Headlines and Updates for Nov 12, 2019: Laughter is the Best Medicine for Coups and Foreign Invasions [videos] ~ November 12, 2019

Editor’s Note: I had a thought today…this is all happening around us, and we don’t really have much of say in what happens as decision-makers are high above us. Therefore, I think it’s really wise for us to: let go the pain from issues we cannot control, relax and breathe into each moment as you go about your business, and fall into the arms of Love which is where each of us have our own personal power.

Please read this report, recognize this illusion yet (?), and BE…



Looks like the dimms just might be struggling for some kind of foothold in the election. Bernie found half a brain cell and decided a gun grab isn’t the way to ingratiate himself and his administration into the hearts of America.

Maybe he’ll find the other half somewhere and stop referring to a “gun buy-back”. Did the government sell Americans their guns? Does a chicken have lips?

Then how is it a “buy-back”? The terminology used by the left is fascinating. It’s all mind control and brainwashing. Anything to put a warm, fuzzy, less-intimidating spin on Nazi policies.

Do Americans really want the rogue deep state government to have all their guns? That would be akin to genocide, and what the New World Order planned all along. The only reason we’re here having a conversation about this “civil struggle” is because Americans still have their guns.

Do you clowns have any idea how many guns there are in America? How long do you have—because global warming will melt the planet before Americans give up their guns.

But don’t worry—Bernie has acknowledged the “constitution”. That might be worth a few votes. Vilifying the NRA… not so much.

Perhaps the dimms are realizing gun confiscation might see the weapons used on them.

Perhaps the People are realizing only tyrants tell the People what to do, and that’s why there IS a constitution—as protection from tyrants. Use it or lose it.

Bernie Backs Off: Sanders Says Mandatory Gun Buyback Programs ‘Unconstitutional’

And about that election…

The lineup changes almost daily, doesn’t it? Sanford’s out. Chicken! Perhaps they waved the sealed indictment in front of his face with his name on it?

Mark Sanford exits GOP presidential primary

We have a country to run

Important and extremely powerful celestial energies are playing a role in what unfolds on our planet, whether we recognize that or not. Phoenix reveals the remarkable relationships in the category of “prisons and punishment”. Uh-huh.

He also gives us a secret to accessing the “Q research” material at 8kun.us

You don’t need to go there if simply monitoring Qmap.pub. He also revealed there were 17 Q posts yesterday, in case you missed any. Seventeen. What an odd number.

PIR 11 12 19 ~ Full Moon

“Fall back” becomes “Fall Black”.  The fine print reads, “Godfather III. It’s going to be BIBLICAL”  and “Enjoy The Show”

Show! https://t.co/lGL3lyklh8

— EyeTheSpy (@TrueEyeTheSpy) November 12, 2019

The Chief also threw his two cents in. (below) We might recall that Q often gives us a year’s heads up on some events. Last December 2018 we heard that martial law is coming “after Christmas”. We don’t know where that came from (the true source), but had assurances from some voices of authority to relax and that civilians have nothing to worry about.

If the Chief’s timing is correct, it might put martial law after Xmas 2020, but we won’t know until it happens. Or it doesn’t. We also heard that if and when martial law is declared, POTUS can take full control of the media. It can’t come too soon.

When all hell breaks lose (for the deep state), their automatons will undoubtedly unleash mayhem but the American troops are back, trained to deal with civil disobedience, and we’re all at the ready. Until we get the word… “at ease, Patriots” and make popcorn. Trust the Plan. So far it’s been awesome and miracles happen every day.

@JBarr915 Military Tribunals. https://t.co/7leK6AxNtU

— FluffyPup915 (@FluffyPup915) November 11, 2019

New York is fast on the heels of California as the most corrupt state. New York mayor De Blasio makes the moves to solicit political donations by selling the city out from under the People.

This should be no surprise to those who understand that as “indentured servants” of the “elite”, none of us are qualified to own real estate; yet we pay hundreds of thousands plus interest to the banksters for land and structures that technically don’t belong to us. They just let us think we own them.

