Bill HR25 Will Abolish Income Tax and Change Your Life—If Congress Approves It [audio + video] ~ January 11, 2019

If you have a platform to share this news, be sure to do so. It’s important that the People know what is in play in Congress and we need to be vigilant watchdogs on this one.

Also let your Senators know YOU know, are watching, and if they vote against it you will vote them out.

If you listened to the intel from Thomas Williams last night, you heard the best news of your life to date. No one will be able to claim “nothing is happening”. This is HUGE.

The Manna World Holding Trust team has been working on legislation for tax reform since August 2018. Now Bill HR25 has gone to Congress and if approved, it will mean a great deal more financial freedom for Americans. With the extra expendable income, hopefully all would soon remove their debt.

The illegal income tax (tax on our wages) would be abolished and in its place we would have a flat 10% spending tax, and that would be on non-essential items only, I believe.

We will know exactly who the deep state/cabal actors are in Congress by who refuses to approve this legislation, so pay close attention on this one.

And there is also this news…

President Trump initiated a 21% tax on all millionaire share holders operating under a Foundation. Wow! His Trumpness has really outdone himself and socked it to the greedy cabalists with their offshore accounts, pay-for-play, and multiple ways to avoid paying taxes. Let THEM bear the brunt of taxes.

The Trust team estimates that in 3 – 5 years America will be debt-free and entirely self-sufficient. None of the income tax ever collected was used in America as a benefit to the People. Therefore, no one can say we will miss it.

This isn’t rocket science, it’s economics. All it takes is for some smart people who really care about improving the Human condition to actually do something simple.


History of the Illegal Income Tax Fraud

Ending the illegal, unconstitutional system used for decades to tax our wages would free up phenomenal amounts of earnings for the People and take our lifestyle to levels unimagined.

Income tax was introduced as a “voluntary tribute to the Crown” and none of it has gone toward assisting America or the People. Similar arrangements exist in Canada, France, the UK, and many other countries and they should soon also follow suit.

The Crown is not Queen Elizabeth, it is a one square mile principality in the city of London, UK, run by the Rothschilds. (aka Rothtilians) No matter how much money the New World Order monsters had, it was never enough. Their greed knows no bounds.

Those who are educated as to the real Constitution will know we have been lied to and the IRS used as a weapon to levy strong arm tactics to wring what little income the People have from them with threats and jail time. That will end.

The organic constitution for the Republic has not been in use since 1871 when the real People’s government ended and the imposters took over.

Thomas tells us that the deep state actors cannot afford to tell us that the Constitution currently in use is bogus, so it almost forces them to comply and pass Bill HR25 to abolish income tax—but we’ll see what happens.

As always, I urge you to listen to Thomas explain this scenario. He covers it around the 102 minute mark here, on, but as always, the entire show is well worth your time if you really want to understand what is unfolding on our planet—where the news is spun as propaganda and weaponized. The show was jam packed with information we NEED to know and provides valuable perspective on current events.

The video version: Not sure at what point the tax reform is, as Thomas removes the music breaks.

The other part of Bill HR25 concerns the IRS, which goes hand in hand with the income tax reform. Thomas says after this restructuring there will be no more harassment or garnishing of wages. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is based in Puerto Rico. The intent is to bring it back to the mainland and only the top echelon (criminals) would lose their jobs.

Thomas revealed that this Bill will mean the end of ALL FEDERAL TAXES, which means not only on our wages, but also on our property, home, vehicles, telephone, etc. so the reform will benefit all of us.

Understanding Faction Infighting & Propaganda

Some other extremely valuable information Thomas discussed was the various factions fighting for control, which we have mentioned before, and if you are unaware of this it will make it impossible to decipher the alternative news or any other.

You would be confused as to why certain alternative media people sound like your friend most of the time and then slip in something that is violently opposed to your view of who is who in the zoo. It also explains why much of the information is very good, but you just don’t get the warm fuzzies about everyone.

We understand there are 5 factions:

  1. Zionists
  2. Jesuits
  3. Asian Dragon Families
  4. Nazis (Operation Paperclip)
  5. The People/Patriots of all nations (Humanity)

Obviously the factions don’t implicate their own members in anything nefarious so that helps narrow it down as to which faction they belong to. Who are they allied with and who do they trash? Who are they protecting? They may sound like they’re on our side… but are they?

