, Exploring the Nature of Our Reality | Unknown Lightwarrior and Dane Arr ~ July 17, 2018

Editor’s Note:Ready to “do” something to help liberate Earth? Please refer to the link at the end of this article for you to listen to good advice for action by the Unknown Lightwarrior, tune in to his radio show using the infomrationgiven, and…



The Unknown Lightwarrior published an intriguing prelude to his upcoming discussion with guest Dane Arr on Wednesday, July 18 on Ground Crew Command radio. (tomorrow!)

Jim also gives us a planetary update from the perspective of the Light Forces, which is always interesting and provides added and deeper perspective to what we see and hear on the surface. Thank you, Jim.

This is a long preamble, but there is fabulous information in Jim’s update, below.

Dane will be presenting a seminar in August where we can learn more about this hidden science and physics no one wanted us to know, entitled, “Mastering the Holographic Universe”.

What really caught my attention as I read this newsletter was the part that says when we pass through a certain point, we become very small.

…Portal technology where 2 activated columns become a torsion field and you get smaller as you enter it.

I mentioned feeling small last week and spoke of the videos ‘Yellow Rose for Texas’ made where we saw a gigantic thumb and finger next to the sun. I’ve never been able to figure out the perspective of what she showed us, but since then I somehow feel like we are in a place similar to the miniature world Alice was in when she went through the looking glass. A shrunken reality.

Rose said we’re in “Server D”, and I can’t relate to that either, but there’s so much we don’t know, and folks have their own terminology. It’s near impossible to explain new and complex concepts to people who have no background for the information, so I’m remaining open-minded.

Perhaps Dane will help us make more sense of that, and you’ll find this upcoming chat as appealing as I do.

It’s becoming easier to see, isn’t it, why the El-ites had to control everyone with any influence on us, including universities, publishers, the media, the government, and by creating monopolies… because by controlling the information we get, they control our reality. The bigger they become, the more powerless Humanity feels.

As Max Igan so often reminds us, it’s easy to introduce a false reality because all it takes is one generation of dumbed-down people to shift the perception entirely.

What Dane will be sharing will sound beyond Star Trek or anything else on television, but it more truly reflects reality than the backward, outright lies we’ve been taught all our lives. It’s criminal the depth of the deception of an entire race of people. And that’s why they have to go.

Knowledge is power, and the subtraction of knowledge is disempowerment.

I think it’s safe to assume that anything we now know about space, or our very existence, is a grain of sand in comparison to the knowledge we really should have; the understanding we should have been born into that would enable us to live as free Beings. We have been living as mere shadows of who and what we are, essentially with a ring through our collective nose.

When we fully awaken and are free of this matrix of control, we will be out of this world, and that is what comes to mind when I hear the song below. Glorious, undreamed-of experiences; immortality, reaching for the stars, boundless abilities and unfettered access to information. We really have no idea, and need to expand our minds so we can embrace our new reality. “Expansion.” It has a magical ring.

It isn’t so much “space” that is the final frontier, as I see it. It is the “inner space” that we are so desperately out of touch with, and the physics involved in the Creation of all that is. Correct the mental, and the physical will follow.  ~ BP


Planetary Clearing Report, Time/Space ‘Mechanics’ & How To Make Them Work For You + Planetary Liberation News Analysis

July 16, 2018

The Unknown Lightwarrior


As if we weren’t already reeling from the mostly positive mass-energetic shifts ever since Taurus entered Cancer in mid May, culminating in an acceleration of the shift after the Thurs/Fri partial solar eclipse meditation/event …

… But now, something else happened Sunday late afternoon & night (US time) which the Teams had to jump on. It was a nasty attack on all lightworkers … and after thorough testing it turned out to be an external attack … from the physical plane, not the non-physical planes … and from a piece of technology that acts as a ‘frequency thermostat’ on all Lightworkers, especially the most threatening ones.

Which was part of the reason why this attack was so ‘loud’ for so many of us.

This technology was safely fortified in a physical underground Draco/Chimera base.

But to take it out … a similar remote energy operation/session had to be carried out to the one back in late November on the dark underground Antarctica bases. After which, in early December Cobra confirmed that 80%+ of those bases were cleared in a mass operation by the physical Light Forces.

