Headlines and Updates for February 19, 2020: New Q & KAG Rally Day in Phoenix [videos] ~ February 19, 2020

Editor’s Note: I have to echo Starship Earth in her assertion of living on the fringe too long. For me, right now, it seems I live in kind of a dream world where all is not as it seems…kind of floating, as it were and dealing with the “reality” life presents in a very laid back way. Not too bad for a former “Alpha Girl”!

So…please read this daily news report, are you catchin’ the same vibe I Am, which allows me to BE…



This is a good video Q features in the latest post from last night, and samples Rush music which, if you’re familiar with the Canadian band, contains a lot of social commentary. Tom Sawyer, by Mark Twain, and later, Canada’s rock band, Rush. We’ve seen Twain’s quotes on a few memes. Be sure to watch this and perhaps red pill someone you love.

QAnon – “Ask The Q”

President Trump will kindle the fires of patriotism in Phoenix today. Watch the rally on Right Side Broadcasting this evening, or the replay, later. The chat is already spinning with 4 hours to go until RSBN goes live.

President Donald Trump Keep America Great Rally LIVE in Phoenix, AZ 2/19/20

We have a taste of a Presidential debate between His Trumpness and Mini Mike. Thanks, L.

The roto queen!!!! https://t.co/wV6ZxCr13u

— Mad Liberals (@mad_liberals) February 19, 2020

Sometimes the military’s Tweets are significant. Yesterday, a stealth bomber…

#DYK becoming a @usairforce #B2 pilot is a highly selective process?
Regardless of the type of mission, those who fly the #StealthBomber have to execute at a high level b/c when the B-2 is seen it makes itself heard in a big way. #B2uesday
Learn more: https://t.co/Um22NBHdNK pic.twitter.com/lnIR50fyMe

— US Strategic Command (@US_Stratcom) February 18, 2020

And today I see this one…

BOOM at 5 seconds.💥💥🇺🇸

I love my Army!
5:5 BOOM Incoming#WWG1WGA https://t.co/4Zb3x6GsVq

— uneQuivocallyAmy⭐⭐⭐ (@BullPatriot) February 19, 2020

‘The Builder In Chief.’

The Trump Administration Has More Than $200 Million In New Construction Teed Up For Guantanamo For 2018 – 2019, Including $115 Million For A 848-Troop Barracks.

Miami Herald, Carol Rosenberg, March 28, 2018https://t.co/kMXOKJX8Gn pic.twitter.com/bj6w9ISrsm

— WarNuse (@WarNuse) November 24, 2019

For any doubters about prosecutions and arrests, Lori at White Rabbit News has a brief overview of the sealed indictments. She also shows you where you can access this data for yourself.


This one’s not sealed. More election fraud—and she got an award! Watch the ones who get awards. There’s a reason they get them. It’s usually not because they did something for their community or their country; they did it for the puppet masters. They lied, cheated, stole, or did something to promote the globalist agenda forward.

It’s getting easier to see why people say Trump’s only real opponent in the 2020 election will be election fraud.

Sherikia L. Hawkins

Prominent Democrat Arrested & Charged With 6 Felony Charges

Other than the daily media psyop, it’s possible more crimes occur in the medical field than anywhere. Perhaps this next article explains one reason President Trump negotiated new suppliers for pharmaceuticals, i.e. Canada. Maybe it wasn’t only about the downright criminal prices of drugs in America. And maybe it explains why Pelosi consistently harps on Trump’s moves to do this; because it undermines what the demonrats did as one more step to destroy America from within by selling out the country to China.

US Healthcare Subject To China’s ‘Global Chokehold’ On Medicines

I happened to hear about a Scottsdale, AZ couple who were quarantined on a cruise ship in Japan and wanted to learn more. It seems odd that the cruise line would fully refund their cruise, including zeroing out all their accounts for food, drink, etc., their airfare, AND offer them another FREE cruise.

What’s wrong with this picture? How can the cruise line afford to to that for everyone on that ship, and why would they? It’s not their fault.

It’s like they’re crisis actors working for the White Hats and they didn’t apply for the job. Who would?

The details of this are just weird. Is it just me? They have to walk six feet apart from each other? Didn’t they sleep in the same room on the ship? And there they are cheek to cheek in the photo.