Why do some love QAnon and others say it’s a LARP? Why do some love Trump and others hate him? Who gets nominated to run for office, and by whom? How many former CIA/FBI people are out there in the alt media? How about former military and Secret Space Program people—all telling it their way? Who might have an agenda?

It’s smart to use multiple sources for information, but blind loyalty is not savvy, and we’ve all been fooled. It’s a jungle out there.


Going Forward

Right now, Trump is our best shot and he is operating in a pit of vipers. He is not free to do what he wants and is constantly wrestling with deep state actors and members of various factions. Thankfully, he has survived multiple assassination attempts, but if Trump goes down… who stands between us and the psychopaths who were determined to confiscate the guns, and use their hybrid armies to round us up and throw us in FEMA camps for re-education or elimination?

We anticipate the factions will duke it out until there is only one group remaining besides The People. At that time we will have a much easier job of wresting control from them and taking over for the benefit of Humanity and running the planet ourselves, without the mind control, manipulation and subjugation of those who believe it is their right to rule.

As I said recently, this government shutdown is a good thing in the sense it shows Americans how little their massive government actually does with respect to running the country on a day-to-day basis. It’s been three weeks now and the world did not end. We can easily pare down the number of government employees for a leaner, meaner—but more People and budget-friendly administration.

Thomas cautions that we will not likely be able to make sense of the news and public intel just now because the real details cannot be released. Understandably, people are speculating and sometimes presenting their take as fact when it is not. He says martial law is not imminent—at least not right now. Things are not what they seem.

It’s only natural to wonder what various bits of news mean and make assumptions when we aren’t told the truth but Thomas advises us not to get worked up over what we are seeing/hearing. The mockingbird media operatives are adept at presenting information that serves their agenda with the slant they choose while only presenting part of the story which skews the reality entirely.

This week things are at a very precarious and dangerous point with many more assassination threats, and no intel will be released until it is safe to do so.

We can be thankful for what we do get, and there is far more here on the Truth, Honor & Integrity Show than anywhere else, as thousands of patriots are learning.

The membership and listenership at Spreaker, YouTube, MeWe, Facebook and the Think Different/People’s Club sites have gone through the roof. Better late than never!

Thank you, Thomas, Kim, and everyone instrumental in the exciting forward momentum of our liberation. Be safe out there.  ~ BP


Headlines and Updates for October 5, 2018: Secret Weapon Sessions to Deliver the Pain [videos] ~ October 5, 2018

Secret weapon business concept with a chess pawn punching and destroying the competition king piece with a hidden red boxing glove as a metaphor for innovative corporate strategy and planning to win the game.

Q dropped some incendiary crumbs last night.

October 4, 2018

Are you ready to see arrests?
Are you ready to see PAIN?
Are you ready to be part of history?

Memes ready?

Anons ready?

Jeff Sessions bringing the pain? Wowzer. Drops like this make it hard to sleep, but I got a few hours.

There was more. See for yourself.


Bernie goes over the analysis of the latest drops.

Q Anon Update: “Are You Ready to See Arrests?”

Oh joy… another “test”.

Central California Residents May Hear Booms, See Bright Lights on Sunday, Navy Warns


I started watching the voting process regarding the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh in Washington this morning but when I heard the bald-faced lies the Democrats were telling I had to turn it off.

This one is much better, from “swing vote” Sen. Susan Collins of Maine.

Christine Ford’s Friend and Former FBI Agent Pressured Alleged Witness Leland Keyser to Lie About Kavanaugh — AND THERE’S PROOF!

Thomas Williams has the video version of his October 4 show ready for listening to intel updates. He is not concerned about any Zika virus. That’s an old fear porn trick that wasn’t true before and he doesn’t believe it now. Their plans won’t work.

And what do you know? More bio-weapon threats. Truth or lies?

Typhus Outbreak in Los Angeles

Measles Exposure at Newark Airport

Is it just me, or is the “totalitarian tip-toe” now at a gallop? Thanks for the heads up, R.

