Headlines and Updates for April 12, 2019: Working the System & Good News for the Patriots [videos] ~ April 12, 2019

The patriots and citizen journalists certainly are working the system and the gears are turning. When we follow our urges and do what we’re good at, magic happens.

The searchable data base that “ResignationAnon” put together as showcased by Linda Paris/Deplorable McAllister was thorough and very encouraging, what I was able to listen to. It shows us that while some may claim nothing is happening and nothing will ever change, with many members of Congress and evil corporations stepping down or getting fired there is room for change.

AND, many of those still in place will realize before long that they, too, will be implicated in the child sex trafficking and financial crimes.

Everything is connected. Movement in one of those gears affects moving parts we can’t see. Yet.

GoodDog reminds us that Allison Mack has been singing since last April 2018 and there are many more connected to the NXIVM cult than we yet realize. I look forward to the next installment of that series tonight as he goes deep and wide; like the net cast by the global El-ites to ensnare their prey to get their way. QAnon gives us the most amazing information if you are the sort to figure it out.

There is a LOT happening.

Thomas Williams had great input last night, as always. He touched again on an aspect of the financial system that was helpful for me; making a distinction about the global financial platform and the Manna World Holding Trust system.

Last week he explained that the central bank global platform is home to all the banking systems, including MWHT. Therefore they have the ability to block the transfer of funds Kim, the Trustee, attempts to make to support work that needs to be done to improve conditions for Humanity.

Negotiations take place, promises are made, she makes the transfer, and the promises evaporate so Kim has to claw back that money and return it to the Trust. These sociopaths are beyond greedy and don’t seem able to be truthful.

Financially, it’s not a case of the MWHT being a system of its own that can take the place of the bankster’s system. That was important to note as some folks wonder why we can’t just use the Manna source-based system and leave the old system behind.

Like everything, it’s complicated and Thomas explained what would happen if the team simply stopped funding the governments. Total collapse.

The governments are broke because the dark has been making off like bandits with the People’s money/Trust funds forever. They collateralized nearly everything so Kim has been calling in the markers, so to speak, from the sound of it. We are exceptionally fortunate to have Kim-possible looking after the People’s legacy rather than the old guard.

Thomas also made a couple of interesting remarks with respect to forward and positive movement in the war. He alluded to the possibility that we may have received some sort of off-world help, if I read him correctly. That scenario is yet to be determined. The mandate is that we Humans have to sort out this mess ourselves, but there are exceptions to every rule, aren’t there? We could certainly use a leg up; a breakthrough in this endless war for liberation; an end to the suffering.

He left us with a positive note, as well. He said the Rothschilds held a family meeting and MAY confirm they are stepping down. IF they do, then we would next expect at least some of their minions to do likewise as they would be a rudderless ship.

record flooding in Nebraska

It would be nice if the banksters would stop blocking the disaster relief efforts and allow the Trust to fund the help needed to fix homes and infrastructure from Hurricane Michael and now the flooding in the mid-west.

Another positive possibility is that certain members of the Mnuchin team may have agreed to resign. That might be a big step as Mnuchin and Co. seem to be the ones running the mess in Venezuela. As we’ve said, Trump does not control everything. He does the best he can with what he’s got from where he is and gives us a lot of hope.

The US military brass report to the Rothschilds, so if they retire and Mnuchin’s team weakens then we could get a big break on the Venezuela front.

Anything’s possible. Many things are happening that have never happened before. For the past two days the hits on Starship Earth were identical—not that it has a bearing on anything. Just interesting. Never say never.  ~ BP

He’s alive!

We have a nod, a wink, a thumbs up. It’s all good. Our asset is safe.

Be sure to check out The CAT Report from American Intelligence Media. Great stuff, as always.

Do people not understand that Big Tech is basically synonymous with deep state government surveillance? That there is no such thing as “privacy”? Prying eyes and ears are everywhere. We live our lives in the company of Big Brother whether we like it or not, and whether we choose it or not. Why make it easier for them? Do people like living in a fishbowl?

Amazon Employees Listen In to Thousands of Alexa Recordings

Israel is the subject of chatter with the crash of their lunar lander. Or did it? We are skeptical. And so is Naughty Beaver.