We’re serfs. They had it all figured out, and their corrupt legal system kept them in riches for eons, and we slaves in the dark, but sheep no more.

REPORT: De Blasio Selling ‘Air Rights’ to NYC Housing Developments to Political Donors, Supporters

First, the good news. Signs of awakening. One eye open, at least. The petition is open to anyone, in any nation.

New banner pic. Feel free to use it.

Sign the petition here: https://t.co/tpxJdHyPfl#IStandWithDonCherry

— Candice Malcolm (@CandiceMalcolm) November 11, 2019

There are folks in Canada who know what’s going on. More people might want to pay attention to them rather than allowing themselves to be shamed into submission by those who are selling out the country to foreign interests and blowing the cultural identity of the vast Republic of Kanata into oblivion.

I checked in with Number One on the status north of the 49th because he was working for The People’s Party of Canada prior to the election and was pretty stoked about the traction they had. He says his worst fear came to pass; the election was definitely rigged and the numbers from varying ridings prove it. Early voting is very revealing and when the final result is the opposite… something’s not right.

We heard subtle indicators that Crime Minister Justin Turdeau (aka Fidel’s bastard) might have been forcibly removed from the public sphere. Is there a clone/double? We don’t know. We’ll have to see how the Patriots decide to play this. Canada could use the shock factor to wake up a few more people, and based on the already public scams Trudeau has pulled it wouldn’t come as so much of a shock to much of the country.

Justin Trudeau Pays Tribute To Founder Of Sikhism On Remembrance Day Weekend | Cultural Action Party of Canada


— CanadaAgentShowTime (@CanadaSpecialA1) November 10, 2019

This is an example of what happens to a country when immigration has no bounds. Sweden has been destroyed by violent, middle eastern immigrants—mostly single, young men. (Not “dreamers” and families looking for a better life.) That was a globalist myth and long planned to destroy Westerns societies. The law has failed to enforce protection for the citizens and women are particularly vulnerable. Rape statistics are off the charts.

Do you want to see this in Canada, folks? If so, just keep it up. Keep bowing to the deep state pressure to welcome immigrants with open arms. Remain silent about how you really feel, about what you see unfolding. Kiss your culture and societal norms goodbye.

This weekend a woman was brutally assaulted in Swedish city Malmö.

The suspect Ibrahim Ramadan has been arrested and confessed to the crime.

The woman has been declared braindead from the attack.

Women aren’t safe in Sweden anymore.

— PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) November 12, 2019

If we don’t laugh, we’ll cry, and OMG—it’s more tasteless, racist controversy because Canadians are not happy with the direction the current leadership is taking them. Tsk! Tsk! For shame! Thank you, Radio-Canada—I needed this. This parody video is in French, sorry, but regardless it’s hysterically funny because it’s more about the visuals and the protagonist really looks like the toking Trudeau. They give Second City a run for their money. Enjoy the show.

Radio-Canada’s parody on Trudeau’s trip to India causes controversy

I’m Gonna Be Indicted [PANIC]

Let’s not forget—“phones were allowed in”. We’ve got it all.

What’s coming? We’ll find out.  ~ BP


Epic trolling going on here… pic.twitter.com/T0B0EEhRpa

— M3thods (@M2Madness) November 12, 2019

Headlines & Updates for February 28, 2019: It’s Getting Thick; Wear Galoshes [videos] ~ February 28, 2019

Watch where you’re stepping folks! It’s getting messy. The psychopaths are incontinent with fear and they’re bringing out every lame weapon they can throw at the machine that is taking them down. Seems like Q’s 21-day countdown freaked them out. They know the clock is ticking and they will be sloppy. Like the Cohen psyop. Big, messy mistake—but as Q says, why interfere with the enemy when in the process of destroying themselves?