New Zealand can now fine travellers who refuse to unlock their digital devices for a search

Tom Fitton tells us about a new law suit regarding Obama’s ammunition bans. The hoops Judicial Watch was forced to jump through is astounding.

NEW Judicial Watch Lawsuit on Attempted AR-15 Ammo Ban by Obama ATF

The truth about eliminating disease continues to gush out, for those who care to heed it.

Nutrition is key for good health, and when you delve into the research and experiment, you see a truth that is the opposite of what we have been told.

They said we needed to have a diet of whole grains, and low fat. Wrong. Most of the grains are GMO, which is toxic, and most of us don’t process carbohydrates well and it turns to fat. We eat too much sugar, and the carbs turn to sugar in our bloodstream. Many people avoid the key fats necessary to nourish the brain and the body and slow the metabolizing of carbohydrates. As a result, we are fat and undernourished.

I was feeling a little sluggish and wanted to lose some weight so I bought a book written by a Canadian doctor Jason Fung, MD, called The Complete Guide to Fasting. His regimen is amazing. Fasting, of different kinds, detoxes and takes the weight off quickly if you cut out nearly all the carbs and eat fat for satiety, and meat for protein and fresh vegetables.

I wasn’t prepared for how effective eating this way is and I have permanently changed my habits to include more fasting—which I didn’t understand or believe I could do. Dr. Fung’s protocol has reversed Type 2 Diabetes and other issues in his patients—it’s that powerful.

Changing our eating can probably keep us disease-free if we have a reasonably clean, toxic-free lifestyle, but we have to do the opposite of what we have been trained to do by the allopathic medical community and the media.

Mike Adams at Natural News shares this update:

To stop growing cancer, change your BLOOD – (Opt Out of Cancer, part 3)

Headlines and Updates for September 28, 2018; The Avalanche is Already Sliding [videos]

For some of us, “Red October” may be coming into focus. The goal to expose the Democrats and the deep state agenda via President Trump and QAnon has progressed very well. It seems folks are getting the message that only one thing is required of them this fall; vote Republican. It will be a “fall” to remember.

If the Trump rallies are any indication, it may be a foregone conclusion that the “red wave” will have America awash with previously unknown victories and new bodies in the House. Will it be the D5 avalanche predicted? It will be exciting to watch, regardless.

Two new polls: Number who say they’re more enthusiastic than usual to vote is highest in decades

I can’t provide personal feedback on the Kavanaugh/Ford hearing because I had no interest in watching or listening. The deep state democrats are determined to pull everyone down into the gutter where they fester and putrify everything they touch, growing more vicious at every turn.

Washington is no place for The Jerry Springer Show and America is rightly ashamed of this political side-show du jour, adding to the menu of the past; the OJ Simpson trial and the Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky sex scandal, for example. Everything is fodder for the Hollywood canon, it seems, and without it the legacy media would have no material to offer. They haven’t yet noticed their almost non-existent audience, apparently.

Environment Birth Earth Globe Arise New

What I can report on are some exciting updates from the Trump administration and the discussions with the team at the Manna World Holding Trust that will give America and the rest of the world hope for the near future.

Thomas Williams revealed that weeks of discussions brought concrete plans for the relief of financial burdens on America, and a new way of living with the newly established Sovereignty. What does “sovereignty” mean? In this case, for Americans it will mean…

  • abandoning the current Law of the Sea or Admiralty Law and returning to Natural or Common Law
  • the end of the American Bar Association and “legalese”
  • real government, not a corporation masquerading as a duly elected entity operating in contempt of the People under the auspices of the British Crown
  • the end of the ‘deep state’ and the ‘secret space program’ (SSp) and the psychopaths running everything
  • the right to print its own money out of the Treasury, breaking from the “Federal” Reserve
  • the right to all their in-ground natural resources
  • the end of war, the funding of war, and the sacrificing of military personnel
  • full individual accountability
  • multiple disclosures; extraterrestrials and religion will come later as they are too sensitive and have the potential to be devastating for large numbers of people
  • the end of bankster tyranny and the debt-based financial system
  • the end of the use of gas, oil and coal for energy production and the development of infrastructure for alternative, safe, clean, effective, and inexpensive alternatives
  • the end of medical system corruption and torture
  • the end of genetically modified, nutrient-deficient and toxic food, chemtrails, and vaccines
  • the end of the damaging education system used to dumb down the populace
  • the end of the IRS and income tax; leaving a flat 10% “retail tax” on goods purchased in place of regional varying sales tax
  • the restructuring of certain loans which may yield a reduced rate from the current one
  • the drastic reduction or total elimination of all student loans

