Martial Law & Self-Ascension ~ March 26, 2020

Editor’s Note: This is a concept for recognition…how martial law will affect us? Aside from insuring the “alone time” humanity needs for self-contemplation, martial law also provides uninterrupted moments for the realization of your ability to BE yourself as master of yourself…in application of all ways in understanding YOU ARE the master your own life. (You, the Divine You!)

As this personal realization arises, you become aware of your personal BEing in…

Quantum Joy!


from Sri and Kira

Dearest Community of Self-Ascension,

Today our daily living experience EXPANDED with the addition of Martial Law here in Ecuador. Such extra-ordinary moments we are ALL NAVIGATING!
As we enter our second full week of restricted movement the heightened energy now prohibits any movement from your home after 2pm each day. There is a “silence” now upon our mountain that is RESTORATIVE and HEALING!

The entire planet is RECEIVING the BLESSING of a moment to go within.
Imagine how wondrous our skies are with so much less air traffic.
Notice that YOU ARE THE MASTER and YOU ARE THE one who can choose to Dance with the Rhythm of your life experience!
What is your dance looking like?

We encourage you to remember that nothing in the outer world of density can nourish your expansion. Only the inner realms and the cosmic energy provide restoration and balance. The rich opportunity of this moment is Spiritual Discernment through Self-Awareness of the Unconscious Expectancy!

How many of you simply hear the word Martial Law and immediately conjure a picture or energy that calls forward less than your highest? LITERALLY LIVING with this energy around us, we can share that REGARDLESS of what the universe is inviting you to navigate, YOU ARE THE MASTER of this moment!

Commitment to Spirit and anchoring in your Mastery Presence as Your Authentic SELF is loudly calling you to say YES. The personality-self is an ego identity that can be useful for worldly interactions….however, it is a tool, a familiar lens that is also easily triggered and ADDICTED to the DRAMA and the CHAOS.

One gift of the fear-based outer world is to discover more fully your inner truth and anchor in the peace within.
Contrast helps us discern and through this time we can all become
more mindful about what is truly essential.

Be tenacious and align with your Joy. Communicate with awake friends and limit interactions with density based experiences. Nourish yourself daily with the essential!

Today we are called to offer the March 19 Equinox #LineageHolder video to ALL for the next 24 hours! THIS IS A PEAK MOMENT, and what we have learned is that if you honestly commit to learning the Six Steps to Navigate this moment as gifted to us all through the Divine Directors IT REALLY WORKS and IT MAKES A HUGE DIFFERENCE! Please gift yourself and watch this video and PLEASE SHARE WITH EVERYONE ON YOUR LISTS! Forward this email or send the link to the video however this moment at hand MATTERS!

This e-card contains THREE THINGS YOU CAN DO TODAY that will assist you to begin to harvest the Blessing that is before all humanity!
what are you willing to do to help it Thrive?

Bring a hand to your heart, take in a deep breath, and let it out with a smile!

TOGETHER WE ARE ALL BETTER and this is the moment that you have waited for! YOU ARE READY and the “black hole” energy that is gifting density with a sense of time distortion and false “security” is outside of your Ascended Presence and experience if you CHOOSE it to be so.
May your heart KNOW that ALL ARE RECEIVING EXACTLY what they need to assist their soul’s evolution.

You who is listening…right now…may your heart smile with affirmation and reassurance that true nourishment for the soul DOES EXIST.

We love you infinitely and support your journey!
We are here, we are holding your hand as you are holding ours, we are not letting go. THIS IS WHY WE ARE HERE…TO SERVE YOU the BEST WE CAN.

With a deep bow of gratitude, love and honoring of your mastery,
Sri & Kira


Headlines and Updates for Nov 12, 2019: Laughter is the Best Medicine for Coups and Foreign Invasions [videos] ~ November 12, 2019

Editor’s Note: I had a thought today…this is all happening around us, and we don’t really have much of say in what happens as decision-makers are high above us. Therefore, I think it’s really wise for us to: let go the pain from issues we cannot control, relax and breathe into each moment as you go about your business, and fall into the arms of Love which is where each of us have our own personal power.

Please read this report, recognize this illusion yet (?), and BE…



Looks like the dimms just might be struggling for some kind of foothold in the election. Bernie found half a brain cell and decided a gun grab isn’t the way to ingratiate himself and his administration into the hearts of America.

Maybe he’ll find the other half somewhere and stop referring to a “gun buy-back”. Did the government sell Americans their guns? Does a chicken have lips?

Then how is it a “buy-back”? The terminology used by the left is fascinating. It’s all mind control and brainwashing. Anything to put a warm, fuzzy, less-intimidating spin on Nazi policies.

Do Americans really want the rogue deep state government to have all their guns? That would be akin to genocide, and what the New World Order planned all along. The only reason we’re here having a conversation about this “civil struggle” is because Americans still have their guns.

