Headlines and Updates for December 28, 2019: New Q and Legal Developments Spell Disaster for the Crooks [videos] ~ December 258, 2019

Editor’s Note: Yep…here it comes! Please read the information below and hear the truth oozing out from many holes in the dike of lies in our lives. In the words of Q…”Nothing can stop this now.”

Please read on, know soul “transparency” is the order of the new day here on Planet Earth, and prepare to BE…



Q dropped some shiny nuggets in our stockings yesterday… 5:5, Q!  Get your Q fix here.

It’s obvious to many of us, not all, that the narrative has been to direct our attention away from the crimes of the dimms and the Ukraine—not Russia—with the theatre unfolding in Washington, DC. It’s so over the top—and dripping with frosting to cover up the stench of the cow pie underneath.


Bidens and Pelosis Fighting for Their Lives

Q!!Hs1Jq13jV6 27 Dec 2019 – 9:26:04 PM



They are FIGHTING for their LIVES.
Good people in place.

See the terror in the eyes?As QAnon has pointed out, is it really a coincidence that FOUR Democrat families and their progeny are linked to Ukraine? Not bloody likely. If we want to know what’s going on, we need to pay close attention to the Tweets from President Trump. He’s leading the charge.

“Wow, Crazy Nancy What’s Going On?” – BOOM! Trump Exposes Nancy Pelosi and Son Paul’s Shady Dealings in Ukraine

They can no longer walk down the street without being called out.

“Can I get a photo with you? I just wanted to tell you that I don’t like what you’re doing to California.” Love it. I couldn’t make out her typical, mumbled response.


Savage… pic.twitter.com/yNsM16XRJl

— M3thods (@M2Madness) December 28, 2019

In case you missed it…

BREAKING: Epstein Met With Scientists at Military Bases in Israel; Are Co-Conspirators Finally Under Investigation?

I also found this clarification on Field McConnell’s situation posted on Timothy Holmseth’s website from December 18. I was under the impression that Kirk Pendergrass was representing Field and had filed documents on his behalf because he was providing updates but that is not the case. See more here. Field is in good hands, however, and we anticipate will be released from his fraudulent incarceration status soon.

Did you listen to that conversation with Leo Zagami and John Barnwell we posted yesterday? Wow. That was another riveting one I wouldn’t have missed. I recognized John Barnwell’s voice from discussions with Douglas Gabriel at American Intelligence Media; two of the most informed people I’ve encountered in this nearly 8 year blogging journey, with interesting roots.

That video went in many directions and gave us valuable insight into the core of the battle unfolding on our planet. Many of the folks with the best information are insiders; members of one faction or another. Who is who will get sorted out, but for now, the intel and insights they share are critical to understanding this multi-dimensional quest for control of Earth, her peoples, her resources.

It IS a spiritual war and if we don’t accept that then we fail to understand the most important component of the struggle. The real issues and our true identity and plight at the hands of evil have been kept well hidden from Humanity in recent decades.

John defined the “us and them” aspect, and got into some of the more esoteric topics. It’s simple, yet at the same time incredibly complex. They spoke of the reasons the White Hats cannot simply walk in and arrest the criminals like the Poop, Nazi Pelosi, the Bidens, Obama, Shifty Schiff, etc.

No matter our personal opinions of some of the players on the chess board—and it is a vast one—if they’re working hard and sacrificing their safety and that of their families for us, we might want to support them—at least for now.

Awake and aware People now realize that much of the “terrorist” attacks around the world are orchestrated hits by the cabal to further their agenda; usually to instigate war and fresh conflict, and sometimes for sacrifice. They have to keep the suffering, extermination, and money going to survive, and they have to appease their evil gods. It’s a cosmic chess match and Humans are mere pawns in their games. We now know who the real terrorists are, and we’re coming after them.

WIKILEAKS: Chemical Weapons Watchdog Ordered Deletion of ‘All Traces’ of Findings That Syrian ‘Chemical Attack’ May Have Been Staged

Much of what we see in the “news” is distraction from the real issues. Like Human sacrifice. It wasn’t an ancient ritual that ended with the Mayans. Those running the world for centuries are pedovores. That reality will be thrust at us until the truth is accepted as fact by Humanity as a whole. The sooner the masses are aware, the easier it will be to stop.