How is this possible? The Manna World Holding Trust will be assisting in the above plan initially but the numbers indicate that in 3-5 years, America will be self-sustaining with no foreign interests as taxes will support the country, her people and infrastructure 100 per cent.

I feel like there should be something about an accountable media, reporting the unbiased truth but I don’t have that in my notes so must have missed it, as a truthful media is mandatory for our new society.

Note: the above conditions are at the request of the current government

Isn’t it amazing what can be done when trillions of taxpayer dollars siphoned off for the Nazi Secret Space Program (SSp) are rerouted to the People, where they belong? That rogue organization will be eliminated and replaced by the legitimate American Space Force; and perhaps NASA will be abolished along with it.

Yes, things are looking pretty rosy for America, Land of the Free—or soon to be, when US Inc. no longer runs the show. That’s what “sovereignty” is all about, and other countries will be declaring their sovereignty, as well, with the help of the Manna World Holding Trust and their team.

Sovereignty also means that every American citizen is accountable and will be very busy in the near future rectifying, restructuring, and repairing the damage done to every institution and the land, sea, air, and wildlife. The warriors of Midgard will be busy for some time, building the brave, new world they wish to live in. Perhaps some of the military will become “civil engineers”, but it’s certain we all have a lot of re-education in our collective future.

The above was a summary and I recommend you listen to Thomas expound on this. You can listen at or watch the video below. Every citizen on this planet can look forward to similar changes in their country as determined by the People and the representatives chosen to facilitate the desired changes once sovereignty is established—and that is a process.

Thomas also reported that the backchatter is claiming October 3 is the new “D-day”, so if you haven’t prepared for outages and interruptions, you are advised to do so immediately.


A QAnon update for September 28… with the Dem’s plan for this autumn


D’s Playbook (Midterm E):
We will impeach Justice K (ZERO corroborating evidence and ALL factual witnesses provided by accuser ALL DENIED ALLEGATIONS) should we take control in NOV.
These people are EVIL, SICK, & STUPID.
You are watching/witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD.

My limited Kavanaugh side show information so far has come from Dave’s update on the X22 report, below, and this update. The latest is that AZ Jeff Flake will vote in favour of Kavanaugh—but I don’t trust him as far as I can throw him. He now wants to wait a week.

Report: Kavanaugh Has the Votes

September 28, 2018

Senate insiders are reporting that they have the votes to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

According to The Daily Wire:

According to Senate insiders, Republicans have the votes to confirm Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, which is expected to take place early next week.

After the explosive hearing on Thursday, which featured a moving testimony by accuser Christine Blasey Ford and an impassioned defense by Kavanaugh, Senate Republicans scheduled the vote to move the Supreme Court nominee out of the Senate Judiciary Committee and set the procedural vote for the Senate. According to insiders, Republicans have the votes to confirm the embattled nominee.

“With the Senate Judiciary Committee holding a vote at 9:30 A.M. tomorrow, a Senate insider has told Townhall that Kavanaugh has the votes to make it out of committee and the votes to be confirmed on the floor for a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court,” Towhnall’s Matt Vespa reports. “Sens. Flake (R-AZ), Collins (R-ME), Murkowski (R-AK), and Manchin (D-WV) are expected to vote in favor of Kavanaugh. All the Republicans are voting yes. Also, in the rumor mill, several Democrats may break ranks and back Kavanaugh. That’s the ball game, folks.”

The Atlantic’s Elaina Plott reported that a source close to Sen. Manchin told her, “Short of claims that definitively prove Dr. Ford’s allegations or a realization that Kavanaugh will gut the healthcare law, Manchin will side with the overwhelming number of people in WV who want Kavanaugh confirmed.”

