Headlines and Updates for October 3, 2019: The Greatest Show on Earth Held Over Indefinitely [videos] ~ October 3, 2019

Changing Things

Above… That’s the just-this-moment-released new video from the President.

Everywhere I look the patriot citizen journalists and Lightworkers are working overtime. There is no excuse to be ill-informed, or un-informed. The problem seems to be that the accurate information is suppressed on the airwaves and buried under all the propaganda on the Internet—even if people do a search for specific topics. Searches return what the Goog monster says is factual.

I scarcely know where to start with updates and my Internet keeps going down and up tonight (Wednesday) as I try to put this together for Thursday.

We anticipate Storm Lorenzo hitting Ireland/the UK hard and send our best intentions for their safety. More on extreme weather and Earth changes at The Watchers.

Phoenix says, “brace for impact” this weekend. We could see some big developments and blowback from the indoctrinated public. Not everyone is going to like what unfolds because it will gouge fissures in their neat little world that they thought they understood—and over which they believed they had some modicum of control.

Patriot Intel Report 10 03 19

Here’s one explosive headline and it’s only Thursday.

IT’S TRUE: New Evidence Shows Mueller Gang Threatened Gen. Flynn’s Son, Forced General to Sacrifice Himself or See His Son Destroyed

We were right!  In May we reported

General Flynn was given an ultimatum by the corrupt Mueller team – choose either your son or your country! This grotesque abuse of power and the legal system by the Mueller gang should never have happened and should not go unpunished!

What was it Q said about “a father’s love for his children”? Perhaps it wasn’t only referencing POTUS?3063

Adam Schiff’s Lies Will Be Exposed

Q The stock market, etc. are fluctuating, and that may be a battleground too, as the deep state attempts to force a crash while the Patriots prevent chaos and a recession. And what’s this?  Twitter links are not cooperating. Coincidence? This is the text, and we all know what A.S. in the kill box means, don’t we Adam Schiff?

EyeTheSpy @TrueEyeTheSpy ·

1h [AS] [AS] [AS] [AS] [AS] [AS] [AS] [AS] [AS] [AS] [AS] [AS] [AS] [AS] [AS] [AS] [AS] —– —– —– —– —– Coming Extremely Soon. *****Eyes Open***** https://twitter.com/TrueEyeTheSpy/status/1179843589821648899

Heads up, Canada. You have a swamp to drain. https://twitter.com/MeryleeOTTCtr/status/1179740311859408897

In the Netherlands/Holland the farmers were protesting with miles of thousands of tractors and take their convoy all over the land, beaches, highways, everywhere enroute to The Hague. Humanity rising! Woo-hoo!

They’re not buying the “climate change hoax”.

This is breathtaking. You won’t believe it. Thank you to the patriots at AIM4Truth for the share.

Dutch Farmers Begin Mass Protest Against Green Fascism

#BoerenProtest Movie 2019 – Highlights of the Dutch farmer Protest

It’s on! The battles continue and the psychopaths just keep compounding the lies in desperate attempts to cover up what they’ve done. They seem to think they can retain control but they’re so out of their league. They don’t even make sense any more.

THE SCHIFF SHOW: Pelosi Defends Schiff’s ‘Parody’ of Trump-Ukraine Transcript, Says He ‘Did Not Make it Up’

Schiff: Trump requests to China, Ukraine are ‘fundamental breach’ of office

IC Inspector General Didn’t Review Ukraine Call Before Forwarding Whistleblower Complaint

The outrage is because the ICIG was caught with its hand in the cookie jar trying to protect the optics of a “credibility” determination that continues to draw more scrutiny as more time passes.

It looks like the Mike Pence clone is putting on a good show; which brings to mind the question of how they might plan his exit if indeed JFK Jr. is indeed going to run alongside Trump in 2020—which sounds plausible… and intriguing.

Pence Backs President Trump: Biden Family Ukrainian Ties Are ‘Worth Looking Into’ (VIDEO)

If you didn’t take in the update from RedPill78 yesterday (October 2) I would say that he made a number of important points; one being related to the impeachment of the President. We’ll see how that pans out.

He also had some unique sources providing information relating to the DoD Anon intel about the role of Britain and the money exchanges with the US Corporation.

Demonrat partners in crime during the “Impeach Speech”.

Did you listen to Nancy Pelosi’s impeach speech—the one where she’s wearing “that pin” and uses some interesting language that might qualify as coded messages to call in their demons to “take out Trump”??? That’s about the 20 minute mark in the RedPill78 update.

We call on our angels to protect President Trump, his family, and his army.

Anti-government protests in Iraq proved lethal as authorities fired live rounds.