Tune in this week’s exciting episode of Ground Crew Command for a full report … and to find out what needed to be removed energetically – via consciousness from the physical – … to allow the physical Light Forces to make their move.

This week’s special guest …

Dane Arr of Prepare For Change Leadership Dot Org, on

‘Sciet Dynamics’ [Time/Space & Holographic Mechanics]

… and how to master it.

Learn about Dane Arr’s new course…offered exclusively through the PrepareForChangeLeadership.org website to find out about the science behind The Event … and fascinating – empowering – consciousness raising things such as:

  • how our nervous system has a frequency above and beyond the electromagnetic frequencies which affect consciousness.
  • how rhodium and Iridium are used by the pineal gland to create a superconductor portal field, which – when fully activated – allows us to travel through time and space.
  • how Tachyons, the philosopher’s stone, and ormus can all be used to activate the pineal gland to help us tap into these abilities.
  • when tachyons are summoned throughout the galaxy by the power of our own consciousness, we can trigger the Event.
  • how the inter-dimensional and trans-temporal nature of consciousness makes remote viewing a scientific reality.

Dane Arr is an incarnated Pleiadian geneticist who was a member of a certain Pleiadian Lodge who visited Earth to observe the progress of the genetic experiments here. He has full recall of his past lives.

He realized a certain sector of the Reptilian Race developed genetically so as to be able to use their own psychic abilities for the mind control (and torture) of humans. When he realized that the fact that humans had such short lifetimes meant they …

… were much more connected to Source than other races, he understood that the consequences of traumatizing these people was far greater because they were so close to Source …

… and he made the decision to go into the reincarnation cycle to help humans through Pleiadian science….which (similar to what Corey Goode explains about Anshar science) …

explains things like:

  • the Anshar temporal bubble
  • the Portal technology where 2 activated columns become a torsion field and you get smaller as you enter it…

Learn about all this and more through the ALL NEW course in Pleiadian scientific principles offered at PrepareForChangeLeadership.org “Mastering the Holographic Universe”.

The intro course will be offered FREE OF CHARGE on August, 4 th 2018 and those who choose to delve deeper will learn:

  • Why the phi ratio is so important throughout the universe and what it is all about.
  • Why the Great Pyramid at Giza is a focal lens for gravitational effect.
  • The truth about the power of attraction…how it works scientifically and what are the pitfalls that we may not have been aware of.
  • Why astrology works – according to Pleiadian scientific principles.
  • How the human Merkaba Field is the result of the Conscious Organization of the causal layer values surrounding that person.
  • How the human consciousness grids and the Earth’s consciousness grids work together….and why it was so devastating for humanity when the Temple Network was shut down.
  • How consciousness survives the death of the body and exists throughout the universe.

Enough value for you?!

So tune in or download the recording of this week’s action-packed episode of Ground Crew Command. Your support network!

(Link to join the show below).


What To Shine The Transmutational Light of Your Consciousness On, This Week.

Tune in to find out:

  • US military (Trump) & British Monarchy summit in the UK resulted in the Melania no-curtsy … and surrender of the Cabal aristocratic bloodlines of Europe to the US military. Is this for real? … and are the top – primarily Italian  – 13 papal bloodlines surrendering too?
  • with the World Cup in Russia over (“viva-le-bleu”) … the Trump-Putin summit merely is the finishing touch to the pending & long planned events of … Russia kicking the Cabal out of the Ukraine … and Iranian/Russian forceful measures to make Israel follow international & human right laws, with likely cessation of the Golan heights to Syria. But what opportunity does this open up for Lightworkers, as it relates to planetary liberation?
  • with codes like- “BOD EXTQR removal sequence in progress” & “PHOENIX KEYHOLE in progress” from Cobra … get ready for further breakthroughs and (sometimes rough) energy shifts, as we march on to planetary freedom.
  • confirmed … as predicted in last week’s episode by yours truly, Supreme Court Justice pick (Neo-Con) Brett Kavanaugh was indeed chosen as fodder for the Cabal (Democrats/Neocons) to shoot down, and then Trump gets to appear as the accommodating good-guy by agreeing with them or ‘caving in’ … by picking a Supreme Court justice the White Hats wanted all along.
  • another prediction confirmed here on Ground Crew Command; the US White Hats will ‘let loose’ on European & Japanese based Cabal arrests or ‘neutralization’, straight after they’ve arrested & jailed all US based Cabal & Luciferian networks. But with the number that need to be put away (in the US alone) being more like 1 million … what can we do to indeed make sure all 1 million Cabal (though mostly Cabal affiliated Luciferian pedophiles) … are put away for good?