On Friday morning RINO Senator Jeff Flake offered his support for Kavanaugh as well. It is looking promising for President Trump to get his second justice on the Supreme Court.


Here’s an interesting story we won’t have to tolerate much longer as the corrupt, judicial system is revamped and Common Law takes hold. The Manna World Trust Team is foreclosing on the banks and other evil institutions.

Judge Poisoned After Ruling Bank Foreclosure Is Illegal and All Mortgages Are Null and Void

More Updates for September 18, 2018: It’s Never How it Looks [videos] ~ September 18, 2018

When the going gets tough, the tough get digging—and there’s no shortage of dirt!

There’s also no denying the criminals are well connected. Is this all valid background? Is Blasey Ford a mind-controlled puppet? You decide.

BTW, is the gold fringe STILL on White House flags? I keep asking…

Kavanaugh Accuser Dr. Christine Blasey Works for CIA, Second Generation, Ties to MKULTRA, Highly Suspect


We know the globalists are desperate to to start WWIII. They are skating on very thin ice.

BREAKING: Did Israel Just Down A Russian Plane?

Airline travel is a dangerous way to fly these days. Kudos to this pilot. We understand that most planes are built with the ability to be remotely controlled and many passenger jets have been plucked from the sky as deep state pawns.

The psychopaths are beyond desperate now, fighting for their very existence, and there’s no telling what they might do next. We don’t know that this incident was any more than a “glitch”… but we do wonder sometimes when we’re told airline travel is the safest way to go. Perhaps a poor choice of terminology.

Indian pilot saves 370 lives by manually landing plane after all flight systems fail


Thomas Williams brought us an emergency financial/miscellaneous update today and issued messages to the cabal and President Trump and his team. It seems a lot of people are skating on thin ice. There is a lot of pressure to move forward and take our planet out of tyranny and suffering.

Many people have risked their lives—and do to this day—to remove the banksters from power, restore stolen funds to the rightful owners, and get the wheels of progress in motion. They are tired of being stymied at every turn in America.

It was a short show—36 minutes, and to the point. If you want to take in Thomas’s statements and the financial sit-rep, you can listen here, or the ThemTube version is below.


(Someone… anyone… please put this guy out of his misery. Look at him. All the adrenochrome in China couldn’t revive him.)

Dem Megadonor Funding Anti-Kavanaugh Protesters

George Soros and Dem megadonor friends are handing out cash to protesters arrested for disrupting the Kavanaugh hearing so that they can resolve their legal troubles.

According to The Daily Caller:

Left-wing groups funded by George Soros and other major Democratic donors hand out cash to protesters arrested for disrupting Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings, the activists revealed Monday night.

A coalition of activist organizations including Women’s March, the Center for Popular Democracy (CPD) and Housing Works have scheduled the near-constant disruptions at the Kavanaugh hearings as part of an organized effort to derail the confirmation process in a series of meetings since he was first nominated.

The cash from the donor-funded groups goes toward the protesters’ post-and-forfeit payments — a small cash sum paid to resolve low-level misdemeanor crimes and avoid jail time.

Those are just some of the details representatives from the three groups revealed in a Monday night conference call planning their next two anti-Kavanaugh protests, one on Thursday and one next Monday.

The Daily Caller went on to discuss how the protesters and organizers discussed ramping up their actions to end the confirmation hearing altogether. It is unclear what tactics they would entail.


Dave brings us a lot of savvy perspective in this edition of the X22 Report.

Headlines and Updates for August 31, 2018: Anniversary Farewell to a Princess [videos] ~ August 31, 2018

Diana, Princess of Wales

Today being the anniversary of the untimely and calculated demise of the beloved Princess Diana, I wanted to share something in her honour. Many tales have been spun about who and why, but the whole truth is only known by a few.

Now that the satanic nature of the psychopaths running this planet is better understood and accepted as fact, perhaps a ritual sacrifice is not out of the question.

Diana was alive when she left the scene of the crime in the ambulance. Some speculate she was pregnant with the child of Dodi Fayed. I don’t even want to think about that angle, knowing the habits of those who wanted to eliminate her and the fact that it took far longer than it should have to get her to the hospital.