Players who were “patriots” and their websites which brought us great information for some time are suddenly finding it suits them to go on the attack: dissing the President, his team, QAnon, and the patriots.

Articles like this… full of conjecture and no proof. And, once again, QAnon is a LARP. Sound like the Deep State? Terminology like “everything points to” and suggesting all these so-called agreements will be kept secret and/or heavily redacted so the public is not aware of what transpired.

Do you really think, at this point, the Patriots are going to settle for that? That they’ll just roll over and go back to their fake lives as slaves? The world is awakening, they know they don’t deserve this life of struggle and pain and the globalists cannot stuff the genie back in the bottle. This party is just getting started.

To suggest that the deep state is too powerful to be taken down by one person—Donald Trump—is a ridiculous insinuation. Donald Trump is not draining the swamp alone. Far from it. This isn’t only about America, or Earth—it’s about the galaxy, the solar system, the multiverse where evil has infested good in distant civilizations. We have an ascension to take care of.

I’m sure we’ll also hear all about how Trump and Pompeo crashed and burned in Hanoi. Perhaps the strategy may be, “Appear weak when you are strong.”

We have new gun control measures proposed in New York State from the traitor Cuomo, and “insiders” telling us millions of people will die after Trump gives the “Go” to take action against the cabal and the mass arrests begin.

That’s all these cowards have. Try to take their guns, feed them disinformation and no proof. They think if they say it, it’s so, and no one will question.

People die every day from assassinations, weather, disease, toxic food, drugs, starvation, false flag war games—let’s just get this done. It’s a high stakes game—but it’s not a game.

From the sane (and honest) side of the asylum… C-Vine brought us an update on the military tribunals at Guantanamo. You can listen below.

They go into the “old rules” from the Obama regime as well as the changes Trump made to the laws so that the public and media can be involved. Transparency. What a concept.

This is encouraging news—news the cabal would rather didn’t get out; perhaps that it wasn’t terrorists who attacked America and that it was an inside job on September 11, 2001, and multiple other attacks on Humanity across the planet, as well.

You can learn much more via the links under their video on YouTube.

C-VINE Military Tribunal Rumor Squashing Series Part 3 of 4 Video

C-VINE News Network
Published on Feb 27, 2019
Could this be it? Trump knew all along! Amendments to manual of Courts-Marshall of the United States prepared for exactly this day and time. BOOM!!!!!

There is also this… but before you get your knickers in a knot, remember that Hillary Clinton is guilty of multiple crimes; possibly racketeering, fraud, theft, money laundering, treason, sedition, let’s not forget the Clinton body bag, and CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.

They don’t need to literally prosecute her for the email scandal or other counts against her because at the very least she is going down for the unspeakable, predatory acts she committed on children. That other stuff is a sideshow.

All we need is one reason to put her away forever—or execute her. Just one. Justice will be served. These freaks are not going to continue to roam our planet preying on Humans.

There is a reason Q told us all to keep the faith; to suit up and refuse to be knocked off our stride. We must stay calm and maintain our equilibrium. Big mood swings are something we want to avoid. As Thomas Williams has recommended, ground and centre, shield up, and throttle the emotions to a 45%-55% bracket.

President Trump is a master 5D chess player and has an army behind him. Until I hear different from reliable sources, I will assume it’s business as usual in the dismantling of the psychopathic grip these greedy freakazoids have had on our planet.

Some wonder why the Alliance don’t arrest and remove the lying, treasonous media. It’s time to tell the People the inconvenient Truth and stop pussyfooting around in the shadows.

If you can’t drain the swamp peacefully and civilly—then do it by force. There’s no turning back now. We’ll get through it. Or are they waiting for The Event flash to sort the wheat from the chaff? It certainly seems like they’re waiting for something.

EXCLUSIVE: DOJ Prevented FBI From Pursuing Certain Charges Against Clinton

Daniel Cannon has a fascinating update for us on some recent California earthquakes that seem to need decoding. There’s a lot of that goin’ around. I don’t think you’ve heard a seismic report like this before.