… tune in to find out all the EMPOWERING and vibe-lifting answers here on Ground Crew Command, YOUR central support network; and your weekly dose of empowering clarity, inspiration & motivation to get you through the Archon invented “work week” –

Click here for the reminder & to listen in- http://www.blogtalkradio.com/groundcrewcommandradio

(hit the pink Follow button for show reminders & downloadable recordings)

Call in #: (310) 807-5232.

Or connect from your browser with the link above.

p.s. If you haven’t joined the 144,000 Army of Light that’s being built … and you feel the calling or desire, watch the short video below & opt-in (no need to opt-in again if you already opted into this website). Let’s take charge & Liberate This Planet!

The Unknown Lightwarrior


The host of Ground Crew Command Radio & organizer of the 144,000 Activation Campaign is The Unknown Lightwarrior: a member of a powerful team of Lightwarriors & Lightworkers who either remotely or in person, clear & restore to the Light; natural and man made power centers, vortexes, portals, ley-lines, control rooms, sacred geometry and all darkness obstacles on the etheric, astral, and plasma planes… to put you, me and the whole planet on the fastest timeline to the Event. To learn about the Global Leylines Tachyon Chamber Project, and/or the Activation of the 144,000 Campaign, or to access powerful healing (down to soul level) … clearing … energy surgery … DNA Activation & psychic help, with Macro Level Light Beings to return to your power … go to: https://www.returntoyourtruth.com


Identifying Non-Positive Movements Between Lightworkers And Lightwarriors SaLuSa ~ Feb. 13, 2018

This is another very informative article form our friends at Disclosure News Italia. This article helps me realize the global nature of spirituality…yes! Please read, understand there IS life outside of the US, and…



Identifying Non-Positive Movements Between Lightworkers And Lightwarriors – SaLuSa. By Gabriel RL.

With the unleashing of major new operations on the surface of Mother Earth and the continual advance of Light, opposing forces are trying to retaliate, as they can, to stop the progress being made.

As one might expect, onslaughts against frontline Lightworkers and Lightwarriors of Light occur, the Starfleet forces are already active to nullify such movements.

At this moment, there are infiltrators of the opposing forces standing among the Lightworkers trying to move chaos and disbelief, and putting the Lightworkers against each other.

As we have already warned, you must surely have discernment and Peace of mind to avoid getting involved in such negative movements.

By guidance of the High Commands, I leave basic instructions so that you can identify actions of souls that are acting led by opposing forces to the Superior movements.

Responsibility Of The Lightworker

Responsibility Of The Lightworker

  1. When you see some Lightworker attacking another, you know that he is not receiving orientations from the Forces of Light and, certainly, you must disconnect, energetically.
  2. Destructive criticism, ironies, accusations, slander, disrespect in any way, verbal and physical assaults are clear indications that he who moves such energies is being induced by those who wish to retaliate by using fragile and easy-to-manipulate human personalities.
  3. In attempting to separate and divide Lightworkers and Lightwarriors, the retaliators will use people of this same medium, giving them inspirations of vanity, selfishness, aggression, and any unloving feelings to belittle, ridicule, and disrespect the work of whoever it is.
  4. Unfortunately, over the time, many Lightworkers eventually yielded to the pressures of negative forces because of their personality breaches and allowed themselves to be used as tools to attack and belittle others. Therefore, beloved ones, if you see any action of a Lightworker, that you known, that has the intention of lowering the image of another in any respect, be aware: there has been a violation of the Fields of that Lightworker and you must have much discernment.A Lightworker and a Warrior of Light genuinely contacted by the Forces of Light work on three basic points: Respect, Seriousness, and Love.It is never inelegant, ironic, coarse and agitating. The latter is much more strongly perceived, so when you see that someone is shaking the spirits of others, mixing discord, hatred, disunity, you must surely know that there is a non-positive action involved.

