams Square Off Over Schiff’s Impeachment Circus

SerialBrain2: The Explosive Information Coded in the Ukraine Call Transcripts

Read the SerialBrain decode here.

Dahb007 shared this video below about the successful reanimation of the Human body, which left me with a question. What happened to the soul that animated that body originally? Did they just hang around indefinitely until the time came to thaw out the corpse? How does that work, exactly?

Or did they insert a fake soul? Is that person really a “Human” or are they more or less a drone with an artificial intelligence—easily programmable and basically not much more than a clone? What if a demon jumped in? How do scientists control what kind of intelligence animates a body coming out of stasis?

My second point would be, if they’re telling us they’ve just done it for the first time they’re lying. They’ve been doing it for decades. They may have just “perfected” it, but it’s not the first time they’ve done it. Look at the movie, “Avatar”. Why was it the most successful movie in years—or ever? Because it so deeply resonated with Humanity as being largely truth. The meat suit is just a costume which can be discarded at will. It’s our avatar.

Many of us are souls incarnated from other planets; other civilizations. We’re not stupid, and we are being reawakened to the reality we were forced to forget to come here at this time; mind-wiped on entry.

We’re told that reincarnation was a trap, and many Higher Beings from other planets agreed to come to this awful, evil place called Earth/Terra to help with the liberation of this prison planet. They sacrificed a lot to do it. They had to give up their memories of past lives and who they really are. They had to start fresh like other Humans and fight their way through life until they were triggered and awakened to their gifts and abilities.

One thing we have learned over the decades is that when “scientists” say they have done something for the first time, it’s not the first time. In the recent past they claimed to have successfully cloned “Dolly the sheep”. They’ve been cloning for an eternity.

A lot of the “elite” have interchangable clones and/or body doubles. They can be in two or more places at the same time. We will learn that many of the biggest criminals have already expired and been replaced by clones who resemble them but aren’t them. They’re actors, with a shorter lifespan than a Human. Bred for convenience.

And don’t be too sure the White Hats haven’t cloned a few people, as well. Hollywood isn’t restricted to Los Angeles, California. Life is a stage, as Shakespeare reportedly stated.

Life on Earth is far more exciting and interesting than the establishment lets on. You’ll see.

Doctors Have Officially Frozen And Reanimated A Human Being For The First Time

I’m glad AIM4Truth published this because when I first laid eyes on the unfortunate “woman” known as “Fiona” Hill, I knew this was one more “she” who is really a “he”—but I suggested the same of other deep state players and chose to bite my tongue this time. When we say the world is full of actors putting on a show to deceive, we mean “actors”.  Learn more about “Fionn” at the CAT Report.

What is the truth about the violence in Hong Kong? It’s obvious when you know the details. Thanks, L.

Why Four Men Set Fire to The Epoch Times Printing Office in Hong Kong

The control freaks never cease to come up with ways to poison us and our world. Now they want to compost Humans and dump us on the food supply and into the water. Will Bill 5001 pass in Washington state to allow this travesty? Better speak up, peeps, or you could wind up with Uncle Charlie and all his meds, toxins, and bacteria on your cereal. Washington apples à la Edna? Yum-yum!

These people are sick. And the justification for this? They can’t be serious. These people are delusional and without logic. Does anyone listen to them any more?

“Composting” dead humans creates bio-goo that gets flushed down sewage pipes, turned into biosludge, then deposited on crops

So, if they’ve lied about absolutely everything else… did they lie about this, too? They’ve rewritten the history books and at some point Humanity stopped believing in a domed, flat Earth and it became the blue-green marble as it appears today in movies and the tel-lie-vision.

One must wonder… when everyone consulted ridicules anyone for even suggesting it, why are they so vehement in their denial?

Trump won’t touch 9/11, and the topic won’t come up in the rotation until the Patriots are ready to red pill the world. The takedown must unfold according to “The Plan” to be successful.

I suspect that if there is a truth to be told that is bigger and badder than 9/11—it will come later. Much later.

Until then, the disinfo and coverups would continue, no matter who you ask. Even if they know, they won’t break the vow of silence because the masses couldn’t handle it—wouldn’t believe it—and then what credibility would anyone have afterward? So they continue to ridicule and deny.