Daniel believes this is extraordinary and significant. I agree and I know what I think. The Gematria of this is fascinating; El Canyon, Black Horse (dark horse?) Babylon Canyon, and more.

You may apply your own meaning to these revelations, and I hope you will go with the positive possibilities rather than the negative. We learned that the Light Forces sent an earthquake message to the dark a few months ago. This could be another.

USGS says these 2 CA earthquakes occurred in the sky?? Seriously… (What it means.)

Israeli PM Netanyahu to be indicted in corruption cases, pending hearing – Justice Ministry

“Body Brokers”. What kind of a world do we live in? Humans are prey.

Owners of Company That Bought Aborted Baby Parts From Planned Parenthood are Arrested

Despite the recent demoralizing legislation regarding “infanticide”, there seems to be a notable swing in public opinion according to a poll. Thanks, N, for this very positive update.

New Poll Finds DRAMATIC Shift in PRO-LIFE Direction Among YOUNG DEMOCRATS!!!

The cabal wants war, and continue to try to force it so we expected false flag events. Perhaps this is one? May cool heads prevail.

Airstrikes, Tanks Heading To The Border And Planes Shot Down – India And Pakistan Are In A State Of War

Avoid American beer and wine? Do other countries produce varieties untainted by glyphosate? Probably, because Roundup is banned in many countries. Not so the Unites States. YouTube currently shows me Roundup ads on my videos.

They say the amounts of glyphosate in these beverages are so small they won’t hurt us—however we know that glyphosate does not break down. It’s in the ground, our drinking water, runoff, anything that eats a product from the soil where Monsanto is used… so our organs may be choked with it if we imbibe. Detox is important.

Monsanto’s Roundup weed killer found in popular beers and wine – study

Snow covered Superstition Mountains, Arizona

It’s a crazy winter planetwide as far as weather goes, with record-setting heat, cold, moisture and winds and tornadoes. Much of the planet is flooding.

David Wilcock told us the White Hats have stopped the cabal’s control of the weather now, and the extremes are going to naturally balance out as the pendulum swings closer to middle ground over time.

He said the uncharacteristic rains and snows here in the Southwest washed away negativity and evil. I hope he’s correct. We had record cold and snow, and it rained for two days almost non-stop, but just a nice, steady rain; no flooding I’m aware of around here.

They hit us hard with chemtrails when the rain stopped and there was a brillliant sun dog and partial rainbow around the sun on February 25 but now our seasonal weather is back with clear skies and very warm sun.

Besides the most snow I’ve ever seen locally, there was another anomaly that was so eye-catching that as I was outside snapping pictures, a helicopter arrived on the scene to check it out.

We see a reddish mountain top frequently at sunset, but this day the red was low down, not where the sun usually illuminates the peak. The mountain almost seemed lit from within. When I turned to look at the western sky, it wasn’t a red sunset as I expected. I don’t know where that red colour came from. It was so intense; another once-in-14-years phenomenon and I’m enjoying the show.

See the latest global updates at The Watchers.

In closing…

Occasionally I get notes from readers saying they can’t load the blog or leave a comment. That is a sign of the times, unfortunately, but it’s only isolated instances and things are working well most of the time.

Sincere thanks go out to the Starship crew for your support in many ways. Number One tells me you were very generous this past month and we so appreciate it—particularly as I had a big invoice to pay after those issues we had. Number One gave me a break on that so it’s all good and we’re still here, cruising the cosmos together and making history.

A reminder that Thomas Williams will be bringing us his latest intel and updates tonight; 7:30 EST/4:30 Pacific on Spreaker.com.