Why is there so much interest in this particular story by the media? This whole thing seems like a psyop—and no, they’re not Chinese.

Scottsdale couple in quarantine on cruise ship docked in Japan due to coronavirus outbreak

That was six days ago. Another article now that they’re back in the US, says they’re quarantined AGAIN at a military base in Texas for another two weeks, unable to work or generate income.

What kind of contamination is this? It’s so off the scale it is difficult to believe. And all Trump says is, he’s sure everything will work out fine before long.

Do they have to burn their clothes? Shave their heads? Go through a NASA decontamination wash? That’s a good idea! Why don’t they do that? Surely anything they could pick up in space can’t be worse than they’re making the coronavirus out to be.


Valley couple onboard Diamond Princess cruise ship quarantined, again, following flight back to U.S.

I thought Jon Rappoport must have said everything he could about this coronavirus “thing” by now, but he’s back today with a different slant. I just can’t get the visual of Simon Parkes’ contaminated Chinese garlic out of my head, so here goes. It’s just wrong to vilify garlic. Garlic loves us.

This is a very interesting but short and potentially powerful contribution from Jon.

The Power of Viruses and the Power of You

There’s more. I don’t know how something that’s supposed to be so serious can seem so funny to me. Maybe I’ve lost it. Overdosed on Truth. Perhaps I’m retreating to a psychotic state. Maybe I just don’t know what reality is any more.

Cats are wearing coronavirus masks in China

Maybe the White Hats are doing their own media psyop. Is this going to bring the evil communist China to their knees?

How do we know those containers are where they say, or are there for the reasons they say? What about those issues at Long Beach a couple of years ago when containers were stacked and stranded.

Supply Chain Chaos Unfolds At Major Chinese Ports As Frozen Meat Containers Pile Up

We hear that we need to elevate the frequency on the planet substantially to move forward. What if they made the situation on our planet appear so dire, so catastrophic, so “end-times” due to this coronavirus, and then suddenly told us it’s a total fabrication and we’re fine. All disease has been eradicated, debt has been zeroed out. And on top of that we had the new financial system, income and death taxes went away, and all kinds of other good news like mass arrests all at once. Would that pop us over the threshold and set us free?

I’ve been living on the lunatic fringe too long, and a quarantined planet too long, so when all else fails, “Trust the Plan”.  ~ BP

Headlines and Updates for December 28, 2019: New Q and Legal Developments Spell Disaster for the Crooks [videos] ~ December 258, 2019

Editor’s Note: Yep…here it comes! Please read the information below and hear the truth oozing out from many holes in the dike of lies in our lives. In the words of Q…”Nothing can stop this now.”

Please read on, know soul “transparency” is the order of the new day here on Planet Earth, and prepare to BE…



Q dropped some shiny nuggets in our stockings yesterday… 5:5, Q!  Get your Q fix here.

It’s obvious to many of us, not all, that the narrative has been to direct our attention away from the crimes of the dimms and the Ukraine—not Russia—with the theatre unfolding in Washington, DC. It’s so over the top—and dripping with frosting to cover up the stench of the cow pie underneath.


Bidens and Pelosis Fighting for Their Lives

Q!!Hs1Jq13jV6 27 Dec 2019 – 9:26:04 PM



They are FIGHTING for their LIVES.
Good people in place.

See the terror in the eyes?As QAnon has pointed out, is it really a coincidence that FOUR Democrat families and their progeny are linked to Ukraine? Not bloody likely. If we want to know what’s going on, we need to pay close attention to the Tweets from President Trump. He’s leading the charge.

“Wow, Crazy Nancy What’s Going On?” – BOOM! Trump Exposes Nancy Pelosi and Son Paul’s Shady Dealings in Ukraine

They can no longer walk down the street without being called out.

“Can I get a photo with you? I just wanted to tell you that I don’t like what you’re doing to California.” Love it. I couldn’t make out her typical, mumbled response.


Savage… pic.twitter.com/yNsM16XRJl

— M3thods (@M2Madness) December 28, 2019

In case you missed it…

BREAKING: Epstein Met With Scientists at Military Bases in Israel; Are Co-Conspirators Finally Under Investigation?