We know that our world is not what we’re told. The bizarre phenomena in our skies have not been officially addressed and are being camouflaged on the QT. At some point, however, if we are indeed on Planet Earth/Terra we will be able to see it for ourselves through our own eyes, from above. No NASA artistry, no camera magic, no lies.

And if the artificial construct we’re told we occupy is a reality… we need to be told. The lies have to end.

Scientist CONFIRMS Actual Footage of FLAT EARTH from “SPACE”!! | Fe PROOF 3 pt1

Details for Scott Mowry’s Miracles Intel Call tonight, beginning with his summary, are below.

The next Miracles Intel Conference Call will be this SUNDAY NIGHT, NOVEMBER 24, 2019 beginning approximately 6 PM PST.

FINALLY, after months and months of false alarms, delays and extensions, we have an actual real date for the release of the OIG Report from Inspector General Michael Horowitz — which we are now being told is set for December 9.

The Office of Inspector General Report will merely be the start of a massive dump of the most devastating and incriminating evidence against the entire Deep State operating in the United States of America over the last 150 years, or perhaps longer. This massive dump of evidence will be THE BIGGEST DISCLOSURE OF TRUTH ever attempted in the history of the modern world. 

And the disclosures will come in wave after wave after wave from many different ongoing investigations, and will likely unfold over the next year at the very least — if not longer.

  • BREAKING NEWS TONIGHT:Expect the the Deep State to pull out numerous distraction events with all the bad news set to come out in December. The health status and/or death of Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, is a very strong possibility to be employed in order to pull attention away from the OIG report. And now tonight, November 23, we are seeing clear evidence of this possible scenario.


  • It appears, after many months of inactivity, we are finally seeing Senator Lindsey Graham springing into action as head of the Senate Judiciary Committee. For months if not years, Senator Graham has promised to hold hearings in the Senate of some of the co-conspirators of the coup on President Trump, and this week he announced Michael Horowitz will be testifying in the Senate on December 11.


  • On Friday, November 22, President Trump appeared on Fox & Friends morning show and dropped numerous carpet bombs in preparation for the release of the OIG Report in December. President Trump once again firmly put the spotlight on former President Obama as the ringleader of the coup of the US Presidency!

Editor’s Note: The links following these bulleted points are not allowed by “them”.

  • Attorney General William Barr spoke out this past week in defense of President Trump, and then dropped a bombshell of his own regarding the “suicide” death of notorious pedophile and child trafficker, Jeffrey Epstein at the Manhattan Correction Center in NYC.



  • The Democrats impeachment scam inquiry continued to implode during a second week of testimony in the House. All of the new so-called “whistleblowers” brought forth by Shifty Adam Schiff had no evidence of quid-pro-quo, no proof of any impeachable crimes by President Trump, and no first hand knowledge of the call with Ukraine President Zelensky. What an utter fiasco this has been!!
  • As a result, Adam Schiff’s impeachment circus has given President Trump even more ammunition against the Deep State; has emboldened Republican members of the House; and has severely damaged the credibility of House Democrats. It has been nothing less than a massive disaster and backfire on the Deep State Democrats, and a gigantic boost for President Trump and the entire Republican Party. Great job, Shifty Schiff!
  • And now, the entire Democratic Party, including its sorry lot of Presidential candidates, are absolutely reeling and in such a state of crisis, they are all but admitting their inevitable total defeat. It cannot happen soon enough!
  • “Q” has delivered a number of new and significant drops this past week including a stunning direct message on November 20 to Lindsey Graham: “Chairman Graham, it’s time. Senate was the target.”

Once again, we will have A LOT of breaking news to cover on this very important conference call. We really encourage you to join us this Sunday night!!

Our conference call line is:

Dial-in Number: 712-770-4598    Access Code: 767664#

Replay Number: 712-770-5402  Access Code: 767664# / followed by # again

Thank you and God Bless America,

Scott Mowry

Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MiraclesInspire

As always, we love to leave you laughing. Thanks to AIM4Truth for the share.  ~ BP

The Late Edition for November 15, 2019: All-Out War on America [videos] ~ November 15, 2019

At the Bossier, LA KAG rally last night, Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale indicated that the President got a very late start and there would be a lengthy delay. It didn’t turn out to be too bad, but we know aircraft can make up time if they need to.