Do you clowns have any idea how many guns there are in America? How long do you have—because global warming will melt the planet before Americans give up their guns.

But don’t worry—Bernie has acknowledged the “constitution”. That might be worth a few votes. Vilifying the NRA… not so much.

Perhaps the dimms are realizing gun confiscation might see the weapons used on them.

Perhaps the People are realizing only tyrants tell the People what to do, and that’s why there IS a constitution—as protection from tyrants. Use it or lose it.

Bernie Backs Off: Sanders Says Mandatory Gun Buyback Programs ‘Unconstitutional’

And about that election…

The lineup changes almost daily, doesn’t it? Sanford’s out. Chicken! Perhaps they waved the sealed indictment in front of his face with his name on it?

Mark Sanford exits GOP presidential primary

We have a country to run

Important and extremely powerful celestial energies are playing a role in what unfolds on our planet, whether we recognize that or not. Phoenix reveals the remarkable relationships in the category of “prisons and punishment”. Uh-huh.

He also gives us a secret to accessing the “Q research” material at

You don’t need to go there if simply monitoring He also revealed there were 17 Q posts yesterday, in case you missed any. Seventeen. What an odd number.

PIR 11 12 19 ~ Full Moon

“Fall back” becomes “Fall Black”.  The fine print reads, “Godfather III. It’s going to be BIBLICAL”  and “Enjoy The Show”


— EyeTheSpy (@TrueEyeTheSpy) November 12, 2019

The Chief also threw his two cents in. (below) We might recall that Q often gives us a year’s heads up on some events. Last December 2018 we heard that martial law is coming “after Christmas”. We don’t know where that came from (the true source), but had assurances from some voices of authority to relax and that civilians have nothing to worry about.

If the Chief’s timing is correct, it might put martial law after Xmas 2020, but we won’t know until it happens. Or it doesn’t. We also heard that if and when martial law is declared, POTUS can take full control of the media. It can’t come too soon.

When all hell breaks lose (for the deep state), their automatons will undoubtedly unleash mayhem but the American troops are back, trained to deal with civil disobedience, and we’re all at the ready. Until we get the word… “at ease, Patriots” and make popcorn. Trust the Plan. So far it’s been awesome and miracles happen every day.

@JBarr915 Military Tribunals.

— FluffyPup915 (@FluffyPup915) November 11, 2019

New York is fast on the heels of California as the most corrupt state. New York mayor De Blasio makes the moves to solicit political donations by selling the city out from under the People.

This should be no surprise to those who understand that as “indentured servants” of the “elite”, none of us are qualified to own real estate; yet we pay hundreds of thousands plus interest to the banksters for land and structures that technically don’t belong to us. They just let us think we own them.

We’re serfs. They had it all figured out, and their corrupt legal system kept them in riches for eons, and we slaves in the dark, but sheep no more.

REPORT: De Blasio Selling ‘Air Rights’ to NYC Housing Developments to Political Donors, Supporters

First, the good news. Signs of awakening. One eye open, at least. The petition is open to anyone, in any nation.

New banner pic. Feel free to use it.

Sign the petition here:

— Candice Malcolm (@CandiceMalcolm) November 11, 2019

There are folks in Canada who know what’s going on. More people might want to pay attention to them rather than allowing themselves to be shamed into submission by those who are selling out the country to foreign interests and blowing the cultural identity of the vast Republic of Kanata into oblivion.

I checked in with Number One on the status north of the 49th because he was working for The People’s Party of Canada prior to the election and was pretty stoked about the traction they had. He says his worst fear came to pass; the election was definitely rigged and the numbers from varying ridings prove it. Early voting is very revealing and when the final result is the opposite… something’s not right.

We heard subtle indicators that Crime Minister Justin Turdeau (aka Fidel’s bastard) might have been forcibly removed from the public sphere. Is there a clone/double? We don’t know. We’ll have to see how the Patriots decide to play this. Canada could use the shock factor to wake up a few more people, and based on the already public scams Trudeau has pulled it wouldn’t come as so much of a shock to much of the country.

Justin Trudeau Pays Tribute To Founder Of Sikhism On Remembrance Day Weekend | Cultural Action Party of Canada

— CanadaAgentShowTime (@CanadaSpecialA1) November 10, 2019

This is an example of what happens to a country when immigration has no bounds. Sweden has been destroyed by violent, middle eastern immigrants—mostly single, young men. (Not “dreamers” and families looking for a better life.) That was a globalist myth and long planned to destroy Westerns societies. The law has failed to enforce protection for the citizens and women are particularly vulnerable. Rape statistics are off the charts.

Do you want to see this in Canada, folks? If so, just keep it up. Keep bowing to the deep state pressure to welcome immigrants with open arms. Remain silent about how you really feel, about what you see unfolding. Kiss your culture and societal norms goodbye.

This weekend a woman was brutally assaulted in Swedish city Malmö.

