Mind blowing information about the actual energies on the planet ~ June 17, 2016


Wow…just wow! This may be one of the most important articles I have ever puclished. I found this on Starship Earth: The Big Picture and stand ready to transmit this information to you. Why? Because you and I and all of humanity are ready…more than ready…to usher in a new era for humanity.

It seems that you and I and all of humanity have been chosen to change the known Unverse! The removal of all evil and dark rests on our shoulders…and we are up for this task! This is such an exciting moment in NOW, so…please read on, study hard for this exam, and…


In this article we are going to talk about the cosmic cycles of the planet, the precession of the equinoxes (and the photon belt), the magnetic grid and its energetic points, the nodes and the nulls, we are going to put several pieces of the puzzle together as everything seems to be moving now at god-speed. We recommend that you make sure to understand these concepts first before starting to read this article.

I write this with the mind blowing, going in all directions at the same time. Thoughts about the magnetic stucture of the planet, how it is being manipulated and how we can transform it. All reasons coming together, the pieces of the puzzle are exploding within my mind with vibrating rememberance, creating infinite thoughts flowing like there are tons of ideas on how we can create an entire new reality.

Let me clarify about the cycles and the precession of the equinoxes. Our Solar System, is part of a larger system that is called the Pleiades, the Seven Sisters which are rotating around their Central Star, named Alcyone. Our Planet rotates around the Sun every 365 days, our Sun makes a revolution around Alcyone every 26000 years, and Alcyone makes a revolution around the Center of the Galaxy every 225 Million Years.


On the 21st December 2012, we passed the precession of the equinoxes which marked the beginning of an entirely new cycle, the end of a revolution of our Sun around Alcyone, and the end of a revolution of Alcyone around the Center of the Galaxy (which are both respectively 26000 Years and 225 Million Years). At the end of these cycles, what is called the precession of the equinoxes, our solar system enters the photon belt, a magnetic donut of very dense photonic energy around Alcyone. At some level, we are very well placed in time to witness one of the greatest changes ever happenned.


There are streams of sound frequencies spread through ancient structures, sacred sites, pyramids, military bases, placed on the planet on specific energetic points of the magnetic grid, to control and manipulate the collective consciousness. They used ancient sacred sites to stream lower frequencies into the crystalline grid, and now we are taking back control. The eiffel tower in france was used as an energetic antenna, a portal to spread fear-based energies into the crystalline grid. We know that the stone circles in south africa are spreading such sound frequencies into the grid, but we do not really know if those were placed here with good intentions, or to spread fear-based energies. We know for sure that it is the case for all military bases and several sites.

Yet, right beside all the energetic points of the magnetic grid, we have the nodes and the nulls, the original crystalline templates of creation placed by the pleiadians when they seeded humanity. The nodes and nulls of the planet are a part of the Gaia system, and are “hooked” into the benevolent design of the universe. Long ago the Pleiadians looked at this planet and they selected 12 pairs of energy points. They would represent the duality of the planet. These 12 energy points are found at 24 geographical locations. A total of 24 nodes and nulls, on mountain peaks and deserts, were selected to represent the parts of the planet that were the most promising.


Most of these are crystal caves, hidden underneath the earth, they are time-capsules, which are now opening and spreading new energies into the crystalline grid. They play a very important role and they are automated to be used at our advantage when activated, to dissolve the fear energies being emitted by the old annunaki structures.

The pleiadian time-capsules are opening, and we are experiencing an infinite stream of new informations within the crystalline grid. This is entirely disabling the old energies. We are experiencing something grand just right now. New instructions for the new humans, for the new civilization. New technologies held as instructions within the magnetic grid, just waiting for sensitive human beings to pick it up, just like you would pick up cherries on a tree. Beautiful surprises coming from all over the galaxy.

Now there isn’t anything that we can’t do as we passed the precession of the equinoxes and as we entered the photon belt, this magnificent energetic donut around Alcyone. The light is intensifying, and amplifying all good intentions, thus then disabling the old energies. We are entering higher and higher densities of light exponentially.

Now there are infinite reasons to stand in our power to transform the old energies, to use all the knowledge at our advantage for the benefit of all life on earth, with zero effort and infinite efficiency. Because we can transform the entire magnetic grid of the planet, with the power of a single thought.

And because we dare thinking about it, considering possible the impossible, we have infinite power, and infinite potentialiy. We intuitively know what to do, and what’s next. We can put an end to all lower streams that are placing fear-based / war / suffering / drama energies within the crystalline grid, simply by the single power of our consciousness, because we are infinite beings and as it is now time for this to come to an end.


We know of the portals, we know how the sacred sites are being used to spread sound frequencies to keep the grid in lower vibrations. And we also know how to stop it, how to end it once and for all, and transform it into new transmitters of love frequencies, transmitting new informations and new energies of peace, prosperity and freedom for the entire human family.

That is why we are here and that is our mission, and there is no way we can fail, because we are god in the flesh, and that is the reason for our presence here. Transform the crystalline magnetic grid, because we all are masters and we already intuitively know how to do it.

With the power of a single thought, with infinite trust and confidence, with zero effort and infinite efficiency. That is who we are and that is the limitlessness of the creative spark within each of us.

There are no more limits, as the light intensifies within the crystalline grid, nothing can hold us back anymore. We have infinite power of creation. We have no limits. We can disable every weapons on the planet simply through the power of our consciousness, we can bring peace to the entire planet with infinite ease and zero efforts.

Now what. The mind explodes in all directions. Or reverse-plodes (all coming back into one piece, no more separated). There is only one infinite mind. The mind of the entire macroflower-fractal of all existence, absolute within all life. Infinite power of creation through our thoughts, emotions, wisdom, power and love. Through sounds, frequencies, and vibrations. Through the portals that we open, through our ceremonies, through what we believe we can accomplish, through how far we can go in our thoughts.

How far can we go in our thoughts and imagination, will determine how much we will be able to accomplish with the power of our consciousness.

And now, we become an infinite force of creation, for the benefit of all life, simply by the power of this decree. Simply because we cognize it to be this way. We are an infinite portal of love, because there is nothing else we know how to be. That is our true nature, infinitely spreading love within the entire crystalline grid of the planet. And by our presence and infinite thinking, all is changing with higher and higher intensity. Nothing can be stopped now, as the snowball is rolling, bigger and bigger. The lower realities are simply dissolving without any way to escape.

