The Late Edition for November 15, 2019: All-Out War on America [videos] ~ November 15, 2019

At the Bossier, LA KAG rally last night, Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale indicated that the President got a very late start and there would be a lengthy delay. It didn’t turn out to be too bad, but we know aircraft can make up time if they need to.

I was wondering if a delay that long might be related to a security issue, and someone posted this on Twitter so I’m sharing just for the sake of interest. May all Patriots be safe.

Did POTUS delay boarding MARINE1 today because rogue agencies planned another unauthorized missile launch toward AF1 or MARINE1? How do you start a war? RED OCTOBER. Missile Marker. Q Team does a “hard turn.” @LisaMei62 @Cordicon @PWeepingAngel @prayingmedic


— LadyWarAnon (@ChristinePolon1) November 14, 2019

As for the blatant pedophilia problem across the planet…

Disgusting pig.

— Lisa Mei Crowley (@LisaMei62) November 15, 2019

The show must go on! Be advised that negative side-effects may ensue: nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, dissociative tendencies, general malaise, and an overpowering desire to spit fire. Take 2 Q drops and revisit in the morning. (Scripts below.)

Schiff is mad as a hatter.

OMG! It’s Getting CRAZY!… Democrats Start Reading Off Trump’s Live Tweets During Schiff Show Trial! (VIDEO)

  1. 3597 We Are the News: Anons Knew Back in July That Sara Carter and John Solomon Were Monitored (Q Proof) Q!!mG7VJxZNCI 15 Nov 2019 – 12:30:05 PM
    Do you believe in coincidences?
    Mathematically impossible?
    Date ‘public’ became aware?
    Date ‘anons’ became aware?
    Do you think we are targeted and attacked by the largest media co’s in the world because we’re a LARP?
    Logical thinking.
  2.  3598 Q Informed Anons About Whistleblower Traps Back in March-2018 Q!!mG7VJxZNCI 15 Nov 2019 – 1:04:34 PM
    “Whistle Blower Traps”
    [Mar 4 2018]
    ‘Trap’ keyword select provided…..
    Whole or (parts) – break/break
    You have more than you know.
    Future proves past.


Refills here…

Here’s a trip down a rabbit hole of a different sort. It’s rather more like a worm hole.

It’s a fascinating discussion about “aliens” vs “extradimensional” or “interdimensional “entities, demons, etc. involved in the spiritual warfare we find ourselves engaged in at the moment.

We learn that CBS is talking about some of this on mainstream television currently. Much of it has been declassified, and the truth is out there; too far out there for everyone to believe, unfortunately, but Humans must get up to speed because at some point soon, these truths will be released to the public in a more forceful way.

THIS IS IT! THIS is What They’re HIDING!! [Pt. 1] — Justen Faull

I also wanted to share images in our skies this morning. Just after 7 am I noticed a LOT of what we have been calling “chemtrails” to the point the sky was primarily white and overcast with clear trails visible from East to West, and an overly bright “sundog”. I say “sundog” because I knew the sun was still behind the mountain. That’s one helluva bright sundog—or whatever it is.

I took a second photo of the sun just after it rose above the mountain so you can see the “sundog” was not the sun.

chemtrails and sundog, Phoenix east valley Nov 15

Sunrise comprises an overly large sun after the sundog faded

That’s the late edition for today.  ~ BP

Headlines and Updates for July 22, 2019: Q Drops Amid High Terror in DC [videos] ~ July 22, 2019

Editor’s Note: Oh yeah, the s**t is getting ready to hit the fan and Starship Earth is on top of her game for continuing to tell us the truth of the matter! My gut instincts (intuition) is telling me that things are NOT going to be the same in a very short time…take that as you will.

What can we do at this point as dreadful, after dreadful fact is revealed? I think I will be horrified by the truth, yet be so grateful to be present in this moment of NOW when humanity begins learning their true identity of each being BEing a soul component.

The very best thing to do at this moment is to live from joy. The truth will hurt, but be grateful the truth is revealed, know the opposite pain is gain (on ALL levels), and be….