I was wondering if a delay that long might be related to a security issue, and someone posted this on Twitter so I’m sharing just for the sake of interest. May all Patriots be safe.

Did POTUS delay boarding MARINE1 today because rogue agencies planned another unauthorized missile launch toward AF1 or MARINE1? How do you start a war? RED OCTOBER. Missile Marker. Q Team does a “hard turn.” @LisaMei62 @Cordicon @PWeepingAngel @prayingmedic https://t.co/x65NiijTEY pic.twitter.com/LIHY3DCebl


— LadyWarAnon (@ChristinePolon1) November 14, 2019

As for the blatant pedophilia problem across the planet…

Disgusting pig. https://t.co/VIXnyMprWN

— Lisa Mei Crowley (@LisaMei62) November 15, 2019

The show must go on! Be advised that negative side-effects may ensue: nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, dissociative tendencies, general malaise, and an overpowering desire to spit fire. Take 2 Q drops and revisit in the morning. (Scripts below.)

Schiff is mad as a hatter.

OMG! It’s Getting CRAZY!… Democrats Start Reading Off Trump’s Live Tweets During Schiff Show Trial! (VIDEO)

  1. 3597 We Are the News: Anons Knew Back in July That Sara Carter and John Solomon Were Monitored (Q Proof) Q!!mG7VJxZNCI 15 Nov 2019 – 12:30:05 PM https://twitter.com/pryerlee/status/1195369451887190017
    Do you believe in coincidences?
    Mathematically impossible?
    Date ‘public’ became aware?
    Date ‘anons’ became aware?
    Do you think we are targeted and attacked by the largest media co’s in the world because we’re a LARP?
    Logical thinking.
  2.  3598 Q Informed Anons About Whistleblower Traps Back in March-2018 Q!!mG7VJxZNCI 15 Nov 2019 – 1:04:34 PM https://twitter.com/stormypatriot21/status/1195416791431995392
    “Whistle Blower Traps”
    [Mar 4 2018]
    ‘Trap’ keyword select provided…..
    Whole or (parts) – break/break
    You have more than you know.
    Future proves past.


Refills here…

Here’s a trip down a rabbit hole of a different sort. It’s rather more like a worm hole.

It’s a fascinating discussion about “aliens” vs “extradimensional” or “interdimensional “entities, demons, etc. involved in the spiritual warfare we find ourselves engaged in at the moment.

We learn that CBS is talking about some of this on mainstream television currently. Much of it has been declassified, and the truth is out there; too far out there for everyone to believe, unfortunately, but Humans must get up to speed because at some point soon, these truths will be released to the public in a more forceful way.

THIS IS IT! THIS is What They’re HIDING!! [Pt. 1] — Justen Faull

I also wanted to share images in our skies this morning. Just after 7 am I noticed a LOT of what we have been calling “chemtrails” to the point the sky was primarily white and overcast with clear trails visible from East to West, and an overly bright “sundog”. I say “sundog” because I knew the sun was still behind the mountain. That’s one helluva bright sundog—or whatever it is.

I took a second photo of the sun just after it rose above the mountain so you can see the “sundog” was not the sun.

chemtrails and sundog, Phoenix east valley Nov 15

Sunrise comprises an overly large sun after the sundog faded

That’s the late edition for today.  ~ BP

Headlines and Updates for November 8, 2019: Revving the Engines [videos] ~ November 8, 2019

Editor’s Note: Shucks…no picture allowed for this daily report of news by Starship Earth. Pretty good pic too…of an angel and fiery devil each grasping Earth on opposite side of the globe…you get it?

Now…on to the news, please read, know this battle has already been won and we get to witness the outcome, so allow yourself to BE…



From the current energies and scenarios I’m getting that image from the fifties movies where the toughs are sitting at an intersection revving the engines and bouncing their hot rods as they prepare to launch a drag race. Bets have been placed and their friends stand at the side of the street ready to cheer them on. One lucky girl handles the countdown. Ready? Set!…  And the perfect illustration appeared.

What we see unfolding is less like a drag race and more like a game of chicken, which sometimes doesn’t end well.

I don’t know if the world is ready for what’s coming, but… GO!!!  Not that we need a race to tell us who the winner is.

Truth wins. Humanity wins. The Light wins. Always.

