Today Is Important – May 5, 2024


Happy Cinco de Mayo x 5/5 Energy Portal Divine Human Elemenders! 🙏🏽💚🤍❤️

First I hope anyone celebrating Mexico’s Independence Day by exercising their freedom to NOT drink alcoholic beverages today or any other day. Right now, in this current Higher Energy realm we’re in — alcohol, street & big pharma drugs are heaviest hinders on One’s Ascension journey.

Today’s 5/5 Portal is not as intense at the moment so take this time to breathe & CELLph integration. It is also an expansive Energy, very potent for manifestations, as we are also in Year of the Dragon. Those that have been in hermit mode may be called to ‘come out of your shell’ as summer rolls along. Everything is expanding. Full abundance is unfolding. Be in this resonance & flow to grow & expand in your personal realm.

Things & Events are also expanding at the collective level too. Bigger Disclosures & Exposures will also be unraveling. Shocking Truths are be revealed. Covert Operations will be seen publicly.

The illusion of matrix ‘time’ is also fading as only the Present Here & Now is the only moment that truly matters. As the Energy oscillates faster & faster, physical matter is compressing more & time will continue to ‘just fly’. The past has become very blurry, where many cannot even remember what they did from last week. Be PRESENT.

There will be plenty of ‘time’ to witness all the juicy disclosures & exposures we’ve all been waiting for — it is being wrapped up beautifully to be presented to the public.

So in the ‘meantime’ — focus, work & enhance yourCELLph. We are on a great & exciting trajectory in this timeline, so know that all the pieces are falling in the right place. Many will be getting new assignments very soon. Be ready. We are Here!

Fusionista – Lightbringers [Full Album]

Check out the Energy on 5/5 back in 2021. 👇🏽

Happy Cinco De Mayo 5/5/5 Portal Opening!

Mexican Flag’s



You know that fear, stress & worry depletes your Energy — tax your body, increasing health risk, lower vibrations & absorbing heavy emotions — to manifest into unwanted & distorted experiences. 

You are NOW aware that seemingly involuntary reactions & lower emotions disarms you in ways that a calm, grounded & balanced feeling would never do.

You are the sole architect of your Life in an ‘ebb & flow’ state. Take back the reins of Creation & erase the programs of old machinations. Know how intrinsically co-Creative & Powerful you are — Cultivate, Play, Practice & Master your Energy. 🙏🏽🤍

Day 13 – Hamstrings | 14 Day Beach Self Love Yoga Series



5/5 PORTAL is providing Transformative Energy.

Stability & Assertiveness empower us to embrace our inner strength & take action towards our goals.

Focus on Grounding, Peace & Balance > to create solid foundations for realizing your dreams.

Courage, Confidence, Trust & Initiative move us forward in determination.

This Profound Energy invites us to step into our innate power, so we may manifest our dreams & desires > so we realize Positive Transformation across all aspects of life.

The Number 5 brings the Energy of Freedom & Major Positive Change.

Representing your ability to FREE yourSELF from your PAST in order to grow & evolve physically, mentally & spiritually into the PRESENT “NOW” MOMENT.

We are in the Portal of the New Moon arriving on May 7 > Amplifying our Manifesting Energy.

NOW is the TIME to tap into your “inner wisdom” and move closer to your HIGHEST POTENTIAL.

Continue to RISE. LOVE.



Energy Update – May 5

5/5 PORTAL. 1 min 🎥



We are moving into a phase of Creativity, Joy & Fulfillment…PURPOSE.

Prioritize SELF.

We’re in Powerful Times! YOU are a POWERFUL BEING!

Continue to RISE. LOVE.



Since the last Great Reset, around the 1700’s, it birthed the New World Order — the creation of the United States corporation and the modern society as we know it today. 

Our history is full of carnage and war that goes back for many centuries. The Samurai wars, hundreds of thousand civilian deaths by nuclear bomb in Hiroshima and Nagsaki, to the modern day Yakuza’s bloodshed in Japan, Tartarian, Mongolian and Chinese wars with Genghis Khan, 20 million deaths from Mao’s Communist Revolution, tens of millions of Chinese died by Sino-Japanese war, millions died from Polpot’s Cambodian genocide, millions of death from the Korean war and Vietnam war, 100 million Indian deaths from British colonialism, the raping and pillage of Vikings, the enslavement of the Irish and Scottish people, the Roman Empire wars, tens of millions of death of Russians, Jews, Germans, Europeans and Americans in WW1 and WW2, the bloodiest’s Middle East war between Iraq and Iran in the 1980’s, the Iraqi wars, Afghanistan, over a million deaths in the Armenian Genocide, hundreds of thousands died during the South African apartheid, 20 million deaths in the Congolese Genocide, millions of Africans have died under European colonialism, North America’s African slave trade, the genocide of the Native Americans, the massacre of Aboriginal people, blood sacrifices by the Aztecs & Mayans, the deaths by the Spanish Inquisition in South America, cartel wars in Colombia, Mexico, Central and South America, to today’s recent deaths in Ukraine and Gaza. 

This was the Human timeline trap for eons on Earth. 

Throughout Earth’s history, there are haunting stories of ghosts, paranormal activities, poltergeists, Halloween or Samhain, ghouls, astral parasites, mischievous monkey demons, other demonic entities, devils, and all other dark entities. There’s plenty of movies based on real life events such as Annabelle, The Conjuring, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Deliver Us From Evil, The Possession, The Haunting in Connecticut, The Exorcist, and many more.

On an energetic level, we need to know exactly what kind of energy we are dealing with, the amount of entities we have to deal with and how did we get here?

Humans are starting to understand that we are in a spiritual war and many have been and still are being attacked energetically. 

Why are spiritual attacks happening more frequently these days?

Earth is not the old dense and dark energy it once was. Today’s New Earth has a different ‘higher’ energetic frequency and this Energy is not pleasant or sustainable for the old dark entities anymore. These very disgruntled entities are being evicted from their residencies. They are roaming around essentially ‘homeless’, with low energy. These entities are parasitic and they must siphon on ‘loosh energy’, preferably from Humans. Since their evictions, they are desperately seeking to attach to unaware Humans more and more. 

This is why spiritual and entity attacks are occurring much more often these days. Unaware Humans are their salvation and Energy Source. 

Please read the whole blog & subscribe. 👇🏽

Human Souls trapped in purgatory



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