An Open Letter to the Illuminati Bloodline Families ~ August 26, 2018

A Letter

I came across an interesting letter that was allegedly channelled through a channel called Zingdad. The being coming through claims to be Adamu of the Pleiadian civilization. Pleadians are one of many ET races that have been interacting with humanity for many years.

I found this channelling to be fairly insightful and resonant with many of the understandings I have come to find or discover within through my journey over the years. So I decided to share it here.

With any channeling, I always say, don’t get caught up so much in whether or not it’s in fact channelled by an entity or being, or whether or not it’s entirely true, but see what in here resonates, how it feels, whether or not it rings true deeply vs just in the mind.

As beings, we are meant to discern truth through the heart and mind working together, not simply one or the other. So perhaps before reading, take a moment to quiet the mind, breathe into the heart and then continue onward.

— Begin channel—

Greetings my friends

I am Adamu of the Monadic Entity of the Pleiadian civilisation brought to you through Zingdad.

Today I will be addressing the living members of the ancient bloodline families. Those ones who are sometimes called by other names such as, the Illuminati, The Powers That Be, The Ruling Elite, The Cabal and a few other, less charitable, terms that I shan’t mention.

To be clear: I am not now addressing the rich and powerful who regularly appear in the press. Political leaders, religious leaders and the heads of multinational corporations are not the ones who truly run planetary affairs. These are people who come and go with time. And, when required, they always bow to the far greater power wielded by the ones I now speak of.

But, be that as it may. The bloodline family members know who they are. And it is they whom I address today. Though I do suspect that this open letter will be of great interest to many others besides. It is intended, especially, that Starseeds and Lightbringers take note of this communiqué.

So here it begins… an open letter to the members of the ancient bloodline families:

My dear friends

I must begin by saying that you are seen, known, understood and loved. Just as you are, right here and right now, you are loved. Perhaps it will surprise you to hear me say this? There is so much judgment of you wherever one goes, is there not? You are labeled as “dark” and “evil” and all your actions are automatically assumed to be “vile” and “despicable” by those who know almost nothing of you or the long and winding tale of how things came to be as they are and you came to be who you are.

So allow me to begin by assuring you that I am not here to damn you or even decry you. I am here to offer you a perspective and a choice. But to do so from a place of loving understanding.

Before I might get to this, allow me to say that I know that your only real “sin” is to be born as you were into the family you were. Between the intense expectations that were placed upon you right from birth, the very specialized training you were subjected to and the derision that was heaped upon those of your line who did not “make the grade”, you were programmed right from the very beginning to be what you have become: a wielder of power over others.

There are ancillary issues too. Such as the fact of your familial bloodlines. A pure ancestry that can be traced back through the ages, via all manner of illustrious forebears, right the way to the high-priests that served the ancient gods themselves back when gods still roamed the earth.

Perhaps you, yourself, now think on the stories of those ancient times of gods, heroes, magic and monsters as myth or superstition. Perhaps you understand it to be the literal truth and know that those ancient gods were actually visitors from other planets in the galaxy bearing highly advanced technologies. Or perhaps you even take the more religious view of matters and hold those deities to be as supernatural as your distant forebears did.

It doesn’t really matter how you interpret these things. What matters is the incontrovertible evidence of the powerful ancient truths that were given to your forebears and that have been passed down through the generations, which have allowed you to rule over the rest of humanity. Not all of humanity, mind. There have always been groups, peoples and nations that have been beyond your grasp. But you have been told that it is your birthright, your responsibility and your privilege to rule over the whole planet and all upon it. And you have believed that. And it has certainly seemed to be true. The ancient teachings that have been placed in your hands have served you and those like you very well indeed. As has your cunning. Those amongst you who rise to the top are nothing if not brilliantly canny. You have used the advantages placed in your hands very, very astutely. Firstly for your own benefit, it is true. Then for the benefit of your family and to ensure the continued ascendancy of your familial line. Then in service of your family’s contractual agreements with other bloodline families. And finally in consideration of the custodial role you have played over the rest of humanity.

As matters stand, humanity today is largely blithely unaware of the role you have played or indeed of your existence. And this is the way you like it. No mob can arrive at the castle gates bearing pitchforks if they don’t even know that you exist! So you play your games of power and control from the deep shadows. You cunningly obfuscate your activities. And you slowly expand your reach into every sphere of power and control over all of humanity. And when the “sheep” stray, you use guile and skill to reclaim the power of direction over them. Perhaps a little war here or there. Or even a very big one. Perhaps a revolution. Perhaps a crash in the stock market. Perhaps even an outbreak of disease. Or a terrorist attack. Or a tsunami of immigrants to give the populace something to fear. Or, of course, there are always the ever popular bread and circuses. You have certainly made sure that your control of the entertainment industry is ironclad. And there are all manner of complex social nets that you use to make the populace docile and dependent on their government… and therefore upon you. And all such activities are each just a part of your play book that you use to maintain and increase the control you wield over humanity.

You have learned, of course, to offer the sheep the pretense of control over their own destiny. But you know that the REAL power lies always in your hands. Since no matter how they vote, how they revolt, how they machinate, you and your ilk always get what you want in the end.

You have managed a number of glorious victories over the years. Perhaps your crowning achievement is to own the planetary money supply. A nifty trick, I must say. And right now you so, so almost own it all. And he who owns the money of the world, owns the world. Is it not so?

And you have also crafted it so that all the elected officials that the human flock believe to have the power, must dance when you pull upon their strings. They have become as puppets to your will. Almost all of them. And those that will not willing dance for you, are removed. Or they are shown a film reel of a brave and proud president. A man of integrity and principal who dared to stand up to you. And how, in full view of his adoring public, he was assassinated. All this, just before he could begin to undo your power over the money supply.