Israeli team explains why Beresheet spacecraft CRASHED into the moon

A picture of the Earth taken by the camera of the Israel Beresheet spacecraft. © AFP / SpaceIL and Israel Aerospace Industries

A picture of the Earth taken by the camera of the Israel Beresheet spacecraft. © AFP / SpaceIL and Israel Aerospace Industries

Come on. We weren’t born yesterday, but we got a few laughs out of it. “Rest in pieces.”  LOL. Should have bought stocks in tin foil.

Israel’s Beresheet Lunar Lander Crashes On The Moon (Ironically). Naughty Beaver Investigates

Is this a good thing? Sounds like a case of the old regime being thrown out, so it could be. DAHB0077 gives us some background.

State of Emergency In Sudan, Airspace and Ports Closed, Military Council to Rule for 2 Years

I heard about this “Frankenfungus” and wondered if it was a fear tactic but we have an update on it from You Are Free TV who have investigated and it sounds serious.

I know from experience with our dog that fungus is a nasty foe. He has been taking an anti-fungal for years because his immune system wasn’t able to fight off the Valley Fever spores that live in the soil here in the desert. A couple of weeks ago he finally got to the point the vet said he is okay to go off the drugs and we will watch to ensure he doesn’t manifest symptoms again. Those spores can get into any part of the body, blood and organs and cause many different painful symptoms. With all the blowing dust here, he could easily get reinfected, she says.

We know the dark aren’t above unleashing bio-warfare on us, particularly in their last desperate days. This whole video update is good but if you’re pressed for time, the candida auris segment begins around the 8:11 mark. She also tells us what we can do to avoid it.

Thomas Williams last night went into a horrific scenario in the past that took place in Colombia with respect to the young women forcibly given the Gardasil vaccine.

These creatures must be removed from our planet.

You Are Free TV

Published on Apr 10, 2019

4/10: The CDC refuses to report hospitals in USA spreading Drug-resistant fungus Candida Auris, that can be up to 88% fatal. While SATMAR Jews in Brooklyn are being forced to vacc_nate with the MMR, known to be harmful to the gastrointestinal tract/immune system, at the near by Mt. Sinai hospital annex, a fatal fungus is going unreported. Trump today calls out Treason and Barr: “Spying did happen.”

Ilhan Omar is as offensive as Alexandria Ocasia-Cortez. With respect to 9-11, she said “some people did something…” and understandably—it rankled with a lot of people. These actors are in self-destruct mode.

I think it’s important to remember that it wasn’t only Americans who died or suffered as a result of the 9-11 terrorist attacks. They took place at the World Trade Center, and 3000 people from multiple countries lost their lives that day. Some suffered utterly horrific deaths, not instantaneous. Suffering is important in ritual sacrifices.

Equally as important to note is the thousands who died subsequently from being nearby, and as first responders, in particular, and breathing in the air full of toxic dust which caused cancer and other fatal health conditions. Just more collateral damage that doesn’t cause the globalists to blink an eye.

NY Democrats Ignore Omar’s 9/11 Comment

Imam Mohamad Tawhidi @Imamofpeace

Ilhan Omar mentions 9/11 and does not consider it a terrorist attack on the USA by terrorists, instead she refers to it as “Some people did something”, then she goes on to justify the establishment of a terrorist organization (CAIR) on US soil. 22.9K 9:22 PM – Apr 8, 2019 18.7K people are talking about this

This post is already long so I’m going to leave it there for now.  ~ BP

Headlines and Updates for April 10, 2019: Deep State Dominoes are Falling & Q’s Back [videos] ~ April 10, 2019

What a good news week! I can hardly stand it.

Spring has sprung and Google has, too; a BIG leak! That ship’s goin’ down.

Leaked memos prove Google is a massive criminal enterprise engaged in felony election meddling and racketeering

Yoda is dead. Another one bites the dust and the evil SES is losing power. It’s sudden death overtime in the game of cosmic dominoes.

Andrew W. Marshall died on Mar. 26, 2019 at 97… 13 DAYS AGO!


Linda Paris shared a great meme and we have a video, too. An interview with “Resignation Anon”. Check it out at Jon’s Place at the link above. Good stuff.