The suspect Ibrahim Ramadan has been arrested and confessed to the crime.

The woman has been declared braindead from the attack.

Women aren’t safe in Sweden anymore.

— PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) November 12, 2019

If we don’t laugh, we’ll cry, and OMG—it’s more tasteless, racist controversy because Canadians are not happy with the direction the current leadership is taking them. Tsk! Tsk! For shame! Thank you, Radio-Canada—I needed this. This parody video is in French, sorry, but regardless it’s hysterically funny because it’s more about the visuals and the protagonist really looks like the toking Trudeau. They give Second City a run for their money. Enjoy the show.

Radio-Canada’s parody on Trudeau’s trip to India causes controversy

I’m Gonna Be Indicted [PANIC]

Let’s not forget—“phones were allowed in”. We’ve got it all.

What’s coming? We’ll find out.  ~ BP


Epic trolling going on here…

— M3thods (@M2Madness) November 12, 2019

Headlines and Updates for October 14, 2019: Busting Through the Illusion: Truth Bombs Away! [videos] ~ October 14, 2019

Editor’s Note: All righty (major pun on words there!)! Please read the post below from Starship Earth and join me in the pleasure it gives to read that our time of travail is almost over! LOT’s of news coming out about the lying MSM, the deserved execution of dark players, and the expectation of great things to come!

I have a picture of JFK, Jr. in a red MAGA hat on my dashboard! Again, please read, watch the video’s, can you feel the positive vibes from the truth (?) of our emancipation, and BE…



It’s on, and the information coming out now will knock your socks off. It may cause the eyes of the “normies” to glaze over, but we are the warriors and we are prepared! Wait until you see what’s below. Don’t miss a word.

Just as Field McConnell was about to close the show he dropped this one:

I was half paying attention when I thought he said 2100 kids were just rescued from an underground base in Northern California. More on the covert ops in California below. I’ll have to listen to the replay to confirm that number.

We’re winning the information war, possums! We have held the wretched lamestream media’s feet to the fire and they are going down in flames.

There is an internal war within their ranks we can see every day as Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Judge Jeanine, Mark LeVin and others spell out the truth for their viewers, while the lying, treasonous turds like Anderson Cooper and their ilk broadcast non-stop lies about not only President Trump but what is unfolding globally. Shepard Smith paid the Barr tab and more will follow.

ABC has retracted a video they aired about the “carnage” in the Middle East that was false, and replaced it, with apologies.

You’ll see in this article that the first video is now gone. They pulled it.

ABC News Busted Using Gun Range Footage To Report Turkish “Slaughter” Of Kurd Civilians

Check out this blatant theatre meant to tug on the heartstrings of Westerners so they will scream to keep troops in the Middle East and perpetuate the wars and carnage. That would be the cabal’s last hope.

A better angle showing this scam. By now you should understand that the MSM and our enemies are determined to weave a narrative that US troops should remain in Syria, or that Turkey should not assist with mopping up Obama’s medieval terror army.

— Joe M (@StormIsUponUs) October 14, 2019

There is a war, but it’s not relegated to the Middle East.

Project Veritas is on the front lines. This is a quick video teaser.

Project Veritas hit another home run with their exposé on CNN. This is blockbuster press, folks.

And the cabal tried to stop it! It won’t work. It came out today, and you can watch below.

Twitter is doing everything they can to stop #ExposeCNN and we haven’t even released the story yet.

What are you going to do tomorrow when we do @jack?

— James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) October 13, 2019

PART 1: CNN Insider Blows Whistle, Secretly Records Staff, Execs and Network President Jeff Zucker’s “Anti-Trump Crusade” and “Personal Vendetta” Against POTUS.


Full video uploading now…sign up now to get each new tape first:

— James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) October 14, 2019

This is the full 19 minute version Part One of this story.

PART 1: CNN Insider Blows Whistle on Network President Jeff Zucker’s Personal Vendetta Against POTUS

It’s Red October, my friends, and we have more big news which centres on California. I forgot to post this video yesterday. It is looking like the fires/power outages may be a White Hat operation. There is a lot of evidence in this video from Redpill78. We did hear awhile back that our troops were in training for underground warfare. Cover them—they’re goin’ in!

Eye the Spy downplayed the activity and told us not to worry, we’re safe—and I’m confident we are. We heard that a man who needed oxygen to breathe died when he had no power and that is unfortunate, of course. I don’t know the details, but if we refuse to respect evacuations we take responsibility for our own welfare.

I don’t mean to be insensitive because every life is valuable but one life in exchange for the lives of not only thousands of people in California but globally is a small price to pay in times of war. The White Hats do everything possible to mitigate danger and harm to civilians but it’s a given that there will be collateral damage. Millions have already died but not at the hands of the White Hats. This might be the first. We have to get this done, and the sooner the better because the longer it takes, the more will die.

There’s a lot to this story in Cali and I think you’ll find this very interesting.