Several killed as Iraq protests escalate, spread nationwide

Simon Parkes gave us a heads up on two stories on his blog:

There have been attacks on a US base in Somalia, and Prince Andrew is under investigation by the FBI.


Prince Andrew at the Manhattan town home of convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein

Jeffrey Epstein’s “royal client” is sweating royal bullets as the pedophiles are exposed.


Simon was a guest on a radio show recently and it’s always interesting to hear him tell us about extraterrestrial life, his experiences, and the interfering races’ long term effects on Humanity. It’s an interesting discussion.

Simon tells us that Humans are unique because they experience guilt. That may make it easier to understand how we have been prey to other races and never suspect the horrific things they have done. We think they possess Human characteristics and values when they don’t.

The hybrids running the world had no remorse. They only cover up their activities because they know Humans will attempt to stop them and enforce consequences for what they did; not because they experience guilt.

Many Reptilians are typically aggressive and warlike and their innate traits make them thirst for conquest and domination to satisfy their baser needs. Too much Rep and not enough Human makes for a dangerous DNA cocktail.

When the average Human can’t grasp what we tell them has been done on our planet they believe, “They would never do that.” It’s foolish to see the results and still deny it’s possible. It’s right in front of our eyes but most are unable to see due to the programming. Humanity must come out of the spell, recognize the reality, and deal with it for their own good and the survival of our civilization. That is what the Great Awakening is all about.

Simon Parkes Experiencer, The Paranormal Peep Show Sept 2019

I watched an excellent Hannity segment on October 1st where they had a research company compile all the times the lunatic left media had used the word “impeach” since Trump was elected—including the date of each “impeach”—and it was shocking. I had no idea they were so merciless in their attacks as I don’t watch fake news.

The way it’s presented leaves no doubt in the mind of a viewer what their agenda was all along. They could not have Donald Trump running the show and ruining their agenda to destroy America and they immediately set out to plant the seeds of discontent in the minds of Americans. They launched their mind kontrol program.

Hannity: Democrats working to disenfranchise Trump voters

The “totalitarian tip-toe” David Icke has long spoken of is now officially at a gallop in some countries.

Beijing Launches New Rule: Residents Must Pass Facial Recognition Test to Surf Internet

DAHB0077 brought us news of this unfortunate event, but it could have been much worse. No deaths, thankfully. We may learn more about this later. It seems a little odd that they would perform an exercise like this in high winds, but perhaps the wind was unexpected… if you get my drift.

Mass Injuries After Botched Army Paratrooper Night Jump Involving Hundreds

A recent tragedy related by SSG Doug Ducote Sr… that will have airmen and enthusiasts in deep regret.

My father spoke of the Flying Fortress. I wouldn’t forget that name. Read the story at the link above.

B-17G Flying Fortress

I could go on all day and not cover it so I’m signing off now. Signing out with a smile…  ~ BP

Abso-friggin-lutely! https://t.co/OmG5RxVIeX

— Lisa Mei Crowley (@LisaMei62) October 3, 2019

Headlines and Updates for July 22, 2019: Q Drops Amid High Terror in DC [videos] ~ July 22, 2019

Editor’s Note: Oh yeah, the s**t is getting ready to hit the fan and Starship Earth is on top of her game for continuing to tell us the truth of the matter! My gut instincts (intuition) is telling me that things are NOT going to be the same in a very short time…take that as you will.

What can we do at this point as dreadful, after dreadful fact is revealed? I think I will be horrified by the truth, yet be so grateful to be present in this moment of NOW when humanity begins learning their true identity of each being BEing a soul component.

The very best thing to do at this moment is to live from joy. The truth will hurt, but be grateful the truth is revealed, know the opposite pain is gain (on ALL levels), and be….



“Some people did some things.” That’s the understatement of the year, isn’t it? And we’re about to find out who did what to whom. All of it. The world will never be the same.

Trump lowers the boom. Again. No way out.


“I am continuing for 1 year the national emergency with respect to transnational criminal organizations declared in Executive Order 13581.”

