Headlines and Updates for August 23, 2018: Surprises Galore [videos] ~ August 23, 2018

JAMES O’KEEFE TAUNTS: Project Veritas to Drop ‘October Surprise’

Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe has been taunting fake news media about his next undercover video sting coming this fall.

Fake News outlets such as CNN and MSNBC have been fawning over Omarosa and her selectively edited secret recordings of Trump and his inner circle.

Stormy Daniels is yesterday’s news.

O’Keefe taunted CNN’s Chris Cillizza for praising Omarosa’s secret recordings, “In the end, it’s all about the tapes.”

“Screenshot this. Screenshot this for when you will be dragged kicking and screaming covering our October surprise(s).” O’Keefe warned.

“Media has set a new precedent for reporting on undercover tapes. We’ll see if they play by the same rules when we release our October surprise(s). If so, they will be incredibly busy covering the midterms,” O’Keefe tweeted.

Media has set a new precedent for reporting on undercover tapes. We’ll see if they play by the same rules when we release our October surprise(s). If so, they will be incredibly busy covering the midterms. https://t.co/9ev6FEFYAB

“Media has gone completely drunk over this tape. We’ll provide the chaser this Fall,” O’Keefe said in response to the media playing selectively edited recordings Omarosa provided to the outlets.

On Sunday afternoon, James O’Keefe posted a photo of a very humid, swampy Potomac river with a caption that read, “Walked along the Potomac on a particularly swampy day after a long film shoot and thought how satisfying it will be for Project Veritas to drain it a little more come September/October.

“I am willing to go to jail to protect our sources’ identities” says Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe last week.

Channeling Julian Assange and Wikileaks, O’Keefe launched his own whistleblower assistance operation: Veritas Leaks.


Perhaps it wasn’t so outlandish to say that the Obama/Clinton cabal sold America out from under the People. Some have said China actually owns America. Perhaps that was a slight exaggeration, but it doesn’t appear to be strictly about Uranium One.


BREAKING: Seth Rich GAME CHANGING EVIDENCE UNCOVERED After Police Drop the Hammer on DNC Chief

Donna Brazile denies being at the hospital shortly after Seth Rich was admitted by EMTs after he was shot? No kidding. It must have been her clone.

The coverup continues to protect whom???

This means our independent journalism is working. Surprised?

Kevin Spacey movie earns $126 on opening day

I don’t know about you, but I am highly suspicious of the extraordinary, record-breaking amount of lightning we’ve witnessed on our planet recently. The view of the bright area at the collapsed bridge in Genoa, Italy (with the German commentary I shared recently) was suspicious, as well.

And how is it that the camera on this boat was pointed right at the target when the “lightning” hit? Was there more than one strike in the same place, or…???


This plane crash occurred New Years Eve 2017—a satanic ritual day—but the news concerns the funds Mr. Cousins willed to OXFAM and its relationship to Haiti… and it’s no surprise where THAT leads.

As always, Dave provides a much saner perspective on the so-called “Trump crimes” the media is peddling with respect to Manafort and Cohen. They’re not even close when they decode the news.

More outrageous, illegal antics by the control freaks. I’m glad I’m not an American citizen, and not in the medical industrial system—not in recent history, anyway. They’re not only going to PUT you in the medical system, they’re going to keep you there, and monitor you all along the way until you die—unless this nonsense is stopped.

Google, Amazon and IBM all trying to acquire your hospital records; issue statement demanding end of patient privacy

(Natural News) Doesn’t it feel like a net is closing in around us from every direction lately? Big Tech companies like Google and YouTube have the independent media in a stranglehold of censorship and control, more and more states are enforcing mandatory vaccines, and now a group consisting of Amazon, Alphabet, Microsoft and other tech giants has issued a statement pushing for unfettered access to the medical records of every American citizen.

While mainstream media sources like CNBC have expressed approval for this type of access, they also acknowledge that tech companies might not have strictly altruistic reasons for wanting these records to become accessible to all. As CNBC noted, “The lack of open standards around health data is a huge barrier for them to get into the $3 trillion health system.”

Read the rest of the article…

Must See to Believe: Cali Wildfire Precision Burns Half a House, Rest Untouched? [video]

No thinking person will believe a wildfire did this, so let’s move on to more productive dialogue.

Yes, the devastation in the video looks like the work of precision lasers… but do you think drones or helicopters wielded these weapons? Do you think this is a “manual operation”?

I think this and other illustrations we’ve seen are a case of technology that, once again, we are as yet unaware exists. The fact that they’re perfectly willing to acknowledge lasers suggests it’s not what it seems. Lasers, particle beams and DEWs (directed energy weapons) are old technology, but HOW are they implemented? THAT is the question.

We see the photos and video on the Internet of drones and helicopters shooting green or blue lasers, but are lasers even visible to the naked eye? I believe Deborah Tavares told us they are not, and she’s done exhaustive research on the assault on Humanity pertaining to Agenda 2030.

