Sri and Kira ~ May 26, 2020

Editor’s Note: Yes, yes, yes…this IS indeed the moment for all to recognize and accept our Magnificent, Divine, and Quantum BEing as our very existence! In this NOW moment we have released that which does not serve us, and have accepted our perfectly ‘imperfect’ selves.

We Know we are only Quantum Love BEings who have shaken the sleep from our eyes, and have accepted the Unity of All as…Us! Please read the message below, Glory in your own Magnificent Self, Bask in Who You Are, and BE in…

Quantum Joy!


“Nourishment…ignites the soul to awaken, sustain, enliven, and bring you back to your divine nature…There is a vast abundant flow of love and light that births forward when the alignment with the depth of the energy of respect is understood. “ …Archangel Zadkiel, Lessons of Light, Lesson 4

The EXPANSION and CONTRACTION energy of MAY is literally blossoming this week!

This final moment of CHOICE energy is setting the stage for a PROFOUND JUNE AWARENESS and the UPLEVEL has offered a Catapult for those who are saying YES to the Divine within and the CREATION at hand!

“You are a Master…Mastering Mastery…in real time!
What does that really feel like and what does that mean?
Naked Authenticity is the MOMENT of the MOMENT this week…
(we invite you to breathe)
The breathing in of your DIVINE NATURE without hesitancy,
through the lens of the Awakened energy
of your 7th dimensional Witnessing,
of the AWARE fifth dimensional Witnesser
without doubt or fear!
A divine moment of experience that will assist you with the
CHOICE before you.”

Humanity’s co-creative experience is at a peak moment.
We have expanded beyond any other co-creative density experience…ever!
As we ALL transcend “that which was”…are you ready to


When we anchor in our Authentic BEING-ness,
Miracle Manifestation anchors as our every-day experience.


Sri and Kira ~ May 12, 2020

Namaste Beloved
Self-Ascension Community!

The May CHOICE moment is calling us to the “upper” THROAT chakra as the illumination of
the integration of the
6th, 7th & 8th chakras in unity.
This moment that will “choke you” or FREE YOU!

This week, the energy of the Mystical Magi in MOTION, invites us to
The divine co-creator through the dance of creation.

May carries the energy of Expansion and Contraction.
This energy is filled with richness of opportunity and distraction.
Remember that the Unified presence is FULLY ALIVE with
The division discovered through the support of contraction energy is strong.
It supports ALL of the ILLUSIONARY BELIEF SYSTEMS seeking to control your Ascension through the amplification of doubt, fear, and left brain justification.


Martial Law & Self-Ascension ~ March 26, 2020

Editor’s Note: This is a concept for recognition…how martial law will affect us? Aside from insuring the “alone time” humanity needs for self-contemplation, martial law also provides uninterrupted moments for the realization of your ability to BE yourself as master of yourself…in application of all ways in understanding YOU ARE the master your own life. (You, the Divine You!)

As this personal realization arises, you become aware of your personal BEing in…

Quantum Joy!


from Sri and Kira

Dearest Community of Self-Ascension,

Today our daily living experience EXPANDED with the addition of Martial Law here in Ecuador. Such extra-ordinary moments we are ALL NAVIGATING!
As we enter our second full week of restricted movement the heightened energy now prohibits any movement from your home after 2pm each day. There is a “silence” now upon our mountain that is RESTORATIVE and HEALING!

The entire planet is RECEIVING the BLESSING of a moment to go within.
Imagine how wondrous our skies are with so much less air traffic.
Notice that YOU ARE THE MASTER and YOU ARE THE one who can choose to Dance with the Rhythm of your life experience!
What is your dance looking like?

We encourage you to remember that nothing in the outer world of density can nourish your expansion. Only the inner realms and the cosmic energy provide restoration and balance. The rich opportunity of this moment is Spiritual Discernment through Self-Awareness of the Unconscious Expectancy!

How many of you simply hear the word Martial Law and immediately conjure a picture or energy that calls forward less than your highest? LITERALLY LIVING with this energy around us, we can share that REGARDLESS of what the universe is inviting you to navigate, YOU ARE THE MASTER of this moment!

Commitment to Spirit and anchoring in your Mastery Presence as Your Authentic SELF is loudly calling you to say YES. The personality-self is an ego identity that can be useful for worldly interactions….however, it is a tool, a familiar lens that is also easily triggered and ADDICTED to the DRAMA and the CHAOS.

One gift of the fear-based outer world is to discover more fully your inner truth and anchor in the peace within.
Contrast helps us discern and through this time we can all become
more mindful about what is truly essential.

Be tenacious and align with your Joy. Communicate with awake friends and limit interactions with density based experiences. Nourish yourself daily with the essential!

Today we are called to offer the March 19 Equinox #LineageHolder video to ALL for the next 24 hours! THIS IS A PEAK MOMENT, and what we have learned is that if you honestly commit to learning the Six Steps to Navigate this moment as gifted to us all through the Divine Directors IT REALLY WORKS and IT MAKES A HUGE DIFFERENCE! Please gift yourself and watch this video and PLEASE SHARE WITH EVERYONE ON YOUR LISTS! Forward this email or send the link to the video however this moment at hand MATTERS!

This e-card contains THREE THINGS YOU CAN DO TODAY that will assist you to begin to harvest the Blessing that is before all humanity!
what are you willing to do to help it Thrive?

Bring a hand to your heart, take in a deep breath, and let it out with a smile!

TOGETHER WE ARE ALL BETTER and this is the moment that you have waited for! YOU ARE READY and the “black hole” energy that is gifting density with a sense of time distortion and false “security” is outside of your Ascended Presence and experience if you CHOOSE it to be so.
May your heart KNOW that ALL ARE RECEIVING EXACTLY what they need to assist their soul’s evolution.

You who is listening…right now…may your heart smile with affirmation and reassurance that true nourishment for the soul DOES EXIST.

We love you infinitely and support your journey!
We are here, we are holding your hand as you are holding ours, we are not letting go. THIS IS WHY WE ARE HERE…TO SERVE YOU the BEST WE CAN.

With a deep bow of gratitude, love and honoring of your mastery,
Sri & Kira


The Harmony of the Moon & Mercury has ILLUMINATED EVERY “one” and EVERY “thing”! ~ November 17, 2019

by Sri & Kira As you bring a hand to your heart and take in a deep loving breath, let it out with a deep exhale as you connect with the GREATER MYSTERY unfolding BEFORE YOU NOW! The energy of the “amplification” that was so beauty-fully received during the full moon is now starting to reveal the depth of the mastery claimed! Can you see it? A dynamic weekend of sharing that is worthy of the illumination showering the universe.

Take the plunge! Say YES To FULL ILLUMINATION as your SOUL Leads the way!
Shifting into the second half of November and noticing the spirals of energy of creation beginning to send “tentacles” to the New Moon of the 26th, THE CHOICE IS BEING REVEALED! This is the moment to fully review the month to date and to start putting the puzzle pieces together!