In the end, all political leaders do your bidding or they are simply swept away. And the illusion that you grant the sheep that they can control their destiny through democracy is just that. An illusion. Another nifty trick.

And the intelligence agencies! What a truly brilliant move. To elevate spy craft to statecraft. To have the real power behind the politicians vest in the intelligence agencies. To remove political oversight from those agencies. And then to control them directly yourselves. Why, you can almost step right out of the shadows and still remain invisible now!

The only wrinkle in all of this, as far as I can ascertain, is the internet. Somehow, unexpectedly, a silly little electronic gimmick of mere academic interest has suddenly blossomed overnight into something quite powerful and problematic, has it not?

It is due to this very technology that the sheep are suddenly behaving in quite an un-sheep-like fashion. Suddenly they are aware of you. Talking about you. Certainly they are seeing and remarking upon the curtain that you have drawn around yourselves… if not actually peeking behind the curtain!

How irritating this must be! You are on the very cusp of total triumph and now, at the very last moment, there is this awareness dawning. Your actual names are beginning to be spoken in public forums! People are beginning to see your hands move on the reins of power!

Yes, assuredly, it is still just a fringe that is aware of you and speaks of you. And yes, you have managed to continue to paint this fringe as lunatics and crack-pots. And, no, this does not threaten your plans and activities.


But you have noticed. You have found the internet to be the greatest threat to your power and security because, though fragmented and confused, the truth about you certainly is “out there”. It can be discerned by any who would care to look and weigh the evidence. And suddenly there are sheep that are elevating themselves from the flock. Transmuting themselves into something you have never seen before. Certainly not in such numbers as there now are. And certainly not diffused, as they are, across the whole planet.

Previously you could isolate communities of dissidents. Like the Cathari. Remember them? They knew the truth. Or at least they held a version of the truth that was antithetical to your aims. And their teachings were attractive to others. Their message was finding traction. So you used your most powerful pawn at the time, the church, to kill them all. It was a genocide of the most brutal type. Wiping out not only a population but the very idea that brought them together in unity. Burning all of their books so that all that is remembered of them now is what was told by their enemies. And today it is barely even remembered that one of the crusades, perhaps the most brutal and bloody of all the crusades, was not even fought in the “holy lands” against enemy soldiers, but in France against good Christian folk. Farmers and peasants. Put to the sword and burned to death in their churches. All because you could isolate them, round them up and murder them all.

You’ll forgive me if I don’t applaud. Successful tactics don’t always win my approval.

And there have been many, many, many such victories that you, the ancient families, have scored over the rest of humanity. They continue today. You wrestle for power and total control over the Middle East. Which is why things are as they are in that region. Whatever else one thinks about the Islamic religion, is true that they are fundamentally opposed to usury. Which means Muslims will not accept the banking system that you are using to gain worldwide dominance. And so Islam has become a powerful block to your plans. And so you enact your plans. You work to impoverish, torment and radicalize the Moslem world. You set them up to be the enemy of the western world. The great terrorists. You control their teachers and ensure that the message is promulgated that the west is the Great Satan… and you teach the west that all Muslims are abysmal hate-ridden murders. And so the wheels are set in motion. And right now a wave of chaos sweeps through Europe and, to one extent or another, the rest of the globe. And this is all a part of your plan. You wish to grind down and pulverize all of those that stand against your plans. And Muslims are very far from the only ones.

And another of your neat tricks is to set one enemy against another.

America was founded upon a principal which was, actually nothing other than open rebellion against your power. America the free. Free from what? From your yoke of control, of course! America’s founding principals were and are directly contrary to your interests. The American constitution is a truly beautiful document. A document that promises liberty and freedom for all. But you have whittled and chaffed and maneuvered until you have gained control of the American government to such an extent that the most powerful military and technological force in the world is yours to wield. But as much as your control extends to the American government… the American people are another story altogether. Strong individualists who continue to believe in their own rights and liberties, they stand against you at every turn without even knowing it is you who they resist. So you wage a war of attrition upon them. You seek to ensure that their food and water is toxified to weaken them. You use a barrage of techniques of every sort to manipulate them and control them. To weaken them and cow them. And, in a master-stroke of pure genius, you now pit America against Islam. Another truly nifty trick. How very… clever of you.

I see it. I see it all.

And, though I must admit I don’t like it, I do understand it.

When I look behind your collective activities, choices and decisions of the types outlined above, I actually see beings for whom I have a great deal of compassion and love. I know, as a clear and sure fact, that it is so that you are actually no different than I. The difference is the journey you have walked. Since all is truly One, you are the part of that one great eternal spirit that has walked your path, just as I am another part of that same great being that has walked my path. My path leads to where I am, unified within the heart of the Pleiadian Monad; your path leads you to be incarnated as a human being bearing the mantle and the burden of being a member of one of the ancient families upon the Earth. And those amongst humanity who are aware of you and judge you most harshly do so purely out of a lack of self-knowledge. Place them in your situation and they too would do as you have done. Or worse.

And I know too that “what you do to another, you do to yourself also”. So I don’t envy you the results of your choices!

But your story is not over. You are not done with your journey. In due course you too will arise spiritually and begin to return to oneness with your own spiritual entity. Because there is nowhere else for you to go, really. And this is beginning to happen for some of your family members. Perhaps you have noticed those members who don’t seem to be quite so committed to the old cause. Those who seem to be getting “soft”. Those who seem to be talking crazy talk about abdicating their power. About telling the sheep the truth. Indeed, those who actually have been finding ways to communicate these truths to humanity using that very despised technology, the internet.