Link: https://t.co/xarOzulqAz pic.twitter.com/mzkKC9xlKV

— M3thods (@M2Madness) July 22, 2019

Qanon left two new crumbs on Sunday. Here’s one:3459

Fake News Links Anthony Comello’s Mental Instability to Qanon

Q!!mG7VJxZNCI 21 Jul 2019 – 1:41:15 PM https://twitter.com/maggieNYT/status/1153021405476401153


Every single ‘dirty’ tactic being deployed to stop the growth of this movement.
Ask yourself a very simple Q – why?
Why are the biggest media co’s in the world….
Q Why are the biggest media companies in the world targeting QAnon? I think we all know the answer to that Q: because Q has the NSA at their disposal—and the criminal cabal knows the NSA has it ALL. The spying they enabled at our expense is now being used against them. Photos, videos, audios… all of it; and when that information is made public and DECLAS occurs (which will be at the THE most strategic moment) their world will crumble and all the king’s horses and all the king’s men, won’t be able to put Humpty together again. Streaming military tribunals, walks of shame, Bill and Monica’s disgusting tryst forgotten in the hubbub of revulsion and fury the American people—and the world—will feel when they learn who has been running our planet into the ground and conspiring to eliminate the Human race, all the while preying on our children. And somehow, the White Hats will do it in a way that will prevent anarchy and violence—for the most part. That is why President Trump is having conversations with us about the border and illegal aliens when he is dealing with ousting the demons from the unseen realms. The public has not been primed for news like that. We have, so he tells us what’s going on, in code. When the news of the pedovore aliens does come out, perhaps the populace of our planet will be so numb with shock they will appear to still be under the spell. But that will wear off. The reality will sink in, and then the emotions will bubble up. The mind control frequencies will soon be gone and the energy waves bathing the planet may soothe the savage beast. We’ll see what happens. I think that with all the healing technologies, toys, financial surprises and positive news revealed—possibly at the same time or close to it—it will take the edge off the rage some folks may feel. The “good news-bad news” approach often works. When folks learn the IRS is no longer an arch enemy and that they will have a lot more disposable income, it might be one time some “retail therapy” could do a body good, not to mention the economy. And if they also revealed the space force—what then? Major distraction. And if they revealed the truth about our friends upstairs… bigger distraction—but they can only hit us with so much at once, so it will be interesting to see how this all unfolds and the timing. Most of all, once it’s safe to do so and folks are calm and rational, we have to have the Truth. GoodDog echoed my sentiments that we need the truth—and he doesn’t advocate for the death penalty. He pointed out that QAnon at one time intimated that only UP TO 40% of the truth will be made known.


Strzok-Page Texts Assassination Talk

Q !UW.yye1fxo 22 Jan 2018 – 7:47:32 PM What would happen if texts originating from a FBI agent to several [internals] discussed the assassination (possibility) of the POTUS or member of his family?
What if the texts suggest foreign allies were involved?
Forget the Russia set up [1 of 22].
This is only the beginning.
Be careful what you wish for.
Could messages such as those be publicly disclosed?
What happens to the FBI?
What happens to the DOJ?
What happens to special counsel?
What happens in general?
Every FBI/DOJ prev case could be challenged.
Think logically.
We haven’t started the drops re: human trafficking / sacrifices [yet][worst].
Those [good] who know cannot sleep.
Those [good] who know cannot find peace.
Those [good] who know will not rest until those responsible are held accountable.
Nobody can possibly imagine the pure evil and corruption out there.
Those you trust are the most guilty of sin.
Who are we taught to trust?
If you are religious, PRAY.
60% must remain private [at least] – for humanity.
These people should be hanging.
Q What will the will of the People demand? I saw this math on a meme:  1/2 truth + 1/2 truth = whole lie That’s one way to look at it. I believe the whole truth should be available to those who yearn for it; who are strong enough to absorb it. There’s no reason to force the deeply appalling aspects on everyone if they’re not ready. The choice to know should be an individual one. In time, more of Humanity will be wanting to know their history and why we had to do what we did in this global purification. It’s not fair to expect Earth Humans to live a lie any longer. If those in control won’t tell us the truth about everything and how we got to the point we’re at then they’re no better than the psychopaths who controlled us for millennia. The perpetrators of these crimes must be revealed or there’s a cover-up. To protect ourselves in future, we need to know the whole truth. They can’t keep secrets from us any more. We have to have a new start from a place of full knowledge and complete understanding. WE have to choose how we move forward, and how we do that will be different if we know the truth than it will be if we are still living a lie. It’s hardly the same as a highway horror show. This is about an entire race of people; a planetary population and our destiny. We should be telling them we refuse to be manipulated any longer. We’re not a dog you can train and keep under restraint. That’s not sovereignty. We need to know what happened in the past to know our true history, and we need to know what has happened recently. No one has a right to keep our true history from us and we need to know who to hold accountable. We have no use for more “convenient” histories. It does no good to tell us they freed us from slavery if our minds aren’t free to understand the full truth. No longer seeing our names in block caps doesn’t mean we’re free. Our minds and hearts have to be freed as well or we’ll still be living in a Petri dish under specified conditions. The Truth will set us free. Humans, as it stands, are naïve. As long as we’re ignorant and under-educated as to our place in the Universe, our relationship to other races, and reality, other parties can prey upon our naïvité—as they have done numerous times in the past. Everyone we’re getting truth from today has an agenda. Theirs. How do we remedy that once the truth embargo is strategically over because the danger is over? How do we get the honest-to-god, unadulterated, REAL truth? And if we did, would you be one who wants to know it? Personally, I believe Humanity in general can be bought off and pacified, but the research I’ve seen presented on the Internet shows me some people are deeply interested and invested in learning the truth. Yes, the truth can hurt; and then it sets you free.  ~ BP