Q also alerted us to the “book deals” making the dimms rich. Now a CEO is retiring. Coincidence?


— The Kek! Bomb (@The_Crimson_Jet) December 27, 2019

There was talk about a “missile” over Christmas on Twitter, linking Japan, and a failed attempt at a possible terrorist act by the cabal. I can’t locate that Tweet now, but Dave includes it in his X22 Report below. Simon Parkes also posted the following:

Avangard Hypersonic Missile System

Finally evidence of what I first went public with back in 2015 – That Russia has been helped by ‘Nordic’ type aliens after Putin withdrew from agreements with Reptilians.

Today – Russia announced the successful launch of the world’s first hypersonic anti missile defence system and nuclear first strike weapon – Yes even the US are not at the launch stage.

Travelling at upwards of 10 times the speed of sound in the Earth’s atmosphere with the ability to – viff – and glide it is super hard to shoot down even with energy weapons.

His hypersonic missile system called Avangard, is a direct result of off planet technology being worked up with Russian military scientists and should set every alarm bell ringing.

Answer don’t trade or make agreements with negative aliens because they won’t give you hardware that goes anywhere!


Simon’s current Connecting Consciousness video is here. Love the snow flakes. All I get is rain.

2019 12 27 Connecting Consciousness – Simon Parkes

About that abysmal Canadian “election”… Agent Margaritaville/Wounded Cheesie leaves his remarks.

There’s more than one way to skin a cat.


I dreamt
We had a Canadian election…
All the candidates were silent
About #prideophilia
Then one of them won
A slight minority
Facing 5 criminal probes
They all resigned
… wonder why?


Thanks for the tweet Andy
Thanks for the KrispyKream assed Judge pic.twitter.com/QLY6qfpR0D

— Wounded Cheesie (@WCheesie) December 27, 2019

Oh and…


This is a sign…
Time is rushing toward the https://t.co/i23IlzRGvr

— Wounded Cheesie (@WCheesie) December 26, 2019

I can’t quite make it all out; did they include the “drone assassinations”?



— M3thods (@M2Madness) December 27, 2019

Things are getting really interesting now, aren’t they Q?

Trump just retweeted a ‘QAnon’ conspiracy-theory hashtag to his 68 million followers

Dave brings us another outstanding roundup on the key moves on the chessboard, including the one just above in yesterday’s report.

[No Name] Involvement Confirmed, Durham And The American Revolution – Episode 2055b

Here’s how you get out from under and rewrite the narrative in Texas: “Search and Replace”.

Dr. Ronny Jackson for Congress

Name sound familiar? Trump’s physician. Uh-huh. Can’t go wrong.

Never forget: Epstein is the keystone.

All These Signs Point To A Global Elite Pedophile Ring, Covered Up By The MSM & FBI, Going On For Decades

Soldier on, patriots, we’re making great progress! This isn’t a season of only hope, but a deep knowing. We’re getting this done and the next year will be monumental.  ~ BP

Headlines & Updates for January 30, 2019: Caught in Limbo Between Darkness and Light [videos] ~ January 30, 2019

Does it seem like there is a tremendous amount of action begging to unfold that is being reined in until the right moment? It seems dammed up. That’s how it feels to me. We are getting all sorts of rumours, teasers, intel, disinformation, promises, prophecy, and it all seems to have stalled other than a few stunts like the Roger Stone arrest.

There are a number of distractions, but many of us are confident the real stuff that needs to happen is percolating away as quickly as possible. We certainly can’t go back, so we have to go forward; out of darkness, into the Light.

Going forward, Trey Gowdy has linked up with Fox News.

Trey Gowdy and Fox News Join Forces

The news that Bill Smith is back is most welcome as Bill vanished from his Themtube channel 5 months ago and no one knew if he was safe or what had happened to cause him to disappear so suddenly. He says he will explain but doesn’t feel like talking about it yet.

Following is his latest video. You may have heard that Sheila Jackson Lee was forced to resign from several positions she filled. This is more on WHY. Human trafficking.

BTW, while I delete many old posts beginning with the oldest from 2012, I am still experiencing a little sluggishness on the bridge so, to the Crew: please advise of any irregularities when flying Starship Earth. Thank you. As you were.

