The Battle to Control the Narrative and Secure Our Freedoms [videos] ~ April 11, 2019

Taking Back the Truth

We are seeing signs that as a race, we are examining and resurrecting our Humanity. When we cease to place our convenience first and consider all life, we can return to who we really are. Service-to-Others, not Service-to-Self. When we all look after each other, no one is left out. All for one, and one for all, or… “Where We Go One, We Go All.”

If the demonrats want to yank on the heart strings of Americans to pass their bills—fine. We can play that game—but with FACTS—not lies; the facts they choose to omit.

Every life matters. Humanity matters. Human rights matter. That is the truth.

Hopefully this initiative to respect life and protect life will resonate with the shred of decency the populace may have remaining and we can leave extremism and torture behind, thereby setting an example for the world. The pendulum has to swing the other way before it sails off into the abyss.  ~ BP

Lindsey Graham Holds Press Conference on the Abortion Bill

We heard the media set the stage a couple of days ago, saying Julian Assange was about to be arrested and would be leaving the protection of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. While they now claim he was removed in response to an extradition order, AIM4Truth is saying “Not so fast”.

Take a look at the video below: the image of Assange and the book in his hand. We’ve seen them stage this crap before. I don’t know about you, but this screams propaganda to me. As if anyone being arrested would be holding a book—let alone that one, and so the cameras could clearly see it. Give me a break.

The photo is definitely propaganda, and probably a distraction, but was he truly arrested? That would be a demonstrable attack on free speech and journalistic privilege.

There are those of us who believe this is part of the “movie”, and that Assange has been taken care of. The white hats have to do some “massaging of the truth” to educate the masses to the reality in bite-sized pieces so they can swallow them. Otherwise they’ll just gag on the big picture and refuse to look at it.

I think they’re coming around.

BBC and Reuters (two fake news sites) report Julian Assange arrest

April 11, 2019

The timing seems very suspicious to us. Has the look and feel of a false flag… so patriots will want to pay attention to the story with a discerning eye. For example in the footage below we see a person who resembles an aged Julian coming out of the embassy. That could easily be Hollywood mask and makeup on a crisis actor.

Before we tell you what we think about this incident, why do you think all of this is happening now…just when POTUS starts talking about treason and a coup and is asking where did the coup originate?

Is the Privy Council in a panic and using this arrest as a distraction? We know their M.O. – false flag operations reported by fake news sources.

Even the book that “Julian” is holding (image to right) looks like it has been photoshopped in the picture.

Be vigilant. We are fighting the Great Information War and the British rulers and elite are using their Tavistock propaganda crap on the world to protect their royal turkey butts. (Sorry, that was a little ‘Tallahassee talk’ from Betsy who wonders if anyone, anywhere is going to start reporting the British espionage. Aren’t we paying Gina Haspel and Christopher Wray to get this intel to the president’s desk?)

BBC and Reuters (two fake news sites) report Julian Assange arrest

The timing seems very suspicious to us. Has the look and feel of a false flag… so patriots will want to pay attention to the story with a discerning eye. For example in the footage below we see a person who resembles an aged Julian coming out of the embassy. That could easily be Hollywood mask and makeup on a crisis actor.

Before we tell you what we think about this incident, why do you think all of this is happening now…just when POTUS starts talking about treason and a coup and is asking where did the coup originate?

Is the Privy Council in a panic and using this arrest as a distraction? We know their M.O. – false flag operations reported by fake news sources.

Even the book that “Julian” is holding (image to right) looks like it has been Photoshopped in the picture.

Be vigilant. We are fighting the Great Information War and the British rulers and elite are using their Tavistock propaganda crap on the world to protect their royal turkey butts. (Sorry, that was a little ‘Tallahassee talk’ from Betsy who wonders if anyone, anywhere is going to start reporting the British espionage. Aren’t we paying Gina Haspel and Christopher Wray to get this intel to the president’s desk?)


WATCH: Moment Julian Assange is CARRIED out of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. 4,077 3:49 AM – Apr 11, 2019 6,067 people are talking about this

We must protect Julian Assange and journalistic truth. His legal team is fighting extradition and want to secure medical attention for Assange because that was denied him for seven and a half years.