Is it strange that those amongst you who are proposing this new course of openness and transparency… this course of abdication of power… are also those amongst you who are most interested in matters metaphysical and spiritual?

I propose this is not in the least bit strange. It takes an interest in metaphysics and spirituality to discern that a new age is now already dawning. That the time of your watching over humanity is at an end. Indeed, that it is ending without the return of your master, your dark god-king. And that there is no longer any real hope that he ever will return. You are on your own. Your secret prophecies have come to naught.

And it takes an interest in metaphysics and spirituality to see that there is a changing of the guard happening. That there is a new spiritual order beginning. That those who govern this reality from the very highest levels, from the angelic realms down, are busy changing hands. That is what the new dawning age is all about. And that is why you stand at a fork in the road. It is why you must now choose.

But before I tell you, at last, about the choice you face, I will tell you one final thing: something you most certainly will have noticed. Because it takes no special awareness or training in either spirituality or metaphysics to see that your “magic” is beginning to fail you. Irrespective of what you believe the real source of your power to be, you will have noticed that it is waning fast. It becomes more and more difficult by the day for you to wield your power. Plug a little leak here and the dam wall springs a gushing fissure over there. The game that seemed elegant and nearly effortless for generations past is causing you, and those like you, to raise a real sweat. It is a constant struggle to maintain control. You are feeling the stress of this night and day. And it feels as if you are losing your grip. Just as you near victory, so things become ever more impossibly challenging. The magic becomes unstable.

You certainly will have noticed this.

Just look at the process of taking ownership of the world money supply. It was almost effortless to enact the stroke of genius that floated money free from the gold-standard. And since then it has been a minor effort to bring the nations of the world, one by one, into this fiat banking system. Which is really money by decree. YOUR decree. Money is now mere numbers that mean whatever you say they mean. But the magic trick is not complete until every nation is a part of it. And so you have used the leverage you had to expand your control until almost every last nation has fallen under your sway. The very last few hold-outs exist. You have them isolated and on the ropes. They are almost ready to be taken and controlled. But… right here at the very last… you find yourselves losing grip here there and everywhere. You find your attention being constantly diverted by all manner of seemingly trivial, but irritating, diversions. And in concert, your energy and attention is so diverted that you can never quite act to gain total power. And this global money supply beast that belongs to you seems to have a malevolent life of its own in that the larger it becomes, the more difficult it is to control.

My friends. What you must understand is that planet Earth does not exist in a vacuum. We have kept it quarantined so that humanity, as a whole, can decide its own fate. But it has been in a state of physical quarantine. We have kept other galactic civilizations from interfering physically. But there has been no spiritual quarantine! And so a small but powerful contingent of Starseeds and Lightbringers have been born amongst the planet’s populace. And they have utterly altered the consciousness upon the planet. They have, by the simple fact of their presence upon the Earth, brought a new awareness to the Earth. And they come in now with higher and higher levels of consciousness. They accelerate and amplify these changes upon the planet. You can neither stop, nor slow, nor alter the course of these changes. Humanity will awaken. Humanity will come to self-awareness. Humanity will make a choice, collectively, about its own nature. This is divinely ordained. It is the dawning of the new age. And it is very soon to happen. The window of opportunity reached its midpoint in 2012. It is beginning to close. And before it does, humanity will have decided.

You, my dear friends, are the watchers over the old order. To you fell the task of shepherding humanity through the long dark age of forgetting. Humanity needed a guiding hand that would work constantly to make order out of the chaos as they slowly let go of the old gods… as they slowly healed themselves of the traumas of being playthings to the darker of the old gods and abject supplicants to the more kindly of the old gods.

You have played a crucial role. You have provided order and structure. You have provided leadership and direction. You have done all of this without actually being anything other than the same human beings of the same Earth as those over whom you ruled.

Yes, it is true, that you have your familial bloodlines. But, in truth, that is nothing more than a very exclusive club to which you belong. You are, genetically, no more special than the rest of humanity… which some of you like to call “mongrel” humans. You are not in any meaningful way biologically superior to them. A pure-bred dog might have many excellent and desirable attributes… but a mutt is more robust and less prone to specific health issues. And so it is for you and the rest of humanity.

And you are certainly not spiritually superior either.

What you do have is ancient knowledge, specialized training and a vast network of control.

And now you also have a choice. On the one hand you can choose to fight the divinely ordained order. You can resist the changing of the ages. And you can be ground under in pain and self-destruction as you fight the absolute inevitable. Or you can embrace the change and, in so doing, be a part of something beautiful, new and glorious.

Indeed, such are the times right now that you could, if you so choose, step right out of the shadows and into the Light. You could emerge as a bright beacon of the Light. You could move from semi-reviled obscurity into loved and revered glory. You could! It is up to you.

Or you could remain attached to that which is passing away. You could fight tooth and nail to the bitter end and know only bitter defeat. You could find yourself in a physical, emotional and spiritual dead-end with your life over and nowhere to reincarnate to that would accept both you and your choices. You could find yourself in the depths of the void, wracked in spiritual torment.

It is all up to you.

I offer you this choice now, not because I need you to decide any particular way. Neither I, nor my Starseed family, nor the greater humanity of which I am so fond will be overly affected by your choice. The difference between your choosing this way or that will, in the greater scheme of things, be small. All of humanity will weather the storm that comes and will come to the awakening moment and will make their choice, irrespective of what you do or don’t do. That is utterly foreordained. The new age will begin, irrespective of your choices and actions. What you choose matters little enough for them. But it matters greatly for you.

I point you towards this choice out of compassion for you. I do so only because, were I in your shoes, I would wish to be alerted to this choice at this crucial juncture.

So, in practical terms, what are the choices I am advocating and what might the outcome of those choices be for you?