Good bye magnetic control, hello new informations, hello new energies.


Thank you for taking back your Power!

Unbroke the Red Fire stood, and nevermore shut, shall it be. You are Grand Magnificent Beings. May your Untrembling Wills of Love pour like a Deathless Fire that Flourishes the Infinite & Eternal Light within Every Human Hearts.

And so it is

Amu Raea and the Lemurian Light Council


TO SAVE HUMANITY… WAKE UP! ~ Dec. 28, 2015


Very good, lot’s of good info, great links…


By David Hopkins, 12/28/2015

Greetings. My name is David Hopkins. Some of you may know me from my posts about Energy, Frequency, Vibration and saving our planet as well as reconnecting everyone to Mother Earth Gaia, LOVE and Source Energy. I AM AWAKE.


What does AWAKE mean? It simply means I know there is more than meets the eye when it comes to our world and our universe. It means I have accepted my role and purpose in this most amazing experience called Life. It means I am no longer Sleeping and Unconscious to the signs around me nor ignorant of the crap happening to this world or humanity upon it.

If you wish to Save our World – Read this in its entirety and SHARE with EVERYONE!

This Note, which is EXTREMELY LONG, I have created and am sharing with all of the Groups I am involved with. This is specifically aimed at spreading awareness and information that I have gathered over the past few years through my connection to the Akashic Records, Source Consciousness, Channelings, and good old fashioned scientific research. This NOTE is TO ALL who wish to change the status quo of what’s happening on our planet and to bring back LOVE and Harmony. Do NOT Just simply believe what is written here…


MISSION: To bring together those who wish to save Our Mother Earth Gaia and Humanity – I would assume that means YOU


I and many others believe that to have a successful Revolution, there needs to be an Evolution which, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, is happening all around you right now. How many are awakening (opening their eyes to what’s happening)? How many are realizing that something is different? How many have researched and found out that Earth’s resonance frequency has doubled from 7.83hz to 15.66hz which would coincide with our awakening. I believe our Mother Earth Gaia is waking us all up for this purpose of bringing upon the change that needs to happen.


So, with that, I am currently looking for folks who are extremely driven to change this world, to save humanity and have an advanced knowledge base in the following fields below to assist in this mission. If you know that you are fluent in one or more of these fields, or know of someone who is, and you are interested in learning more about what I’m working on to bring practical application of your knowledge and field into the mix for doing something to save our entire world, please Friend me, then message me so we can discuss this.


Your Area of Study – I have broken out each of these in their own sections below to give a brief description as well as the Commonality (Connection) to each other:

* Source Energy, Energy

* Sacred Geometry, Flower of Life, Platonic Solids, Metatron’s Cube

* 3, 6, 9 – Energy, Vibration, Frequency – Nikola Tesla

* Vortex Based Math

* Torus Sine Waves, Sonics, Music, Cymatics

* Mother Earth Gaia as a living being

* Akashic Records

* Ultra-Terrestrials (interdimensional beings, beings of higher vibration)

* Dark Demiurge (False) Light Beings

* Dreaming – Lucid, Vivid

* Astral Travel

* DNA – Physical/Energetic

* Crystals

* Chakras

* Reiki

* Meditation, All forms

* Hypnosis

* Numerology

* Quantum Theory, Physics, Mechanics

* Elements – Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit

* Matter, Dark Matter, Dark Energy

* Consciousness, Subconscious, Unconsciousness

* Light and Dark – Polarities

* Universal Laws

* Ancient Gods, Cultures, Languages – Ancient Artifacts, Weapons of the Gods

* Emotions

* Dimensions

* Power of 9

* Prayer, Spells, Incantations, Power of Words

* Pythagoras – Sonic Geometry

* Chakras – More Info – As Above, So Below

I am sure there are many other fields of study but these are the ones that are jumping out at me based on the work I’ve been doing.

Also – if this falls in line with what you are doing and study – you must be able to work with others in other fields as well – the one mission I have is to CONNECT these together to come up with a viable solution to our current situation.   I look forward to speaking with you.



If you look at most every single area of study in Science as well as Spirituality (Listed ABOVE to the best of my knowledge), you will find a commonality, a connection, between all of them. I am going to go over just the basics of each area above in order and show the commonality so you can get a better understanding of what I am attempting to accomplish.

At the very bottom of this NOTE is My Goal in writing about all of this and what I hope to accomplish with YOUR HELP




“SOURCE ENERGY” – what is Source? Why do people keep saying Source Energy? This is simply a literal term for the Source of where Everything came from in our known Universe. Many people, including myself believe there is a Consciousness that is behind this Source Energy and that everything in our known Universe had a purpose behind it.

What is Source Energy? 

//www.youtube.com/embed/Gcj9ZgU5mV4?wmode=opaque&enablejsapi=1″,”url”:”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gcj9ZgU5mV4″,”width”:640,”height”:480,”providerName”:”YouTube”,”thumbnailUrl”:”https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Gcj9ZgU5mV4/hqdefault.jpg”,”resolvedBy”:”youtube”}” data-block-type=”32″>

Commonality: This is where everything came from


The entire universe, AND EVERYTHING WITHIN, is made of energy.

Energy has certain properties.

• Energy is never created or destroyed

• Energy can be transferred from one object to another

• Energy comes in many different forms

• Energy can be transmuted or converted from any form into another, and vice versa

Commonality: This is what EVERYTHING is made of



FLOWER OF LIFE – as seen all over the world

Flower of Life – Spheres – Throughout pre-history and history this image has appeared everywhere on our planet, in our solar system, our galaxy and throughout the known universe. Many believe this to be a perfect representation of the creation of the known universe. If you look at how it evolves you will see similarities with it in the very building blocks of life such as; cellular structure, mitosis, DNA strands, sphere (smallest particle – quantum), everything comes from sphere – all mathematics, all sacred geometric shapes, all dimensions of measurement.




Metatron’s Cube – When you add straight lines to the Flower of Life (Fruit of Life) you can get an image which has other images of the 5 shapes which make up the building blocks ofMetatron’s Cubeevery living cell in the universe, The Platonic Solids which represent all of the elements as well.