Julian Assange’s legal team make a statement following his arrest

So who is behind the failed coup? We all know here at the American Intelligence Media, but will have to wait for the Limbaughs, Hannitys, and Pirros of the fake news world to catch up and start producing REAL NEWS. It was British espionage and American treason. Please, stop with all the sugar coating and start reporting ALL of the news!

Why hasn’t the very popular Judge Pirro reported on Alison Saunders’ Dinner with the Ohrs? Why hasn’t Rush reported on Sir Richard Dearlove and Geoffrey Pattie’s role in the coup? Why is Hannity always so far behind the narrative…he hasn’t even reported on the relationship that Robert Mueller had with British Arvinder Sambei from 911- right up to the special council?

Why aren’t any of them interested in Ruth Ginsberg’s disappearance…or Dianne Feinstein’s Chinese spying operation or her husband’s involvement with AVID ISIS management used in the corporate media for reading propaganda to the people?


For new Truthers, FOX News is owned by one faction of the deep state; recently acquired by Disney. (entertainment) That’s not to say there are no patriots there, just that they are controlled and do not present all stories, or the complete story. They have their own slant and we have to do our research. 

Dustin Nemos has said he plans to go after Fox. That will be interesting. 

Bottom line, the El-ites/establishment/New World Order control our reality by controlling information. Life is a complete fantasy based on what they tell us is true. It’s all lies, all fake, and we are changing the narrative to manifest a new reality.

It’s time to leave the dream world and wake up, rip off the blinders, and take our power back. We don’t need their permission and we have work to do. 

Here is some of that work underway. We love watching these one-celled creatures squirm.  ~ BP

Julian Assange’s Christmas Present ~ December 28, 2018

Editor’s Note: I haven’t had much of a chance to really dig into Assnage’s Christmas gift, but it appears that he has “gifted” information (!,?) to both President Trump AND Hillary that are just of the dollar amount to have these exposed by public law. Pretty cool, I say. Please read this for yourself, thik about this, and be…



Put your thinking cap on… things just get crazier by the day.

You might want to make a note of “Corey’s Digs”. There’s a lot of good research there.  ~ BP

Julian Assange’s Christmas Present

Headlines and Updates for December 22, 2018: Hurry Up and Wait: It’s Intermission [videos] ~ December 22, 2018

Intermission in Congress… vote paused. Did you see this one coming? The infighting is used to drag it out. Hysterical.

Excuse me while I make more popcorn—extra butter.

Mitch McConnell: No Voting Until President Trump & Democrats Come To Agreement 12/22/18

With respect to martial law, after hearing Dave’s remarks on the X22 Report last night about the urging of retailers to stock their warehouses to the rafters in preparation for the financial collapse/reset when prices would soar through the roof, I was wondering if the urgings to prepare for anything —weather, natural events, etc. and including martial law might be the strategy to get people to prepare—period—so we’re stocked up a lower prices. Just the musings of a mad-woman. The musing is off the charts any more.

Cordicon brings us a short video about a fire in midtown Manhattan (New York City) that houses a CITIBANK. Another source says the building was near Trump Tower.

The following article contains video.

Fire breaks out at Manhattan high-rise: FDNY

He then goes into the testimony of a priest claiming he didn’t know sex with a child is a crime. I can’t even believe these words are coming out of my fingers.

I don’t know… I don’t recall… I don’t remember… I would have to refer you to… the lies, the coverups, I’m so sick of it. These people are mentally, emotionally, spiritually and morally bankrupt and it’s bred into them. We’re long overdue for the purge.

We have multiple folks weighing in on the disruptive “rogue drone” scenario at Gatwick airport, and as always, there are varying opinions and slants to the story.

One fellow says…

An electromagnetic pulse gun in a helicopter would have been able to fry these drones on the spot. In a worst case a machine gunner, shooting downwards. No one wants to think about this stuff….too inconvenient.  Source

That suggests terrorists might use them against us to cripple transportation and cause chaos.

I saw a thought process recently suggesting we would see more drone incidents in the coming days because “they” are going to want to pass legislation outlawing drones to the average person.

It’s the same idea as the false flag terrorist shootings to get us to scream for gun control and disarmament of the public. The establishment would legally have them, but the citizenry would not. Too dangerous, they would say.

Since this was a major disruption to the public at a critical time of year and caused a tremendous amount of inconvenience, the above scenario is likely what this was about. If you inconvenience or scare the sheep enough, they will come around to your way of thinking—they believe.