“Some people did some things.” That’s the understatement of the year, isn’t it? And we’re about to find out who did what to whom. All of it. The world will never be the same.

Trump lowers the boom. Again. No way out.


“I am continuing for 1 year the national emergency with respect to transnational criminal organizations declared in Executive Order 13581.”


— M3thods (@M2Madness) July 22, 2019

Qanon left two new crumbs on Sunday. Here’s one:3459

Fake News Links Anthony Comello’s Mental Instability to Qanon

Q!!mG7VJxZNCI 21 Jul 2019 – 1:41:15 PM


Every single ‘dirty’ tactic being deployed to stop the growth of this movement.
Ask yourself a very simple Q – why?
Why are the biggest media co’s in the world….
Q Why are the biggest media companies in the world targeting QAnon? I think we all know the answer to that Q: because Q has the NSA at their disposal—and the criminal cabal knows the NSA has it ALL. The spying they enabled at our expense is now being used against them. Photos, videos, audios… all of it; and when that information is made public and DECLAS occurs (which will be at the THE most strategic moment) their world will crumble and all the king’s horses and all the king’s men, won’t be able to put Humpty together again. Streaming military tribunals, walks of shame, Bill and Monica’s disgusting tryst forgotten in the hubbub of revulsion and fury the American people—and the world—will feel when they learn who has been running our planet into the ground and conspiring to eliminate the Human race, all the while preying on our children. And somehow, the White Hats will do it in a way that will prevent anarchy and violence—for the most part. That is why President Trump is having conversations with us about the border and illegal aliens when he is dealing with ousting the demons from the unseen realms. The public has not been primed for news like that. We have, so he tells us what’s going on, in code. When the news of the pedovore aliens does come out, perhaps the populace of our planet will be so numb with shock they will appear to still be under the spell. But that will wear off. The reality will sink in, and then the emotions will bubble up. The mind control frequencies will soon be gone and the energy waves bathing the planet may soothe the savage beast. We’ll see what happens. I think that with all the healing technologies, toys, financial surprises and positive news revealed—possibly at the same time or close to it—it will take the edge off the rage some folks may feel. The “good news-bad news” approach often works. When folks learn the IRS is no longer an arch enemy and that they will have a lot more disposable income, it might be one time some “retail therapy” could do a body good, not to mention the economy. And if they also revealed the space force—what then? Major distraction. And if they revealed the truth about our friends upstairs… bigger distraction—but they can only hit us with so much at once, so it will be interesting to see how this all unfolds and the timing. Most of all, once it’s safe to do so and folks are calm and rational, we have to have the Truth. GoodDog echoed my sentiments that we need the truth—and he doesn’t advocate for the death penalty. He pointed out that QAnon at one time intimated that only UP TO 40% of the truth will be made known.