My dear friends, I am suggesting to you that you begin by learning to listen to your hearts. I don’t mean your physical heart or your emotional heart. I mean your spiritual heart. This is where you connect with the same great oneness to which we all belong. If you listen to your spiritual heart you will find that there is guidance and wisdom there. Your heart can lead you in making the best possible choices that serve the greatest good of the all.

If you are not able to hear your heart you can choose to find someone who can teach you how. Zingdad is one of many upon the Earth right now teaching exactly this skill. Or you can do the right things that will lead you on the right path that will result in your spiritual heart opening. In specific, in your circumstance, you can ask yourself:

  • What can I do right now that will open the doors for the rest of humanity to greater awareness and understanding of their situation?
  • What can I do right now to create fewer secrets and more transparency?
  • What can I do right now to give humanity greater choice and self-empowerment?
  • What can I do right now to foster greater peace, harmony, compassion and understanding?
  • What can I do right now to smooth the transition to the new dawning age?
  • How can I increase the quotient of love in the world?
  • How can I decrease the quotient of suffering in the world?
  • These are the kinds of questions that you should be answering for yourself if you wish to participate in the changes that are afoot. Engaging yourself with this process will cause you to find your energetic heart. It will allow you to know the sweet taste of being loved for who you are, as much as for what you do. You will feel the hand of divine guidance in your heart.

And as you do this, so you will also find yourself beginning to be able to forgive yourself for all that you have done in the past. You will find, eventually, that you are able to forgive your whole line of forebears for all that they have done through the ages. And you will be surprised by the capacity others will have to forgive you and your line. Comprehension and compassion will dawn. And, for so long as you are motivated by love, the hand of divine protection will be over you as this process unfolds. Engage with this process, heart and soul, and there need be no negative repercussion at all. You can pay the price of the burden of your choices in love, rather than in suffering and pain. But you must choose to do so!

And if you do, you will find yourself transitioning to the New Earth with the rest of humanity that has also chosen this. If you wish it, your skills at administration and management might be put to magnificent purpose. You might find yourself in great demand in a position of revered leadership. Or, indeed, you might choose for that quiet, peaceful, gentle life in that beautiful corner of the world that you have always secretly hankered after but never believed you could settle down to.

It is all up to you.

The point, really, is that you will find yourself blessed with an abundance of very attractive options if you should choose to be guided by love. And this contrasts sharply with the option-less, self-destructive dead-end that lies at the end of the road if you should continue to choose from a place of closed-hearted fear.

And this is what I needed to share with you at this point. I know that all of you who are ready for this message will receive it, as we have ways to ensure this. And I also wanted to share this letter to you in the most open fashion possible since part of the healing that is being made available to humanity will come from their understanding that you are not as “other” as they would have thought. Until they can see themselves in your position, you will struggle to break down the boundaries. And in this letter, by the way I address you, they can see that you are not some kind of demonic enemy. That you are humans as they are. That you are lost and hurt as they are. That you have made the same kinds of choices out of your fear and pain as they have. That you can come to heal yourself, forgive yourself and love yourself as they might. And that greater good flowers for you when you do so, just as it does for them.

And finally, I wish humanity to see that you actually did as was required of you. You held the helm in the vacuum left when the old gods departed. You did so for the whole age of forgetting. And that, ultimately, was what you contracted for.

With love and compassion, I leave you now to your choices.

I am Adamu of the monadic entity of the Pleiadian civilisation brought to you through Zingdad.

QAnon Update June 30 – Enjoy The Show

QAnon Update June 30 – Enjoy The Show. By Interstellar. Source 8ChanUpdated 21:42 UTC

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 04f35d No.1971603 Jun 30 2018 12:27:57 (EST)

Play LOUD.
FIGHT for what is RIGHT!
They will not win.
Divide they try.
Fail they will.

A message from Q+:

We must FIGHT!

As Reagan said: “You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We’ll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we’ll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness.

Lisa Mei Crowley

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: eff7c9 No.1972546 Jun 30 2018 13:36:13 (EST)

You have a choice.
The choice has always been yours.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.”

Linking for the 7th time to the video 1st shared on 24 Jan, Q reminds us of what this movement is about. Give it a good listen again, knowing all you now know from everything Q has shared & everything that is transpiring in our country. We ARE winning.

Lisa Mei Crowley


Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 317346 No.1973514 Jun 30 2018 14:37:47 (EST)


Think logically.
Ask yourself – is this normal?

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 317346 No.1973527 Jun 30 2018 14:38:35 (EST)

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 317346 No.1973514 Jun 30 2018 14:37:47 (EST)

Think logically.
Ask yourself – is this normal?

5/8/18 Review Time

Think logically.
Ask yourself – is this normal?

Q shares past drops re: FBI/DoJ brass fired/resigning + elected reps who’ve already stepped down or are not seeking reelection. Think also of all CEOs who have resigned since the 21 Dec EO. This is NOT normal & it is NOT conspiracy. It’s happening.

Lisa Mei Crowley

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 317346 No.1973688 Jun 30 2018 14:46:19 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 355946 No.1973567 Jun 30 2018 14:40:09 (EST)

Please do not let No Name off the hook. he is a disgrace to Veterans across this great country and needs to be held accountable.

Think SC vote to confirm (coming).
No Name action.
Every dog has its day.
Enjoy the show.

Will No Name (a.k.a. Songbird) help confirm @realDonaldTrump’s SCOTUS nominee to be announced on 9 July?

Here’s a little background info on the saying “Every dog has its day.”

Lisa Mei Crowley

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 317346 No.1973815 Jun 30 2018 14:53:08 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 9cfe87 No.1973737 Jun 30 2018 14:49:07 (EST)


It will not be Gowdy.

For those who had hoped Trey Gowdy would be added to the list of potential SC nominees, Q confirms that will not happen. What role might Gowdy be stepping into, then?

Lisa Mei Crowley

QAnon Achive

Pills Disclosure News Italia

Make New Mistakes

I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You’re doing things you’ve never done before, and more importantly, you’re Doing Something. So that’s my wish for you, and all of us, and my wish for myself. Make New Mistakes. Make glorious, amazing mistakes. Make mistakes nobody’s ever made before. Don’t freeze, don’t stop, don’t worry that it isn’t good enough, or it isn’t perfect, whatever it is: art, or love, or work or family or life. Whatever it is you’re scared of doing, Do it. Make your mistakes, next year and forever.

Neil Gaiman

The Holy Grail of Who Rules and Controls All. Part II. MUST SEE and Share ~ May 27, 2018

This extensive article (warning..long read) is from another website I have found, TABU; Towards A Better Understanding which gives us much, much information about the how, when, and why’s of deceit and deception have taken place on our globe, called…financial slavery.

Information IS the best weapon against the monsters who “rule” us, so please read this report, learn why things in our world are as they are, share this with others, and…



The Orsini family of Rome, the Orsini-Rosenberg family of Austria, and the Roseneberg family of Bohemia control Rosicrucianism which is a secret society of alchemists. These families all use the rose on their coat of arms. The Rosicrucian Order is also called the Order of the Rosy Cross. Alchemy is the manipulation of the human psyche and biology through chemicals.

The FDA and most food and drug companies are controlled by Rosicrucians. The Orsini family were behind the Ebola propaganda and had developed deadly Ebola vaccines.

The Tcreator of the Georgia Guidestones which aim to regulate the population of humanity used the name RC Christian as an alias and was really Robert C Cook an American geneticist involved in population control and eugenics.

RCC like Roman Catholic Church and like Rosy Cross. The Rosicrucians made a YouTube video placing a time cube with MM and 16 on it. MM for 2000 and 16 together meant 2016. They intended to unleash a fake outbreak in 2016 to bring down the United States and destroy society with their deadly vaccines. The depictions shown of the Ebola virus under a microscope look like an two eights. 8+8=16. The Japanese movie called Virus used a virus called MM88 designed by an American eugenicist. Once this was all exposed the Ebola propaganda ended within the week. They are behind Zika too.

Vaccines are one of the most destructive tools the wicked use on humanity and are primarily designed to target the nervous system and weaken a persons spiritual armor or electromagnetic shield. The Orsini and Rosenberg families were also responsible for the Black Plague. They hired people to poison well water in order to spread the disease. The song Ring O Roses goes back to the times of the Black Plague. They used rose petals to mask the smell of death. I also found two people with the name Rosenberg that work in high level positions at Bayer today.

The Colonna family of Rome work closely with the Orsini family and are also involved with pharmaceuticals. Stefano Colonna developed the Julia-Colonna Epoxidation which is used by Bayer and Evonik today. The Julia-Colonna Epoxidation is used for binding toxic chemicals with human enzymes.

Jesuit Crimes Against Humanity

The Society of Jesus also called the Jesuits function as Roman intelligence for the Italian Nobility.

The Jesuits are a military order established under the Papal Bull called “Regimini Militantis Eclessiae” which means the Military Regiment of the Church. The head of the Jesuits is called the Superior General.

The official definition of a Jesuit is one of intrigue or equivocation. Intrigue means trickery and equivocation means to lie. Jesuits are trained in deception and are entangled with everything in society.

The Society of Jesus was involved with the genocide of Native Americans. One example was the Jesuit priest Pierre-Jean De Smet who infiltrated the Iroquois. He requested “Black Robes” for the natives which were carrying diseases as a form of biological warfare. He provided intelligence on them which was used in massacres all while pretending to be their ally.

The Jesuit photographer Francis Browne was on the Titanic and managed to get off before it sank. The Titanic was switched with its damaged twin sister ship the Olympic which was intentionally sunk as insurance fraud.

The Jesuits who were previously banished from Japan were in Hiroshima when the “atomic bomb” was dropped. Pedro Arrupe along with seven other Jesuits were within miles of the nuclear blast zone in Hiroshima and all survived untouched. SJ Pedro Arrupe is in video testifying about Hiroshima before he was later made the Superior General the Jesuit Order. The Allies actually strategically firebombed Nagasaki and Hiroshima and claimed they were nuclear bombs as a form of intimidation.

(Jesuits Owned Japan long before faked Atomic Bombing as well as sea ports in Nagasaki and Hiroshima

No Nukes Were Dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (updated)

The Jesuits were involved with establishing Romanized communist settlements in South America known as the “Jesuit Reductions” which were funded by the monarchs of Spain and Portugal. The Jesuits were paying their dues back to the Italian Nobility which angered the kings of Spain and Portugal and lead to the Jesuits being banished from Europe. They were sent to Corsica and a few decades later Napoleon Bonaparte was born who then made war on all the European nations that banished the Jesuits. Immediately after the Napoleonic Wars ended the Jesuits were reestablished through the Congress of Vienna which was under covert control by the Habsburg and Thun and Hohenstein families who are Knights of Malta along with the Italian-Austrian nobility like the Pallavicini and Orsini-Rosenberg families.

Napoleon Bonaparte wrote about how the Jesuits used him in his memoirs. Jesuits are deeply involved with science and astronomy. They run major telescopes and set the policies for NASA who reinterpret space which caused the flat earth deception and denial that space even exists deception. The Jesuits are dangerous liars and trained illusionists. The Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin developed much of the modern New Age beliefs in his book The Phenomenon of Man. The Society of Jesus are deeply involved with military, intelligence, politics, law, science, and religion. They are masters in deception and mind control and they seek to dominate over every aspect in society.

Royalty and their Zionist Court Factors

The royal and noble families of Europe have always used what are called “Court Jews” or “Court Factors” to handle their finances and collect taxes. These Court Factors serve their royal courtrooms.

(also known as Court Hofjuden’s )

“Court Hofjuden” Jews; Wholly Owned by the Jesuits for Centuries

Buckingham Palace is a royal court. The Roman Curia is a papal court. Curia is the ancient Roman term for a court. The royalty and nobility are Christian and they specifically use Jews most often as their money changers and this keeps the attention off them and creates Anti-Jewish movements like the Nazis and Fascists. Zionism is really about monopolization of industries and wealth.

Many monarchs consider the Zionist bankers unprofitable because they spend as much as they make. Their wealth is used as a pool of money while they illegally make payments to fund criminal agendas in politics and also for funding secret societies. Their large wealth masks these transactions. Princes and Kings authorize bankers and control them. Zionists are secondary to the Imperialists.

The British Crown established modern Israel after it seized Palestine during WWI and through its migration contracts with the World Zionist Organization under British law of “Mandatory Palestine”. The Roman Catholic King of Spain holds the official title of King of Jerusalem. The top criminal bankers are operating in Switzerland. Banking in Switzerland is private by law.

The royal and noble families are concealing massive amounts of wealth in Switzerland. The Swiss Guard protects the Vatican City State today and Swiss Cantons have been in contract with the Holy See for centuries. Switzerland is really a Papal State. The Vatican and Switzerland are the only two nations on the planet that use the square shaped flag.

The Roman Curia is the Papal Court. The Rothschild family are vaguely mentioned as the “Guardians of the Papal Treasure” in the Jewish Encyclopedia and members of the Rothschild family have been Knights of Malta. The Rothschild family are the Vatican’s bankers and they serve the Italian Nobility and House of Windsor. The various Rothschild branches appear to be related to North Italian banking families from Venice, Florence, and Genoa. The Bardi family of Florence funded the English Crown with 900,000 gold florins and this loan was never paid back. The British Rothschild’s fund the modern British Crown in the same way. Evelyn de Rothschild is a British Crown knight and serves the court of Buckingham Palace. Baron Jacob Rothschild is also a British Court Factor and Knight worth over 5 billion.

Evangelical Council

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The Evangelical Council consists of the top members of the Christian Churches and they oversee organized Christianity and the Conservative Party through the Council for National Policy. The word Catholic by definition means “universal” and most Christian leaders are serving the Pope of Rome.

The different versions of Christianity create diversity for the Roman Church to operate through. The leader of the Evangelical Council is Billy Graham who has advised Dwight Eisenhower, Lyndon Johnson, and Richard Nixon and has met with most US presidents since Harry Truman including George Bush and Barack Obama. The Council for National Policy is a Conservative think tank consisting of wealthy and influential members of the Conservative party who tend to all be Christian.

The CNP was funded by Christian leaders and organizations like the Unification Church. George W Bush, Dick Cheney, and Mitt Romney have all spoke at the Council for National Policy. Members of the CNP have included Nelson Bunker Hunt, Donald Rumsfeld, Jeane Kirkpatrick, Paul Weyrich, Phyllis Schlafly, and Pat Robertson as former President of the CNP who is an Evangelical Pastor and the founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network and the Christian Coalition of America.

Pat Robertson is another top member of Rome’s Evangelical Council. Tim LaHaye was a co-founder of the CNP and Evangelical Pastor who wrote the Left Behind series. The Council for National Policy manages the Conservative Party for Rome while hiding behind religion as its shield. There is no separation between church and state when religious and political leaders gather together and conspire to use their wealth and influences to control the outcome of politics and policies.

The Evangelical Council also consists of major mega church leaders like Joel Osteen who is worth over 56 million, Benny Hinn who is worth over 40 million, Kenneth Copeland another multi millionaire, and Creflo Dollar who is worth around 27 million. Other members include Joseph Prince, T. D. Jakes, John Hagee who is worth about 5 million, Jimmy Swaggart, Franklin Graham who is the son of Billy Graham, Howard Ahmanson Jr. a Christian financier who appears to be worth over 500 million. Marcus Lamb is another multi millionaire member of the Evangelical Council and he is the co-founder, president, and CEO of Daystar Television Network. Maurice Hudson is a hidden member of the Evangelical Council and father of Katy Perry. Christianity is way to become wealthy for these evangelical preachers.

Not only do they make a very good living by selling Christianity they also use that wealth to maintain dominance over society. At the highest levels of the Evangelical Council they work with Rome and its intelligence network which gathers information on those the Black Nobility declared as heretics. Rome then uses this council to determine which heretics get crucified and they use their wealth to fund this persecution or what they call crucifixions.

They work with Freemasons. These crucifixions consist of organized gang stalking, cyber stalking, slander, frame jobs, poisoning and electronic torture through electromagnetic weaponry. Electronic torture is their modern day “crown of thorns”. They are authorizing and ordering the deaths and torture of people they have declared as heretics.  The Evangelical Council uses Roman Canon Law for their persecutions. They also work with the Supreme Court Justices who are trained in either British Talmudic Law or Roman Canon Law.

The Illusionati

The secret societies are divided into two factions known as the Illuminati and the Occult. The Illuminati are the false light pyramid and they run the Republican Party while the Occult are the false dark pyramid that runs the Democratic Party. These two pyramids are merged together to form a hexagram. A hexagram is two pyramids converged.

(Blue is used for Democrats to represent compassion and caring for all and the luminary, Venus. Red for Republicans is Mars, the Warrior, competition, capitalism, self enrichment. This is what you get to choose who your Daddy (red) or Mommy (blue) will be your nanny.)

They call their artificial duality Zion. Illuminati are more connected with Lucifer while the Occult are more connected with Satan. The color white is connected with the Illuminati and the color black is connected with the Occult. Freemasons use a black and white checkerboard pattern as a symbol for their belief system. The black and white checkerboard is also connected with the Guelph and Ghibelline factions in the royal and noble families. Many royal palaces use checkerboard floors and some Black Image result for freemason checkerboardNobility use the checkerboard on their coat of arms. The Pope wears a white robe and the Jesuit General wears a black robe and they are the top priests of the Roman Catholic Church.

I call those who are initiated into both factions the Illusionati. They manipulate both sides and use illusions to make it seem as if they are in control. Full initiates often choose a side as a cover while they meddle in both sides. Most of their power is based on illusions and trickery. They want to be perceived as if they are in full control and all powerful. They are not. They carry out most of their lawlessness like their persecution covertly because they are terrified of being exposed. They fear exposure because they are not really in control and if people realize this it will bring about their end.

The play on ignorance and use distractions to keep attention off themselves. They are criminals and their wickedness is covert. The word govern-ment means control mind. They use corporate institutions to claim ownership over the land and then attempt to dictate thoughts and public opinion into the society through media and education. These people are all criminals. They are not to be taken lightly. Their motive is global dominance and full scale control. If they could they would find a way to control every thought that a person has. They are the threat to humanity and must be dealt with. The best way to deal with them is to take back the system and install freedom.

Freemasonic Luciferian Persecutors

Luciferianism is Satanism masked in the false light of superficiality and religion. Freemasons are known for worshiping Lucifer and most Freemasons are self identified Christians. Luciferians dress in nice clothes, speak proper, drive nice cars while they condemn others for superficial reasons. They covertly condemn the poor and sick as sinners and claim they are being punished by God.

Freemasons are involved in covert persecution against those who oppose their ways and control. Freemasons also created other types of secret societies which they use to do their dirty work.

Touchless Torture. Target Humanity. Ch 2/9 NanoBot Smart Dust Computer Chips

Freemasons get paid to gang stalk and persecute people all over the United States. They operate covertly. They poison people. They slander people. They vandalize their property. They cyber stalk their victims. They gang stalk and mentally terrorize their victims. They are involved with using electronic weapons on people. Electromagnetic Pulse weapons do exist and they are even sold online. Their persecution often leads to deaths, mental break downs, hospitalization, or prison for the victims. Many Freemasons and members of secret societies are involved in computer hacking as well.

The top Luciferian Freemason inside the United States is a man by the name of Steven James Dishon and his last known residence is in Linwood Michigan. These secret societies are being funded by the Vatican and royal families through offshore accounts, paypal, and private Swiss banking.

Freemasons are builders. The word mason means builder. They build mind control programs in society. They build lies and false teachings and impose them into society. They get paid to lie and manipulate people. They are funded and directed by the Black Nobility and royal bloodlines. They are paid actors that hijack society and orchestrate theater in the media and politics. They create orchestrated events as an attempt to draw people in. They hijack real movements and then subvert them.

The alternative media is ran by Freemasons who pretend to be opposed to the New World Order while all they do is subvert and corrupt the movement against corruption. Most of the Founding Fathers in America were Freemasons and Crown agents that hijacked the revolution against the British Crown.

They then turned the Virginia Company into the United States. The Freemasonic motto is “Ordo ab Chao” or Order out of Chaos. They cause chaos and then use the conflict to install their order as a form of problem, reaction, and solution.

The Scottish Rite Freemasons and Prince Hall Freemasons have staged numerous racial crimes involving white cops and black men to incite racial division. (Prince Hall is the black Freemason cult…here with Shaq O Neal.)

The Freemasons are criminals involved with a multitude of crimes including terrorism, persecution, treason, spreading dangerous lies, human trafficking, and the trafficking of human blood. Freemasonry is a dangerous organized crime syndicate.

International Secret Intelligence Service (ISIS)

 (classic double Op…blame ISIS while ISIS is the intelligence arm of the illuminati)

MI6 also called Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) created and controls the ISIS program which is really International Secret Intelligence Service with intelligence agencies all around the world involved like the CIA, Mossad, GID of Saudi Arabia and others.

The British Crown established the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the Treaty of Jeddah. All the heads of MI6 are knighted by the British Crown because they serve the British royal family. MI6 is leading this operation and involved with staging terrorist attacks. The Belgian royal family were exposed for their tax schemes on the United States so MI6 staged the Brussels Bombings as an excuse to increase security for the Belgian royal family and their corrupt bankers. The Treaty of London established the Kingdom of Belgium and appointed the House of Windsor’s cousins the Saxe Coburg and Gotha family as the head of Belgium.

The 1871 District of Columbia Organic Act established Washington DC as a municipal corporate state based on debts owed to foreign entities like the Kingdom of Belgium, Irish government, and Hudson Bay Company. The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel Switzerland is in contract with the US federal reserve and most central banks around the world through fraudulent tax contracts like the Belgian Scheldt Dues and siphons off wealth.

The money is then transferred and laundered into private Swiss bank accounts. Prince Lorenz of Belgium is married into the Belgian royal family and has worked as a banker in Rome, Paris, and London. Prince Lorenz is a managing partner for Gutzwiller Bank in Basel Switzerland right near the BIS and he is managing the private accounts for the royal and noble families of Europe who are stealing from the central banks. Once this was all exposed MI6 staged the ISIS bombings in Brussels as reason to increase security for the royal family and their bankers. The House of Windsor are controlling MI6.