Lindsey Graham Sends Letter to FBI Director Wray Demanding Justification For Pre-Dawn Raid on Roger Stone

More foundations breaking the laws in the headlines… and who’s involved? They just keep on keepin’ on’ dancing like nobody’s watching.

Sergey Brin Foundation Named in Dark-Money Campaign Finance Complaint

Donation linked to oil and gas initiative may violate IRS rules, Colo. campaign finance law

This news wasn’t a great start to my day, but it’s clear where they’re going with this. They are showing exactly who they are and why they must be removed. Permanently. We told you the creatures who have been running the planet prey on Humans. I’m sure many didn’t believe it. Perhaps now they will.

Aborting full term babies???!!!!!!  That is allowed in their new bill.

Virginia Now Considering Law Legalizing Abortion Up Until Birth

Originator Explains How He Built the History of Earth Map

There is a fascinating aspect to this because before Dylan had finished his map or chart, QAnon was giving patriots updates on “the map”, and Dylan was unaware Q was referencing the map he was working on. Freaky? Supernatural? I keep telling you; Q knows stuff.

The following interview explains that this “map” is only related to Q in that QAnon recommended it as it contains a great deal of valuable information which connects a lot of dots. Dylan did a super job of researching and creating this and for the most part it reflects what we’ve heard elsewhere, so there is probably a lot of valid info in his chart.

I look forward to having an up close and personal look at the ancient global martial law chart in care of the Manna World Holding Trust which shows who was who and their area of responsibility thousands of years ago. Too bad the globalists aren’t the “royalty” they claim.

The more we learn, the more we know we were lied to about everything. History, as we are taught, is no more real or valid than a Hollywood movie.

After his Qmap went viral he’s Mapping the Ultimate Cult – Dylan Louis Monroe Exclusive Interview

Further to the information above, we have this update just in from American Intelligence Media. I haven’t even listened yet.

New Wikileaks EXPOSES Vatican, Knights of Malta, Jesuits, and Pope Francis

And as long as we’re exploring the fringes… we understand there is a dome over our planet; plasma or something else? We don’t know. Some say over specific cities, but how is that possible? A dome over every city, planet-wide is more likely.

Knowing how they give us hints in movies and entertainment, someone focused in on this episode of King of Queens. I’ve never watched the show, but it’s right there. Flat or not, we don’t know. Too many lies and fake Earth stories to be sure at this point. We don’t even know where we are; whether it’s on Earth or some fake quarantined reality where we’re captive.

The FLAT EARTH Dome/Firmament In King Of Queens!

One of our best sources of information, both current and ancient, has been Thomas Williams on the Truth, Honor & Integrity Show. Tune in tomorrow night, Thorsday, at 7:30 EST, 4:30 Pacific for the latest deep intel and updates on the cabal’s financial shenanigans to steal our Trust money, news analyses, and truth about anything you can imagine with a Q&A. You can also listen live from the website.

We like to end on a high note, so here’s the latest meme. You laugh, but it’s not that much of a stretch.  ~ BP

Image may contain: 1 person

The Last Naked Emperor: What’s Really Behind Pope Francis’ Irish Road Show | ITCCS ~ August 18, 2018

August 15, 2018

by Kevin D. Annett

A TRINITY OF CHILD KILLERS: Ninth Circle cult members Jorge Bergoglio (left) and World Council of Churches officials Olav Fykse Tveit and Anglican Bishop Mark MacDonald of Canada

When facing imminent defeat, a Prince must present a public face of confidence and appear to be powerful in order to assure his wavering subjects and confound the hopes of his adversaries. Nicolo Machiavelli, The Prince

I pray every day for Bergoglio to die. He is the greatest threat to the Church in its history. – Catholic Cardinal Raymond Burke to fellow Knights of Malta members, October 2017

After he came to office, Pope Francis realized how much he needed the Vatican money men to sustain his controversial rule. So he feigned an inquiry into the IOR (Vatican Bank) to conceal the extent of its looting and protect the usual gang of thieves under a smokescreen of liberal rhetoric. But the looting is massive. Even the Russian oligarchs have used the IOR to hide the billions they stole from their country. From Vladimir Putin on down, lots of people justifiably want Francis taken out. – Italian journalist to the author, June 19, 2018