Just a heads up on some odd telecommunication glitches we’re seeing. Hubby’s iPhone re-sent an old message from May 2019 to our realtor last night. And he got two notifications from eBay sellers about refunds but PayPal has zero related activity logged. I can’t begin to offer an explanation, but wanted to get it out there in case others experience similar situations. It might call for extra caution.

Breaking at press time…  the chess moves are incredible.

Mulvaney defies House subpoena, cites absolute immunity ‘one minute’ before deposition

I hadn’t seen this anywhere else; a report that the Mormon family massacred and abducted in Mexico enroute to a wedding was related to Mitt Romney. Thanks, J.

Family Of US Senator Mitt Romney Massacred In Mexican Ambush—9 Infants And Children Sent To Heaven In Hail Of Bullets

Thomas at TRUreporting brings us an update on the 8kun saga and possible reasons for the delays with the Q boards. We’re talking law suit. There are a lot of bitter, litigious people out there in the world. It’s a shame patriots like Jim Watkins and his son, Ron (@CodeMonkeyZ) feel obligated to spend so much time on crap like this.

We also get some amusing news about Liz Warren’s failed “meme team”. Humans win the Meme Wars, hands down. NPCs are inept. They don’t even understand what “memes” are. It’s not a marketing campaign, it’s an organic, creative inspiration that happens to go viral because it strikes a chord. Emojis??? Please. May the Warren Meme Team RIP.

Additionally, get a load of the astounding “Baphomet” or “Moloch” statue erected in Rome. It’s at the entrance to the Colliseum. Unbelievable. All hail Satan. The world has been run by demons… and Humanity is finally realizing it.

Neon Revolt: Jim Watkins Files Criminal Complaint Against Former 8Ch Owner!! :coded:

Laura Walker shipped out her Oracle Report shortly after 6 am and I was glad to get it to kick off my day. It’s about “duality” and “Light vs might”, and “challenges” and rising to the occasion. The main theme, however, is “transformation”. Look at that striking butterfly. She speaks of being “over-emotional”, which I’m seeing out there, and using logic. Also “trust”.

THE ORACLE REPORT | November 8, 2019

A few minutes later Phoenix delivered the Patriot Intelligence Report. Sessions, Huber… more players coming soon. Powerful energies are in play and a major energetic change is underway.

PIR 11 08 19

Everyone is talking about the “whistleblower”. The rats are so scattered they can’t think straight. They’re scrambling to cover their lies and seditious actions.

UPDATE: Whistleblower Lawyer Defends ‘Coup’ Tweets, Says Simply Referring to ‘Lawful Process’

Just so everyone is aware… we may repeat some things in the news. This is a surface lie. Wait until the deeper ones are revealed.

Obama’s Ukraine Ambassador Yovanovitch CAUGHT in Lie

Burying the story about an international child-trafficking pedophile to protect the powerful elite and not harm the Presidential campaign of a frequent customer’s wife, isn’t just shameful…

It’s being a willing participant in crimes against children…

Enemy of the People.

— M3thods (@M2Madness) November 7, 2019

Greg Hunter used to work for ABC and in this interview where he is the interviewee, he tells us what the latest Project Veritas video really means from a news gatherer’s perspective. It’s an interesting one and casts a brighter light on the damage control the lamestream media is currently doing on the Epstein story.

ABC News Spiking Epstein Story is Death of the Mainstream Media

SerialBrain2 brings us a new decode, and we also have the complementary dramatic video from LT at And We Know.

Post # 201 – The Maestro’s Beautiful Chess Combination for the Whistleblower

You can read all the SB2 decodes here.

SerialBrain2: The Maestro’s Beautiful Chess Combination for the Whistleblower

This is one of the most effective and funny memes I’ve yet seen. The “Epstein didn’t kill himself” theme is made for memes. It’s the “unexpected” element that does it. The juxtaposition of two things so unrelated is funny, and memorable. It’s like a sneak-attack on the funny bone.

Ancient wisdom. pic.twitter.com/Z0R3phx4bV


— Julian’s Rum (@JuliansRum) November 7, 2019

It’s official. Jeff Sessions is running for the Senate and we sure need him.

“Our freedoms have never been under attack like they are today,” he wrote in the announcement on his campaign website. “We have major party candidates for President campaigning on socialism, confiscating firearms, and closing down churches they disagree with. I’ve battled these forces my entire life, and I’m not about to surrender now.  Let’s go!”