Tick Tock Here Comes The Truth, The Deep State Is Scrambling ~ July 16, 2018

Lisa Page might have flipped is now cooperating with the authorities. Rosenstein and Mueller indicted Russians again, but this time they did not include a corporation and they know these Russians will never come to the US, or will they. There is no proof, but there is proof that the DNC server was not hacked. The corporate media falls into the trap and asks for the declassification of only certain parts of the IG report. Q mentioned that they were waiting for someone or some entity to ask Trump to declassify the report. Trump and Putin met and Trump says that Russia did not meddle in the 2016 election. India finalizes the S400 purchase with Russia. Trump lays the ground work with Bolton, Iran must leave and then the US will leave. Assad says he wants a diplomatic resolution, he just got one and now the plan moves forward.

Justice Will Be Served, Behold The Full Power Of The Storm ~ June 28, 2018

The deep state is in trouble first Strzok testified by failed to answer questions then Rosenstein testified and failed to answer questions if Obama spied on Trump. They are cornered because the full report has it all. The Italian foreign minister says he would be surprised if the EU is together in another year. Sanctions did not work with India, so the US is now offering the THAAD missile system so they don’t purchase the S400 from Russia. UN reports that Saudi is to blame for the deaths of children in Yemen. Macron choose a representative to Syria. Hundreds of refugees are returning home to Syria. The OPCW now has the power to place blame. Q drops more bread crumbs, the storm is here and the hammer is about to fall, Justice will be served.

Short Planetary Situation Report and Event Meditation Update ~ Nov. 16, 2015


As the planetary situation grows more unstable and tense, isn’t it nice for us to realize we have an escape valve? Cobra, a communication resource for the Planetary Liberation Movement, propels us into prompting a non-violent change of humanities mass-consciousness that will result in bringing positive changes to our planet…aka “The Event”.

How do we as individuals “do” this when mighty armies and forces unknown to us have NOT been able to achieve their goals of world dominion? Simple…focused thought from many, aka “joined-meditation”, is a powerful tool. So powerful that we do not understand it’s power or value. But, as this tool is used by those who love life throughout this planet, the capability for negative forces to disupt and control our lives will begin to diminish…instantaneously!

So…this coming Nov. 21, let all of us who long for peace and abundance, join together at this designated time to consider Love as an alternative in our lives. Because until we internally make a decision to hold the Light in our own hearts, any positive alternatives to life as we know it will remain unavailable.

Read the attached message from Cobra, watch the video in a language of your choice, and…


Recent false flag attacks in Paris were orchestrated by Black Nobility families behind the Jesuits as part of the occult war, to disrupt the energy grid and instill more fear. It is well known that Paris is an important energy vortex for Goddess energies, especially for Goddess Isis:



But those manipulations do not work anymore and people of Paris are not afraid:

Second, those attacks were made on Friday the 13th as an occult warning and threat to the Positive Templars that are supporting Putin and the Eastern Alliance behind the scenes.

Friday the13th of October 1307 was the day when majority of Templars were arrested in Paris and elsewhere in France:


Third, those attacks were orchestrated with a purpose of further polarizing European Christian population into religious hatred against Muslims. When all other attempts to start WW3 have failed, the dark forces are hoping to trigger that war by creating a critical mass of religious hatred between Christians and Muslims. This is a part of an ancient plan of the Cabal that already Nostradamus was hinting at. Here it is important to be aware that Islam is generally a peaceful religion and that radical militant Islamism was born in the 18th century as Wahhabism and was a joint British/Saudi creation:


On a more positive note, more than 1 million refugees have already returned to Syria since the beginning of the Russian military operations:


Germany is in the process of banning chick shredding, a horrible practice of unspeakable cruelty to animals:



And finally, a village in India has found an unique way to support equality of women:


Event Meditation Update

The time of our global Event Meditation is approaching fast:


If you feel that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long, here is your chance to speed it up.

A Facebook event has been created for this meditation:


You can also sign a petition to support our meditation:


Youtube videos have been created in many languages.

















Chinese (Traditional):




Translations into other languages are needed as soon as possible. Please send your translations to parlagisas777@gmail.com and they will be made into Youtube videos and posted here.

Victory of the Light!