Like most technology, drones can be a blessing or a curse. The privacy issue is apparent, but they have also enabled us to investigate situations where we, the People, are not being told the truth and enabled us to get the inarguable photo facts into the independent media to debunk leading narratives. For this reason they might want to de-drone us.

More than likely “they” would be a problem for us, as we heard Obama ordered the assassination of individuals via drone and the pilots “just followed orders”.

Something to think about.

Gilets Jaunes protests continue in Paris in Week No. 6

Despite the dreary subject matter, I enjoyed listening to this delightful Scot expound on the situation in the European Union as it relates to France, the UK, Spain elections, and monstrous activities of the oligarchs and the misery they have fabricated across the pond. He gets into Julian Assange and Donald Trump, Robert Mueller and more… in a separate video. This was an excerpt.

“I would invest in yellow vests in Britain if I were you” | George Galloway’s monologue

Trump’s 5D Chess Game with the NWO: An Intriguing Canadian Perspective [audio] ~ December 7, 2018

Editor’s Note: We are in a war right now, just not a war as we have ever imagined. The weapons used in this war are DEW weapons, weather modification, and disinfo…all designed to instill FEAR into our hearts and minds making us utterly pliable like thoughtless sheep.

Please listen to the audio below and decide what is “real”and what is “false”. Kind of like that 5D chess game, don’t you think? and…


________________________________________________________________________________An awakened Canadian from Cape Breton (Nova Scotia) by the name of “Charles” called an American radio show host and dumped what might be considered “intel” about a number of topics.

For example, he said Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was asked to take the Canadian military, backed by multiple other major military forces, to Washington to make mass arrests in the swamp and he refused. I recall talk of Canada helping out… once upon a time… but the “Great Northern Alliance” idea fizzled, apparently.

Enter Trump, stage left. He stepped up to do what must be done or the world as we know it would end. This caller feels Trump is the “trump card” of the patriots worldwide to GET THIS DONE.

He also confirmed not only that Julian Assange is safe in America, but that he is ensconced at Guantanamo Bay with a lot of other high-value whistleblowers—enjoying the lovely renovations President Trump provided—for their safety. He said there’s no more secure place, and they can live in comfort until it is safe for them to go back to a normal life.

He had plenty of interesting takes on many things that I hadn’t heard before, including Neil Keenan. If you like wading through the alligator-infested waters of information and disinformation for the Truth, you might enjoy this conversation. Most of it sounded right to me.

The aspect of the plan to open Canada’s borders to allow unsavoury migrants to then invade America from the North as well as South sounded spot on; hence the “look down here at Mexico” theatrics while thugs pour in unchecked and unnoticed from north of the 49th.

Charles had a wee tale about an old T-shirt some listeners will particularly enjoy.

Dave at Net4Truth shared his audio and Stoney Stone published it. It’s just two guys talking, and lots of F-bombs.   ~ BP

Late Headlines for November 25, 2018: What a Weekend! [videos] ~ November 25, 2018

What’s with the flippers?

Hillary Clinton is suddenly speaking out against illegal immigration and UK parliament is confiscating documents incriminating Facebook? What? Is this what it seems?

We hear Assange may be safe in the USSA and migrant terrorists were easily turned around at the border with tear gas, pepper spray and rubber bullets by Mexican federales and US officials working together to drive them back and keep them under control.

I’m exhausted—and we still have to fix Starship Earth.

QAnon dropped a new one today…📁
Everything stated has a purpose.
Think timing of Tweet (above) v last drops [HouseOfCards] re: Maggie NYT re: WL ‘Maggie’ drops re: WL attack re: ‘Q’
Do you believe in coincidences?
Be ‘extremely’ vigilant in Dec.
See something.
Say something.


Dave at the X22 report fills us in the latest developments on the financial and geopolitical scenes.

Establishment Giving The Fed An Out, Trapped By Trumps Trade Policies – Episode 1724a

Moves Are Not Telegraphed, What Happens Next Will Change Everything – Episode 1724b


We have had reports that 20,000 “migrants” are going to hit the border very soon so we shall see. Perhaps the military deployed recently are in domestic training as fortification to the ones already onsite for a later barrage of terrorists.

There are many areas of the US/Mexican border that are not protected at all so if we are serious about keeping these unwanted gangs out of America, more will have to be done—and soon, and walls don’t spring up over night.  ~ CB