Former AG Sessions enters Alabama Senate race

For all those that say Sessions did nothing while AG and can’t be trusted. As an AG he flew under the radar completely unabated. And he’s never announced his intentions to anyone publicly.

Despite what you hear, his nickname in Alabama was:

“The Silent Executioner”

True story pic.twitter.com/6nHa82Fe6S

— I E T (@InKUNated_ET) November 8, 2019

But what about the FISA abuse and the work of John Durham? Why the continual delays? Everyone’s asking, including Lou Dobbs.

Joe DiGenova and his wife/law partner Victoria assure us… it’s coming… and when it does… LOOK. OUT. Thanks, J.

Well, well, well…  Thanks, R, for these.


— Rachiebabe079 (@RachieBabe079) November 7, 2019

Mr. Trudeau, there ain’t no Kevlar vest or anything else that can protect you from what’s coming, honey. It’s time to get measured for your pink jumpsuit. Maybe we’ll throw in some tacky socks and a spare eyebrow.

And look what else is happening in the north forty… the natives are restless. The People are awakening.

BREAKING! MKUltra Victims CONFRONT the GUV and the CIA in OTTAWA, CA. THE FIRST rally against MKULTRA ABUSE in the world! SHARE, viralize, spread the WORD! Survivors Allied Against Government Abuse First Rally https://t.co/USvUZyQkCP via @YouTube

— Ellen Atkin (@mkultragirl) November 6, 2019

Do watch the video (same one as above in Twitter post) to learn about the inhumane experiments the Canadian government approved for the CIA to conduct there. I’m afraid the Canadian people have a lot of distressing news to assimilate, and it rivals the horrific things done to Americans, the Koreans, the Germans, the Russians, the Jews. It’s not only the indigenous people who suffered.

The CIA is evil and not an “intelligence agency” in the way they wanted us to believe. It was a masquerade and they helped destroy the world. The unspeakable things done to Human Beings and the lives ruined at their hands know no bounds. We are no longer living in the psychopaths’ Petri dish, however. No more boiling frogs.

Mind control is real, and they used Canadians in their experiments at McGill University. The satanists have also used that facility to conduct their blood rituals and Human sacrifices. Humans are prey, people. It’s time everyone realizes that.

We can’t say it enough. This is a spiritual war, not a political one. Every aspect of our lives has been controlled and manipulated by the creatures that have been running the world. Everything is about to change.

The Hong Kong protests are ongoing and have unfortunately proven lethal for one student today.

Hong Kong protesters gather where student died in clash with police | LIVE

I’m getting a déjà vu. What are the chances this would happen AGAIN in Southern California?

Witnesses thought the aircraft may have been a helicopter because a parachute was deployed, Upland Police Capt. Marcelo Blanco said, but it’s a four-seater, single-engine Cirrus SR22.

Pilot Dies After Single-Engine Plane Crashes Into Upland Home and Sets It Ablaze

Dave released an excellent financial update last night. I noted that he is more savvy than Lynette Zang about what is transpiring. I’ve never had the impression she was “in the know” and I guess she still isn’t. Perhaps she benefited from the discussion more than Dave did.

US/China Send A Message To The [CB], All Part Of The Plan – Episode 2015a

Dan Dicks brings us interesting news concerning policing the Internet. DARPA. This could go either way—for us, or against us. DARPA isn’t exactly the same as the US Military. They’re more like one of the alphabet agencies. We’ll see which way they go.

U.S. Military To Create AI That Can DETECT And FIGHT Fake News! What Could Possibly Go Wrong?!!

Hints of the future… in effective memes.


— I E T (@InKUNated_ET) November 8, 2019

Not all memes are humourous. Some punch you in the gut.

Haiti hasn’t even dropped yet
Nor the Red Cross.

We’ve only just begun pic.twitter.com/qnXRI3BsY1

— I E T (@InKUNated_ET) November 8, 2019

AND A HEADS UP from Eye the Spy… with a take on “Rig for Red”.

Eyes on, patriots.


Are you watching?

Trump causes trend that brings Clinton Foundation into the spotlight.

MSM/ Blue checkmarks & zombies defend & praise CF.

Expect CF news to drop extremely soon.