Platonic Solids – Sphere (Void), Tetrahedron (Fire), Hexahedron (Earth), Octahedron (Air), Icosahedron (Water), Dodecahedron (Spirit/Prana/Chi/Energy), Star Tetrahedron (Connection) – If you break every cell within our known universe down to its base particles you will see that every one of them is made of one or more of these shapes.




Commonality: This is a 3D representation of Energy and All vibrate with a certain frequency





Energy – Energy is the building block of all. Energy can be transformed by vibration and frequency.

Vibration – a Pulse moving from one point to another and back again

Frequency – The speed and force of vibration

Commonality: Everything made of Energy can be transformed into another form of energy by Frequency


Discrete number mathematics – the source of the non-decaying spin of the electron, the underpinning geometry of the universe, the fabric of time itself, how energy expresses itself mathematically. This math has no anomalies and shows the dimensional shape and function of the universe as being a toroid or donut-shaped. This is the template for the universe and it is all within our base ten decimal system.

Commonality: This shows how energy can be generated and transformed utilizing Frequency

Marco Rodin – Vortex Based Math – http://vortexmath.webs.com/

Randy Powell – Video on Learning Vortex Based Math:


//www.youtube.com/embed/Fbyc9JW3vtk?wmode=opaque&enablejsapi=1″,”url”:”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fbyc9JW3vtk”,”width”:854,”height”:480,”providerName”:”YouTube”,”thumbnailUrl”:”https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Fbyc9JW3vtk/hqdefault.jpg”,”resolvedBy”:”youtube”}” data-block-type=”32″>


//www.youtube.com/embed/fEE55gcttqo?wmode=opaque&enablejsapi=1″,”url”:”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEE55gcttqo”,”width”:854,”height”:480,”providerName”:”YouTube”,”thumbnailUrl”:”https://i.ytimg.com/vi/fEE55gcttqo/hqdefault.jpg”,”resolvedBy”:”youtube”}” data-block-type=”32″>




Nature appears to rely on one core recurring pattern to evolve life at every scale – the torus. It is a donut shaped energy vortex that you can see everywhere from atoms to galaxies and beyond.  The torus is nature’s way of creating and sustaining life and it can serve as a template for sustainability. Knowledge of the pattern is already advancing fan and propeller technologies, powering clean, “new energy” devices, and helping us better understand the nature of the “unified field.” The torus, or primary pattern, is an energy dynamic that looks like a doughnut – it’s a continuous surface with a hole in it. The energy flows in through one end, circulates around the center and exits out the other side. You can see it everywhere – in atoms, cells, seeds, flowers, trees, animals, humans, hurricanes, planets, suns, galaxies and even the cosmos as a whole. Scientist and philosopher, Arthur Young, explained that a torus is the only energy pattern or dynamic that can sustain itself and is made out of the same substance as its surroundings – like a tornado, a smoke ring in the air, or a whirlpool in water. The torus also applies at the human level. Each person not only is a torus – our bodies are a continuous surface (skin) with a hole through the middle (intestinal tract) – but we are each surrounded by our own toroidal electro-magnetic field. Each individual’s torus is distinct, but at the same time open and connected to every other in a continuous sea of infinite energy. It is the same energy field you can feel with a magnet. It is usually invisible, but by scattering iron filings loosely around a magnet you can actually see the toroidal shape of energy.

Commonality: The Torus radiates and changes with Frequency

Torus Research source: http://www.thrivemovement.com/the_code-fundamental_pattern


Sine Waves – a waveform that represents periodic oscillations in which the amplitude of displacement at each point is proportional to the sine of the phase angle of the displacement and that is visualized as a sine curve : sine curve; also : a wave so represented.

Sonics – pulsations of sound

Music – a combination of sound, sonics, frequency to create a harmonious mixture.

Cymatics – utilizing vibration and sound frequency to “see” the effects of these on different materials such as liquid. When certain frequencies are utilized, amazing “sacred geometric” shapes can be seen and detected.


//www.youtube.com/embed/PpQTF_46pks?wmode=opaque&enablejsapi=1″,”url”:”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpQTF_46pks”,”width”:854,”height”:480,”providerName”:”YouTube”,”thumbnailUrl”:”https://i.ytimg.com/vi/PpQTF_46pks/hqdefault.jpg”,”resolvedBy”:”youtube”}” data-block-type=”32″>


Commonality: These are all various forms and can generate different results by utilizing Frequency



This is the planet that we live on. We are made up of every element within this planet. Mother Gaia is a living crystalline entity. All crystals come from our planet. Our planet resonates with a certain frequency. It used to be 7.83hz (Schumann Resonance) and has since doubled to 15.66hz. It was discovered many years ago that if we are not being bathed within the frequency of our Mother’s frequency, we lose our memory and all brain functions.

Commonality: Our very life resonates with the Frequency of the Mother. All elements on this planet resonate with certain Frequencies.



A record of everything within our known universe. Every vibration, frequency, thought, sight, smell, touch, taste and experience of Everything. Every birth and death of every molecule, every star, every planet and the life upon them, every living thing within the expanse of our 3rd Dimensional universe that doesn’t conform to what we know as life but is alive nonetheless. every … everything from the very first moment of our Universe to the very last moment of our Universe – Subconscious Mind of Source

Commonality: These records can be accessed through our DNA and our mind. These can be accessed and have been accessed by many when the mind resonates at a proper Frequency.



Beings that were created by SOURCE (Planets, Galaxies, Stars, Solar Systems, Light beings, Dark beings, inter-dimensional beings) to assist us with evolution by molding us, guiding us, giving us challenges, etc. We can see them, hear them, smell them, touch them, feel them depending on our “vibration” of our state of mind. People who meditate regularly are able to “raise” their vibration level of their mind and sometimes communicate with these beings.

Commonality: These other worldy beings vibrate at a “higher or lower” frequency. The key is to know which ones are here to help and which ones are here to harm.


These are other worldly beings who use our energy to feed. These are beings that have been disconnected to Source LOVE an Energy. These are beings that use our need for something greater than ourselves to mold us into servants. They pose as friends and guides and angels to make us believe they are here for our good, when they are basically using us as food.