One firefighter who arrived on the scene, stabilized Princess Diana, and heard her last words speaks frankly in the video below. You can see the firefighter in at least one frame of the video above. While much younger, obviously, he has a distinctive nose.

I’m sure Diana is hard at work on the other side to restore Light to the cosmos, and it’s important that the world know her death, like every other key “accident”, was no accident.


Speaking of the cosmos, I took note of an appealing selection on the satellite radio this morning that referenced, “Stars of the Lid”. Of course that brings to mind this ol’ thang…

…and when I looked into the selection online, which was “A Meaningful Moment Through a Meaning(Less) Process”, I found ‘Stars of the Lid’ is the duo performing the music which is relaxing atmospheric frequencies, in my opinion.

Just thought I’d throw that out there since so many speak of the flat earth and the dome but most people believe it’s fantasy—or conspiracy. Last week I took a photo of a rainbow in a blue sky. That was a first for me.

This just in… read the whole article at the link. Another ritual sacrifice, a terrorist act to prevent peace—or both? There must have been chatter about this that was intercepted by the Five Eyes or NSA.

Leader of self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic killed in E. Ukraine blast

August 31, 2018

An explosion that rocked a cafe in central Donetsk city, in eastern Ukraine, has killed Aleksandr Zakharchenko, the leader of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic, and injured several other top officials.

“The head of the DNR, Alenksandr Zakharchenko, has died as a result of a terrorist act,” a spokesperson of the self-proclaimed republic’s administration told journalists, revealing no details of the incident.

“An improvised explosive device was planted inside the café … right near the entrance,” Aleksandr Kazakov, an advisor to the DNR leader, told RT, adding that the killers apparently knew that Zakharchenko would arrive at the café and were “waiting” for him. A state of emergency has been imposed, Kazakov said, adding that borders with both Ukraine and Russia were sealed as the security services are “actively searching for the potential perpetrators.”

One of Zakharchenko’s deputies also sustained severe injuries in the blast while several bodyguards died in the incident, Kazakov said. He added that Zakharchenko died at the scene as well, contrary to the earlier reports suggesting he was injured and succumbed to his wounds in a hospital.

Moscow condemned 42-year-old Zakharchenko’s murder, adding that it could be detrimental to the whole peace process in Ukraine. The death of the DNR leader could have a particularly negative impact on the implementation of the Minsk Agreements, Konstantin Kosachev, the head of the Russian Senate’s International Affairs Committee, said.

Trump fans may wish to view his August 30th rally speech from Indiana… I haven’t had a chance to listen yet, but I may. It’s exciting to see the crowds supporting someone who has actually done so much and promises so much more.

President Trump EXPLOSIVE Speech at MASSIVE Rally in Evansville, Indiana – August 30, 2018

Dustin Nemos remarks on the degrees of truthfulness and transparency with respect to what We, the People will be told about various events, actions, etc. involved in the Liberation of Planet Earth.

It seems Q has stated there will be information held back. Dustin feels it should all come out for full transparency and let the snowflakes melt. I agree. Folks have had decades to wake up. We’ve spent years violently shaking them and still they slumber on, ostracize us, and call us tin-foil hat conspiracy theorists. We’ve done all we can and they made their choices.


Hurricane Maria killed 70 times more Puerto Ricans than estimated – study

I saw a headline yesterday about the death toll in Puerto Rico and did a double take on the numbers. The original count was 64—which was suspiciously understated, I felt. Now it’s nearing 5,000. Well, that’s close, isn’t it? And of course they can justify the gaping crevasse. And do we trust a Harvard study?

What happens when there is a colossal event chalked up to “an act of God”? Funds go flying. The governor declares a state of emergency, vast sums are funneled to the city or state; insurance scams; the Red Cross and FEMA take their sweet time arriving on the scene, do precious little to help people and/or they abscond with donations and federal funds while the victims get next to no assistance or financial aid for reparations.