I want to know what that “sun simulator” with all the reflectors or lenses does. The fact that someone was able to pull up the patent for that is highly suspicious, because we’re aware of “dummy patents”.

The enemy purposely plants information—red herrings—to throw us off the trail. I therefore suspect the “sun simulator” is not what we understand it to be, but that’s just my theory. Those weapons that burned stark lines across sports fields and homes appear to be “programmable” and able to repeat the pattern, as this vlogger says.

It’s not logistically feasible for drones or helicopters to do this on such a large scale, is it? And if they did, would they leave a portion of one home as a tell-tale clue that not all is what it seems?

For a few years awake and aware people have wondered why our street signs and curbs were marked. For Google Earth, we’re told. At first some wondered if it wasn’t to denote dissidents for Operation: Jade Helm 2015 extractions. Thankfully, that was another terrorist psyop.

Where I live we have no curbs, but the street signs have UPC code stickers. So they’ve mapped the entire United States and it would be easy to program specific sectors to be “zapped”, would it not?

They can start decoy fires in other areas of the world to obfuscate the strategy to hit targeted areas like California, blaming it on “climate change” and the exceptionally hot, dry conditions—no doubt a result of the incessant geoengineering.

And who do you get to execute that demonic plan? It sounds as though “chemtrail planes” are remotely controlled, and I suspect they have automated most of the onslaughts on Humanity so little responsibility falls on “human” shoulders. There’s no room for guilt, sabotage or whistleblowers.

The destruction here has to be space weapons, doesn’t it? They may use the “sun simulator” to bounce the lasers off and redirect the beams. Or, it could be satellites. Someone will eventually uncover the truth about the weapons used to pulverize Humanity’s possessions and create a massive exodus.

We’ve seen similar scenarios in Waldo Canyon, Colorado, the World Trade Center on 9/11, Fort McMurray, Alberta Canada, California last year, and most recently, in Greece in July where white powder is the only thing remaining instead of blackened structures and cinders; vegetation still green.

This is clearly warfare that the majority of people are completely unaware exists. Like 9/11, they believe what the media and their local authorities tell them because it doesn’t enter their minds that anyone would purposely do this; that their government would do this. They don’t understand their government isn’t who they think it is. It’s the “shadow government”; the deep state’s rogue military running these programs, and there’s nothing President Trump can do about it at the moment. He’s lucky to be alive.

Bottom line: the psychopaths don’t attack us with weapons we know about. They use their secret weapons developed with the money they’ve stolen from us, the taxpayers, for decades.

For those unaware, Max Igan eloquently informs us who the terrorists really are. ~ BP



Headlines, Q-Tube Update and Info of Great Interest for January 19, 2018 [videos] ~ Jan. 19, 2018

Ya’ll…sit down, take a deep breath, and be calm. Yes, be calm as we all witness, not the downfall of our country, but rather the down fall  of our country as we know it today.  News is happening fast and furious today with multiple posts from “Q” that indicate a massive wave of positive change happening NOW. Those of us who are spiritually focused all know this would be happening and that truth would set us free giving all the opportunity to live together in peace without war!

So…please take at a look at this comprehensive report by Starship Earth, watch the video’s of your choice (they are all saying the same thing…truth!), and…


As everyone keeps saying… we live in interesting times.

Did you hear about this? I’d say it’s very interesting. The media and their fake news are getting a very bad rep on a consistent basis now. Slander and libel are NOT okay. Fake news is not okay.

Newsweek, IBT Headquarters Raided by NYPD

In followup, Jim Stone has added this note below to his piece on the Michigan beam and explosion/meteor. Interference in the Truth Media is fierce right now. All sorts of videos and articles seem to be blocked and or removed. My mother in Canada can’t get to my website and other folks I’m told have problems accessing it too. That’s the way these thugs roll—like they can prevent the truth from getting out. They don’t even get that it’s too late. We know who they are, and we know what they did.  ~ BP

by Jim Stone, Investigative Journalist     website url:

I removed the Taylor Michigan UFO/beam report

I can’t get feedback from readers and there may be confusion with what I am trying to say with all of it.

If you want to see the report, turn the 1 in the page name above into a 2, it will back the page up a day.

I do not think it was aliens that were flying what was seen in space (in the post that is still up), nor do I think it was aliens that fired whatever it was that caused the massive fire ball in Taylor Michigan. The meteor event in Michigan and this event, where an obvious beam coming straight down caused a massive independence day style fireball on the ground are totally separate events that happened over 100 miles apart.

We were told the Zuma satellite failed. Maybe it did not. And maybe whatever happened in Taylor was done with it. I doubt it was a “Rod from God” or a similar tech, because the beam of light was persistent enough for many people to get pictures of it.