* However, Are they just fulfilling their purpose. Are they Evil? Good and Evil are Human Perception. Are they just needing to be reconnected to Source Energy = LOVE = Connection?

Articles to Research:




Commonality: These other worldy beings vibrate at a “higher or lower” frequency.



Dreams are our unbreakable connection to the Subconscious and Unconscious mind of the universal awareness that is the Source of ALL that is. When we dream (whether sleeping or awake), we have been given access to a wondrous gift that is special to each and every one of us. We have been given the gift of imagination and nowhere in the universe is there a more powerful connection to energy. With it, we can create life, galaxies, universes, travel through any dimension and connect with any person, place or thing real or fantastical. With imagination we get to paint an amazingly magical world which, because we have created it, exists somewhere.  Within our dreams we also have the ability to walk through any door and nothing is withheld from us. No place, no time, no dimension. We have direct access to the greatest library of knowledge that ever is, The Akashic Records. It’s within and from these records, accessed by our subconscious energetic mind that we, as a species, have re-discovered so much. Such as our place in the universe, the stars, the microcosm and macrocosm, our souls as well as our direct connection to Source itself. Lucid Dreaming is the ability of taking conscious control of the Dream Realm.

Commonality: One can enter this dream state and become lucid within this dream state when listening to the right Frequency


This is the ability of projecting an energetic form of yourself consciously or subconsciously away from your physical body. With your astral form, you have the ability of traveling through air, space, dimensions while retaining conscious memory of it.

Commonality: Your astral form resonates at a much higher frequency than your physical body. You can access and utilize this form if you find and use the proper frequency.



Contains everything that exists and “ever existed” within our coded DNA and Chromosome makeup since the beginning of our particular DNA strand. This is what makes us up. Cell division shows that a cell splits by taking pieces of the original cell to make others. Well in those cells are the DNA that make up everything. So it is only logical to assume that it had to start from somewhere.  Scientists now also believe that our DNA may be just a type of computer code and that our DNA doesn’t only hold physical traits and characteristics but our “memory” as well. This could be described as Our internal Operating system if you like to call it that.

Resource for Research: http://www.sciencegymnasium.com/2014/01/scientists-have-found-that-memories-may.html

Commonality: Our DNA (physical and energetic) resonate with a certain Frequency and can be altered by locating and changing the frequency



I could go on for pages and pages on crystals. To summarize – direct connection to Mother Earth Gaia, self-generating batteries, conduits to energy of Mother Earth (Living Crystal), direct connection to energy from universe, assists in opening energy centers within our bodies due to us being crystals as well. Placed in the right design, generates vortexes of energy.


Link for Crystal Info: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1607196289527534.1073741829.1606929336220896&type=3

Link for Crystal Properties: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1609106089336554.1073741832.1606929336220896&type=3

Commonality: All crystals resonate with different frequencies and can be programmed to generate different frequencies.




These are energy centers within our human living crystal body. Once aligned and opened, creates a direct conduit between universal source of energy and Mother Earth – Kundalini. Allows for us to have direct access to Akashic Record (all knowledge within our subconscious and universe).

Great Chakra website: http://www.chakra-anatomy.com/

Commonality: All chakras can be accessed and/or opened utilizing different frequencies and they all resonate at different Frequency.




This is a healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the patient by means of touch, to activate the natural healing processes of the patient’s body and restore physical and emotional well-being.

Commonality: channeling energy is done by varying frequencies within our body to transmit to another.



This is the act of and being in a state of mind achieved by one of many ways. Music, sounds, listening to our own internal vibrations, guided, hypnosis. We go into a meditative state and “raise our vibration” and can see visions, travel to different dimensions, astral travel, past life regression to name a few.

Commonality: Different frequencies assist us with different kinds of meditation.


This is the act of putting someone or youself in such a state as to be able to access your subconscious mind. When in this state, one has the ability of reprogramming our subconscious, access our hidden memories, access our ability of belief, transform energy.

Commonality: This can be achieved by listening to or changing the Frequency of our mind


This is the sacred study of numbers.  Unfortunately – I am still such a novice with this I am unable to put much here. However, I do know the connection.

Commonality: All frequency can be measured using numbers


This is a decades old study of energy. Theorists are searching for the commonality of energy. It is theorized that everything is made of energy. Physics is the study of the Quantum world and Mechanics is practical usage of the Quantum World

Commonality: Everything is energy. Frequency can change the very structure of Energy



All are 3rd dimensional realities, we have all of these within us. All resonate with a different frequency but come together in a chorus that allows life to exist within us.

Commonality: All can be transformed into each other by changing the frequency and vibration.




Matter – definition – physical substance – That which occupies space – everything that we can consciously perceive as matter. All of the visible matter (5%) of our known universe. Matter cannot be seen without light. Matter is not solid as there is a near infinite space between all atoms within everything that seems solid.

Dark Matter – all of the unseen matter – the space in between (approx. 15% of the known universe)

Dark Energy – The unlimited pool of energy before third dimensional substance. The dormant energy that exists to be transformed, transmutated, changed into any type of matter including dark matter and matter.

Commonality: All matter and energy, be it matter, dark matter or dark energy can be transformed by Frequency.



//www.youtube.com/embed/TZtpFJJwz0U?wmode=opaque&enablejsapi=1″,”url”:”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZtpFJJwz0U”,”width”:640,”height”:480,”providerName”:”YouTube”,”thumbnailUrl”:”https://i.ytimg.com/vi/TZtpFJJwz0U/hqdefault.jpg”,”resolvedBy”:”youtube”}” data-block-type=”32″>

Conscious Mind – This is everything that we consciously see around us in our waking world. Our intended mind and thought. Our focused thought. Everything that we can mentally grasp within the world around us.

Subconscious Mind – The quick meaning to our Subconscious Mind being “that which lies underneath our conscious mind”. Simply explained this is where the commands come from for everything that we do without consciously thinking about it. Walking, moving, bending a finger, breathing, blinking, seeing, instinctively dodging or catching something flying at our face and the list goes on and on.


