Headlines and Updates for April 10, 2019: Deep State Dominoes are Falling & Q’s Back [videos] ~ April 10, 2019

What a good news week! I can hardly stand it.

Spring has sprung and Google has, too; a BIG leak! That ship’s goin’ down.

Leaked memos prove Google is a massive criminal enterprise engaged in felony election meddling and racketeering

Yoda is dead. Another one bites the dust and the evil SES is losing power. It’s sudden death overtime in the game of cosmic dominoes.

Andrew W. Marshall died on Mar. 26, 2019 at 97… 13 DAYS AGO!


Linda Paris shared a great meme and we have a video, too. An interview with “Resignation Anon”. Check it out at Jon’s Place at the link above. Good stuff.

Yes, Q has returned and, unfortunately, made a fool out of David Seaman; leaving the following drop (so far as of this writing), but no letter of resignation.3311

Barr Testifies ‘Spying Did Occur’ on Trump Campaign

Q!!mG7VJxZNCI 10 Apr 2019 – 9:59:08 AM https://www.foxnews.com/politics/doj-watchdog-fbi-informant-in-russia-probe



There are a few too many coincidences with respect to a community in New York and Mayor De Blasio’s mandate for forced vaccination for a supposed “measles outbreak”. Thanks, L.

The deep state can strategically create outbreaks wherever they choose. I think there’s a very good chance this opinion may be correct and the community needs protection to avoid those vaccines at all costs.

Too often vaccines give people the disease they’re told it will prevent. My vet told me a week ago that if my dog gets a vaccine for something specific he might get that condition. I declined, but truly, many of the medical interventions we’re given are risky, if not deadly.

We know what is said to be in vaccines, but have no guarantee that those ingredients are actually there, or are limited to that list. What might they be leaving out of the ingredient list? It’s Russian roulette if you get a vaccination for anything, and they can target specific genes or DNA, we’re told. Disinformation? Do you feel lucky?

Coincidence? This video from You Are Free TV about what’s going on in New York immediately disappears from the page after embedding it three times so I’ll provide the link. Unbelievable.

#BIOWEAPON: NY H_sidic Vac_ine Ag_nda, Italy Bucks FED #SATMAR

4/9: Today, New York Mayor declares Emergency Order to forcibly vac_inate the Will_amsburg, Brooklyn community because of “m_asles outbreak.”

Self-explanatory… and includes 5G towers. No… fake palm trees, saguaros, and pine trees don’t suffice.

CA Supreme Court Upholds Ordinance Protecting Scenic Views from Ugly Telecom Infrastructure

Are you tired of winning yet? This news is outstanding and provides more forward momentum. Draconian laws are falling and common sense and freedom are gaining new ground.

Kudos to West Virginia for passing what many are describing as “the best food freedom law in the country”

We had an extraordinary experience on our walk this morning. Mica always trots way ahead of me, but today in one spot he hung back and waited. He advanced again, but not far, and waited. There was something on the road ahead that looked like it could be a branch of a shrub or tree, but we have been watching for rattle snakes because it got so warm and they love to come out of their chilly dens and bag some rays on the hot tarmac.

I put Mica on the leash and as we grew closer I could soon tell it was indeed a snake; a bright-eyed, 4-foot diamond back, fully intact, not run over. Mica has walked right over and right past rattlers before, but today something told him to stay away, and I thank our guardian angels because we don’t ever want to deal with another rattlesnake bite. We are certainly blessed. ;0)

Meanwhile, across the pond our compatriots are still battling hard for freedom against the old guard. Something has to give.

Tune in tomorrow, April 11, at 7:30 pm EDT/4:30 Pacific for the Truth, Honor & Integrity Show when Thomas Williams will share unique intel drops, Q&A, and news analysis on the war effort. Listen live on Spreaker.com or at the Think Different website.

Are we going to let the deep state frame and ridicule us? Hell to the no!

The dimms tried to spin her words and Candace Owens let ’em have it with both barrels. You go girl!

Thor brings us good news and bad. The good news is, the “Bombogenesis” storm/blizzard he told us about for tomorrow will not have the massive moisture potential the last super storm did as it wasn’t near the ocean to load up on water so the rainfall/snow will probably be less.

The bad news is, there are currently 5 (yes, five) more storms in the offing which will march across the midwest in rapid succession over the next couple of weeks. If they are severe and they all follow through rather than dissipating, it could leave the central states reeling.

I could tell a weather change was coming because it was super windy here yesterday with HAARP clouds; it got hot suddenly for two days. Today, even windier, but the heat’s gone and the wind is chilly. A new system is rolling through Arizona.

Good luck everyone in the path of these storms. Stock up on food, water, and candles/batteries, and necessities. It would be great if you didn’t have to venture out until it’s all over.

Monster Storm to hit USA. It is the 1st of 5 storms in two weeks & WoW the Sun