Wow… I hadn’t heard this before. Anything’s possible, and this guy gets intel most people don’t.

Just a recap of last weeks Elite Exposure as the New Zealand male population increased by one!

Their Prime Minister is being investigated for maternity leave fraud!

(S)he wanted their guns and refused to submit hers!

You New Zealand men offended or what?#bitchfork pic.twitter.com/SvZKPCguUP

— #gumballmodel (@lagenomai) July 22, 2019

You’ve probably heard by now that it’s likely Michael Obama will be dragged out of the closet to run for President. You can’t make this up, folks. They’re that desperate, and they could use the lying, treasonous turds in the media to hype him up as the most popular “woman”. If that happens, the drama is about to morph into a slapstick comedy. I’m sure we’ll enjoy the show. Michael has had trouble concealing his package in the past.

If you missed the Miracles Intel Call last night, Scott Mowry told us that Michael Robinson aka Michelle Obama is higher ranking in the C_A than Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama.

Can you imagine the President of the United States as a transgender… thing? I don’t think that will go over very well.

Joan Rivers told us the truth and died suddenly shortly thereafter. There are all kinds of videos now about how she was joking, died from complications from surgery, a drug, etc. and there was the Internet death hoax prior to her death and more. Really? A coincidence?

In case you missed it…

Joan Rivers: What She Said Before She Died

This was under my radar until today, and it began on Wednesday. It seems the Puerto Rican people are not happy with their leadership. Must be going around.

Massive demonstrations in San Juan descend into near chaos

Molotov cocktails, pyrotechnics and motorcycle caravans mark surreal end of day five of protests

Read the article…

LIVE: Protesters gather outside UK Parliament on the eve of new Prime Minister nomination

I listened to the Abel Danger Livestream show today, and journalist Timothy Holmseth spoke to us. He had difficulty, as he was choked up a little when he spoke of the horrors he hears about all the time. The visuals his words invoke are brutal and Field had to step in momentarily, but Timothy has sacrificed the safety of he and his family to do this work.

Field reminds us of Torrie Smith whom the psychopaths murdered to shut him up after he exposed VP Mike Pence as a pedophile, and also that Melania Trump is far more than a gracious First Lady and has barely begun to do her most important work for the children.

Timothy Holmseth will be going to court in August to defend himself against charges designed to take him down. He says he hopes a lot of people will come to his trial because he is going to put on a show. He has no lawyer, and they couldn’t trick him into failing a psych eval. He will do what he can to protect Humanity from the pedophiles/pedovores. He’s a very brave guy with a lot to share that we need to know.

He went into a little about another situation when he was previously called into court. He seems able to protect himself and I do hope he is protected in a Divine way, as well. He needs a lot of support because the cabal pulls a lot of stunts in the courts. Holmseth has seen a few already.

Those who have attended in the past have recorded what the judge, etc. have done so they can’t hide their illegal tricks. Apparently the intimidation of the cabal’s bad actors by those who know about the fake court had a visible shaking effect on the judge assigned to Holmseth in the past.

He says some Marines asked him to take the stand in the state of Minnesota and he is going to do it.

Timothy says there are three cases the new powers that be are using to expose the child trafficking, and his is one of them. It’s time for America to stand up for what is right, and to have the back of those who are standing up for the children. He says the media is not permitted in the courtroom, and they don’t want anyone to know what they do in the fake courts.

Sarah Westall stood up for Timothy Holmseth in the past at court and told the judge he was violating Timothy’s rights. Brave people. Timothy says all observers need to do is bring a notepad and be prepared to document in their own words the proceedings: “I saw Judge  _________  (do or say blank) to Timothy Holmseth. That’s it.

Timothy goes into some graphic detail as to what these psychopaths do to babies and how they conjure up their demons into the ceremony. He is committed and he isn’t backing down, and he claims Field McConnell as his phantom wingman.

Field says it is the Marines in charge of this takedown, and has been all along. They are the ones who ensured Donald Trump would be elected in 2016. Field would know; he’s a marine and applied for active duty again.