Red Pill News – CA Blackout & Fires A Military OP?

If you didn’t listen to Scott Mowry’s Miracles Intel Call last night you missed a whopper full of fantastic information, dot-connecting and verified intel; the most exciting yet.

He confirmed Field McConnell’s drops; that Obama WAS executed by firing squad at GTMO at the end of September and that Michelle Obama aka Michael Robinson may have been as well. That is as yet unconfirmed.

In fact, he is saying what Thomas Williams told us long ago; that George Soros, Hillary Clinton and possibly even Bill Clinton were all eliminated. What we are seeing are clones/doubles. We’ve been fairly sure of that for some time. And of course he noted the executions of John McCain and George HW Bush for multiple counts, and that has been a given in the alt news community anyway.

Scott repeated again what was in “those envelopes” presented at the Bush funeral. It was a copy of the indictment of each, and a photo of a coffin; hence the shock and dismay on their faces. They really never expected it. Yes, Pence and his wife got one and Field McConnell told us Pence was removed from duty around July 4th and the one delivering speeches recently has not looked like him; is much younger and with a much better personality, I might add. He’s so enthusiastic at the Trump rallies.

Scott says he is 100% sure JFK Jr. is alive. We’ll hear more on that in the future as the MAP unfolds as we believe it will tie into the removal of Mike Pence.

The Marines were deployed to assist civil authorities because backlash/unrest/riots/violence is expected in response to the White Hats’ moves to expose and arrest the deep state criminals. Additional troops are in training now for those operations as well so there will be plenty of men on duty to keep the peace and protect civilians and property.

He says martial law is coming, which is what we heard would happen “after Christmas”. I believe that intel may have been put out to ease us into the idea that it’s possible—and last I checked—it’s still “after Christmas”. It’s also before Christmas—and what a Christmas it will be. Trump says we’re going to say, “Merry Christmas” again. What a joy that will be. But I digress.

At the time I welcomed the news that martial law was imminent because I have felt all along that they cannot execute this takedown without mass arrests and when that happens, the cabal is going to lash out and try to do as much damage as possible. I knew the military would not be deployed to “round up civilians for internment camps” as some put out there.

Something key Scott mentioned is the timeline. Red October is literal, because this roundup must be done by November 3rd. To delay it any further would mean entering another election cycle (one year before the 2020 Presidential election) so that gives us a sense of urgency we may not have felt before since much of what has happened seemed to take so long and seemed fluid.

This is the MAP (military action plan) the White Hats adhere to, and we can see the amping up of the information flow, the exposing of the criminality of these racketeers in Washington and elsewhere, the evidence they are trying to remove the duly elected President, the stronger language by President Trump at his rallies (which the People love, by the way) and the velocity of this train is still increasing.

Those who are going to wake up (the estimate is all but 4 – 6% of the population worldwide) will be coming around very soon because the next two weeks will be incendiary with high octane truth bombs dropped from 40,000 feet.

I have to insert my favourite image here that I feel represents the way many of them will be feeling. We will need to have pity and patience for these folks who are late to the party, so polish up your compassion and don your bulletproof vest in case you’re a target for their displaced frustration and anger.

Having said that, I hope you have heeded our suggestions to prepare. It’s not to say there will be a huge amount of unrest and issues with the cabal’s armies of minions, and not all of us will be affected personally, but it’s prudent to take whatever steps we can to ensure our own safety and comfort through a potentially rocky time, similar to the instructions on an airplane where they tell us in the event of a depressurization of the cabin, the masks will drop down and we’re to put our own on before assisting others. There’s a good chance we may need to assist others in some way in the near future, even if it’s only to provide information and assurances.

Any violence will probably involve a few key cities. The less the military and the Trump administration have to worry about how the civilians are faring, the more they can focus on what they’re doing. We want to be an asset, not a liability at this critical time.

And we will reiterate the most basic of instructions: No matter what happens, remain calm. A nation full of hysterical people will create chaos with the energies. I wonder if our friends upstairs are going to amp up those soothing frequencies as we’ve been told would bathe the planet at the time of the mass arrests. It would help if we were chilling and whispering words from the lexicon of Love at a turbulent time, would it not?

But get this: the new 8kun board where QAnon will be posting any minute now is secure because it resides on a satellite in outer space! LOL  I don’t know if it’s more accurately “Low Earth Orbit”, but it matters not. Now perhaps people will take Q a little more seriously, eh?

Blue Angels

Scott reported that the US Navy’s Blue Angels drew a “Q” in the sky over San Francisco recently, so that’s a fascinating detail to know. Perhaps that was a nod and a wink about the ops ongoing in Northern California? If you didn’t watch the Redpill video above, we suspect the US Military is cleaning out the tunnels and underground facilities in NORCAL where the fires and power outages are occurring now.