I also found this clarification on Field McConnell’s situation posted on Timothy Holmseth’s website from December 18. I was under the impression that Kirk Pendergrass was representing Field and had filed documents on his behalf because he was providing updates but that is not the case. See more here. Field is in good hands, however, and we anticipate will be released from his fraudulent incarceration status soon.

Did you listen to that conversation with Leo Zagami and John Barnwell we posted yesterday? Wow. That was another riveting one I wouldn’t have missed. I recognized John Barnwell’s voice from discussions with Douglas Gabriel at American Intelligence Media; two of the most informed people I’ve encountered in this nearly 8 year blogging journey, with interesting roots.

That video went in many directions and gave us valuable insight into the core of the battle unfolding on our planet. Many of the folks with the best information are insiders; members of one faction or another. Who is who will get sorted out, but for now, the intel and insights they share are critical to understanding this multi-dimensional quest for control of Earth, her peoples, her resources.

It IS a spiritual war and if we don’t accept that then we fail to understand the most important component of the struggle. The real issues and our true identity and plight at the hands of evil have been kept well hidden from Humanity in recent decades.

John defined the “us and them” aspect, and got into some of the more esoteric topics. It’s simple, yet at the same time incredibly complex. They spoke of the reasons the White Hats cannot simply walk in and arrest the criminals like the Poop, Nazi Pelosi, the Bidens, Obama, Shifty Schiff, etc.

No matter our personal opinions of some of the players on the chess board—and it is a vast one—if they’re working hard and sacrificing their safety and that of their families for us, we might want to support them—at least for now.

Awake and aware People now realize that much of the “terrorist” attacks around the world are orchestrated hits by the cabal to further their agenda; usually to instigate war and fresh conflict, and sometimes for sacrifice. They have to keep the suffering, extermination, and money going to survive, and they have to appease their evil gods. It’s a cosmic chess match and Humans are mere pawns in their games. We now know who the real terrorists are, and we’re coming after them.

WIKILEAKS: Chemical Weapons Watchdog Ordered Deletion of ‘All Traces’ of Findings That Syrian ‘Chemical Attack’ May Have Been Staged

Much of what we see in the “news” is distraction from the real issues. Like Human sacrifice. It wasn’t an ancient ritual that ended with the Mayans. Those running the world for centuries are pedovores. That reality will be thrust at us until the truth is accepted as fact by Humanity as a whole. The sooner the masses are aware, the easier it will be to stop.

Q also alerted us to the “book deals” making the dimms rich. Now a CEO is retiring. Coincidence?


— The Kek! Bomb (@The_Crimson_Jet) December 27, 2019

There was talk about a “missile” over Christmas on Twitter, linking Japan, and a failed attempt at a possible terrorist act by the cabal. I can’t locate that Tweet now, but Dave includes it in his X22 Report below. Simon Parkes also posted the following:

Avangard Hypersonic Missile System

Finally evidence of what I first went public with back in 2015 – That Russia has been helped by ‘Nordic’ type aliens after Putin withdrew from agreements with Reptilians.

Today – Russia announced the successful launch of the world’s first hypersonic anti missile defence system and nuclear first strike weapon – Yes even the US are not at the launch stage.

Travelling at upwards of 10 times the speed of sound in the Earth’s atmosphere with the ability to – viff – and glide it is super hard to shoot down even with energy weapons.

His hypersonic missile system called Avangard, is a direct result of off planet technology being worked up with Russian military scientists and should set every alarm bell ringing.

Answer don’t trade or make agreements with negative aliens because they won’t give you hardware that goes anywhere!


Simon’s current Connecting Consciousness video is here. Love the snow flakes. All I get is rain.

2019 12 27 Connecting Consciousness – Simon Parkes

About that abysmal Canadian “election”… Agent Margaritaville/Wounded Cheesie leaves his remarks.

There’s more than one way to skin a cat.


I dreamt
We had a Canadian election…
All the candidates were silent
About #prideophilia
Then one of them won
A slight minority
Facing 5 criminal probes
They all resigned
… wonder why?


Thanks for the tweet Andy
Thanks for the KrispyKream assed Judge pic.twitter.com/QLY6qfpR0D

— Wounded Cheesie (@WCheesie) December 27, 2019

Oh and…


This is a sign…
Time is rushing toward the https://t.co/i23IlzRGvr

— Wounded Cheesie (@WCheesie) December 26, 2019

I can’t quite make it all out; did they include the “drone assassinations”?