Yes, Q has returned and, unfortunately, made a fool out of David Seaman; leaving the following drop (so far as of this writing), but no letter of resignation.3311

Barr Testifies ‘Spying Did Occur’ on Trump Campaign

Q!!mG7VJxZNCI 10 Apr 2019 – 9:59:08 AM https://www.foxnews.com/politics/doj-watchdog-fbi-informant-in-russia-probe



There are a few too many coincidences with respect to a community in New York and Mayor De Blasio’s mandate for forced vaccination for a supposed “measles outbreak”. Thanks, L.

The deep state can strategically create outbreaks wherever they choose. I think there’s a very good chance this opinion may be correct and the community needs protection to avoid those vaccines at all costs.

Too often vaccines give people the disease they’re told it will prevent. My vet told me a week ago that if my dog gets a vaccine for something specific he might get that condition. I declined, but truly, many of the medical interventions we’re given are risky, if not deadly.

We know what is said to be in vaccines, but have no guarantee that those ingredients are actually there, or are limited to that list. What might they be leaving out of the ingredient list? It’s Russian roulette if you get a vaccination for anything, and they can target specific genes or DNA, we’re told. Disinformation? Do you feel lucky?

Coincidence? This video from You Are Free TV about what’s going on in New York immediately disappears from the page after embedding it three times so I’ll provide the link. Unbelievable.

#BIOWEAPON: NY H_sidic Vac_ine Ag_nda, Italy Bucks FED #SATMAR

4/9: Today, New York Mayor declares Emergency Order to forcibly vac_inate the Will_amsburg, Brooklyn community because of “m_asles outbreak.”

Self-explanatory… and includes 5G towers. No… fake palm trees, saguaros, and pine trees don’t suffice.

CA Supreme Court Upholds Ordinance Protecting Scenic Views from Ugly Telecom Infrastructure

Are you tired of winning yet? This news is outstanding and provides more forward momentum. Draconian laws are falling and common sense and freedom are gaining new ground.

Kudos to West Virginia for passing what many are describing as “the best food freedom law in the country”

We had an extraordinary experience on our walk this morning. Mica always trots way ahead of me, but today in one spot he hung back and waited. He advanced again, but not far, and waited. There was something on the road ahead that looked like it could be a branch of a shrub or tree, but we have been watching for rattle snakes because it got so warm and they love to come out of their chilly dens and bag some rays on the hot tarmac.

I put Mica on the leash and as we grew closer I could soon tell it was indeed a snake; a bright-eyed, 4-foot diamond back, fully intact, not run over. Mica has walked right over and right past rattlers before, but today something told him to stay away, and I thank our guardian angels because we don’t ever want to deal with another rattlesnake bite. We are certainly blessed. ;0)

Meanwhile, across the pond our compatriots are still battling hard for freedom against the old guard. Something has to give.

Tune in tomorrow, April 11, at 7:30 pm EDT/4:30 Pacific for the Truth, Honor & Integrity Show when Thomas Williams will share unique intel drops, Q&A, and news analysis on the war effort. Listen live on Spreaker.com or at the Think Different website.

Are we going to let the deep state frame and ridicule us? Hell to the no!

The dimms tried to spin her words and Candace Owens let ’em have it with both barrels. You go girl!

Thor brings us good news and bad. The good news is, the “Bombogenesis” storm/blizzard he told us about for tomorrow will not have the massive moisture potential the last super storm did as it wasn’t near the ocean to load up on water so the rainfall/snow will probably be less.

The bad news is, there are currently 5 (yes, five) more storms in the offing which will march across the midwest in rapid succession over the next couple of weeks. If they are severe and they all follow through rather than dissipating, it could leave the central states reeling.

I could tell a weather change was coming because it was super windy here yesterday with HAARP clouds; it got hot suddenly for two days. Today, even windier, but the heat’s gone and the wind is chilly. A new system is rolling through Arizona.

Good luck everyone in the path of these storms. Stock up on food, water, and candles/batteries, and necessities. It would be great if you didn’t have to venture out until it’s all over.

Monster Storm to hit USA. It is the 1st of 5 storms in two weeks & WoW the Sun