Strzok-Page Texts Assassination Talk

Q !UW.yye1fxo 22 Jan 2018 – 7:47:32 PM What would happen if texts originating from a FBI agent to several [internals] discussed the assassination (possibility) of the POTUS or member of his family?
What if the texts suggest foreign allies were involved?
Forget the Russia set up [1 of 22].
This is only the beginning.
Be careful what you wish for.
Could messages such as those be publicly disclosed?
What happens to the FBI?
What happens to the DOJ?
What happens to special counsel?
What happens in general?
Every FBI/DOJ prev case could be challenged.
Think logically.
We haven’t started the drops re: human trafficking / sacrifices [yet][worst].
Those [good] who know cannot sleep.
Those [good] who know cannot find peace.
Those [good] who know will not rest until those responsible are held accountable.
Nobody can possibly imagine the pure evil and corruption out there.
Those you trust are the most guilty of sin.
Who are we taught to trust?
If you are religious, PRAY.
60% must remain private [at least] – for humanity.
These people should be hanging.
Q What will the will of the People demand? I saw this math on a meme:  1/2 truth + 1/2 truth = whole lie That’s one way to look at it. I believe the whole truth should be available to those who yearn for it; who are strong enough to absorb it. There’s no reason to force the deeply appalling aspects on everyone if they’re not ready. The choice to know should be an individual one. In time, more of Humanity will be wanting to know their history and why we had to do what we did in this global purification. It’s not fair to expect Earth Humans to live a lie any longer. If those in control won’t tell us the truth about everything and how we got to the point we’re at then they’re no better than the psychopaths who controlled us for millennia. The perpetrators of these crimes must be revealed or there’s a cover-up. To protect ourselves in future, we need to know the whole truth. They can’t keep secrets from us any more. We have to have a new start from a place of full knowledge and complete understanding. WE have to choose how we move forward, and how we do that will be different if we know the truth than it will be if we are still living a lie. It’s hardly the same as a highway horror show. This is about an entire race of people; a planetary population and our destiny. We should be telling them we refuse to be manipulated any longer. We’re not a dog you can train and keep under restraint. That’s not sovereignty. We need to know what happened in the past to know our true history, and we need to know what has happened recently. No one has a right to keep our true history from us and we need to know who to hold accountable. We have no use for more “convenient” histories. It does no good to tell us they freed us from slavery if our minds aren’t free to understand the full truth. No longer seeing our names in block caps doesn’t mean we’re free. Our minds and hearts have to be freed as well or we’ll still be living in a Petri dish under specified conditions. The Truth will set us free. Humans, as it stands, are naïve. As long as we’re ignorant and under-educated as to our place in the Universe, our relationship to other races, and reality, other parties can prey upon our naïvité—as they have done numerous times in the past. Everyone we’re getting truth from today has an agenda. Theirs. How do we remedy that once the truth embargo is strategically over because the danger is over? How do we get the honest-to-god, unadulterated, REAL truth? And if we did, would you be one who wants to know it? Personally, I believe Humanity in general can be bought off and pacified, but the research I’ve seen presented on the Internet shows me some people are deeply interested and invested in learning the truth. Yes, the truth can hurt; and then it sets you free.  ~ BP

Wow… I hadn’t heard this before. Anything’s possible, and this guy gets intel most people don’t.

Just a recap of last weeks Elite Exposure as the New Zealand male population increased by one!

Their Prime Minister is being investigated for maternity leave fraud!

(S)he wanted their guns and refused to submit hers!

You New Zealand men offended or what?#bitchfork

— #gumballmodel (@lagenomai) July 22, 2019

You’ve probably heard by now that it’s likely Michael Obama will be dragged out of the closet to run for President. You can’t make this up, folks. They’re that desperate, and they could use the lying, treasonous turds in the media to hype him up as the most popular “woman”. If that happens, the drama is about to morph into a slapstick comedy. I’m sure we’ll enjoy the show. Michael has had trouble concealing his package in the past.

If you missed the Miracles Intel Call last night, Scott Mowry told us that Michael Robinson aka Michelle Obama is higher ranking in the C_A than Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama.

Can you imagine the President of the United States as a transgender… thing? I don’t think that will go over very well.

Joan Rivers told us the truth and died suddenly shortly thereafter. There are all kinds of videos now about how she was joking, died from complications from surgery, a drug, etc. and there was the Internet death hoax prior to her death and more. Really? A coincidence?

In case you missed it…

Joan Rivers: What She Said Before She Died

This was under my radar until today, and it began on Wednesday. It seems the Puerto Rican people are not happy with their leadership. Must be going around.

Massive demonstrations in San Juan descend into near chaos

Molotov cocktails, pyrotechnics and motorcycle caravans mark surreal end of day five of protests

Read the article…

LIVE: Protesters gather outside UK Parliament on the eve of new Prime Minister nomination

I listened to the Abel Danger Livestream show today, and journalist Timothy Holmseth spoke to us. He had difficulty, as he was choked up a little when he spoke of the horrors he hears about all the time. The visuals his words invoke are brutal and Field had to step in momentarily, but Timothy has sacrificed the safety of he and his family to do this work.

Field reminds us of Torrie Smith whom the psychopaths murdered to shut him up after he exposed VP Mike Pence as a pedophile, and also that Melania Trump is far more than a gracious First Lady and has barely begun to do her most important work for the children.

Timothy Holmseth will be going to court in August to defend himself against charges designed to take him down. He says he hopes a lot of people will come to his trial because he is going to put on a show. He has no lawyer, and they couldn’t trick him into failing a psych eval. He will do what he can to protect Humanity from the pedophiles/pedovores. He’s a very brave guy with a lot to share that we need to know.

He went into a little about another situation when he was previously called into court. He seems able to protect himself and I do hope he is protected in a Divine way, as well. He needs a lot of support because the cabal pulls a lot of stunts in the courts. Holmseth has seen a few already.

Those who have attended in the past have recorded what the judge, etc. have done so they can’t hide their illegal tricks. Apparently the intimidation of the cabal’s bad actors by those who know about the fake court had a visible shaking effect on the judge assigned to Holmseth in the past.

He says some Marines asked him to take the stand in the state of Minnesota and he is going to do it.

Timothy says there are three cases the new powers that be are using to expose the child trafficking, and his is one of them. It’s time for America to stand up for what is right, and to have the back of those who are standing up for the children. He says the media is not permitted in the courtroom, and they don’t want anyone to know what they do in the fake courts.

Sarah Westall stood up for Timothy Holmseth in the past at court and told the judge he was violating Timothy’s rights. Brave people. Timothy says all observers need to do is bring a notepad and be prepared to document in their own words the proceedings: “I saw Judge  _________  (do or say blank) to Timothy Holmseth. That’s it.

Timothy goes into some graphic detail as to what these psychopaths do to babies and how they conjure up their demons into the ceremony. He is committed and he isn’t backing down, and he claims Field McConnell as his phantom wingman.

Field says it is the Marines in charge of this takedown, and has been all along. They are the ones who ensured Donald Trump would be elected in 2016. Field would know; he’s a marine and applied for active duty again.

I get the impression a lot of people tune into Field’s shows because they want to hear Juan O Savin, who some believe is JFK Jr., and Juan called about 2 hours in to the show and said he wants to do a special show as discussed with Field but can’t get the time to do that today and hopes he will be able to in a few days. He said we have activities going on and in about two weeks we will know more.

Field, in his usual way (“apparently” forgetting they were still live) said what he heard from that was that Mike Pence might be arrested in about 2 weeks. They all speak in code, you know.

One pair of hands Call from Juan?

Is the system rigged?

Heather Podesta & Anthony Weiner Aide Will Control Congress on Privacy Issues

Thomas at TRUreporting updates us on the bones unearthed at the Vatican. Do you think the timing is coincidental? Hardly. This is all coordinated to come out at a predetermined time. It’s wakey-wakey time for Humanity.

I thought the title was going to read, “…inside the gates of hell” but I guess it’s the same thing.

Thousands Of Bones From Human Remains Found Inside The Gates Of The Vatican!


SpiralGate#spiralgate is the use of Pedophilia or Satanic symbols and nomenclature on products IN PLAIN SIGHT!

“Symbolism will be their downfall”

“It won’t be safe…”

”Those who know cannot sleep!”

Q #qanon #EpsteinIsland #SBV

— #gumballmodel (@lagenomai) July 22, 2019

It’s not only babies they prey on. Children, teens, adults. Whatever suits their needs, including sport. We have been considered the chattel of the El-ites, to do with as they please—like farm animals.

In 2013 a very brave pedophile victim from Holland came forward and told her story. As the title says, it may be the worst story you’ve heard. It may not be the worst story when all is said and done.

The first video is an “introduction”. If you are intrepid enough, you may want to learn more and may graduate to the second video. This is what Trump, Melania, QAnon, the positive military, Kevin Annett, Field McConnell, Timothy Holmseth, Majority Whip Steve Scalise, and many other patriots are working to stop, once and for all on our planet.

If victims can relive this excruciating pain over again so that we understand the reality and can prevent this from happening any more—what a slap in the face to say it’s too macabre to listen. That is failing the victims. Again. Some of us have to take this on.

Child Sacrifice and Trafficking in Holland An Eyewitness speaks out: Introduction

ITCCS – Testimony of Toos Nijenhuis – Ritual Child Sacrifice in the Vatican

That’s a full post. Out for now.  ~ BP

Those Little Envelopes… Tick-Tock!!! David Zublick Reveals the Damning Evidence [video] ~ December 18, 2018

Editor’s Note: Ah, yes…it seems the moments we have all been waiting for are near at hand. What a nice Christmas present for the enduring American public. Sit back, grab that popcorn, settle in for some shocking and revealing news, and…



David Zublick confirms it was indictments delivered to key cabal members in those little envelopes at the Bush funeral, and that the military tribunals will be private, not public, with only select members of the independent media allowed to be present—David Zublick being one of those. Way to go, David. January begins the chain of procedures. The Deep State is in deep shite.

If you are not familiar with the dark, horrific side of the activities of Hillary Clinton and her aide Huma Abedin, and other members of the Washington crew, some of this may come as a shock. Just a warning for sensitive people. This really is TMI but it has to come out sooner or later.

Yes, Those Were Indictments Served At Bush Funeral

David Zublick Channel
Published on Dec 18, 2018

In a brilliant political move designed to show the Deep State they have been put on notice, President Trump hands out indictments to guests at George H.W. Bush’s funeral…and it was caught on video for all the world to see. Gitmo has been prepared. The military tribunals will soon begin. And justice will soon be served. The clock is ticking. David Zublick unseals the truth in this special report!

There are many serious problems with satanic pedophilia in Washington, and globally.  They are tired of having to hide their perverted lifestyle, and want to legalize their desires and activities so they can’t be prosecuted. That’s not going to happen.

Randy Short: Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Representative David N. Cicilline (D-RI-1) Introduce Bill to Normalize Pedophilia

Wife of Israeli Prime Minister, Sara Netanyahu on Trial for Aggravated Fraud, Breach of Trust [video] ~ October 10, 2018

It seems the El-lites of Israel have been living high off the hog on the taxpayers’ expense account, buying lavish accoutrements like catered personal meals when they had a cook to boot. It seems lady Sara has a penchant for food, and it’s obvious.

Sara and Benjamin Netanyahu are accused of using power and money for personal purposes and have repeatedly witnessed mass protests against themselves. Source

Is the tide turning? Someone took exception to the long suspected abuse of state funds and filed a law suit. The special people running the world aren’t as special as they think and will be treated according to the People’s laws of decency, honour, and respect. They get the cameras and all. Public accountability, and it’s about time.

It appears to be good for ratings, however, as Bibi of course stuck up for his wife.

Accusations he has made against the Israeli media of orchestrating a politically motivated witch-hunt against him and his wife appear to have struck a chord with his right-wing voter base, which has rallied in support of the 68-year-old leader.

The outcome of the investigation and trial will be interesting to hear, particularly if they’re using the Law of the Sea as we are in America; probably a slap on the wrist when they should throw her in the brig on bread and water.

They might need earplugs, though. Apparently, like HRC, Mrs. Netanyahu has a temper and takes it out on her aide—but she was probably hungry at the time. See the video below.  ~ BP

Netanyahu’s wife indicted on fraud charges

The wife of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was indicted Thursday on fraud charges, Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported.

Prosecutors allege that Sara Netanyahu committed systemic fraud by directing staff at the prime minister’s residence to order meals totaling 360,000 shekels, or roughly $99,000, from gourmet restaurants between 2010 and 2013.

Rules block the residence from ordering meals from off the premises when a cook is employed, according to Haaretz.

Sara Netanyahu is charged with aggravated fraudulent receiving of an item or items, fraud and breach of trust. Ezra Saidoff, former deputy director general of the prime minister’s office, faces the same charges.

Investigators alleged that Sara Netanyahu moved to hide the employment of the cook at the residence, and that she knew ordering the meals violated the rules.

Haaretz first reported last year that Sara Netanyahu would face fraud charges.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared to dismiss the investigation last year.

“They’re dealing with the most important things in the world,” he said at the time. “The procedure for replacing a light bulb, trays of food, the cup of tea that was served to her father, a righteous man, on his deathbed.”


Wife of Israeli prime minister goes on trial for fraud

JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s wife, Sara, appeared in court on Sunday for the first hearing in the fraud trial against her, in which she is alleged to have misused state funds in ordering catered meals.

According to the indictment, Sara Netanyahu, along with a government employee, fraudulently obtained from the state more than $100,000 for hundreds of meals supplied by restaurants, bypassing regulations that prohibit the practice if a cook is employed at home.

Netanyahu denies any wrongdoing.

She was charged in June with fraud and breach of trust and of aggravated fraudulent receipt of goods. If convicted, Sara Netanyahu could face up to five years in prison.

Looking tense, Netanyahu made no comment to reporters who had packed the tiny courtroom. She sat on a bench behind her lawyers.

“Can we ask them to move the cameras away?”, she asked the lawyer for the other defendant, who replied: “You’re used to it.”

“Not like this,” Netanyahu answered. She shook her head as the prosecutor described the gravity of her case.

The session, however, dealt mainly with procedural matters. The judge set a meeting with the prosecutors and the defendants’ lawyers for Nov. 13 in which he said he hoped all sides could narrow their differences “or even resolve the case”.

But a settlement at this stage appears remote because the prosecutors would likely demand Netanyahu plead guilty, something her lawyer has ruled out. She was not asked at the hearing to enter a plea.

Netanyahu’s lawyers contend the indictment does not hold up because the regulations for ordering meals were legally invalid and a household employee had requisitioned the food despite Netanyahu’s protestations.

The prime minister, who himself is embroiled in corruption investigations, has called the allegations against his wife absurd and unfounded.

Sara Netanyahu, 59, has inspired a multitude of headlines in the past over what family spokesmen call an undeserved reputation for imperiousness.

In 2017 the Netanyahus won a libel suit against an Israeli journalist who said Sara once kicked her husband out of their car during an argument. In 2016, a Jerusalem labor court ruled that she had insulted and raged at household staff in the prime minister’s official residence.

So far, Sara’s present legal woes have not politically damaged her husband, now in his fourth term as Israel’s leader and riding high in opinion polls despite the allegations against him.

Sara, wife of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, arrives to a court hearing in the fraud trial against her, at the Magistrate court in Jerusalem October 7, 2018. REUTERS/Ammar Awad

Accusations he has made against the Israeli media of orchestrating a politically motivated witch-hunt against him and his wife appear to have struck a chord with his right-wing voter base, which has rallied in support of the 68-year-old leader.


Headlines and Updates for September 29, 2018; The Throes of War [videos] ~ September 29, 2018

Editor’s Note: Many thanks and many kudos to Starship Earth for BEIng our “real news” anchor. Learn more here about what’s happening out there/in here right NOW, and…



We are familiar with Judge Kavanaugh’s past, and I’ve mentioned it more than once so I don’t know why people are surprised at the report below from You Are Free TV saying he’s part of the “swamp”. He could ultimately be a gift horse, so hold your horses on the judgment.

I’ve also relayed the fact that what we are watching is multiple factions of the Illuminati warring amongst themselves for the ultimate control of Earth/Terra/Midgard and her people.

It may look like politicians scrapping but it goes far deeper. The civil war raging in America is not really about politics at all. That is the interface the public sees. Nothing more.

It is my understanding that there are three main groups feuding: one wants to annihilate us, one is indifferent, and one wants to help us. You can look at it as angels and demons if you like, but it’s not that simple. It’s a dark, shadowy game and we see very little of what is actually happening.

There are only so many players on the chess board to choose from. They are who they are, and they’re not perfect. The board may look black and white but the game isn’t and the stakes are high; life and death—to us and our planet.

The biggest advantage the dark ones possess is the legacy media. They lie, manipulate and broadcast disinformation and propaganda on television, radio, movies, books, newspapers and magazines to both hide the fact a revolution is occurring, as well as who is at the helm, pulling the strings and their ultimate agenda.

We, in the alternative/independent/truth media are doing our best to counter those moves, inform the public as to the true situation, and inspire them to get involved and take action; to join the fray and help alert others to the battle currently unfolding most visibly in America but across the planet to varying degrees, such as the Middle East.

Personally, I believe our biggest asset is the millions of off-planet Beings protecting us from the dark’s weapons and preventing nuclear war—among other things. They are virtually invisible to all but a few, but without them, we would have been murdered long ago in various unpleasant ways.

We continue to see collateral damage as there is so much going on not all of us can be protected. This is interplanetary—and simultaneously—interdimensional WAR. War means casualties, on all sides, and unfortunately within the civilian population. Weather is a weapon.

Our galactic families are stabilizing things so we here on the surface of the planet can do what needs to be done to eradicate the scourge polluting our society, preying on our children, and scheming to outright eliminate Humans.

So, don’t expect those who decided to block the plans of the dark forces to walk around in white robes and wings. They’re not that kind of warrior, but they’re doing their best, and they need our help.

If we don’t like the kind of world we wind up with when the dust is settling we can change it. As President Trump has said from the very beginning… his goal, and that of his administration, is to return the power to the People. It can’t be done in an instant, or even in a year—not when the virus has spread to every aspect of life—and not when the opponents are fighting for their own survival—or when the majority of the population don’t even know there IS a war.

If we didn’t have a nation of mind-controlled, programmed people under hypnosis it would be a lot easier, but fortunately many have responded to the call from QAnon and the ranks are swelling. If those people could all overcome their inertia and fight off the apathy, they would be a formidable force to be reckoned with.

We can’t leave all the heavy lifting to those in the background forever and greater involvement is required to rebuild what is being torn down. It needs to be envisioned in a new way.

All we know is life in a Petri dish; a big, fat lie

We have to cast off the blueprints of a controlled population in a Petri dish and dream big, but first we have to convince everyone we have been existing in a Petri dish. Not an easy task—and introducing what is outside the Petri dish? Scary for some—and that’s why those reading this are here; as part of the re-education process.

We get to walk folks into the sea of the unknown by the elbow, providing support as the waves lap their toes, wading in slowly with them, soothing and encouraging them while the water rises to their knees and beyond until they are amazed and excited about the concept of swimming in an endless ocean of possibilities; of wonder… of joy.

When fear subsides, the creativity of the Human spirit will soar, and our new world will be born. In relatively short order a new civilization will blossom and it will be almost unrecognizable. That’s what we have to look forward to, those of us who will be around for awhile.

Right now, though, it’s time to dig in and protect our territory and the soldiers who are fighting for us. There is a strategy, and we have to trust it. Kavanaugh’s past is similar to that of many who are now working to end the reign of terror. It’s just the way it is. He could be a villain, or he could be a hero, and I don’t don’t hear a fat lady singing.  ~ BP

This news should come as no surprise… same old playbook. “Foul play not suspected”. Same old script.

He was in a car accident and then later found dead at home. If they don’t want you testifying, they’ll get you one way or another. Just my take, as people are rarely involved in that much corruption all by themselves and Senators have access to all sorts of fraud and corruption if they choose to down those roads. This guy was a pro and had his fingers in a lot of pies, so his network was probably extensive and would implicate many others.

Read the story here…

Former Senator Found Dead Before Corruption Trial in Massachusetts


Simon Parkes popped this next bit up on his website. Poor Elon. I think he was messed with, and like so many of those the deep state work with, Simon believes he was a victim of mind control. I had a difficult time trying to determine whose side Elon was on. He didn’t seem like a bad guy and apparently he didn’t have much choice in matters. They can make you, and just as easily break you.

Elon Musk Charged With Fraud

Friday, September 28, 2018

Elon Musk charged with Fraud!!!
Shares drop 10% as the Elite/Cabal fail to protect him – which means he had lost his golden boy status.
As I pointed out around 3 months ago – Elon Musk is finished.

Simon also reported on Kavanaugh… though we don’t need the words said, we know it’s important to have BK as Supreme Court Justice for the mass arrests scenario to unfold right away. Can we tolerate any more delays?

Brett Kavanaugh

Friday, September 28, 2018

The cabal go all out to prevent new judge taking his seat. If he is not voted into the Supreme Court then the opening of the sealed indictments is called into question.

We have twists upon double-twists now, with a new FBI investigation…

A report from “What Does It Mean”, who shares varying degrees of intel and disinfo (necessary, remember?) published this report. If true, it would not be out of line with past strategies.

Read the story here…

We recall QAnon reinforcing, “trust The Plan” so… I guess we just have to go with it. It’s not like we can just stop the world and get off the merry-go-round, although I often wish I could.

Since tactical moves are not broadcast to the enemy, although October 3 is a target date tossed out for us and linked to a Presidential Emergency Alert “test”, I wouldn’t be too sure nothing will be done before then.

Thomas Williams told us at least one very high-level figure (Obama, maybe?) was arrested recently and is now sporting a spiffy new ankle bracelet so… anything could happen any time, and October could be bumpy.

The trolls are all over this video from JonExArmy about black helicopters over Chicago saying they’re training to “fight Americans” but really?

Some commenters say spec ops, arrests of key figures… you decide. The drills could be a cover for planned operations.

When the public is deaf, dumb and blind the authorities have to do everything covertly and deny everything. I had hoped that after the Jade Helm scare we would all feel secure that no one is coming to arrest, detain, or harm Americans.

The United Nations is a mere shadow of the evil force it once was and I doubt they are able to mobilize anything BUT, perhaps the equipment Americans funded thanks to the cabal thieves is being utilized against them, to help us.

(Dare I mention The Chicago Blackhawks??? Who writes this stuff?)

Read about it here.

Blackhawks full of Commandos landing on rooftops around Chicago

There are hundreds of thousands of people displaced in Nigeria due to flooding, and there was a 7.5 earthquake in Indonesia on Friday and unfortunately a tsunami wave swept through towns as well and people are missing.

Many eyes are watching a parade of hurricanes marching toward US coasts. Kirk has already been named, sub-tropical storm Leslie, the biggest one yet at 1200 miles wide is spinning out in the Atlantic, and Rosa is off the coast of Mexico in the Pacific and expected to make landfall in the vicinity of Southern California before it makes its way inland and brings heavy rains to the Southwest.

Our “Wunderground” forecast here in AZ already showed flood watches yesterday when the storm wasn’t expected for 3 days yet, and now they’re just saying T-storms on Monday with less than an inch of rain, then no precipitation until the following Monday and little rain. We’ll see what happens. When they base their prognostications on “models” I don’t trust them.

Thor News feels the media isn’t giving Leslie the attention it deserves and suggests the Kavanaugh fiasco is steeling its thunder, so to speak. I hope people prepared for anything as there are still two months in the typical “hurricane season” and there are plenty of attention-grabbing tales in the media coverage of the dirty Dems’ distractions.

The media has been complicit in misleading people about the severity of storms and imminent dangers of rising floodwaters in South Carolina when they told people it was over when the rivers hadn’t even crested yet, as well as the tsunami they said was not going to occur in Indonesia, so we’re on our own—not only with forecasting and severity, but with the cleanup.

We know from past experience that the agency tasked with disaster relief in America (FEMA) is a disaster in itself and more of a burden than a boon in many cases. Between FEMA and the Red Cross, the millions of dollars donated to victims is washed away in the floods, never to be seen again unless they drift into the Clinton Foundation harbour where you may find them moored next to the Haitian earthquake relief funds.

Here’s Praying Medic‘s QAnon decode for September 28.

You can read Q’s latest drops here.

Dave’s X22 report for September 28 and the QAnon Red October interpretations…

DECLAS On Its Way,Red October,Presidential-Alert For Clear Comms – Episode 1676b

The financial update…

Global Economy Breakdown Has Accelerated, The Plan Is In Motion – Episode 1676a