However, this is also where everything we’ve ever experienced, seen, felt, smelled, tasted, touched and thought of is stored since before we were born. From the moment of our very first awareness within the womb, all knowledge, memories and experiences being stored here.   Now, I’m a bit of a computer geek so I would call this our unlimited hard drive with an endless storage capacity, containing our infinitely large file room that is called upon without us consciously willing it to, when we need to do or remember anything.   It contains everything that exists and “ever existed” within our coded DNA and Chromosome makeup since the beginning of our particular DNA strand. Cell division shows that a cell splits by taking pieces of the original cell to make others. Well in those cells are the DNA that make up everything. So it is only logical to assume that it had to start from somewhere.  Many people as well as scientists also believe that our DNA may be just a type of computer code. Our internal Operating system if you like to call it that. I don’t know if you knew but they are in the process of cracking that code.

Unconscious Mind – Remember that Thought is Energy. Everything you dream about, think of, feel, imagine, experience, speak, see, hear and taste is made up of energy. Where does the energy come from for you to be able to convert it into subconscious or conscious thought? It comes from a dormant source of energy within our minds called the Unconscious mind. The basic definition of “Un” meaning “Not”. Unconscious meaning Not Conscious. So therefore this would be our “thoughts” before conscious intention. Call them dreams, day dreams, fantasies or whatever you want.  This being Our Connection to the unending source of energy which is directly connected to the unending energy of SOURCE. The place you pull energy from for everything that you can imagine or perceive to exist. Your dream mind.

Commonality: All thoughts emit a frequency and can be changed based on the Frequency being transmitted into our mind.



I have done another NOTE called Light and Dark which I am pasting the link here.


Commonality: They both resonate with different Frequency



I am going to paste a link here for you to quickly reference the Universal Laws http://www.one-mind-one-energy.com/12-universal-laws.html

Commonality: All of these laws have Frequency in common



If you research all of the ancient Mythos, you will find one thing in common with nearly all of them including Egyptian, Norse, Greek, Indian, Mayan, etc. All of them utilized artifacts that could generate energy, light and sound. From Thor’s hammer (Thunder and Lightning), to the Rod of Thoth (Tuning fork).

Commonality: Energy and Frequency manipulation and transmutation


Depending on our “mood” we experience different emotions.

Commonality: Emotions emit and can be caused by different vibrations and frequencies.


There are other dimensions that are super-imposed on this dimension. Scientists are theorizing that if we can “change the frequency” of energy, we can in effect see or even go to these other dimensions.

Commonality: These dimensions can be accessed by changing Frequencies



Significance of 9 in GEOMETRY and PLATONIC SOLIDS There is a ZERO (the beginning) and a NINE (the completion) in EVERY equation for the Platonic Solids


//www.youtube.com/embed/W5mJeRtjPvY?wmode=opaque&enablejsapi=1″,”url”:”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5mJeRtjPvY”,”width”:854,”height”:480,”providerName”:”YouTube”,”thumbnailUrl”:”https://i.ytimg.com/vi/W5mJeRtjPvY/hqdefault.jpg”,”resolvedBy”:”youtube”}” data-block-type=”32″>

Sphere = 360 degrees | 3 + 6 + 0 = 9

Triangle = 3 x 60 degrees = 180 degrees | 1 + 8 + 0 = 9

Tetrahedron = 180 degrees x 4 sides = 720 degrees | 7 + 2 + 0 = 9

Octagon = 135 degrees x 8 = 1080 degrees | 1 + 0 + 8 + 0 = 9

Octahedron = 180 degrees x 8 sides = 1440 degrees | 1 + 4 + 4 + 0 = 9

Star Tetrahedron = 180 degrees x 8 sides = 1440 degrees | 1 + 4 + 4 + 0 = 9

*Star Tetrahedron is a phased Tetrahedron that exists within itself

Icosahedron = 180 degrees x 20 sides = 3600 degrees | 3 + 6 + 0 + 0 = 9

Square = 4 x 90 degrees = 360 degrees | 3 + 6 + 0 = 9

Hexagon = 6 x 120 degrees = 720 degrees | 7 + 2 + 0 = 9

Hexahedron = 360 degrees x 6 sides = 2160 degrees | 2 + 1 + 6 + 0 = 9

Pentagon = 5 x 108 degrees = 540 degrees | 5 + 4 + 0 = 9

Dodecahedron = 540 degrees x 12 sides = 6480 degrees | 6 + 4 + 8 + 0 = 18 | 1 + 8 = 9

Some Significant Examples of 9 in MATHEMATICS

If you take all of the numbers 1 thru 8 or 1 thru 9 and add them or multiply them together – they break down to 9

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 = 36 = 3 + 6 = 9

1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 x 8 = 40,320 = 4 + 0 + 3 + 2 + 0 = 9

If you take ANY multiplication of the number 9 and add the numbers from the answer together, they all break down to 9

The same is NOT true with any other number from 1 to 8

9 x 9 = 81 = 8 + 1 = 9

6 x 9 = 54 = 5 + 4 = 9

24 x 9 = 216 = 2 + 1 + 6 = 9

87 x 9 = 783 = 7 + 8 + 3 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9

619 x 9 = 5,571 = 5 + 5 + 7 + 1 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9

8616 x 9 = 77,544 = 7 + 7 + 5 + 4 + 4 = 27 = 2 + 7 = 9

If you take any 2 digit number or above at random and then subtract the reversal of that number the answer will always break down to 9

21 – 12 = 9

54 – 45 = 9

93 – 39 = 54 = 5 + 4 = 9

82 – 28 = 54 = 5 + 4 = 9

753 – 357 = 396 = 3 + 9 + 6 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9

451 – 154 = 297 = 2 + 9 + 7 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9

8,624 – 4,268 = 4,356 = 4 + 3 + 5 + 6 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9

63,214 – 41,236 = 21,978 = 2 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 8 = 27 = 2 + 7 = 9

Significance of 9 in TIME

Seconds in an hour – 60 x 60 = 3,600 = 9

Seconds in a Day – 3,600 x 24 = 86,400 = 9

Seconds in a Year (365 or 366 (leap) day year) – 86,400 x 365 = 31,536,000 = 9

86,400 x 366 = 31,622,400 = 9

Minutes in a Day – 60 x 24 = 1,440 = 9

Minutes in a Week – 1,440 x 7 = 10,080 = 9

Minutes in a Year (52 weeks) = 10,080 x 52 = 524,160 = 9



All of these utilize focused intention of conscious thought to bring something into being or make something go away. Basically by using the power of thought vibration to change the energy of the universe.