We must also say that there is a genuinely strong group of Lightworkers and Lightwarriors on the surface, determined to keep the flag of Love and Light in every aspect.

Surely they have neutralized any onslaught of the forces of darkness that come upon them, and surely all of you will recognize them for their loving and peaceful postures, dedicated only to the service of good and to the aid of humanity.

Grouped tonight aboard our ships, many Lightworkers and Lightwarriors in meeting, among them the one who lends us his telepathic channel for the transmission of this message, has asked us a direct message on this, in order to clear minds and give more specific directions about these movements that try to disabuse the works that are being seriously developed.

Beloved, we must say: the more you see a Lightworker or Lightwarrior being attacked, the more it means THERE IS SOMETHING OF VERY GOOD THERE, as your popular saying goes: “People only throw rocks at trees that are bearing fruit, and the more fruit, the more stones.

In many of our messages we have called you to this awareness and discernment, but of course it also becomes more and more timely and evident about where the Light Forces are truly working.

We, the Galactic Federation, are here to support you in your progress, only in Progress and Light.

Inevitably, those who have received credentials to assist in this process who, by free choice, are deciding to yield to the pressures of darkness by giving them the chance to try to disrupt the higher plans will certainly have their credentials revoked.

Any Lightworker or Lightwarrior who, through egoistic actions, jealousy, or any energies that do not honor what was previously agreed upon through high protocols, will have revoked his access credentials to specific areas.

I am SaLuSa of Sirius and, in the presence of Ashtar, Hatonn and Zero i, we honor all those who remain faithful to the plans of the Light.

Identifying Non-Positive Movements Between Lightworkers And Lightwarriors SaLuSa
Identifying Non-Positive Movements Between Lightworkers And Lightwarriors

Of course, we honor those who choose to remain in the old ways, where they believe they need to “fight and to get their space” when in fact the Oneness is what elevates you and keeps you as spot of Light seen thousands of miles away.

Galactic Stage ~ Dec. 31, 2017

Greetings to You Lightholder! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy).

The information expressed here is that of my perspective my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. We hope you FEEL our LIGHT and LOVE in this message.

You have read many times that what is occurring now, this ascension or upliftment of humanity and Earth is not only happening for us here on Earth but it is unfolding Universally. The entire Universe is being uplifted to a higher vibration and Earth leads the way, for what happens here affects all.

Isn’t it ironic that one of the worlds that sunk deepest into the illusion is now followed and watched in awe by the Galactic Community as we move out of darkness fast towards the light, leading by example and causing waves of light to be magnified and affect the galaxy and beyond.

Yes it is true we are being guided and assisted by our Galactic Family and the Spiritual Hierarchy and Creator him/herself, but ultimately it is up to humanity to complete this mission, to continue striving ahead in unity. As a collective we have all ready made the decision to move forward, to leave behind the old and create a new world of peace and prosperity for all. With this we have showed the Galactics that our world is ready to become a member of the Galactic Confederation and be given a major role on the Galactic Stage. This will be just the beginning.

The time quickly approaches when Earth will be accepted as a full member of the Galactic Community and greatly respected and honored by all. When we soon meet with the beings from other star systems they will look at YOU the lightholder with astoundment and reverence, and feel as if they are dreaming when they finally SEE eye to eye with the mighty ground crew, the lightwarriors, who’s light did not only change a planet but paved a new path for the galaxy and the Universe.

From 2018 and going forward the veil will begin to dissolve rapidly, this is not just from the light coming from the Great Central Sun, but it is also humanity’s desire to creating a new world that is bringing the veil down so the truth can finally be seen by all. The ones that did not believe in any of this are soon to be shocked. Everyone who did not believe that your governments lied to you for millennia, that the entire system was designed to divide and enslave humanity, all are soon to see this.

One more thing that everyone will realize soon without a doubt that this world really IS changing. Many will begin to turn to YOU and listen to what you have to say because the signs will be so obvious that what YOU have tried to convey to others in the not too distant past is NOW manifesting in front of their eyes, they will see that the upliftment of this world is REAL and the old UNnatural world is fading.

Once again the light shines on the lightholders, so to speak. It is YOU who have been and continue to lead the way for humanity. This remains of utter importance that all lightholders as well as the rest of humanity, release the baggage of the old, meditate, breath deeply and PURIFY YOUR CORE, to make room for the greater light entering this world now, which is only increasing by the minute.

Many times it has been said that an AWAKENED one is more powerful than a million who are not. This awakened one is YOU dear lightholder.

The next six years are very crucial for this world. We cannot emphasize this enough, release, release, release the old and INVITE the new. In meditation take deep breaths and invite and envision a world of light, love, peace and joy. As we have said breath in LIGHT, breath out LOVE. There is no turning back. You have everything you need now. This mission is all ready accomplished. The Universe applauds YOU.

The brightest light shines from within. I AM KejRaj!


Another Major Change Approaching ~ Aug. 1, 2016


(Take note of the numbers, which numbers they are and the specific energies they emanate.)

Did you feel energies shift and improve on July 25th, the day before the start of 2016’s Lion’s Gate period? I sure did and was very glad to feel some winds of inspiration finally blow in after such a challenging year as 2016— a 9 energy year —has been. This recent gust of energetic change filling our Ascension sails anew is partially sourced from the third (3) energy wave of 2016 (9), which is connected to the September (9th month) Equinox but is being felt already. In addition to this third energy wave of 2016, there’s a larger major cycle we’re feeling already which is the completion of the second nine yearlong cycle and entrance into the third (3) nine yearlong cycle. You knew 2016 (9) had to wrap up in an extra big way and this combination of cycles is certainly doing the job.


FIRST 9 Yearlong Stair-step Cycle: 1999 to 2008

I’ve mentioned many times over the years how my physical, biological Ascension Process began at the start of February 1999, and how unimaginably difficult and painful it was for that first (1) 9 yearlong cycle. First Wave indeed, and it was the absolute worst because Pathpaving through personal and collective multiple dimensions worth of impacted Dark negativity—while under constant attack from those of the Dark negative—was not for the faint-of-heart but a job for Master Lightwarriors/Lightworkers focused wholly on a soul-driven Divine Mission.


SECOND 9 Yearlong Stair-step Cycle: 2008 to 2017

Like many of you, I suffered the ongoing Team Dark (TD) assaults that came throughout the second (2) 9 yearlong cycle. What little home equity I had (and millions of other people in the USA) was suddenly and permanently gone due to the 2008 Housing Market crash and Great Recession. The beat them hard and long Team Dark tactic was on in full-force in an ongoing attempt to not only stop, kill off, crush or break in any way possible the Lightwarriors/Lightworkers doing what all we were, but to destroy or at least derail humanity’s chances to naturally evolve out from under their longstanding global control. No, this Ascension business wouldn’t be easy or fast from the physical level perspective, and as we lost one hard-earned beloved thing after another we’d worked decades for, we incrementally gained greater self-empowerment, expanding consciousness, Higher Awareness and eventual freedom from the lower frequency range with its like-frequency inhabitants.


THIRD 9 Yearlong Stair-step Cycle: 2017 – 2026

I’ve said many times over the years how every time there’s another positive Ascension related Stair-step shift approaching, TD knows this and they do all they can to escalate physical, emotional, mental and energetic chaos, fear, violence, hate, confusion, hopelessness and trauma in humanity in an attempt to sidetrack and derail them from utilizing and benefiting from each incoming higher energy wave. I learned this from experiencing it repeatedly since 1999, and have written about when the negativity amplifies, it’s a clear sign that another really important positive energy shift/change is soon to manifest on Earth physically. The negativity always increases before one of these evolutionary energy shifts arrives. Have you watched any world and national TV news media lately? Exactly, and know that it’s going to get worse for a while because we’re in those potent overlap months of the second (2) 9 yearlong cycle ending and the beginning of the third (3) cycle of 9 energies.

This third cycle will be unlike the previous two 9 yearlong cycles for multiple reasons. The two earlier 9 yearlong cycles have brought us, evolved us to this third (3)—think triality, think unity, think HighHeart, think incarnate embodied Masters—shift Stair-step. Right now is TD’s last stand on Earth so they’re trying to grab as many humans as they can during their “end times”. Pay attention to where your attention is because TD is doing their utter best to get and keep you focused on their left hand so their right hand can grab you, your consciousness and life-force energies to use themselves and effectively remove you from the Ascension Process. Be aware of your mental and emotional location at all times now because we’ve entered another Ascension related transitional “hot spot”. This transition is completion of the second 9 yearlong cycle and entrance into the very different third 9 cycle at the end of 2016 and entrance into 2017; a 1 energy year of NEW beginnings but at NEW higher levels of being and reality beginning at the completion of Galactic Alignment. See how big this shift actually is? Feel how all-encompassing it is and will be? Sense how important it is? How critical? Do you sense your personal creative part in it?

December 1980 GE crossingDecember 1998 halfway across GEDecember 2016 Solstice sun GE

One of the many things that’s going to make this third—triality, not old lower duality—cycle of 9 is those Forerunners who have and are merging their Higher Self with their incarnate Lower self. Include that with all the endings and NEW beginnings taking place within the NEW in totally NEW ways and all the current global chaos and utter insanity makes more sense. Back in the late 1970s, I had repeated lucid dreams about this time we’re in now and how “Mad Max”-like they were in many ways. It’s been hard living these decades knowing that I, that you, that humanity must move through this last shift out of what’s been TD free-range Earth territory for thousands of years as all that ends and humanity evolves into something so much better it’s incomprehensible to everyone without awareness of higher dimensions and ways of being and existing.

During these last months and weeks of the second 9 yearlong cycle I’ve repeatedly asked for greater understanding about whatever it is that I personally need to do or feel or know now for the Greatest Good of All. The answer I’ve repeatedly gotten has been, ‘Realize what you are now, what you’ve become and how powerful you actually are because of it. Create anew Master Creator.’

I was expecting something like, stay in your HighHeart more, or, ignore the haters better, or, release the past more thoroughly etc. I wasn’t expecting to be reminded that I’m much more than I think of myself as, even after the things I’ve intentionally created and manifested physically for myself and others. Even after all that I still needed reminding from On High that I AM an incarnate human Creator Being and my abilities are much needed now along with all the other I AM incarnate human Creator Beings with their unique and highly valuable individual abilities and creativity. We Forerunners have hidden for so long that it’s taking some time for some to finally get comfortable living with their energy wings so to speak, wide open all the time now for all who can see/feel to see/feel and benefit from. This is another aspect of our NEW, and as I’ve been told repeatedly lately, it is very needed that we do exactly that now and why should be obvious.

The HighHeart knows because it always is I AM, whereas the mind thinks it must constantly think to figure and work things out. Old lower tools vs. NEW higher tools. Be brave and step into the NEW higher, larger and greater You more each day and don’t waste your time and energy using tiny old lower tools to understand this Process and change because they don’t work, I know because I’ve tried far too many times!:smile:

As the beautiful photo from Spain above shows, there are three (3) spiralling staircases instead of just one or even two. That photo symbolically represents how profoundly different this third (3) 9 cycle is because it will take place entirely within the dimensional frequency range of 5D and higher which is Unity, Triality, Neutrality, HighHeart and Spherical Consciousness. That plus so many of us exist within that level ourselves now as Masters, as incarnate Conscious Creators which wasn’t the case during the two previous cycles at lower levels. Again, this is all so NEW and different it’s hard to grasp but we’ll get there by always just being what we’ve evolved into. No thinking required.

An Astrological note: Pluto (evolution) entered Capricorn (3D physical reality) in January 2008. Pluto transits through Capricorn from January 2008 until November 20, 2024, where it finally and permanently enters Aquarius and remains there. Pluto moves direct and retrograde a few times between late degree Capricorn into early degree Aquarius and back again before November 2024, but it remains in Aquarius from November 2024 for the next twenty years or so.


August 1, 2016

Donations can be made here  and Thank You for the energy exchange.

gold copyrightCopyright © Denise LeFay & HighHeartLife, 2016. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and you include this Copyright Notice and LIVE LINK.  https://highheartlife.wordpress.com