Like a mythic curse, a violent madness has descended on my homeland. From the village of Knock to Dublin’s sprawl along the Liffey, Ireland is being militarized and regimented as if the civil war has returned. More than a thousand poor families and their children have been shoved into police prisons, roadways are being cordoned off and homes are being searched by the Gardai, and a “terrorist watch” network is harrassing suspected dissenters. Why? Apparently because a convicted criminal who thinks he is a god is coming to town, at a cost to an already-impoverished country of 32 million Euros. But the reason for the madness runs deeper.

The Pope Francis Road Show arrives in Ireland on August 25, with all the usual media-contrived gloss and fake ecstasy of any Vatican carnival routine. But even church commentators agree that this latest papal visit is unusual by the degree of security and sheer armed might that will surround Jorge Bergoglio. As a particularly obtuse cleric in Kerry remarked to a reporter last week,

“Why would a pope require such protection from his own people?”

Well saints preserve us, numb nuts! Maybe massive criminality and institutionalized child torture has something to do with it! Or how about that mass grave of dismembered baby corpses in Tuam, Ireland, concealed by a direct order from Jorge Bergoglio himself?

But leaving crimes against the innocent aside, as we usually do, there is the little matter that the Church of Rome is collapsing from within, especially and ironically in its traditionally most “devout” regions. We saw that displayed dramatically in Chile last year when twenty two catholic churches were burned to the ground and protesters besieged Pope Francis in Santiago. Ireland, another third world economic basket case, is as riddled with discontent towards Rome as is Chile. One Dublin commentator told me recently,

“All them cops around the pope will be shielding him from the worshipers, not the protesters. Lots of catholics despise the guy.”

One of the top despisers is Cardinal Raymond Burke from America, the Knight of Malta who has said openly that he wants Pope Francis to die. Burke heads the Dump Bergoglio faction in the Roman Curia that is angling to have Cardinal Francis Arinze of Nigeria, or a similar conservative, named as the new Pontiff once Bergoglio is forced out.

This faction is guided not so secretly by the convicted felon former Pope Benedict, Joe Ratzinger, still hiding out in the Vatican ever since we forced him there in February 2013. Church insiders tell us that Ratzinger is not acting alone but has Russian backing, since Vladimir Putin wants among other things all of his country’s looted currency returned from the cellars of the Vatican Bank. Ratzinger will so oblige the Ruskies in return for their help in winning him back the papal tiara.

Ah, the oldest game in history: the tangled web of Vatican corruption. And of course there’s more. Encouraged by our common law prosecutions and attempted arrest of Jorge Bergoglio in Geneva on June 21 of this year, human rights lawyers in America, Argentina and Spain are now seeking a new international arrest warrant against him that they feel can only succeed once he is removed from office. Bergoglio’s Dirty War association with the Argentine military junta, his membership in the child-killing Ninth Circle cult, his alienation of traditional Cardinals and his kowtowing to Vatican Bank mobsters have all combined to unite his many enemies into the common cause of removing him. Hence the armed camp around him.

Back in the fifteenth century, Nicolo Machiavelli made a good living out of advising popes. His chief remedy for a Pontiff under seige was to generate the kind of permanent appearance of confidence and humility that Jesuit-trained Jorge Bergoglio is so adept at feigning. But Machiavelli was ultimately a realist, as is a political survivor like Bergoglio. The latter knows only too well that in a time of crisis even the smallest threat can undo the most powerful ruler: including the threat of an idea. And the idea that We the People have the power and obligation to be the law and arrest those who are killing our children has mushroomed and taken hold across our world: including in Ireland. It is that idea, so fatal to any tyrant, that must in the latter’s mind be stamped out, either by guile or terror. And Jorge Bergoglio is an expert at both.

Guile and terror are the best weapons of both Church and State, of course, and whether pro- or anti-Bergoglio, every faction needs to keep the church masses cowed in case their whole bloody arrangement is revealed and toppled. And so the present militarization of Ireland in these days leading to Bergoglio’s arrival serves the interests of all the factions concerned. Whether or not Bergoglio is replaced, the regime of institutionalized child trafficking and murder will be preserved. Popes are mere passing figureheads atop the permanent murderous arrangement called the Church of Rome.