— M3thods (@M2Madness) December 27, 2019

Things are getting really interesting now, aren’t they Q?

Trump just retweeted a ‘QAnon’ conspiracy-theory hashtag to his 68 million followers

Dave brings us another outstanding roundup on the key moves on the chessboard, including the one just above in yesterday’s report.

[No Name] Involvement Confirmed, Durham And The American Revolution – Episode 2055b

Here’s how you get out from under and rewrite the narrative in Texas: “Search and Replace”.

Dr. Ronny Jackson for Congress

Name sound familiar? Trump’s physician. Uh-huh. Can’t go wrong.

Never forget: Epstein is the keystone.

All These Signs Point To A Global Elite Pedophile Ring, Covered Up By The MSM & FBI, Going On For Decades

Soldier on, patriots, we’re making great progress! This isn’t a season of only hope, but a deep knowing. We’re getting this done and the next year will be monumental.  ~ BP

Headlines and Updates for December 27, 2019: “The Plan” is Working and Delivering, As Promised [videos] ~ December 27, 2019

Editor’s Note: Uh…yeah. I’ve only made it through this daily news report to Agent Margaritaville’s video uploaded below… OMGosh, ya’ll need to see this for a YUGE wake-up call! After watching this, meander on to the rest of this report with a more acute awareness of this hosrrific driver for change, but also know humanity has this, which allows the 99% to BE…



I’ll stick this at the top as it just came out.

BREAKING: Epstein Met With Scientists at Military Bases in Israel; Are Co-Conspirators Finally Under Investigation? – Patriots’ Soapbox 24/7 News Network https://t.co/uqx4gHjwm3

— Octothorp #LPEEP (@selvestekjetil) December 27, 2019

Not sure if this is related to the arrests in Italy we learned of this past week or in addition to. Leo Zagami is a self-professed member of the Illuminati, but we are to understand that one faction of the Gnostic Illuminati is a positive element and working for Humanity. Perhaps he is one. Thanks, J.

300 arrest for irregular Masonic Activities and the ‘Ndrangheta Mafia

J. McStain exposed again. Traitor. No longer a problem.

IG Report Reveals Steele Funneled Claims Through John McCain After FBI Dropped Him

The Poop has to go, too.

“He’s the administrator of the church, and he’s also a politician,” said Bannon, a former adviser to President Donald Trump. “This is the problem. … He’s constantly putting all the faults in the world on the populist nationalist movement.” https://t.co/4ED0V4kBqm

— Lisa Mei Crowley (@LisaMei62) December 27, 2019

Here we have the next chapter in the continuing saga of Field McConnell’s unlawful incarceration from Pentagon Pedophile Task Force correspondent, Timothy Holmseth. Unbelievable. (Tim’s website is behaving a little oddly for me. No images loading.)

Pierce County Sheriff intercepts documents from Poster Master General that will FREE kidnapped U.S. Marine Field McConnell

Here’s a powerful flashback. Check out the actors in the background.

A historical look back…..



The 2009 story of a Globalist/American
laundering scheme that ripped off you and me
@realDonaldTrump #KAG #PANIC pic.twitter.com/cecuyuF41q


— Miguelifornia Supports CODE OF VETS (@michaelbeatty3) December 27, 2019

Someone else is on the same line of thinking as I have followed recently. Is it a coincidence that so many “earthquakes” have happened near nuclear power sites recently? Hey, Fukushima worked so well, why not try it again? It’s not working, though.

WOW ~ Earthquake ~ 5.1 magnitide hits Iran near their Nuclear Power Plant.

What are the odds of that?https://t.co/QsvBBYTvwU pic.twitter.com/sUsfybdUlC

— Ann Vandersteel SteelTruth™️ (@annvandersteel) December 27, 2019

We learned that CNN paid a tonne of money for airports to blast their propaganda non-stop. Here’s a follow-up report. It’s quite a statement. Money talks.

Airport Revenues Soar After Allowing Travelers To Pay To Turn Off CNN #BestofTheBee2019 https://t.co/D48Gnja0Ea

— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) December 27, 2019

Yeah, they’re not going to reveal everything. It will take time, lots of time, for the average person to be able to assimilate the truth about what has happened on this planet at the hands of things that appear Human. The more intrepid ones may do some research.