Scott also alluded to a possible link between the retired director of the NSA, Admiral Mike Rogers who alerted President Trump to the illegal surveillance of he and his campaign, and Jim Watkins and his son Ron, owner/operator of the 8chan boards. Interesting, yes?

Someone asked if the site and the others would still have Q messages and I see no reason why not. Those sites are basically aggregators that pull all new Q drops directly there from 8chan and filter out all other messages from the boards. We’ll find out very shortly as we hear will be live for the public any moment now.

The site is currently only available to authorized admins as others may be jumping on the satellite with Jim Watkins and sharing the technology. It will provide a secure location for any comms the White Hats want to keep open which will remain unhackable. You had to know they had a plan for that and Q is going to get a rousing ‘welcome home’ when he comes back.

The crew also shared news from Oathkeepers. They’ve got this—and volunteers welcome. Thanks for the link. Are militia members welcome?

We understand President Trump is “safe and insulated”.

If you wish to listen to Scott’s 3 hour call archive from last night, this is the number.Replay Number: 712-770-5402Access Code: 767664# / followed by # again

We, the People are taking our power back. We don’t need permission to run our country.

Oath Keepers Plan to ‘Do What Police Will Not Do’ and Protect Trump Supporters From ‘Antifa’

While in the zone writing the above I forgot to click over to the Abel Danger show so I’m late but Field says he’s getting a lot of intel today and he just said Liddle Adam Schitt will soon be charged with treason, and Ilhan Omar will be charged with her multiple crimes as well. As far as I know, Field is always correct.

He also mentioned the Zim issue and that Trump had to sign off on that on Thursday. He mentioned Zim twice but didn’t elaborate.

He also said on Thursday when Trump is in Dallas he will be announcing he new running mate. There’s a loaded nugget of gold. Can’t wait, and Field will be there at the rally with Trump and the marines so he is in the loop.

This is the Abel Danger show for today if you wish to check in with Field and mine for his nuggets of intel.

Trump’s 4th Marine Flushes 2 Pedos In Advance Of 2nd Kennedy Event In Dallas on 17 Qctober 2Q19

Linda Paris has picked up on the infamous Pickton Pig Farm body disposal site in POCO British Columbia, among other things so pay attention, Canada. The sickos are going down and that includes Crime Minister Justin Turdeau. I will be listening to this one as soon as Abel Danger is over.


I want to get this post out and I have a laundry list of things to attend to so keep the faith, expect the unexpected, and know that we are winning BIGLY, as they say.  ~ BP

Heads Up in America from Simon Parkes [video] ~ October 7, 2019

Editor’s Note: Head’s Up, America! Several credible sources are indicating the political situation here is growing more and more tenuous. This may be a lull period allowing us all to prepare for…?

The Dark have been backed into a corner with no way to fathom their reaction to the release of FISA/the Horowitz IGG report. The timing for this release? At any time in the next 2 weeks. Panic reigns in DC with the rapid movement to get rid of Trump by any means…and this includes murder.

So…the military is mobilizing 40,000 troops for curtail whatever and /or protect Trump who is, according to Simon Parks is perhaps the sole protector of the Constitution. Astrology, with Pluto being direct, certainly backs up the truth being revealed NOW.

So…I urge all to read this report, watch the video’s, do your own research, and really BE…



In Q’s absence, we particularly appreciate this heads up. The team will hopefully be back on the 8Chan boards this week.

Simon isn’t calling this an “emergency” update but I would say it’s a critical alert.

He says things are progressing to a point in America that he felt it important to give us what he has been told by his sources about what the military are calling a “hot coup”, which is where the resistance/deep state uses force to swing the situation their way.

He says specific “corporations” may take things into their own hands and try to interfere with or take down social media and control some of the corporate media. Last night on Scott Mowry’s intel call he pointed out that within Fox News there is a battle between the Patriots and the Deep State/anti-Trumpers that is very obvious.

The deep state has been trying to eliminate President Trump as they did President Kennedy and he says the situation is very serious.

He says the military has been sitting on the sidelines but now they are preparing to fire a shot across the bow of the cabal. Also, there is a possibility that the dark will retaliate.

These are only possible scenarios, but Simon reports it has always been known that the situation would come to a head, a crunch point, and we are rapidly nearing that point.

It appears there is a chance that President Trump may put the military on the streets of America to control any situations the police cannot handle alone, and we showed you the posts yesterday from the Marines that suggest it is true.

Thank you, Simon, for your perspective, and thank you to everyone reading this for keeping President Trump, his family, the White Hats, and all of us in your positive intentions and prayers, if you’re the praying kind.

As we said yesterday, President Trump asked us all to prepare a year ago for anything that might interfere with our daily life so please do that and it will go a long way toward a smooth transition in case things get complicated.

The deep state can see they will never be able to beat Trump in an election, which leaves them few options to regain control in Washington. The psychopaths care nothing for our safety, while the positive military will do everything they can to protect the People, and the nation. Anything could happen, but we have been expecting “something big”. The energies support it, and I’ve included the Patriot Intel Report below.