I get the impression a lot of people tune into Field’s shows because they want to hear Juan O Savin, who some believe is JFK Jr., and Juan called about 2 hours in to the show and said he wants to do a special show as discussed with Field but can’t get the time to do that today and hopes he will be able to in a few days. He said we have activities going on and in about two weeks we will know more.

Field, in his usual way (“apparently” forgetting they were still live) said what he heard from that was that Mike Pence might be arrested in about 2 weeks. They all speak in code, you know.

One pair of hands Call from Juan?

Is the system rigged?

Heather Podesta & Anthony Weiner Aide Will Control Congress on Privacy Issues

Thomas at TRUreporting updates us on the bones unearthed at the Vatican. Do you think the timing is coincidental? Hardly. This is all coordinated to come out at a predetermined time. It’s wakey-wakey time for Humanity.

I thought the title was going to read, “…inside the gates of hell” but I guess it’s the same thing.

Thousands Of Bones From Human Remains Found Inside The Gates Of The Vatican!


SpiralGate#spiralgate is the use of Pedophilia or Satanic symbols and nomenclature on products IN PLAIN SIGHT!

“Symbolism will be their downfall”

“It won’t be safe…”

”Those who know cannot sleep!”

Qhttps://t.co/0mJIbQwBJz#spiralgate #qanon #EpsteinIsland #SBV pic.twitter.com/rZeiC3dRbv

— #gumballmodel (@lagenomai) July 22, 2019

It’s not only babies they prey on. Children, teens, adults. Whatever suits their needs, including sport. We have been considered the chattel of the El-ites, to do with as they please—like farm animals.

In 2013 a very brave pedophile victim from Holland came forward and told her story. As the title says, it may be the worst story you’ve heard. It may not be the worst story when all is said and done.

The first video is an “introduction”. If you are intrepid enough, you may want to learn more and may graduate to the second video. This is what Trump, Melania, QAnon, the positive military, Kevin Annett, Field McConnell, Timothy Holmseth, Majority Whip Steve Scalise, and many other patriots are working to stop, once and for all on our planet.

If victims can relive this excruciating pain over again so that we understand the reality and can prevent this from happening any more—what a slap in the face to say it’s too macabre to listen. That is failing the victims. Again. Some of us have to take this on.

Child Sacrifice and Trafficking in Holland An Eyewitness speaks out: Introduction

ITCCS – Testimony of Toos Nijenhuis – Ritual Child Sacrifice in the Vatican

That’s a full post. Out for now.  ~ BP

The ‘Trump Effect’ Casts a Spell Over Europe: Media Blackout on Crowds Chanting “We Want Trump! [videos] ~ December 5, 2018

Edito’s Note: Do you feel it? Do you have the internal knowing that this whole messed up Earth situation has now been settled? I don’ know how to descibe this feeling of “setlement”, but this blog by Starship Earth (tanks Molly!) clarifies how I have been feeling all day. It’s over, and settled…now it just time to relax and enjoy the ride, and…



Just had to share another one. Pure magic, and proof “The Great Awakening” is indeed upon us and the peasants are in revolt. When I used “storm the Bastille” on November 25 in reference to the invaders breaking into the USA from Mexico I had no idea of the activities in France. To say the natives are restless is now a massive understatement.

You can also click the link below to go to Twitter to see the videos of the rivers of protesters—with torches!—coursing down the streets of European cities and the one below where they are chanting in unison, “We want Trump!”.

I’m gobsmacked every time I see it.  The video below it is exciting, too. They say they will not be divided again and are in the fight for their lives. Wow. Gives me goosebumps.


Thanks, L, for the link. Incredible and historic footage.

There have been reports and video of snipers on the rooftops of Paris.

We hope our brothers and sisters in Europe remain safe and get the justice they deserve soon; ultimate freedom from tyranny. We’re all fighting for it.

Both QAnon and Thomas Williams have told us the world is about to change, and we, the awakened, are ready for that transformation—or as ready as we’ll ever be.

Make Earth Great Again! (MEGA)  ~ BP

Check out the protestors in Brussels over “climate change tactics”. The globalists have completely misinformed the public about what causes “climate change”. They told us Global Warming is the imminent threat, but now we’re hearing a mini ice age cometh.

The protesters in Belgium chanted slogans including ‘there is no planet B’ Source: Skynews


There’s plenty to protest in Europe, and no end in sight. They’re mad as hell and they’re not going to take it any more.

Amazon warehouse workers in Europe spent Black Friday protesting

Amazon workers in Italy, Germany, Spain, and the UK staged mass walkouts, protesting poor conditions and low wages.