We never suspected such grossly barbaric activities in Canada, of all places. And that’s how they got away with it.


Bigger than BIG.

— CanadaAgentShowTime (@CanadaSpecialA1) December 27, 2019

Here is Agent Margaritaville’s upload from yesterday. If you’re red pilling yourself, his material is usually historical to current, and his team “has it all”. Monsters Inc is #Canadrenochrome . Gov – With it’s Monsters Inc / 9.11 Connection.

I thought these two Tweets interesting. Just sayin’. D for DEFCON or a D5 avalanche, it matters not. It’s coming.

Its a go.

— Vincent Kennedy (@VincentCrypt46) December 27, 2019

Laura Walker’s latest update follows. At her website, click the audio on the right hand side and download or listen online when it opens.

She speaks of bones and joint issues at this time.

Capricorn 2019 New Moon – “Capricorn Overkill”

Another dirty politician outed.

Mayor Tonita Gurule-Giron of Las Vegas, New Mexico

Las Vegas, New Mexico mayor faces criminal charges

There was another plane crash yesterday—right next to the runway in Kazakhstan. Is that Planet X theory far out?

There was also a US army helicopter crash recently, as we mentioned. It’s not only commercial jets, it’s small planes, all kinds of aircraft, usually shortly after takeoff. Boeing is not always involved so it’s not the BUAP that’s the problem.

A Plane Crashed Into a House in Kazakhstan Seconds After Takeoff and Killed At Least 12 People

This is a riveting discussion with another of Canada’s best exports; Brad Johnson/Adronis, with Laura Eisenhower. They speak frankly about so many different topics and it feels very accurate. Much of it I have never heard anyone address. It’s a little different from our understanding in some cases; the reverse, in fact, in others. Thanks for the share, J.

It’s also great to hear that Brad’s healing sessions have been so successful.

Brad Johnson channels Adronis ~ New Earth Teachings

Further to Brad’s statements: Issues that need to be addressed will continue to break into our consciousness in more and more overt ways until we pay adequate attention and deal with them, because that’s the way the Universe works.

The things that come out of the mouths of the lunatic left should be shocking to the average American. Until they are, they will become more and more obscene.

It’s hard for most reading this to believe that the outrageous behaviour exhibited below might only begin to be noticed by some people at this point because it’s painful for us to watch, but like they said, we’re all waking up at our own speed.

Trump and the Q Team have accelerated the process. When we compress many years of gradual awareness into a shorter time span it screams at a deafening level at those who felt the prodding long ago. No more “totalitarian tip-toe”. It’s a full-on barrage of unHuman, absurd tactics we’re seeing now.

Whose language are these politicians/actors speaking? Wakey-wakey, world!

DEEP THINKERS of the Democrat Party Leadership #FactsMatter pic.twitter.com/p4tvj7lodf


— Ken Jones (@sxdoc) December 26, 2019

This is to be expected in the context explained above as it gets the attention of many Americans.

Virginia Governor Increasing Corrections Budget To Jail Gun Owners

This is just plain bizarre on so many levels. He’s everywhere.

Here’s an episode Donald Trump appeared in during the 1997 season of “Night Man” (superhero television series). In this episode, an escaped convict who can alter his face to look like anyone, morphs into Trump before walking into a bank:pic.twitter.com/bEV0Ih07Mg


— Wojciech Pawelczyk (@PolishPatriotTM) December 27, 2019

“The Plan” is working.

Dems Pissed Off Pennsylvania Voters With Impeachment – They’re Support for Trump Just SKYROCKETED

Gotta run, folks. Hope you’re having a great week. Here, it’s raining again… still. So it’s a good day.  ~ BP

The Vastness of Being ~ A Greater Perspective ~ December 10, 2019 ~ December 10, 2019

Editor’s Note: Well, it must be true what they say…darkest before the dawn as I (cough,cough) listened to the CBS evening news (US) tonight. NOT ONE MENTION was made of the OIG report released today. OMGosh! Of course, MSM is in the hip packet of the Dark, so no surprises there.