Update On Current News

Patriot Intel Report 10 07 19

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Headlines and Updates for February 11, 2019: What a World We Live In [videos] ~ posted February 11, 2019

Editor’s Note: Wow! What a post! Starship Earth has become the new evening news for truthers, spiritually minded folk, and others who just don’t quite believe MSM. Whatever your reason, please read this post of what’s really going on, and be…



Be sure to see the “meteor” update on the fireball in Venezuela at the end of this post.

This just in from RT, as the cabal is desperate to keep the US in the middle east and to begin more wars.

16 civilians, including 7 children, killed in US-led coalition air raid in Syria – SANA

Q’s on a tear and asking why anyone would believe the attacks against a mere “conspiracy”. Honestly, folks, it’s so transparent. QAnon exploded and spread the intel, wisdom and logic worldwide, and the controllers don’t like it.

Sane people who knew there was a big problem on our planet started researching and learning the true depth of the depravity; the web of control and deceit, why the mainstream media is the way it is, and how the deception began hundreds of years ago to create a debt-based monetary slavery system we can never escape from unless the People rise up and take control.

That is exactly what President Trump and his trusted circle is doing for us in concert with various groups in the legal and financial communities who know what has happened and are fixin’ to fix it.

Significant effort has gone into attempting to discredit the QAnon Phenomenon; a waste of time, energy, money, and resources because the threat is real. QAnon weaponized Humanity and created a peaceful revolution against the deep state cabal/New World Order. They woke up, and now they are watching everything the controllers do, calling them out, and alerting others to the corruption and lawlessness; the murder and plans to eradicate Humanity.

The satanic predators in Washington are toast, and all that remains is for them to decide how they want to go out; suicide, prison, or the Great Central Sun. Surrender… or die.


New: Title TBD

2687Q!!mG7VJxZNCI 10 Feb 2019 – 9:50:41 PM Anonymous 10 Feb 2019 – 9:32:01 PM




654BC0C2-9891-4CB1-8774-DF40B06675E5.jpeg >>5117187
Why does the FAKE NEWS media continue to attack a so-called ‘conspiracy’?
Did you know there’s been 1,000+ articles written about this movement by the FAKE NEWS media machine?
Google: “Qanon” select: ‘News’ past 30 days (example)
What are they afraid of?
People coming together and thinking for themselves?

Intel is everywhere, going deeper and deeper. Discretion always advised. Most of us have a suitable base to determine whether what we hear is possible or not and “possible” may have to do for now.

Facts can often not be confirmed at this point because the enemy controls the lamestream media and runs a propaganda machine 24/7.

All we can do is connect dots and use our intuition, understanding that disinformation is necessary, and that we are not going to agree with all views of all our insiders and whistleblowers. A difference of opinion doesn’t mean they are playing for the other side, as some seem to believe.

There are shady activities on Themtube with folks stealing content of those who have been prevented from monetizing their information, and profiting from it on a new channel they create with YouTube’s blessing. Whose side are they on? Hopefully the deep state’s side. I’d hate to think otherwise.

Bernie at Truth & Art TV lost his PayPal account this past weekend for bogus reasons. Pure BS.

I was on an intel call last night for the first time and they did a good job of summarizing what we have learned so far. There is good information in far more places than before and it’s good to hear how different people connect the dots.

I know SerialBrain2 doesn’t feel the President’s crimson tie clearly leaning to the Left was a message, but I do. Ties don’t hang like that unless they’re hung up on something, do they? How often do we see a tie that skewed?

It looks intentional to me, particularly after the treatment of Nancy Pelosi’s necklace. I agree the President was in a position to give Nancy Pelosi one more opportunity to work with him. That would have broadcast that message to every deep state agent watching—and we know they were.

Trump is willing to be a target in every way, whether for bullets, missiles or poison, but also including ridicule for a blazing red crooked tie at the State of the Union address. He is no stranger to ridicule and it’s water off a duck’s back. He has a job to do and is sacrificing everything.

Those in charge of this takedown want to avoid chaos and bloodshed and will give the deep state every opportunity to reconsider. Another government shutdown, state of emergency, martial law and the ensuing violence from the sleeper cells is something we would like to avoid, but when the bulk of the arrests go down, it could get ugly. We understand and appreciate they would like to mitigate that upset and danger to Americans as much as possible.

Nancy’s ugly red and blue necklace was clearly skewed to the Right and I believe that was her response. It doesn’t mean they’ll honour the deal. There’s an art to the deal, as we know—and so does Trump. We’ll see how much they are willing to do.

One bit of theory that stood out in the intel call that I hadn’t heard elsewhere was that the white suits of the Dem women was seen as a white flag of surrender. If you’re new you may not know that some time ago President Trump pardoned Congress members who had been blackmailed by the deep state and were therefore compromised. They were free, and free to work with the White Hats.