Another anniversary just passed: August 29: In New Orleans, Hurricane Katrina had the cabal’s armed military going door to door, confiscating guns, holding residents at gunpoint, and ransacking the homes of those who evacuated and stealing their guns.

After a disaster, private donations and even federal supplies trucked, flown or shipped in to devastated areas are left sitting in state, or even turned away! Too often we hear stories that pallets of food, water and emergency supplies were not distributed to victims. What is wrong with this picture?

Worst of all, the orphaned children taken in by federal agencies or those in operations like the Clinton Foundation are trafficked to the pedovores. Fortunately, that was at least partially prevented in Haiti when officials stopped Laura Silsby and her crew from leaving the country with a gaggle of 33 children.

Hurricane Sandy, Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Maria, Hurricane Harvey, the fires in California, Hurricane Lane and the flooding in Hawai’i, tornadoes in the mid-west… where does it all end, because a lot of critical thinkers are thinking these are not all “acts of God”.

Here’s an example of obscene wealth in our faces. These people got rich living off of the rest of us—but they’re “keen philanthropists”. Is this the Koch brother the Thomas Williams/World Trust team convinced to step down?

We have millions of people globally who are sick, dying, without fresh water, starving and homeless or living in their cars or tents and we really needed to hear about these folks who immediately fell in love at first sight with a New York mansion and just had to have it. Bloody hell. It’s “Us and Them”. This is how the one per cent live. They can put down $40Million in cash when many Americans can’t even afford one more $2,000 mortgage payment and lose their home.

See the sad state of this old home where the Kochs will be slumming it.

David and Julia Koch Put Down $40M in Cash for New York Mansion

The Deplorable McAllister channel has a new video which explores the jewellery of CNN’s Anderson Cooper’s mother, Gloria Vanderbilt. She’s an odd looking creature, as Linda alludes. The Q crumbs lead to some very interesting history of deities, human sacrifice, and cults. Great job, Linda.

Is there a possibility that Anderson’s brother was chosen for a “higher purpose”. such as a gift to Tanit?


Thomas Williams on the THI show last night presented some fascinating information, as always.

Many of us await “THE Event” and some doubt it will ever happen. Thomas closed with a list of ALL the “events” that have already taken place—all thirty of them. If you listen to nothing else, I recommend you take in that portion at the 2:07:00 mark. Most of us are aware of these events, but when you collect them all in one place we can see just how far we have come in a very short time.

Thomas also told us the team requested another influx of high frequencies for the planet so if you’re noticing a more lighthearted approach to life out there in the world recently as I have, that might be why. Of course that also accounts for the extreme discomfort the low-lifes in the fake media and the psychopaths are feeling as they grow more and more at odds with the soaring energies on and around Earth/Terra. They just don’t fit in any more.

In keeping with that list of Events above, Tolec of the Andromeda Council and Maree Batchelor did an interview with the Unknown Light Warrior last week entitled, “Leaving the ‘Wait Club’ for the Event”.  I wasn’t able to buffer it on my iPad so have not yet listened.

I believe terminology and the many groups involved in the liberation process have muddied the waters with respect to what events will happen and when. There may indeed be a major, cosmic event such as the one Cobra speaks of that momentarily changes everything in the galaxy or perhaps even beyond, but there are also many smaller events that are part of the process that have already taken place.

As an aside, the Praying Medic pointed out in this video that in all fairness, we can’t expect the Patriots to perform mass arrests when the judicial system is still steeped in massive corruption—as evidenced by the release of three terrorists in New Mexico teaching children to perform school shootings. There is no point in arresting the criminals when they will simply go free. President Trump and his team are working on replacing corrupt judges. Hundreds of years of spinning a sticky web that entrapped Humanity cannot be undone in a year, and timing is everything.

QAnon recently advised we NOT try to force the truth on anyone. We just need to hang in there, support POTUS and do our best to raise our own frequencies and when the time is right, enlighten people as to what has happened and is happening.

Who doesn’t want to hear that our world is about to transform for the better into something almost unrecognizable; a world more incredible than anyone would dare hope for? It’s coming. And now, it’s coming faster than ever before—partially thanks to us, the awakened ones in the alt/independent media who just keep banging away like the Energizer bunny.  ~ BP