This is a very good time to remember why our world is going c-r-a-z-y on the political and economic fronts (not to mention a few others!) The societal chaos we are seeing is quite necessary before positive change can occur. As a scientist, I definitely say we are in a time of “paradigm change”…thanks goodness delights await us on the other side of this change.

My advise? Breathe, relax, eat some popcorn, and BE…



Hold onto your shorts—it’s getting really good, folks.

Many vloggers are expecting a purge of YouTube beginning today. Will it happen? Will your favourite YouTube truth channels disappear into the censorship memory hole? Time will tell.

The news certainly is intriguing lately, what with “g’s” magically being replaced with a “q”. I’m not making it up, folks. I’ve seen it reported by a couple of people now.

Check this out. The propaganda news will doubtless have more explosive headlines to divert the attention of the public. Read on.

Holy fucking trainwreck, Batman! https://t.co/AY7tPdT6In


— Julian’s Rum (@JuliansRum) December 10, 2019

For now, we still have the Patriot Intelligence Report for today with some valid perspective on the media circus and IG report and warnings about believing the utter lies the fake media are spewing.

PIR 12 10 19

What’s up with this?

Hannity changed his tie halfway through the show tonight. He was also wearing a CIA pin above his American flag pin. pic.twitter.com/QXVRjZlybp

— Q Research Notables (@QAnonNotables) December 10, 2019

Barr Slams ‘Gross Abuse’ of FBI’s Trump Investigation

“Oh, AG Barr is making the Media rounds to discuss FISA abuse? Would be a shame if the News had something else they needed to cover…” https://t.co/96tONr3jWv

— M3thods (@M2Madness) December 10, 2019

You may have heard Sec. of State Mike Pompeo met with Russia’s Lavrov. Boy, that Acosta—he’s a gem, ain’t he?

Imagine believing people will think you’re an awesome journalist for asking this question…and then tweeting about it. https://t.co/edHhEmVNxF

— Lisa Mei Crowley (@LisaMei62) December 10, 2019

The control freaks can’t control the moon, and it will be rising full on Thursday morning and illuminating the dark recesses where slimy, creepy-crawlers cower. Laura Walker’s Oracle Report goes into the electro-magnetics of the celestial frequencies but you will have to get her future updates from her website. Sounds like she has some good stuff coming up. Change is the result of the push-shove from the panicking globalists, and change is good. This is her last post on Themtube, just 2 minutes.

As far as an update on Field McConnell, he is now being held in solitary confinement for 10 days, without bond. Even a murderer can put up bail and it is completely unlawful what they are doing to this patriot.

Perhaps Field does need to curtail his info drops just a tad so as not to perturb the already unhinged and unpredictable pedophiles. Might we ask you to cool your jets, Field?

‘It’s Not a Coincidence’: Nancy Pelosi Signs USMCA After Impeachment Announcement

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi surely had a busy morning. After she joined fellow House Democrats to announce impeachment charges against President Donald Trump, Pelosi conducted a press briefing to announce the passage of the long-awaited United States Mexico Canada Agreement.

She told reporters, however, that “It’s not a coincidence” that it all happened in the same day.

Read the rest of the article from SaraACarter.com…

Unfortunately, it appears the deep state is going to use deep fake videos to promote their propaganda AND discredit valuable intelligence presented to The People exposing the crimes of the psychopaths who have been running the world.

Billy Joyce in Nova Scotia also addresses the plight of the Truth Movement as we are up against Big Tech deep state strong arm tactics.

You can see it coming down the pike, folks. YouTube may purge anyone who promotes the truth, pad the platform with network channels spouting propaganda and lies, pay them for the advertising, and our voices would be nearly drowned out. It just may wind up being exactly what James Corbett dubbed it long ago: “ThemTube”—because it certainly won’t be about us.

Any truther on YT who has not diversified and set up housekeeping on at least one other platform and/or website may find themselves silenced. I’m seeing evidence that WordPress is compromised and can’t guarantee we won’t be affected by the deep state big brother censorship, even with our own URL. We’ll see.

Don’t miss this update on CBC deep fake tactics, and see the half-baked, deep fake for yourself. No, it won’t fool us, but if the content were more serious it might fool the general public who are sleeping and believe their (government) television station brings them the truth.