Rigged for Red…Stable Genius.

Enjoy The Show!

— EyeTheSpy (@TrueEyeTheSpy) November 8, 2019

That’s it for now.  ~ BP

The Late Edition for November 5, 2019: Exposed! The Controllers’ Empire in Freefall [videos] ~ November 5, 2019

Editor’s Note: Ok,,,here it comes! Due to Project Veritas releasing this video showing MSM media to be under the control of
“the powers that were”… many, many more are learning the truth of the Epstein story that was manipulated by MSM before our eyes.

Finally, truth about perhaps the strongest arm of the Dark, MSM and other “news” reporting agencies is now BEing revealed. This is certainly shaping up to be one heck of a November.

My advice? Pay attention to Alternative Media (I routinely post daily news reports from Starship Earth), learn the real truth of our world, and then BE…



The alternative/truth media and digital soldiers on social media are bringing down the control freaks’ infrastructure.

Before we get to the meat of the matter and the destruction of the legacy media, an update on the California fires.

Dave Hodges’ intelligence sources say President Trump knows the true source and origin of the fires in Northern California. Well, of course he does. I said that last year.

The President isn’t deceived about anything. He knows it all, but the Patriots/White Hats/Q Team have a plan and they know exactly what to reveal to the public, and in what order, to most effectively tackle the deep state psychopaths and shake the public awake. Above all, they don’t want panic or fear.

They are telling the public that the fires are somewhat due to the lack of forest management in California, and that may be partially true, but we know the fires are started by the cabal’s minions, not high winds, and not by PG&E lines sparking the forest floor.

Our friends in Cali need to be on the watch all the time. It won’t always be this way, but right now they have to deal with the attacks. There are fires all over the state, and the reasons vary.

It’s a good update from Dave. I believe he’s correct in what he reports.

We have seen President Trump go after California governor Newsom this week, and while he is not letting on about all the details, we can see the direction the next attack is taking.

As Q said, “Watch California.”

How the Illuminati/CIA Controlled the World

I finally finished the second half of the video on the Field Report from October 24 and Cheryl Hersha Beck who was born into a bloodline family. She enlightened us again about Illuminati/satanic rituals and sacrifices to Baal.

She is a tremendous resource and reports things like the form demons take when conjured up in a ritual and that the reason the pedovores prefer dark-skinned children is due to the higher concentration of melanin produced by the pineal gland. The adrenochrome produced when the child is tortured is equivalent to a heroine rush for them.

She said that the Illuminati believe that RH negative blood contains a mechanical component derived from the the fallen angels mating (eons ago) with the children of Adam. They believe they are a mix of AI and Human and strive to keep the “royal” bloodline alive by interbreeding. Incest, in other words. That’s what they do. Brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, anything to keep it all in the family. They believe they are superior to us. They are not.

She also recommended the info related by Juan O Savin on McAllister TV with respect to the Illuminati bloodlines. She spoke about the Shriners, and St. Jude’s Hospital, etc. which are Big Pharma organizations pretending to be helpful for Humanity while in the lower levels of their institutions they might be doing experiments on children, etc.

Cheryl went into detail on trauma-based mind control by the CIA/Illuminati and MK-Ultra mind control to create alternative personalities/split personalities/alters so they would have programmable children and young adults to serve their needs, whether sexual, to create a child “honey pot” to entrap politicians, diplomats, etc. so they could be drugged and filmed in compromising situations and therefore blackmailed and controlled, or for other political purposes, like the sleeper cells used to perpetrate false flag shootings, bombings, etc.

This is how they have controlled the world for a very long time. It’s riveting and well worth the time to listen.

President Trump has called out the “fake media” for a long time and America is finally getting the message.

They lie. They are the CIA/Illuminati propaganda arm of the shadow government/deep state.

As QAnon said, we are the news now.

Thomas at TRUreporting did an update on the Epstein story and we’re making sure this information gets out so you may find it repeats what you have already heard.

Project Veritas is relentless and scores a huge reveal in the Epstein story with regard to ABC News.

The mockingbird media does not report the news, they shape the narrative and protect their own, as well as attacking their enemies.

Any time now we will see the end of the legacy media. They are in a death spiral and few believe them any more. History in the making.

#EpsteinCoverUp Will Encompass And Expose All Involved In Harming Children! :coded: