The Sun Will Not Sneeze; No “Event Flash” and No Catastrophic Earth Events [videos]

I watched this refreshingly different take a few days ago on the sun’s activity or lack thereof and the confirmation that in Brad Johnson’s opinion, there will be no singular “Event flash”, dramatic pole shift, or other events that would wreak havoc on our planet. The reason is due to the timelines we’re on now, and we understand that the negative timelines have been eliminated so it stands to reason.

He believes the Event flash to be a psyop, not discounting that many solar waves are and will continue to wash over our planet to prepare us and move us toward the higher realms. The sun’s electromagnetic waves may knock out some of our communications and power temporarily but nothing catastrophic.

He also explains what may cause the many “booms” we’re hearing all over the planet. It’s an interesting theory and Brad’s information resonates strongly.

I am and always have been of the firm conviction that Earth is here to stay and so is Humanity. I completely agree with Brad that all the Beings in other dimensions and around our planet would not have wasted their time protecting us and mitigating Earth changes only to watch us all, or nearly all, perish. He says no catastrophic polar shift, either.

Thomas Williams has informed us that some parties have taken steps to right our planet on its axis and that our climate will moderate, becoming more Mediterranean-like in most areas rather than extreme.

There is no lack of videos on YouTube or articles from many sources that claim the extreme biblical prophecies are going to come to fruition and we shall all vanish when the Earth is destroyed by comets/asteroids, solar radiation, fires, floods, vermin, pestilence, pole shifts, etc.

I’ve never believed that and I don’t believe it now. Whatever is going to happen on Earth will not threaten us as a species. We are cherished and protected, in my view. Yes, we have extreme weather and Earth changes to deal with, and many souls chose to leave the planet at this time in this way.

The more I research the more I believe that catastrophic historical events were perpetrated by those who seized control of Earth and for their personal gain. If things went awry and were out of their control they orchestrated a “reset” and started over.

On the other hand, if we’re not here long term due to destructive events, no point in fretting, as we won’t be around to suffer, will we? The reptilians’ reincarnation loop/trap has also been removed, we’re told, so if we choose to reincarnate, it will be in a place/planet of our choosing. Free at last.

There’s no room for doom and gloom. We have a scourge to remove from Earth/Terra, and it’s not so we can all die next year or any time soon. We, the star seeds, didn’t come here to die. We came here to get the job done. No fear.

We were promised ascension, and we shall have it. Inorganic or not, we have earned it and it’s happening. We will escape from this fake, prison planet version of Earth and enjoy our Golden Age.

The Stream Towards the Event |

Brad did this next video just prior to the one above, where he reads the text on the screen so no matter your preference, you can take this in. Thanks for sharing, J.  ~ BP

Earth Intelligence Report – March 2019

, Exploring the Nature of Our Reality | Unknown Lightwarrior and Dane Arr ~ July 17, 2018

Editor’s Note:Ready to “do” something to help liberate Earth? Please refer to the link at the end of this article for you to listen to good advice for action by the Unknown Lightwarrior, tune in to his radio show using the infomrationgiven, and…



The Unknown Lightwarrior published an intriguing prelude to his upcoming discussion with guest Dane Arr on Wednesday, July 18 on Ground Crew Command radio. (tomorrow!)

Jim also gives us a planetary update from the perspective of the Light Forces, which is always interesting and provides added and deeper perspective to what we see and hear on the surface. Thank you, Jim.

This is a long preamble, but there is fabulous information in Jim’s update, below.

Dane will be presenting a seminar in August where we can learn more about this hidden science and physics no one wanted us to know, entitled, “Mastering the Holographic Universe”.

What really caught my attention as I read this newsletter was the part that says when we pass through a certain point, we become very small.

…Portal technology where 2 activated columns become a torsion field and you get smaller as you enter it.

I mentioned feeling small last week and spoke of the videos ‘Yellow Rose for Texas’ made where we saw a gigantic thumb and finger next to the sun. I’ve never been able to figure out the perspective of what she showed us, but since then I somehow feel like we are in a place similar to the miniature world Alice was in when she went through the looking glass. A shrunken reality.

Rose said we’re in “Server D”, and I can’t relate to that either, but there’s so much we don’t know, and folks have their own terminology. It’s near impossible to explain new and complex concepts to people who have no background for the information, so I’m remaining open-minded.

Perhaps Dane will help us make more sense of that, and you’ll find this upcoming chat as appealing as I do.

It’s becoming easier to see, isn’t it, why the El-ites had to control everyone with any influence on us, including universities, publishers, the media, the government, and by creating monopolies… because by controlling the information we get, they control our reality. The bigger they become, the more powerless Humanity feels.

As Max Igan so often reminds us, it’s easy to introduce a false reality because all it takes is one generation of dumbed-down people to shift the perception entirely.

What Dane will be sharing will sound beyond Star Trek or anything else on television, but it more truly reflects reality than the backward, outright lies we’ve been taught all our lives. It’s criminal the depth of the deception of an entire race of people. And that’s why they have to go.

Knowledge is power, and the subtraction of knowledge is disempowerment.

I think it’s safe to assume that anything we now know about space, or our very existence, is a grain of sand in comparison to the knowledge we really should have; the understanding we should have been born into that would enable us to live as free Beings. We have been living as mere shadows of who and what we are, essentially with a ring through our collective nose.

When we fully awaken and are free of this matrix of control, we will be out of this world, and that is what comes to mind when I hear the song below. Glorious, undreamed-of experiences; immortality, reaching for the stars, boundless abilities and unfettered access to information. We really have no idea, and need to expand our minds so we can embrace our new reality. “Expansion.” It has a magical ring.

It isn’t so much “space” that is the final frontier, as I see it. It is the “inner space” that we are so desperately out of touch with, and the physics involved in the Creation of all that is. Correct the mental, and the physical will follow.  ~ BP


Planetary Clearing Report, Time/Space ‘Mechanics’ & How To Make Them Work For You + Planetary Liberation News Analysis

July 16, 2018

The Unknown Lightwarrior


As if we weren’t already reeling from the mostly positive mass-energetic shifts ever since Taurus entered Cancer in mid May, culminating in an acceleration of the shift after the Thurs/Fri partial solar eclipse meditation/event …

… But now, something else happened Sunday late afternoon & night (US time) which the Teams had to jump on. It was a nasty attack on all lightworkers … and after thorough testing it turned out to be an external attack … from the physical plane, not the non-physical planes … and from a piece of technology that acts as a ‘frequency thermostat’ on all Lightworkers, especially the most threatening ones.

Which was part of the reason why this attack was so ‘loud’ for so many of us.

This technology was safely fortified in a physical underground Draco/Chimera base.

But to take it out … a similar remote energy operation/session had to be carried out to the one back in late November on the dark underground Antarctica bases. After which, in early December Cobra confirmed that 80%+ of those bases were cleared in a mass operation by the physical Light Forces.

Tune in this week’s exciting episode of Ground Crew Command for a full report … and to find out what needed to be removed energetically – via consciousness from the physical – … to allow the physical Light Forces to make their move.

This week’s special guest …

Dane Arr of Prepare For Change Leadership Dot Org, on

‘Sciet Dynamics’ [Time/Space & Holographic Mechanics]

… and how to master it.

Learn about Dane Arr’s new course…offered exclusively through the website to find out about the science behind The Event … and fascinating – empowering – consciousness raising things such as:

  • how our nervous system has a frequency above and beyond the electromagnetic frequencies which affect consciousness.
  • how rhodium and Iridium are used by the pineal gland to create a superconductor portal field, which – when fully activated – allows us to travel through time and space.
  • how Tachyons, the philosopher’s stone, and ormus can all be used to activate the pineal gland to help us tap into these abilities.
  • when tachyons are summoned throughout the galaxy by the power of our own consciousness, we can trigger the Event.
  • how the inter-dimensional and trans-temporal nature of consciousness makes remote viewing a scientific reality.

Dane Arr is an incarnated Pleiadian geneticist who was a member of a certain Pleiadian Lodge who visited Earth to observe the progress of the genetic experiments here. He has full recall of his past lives.

He realized a certain sector of the Reptilian Race developed genetically so as to be able to use their own psychic abilities for the mind control (and torture) of humans. When he realized that the fact that humans had such short lifetimes meant they …

… were much more connected to Source than other races, he understood that the consequences of traumatizing these people was far greater because they were so close to Source …

… and he made the decision to go into the reincarnation cycle to help humans through Pleiadian science….which (similar to what Corey Goode explains about Anshar science) …

explains things like:

  • the Anshar temporal bubble
  • the Portal technology where 2 activated columns become a torsion field and you get smaller as you enter it…

Learn about all this and more through the ALL NEW course in Pleiadian scientific principles offered at “Mastering the Holographic Universe”.

The intro course will be offered FREE OF CHARGE on August, 4 th 2018 and those who choose to delve deeper will learn:

  • Why the phi ratio is so important throughout the universe and what it is all about.
  • Why the Great Pyramid at Giza is a focal lens for gravitational effect.
  • The truth about the power of attraction…how it works scientifically and what are the pitfalls that we may not have been aware of.
  • Why astrology works – according to Pleiadian scientific principles.
  • How the human Merkaba Field is the result of the Conscious Organization of the causal layer values surrounding that person.
  • How the human consciousness grids and the Earth’s consciousness grids work together….and why it was so devastating for humanity when the Temple Network was shut down.
  • How consciousness survives the death of the body and exists throughout the universe.

Enough value for you?!

So tune in or download the recording of this week’s action-packed episode of Ground Crew Command. Your support network!

(Link to join the show below).


What To Shine The Transmutational Light of Your Consciousness On, This Week.

Tune in to find out:

  • US military (Trump) & British Monarchy summit in the UK resulted in the Melania no-curtsy … and surrender of the Cabal aristocratic bloodlines of Europe to the US military. Is this for real? … and are the top – primarily Italian  – 13 papal bloodlines surrendering too?
  • with the World Cup in Russia over (“viva-le-bleu”) … the Trump-Putin summit merely is the finishing touch to the pending & long planned events of … Russia kicking the Cabal out of the Ukraine … and Iranian/Russian forceful measures to make Israel follow international & human right laws, with likely cessation of the Golan heights to Syria. But what opportunity does this open up for Lightworkers, as it relates to planetary liberation?
  • with codes like- “BOD EXTQR removal sequence in progress” & “PHOENIX KEYHOLE in progress” from Cobra … get ready for further breakthroughs and (sometimes rough) energy shifts, as we march on to planetary freedom.
  • confirmed … as predicted in last week’s episode by yours truly, Supreme Court Justice pick (Neo-Con) Brett Kavanaugh was indeed chosen as fodder for the Cabal (Democrats/Neocons) to shoot down, and then Trump gets to appear as the accommodating good-guy by agreeing with them or ‘caving in’ … by picking a Supreme Court justice the White Hats wanted all along.
  • another prediction confirmed here on Ground Crew Command; the US White Hats will ‘let loose’ on European & Japanese based Cabal arrests or ‘neutralization’, straight after they’ve arrested & jailed all US based Cabal & Luciferian networks. But with the number that need to be put away (in the US alone) being more like 1 million … what can we do to indeed make sure all 1 million Cabal (though mostly Cabal affiliated Luciferian pedophiles) … are put away for good?


… tune in to find out all the EMPOWERING and vibe-lifting answers here on Ground Crew Command, YOUR central support network; and your weekly dose of empowering clarity, inspiration & motivation to get you through the Archon invented “work week” –

Click here for the reminder & to listen in-

(hit the pink Follow button for show reminders & downloadable recordings)

Call in #: (310) 807-5232.

Or connect from your browser with the link above.

p.s. If you haven’t joined the 144,000 Army of Light that’s being built … and you feel the calling or desire, watch the short video below & opt-in (no need to opt-in again if you already opted into this website). Let’s take charge & Liberate This Planet!

The Unknown Lightwarrior


The host of Ground Crew Command Radio & organizer of the 144,000 Activation Campaign is The Unknown Lightwarrior: a member of a powerful team of Lightwarriors & Lightworkers who either remotely or in person, clear & restore to the Light; natural and man made power centers, vortexes, portals, ley-lines, control rooms, sacred geometry and all darkness obstacles on the etheric, astral, and plasma planes… to put you, me and the whole planet on the fastest timeline to the Event. To learn about the Global Leylines Tachyon Chamber Project, and/or the Activation of the 144,000 Campaign, or to access powerful healing (down to soul level) … clearing … energy surgery … DNA Activation & psychic help, with Macro Level Light Beings to return to your power … go to:


Did The CIA Just Prove Existence Of Aliens? — Part of Partial Disclosure? ~ Jan. 21, 2017


This article is found on Stillness In the Storm, and please…


(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The Central Intelligence Agency recently released millions of documents, a seemingly strange move given its adherence to total secrecy in the past. The documents contain several references to UFOs, psychic investigations, remote viewing and influencing, and more. Various investigators have already started pouring through the once classified pages, but the question is, was this part of partial or limited disclosure?

Based on the assumption that the shadowy organization is not, all of a sudden, turning a new leaf and deciding to disclose their activities, this move suggests something more nefarious could be at work.

Some insiders and analysts have suggested that the truth embargo or secrecy agenda was never meant to last forever. Instead, a slow and steady release of information acclimates the public to fringe topics while a campaign of ridicule is used to downplay the importance of what is released. If this normalization campaign is done properly, the data quickly fades into obscurity within the minds of the mentally inactive public. Once complete, almost all the secretive activities of these agencies can be “hidden in plain sight”—revealed to a public who could careless or is incapable of comprehending the importance of what is revealed.

If this perspective is correct, there will likely be more disclosures coming as time goes on but very little in the way of discussion regarding what it all means for the human race.

Thankfully, the people can still take up their powers of consciousness and think about the information. In the process, the truth magnitude of these revelations can be understood. Chiefly, that the mystical and fantastic nature of existence has been seriously investigated by the government, which has expended enormous amounts of energy keeping it secret. And as such, these hidden and often downplayed attributes of life should be recognized and understood—most importantly, to reclaim our true status as harmonious custodians of the Earth and the life on it.

– Justin

Related Declassified Documents Disclose CIA Mind Control Programs

Related CIA Releases Over 13 Million Pages of Declassified Documents — Include Psychic Experiments, UFO Research

Related FBI Documents Prove Government Knew About Peaceful ETs That are “Etheric” in Nature, Have Radiant (Free) Energy, and Knew of Esoteric Science in 1947–And Covered it Up
Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Do you think this article needs a correction or update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at sitsshow@gmail.comThank you for reading.



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Philosophical change leads to Physical change!

Pretty confusing title to this blog, eh? That is my reflection of how one influences the other – namely, philosophical ideas ultimately influence our physical reality. The ancients said this another way, “As above…so below”. One meaning is that how our head thinks, is what we experience in the physical plane. OK, I can go with that! (especially as it relates to vibrations!)

This is all a big prelude to introduce the article I AM presenting from This organization uses “Remote Viewing” to better understand what is going on right NOW by going deeply into their own psyche through meditation that then allows them to access another place, and maybe another time. To me, this is proof that multi-dimensionality I talked about in my blog, “Multi-Dimensionality…What’s That?” (March 10)

We ALL want physical change, that’s for sure! But what about the mental changes that need to happen? And even more importantly, what about the changes we need to make in our hearts? This is worth thinking about because “As above…so below. This is a fairly deep article that will make you think about what’s happening out there. Maybe it should be about what’s happening inside of us