#DeepFake of #POTUS #Trump goes Mainstream on #Canada State Propaganda #CBC

Here’s the full deep fake. Comedy, right? You think it’s funny now… you might wear your smile upside down later.

Trump’s making Alberta the 51st state | 22 Minutes

Here’s a companion piece from the CBC about deep fakes. You see where this is going? Ha. Ha.

Q warned us. Future proves past.

Q also said there are ways of proving that a dark web video of Hillary and Huma, for example, performing unspeakable acts on a child is the real deal. And how about the video footage from Jeffrey Epstein’s many homes that were full of closed circuit cameras recording blackmail material on his guests? What happens when that is released?

Let’s hope it’s true that the real images can be verified, because I don’t like what I’m seeing and hearing.

Deepfakes of Canadian politicians emerge on YouTube

Though clearly meant to be humorous, videos demonstrate Canadian politicians may be a target

Or other politicians like “Hillary Clinton”, perhaps? Bill Clinton? Joe Biden? ALL of them? How about the fake royals?

Jeffrey Epstein himself recorded the activity in the tunnels beneath his island. And now he’s dead? Or is he?

Watch the real Donald Trump here where Right Side Broadcasting Network is covering the Hershey, Pennsylvania KAG rally. They begin by interviewing people lined up outside and edit nothing. It’s raw, real footage, with pans of the crowds inside the venue, the whole Trump address, and all other speakers who may attend. They will be streaming all afternoon and throughout the President’s speech.

 President Donald Trump Rally LIVE in Hershey, PA 12/10/19

Here’s an interesting update from DAHB0077. Russia is putting a ‘dome’ over their Arctic territory? Interesting terminology.

Russia Creating DOME Over Their Arctic Region As They Rearm ALL Northern Fleet with S-400s

The anti-aircraft regiment of Russia’s Northern Fleet will be equipped with state-of-the-art S-400 air defense systems in the next few years to create an anti-missile dome able to thwart any enemy incursion, the Russian Navy said.

Russian anti-aircraft missile forces and radio-technical troops stationed in the Arctic are going through a comprehensive rearmament process, which will see Russia’s most advanced long-range air defense missile system being delivered to them, Vice Admiral Alexander Moiseev, the commander of Russia’s Northern Fleet, said on Sunday.

We told you everything’s fake. The “global warming” hoax is no exception and polar bears are thriving. The Climate Hoax has been analyzed to death and proven to be lies.

It’s been a decade since the leak of emails from the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia exposed the lies, obfuscations and dirty tricks behind the climate change orthodoxy. But although the conversation has long since moved on, there’s still a lot we can learn from the lessons of “Climategate.” Joining us today to reflect on a decade of Climategate lies and where the debate stands today is Marc Morano of ClimateDepot.com.

Learn more here on The Corbett Report interview.

Meet the “Anti-Greta” — Sweden’s Conservative Activist, Izabella Nilsson Jarvandi

I was looking for some humour to finish off but when I look back, much of the post is funny. Biden’s hysterically humourous and some believe is now knitting with only one needle. Can anyone really claim he’s more presidential than Trump? He does and says whatever enters his vacuous mind. He has no filter, no restraint. He’s regressed to a child.

BREAKING: @JoeBiden Pledges to Not Comply with Senate Subpoena in #Impeachment Trialhttps://t.co/4ETVfpaBk6

That’s ok. We don’t need compliance. pic.twitter.com/5mKQNRS53L

— I E T (@Incarcerated_ET) December 10, 2019

We never know what we’ll hear next.

Some Americans can get a little carried away with their guns. On Sunday I was hearing more “gunfire” than normal around here. They stage gun fights at a tourist attraction nearby but there was definitely more activity than normal. Our dog walk revealed that just half a block from residential homes, some trigger happy gun fanatics with more ammo than brain cells were having target practice. That’s illegal. Unbelievable. There are people riding their horses and walking their dogs in that area every day. We need protection from imbeciles like that.