In the meantime, for all those ostensibly devout Irish papists who will be lining up to catch a glimpse of their celestial superstar on August 25th and 26th, there is as always the simple choice of whether a lifetime of ingrained subordination and fear will outweigh their natural impulse to protect their children from the most predatory power in history. For the rest of us, our responsibility is to awaken the flock before they and their young are sheared and slaughtered; and to kill the Beast that preys on them.

Kevin D. Annett is the North American Field Secretary for The International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)


Intel from Thomas Williams’ March 1st, 2018 Truth, Honor & Integrity Show | The Financial Status ~ March 2, 2018

Let’s follow up Cobra’s latest message about the impending liberation of Humanity from the thugs of the dark forces on Planet Earth (iluminati/cabal) with an update from Starship Earth on the financial liberation!

The RV, or the freeing of humanity from having to pay to live on our planet, will come into play at the time of the “Event”…not a moment sooner. This is due to the huge greed of the thugs of the dark forces who are primed to snatch the wealth belonging to humanity at any given opportunity.

Want to know more details? Please read this article, know your future IS secure, get ready for shocking news, relax and breath deeply knowing all is being arranged for our best, and…


It was another great show with Thomas last night, and because he shared so much important information I am going to attempt to summarize the intel portion. I believe it’s important for people to see the situation for what it is, not what they’ve been led to believe it is through other channels—and I’m not placing any blame here.

We all come from different backgrounds with various influences and although we are “awake”, it’s really tough—and growing tougher by the day—to discern what is real and what is illusion. That is by design.

Some find it easier than others to separate the wheat from the chaff. A really kind reader contacted me recently and said that when they listened to Thomas Williams a couple of years ago, they stopped because he told us the RV was not happening, and was not going to happen. They admitted they were not ready to hear that, and never listened to Thomas again until last week. This time, however, his message resonated and they “knew” it was the truth. We all come around in our own time and the “awakening” is progressing very nicely.

If I were to encapsulate the essence of the ‘Truth, Honor & Integrity Shows’, I would say that Thomas may not tell you what you want to hear, but he will always tell you what you need to hear, to the best of his ability. We are all free to take it or leave it.

Thomas described last night’s show this way on the Facebook page:

Packed with fairly heavy and fairly encouraging intel, with a warning and caution of they can still strike back, just with not as much force as they are used to, swamp draining is underway and will eventually reach proportions were I cannot be ignored by the portal people.

A remembrance song was played for one of our fallen soldiers in THI, Rodney DeLoach who passed a year ago this week.

Not sure when next show will be as things are really fluid and active now, stay tuned.

Stay calm and support each other please, we are all we have for now.

I’ve been putting emphasis on the financial situation lately, as many of you will note. I don’t dwell on it, and it’s not my primary focus, but sometimes it deserves the lime light and that time is now.

A disproportionate number of souls on Earth/Terra are suffering financially. Some can’t afford to heat their homes, don’t have enough food, health care, a car… some don’t have a home at all and some LIVE in their car. It’s a heartbreaking situation and if I let myself “feel” for all of you, I just couldn’t get out of bed in the morning. I’m so very sorry and I hope you will find something to look forward to each day as we struggle through this unimagined misery toward our ultimate freedom and abundance.

Due to all the lies and disinformation about the RV/GCR, NESARA and the Collateral Accounts, I want to share what I believe to be the truth about it all; and that comes from Thomas and his insider contacts. This is my Truth based on the information I have gleaned over the past ten years, and most recently from Thomas after he was contacted by Kim/Miss Manna and her team who have secured the Collateral Accounts on behalf of Humanity so the cabal cannot ever gain access to them again.

You may not have arrived at the same “truth” I have, but all I can share is my own, and it’s not only information from Thomas Williams that leads me to my belief about the financial system.

If you are familiar with Cobra, you will know he has told us consistently over the past few years that the RV/GCR will never take place until the cabal is completely removed from power or they would just steal it. It only makes sense. At this point the funds cannot be released in full.