The fact that rookie dem Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona (elected in a stolen election, we understand) did NOT wear white and behaved out of character with her counterparts was blatant.

There are plenty of theories. The whole idea of fighting a war without tipping off the public is a gobsmacker but they’re doing it.

Benjamin Fulford’s update for today is here. We will post the full update later this week, per Ben’s request.

Secret treaties signal massive world changes as early as March

There has been substantial talk of “martial law after Christmas”, and there’s been an uptick again. Would you be surprised if it happened? Do you still think it would be the US Military coming after you? Do you still think they will confiscate your guns? Do you still think the sealed indictments are rumours and that arrests will never take place?

There’s no place for fear in America. That’s reserved for the cabal/New World Order. The fear is theirs and I think we can be reasonably certain at this point that the bar was set with McCain and Bush Sr. We’ve had multiple confirmations that the military tribunals began on January 2, 2019 when the new laws around that came into effect.

IF the border funding talks fail; IF the President declares a national state of emergency, IF martial law is in effect temporarily while mass arrests take place, and IF the cabal’s sleeper cells go sideways… are you ready?

Mick Mulvaney on chances of border deal, Democrats ramping up investigation of Trump admin

Epoch Times: Whitaker Makes Major Announcement on Robert Mueller

It’s working. People are listening, they’re thinking, and they’re getting it. This was the goal. Educate the masses, use the mockingbird media to show the real situation and help people figure it out for themselves—and they are.

Liberal Lunacy: Grocery Store Sparks Outrage With Weekly Advert “Heaven Has A Wall… Hell Has Open Borders”

President Trump is holding a rally in El Paso, Texas today just feet from the border with Mexico. Judicial Watch shared the following research about El Paso and those running it. It’s horrific what goes on as a result of the flow of people, gangs, arms and drugs through Mexico. It has to stop.

El Paso a Major Smuggling Route for Mexican Drugs, Illegal Aliens, Islamic Terrorists

President Donald Trump’s El Paso visit is a great opportunity to point out that the west Texas city is a rats’ nest of law enforcement corruption, a major smuggling route into the U.S for Mexican drugs, illegal immigrants and Islamic terrorists and the headquarters of a sophisticated narco-terror ring operated by two of the FBI’s most wanted.

While local officials promote it as one of America’s safest cities, Judicial Watch has exposed in a years-long investigation the disturbing reality gripping the municipality that sits along the Rio Grande across famously violent Ciudad Juárez, Mexico.

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) says El Paso is a major hub for Mexican opioids and methamphetamine enroute to the rest of the United States. Just a few days ago U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) released figures showing that the El Paso sector had an astounding 1,588% increase in illegal immigrant apprehensions during the first month of 2019 compared to the first month of 2018. Most are coming from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador.

Drugs and Central Americans aren’t the only things being smuggled in through El Paso. Islamic terrorists are also making it into the U.S. with the help of Mexican drug cartels. Judicial Watch exposed an operation in which Mexican drug cartels smuggle foreigners from countries with terrorist links into a small rural town near El Paso by using remote farm roads—rather than interstates—to elude the Border Patrol and other law enforcement barriers.

The foreigners are classified as Special Interest Aliens (SIA) and are transported to stash areas in Acala, a rural crossroads located around 54 miles from El Paso on a state road – Highway 20. Once in the U.S., the SIAs wait for pick-up in the area’s sand hills just across Highway 20.

Judicial Watch also broke a story about an ISIS training cell just a few miles from El Paso in an area known as “Anapra” situated just west of Ciudad Juárez in the Mexican state of Chihuahua. Law enforcement and intelligence sources on both sides of the border confirm that cartel-backed “coyotes” help smuggle ISIS terrorists through the desert and into the U.S. between Acala and Fort Hancock, Texas.

The areas are targeted for exploitation by ISIS because of their understaffed municipal and county police forces and the relative safe-havens the terrain provides for the unchecked large-scale drug smuggling. In the aftermath of Judicial Watch’s story about Islamic terrorists operating in Juárez, Beto O’Rourke, the former congressman that’s holding an anti-Trump rally during the president’s event at the El Paso County Coliseum, tried to silence federal law enforcement sources.

O’Rourke, who represented El Paso in the House before a failed Senate bid, has long declared that Juárez is safe even as the notoriously violent region adjacent to his district is renowned for beheadings, gunfights, kidnappings and drug trafficking. Juárez is among the world’s most dangerous cities and the most dangerous place in the western hemisphere.

The problems in El Paso aren’t limited to the immediate border region. In 2014 Judicial Watch exposed a sophisticated narco-terror ring, operated by two of the FBI’s most wanted, with roots and financing in El Paso. Its ringleader is an ISIS operative named Emad Karakrah, who was recently released on parole in Illinois.