Commonality: Whether by thought or by spoken word, these utilize and bring forth different Frequencies to change the universal energy


Human Voices – using the Human voice coupled with the Sine Wave frequencies of the 9 scale to manipulate the energy – become one with it because we are one with Source.  Power of WORDS – OM, HU, and countless others – I believe that this holds a key to focused intention of energy.

I have been speaking a weird gibberish language since I was a kid and it was all a combination of one syllable words. Thought I was nuts until I started looking up ancient languages like Akkadian, Sanskrit, Sumerian and many other languages. I believe these words are to be coupled and sung along with the frequencies in the 9 range to give them the energy they need to effect energy transmutation and transformation. I have NOT figured out which goes to which. Think about OM and HU and the power they instill when sung. Same concept. I will continue to post updates.


3 = Energy, Vibration, Frequency


6 = Harmony (combination of Frequencies to form a Scale)

9 = Scale of Frequency Pythagoras found the KEY in the Platonic Solids

Watch This Video



CHAKRA – More Info… As Above, So Below


Chakras – I have been doing some research on them and the color scheme as well as the numbering and I think I found something significant to go along with everything above.

1st – Root Chakra – Red – Survival, rooting to Mother Earth

3rd – Solar Plexus Chakra – Yellow – Power, energy center, personal health

Red + Yellow = Orange

2nd – Sacral Chakra – Orange – Sexuality, creativity, reproduction

* The drive of the Root Chakra is to survive and be human on Mother Earth, coupled with the energy of the Solar Plexus Chakra for personal power and lasting health =

The need to reproduce and “create” new life = Sacral Chakra.

3rd – Solar Plexus Chakra – Yellow – Power, energy center, personal health

5th – Throat Chakra – Blue – Communication, Divine Truth

Yellow + Blue = Green

4th – Heart Chakra – Green – Divine Love

* The energy of the Solar Plexus Chakra is for personal power and health, coupled with the Divine Truth and communication of the Throat Chakra =

The True Love of Source = Heart Chakra

5th – Throat Chakra – Blue – Communication, Divine Truth

7th – Crown Chakra – Purple – Connection to the Divine Source

Blue + Purple = Indigo

6th – Third Eye Chakra – Indigo – Divine Sight

* Divine Truth of the Throat Chakra, coupled with the Connection to the Divine Source allows you to “see”

Truth = Third Eye Chakra = Divine Sight

Also, keeping with the 3, 6, 9 of the entire universal structure.

3 main chakra centers for Earth (Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus)


3 main chakra centers for Source/Universe (Throat, Third eye, Crown)

As above, so below – 3 main for each = 3+3=6

Also, when you add 2 other main Chakra centers (I know there are hundreds of them)

Earth Star Chakra – Below the Root Chakra

Soul Star Chakra – Above the Crown Chakra

You get 9 total chakra centers in a line = 3, 6, 9

They all Connect at the HEART CHAKRA which represents DIVINE LOVE which is said to be the most powerful energy in the Universe.


LOVE = CONNECTION (Connection between ALL things in this Universe – we are all ONE and all connected to our Mother Earth and Source) 




As you will see from everything listed above, the one COMMONALITY to ALL is…


So why did I put all of this information together here? What do I hope to accomplish by finding the Connection between all of these things?

THE GOAL of this NOTE in a nutshell: I am placing this in here for everyone to see.

Run with it. Please share this information with anyone you possibly can. Please copy and paste this if you can’t share it and post on as many groups as you can. I don’t have the equipment at this time to continue to pursue the next step but maybe someone out there does. It’s Time.

***To Locate, catalog, blend, research, utilize the information just above to connect ourselves to each other and others to Source Energy to connect with Source on this planet and save Mother Earth. To utilize the Energy to affect change in this 3D world to change the structure of energy to AWAKEN the planet and Save Our Mother and Her Children.

I know that if we combine crystalline structures, copper, platonic solids, electromagnetic energy, with human voice, frequency, light emissions (pulses), and find the right frequency we will be able to connect ourselves to each other as well as change the fabric of the energy within a certain space or based on the connections we make with each other, have a concerted effect on Energy itself. We will also be able to connect everyone together or enough people together to effect a real world wide awakening/change to allow us all to wake up and take back the planet.***



David Hopkins


I have been listening to the Frequency of the Dodecahedron lately 6480hz and after listening to it, I have had the most vivid dreams ever. Below is why I’m being driven so hard to share this info and look for those who wish to HELP.

A Vision I had: 11/20/15

So I just woke up. I had one of the most vivid dreams ever. I was in the biggest cave ever and I heard crying. First question, I asked who was there and I heard a voice say, “your mother”. I was chilled to the bone. Second question, Then I asked why can’t I see you? Again I heard a voices say, “you do”. Third question, I asked one more question. “Why are you crying?” and once more the voice of the most sorrowful but amazing voice came and said “Because they are not listening”. With that I was blasted by a sound THAT I CANNOT DESCRIBE and became EVERYTHING. Just like I did when I died at 7 years old. But this time, I remembered where my home was and there was a presence with me/of me that just put one sentence in my head. “MAKE THEM HEAR”. And I woke up. at 7:11am


I just had another message this morning. The one above was a couple nights ago. The Mother (sphere) is crying because she said we hear but aren’t listening. I was in the same cave (womb) as before. Same first two questions I asked and ANSWERS, but this time when I asked why are you crying she answered what I just wrote above. Source is telling me to sound the Bell, bring them in and bring them home. I was shown an object that unfortunately was just out of sight and Source told me “don’t you hear it?”


We meditated to the Full Moon tonight and here is what I saw:

Full Moon Vision #1: I’ve been talking about an awakening or a reckoning for some time now. An awakening – everyone becomes one with the Mother and Source again.