My guess is that the DOD got new toys and we’re seeing them in use. What happened in Taylor was in a relatively sparsely populated area (for the suburbs) and it could have been concealed from the public if it happened within a fenced off area. If it was a military target that got hit (like an underground base) it would have been fenced off, which would make it so no one would be able to get to the actual place it happened to get photographs, (or those who did could be easily censored because there would not be many)

My final answer with that is it was a new weapon. I only took the post down because it was overshadowing a more important post – what happened in Hawaii, and because I can’t get any reader opinion. People were able to get into Ebay to leave feedback on items, but for the last week now, no one has gotten a message through even Ebay. The message window had been reduced to pure trollage that continued even after I took it down (which means they were not hitting the site, and were simply deleting everything legit and back dooring garbage in.) Everything is censored. My real measure of Trump being truly effective is if this type of censorship stops. If he does not solve the problems America has at that level, the fungus will sprout again the second he’s gone.

If you listened to the ‘Truth, Honor & Integrity Show’ last night with Thomas Williams, you heard him say that unequivocally, there was NO ATTEMPTED MISSILE ATTACK on Hawaii. That was fear porn, and all sorts of people have infiltrated the Truth Media to spread it thick. Mind games.

You may recall that Thomas also told us that the marines did NOT storm the Langley CIA headquarters and he was backed up by Cobra, Simon Parkes and Kevin Shipp, the former CIA officer that Greg Hunter interviewed recently.

Thomas has an excellent track record for his intel, so take it for what you will.

Sometimes when we read Internet reports we connect dots incorrectly, and when adding 2 + 2 we get 5. That’s the new math, and things are not always what they seem.

This is the YouTube channel link for Thomas’s videos for his shows: (last night’s show is not yet uploaded) It took me exactly 30 minutes to be able to access the live show for some reason, on multiple devices.


Thomas broadcasts at least twice a week most weeks at Spreaker, where you can now listen to the January 18 show from last night and older episodes:


It seems something did happen over Hawaii, however, as the activity in the skies has been corroborated by multiple witnesses. We saw the five light ships, which I doubt were there for Kona coffee, and Tyler’s Secureteam video below confirms 20 people on a boat tour saw something explode over the islands that day.

One of our Starship readers residing on the west side of Costa Rica said they saw a bright flash in the skies to the West which may have been the same incident. Thanks for that confirmation.

Very interesting report, Tyler. A meteor… a sonic boom… kind of like what happened in Michigan…??? And Texas? And Russia? And Alberta? and Ontario? and Manitoba? and Minnesota?

Another Starship reader told us there was a meteor/fireball seen from Edmonton, Alberta Canada January 17th. I pulled up a video yesterday but can’t find it today. It was quite far away from the city.

Another, January 4th in Fort Frances, Ontario Canada.

And Meteor Fireball Spotted Over Minnesota, Manitoba, Ontario January 5, 2018—this is every day now? I hope folks are wishing on these “rare” shooting stars as the media is calling them.

Space debris in an increasing number of places, it seems.

And if I recall correctly, back in 2012 when we covered the Waldo Canyon fire outside of Denver, CO there was at least one fireball reported, said to have caused another forest fire but it wasn’t big news. The local news station filmed a saucer following a helicopter, which was interesting. The Waldo Canyon fire was another fire with homes incinerated to white ash and trees and lawns still green, but it was the first time I’d seen that. Fireballs/”meteors” may be hurled at us from space according to some in the truth media.

BTW, Tyler received some cool fan mail gifts this week. Very apropos, lol.

I also happened to see this good news snippet on Jim Stone’s site. Hannity needs backup.

I just now saw this site with an update for January 19 from Twitter’s “patrioticcow”, so there is activity at BenSwann.com

Journalist Ben Swann is returning

He has hidden out for the past year at CBS 46 in Atlanta after having his web presence shuttered over Pizzagate. He’s going to fund his online efforts (price tag, 2.4 million for 3 months) using Dash cryptocurrency. I don’t know why it costs that much to be online, but that’s the budget and it will be good to have him back.

Sean at SGT Report has a bombshell here with powerful images. Stacks of boxes with the Red Cross logo, brimming with crisp US Treasury notes. We have known for some time the Red Cross is a cabal organization that is NOT in place to help us in times when they are most needed. To say they are “skimming” is the understatement of the century.

Q-Tube Update:

Not that I want to blimp out from a steady, high-carb diet of breadcrumbs, but Q is still in the news and it is interesting, whether Q is the real deal or not. James understands things I don’t and is so animated he’s usually good for a laugh. Laughing with you, James, not AT you. You make it fun.

It also sounds like President Trump may have holed up in a secure location or “safe room” for a top secret strategy meeting if these reports are correct.

The link to the breadcrumbs James reads is here if you’d like to read them yourself:


Isaac Green at Anti School is on a tear and throwing up videos left and right on current activity so you may want to check out his YouTube channel for more. This one is about the now infamous FISA Memo that even Edward Snowden is calling for release to the public.

We want FULL DISCLOSURE of EVERYTHING—no matter who it implicates. If you’re dirty, you’re dirty. Do the crime, do the time.

To finish off, I checked in with David Icke to see how he’s connecting the dots for 2018 and beyond.

If I continue to attempt to cover everything that’s happening today this post will never get finished so I’ll end it  here.   ~ BP