Karakrah smuggled drugs and weapons for the renowned Juárez drug cartel in Mexico and was a logistics and transportation operative for militant Islamists in the United States. He moved people, weapons, explosives, drugs, money, and other materiel to terrorist cells operating in Chicago, Brooklyn, New York and Saddle Brook, New Jersey, among other locations across the U.S. Karakrah and his cohorts— including two of the FBI’s most wanted terrorists (Jaber A. Elbaneh and Adnan Gulshair el Shukrijumah)—operated from El Paso. Judicial Watch also produced an investigative documentary about the narco-terrorist cell.

El Paso is also known for corruption within the law enforcement ranks. The former deputy chief of the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office (EPCSO), Jesus “Eddie” Campa, got criminally indicted for embezzling millions of dollars in Homeland Security funds.

Campa served in the department as a jailer and officer for two decades. He left the agency following the indictment allegations, supposedly for embezzling $5.6 million in Homeland Security Investigation (HSI) funds, sources told Judicial Watch. His boss, Sheriff Richard Wiles, has also been embroiled in several scandals.

Besides looking the other way as one of his trusted deputy chiefs embezzled millions of dollars, Wiles, serving his third term as sheriff, attended a fundraising event at the home of a convicted felon with connections to the illegal drug trade. El Paso County sheriff’s deputies have reported, in detail, to Judicial Watch how the sheriff’s office manipulates and phonies-up crime reporting statistics to minimize the true crime rate in the county.


And this…

Later today, President Donald Trump is journeying to El Paso, Texas, to help promote his efforts to secure America’s border against the illegal alien invasion.

In their efforts to undermine the President, the left is spreading the myth that El Paso has never had a problem with illegal aliens and the crime they spawn.

But, as is so often the case, Judicial Watch was well ahead of the game in setting the record straight.

And this riveting video – featuring JW’s highly esteemed Director of Investigations, Chris Farrell — is a must watch for all who want to know – and spread – the truth about the illegal alien threat to America’s security:  Source

This lady is watching what’s going on at the border, too.

The conspiracy was not a “theory”, unfortunately. Humans have been targeted, experimented on and murdered for centuries at the hands of these degenerates. Terrorism is nothing new.

Nazi Human Medical Experiments in America

American Intelligence Media
Published on Feb 11, 2019

Christopher Strunk joins Douglas Gabriel explain to our truth community what is really going on with New York state’s infanticide law. Turns out the state is running Nazi-type human experimentation and as a young man Christopher assisted his architect father in building many of these psych hospitals. Now Christopher goes on the record what he saw happening behind the public’s eye.

I just picked this up off Jim Stone’s site regarding the “meteor”  in Venezuela. It would explain why “they” sent MrMBB the video of the Mexico City fireball again, wouldn’t  it? As I suspected. Coverup.

Meteor in Venezuela

This is just to repeat and clarify a very important story.

On Saturday, a “meteor” hit Venezuela, was seen by the entire country and sparked a large fire in the middle of a populated area. It stayed bright all the way to the ground and flashed when it hit. Very suspiciously, this meteor did not make the news anywhere except briefly on Sputnik news and the Venezuelan media, which both posted video that was not from the meteor strike. Sputnik posted the recent Mexican meteor which went dark before it hit, and the Venezuelan media posted aerial pyrotechnic footage. Very odd.

However, people posted the actual footage of the meteor on Twitter (which I have linked below here, ) and it perfectly matched what an incoming ballistic missile looks like. Ballistic missiles have re-entry like any other space launch and the warheads look like meteors coming in. What sets them apart from normal meteors is the angle of approach, their color, plus they stay bright until they hit and they flash when they hit, from the ordnance going off.

I expected the news to be dominated with a meteor that was enough to be seen for hundreds of miles and spark fires where it came down (when has that ever happened?) to dominate the news cycle, yet nothing happened. WHY? Why were fakes of the event used instead of the real footage, posted by witnesses, including of the fire where it hit? Short answer: Because if it was a missile, which it sure looked like, and a warning shot to Maduro, someone gave an order of silence and this will NOT be news. It will be interesting to see where Venezuela turns in the next few days.

Update to the meteor report:

ALL media sources are now calling it an “alleged” meteor with some speculating it was a ballistic missile, as I have. IMPORTANT: There are many false videos of this and even the MSM is using them. The two most notable are one where it turns before hitting, (this was an airshow with an airplane that had sparklers) and the other is where it looks orange and vanishes before it actually hits (this was the Mexican meteor.) The real videos have it bright bluish green all the way to the ground without it slowing down, and it flashes when it hits. Many others are, as I initially speculated, suspicious this was a ballistic missile re-entry, even the ones Yemen launches look like this, they all burn bright on re-entry. If that is what this was, we probably won’t get any daytime video of where the impact was because it will all get expunged (the night time videos of the flaming aftermath did get posted) but there’s no way to see what actually happened in them, other than that the area was burning afterward.