OR A Reckoning – for the longest time I pictured this to be a civil revolutionary war with massive deaths. However, the Mother showed me last night this is not the case. If we don’t stop what’s going on, She’s going to. Just like she has done in the past. A global extinction event. There are those that are in power. They understand the energy of the universe. They used to be connected to Source LOVE. However, through greed and power control, they became disconnected to the LOVE. And only have an affinity for the power. They have the knowledge of manipulating the energy of the universe. They are 12 steps ahead of us. We are just remembering what they’ve been controlling and utilizing for the past thousand years. Manipulation of a “piece” of Source energy. Their end goal is immortality. Their end goal is to control Source (which we all know they can’t do). Why do you think they’re looking for the “God Particle”? They want to re-create Source energy. (That just came to me as well).

Why do you think they are pumping our atmosphere with 440hz? I used to believe before last night that it was to keep us (humans) asleep while they take control. The mother showed me different last night. They have satellites in the atmosphere pumping a grid around the earth and are pumping negativity, energy and 440hz. It isn’t to keep us asleep, it’s to “Disconnect” the Earth from Source. That’s why we’re all waking up now. She is trying to save herself by having us wake up to this and Save Our Mother. If we don’t, she will.

This is why they don’t care what we do on an individual basis. To THEM we are gnats, insignificant. They are going after a much bigger prize. The entire earth, living crystal. They’re getting close.

The visions I had last night of her retaliation were quick and 90% of us were gone within days. A few volcanos, a couple of earthquakes, tsunamis – Done. All of the effort that those who hold the power right now have put in, done in seconds. The underground bunkers, the weather control machines, everything, done. Seconds. Because they thought they could control our Mother. And then She starts over, just like she’s done so many times before.


Dream: we were all standing in a room with crystal pedestals, crystals, crystal and copper platonic solids, sound and light being emitted in different areas throughout the room. Depending on which crystal solid we’d walk by – it would have a different effect on us and the space around it. Some levitated, some had fire appear, when we walked by some we instantly knew each others thoughts, some multiplied gravity.

There were hundreds of crystal structures. All resonating with a different frequencies.

There was a door at the end of the room that was closed and it had a sign that said “next dimension” UHF within. There were 2 guards at the entrance to the door, one light, one dark. When we tried to enter they said in unison, “you cannot enter yet. You need to learn this room first.” Then we all heard within our head – “Save Her!” And I woke up…


As you can see – I believe I am being guided directly by Source and Our Mother Earth. Please Help…

Sound Healing; Medicine of the Future ~ Nov. 22, 2015


Great article! I AM reposting a blog from Starship Earth: The Big Picture because it deals with a subject near and dear to my heart, namely…healing! B that I mean healing of any nature. As a Clinical Laboratory Manager, I know quite a bit about traditional Western Medicine and how it can used, or misused (all too common, unfortunately), for our health needs.

As as an intuitive healer, I know a bit more about holistic healing methods and the health gains to be made by using essential oils and intriducing the herbs and plant products into our daily diet. It thrills me to see active thought on the effect of sounds waves (vibration, yet again) on our health. This makes perfect sense to me!

So…please read this article, investigate YouTube for sounds you may enjoy, and…


The Future is NOW.

I had planned to do a post on sound healing when I had the honour of a synchronicitous email from Steven Halpern, a gifted musician who has long flooded the airwaves and our gadgets with his beautiful strains of vibrational healing—even before there was a field.

Halpern_web-bioSteven has made it his life’s work to share the wonder of the healing power of sound with the world.

I hear his music on the New Age satellite radio station often, and it’s also been used in movie soundtracks and I’m only too happy to assist him in his goal.

Steven shared with me some background on this modality that few have yet discovered, and it was typical of many safe, inexpensive and effective alternatives to psychotropic remedies from the drug pushers; the allopathic medical community.

Yes, sound healing was targeted in the past by the FDA and outlawed for a time, so that tells you just how effective it is. Some may find it difficult to believe that the feds would try to ban music, but that’s what they attempted.

Steven said, “Back in 1978 Rep. Claude Pepper of Florida wanted to outlaw guided visualization, sound healing, color healing, as well as the main thing, vitamins and supplements.”


“…the FDA outlawed [sound healing music] for awhile, along with other actions back in 1993.”

I haven’t personally accessed those hearings yet.

music therapyIt sounds outrageous that the US government would make it illegal to listen to music that relieves pain and heals disease, doesn’t it? But that is the sort of initiative alternative healers have been fighting for decades.

Whatever is wholesome, effective and affordable—the feds have tried to make unavailable to us. They want us all to be sick, miserable, confused, broke, drugged-up, incoherent zombies.

Steven was kind enough to send me audio files from the recent Sound Healing Conference in Oakland, California organized by David Gibson but unfortunately, being the techno-weenie that I am and about to leave for vacation and start a new job, I was unable to access them. I saved them, but haven’t listened yet. I hope to be able to figure out how to do that as I find this topic fascinating.

mitchell gaynor oncologistDr. Mitchell Gaynor

As you may know, integrative oncologist Dr. Mitchell Gaynor is one of several holistic doctors murdered by the psychopaths in our rogue government recently—and in fact, it appears he was eliminated right after his appearance at the Conference in Oakland, Sept. 11 – 14th, 2015, where he spoke to professionals about his research, along with James Oschman, Dr. Jeffrey Thompson and other alternative healers.

Sep 19, 2015 · Dr. Mitchell L. Gaynor, a Manhattan oncologist and popular author who taught cancer patients to supplement conventional medicine with soothing music, diet …

My original post on this treachery most foul is here.

Dr. Gaynor referenced Steven Halpern’s work in his book, Sounds of Healing and used sound therapy in his practice at Gaynor Wellness in New York City to cure cancer.

Yes, I said C.U.R.E.  That is fact based on plenty of research and testimonials.

vibrational beingUnfortunately much of the ancient evidence of sound healing has disappeared, but we know that early Earth inhabitants used sound, or vibration, in many ways, for many purposes. That is part of the reason why the controllers don’t want us to know its power.

You may have heard of the Solfeggio frequencies, or that chamber music resonates with the human brain in such as way as to harmonize the two hemispheres and boost creativity, known as the “Mozart Effect”.

I’ve dabbled in brainwave entrainment, binaural beats and affirmations myself, but since I didn’t have any health issues, I have no testimonials of my own. Knowing that we are vibrational beings, I was simply curious.

Aboriginal peoples still use sound frequencies in their culture. If you wish to learn more about sound medicine you may enjoy this article.

