Headlines and Updates for August 23, 2018: Surprises Galore [videos] ~ August 23, 2018

JAMES O’KEEFE TAUNTS: Project Veritas to Drop ‘October Surprise’

Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe has been taunting fake news media about his next undercover video sting coming this fall.

Fake News outlets such as CNN and MSNBC have been fawning over Omarosa and her selectively edited secret recordings of Trump and his inner circle.

Stormy Daniels is yesterday’s news.

O’Keefe taunted CNN’s Chris Cillizza for praising Omarosa’s secret recordings, “In the end, it’s all about the tapes.”

“Screenshot this. Screenshot this for when you will be dragged kicking and screaming covering our October surprise(s).” O’Keefe warned.

“Media has set a new precedent for reporting on undercover tapes. We’ll see if they play by the same rules when we release our October surprise(s). If so, they will be incredibly busy covering the midterms,” O’Keefe tweeted.

Media has set a new precedent for reporting on undercover tapes. We’ll see if they play by the same rules when we release our October surprise(s). If so, they will be incredibly busy covering the midterms. https://t.co/9ev6FEFYAB

“Media has gone completely drunk over this tape. We’ll provide the chaser this Fall,” O’Keefe said in response to the media playing selectively edited recordings Omarosa provided to the outlets.

On Sunday afternoon, James O’Keefe posted a photo of a very humid, swampy Potomac river with a caption that read, “Walked along the Potomac on a particularly swampy day after a long film shoot and thought how satisfying it will be for Project Veritas to drain it a little more come September/October.

“I am willing to go to jail to protect our sources’ identities” says Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe last week.

Channeling Julian Assange and Wikileaks, O’Keefe launched his own whistleblower assistance operation: Veritas Leaks.


Perhaps it wasn’t so outlandish to say that the Obama/Clinton cabal sold America out from under the People. Some have said China actually owns America. Perhaps that was a slight exaggeration, but it doesn’t appear to be strictly about Uranium One.


BREAKING: Seth Rich GAME CHANGING EVIDENCE UNCOVERED After Police Drop the Hammer on DNC Chief

Donna Brazile denies being at the hospital shortly after Seth Rich was admitted by EMTs after he was shot? No kidding. It must have been her clone.

The coverup continues to protect whom???

This means our independent journalism is working. Surprised?

Kevin Spacey movie earns $126 on opening day

I don’t know about you, but I am highly suspicious of the extraordinary, record-breaking amount of lightning we’ve witnessed on our planet recently. The view of the bright area at the collapsed bridge in Genoa, Italy (with the German commentary I shared recently) was suspicious, as well.

And how is it that the camera on this boat was pointed right at the target when the “lightning” hit? Was there more than one strike in the same place, or…???


This plane crash occurred New Years Eve 2017—a satanic ritual day—but the news concerns the funds Mr. Cousins willed to OXFAM and its relationship to Haiti… and it’s no surprise where THAT leads.

As always, Dave provides a much saner perspective on the so-called “Trump crimes” the media is peddling with respect to Manafort and Cohen. They’re not even close when they decode the news.

More outrageous, illegal antics by the control freaks. I’m glad I’m not an American citizen, and not in the medical industrial system—not in recent history, anyway. They’re not only going to PUT you in the medical system, they’re going to keep you there, and monitor you all along the way until you die—unless this nonsense is stopped.

Google, Amazon and IBM all trying to acquire your hospital records; issue statement demanding end of patient privacy

(Natural News) Doesn’t it feel like a net is closing in around us from every direction lately? Big Tech companies like Google and YouTube have the independent media in a stranglehold of censorship and control, more and more states are enforcing mandatory vaccines, and now a group consisting of Amazon, Alphabet, Microsoft and other tech giants has issued a statement pushing for unfettered access to the medical records of every American citizen.

While mainstream media sources like CNBC have expressed approval for this type of access, they also acknowledge that tech companies might not have strictly altruistic reasons for wanting these records to become accessible to all. As CNBC noted, “The lack of open standards around health data is a huge barrier for them to get into the $3 trillion health system.”

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