It’s not only about the funds, however. Kim also took it upon herself to render the People of America sovereign citizens again. Other countries have expressed their interest in following the blueprint to do the same.

Thomas told us last night that Kim/Miss Manna, the Trustee of the Manna World Holding Trust, was targeted to be abducted again. Fortunately, that failed.

The timeline of events we heard last night was astounding, and yet… QAnon was silent over this period. He didn’t indicate any of these hijinx were unfolding at all. I don’t know how to interpret that.

I took some notes during the show, and this is what I can share about the desperate attempts of the cabal to regain control of the accounts they were skimming for so long, but no longer have access to. I thank Thomas for keeping us in the loop. It puts he and Kim and her team in a dicey spot.

I warn you this sounds more like screenplays for spy thrillers than actual events but the drama on our planet is almost non-stop any more. For anyone who just arrived and is reading this with no preparation, I apologize but you are going to get jolted awake with an ice cold pitcher of water. This is the way it is and you will find plenty of people to corroborate that for you. Welcome to the real world; the good, the bad, and the ugly.

The first point revealed the Jesuits worship of the serpent race. That situation reared its ugly head this week and the Jesuits paid the price. The Jesuits still believe (after the actions of Kim/Miss Manna to decree America a sovereign republic again) that they still own the US Military. If that is the case, then they need to pay the bill for the outrageous budget.

On Friday, February 23rd, the Jesuits tried to open a portal to bring in members of their deified serpent race, Lucifer, and others. No one came, the gate closed, and they will not be calling in any reinforcements or gods of any kind in future. As a result, 8 (eight) of the Jesuits were taken out permanently, while some were dealt with in other ways because they violated the Peace Treaty.

No one has any patience for these creatures any more, and their attempts to remain in control will not be tolerated. Over a 48-hour period they admitted they worship Lucifer in the Roman Catholic church.

On Saturday, February 24th, the cabal tried to pull off the RV again. Ten (10) of those who attempted to deliver were shot and killed. You can’t make this up, folks. They just never stop.

On Monday morning, February 26, there was another attempt which failed.

The government then asked Kim and her team to make the funds available on Monday afternoon.  The transfer was made, and because the new financial system is transparent, EVERYONE saw that it was done, and of course Bush, Cheney, Obama and the Clinton clan attempted to block it AND steal the funds and put them through the COMEX Group.

This caused a chain reaction and now many foreign leaders know exactly what transpired and at whose hands. The whole world now knows that the funds DO exist, that Kim is the Trustee, and that everything she said was the truth. Subsequently, everything Thomas reported was also the truth.

Then war broke out between the factions.

On Monday night after the transfer, the military showed up again to snatch Kim from her home to prevent the funds going forward where they are needed. That abduction failed again.

This is a very real battle going on behind the scenes and people are getting killed. Cheney may have been taken out. We don’t have confirmation on that yet.

On Tuesday, February 27th, there were more attempts to attack Kim’s team and more goons lost their lives.

On Wednesday, February 28th, there was another attempt to steal the funds. All were present to watch the attempted heist; the military, Pentagon, heads of State from many countries and there is no doubt who is in charge of these funds now, and it isn’t the cabal. All American bank transactions were cancelled until further notice.

The cabal is in sheer panic mode. They have no funds left. As a result, many cabal minions know they were lied to and have now turned to work for the Light.

Thomas put out a message directly to Bush, Cheney, Obama and the Clintons. You were warned, you were duped, and you have a choice. If you choose to now support your country, reach out to Thomas and Kim and her team. They will listen.

We hope this battle played out in the shadows until now will not spill out into the public. Violence is avoided whenever possible will be used as necessary.

Thomas also reported that the Secret Space Program (SSP)  has been shut down. All their avenues to assistance, support, and access to points on the planet’s surface are closed off. No one will permit SSP access including their allies. The mountains are alive with openings and access points if you know where they are. You may have seen videos showing holographic images camouflaging an opening into sheer rock.

In closing, the cabal in its entirety is being dismantled now. There is no going back; only forward.

That is the end of the summary. Intend for a peaceful transition.  ~ BP

Learn more here:   http://thinkdifferent.thepeoplesclub.org/


Listen to the archive of this show or any previous show here or at the Tommy Williams channel on YouTube.