There is ample evidence to support the case for sound healing. You’ll find further information in the following articles:



shell vibration

If you have health conditions you may wish to explore sound healing before consulting a traditional medical practitioner.

One day soon, as a culture we will turn to sound healing as a first response and leave ineffective, costly and dangerous practices behind forever.  ~ BP


Important Message NOW– Your FREQUENCY Is Your State Of BEING! ~ April 11, 2015


Oh…I get it, I GET IT!! My own spiritual growth has been an on-going process for these past five years. I think I have read every book possibly published about spiritualism and it’s many, many facets such as learning about Ascended Masters, angels, Archangels, ET’s, vibrations, out-of-body experiences, shamans, and how energy levels abound everywhere! But…when thinking of energy levels, it has been all too easy in thinking about energy being…everywhere, but everywhere that is outside of me!

Now, after reading Judith Dagley’s message, I get it! Energy is also IN me…all the time to be exact! We hear about realms of energy hitting the Earth, we read about how energy affects people’s bodies, and we even feel emotionally different ourselves when experiencing someone else’s energy level. NOW I understand, my energy level, or the vibration of my energy level IS my vibrational level…ALL the time!

Your, and my, vibrational level is a constant thing. Thank goodness we also have the ability to choose the vibrational level we want to carry; that is, we are not locked into a mandatory frequency from which there is no escape. This, we are all free creatures (even if we feel locked into this life) who can change our frequency, our vibration, instantly!

I hope you are excited about your freedom, please read Judith’s article, dwell on your endless possibilities, and…


Beloved, we bring You a most important message in this moment of your NOW!

Hear us please. It is FREQUENCY that is your State of BEING.
Until NOW, You have used your emotional state, your mental state, your physical state, to reflect your State of BEING back to You. Yet what You experience through them is not truly your State of BEING, but various expressions of states that You have chosen to experience. Nor are they even current expressions, but “leftovers, shall we say, of past experiences! Nonetheless– although experiencing a past creation and calling it the present has never served You very well in creating NEW States of BEING–  it was workable enough to at least maintain a sense of equilibrium.

NOW it is NOT.
NOW, You are in far more potent frequencies, and higher ones as well. NOW, your OWN frequencies are also higher and more potent. NOW, experiencing a State of BEING in the present that You created in the past will be to miss who YOU are NOW entirely. Moreover, to be unaware that You are NOW manifesting experiences into form very rapidly will have You suddenly living in a few that You never wished to experience AT ALL.

Beloved, the long gap between creating an experience energetically and its manifestation into form has shrunk considerably, and will continue to. What used to take You years, then months, then weeks, to manifest as a State of BEING, NOW takes days, or hours, or minutes.

And here is something else. It will not serve You any longer to misinterpret your emotional, physical, or mental states as FEELINGS, for they are “second hand” at best– they are merely indicators of how the FREQUENCIES of what You have already, and/or are in the process of creating, FEEL.

If your frequencies resonate with sadness, for example, do not say “I FEEL sad!”
If You do, You will only set the frequencies of sadness as your chosen State of BEING.
Instead, FEEL the FREQUENCIES You want to FEEL MORE of. There are ALWAYS ways to find them within You, for there is ALWAYS a little of what You have created from them in your life, already. And the more You hold onto them, the more of them You create.

Truly, it is that simple. Truly, You are ALL magicians… which is nothing “special,” by the way, in YOUR case. It is simply the way You are made. In truth, it has been MUCH more challenging for You to hold onto frequencies of powerless. Indeed, You have constantly amazed us with your mastery!

How we Love You! Always and in All Ways– the celestial team


Copyright(c) 2015, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved.

You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://www.thecelestialteam.com

[New post] A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon: Sound Meditation ~ Feb. 1, 2015


I just found this audio file on Starship Earth: The Big Picture. Quite a good website, full of interewsting info regarding spirituality and geared for Lightworkers! Check it out at http://sur.ly/o/2012thebigpicture.wordpress.com/AA001295.

This article refers to sound-healing technology, which I feel is quite valid. As a former music student…I always thought that the field of “music therapy” was there for a reason. Music, as well as other sounds can lift us up…or be quite irritating…thinks of nails on a blackboard! Why does this happen? It’s the frequency of sound that affects us so.

If the frequency of sound is synchronistic with our frequency…all is well, and we really get into that sound. However, if the frequency of a sound is at a variance (no harmony) with our frequency…ugh, is all I can say…turn it off!  The cabal knows all about sound and frequency and is hard at work on producing subliminal sounds to alter our state of BEIng. Hear that ringing in your ears? Might not come from you, but somewhere else!

SO now that we have established sound (frequency) as a way to help, or hurt us, please listen to this audio meditation that is guaranteed to help, use headphones for a biaural effect, and…


Hathorian Stream of Light

The Hathors have been asking me to post this sound meditation for weeks due to the extreme stress that many individuals are experiencing and will continue to experience in their lives.

This sound meditation is gentle and subtle, but its benefits are extensive, in that it allows you to gently release tension that arises from your present circumstances, and if you choose to work with it further it can help release negativity from your past.

The meditation is 12 minutes long and is best listened to with stereo headphones or earbuds. If you have the space to do so I suggest you lie down and prop your legs up so that they are higher than your head and chest as this simple position will assist you to relax more deeply.

Breathe in long slow comfortable inhales and gently relaxed exhales, letting each exhale be more relaxed than the one before it.

The sounds that comprise the meditation are from a stream that flows on the island where I live along with Hathor sounds that are analogs from the light realms to release stress and to activate networks of light in your body.


As you listen to this meditation imagine that a stream of liquid light is flowing through you from the top of your head down through the space of your body and out your feet and hands, gently carrying away stress and tension.

Keep your awareness in your physical body as you listen to the sounds of the stream and the sounds of the Hathors. By doing so you will allow the vibratory energy of healing and release to move deeply into your organs and other areas of your body that may be tense and constricted.

I suggest you rest a few minutes with your eyes closed after listening in order to sense the subtle energies that have been released within you. You can repeat the sequence as many times as you wish to create a listening session as long as you desire.

Click here to listen to and/or download the Hathorian Stream of Light Sound Meditation.

Source (email newsletter from TomKenyon.com)