Since Feeding the Homeless Is Illegal, Activists Carry AR-15s to Give Out Food, Supplies

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project: Dallas, TX — Feeding and clothing the homeless in the land of the free has now become a revolutionary act. Luckily, however, there are still good people willing to carry that act out. In December 2014, the Dallas city council enacted Ordinance No. 29595, which makes it illegal to serve … Continue reading

Let us hope that the spirit of giving will prevail this Christmas. So many are in need. Some need food. Some need shelter. Some desperately need brain cells. Give generously.  ~ BP

The Late Edition for November 5, 2019: Exposed! The Controllers’ Empire in Freefall [videos] ~ November 5, 2019

Editor’s Note: Ok,,,here it comes! Due to Project Veritas releasing this video showing MSM media to be under the control of
“the powers that were”… many, many more are learning the truth of the Epstein story that was manipulated by MSM before our eyes.

Finally, truth about perhaps the strongest arm of the Dark, MSM and other “news” reporting agencies is now BEing revealed. This is certainly shaping up to be one heck of a November.

My advice? Pay attention to Alternative Media (I routinely post daily news reports from Starship Earth), learn the real truth of our world, and then BE…



The alternative/truth media and digital soldiers on social media are bringing down the control freaks’ infrastructure.

Before we get to the meat of the matter and the destruction of the legacy media, an update on the California fires.

Dave Hodges’ intelligence sources say President Trump knows the true source and origin of the fires in Northern California. Well, of course he does. I said that last year.

The President isn’t deceived about anything. He knows it all, but the Patriots/White Hats/Q Team have a plan and they know exactly what to reveal to the public, and in what order, to most effectively tackle the deep state psychopaths and shake the public awake. Above all, they don’t want panic or fear.

They are telling the public that the fires are somewhat due to the lack of forest management in California, and that may be partially true, but we know the fires are started by the cabal’s minions, not high winds, and not by PG&E lines sparking the forest floor.

Our friends in Cali need to be on the watch all the time. It won’t always be this way, but right now they have to deal with the attacks. There are fires all over the state, and the reasons vary.

It’s a good update from Dave. I believe he’s correct in what he reports.

We have seen President Trump go after California governor Newsom this week, and while he is not letting on about all the details, we can see the direction the next attack is taking.

As Q said, “Watch California.”

How the Illuminati/CIA Controlled the World

I finally finished the second half of the video on the Field Report from October 24 and Cheryl Hersha Beck who was born into a bloodline family. She enlightened us again about Illuminati/satanic rituals and sacrifices to Baal.

She is a tremendous resource and reports things like the form demons take when conjured up in a ritual and that the reason the pedovores prefer dark-skinned children is due to the higher concentration of melanin produced by the pineal gland. The adrenochrome produced when the child is tortured is equivalent to a heroine rush for them.

She said that the Illuminati believe that RH negative blood contains a mechanical component derived from the the fallen angels mating (eons ago) with the children of Adam. They believe they are a mix of AI and Human and strive to keep the “royal” bloodline alive by interbreeding. Incest, in other words. That’s what they do. Brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, anything to keep it all in the family. They believe they are superior to us. They are not.

She also recommended the info related by Juan O Savin on McAllister TV with respect to the Illuminati bloodlines. She spoke about the Shriners, and St. Jude’s Hospital, etc. which are Big Pharma organizations pretending to be helpful for Humanity while in the lower levels of their institutions they might be doing experiments on children, etc.

Cheryl went into detail on trauma-based mind control by the CIA/Illuminati and MK-Ultra mind control to create alternative personalities/split personalities/alters so they would have programmable children and young adults to serve their needs, whether sexual, to create a child “honey pot” to entrap politicians, diplomats, etc. so they could be drugged and filmed in compromising situations and therefore blackmailed and controlled, or for other political purposes, like the sleeper cells used to perpetrate false flag shootings, bombings, etc.

This is how they have controlled the world for a very long time. It’s riveting and well worth the time to listen.

President Trump has called out the “fake media” for a long time and America is finally getting the message.

They lie. They are the CIA/Illuminati propaganda arm of the shadow government/deep state.

As QAnon said, we are the news now.

Thomas at TRUreporting did an update on the Epstein story and we’re making sure this information gets out so you may find it repeats what you have already heard.

Project Veritas is relentless and scores a huge reveal in the Epstein story with regard to ABC News.

The mockingbird media does not report the news, they shape the narrative and protect their own, as well as attacking their enemies.

Any time now we will see the end of the legacy media. They are in a death spiral and few believe them any more. History in the making.

#EpsteinCoverUp Will Encompass And Expose All Involved In Harming Children! :coded: