Headlines and Updates for December 5, 2019: Seeing the World For What It Is [videos] ~ December 5, 209

Editor’s Note: Nice report, I like the ending with a video discussing how FLOTUS decorated the White House for Christmas, followed by a great shot of our brethren who are watching us. Are you enjoying the show yet? Hopefully a denouement leading towards FREEDOM will follow after the FISA report is released.

Please read this report, stay aware as this month develops, and BE…



Phoenix brings a solid update for today with a cautionary note about falling for the fake news.  That’s all the dark ones have to bring us down to their level; fear, hatred, mistrust; all the baser emotions. Soar above and don’t let them bring down your vibration.

I don’t like listening to or watching the psychopaths because I have the same reaction as I do when I pass a pile of excrement on the road or sidewalk so I appreciate the brief updates.

PIR 12 05 19

Today’s Field Report tells us that the process is underway to free Field McConnell; Kirk says they just can’t talk about it. It takes time to follow due process of law.

Timothy Holmseth published this update, and it includes a sick video (Little Piggy & The Umbrella Man (Originally Published 2010)) made by Montagraph, who still runs free, while a man who is a champion for the Children’s Crusade, Field McConnell, has been fraudulently imprisoned for over 30 days now.

This is the kind of video the people who run the world use to get off. There are channels where they can tune in and watch material like this—and worse—from the snuff film industry. Humans are entertainment for these psychopaths. You will have to sign in to watch the video at the link in the article.

Americans are requesting Wisconsin governor release U.S. Marine Field McConnell – requests made for investigation into child torture film producer

This is Timothy’s newest update, with some great background information. He tells the brutal truth about the globalist plan for Humanity. It’s an excellent overview, and he goes into a discussion about SerialBrain2, and the Montagraph video mentioned above, JonBenet Ramsey and other topics.

US Military to Take Out Blackmail Operation Against Congress and Executives…?

The psychopaths will go after anyone they see as the enemy, and Devin Nunes has raised their ire. What they have done to he and his family is despicable, but he’s not backing down.

Rep. Devin Nunes Files $435 Million Defamation Lawsuit Against CNN over Ukraine Report

Nunes on why he’s suing CNN

We have another striking reminder that all is not well with the People of Earth/Terra, where in France they continue to express their displeasure with the aristocracy’s policies.

General strike in Paris against Macron’s plans to reduce retirement benefits

The people don’t like tyrannical governments threatening to take their guns, either.

Virginia Is Attempting Gun Confiscation – And People Are Revolting

The lunatic left don’t like it when anyone points out the truth. One man in Iowa confronted Biden on his son Hunter’s position at Burisma, and Biden’s age came into it as well. The response is not surprising; denial and abuse.

Biden gets in testy exchange in Iowa: ‘You’re a damn liar’

Nancy Pelosi is triggered by a question from the press about hating Trump. She says as a Catholic she was raised in a way that means her heart is full of love and she doesn’t hate anyone. Really? Is that why you steal from the taxpayers? An act of love? Is that why you have destroyed California? Is that why the streets are full of homeless people, including war vets, while you dine in your vineyards in your ivory tower ignoring it all?

Pelosi Snaps After Beings Asked if she Hates Trump

This is great, and mostly Matt Gaetz. We shared a brief clip yesterday from this extended version. The Republicans are not letting the leftist loonies bully them.

Gaetz explodes at impeachment witnesses: You don’t get to interrupt me

Here’s what KellyAnne Conway had to say about Karlan’s holier-than-thou attidude. Cuz she looks like a dude. Apparently she’s “bi”. Maybe a friend of Michael Obama’s.

Kellyanne Conway slams Pamela Karlan: ‘Who the hell are you lady’

Good grief. Baltimore, again. A massive cleanup is needed in that town. Thanks to The CAT Report for the heads up.

Baltimore Mayor Warns of Body “Snatching” White Van Targeting Young Girls To Sell Their Organs

And We Know brings us a new video update. The people at the helm are terrific role models.

AWK Dec. 2 News: FLOTUS destroys [DS} with #Christmas @Whitehouse Patriotism exhibit.

All of a sudden we’re getting a lot of “ship shots”. This is from an email from a friend that I missed originally in late October, said to be an Andromedan ship. Thanks, J. Beautiful.

With that, I’m signing off for today.  ~ BP

Cranks, Fakes, Frauds and Phonies in the Alternative Media [videos] ~ November 16, 2019

Editor’s Note; This is a very good article alerting all to the “wolves in sheeps clothing” that are tasked with the job of misleading and confusing an awakening population. Here in rural NC, most folks know something just isn’t right, but do not have exposure to the truth, thank you MSM, and those who distort the truth…

So…please read this article, choose who you follow based on how their message feels to your heart (does it vibrate within in a good or bad way), do not follow MSM, and BE…



Over the years we have seen many “online personalities” emerge, rise to stardom, and fade away. There are many reasons for this, and sometimes it’s because they aren’t who they claimed. They are fakes; cabal-paid shills, spinning tales and making off like bandits with the money they panhandled from unsuspecting people.

From time to time we get a flashback of one of these characters and muse to ourselves… whatever happened to so-and-so?

QAnon has a number of times urged us to don the Armour of God. That’s from Ephesians 6:11. I’m not religious, but I do know a little about who has been running our planet, and we each have to take responsibility for protecting ourselves.

Weapons of mass intelligence are real, and sometimes lethal.

I would say one aspect of our armour is knowledge. We need a baseline for separating good from evil, truth from falsehood, to ward off the dark ones and stop them from doing what they came here to do, which is fight us to ruthlessly to continue their reign.

Bad actors were inserted into our reality to entertain, distract, shape the narrative, misinform, cover up truths, intimidate, create drama and conflict, and even relieve patriots of their hard-earned cash. Some were very believable. Some were not.

When you speak out about these people and question their integrity and their facts and your blog’s comments are suddenly clogged up with new visitors viciously attacking you, it’s a pretty sure sign they were a cabal agent, like “Corey Goode”, who was outed by Alfred Lambremont Webre at News Inside Out a few years ago.

The community interested in UFOs, ETs, and space phenomena is a large one, and since so few of the claims can be proven or disproven, there is vast opportunity to mislead the public.

Now that we know how the satanists raise some Beings to play roles like actors in a play, it’s easier to understand how we could be mislead. We have it on good authority that Barack Obama/Barry Soetoro is a CIA asset, as is his boyfriend, Michael/Michelle Obama. We’re far too gullible and want to believe the best of people. Too many failed boot camp.

Often the warriors doing the outing have been vilified before it even happens. I would say that since we suspect that both the White Hats and the dark ones have access to timelines, past and future, it might throw a different light on the story.

If you subscribe to the notion that they may know who will out their shills, would it make sense the dark cabal might introduce a smear campaign well in advance to discredit a source so we discount their claims without even investigating? Just a thought.

Along that same line of thinking, Kevin Annett has been attacked relentlessly for a long time since he first began exposing the disappearance of indigenous people in Canada, the murder of aboriginal children, and exposed their mass graves in Canada and Ireland. For some reason, many “truthers” were convinced he was a fraud despite the formation of the ITCCS—the International Tribunal Into Crimes of Church and State.

Why do we fall for these deep state tactics? Fortunately, Kevin has not allowed the psychopaths to intimidate him into stopping his fight to expose and stop pedophiles and satanic ritual abuse globally. He has written numerous books and does many interviews on the Internet to bring the horrific truth to our attention.

There is a tendency in Humans to ferociously protect the reputation of someone who tells them things they want to hear—particularly when the teller portrays themselves as a selfless victim who risked all to bring secrets to Humanity. No one likes to learn they were deceived and no one wants to look the fool.

Unfortunately, even the people who are working for Humanity have foibles, make mistakes, succumb to disinformation, and not everything they say is the truth. Individually, we have to decide “who is who in the zoo”.

The lunatic left aren’t the only ones who don’t want to hear the facts, but when we’re wrong we need to refrain from beating ourselves up. It’s the nature of the beast.

We need to ask ourselves if, by accepting their story as truth, are we furthering our agenda as truth seekers, or theirs?

Having said that, following are a few examples of characters in this “movie” we’re watching who have been exposed with very strong evidence that they have an agenda that doesn’t match ours.

We won’t go into all the people who have been attacked for exposing frauds because that is what the dark ones do. Some wind up in jail to silence them.

Recently, attempts to silence two men who outed pedophile rings broke into a full-blown Internet brawl. You may have seen this in your travels online. It is a testament to the fact that the criminals—the ones perpetrating crimes against children—hide in places right up to second in command in America. Yes, including the VP. Which prompts us to query, “What can‘t they do?”

BREAKING! Somebody altered a federal court record in effort to discredit the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force

Neither Field McConnell nor Timothy Holmseth have shown any indication they are pedophiles but they have revealed the names of some people involved in the global pedophile network, and even those who murder children.

In this collection of articles and videos about frauds we won’t include Corey Goode because that’s old news. He’s allegedly bilked his followers of thousands of dollars weaving his mesmerising accounts of exploits in space and has little credibility remaining. Unfortunately, a few of his cohorts are still working the alternative news “truther” community. That might cause some to wonder about the motives of people like David Wilcock and Jordan Sather, who has also partnered with RD Steele. People in the public eye need to be cautious about who they associate with lest they be painted with the same brush.

The cabal’s attempts to steer the narrative around their secret space program failed, partially due to the fact that Goode plagiarized material in plain view on the WWW. I saw one source myself; word for word = credibility zero. It would be nice if we could trust everyone in the alternative news community but we’ve had figures thrown out there suggesting 80 – 90% of it comprises fakes and fraudsters.

Alex Jones was also outed by QAnon, and that was a no-brainer. He lost credibility long, long ago. A terrible actor.

Randy Cramer of the USMC was another one who captured the imaginations of people who yearned for information about the off-world exploits of man in space. Someone once left a comment on this blog about Capt. Cramer being a “gamer”; a guy bringing video game fantasies to life. Whatever his source, he’s been called out just as he was to soar to stardom in a book—another way the cabal loves to edify their own, mislead the public, and (re)write history, but perhaps the author truly was mislead.

US Marine Corps: “there is no record of a person named Randy Cramer ever having served in the U.S. Marine Corps.”

These USMC personnel also searched for whether the US Marine Corps has ever has a Captain rank by the name of Randy Cramer in its entire history. This search also came up Negative, when the entire data base of USMC personnel was searched.

Assuming that this prima facie evidence is in fact true, that would mean that at the very least Randy Cramer could be found guilty of a federal felony and violation of the Stolen Valor Act https://www.congress.gov/bill/113th-congress/house-bill/258/ for publicly putting himself forth as a military officer, not to mention the untold damage to Exopolitical research of perpetrating a sustained public hoax and fraud about his alleged participation in the U.S. presence on Mars.

Randy Cramer’s apparent hoax and possible Stolen Valor felony as a US Marine Captain and Mars expeditionary force member came to light following a request by author Len Kasten of NewsInsideOut.com reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre of an endorsement of Kasten’s planned book Dark Fleet (2020: Bear & Co.) in which Randy Cramer appears as a major source. [See Letter below].

Read the rest of the article…

Who could be worse than someone who pretends to save children from pedophiles when they’re really working for the pedophiles?

Investigative journalist Timothy Holmseth suggests former Navy SEAL Craig Sawyer is Hillary Clinton’s controlled opposition.

Are you getting the feeling that claiming to be a member of the US military is good insulation? Some would never suspect a disabled war vet, just as an example, of being a cabal asset, but it’s something to consider. Who would suspect a “wounded warrior” of being a disinfo agent? Do we ever see what’s on the other side of that desk they hide behind? Trust no one, unless you’ve vetted them yourself.

America’s worst in-grown ass hair Craig Sawyer exposed AGAIN!

Vets 4 Child “RESCUE” Taxes – Craig Sawyer Falsely Promised to “RESCUE” Kids – ‘Awareness’ Scheme

The article below claims Sawyer’s assets were seized because he EXPOSED pedophilia. We know President Trump’s Executive Order mandated the seizure of assets of those involved in serious Human Rights Abuse. Pedophiles are the prime targets. We also know the pedophile task force in America has been working with law enforcement and citizens globally to seek out the pedophile/Human trafficking networks in every country on this planet and shut them down.

Looks like damage control to me, and it’s not “ring” singular. It’s a global network, as stated above. They attempt to minimize the threat.

Navy SEAL has Assets Seized for Trying to Expose Elite Paedophile Ring*

Sarah Westall has exposed a number of individuals involved in the pedophilia circles. The dark has been infiltrating positive groups for centuries, so to assume that everyone within a Humanitarian organization is a “good guy” is foolish. We can look at their actions and see how altruistic and honest they are—or not.
Needless to say, Sarah herself has been maligned because she does this work.

Over time the intent and actions of several people have been called into question with respect to the ITNJ—the International Tribunal for Natural Justice. Two of their most visible members are Sacha Stone and Robert David Steele, and their actions suggest they are not on our side. If they were, why would there be attacks on Sarah Westall, Dr. Katherine Horton, and Kevin Annett? These people all expose pedophiles, the targeting of civilians with directed energy weapons, and other crimes against Humanity.

At this point in the game we know that the players for the dark mix truth with disinfo, and positive actions with negative so it confuses people and they don’t know what to believe.

If we think logically, it’s not difficult to see that people fighting for Humanity don’t attack our soldiers. One of their favourite tricks is smear campaigns, and of course, law suits.

What kind of Humanitarian threatens to take a Truth Warrior to court for stating their research about their activities and sharing the negative experiences of others to warn the public? Imposters and bullies, that’s who.

The CIA has few redeeming qualities or candidates and extreme caution should be exercised with those who lay claim to those credentials; past or present. There are positive and negative factions within every organization of note and there are skilled liars lying in wait to dupe the uninitiated.

These discussions with Sarah Westall and researcher Alessandro are very revealing and worth the time to listen because there is a trend now for good people to leave the ITNJ. Alessandro himself was a volunteer in the ITNJ so he knows of what he speaks.

Some of those who believed they were part of an organization designed to do good work for victims of Human trafficking and child sex trafficking have realized they are part of something with an undercurrent of evil and they don’t want their reputations tainted.

Stone and Steele. Quite the team. Strength and precision. “Counsel” suggests an attorney, while Steele is reportedly former CIA. Part of the “illusion”?

While we may not have conclusive evidence of underhanded activity, there is certainly enough to cause us to question some members of the ITJN who do not appear to be playing for our team because 1. They refuse to acknowledge Kevin Annett and the ITCCS or work with them, and 2. They outright attack and threaten Kevin Annett and others who have discussed these tactics by high profile ITNJ members who like to wear black dresses to show how important they are. Symbolic robes.

Some of these people exhibit a pretzel logic to explain away the distinctly masonic or Luciferian symbols used by the ITNJ. Considering some of the symbols triggered victims yet they refuse to reconsider using those symbols suggests they are not interested in providing a safe, therapeutic avenue for victims to come to terms with their terrifying experiences.

As QAnon has said, “Their symbolism will be their downfall.” In connection with that Alessandro also discusses Tulsi Gabbard.

In this first video we hear about a number of victims of sudden, ritualistic death; the hallmark of a “hit” to silence truth tellers. Some of them you may recognize.

Fatal to Expose Trafficking: Cornell, Senators, NYPD, Kate Spade w/ Alessandro Valerin Castelón (1of2)

Fatal to Expose Trafficking: ITNJ & Sacha Stone w/ Alessandro VC (2of2)

Dr. Katherine Horton is another prime example of a person raised as a trafficked child—all over Europe—by a man high up within British intelligence. She went on to expose the pedophile network, and through her implants that the Illuminati/CIA psychopaths use in their “assets” she has been and still is, the victim of torture.

She and her home are relentlessly attacked with directed energy weapons and other methods of abuse, like breaking and entering, stalking, etc.

As a targeted individual she has outed US Air Force Space Command for the DEW attacks and has appealed to the courts to stop it. Military warfare against civilians is illegal and she has rallied together many other victims of this unspeakable abuse and created legal templates so they can all submit their documents to the courts and stop this torture.

Katherine has also been the recipient of abusive emails from RD Steele threatening her. In addition to discussing pedophilia and satanic ritual abuse in her videos with crusaders like Kevin Annett, she goes into great detail about the attacks sustained in her personal diary. It’s a miracle she is still here to warn us about the deeds of the dark but she is on a mission.

To be clear, our understanding is that the Air Force Space Command branch of the military is a rogue element not working with President Trump, the Marines, and other military branches. That is why POTUS made a point of stating that he has launched the US Space Force—to differentiate that branch from the cabal’s Nazi wing, where SSp doesn’t stand for “secret space program”.

Katherine is a warrior and determined to make a difference at her own peril. Therefore, how can anyone who threatens her be a friend to Humanity? How many complaints against one person, particularly “former” CIA, does it take for people to recognize the enemy?

We don’t need to expose the criminals. They expose themselves.

Check out this post from Kevin Annett which includes a video interview with Dr. Horton and displays the emails discussed. “You have more than you know.  ~ Q”

Click on the link below to launch the article.

We hope that new visitors to the Internet will exercise extreme caution while researching. It’s a jungle out there and we all bear our war wounds.  ~ BP

Breaking interview with Kevin Annett on his threatened arrest by ITNJ thugs; with Katherine Horton, March 21, 2019

See upcoming ITCCS Alert: CIA spook Robert Steele threatens to have Kevin Annett’s life “turned inside out”

Headlines and Updates for November 6, 2019: The Pain is Coming: The Pain is Here [videos] ~ November 6, 2019

Editor’s Note: I Am proud to BE on Earth at this time, and intend to order the last item listed below on Starship Earth’s post. Please read, order your own, and BE…



Q is quiet. It’s like we’re holding our collective breath… waiting for the next big bombshell… our next little morsel of Q wisdom. Our mouths water at the mere mention of his letter. Q. Or number. 17.

The first thing I want to address today is the lies about Field McConnell being arrested. It’s one of the most ridiculous things I’ve heard in the 7.5 years I’ve been doing this. FAKE NEWS! It’s a hoax, people.

As I said yesterday, there is no way it would be true. Field claims he has no enemies, but unfortunately, due to his outspoken way of outing the criminals, he does have enemies. He’s been fighting these ogres in black dresses for years.

The “banksters acting as judges” have been trying to steal his land. They have kept he and his wife apart. President Trump and the President’s Men made it possible for Denise to finally join Field in America and now the psychopaths have forced her to flee to the UK again for her safety. Perhaps Field has joined her there. I hope he has.

Unfortunately, some people would rather choose to believe the worst about a former Marine/Patriot/champion of children and jumped on the crazy train rather than realizing the blatant tactics are a pure, classic, textbook deep state smear campaign.

In an information war largely fought in the trenches of the Internet, we have to be savvy. And logical. I wondered why QAnon so often instructed us to use logical thinking. Apparently the reminder is required as some prefer pretzel logic.

Fortunately, many folks who revere Field McConnell and recognize his sacrifice (at 70 years of age) to found The Children’s Crusade and the McConnell Veterans Ranch, left their comments beneath some of the videos making the circuit on Themtube and stated they would never believe the BS being spouted.

Thank you! to the Patriots at American Intelligence Media/AIM4Truith for their research and their part in dissolving the absurd claims that Field was arrested, is a pedophile, etc. Un-friggin-believable.

We have the logic, and now we have the facts.

We’ve got your back, Field. (Watch your mouth.)  ;0)

Please read their page with videos here to set the record straight. See for yourself.

Field McConnell and wife Denise

The Field McConnell Lie

Our researchers were very concerned to hear that Field McConnell was arrested so we sent the miners in to see what they could find. Nope. Nothing on Field in Broward County or with the Feds. So what is this hoax really about?

Read the rest of the post…

This story will remain in the news cycle for a bit. Can you say, “damage control”?

The problem is, this isn’t only an “alt news” story. Anyone who’s anyone and delivers news broke this one. It’s all over Facebook. It’s all over Twitter. It’s everywhere.

Even the Washington compost carried it, with Amy in her slithery reptile-looking dress in black and white and big “M’s” for Masons… or monsters.

Amy Robach

So when Hillary tells us the footage we might see about high profile people and related shocking subjects is “fake news”… will the public believe her?

“The systematic destruction of the old guard.” It’s a thing of beauty. Watch them writhe in abject terror, because they know this ain’t over. It’s just beginning.

BREAKING: ABC News and Amy Robach RESPOND to Project Veritas BOMBSHELL #EpsteinCoverup Story


Karate Kid Analogy Defeating the Old Guard

Q!!mG7VJxZNCI 2 May 2019 – 9:41:23 AM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oP2F5CM30k


You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD.
May, 2019 – ‘kick-off’ ‘start’ ‘offense’
Enjoy the show!

We warned about the 5th of November.

The demons who have been running the planet are doing their best to deliver their own form of pain in retaliation for their removal.

The carnage is off the charts and this is one horrific story. The perpetrators are the ones Trump first referred to as “animals”—which caused a stir in the Dem-onic left. Oh, he’s racist… blah, blah, blah.

Most recently in Tupelo, MS the President said, “They’re not Human Beings”. He’s telling it true, but most people believe he’s speaking figuratively. He knew very well one reason the wall is required is to keep these creatures out. Now they’re forcing the issue and showing just how much we need protection.

The evil ones running the world have cultured these criminals. They gave them access to guns, money, drugs, and issued their marching orders. They need death, destruction, and suffering to pervade the planet. They profit from it. They thrive on it. “These people are sick.” “Pure evil”, says Q.

Recent events bring to mind the old Donald Fagen song, Maxine. “Mexico City… It’s like another world.” You won’t catch me going to Mexico any time soon. Build that wall!

A mom and 4 kids have been burned alive & another 10 kids and their 2 mothers have been kidnapped (with some already dead)

The Mormon men in the villages have gathered stockpiled weapons and are preparing for offensives against the Cartels & Mexican Government pic.twitter.com/DIjP7QgVrB

— I E T (@InKUNated_ET) November 5, 2019

Is it Schiff-hit-the-fan time?

Here’s the next chapter of the Dimm’s playbook called, “Impeach! Impeach! Impeach!”

House to hold public impeachment hearings next week

Michigan residents… pay attention.

The Illuminati plan… to force migration of radical Islamic peoples into the West to destroy Christian societies. Many didn’t believe it could ever happen. What do they say now?

The “tolerant left” embraces these extremists who believe anyone who doesn’t worship their god should be ultimately beheaded and eliminated. They have no desire to integrate into our society; they plan to take it over. They will eclipse our social mores, roots, customs, and beliefs, and certain parties in America are supporting that plan.

The Muslims are having far more babies than we are in North America and their plan is to take over our countries. The writing is on the wall.

The slaughter of the Christians 2.0.

Andrew Scheer, Conservative Party candidate for Prime Minister of Canada met with the man who published a book about how to effectively beat your wife. Women are second class citizens to these extremists. They never advanced to a free and open society where we are all equal and tolerance is embraced. Violence… destruction of property…beatings… rape… beheadings… that’s their way of life and they have no intention of changing.

This is not to say that every Muslim is a terrorist. Some are kind, decent folk, but the ones imported and encouraged to facilitate the takeover are pure evil.

Will the Illuminati plan to destroy America and Canada succeed? That remains to be seen. Electing Democrats will hurt the West and Christians. It would mean our demise.

Representatives like Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar were planted in America to achieve the prime objective. They don’t need the People to elect them. They are “installed”. Elections are an illusion when the control freaks need to advance their agenda.

The People must insist on election integrity and keep the globalists’ land mines from blowing up in our faces.

Must See Video: The Islamic Takeover Has Begun, Watch Thousands of Shia Muslims March in Rashida Tlaib’s District

The mass exodus from Washington continues and Visclosky has left the building.

It’s not hard to guess whose names are included in the 120,000+ sealed indictments for treason, etc. They’re going to slink away out of the public eye and avoid the embarrassment. Smooth move, ex-lax—and it’s always a good idea to retire before you’re 80. Isn’t it, Nancy Pelosi and Ruth Bader Ginsberg?

Is this Democrat one of “those” old guard fugitives?

Rep. Visclosky announces retirement

In the video below Project Weeping Angel delves into the history of the Freemasons and the secret societies who have been running the world (into the ground). There is a fascinating history they don’t teach us in school. Ssssshhhhh! Mustn’t tell.

QAnon has revealed their hand in the machinations that brought us to the brink of extinction and said, “Symbolism will be their downfall.”

When we speak of it, they denounce it as “conspiracy theory”, but once you understand it, you see it everywhere. They flaunt it.

Secret handshakes. Hand signals. The “hidden hand”. The all-seeing eye. One eye covered. Crests. Sigils. Geometric shapes. Animals. Owls. Colours. Shapes. Clothing. Red shoes. Architecture.

If there’s nothing wrong with it, why do they hide it? Why do they lurk in our world and hide behind their gated mansions and estates on their fancy yachts with mini subs to private islands and travel with security details?

Their symbolism screams “secret society” and “bloodline”. They’re proud of it. They believe they are elevated elements of our culture. Royalty. Ha!

There’s nothing to be proud of. They are the scourge of Creation and they’re going down. Kicking and screaming. Including Hollywood.

ATTENTION: The More You Know . . .

Jussie Smollett is the lame actor who just won’t go away. His name is always hanging around like a bad smell and the fallout from his disgusting prank just won’t settle. But there’s good news.

Chicago’s Top Cop, Who Blasted Jussie Smollett For Hate Hoax and Snubbed Trump, Set To Resign, Report Says

Digital Soldiers fall in! Hit the keyboards. Man your battle stations and man the memes.

This is a timely update from James Corbett at The Corbett Report.

The Meme Wars Have Begun! – #PropagandaWatch

This has been a heavy collection of news and it’s time to lighten up. The future is bright.

Christmas is coming!

We will be saying, “Merry Christmas” in America this year—and you can thank President Trump for that.

None of this “Happy Holidays” crap. In Canada and the United States we say, “Merry Christmas.” (Don’t we, Canada?)

Welcoming desirable immigrants doesn’t mean abandoning our own customs and culture. They can assimilate, or leave.

The Merry Christmas greeting is not offensive.  OUR CULTURE is not offensive, and I don’t appreciate anyone disrespecting my culture and customs.

This is the way we do it, and being offended is a choice. No snowflakes needed at Christmas this year.

Check this out. Trump Christmas wrapping paper—with happy snowflakes.

I thought it amusing, but you can actually order it here.

Have a lovely hump day.  ~ BP

The Late Edition for November 5, 2019: Exposed! The Controllers’ Empire in Freefall [videos] ~ November 5, 2019

Editor’s Note: Ok,,,here it comes! Due to Project Veritas releasing this video showing MSM media to be under the control of
“the powers that were”… many, many more are learning the truth of the Epstein story that was manipulated by MSM before our eyes.

Finally, truth about perhaps the strongest arm of the Dark, MSM and other “news” reporting agencies is now BEing revealed. This is certainly shaping up to be one heck of a November.

My advice? Pay attention to Alternative Media (I routinely post daily news reports from Starship Earth), learn the real truth of our world, and then BE…



The alternative/truth media and digital soldiers on social media are bringing down the control freaks’ infrastructure.

Before we get to the meat of the matter and the destruction of the legacy media, an update on the California fires.

Dave Hodges’ intelligence sources say President Trump knows the true source and origin of the fires in Northern California. Well, of course he does. I said that last year.

The President isn’t deceived about anything. He knows it all, but the Patriots/White Hats/Q Team have a plan and they know exactly what to reveal to the public, and in what order, to most effectively tackle the deep state psychopaths and shake the public awake. Above all, they don’t want panic or fear.

They are telling the public that the fires are somewhat due to the lack of forest management in California, and that may be partially true, but we know the fires are started by the cabal’s minions, not high winds, and not by PG&E lines sparking the forest floor.

Our friends in Cali need to be on the watch all the time. It won’t always be this way, but right now they have to deal with the attacks. There are fires all over the state, and the reasons vary.

It’s a good update from Dave. I believe he’s correct in what he reports.

We have seen President Trump go after California governor Newsom this week, and while he is not letting on about all the details, we can see the direction the next attack is taking.

As Q said, “Watch California.”

How the Illuminati/CIA Controlled the World

I finally finished the second half of the video on the Field Report from October 24 and Cheryl Hersha Beck who was born into a bloodline family. She enlightened us again about Illuminati/satanic rituals and sacrifices to Baal.

She is a tremendous resource and reports things like the form demons take when conjured up in a ritual and that the reason the pedovores prefer dark-skinned children is due to the higher concentration of melanin produced by the pineal gland. The adrenochrome produced when the child is tortured is equivalent to a heroine rush for them.

She said that the Illuminati believe that RH negative blood contains a mechanical component derived from the the fallen angels mating (eons ago) with the children of Adam. They believe they are a mix of AI and Human and strive to keep the “royal” bloodline alive by interbreeding. Incest, in other words. That’s what they do. Brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, anything to keep it all in the family. They believe they are superior to us. They are not.

She also recommended the info related by Juan O Savin on McAllister TV with respect to the Illuminati bloodlines. She spoke about the Shriners, and St. Jude’s Hospital, etc. which are Big Pharma organizations pretending to be helpful for Humanity while in the lower levels of their institutions they might be doing experiments on children, etc.

Cheryl went into detail on trauma-based mind control by the CIA/Illuminati and MK-Ultra mind control to create alternative personalities/split personalities/alters so they would have programmable children and young adults to serve their needs, whether sexual, to create a child “honey pot” to entrap politicians, diplomats, etc. so they could be drugged and filmed in compromising situations and therefore blackmailed and controlled, or for other political purposes, like the sleeper cells used to perpetrate false flag shootings, bombings, etc.

This is how they have controlled the world for a very long time. It’s riveting and well worth the time to listen.

President Trump has called out the “fake media” for a long time and America is finally getting the message.

They lie. They are the CIA/Illuminati propaganda arm of the shadow government/deep state.

As QAnon said, we are the news now.

Thomas at TRUreporting did an update on the Epstein story and we’re making sure this information gets out so you may find it repeats what you have already heard.

Project Veritas is relentless and scores a huge reveal in the Epstein story with regard to ABC News.

The mockingbird media does not report the news, they shape the narrative and protect their own, as well as attacking their enemies.

Any time now we will see the end of the legacy media. They are in a death spiral and few believe them any more. History in the making.

#EpsteinCoverUp Will Encompass And Expose All Involved In Harming Children! :coded:

Headlines and Updates for November 2, 2019: Paying Attention? [videos] ~ November 2, 2019

Editor’s Note: Starship Earth is back from her vacay, and…I AM back from my travels where posting occurs, but in a sometimes difficult formatting kind of way. So…back to “normal” posting, although the news continues to show dark control over our lives is fading…FAST!

Please read below, now your world is about to change in a positive and major kind of way, and BE…



Note: See the 8Kun update below by scrolling… in red…

The headlines are incendiary and most intriguing and it’s impossible to keep up but these are exciting times for the awakened as we witness the destruction of the olde guarde.

There are a few out there making wild predictions about what’s coming, like “civil war” in America, the “forcible removal” of President Trump, etc. but I’m not getting that impression and I don’t fear it.

What our available and trustworthy intelligence suggests is that the White Hats are goading the dark into an impeachment. It ends there. There are no grounds to impeach the President, and he cannot be indicted. Period.

However—and this is where is gets really good—if you think about it, there is much to be gained by encouraging the lunatic left to attempt to remove POTUS. It will seal their fate.

I have shared the views of others who also tell us don’t worry. Relax. Enjoy the show. It seems that without Q’s counsel a few are getting a little freaked out. Don’t give in to fear. It’s like gasoline on a fire and easily gets out of control.

DEMS ARE DOING EVERYTHING THEY CAN TO IMPEACH. PATRIOTS, don’t worry. It can’t happen. Many, many Dems are facing Treason, Gitmo, & death penalty. Especially shifty Schiff. Dems are scared to death. Appropriate for Halloween, YES?

— chiefpolice (@chiefpolice2) October 31, 2019

I DO think the White Hats will push it to the max, while remaining in full control. They may very well allow impeachment, which may lead to some civil disturbance at which point they might declare martial law, at which point the media would be silenced, mass arrests could take place as the military (who we understand are now trained to assist local law enforcement to make arrests and keep the peace in urban areas) can step up and GET THIS DONE. That is one train of thought based on the information we’ve been given. All we can do is “wait and see”.

If everyone who has seen suggestions to “prepare” from the alt media and President Trump actually do so, that will be a piece of cake. I believe this next year, however, leading up to the 2020 election will see much opposition.

Arrests of the lower echelon criminals won’t mean every one of them is suddenly removed. It may well be true that we are roughly half way through a 7-year plan to fumigate and sanitize the world of the Illuminati/deep state vermin and the public will continue to be schooled in their history lessons and who did what. The public needs to be fully engaged in this process to restore their Republic.

With secure comms with QAnon, the White Hats, and good intel coming from trusted sources, the patriots can rest easier. I would say the most important things to remember are that nothing is what it seems, and to remain calm no matter what—for that very reason. It’s all good, and The Plan is going swimmingly. You can’t rush it, and what needs to happen will happen.

I think we can all agree that when (not if) JFK Jr. arrives on the scene America will go bonkers with DELIGHT. It will be shock and awe. I fully expect this because there are too many signs to ignore. It will be THE game-changer with more poetic justice than any dimm can stomach. Their heads will explode, and it will be messy. In a good way.

When all is said and done I do believe the US military/our friends upstairs will congratulate themselves on a job well done without civil war in America, on the successful protection of President Trump and his family, and minimal loss of life. They simply can’t liberate a planet full of brainwashed, mind-controlled Humans and programmed entities/sleeper cells and prevent all casualties.

And that’s not even addressing the Earth changes. With the expansion of the planet, earthquakes, sinkholes, mud slides, tidal changes, solar activity, wildlife die-offs and other events, climate shifting into ice-age mode, it’s almost too much to take on. It’s a miracle, really, that we’re still here to fight this battle.

Bottom line, there’s only so much we can do to educate the public and we hope they will catch on and wake up to the reality. Muzzling the corporate media/propaganda arm of the deep state is key. When the day comes that the Patriots can broadcast the truth to the masses rather than using the President’s Twitter and rallies is the day the tables will turn, in my opinion.

There is plenty of good news. We are seeing the more Human elements of society stepping up and doing what’s right. Liz Cheney seems to have left the fold and is working for the White Hats. Considering her father’s probable role in 9/11, that’s a very positive development.

Liz Cheney to Nancy Pelosi: Stop Leaking and Release Full Transcripts of all Depositions

The Tupelo venue may not have been the largest, and the crowd perhaps not the loudest, but the leadership who spoke before Trump’s KAG rally are feisty and plain-spoken like President Trump and not afraid to call out the dimms and their despicable behaviour. The Governor even said Trump was going to lead America into the Light. Interesting terminology. The current governor has served two terms and cannot serve another, so the People need to elect a new one on Tuesday. May they choose wisely. (Republican)

There were 32K people watching on RSBN alone, so America (and the world) are paying attention. As of November 3, we are officially in a new election cycle, and it will be a roller coaster.

Here’s the RSBN link to watch the Lexington, Kentucky KAG rally on Monday, Nov. 4.  Details and ticket reservations here.

Unexpected headlines continue to pour forth as the political scene rocks and rolls.

Trump-Ukraine Whistleblower Suddenly Won’t Testify; Lawyers Break Off Negotiations Amid New Revelations

The information war is raging on Twitter. Joe M’s page is gone.

I found this Tweet interesting. Carter Page a plant?

Carter is a PLANT.

Recognize the results of his labor.
Delay Delay Delay.

This isnt about transparency or reviewing information. This is about trying to hide the fact he was planted into the Trump campaign.

Don’t Get Lost Along The Way.

— EyeTheSpy (@TrueEyeTheSpy) November 1, 2019

Nothing is what it seems in the world where “leaks” are not leaks, and politicians are not politicians but CIA assets, but we can relax and enjoy the show. Last I checked 8Kun is still not up but Q will be back.  Possibly today.

UPDATE: 8kun is up but we’re asked to stay off for now as there is no “Q board” yet, anyway.

It’s back. https://t.co/7gZbuECZjM

— EyeTheSpy (@TrueEyeTheSpy) November 2, 2019

In Q’s absence we have the President using the language. At the rally last night in Tupelo he said, “These people are sick.” He also said (of MS13 gang members) “These people are not Human Beings.” And of the dimms, they’re sort of “mentally violent”. I chuckle because it’s fascinating to watch.



— M3thods (@M2Madness) November 2, 2019


But I thought there was no such thing as a “Deep State”…that it was just a “right wing conspiracy theory”. https://t.co/oThsQPcSsg

— Lisa Mei Crowley (@LisaMei62) November 1, 2019

At 2:37 in this next video Mike uses the clip from the Strzok hearing where he rolls his eyes and makes the bizarre face. and the blonde behind him does the eye thing where they close and then open with the reptilian slit pupil. Technology and the Internet have truly been the watershed for the campaign to rid our planet of evil. What we are seeing with our own eyes now won’t stand up to the CIA’s rhetorical claims of “conspiracy theory”. It is what it is and even Princess Diana stated it when she said, “They’re not Human.”

The world is about to learn that the reason the establishment has denied the existence of extraterrestrial (or “intelligent life”) elsewhere is because they didn’t want Humans to know they weren’t alone in the Universe or that their planet has been invaded millennia ago by multiple species of advanced organisms; many of whom enslaved them and preyed upon them in myriad ways. Sheep no more.

Hillary responds to everything the same way; the witch’s cackle. Fortunately, the witch hunt is over. We’ve got the ghouls right where we want them. Next to the gallows.

How Did You Kill Jeffrey Epstein? Hillary Was Asked

I missed this headline last week from across the pond. At this point I would be assuming a new identity if I were part of a “royal” family—whether England, Holland, or elsewhere. The world is learning that the POS royals are sickos; pedophiles, pedovores, thieves, slave masters, and scheming to eliminate Humans. No theory about the conspiracy. Just facts. Pitchforks at the ready!

Incidentally, the chief on Twitter told followers NOT to view the Hillary/Huma snuff video under any circumstances. He said you don’t want that in your head because it will haunt you. It will change you. You’ll regret it. He has seen it, and other unspeakable things as a police officer over the years.

Prince Andrew, Duke of York, and convicted sexual deviant Jeffrey Epstein, possibly deceased

Prince Andrew, Duke of York, and convicted sexual deviant Jeffrey Epstein, possibly deceased

Accuser Claims Prince Andrews Joined In Nine Person Orgy With Epstein On His Private Island

And this next article is current, as well. There is video with subtitles at the link from Epstein’s Florida mansion and testimony from women who speak from experience. I was unaware that Luke Rudkowski and Jeff Berwick has sneaked on the island. Great article and photos.

I don’t think the world will ever be ready for what’s going to come out of this, the underground bases, and the Hillary/Huma snuff video, but the truth must be told so history doesn’t repeat. The term “predator” takes on a whole new meaning.

If you need a mini sub to exit your yacht and enter the island and vice-versa you’re up to no good. This past summer we saw video footage of the white sub docked while the FBI raided the island. It’s true. Nice to see our tax dollars hard at work—because these people don’t “work” like the peasants. They steal our money. They believe they are royalty destined to control us.

The satanists running the world are being systematically exposed and removed with surgical precision. Excision is a long, painful process because there are so many of them… but we’re winning. Thank President Trump and the US military, for starters. Thousands of awakened Humans have toiled for years to bring this to fruition, and many have lost their lives in service to Humanity.

Fake doors and secret underground lairs discovered at Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Paedo Island’

Check out this extended Tweet from 3Days3Nights from last summer. (click inside the box to launch in Twitter and see the full thread)


If you were going to commit the WORST crimes against children, you would choose an ISLAND far from prying eyes with hills for UNDERGROUND torture chambers that was near a SUPPLY of CHILDREN (Haiti/DR/PR) that no one would notice if gone. pic.twitter.com/xLIrwzryjj


— 3Days3Nights (@3Days3Nights) July 13, 2019

Mar A Lago, Palm Beach, Florida

Sometimes I see headlines of interest but I’m focused on something else and forget about them until later. This headline popped up as I was looking for  information about it. Funny how that works.

I don’t blame the President for this move at all, do you? New York is one of the most corrupt states and I would rather be in my own home than there, or that prickly Washington, DC full of traitors and backstabbers. The Trump family safety is the most important.

Trump is draining the swamp but it doesn’t mean he has to live in it.

President Trump Says Goodbye To New York. He’s Making Palm Beach, Florida Home.

This is Part 2 of the Juan O Savin interview from Linda Paris/Deplorable McAllister.


Accused LGBT Child Molester and Obama Bundler Arrested For Paying Off Sex Abuse Victim To Disappear

Utsava fans might like her new psychic update. We all have our crosses to bear, and it’s getting easier to see who the dangerous ones are as their Twitter pages are deleted, videos hacked, comments full of trolls, audios ruined by interference, difficulty uploading videos, hiding articles, etc. That’s war in the information age. We soldier on.

November 2, 2019

I like this Tweet.

When the IG Report drops in the middle of this impeachment bullsh-t… pic.twitter.com/ljii3vX4Gm

— M3thods (@M2Madness) October 29, 2019

And this is a little late, as I’m still catching up while trying to remain current as well…  Thanks, R. Priceless.

Not sure if those are owls or rubber chickens.

Need help? The satanic temple on Jeffrey Epstein’s “orgy island” (Little Saint James).

Time to close. I never find the time to watch, read, or listen to the wealth of information available, so these posts are just a sampling of reality.  ~ BP