Windsor Family of Hell

The House of Windsor are one of the most wicked and satanic bloodlines.

They are involved with human sacrifices, mind control, satanic ritual abuse, cannibalism, drinking blood, bathing in blood, human trafficking, opium trafficking, terrorism, money laundering, and war profiteering. Prince Charles openly claims to descend from Vlad Dracul or Vlad the Impaler and he owns Vlad the Impaler’s old castle in Transylvania.

Vlad Dracul was known for being sadistic and tormenting his victims. Dracul means dragon and the Dracul family were members of the Order of the Dragon. Vlad Dracul was the Prince of Wallachia.

All U.S. Presidents Related by Negative Blood Types; What are the Odds?

Prince Charles is the Prince of Wales. Wales gets its name from Walha. Wales also uses a red dragon on its flag. The Transylvanian Nobility covertly settled in Scotland. Queen Elizabeth II takes her name from the Dracul’s cousins the Bathory family and Elizabeth Bathory who was a serial killer known as the “Blood Countess” and reports claim that she bathed in the blood of hundreds of young women.

The House of Windsor run the Order of the Bath which really takes its name after the Bathory family. They covertly continue their ancestors blood rituals of bathing in blood and they wear blood red capes during their public ceremonies.

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Jimmy Savile was close friends with Prince Charles and he was accused hundreds of times of pedophilia and sexual abuse. Jimmy Savile was a Knight of the British Empire and Vatican Knight of the Order of St Gregory.

Canada is a Crown Colony and through out the past century there are many official reports of missing Aboriginal children that were taken from their parents and forced into Crown schools and Crown Wards or orphanages. Missing children is acknowledged in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada

The House of Windsor have a harp on their coat of arms. The harp was used for bewitching minds in Image result for house of windsor coat of armsancient times. They have authority over the USAF’s HAARP which is radiating the atmosphere with electromagnetic waves and is used for mass mind control and weather manipulation. HAARP is named in reference to the harp and its use in ancient mind control. Wind-sors like wind and tornadoes. The House of Windsor are funding and running satanic cults in the United Kingdom and United States and these cults are involved in mind control, satanic ritual abuse and human sacrifice.

The Windsor family also manage the Skull and Bones secret society at Yale. Yale was established under the British Crown’s authority and through a Crown Colony. Skull and Bones is a military council and death cult in the United States with the Bush family as top members.

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George Herbert Walker Bush is a British Knight of the Order of the Bath and serves the Windsor family. The Gulf War, Afghanistan War, and Iraq War occurred under the Bush family. The Windsor and Bush  families are controlling the opium production in Afghanistan which produces themajority of the world’s opium since the US invasion. Their opium operation is a continuation of the British Crown’s East India Company which controlled the opium trade.

They currently sell it to pharmaceutical companies and the rest is handed to the Italian Mafia who cut it into heroin and have it distributed it on the streets. Opium is a strong depressant and is being used to weaken society as they attempt power grabs. The British Crown attempted to do this to China which lead to them seizing Hong Kong when the Emperor banned the opium. (GW Bush was named “Poppy” for running the drug opium “poppy’ trade at the CIA)

Prince Charles is covertly controlling the Hells Angels motorcycle crime syndicate. Many members of the Hells Angels are descendants of Irish and Scottish Clans. The Hells Angels established themselves in the United Kingdom after the Beatles invited them. The Hells Angels also set up charters in New Zealand and Canada which are nations ruled by the House of Windsor. Prince Charles is the head of the Cult of Hell and the Hells Angels are his minions. They are known for blowing up their enemies. The Hells Angels have also infiltrated the trucking industry and work with other organized crime groups in trafficking weapons, drugs, and human beings.

Tavistock Institute


British Crown Agents

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Yale and Harvard along with several other prestigious universities are owned by the British Crown. They were authorized by the King of England through Crown Colonies. Yale University was authorized by the English Monarch through the Connecticut Colony. The University of Harvard was authorized by the English Monarch through the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

The Crown Colonies were issued from the City of London Corporation which is a sovereign municipal corporate state and one mile square block inside of London where royal and corporate charters are issued from. The Crown Colonies are companies owned by the British Monarchs and other royal families that do business inside of the City of London Corporation.

The British royal family uses these universities to recruit their Crown Agents who then serve their interests by infiltrating corporate and government agencies. Many high level members in US military and intelligence come from Yale, Brown, or Harvard. Many powerful politicians were educated at these Crown Universities. They mostly use secret societies or fraternities for recruiting Crown Agents like Skull and Bones, Book and Snake, Porcellian Club, or Phoenix-S K Club. Porter Goss is a member of Book and Snake and was former Director of the CIA. Mark Zuckerberg has been linked with the Phoenix-SK Club. From CNN Anderson Cooper and David Gergen are members of Yale’s Manuscript Club.

British Templar Sorcerers

The British Crown’s Order of the Garter established in 1348 are the reformed Knights Templar of London who were disbanded in 1312. The Knights Templar were also called the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon. The Templars of London were stationed at the inner temple in the City of London. The Templars and Inner Temple take their names from Solomon’s temple. King Solomon was known as a sorcerer who used “Goetia” for conjuring and commanding demons to build his temple in Jerusalem. Many British Peers are members of the Order of the Garter and do business at the City of London Corporation and practice Solomon Witchcraft.


They use witchcraft to oppress society while they dominate over business, banking, and government. Image result for george abbey, nasa, purple knights gold crossTheir witchcraft involves mind control advanced deception and chemical warfare. The motto for the Order of the Garter is “Shame on him who thinks evil of it” They dehumanize and shame their victims.

James Hamilton, 5th Duke of Abercorn is a major Irish landowner, British Peer, relative of the British royal family and the Chancellor of the Order of the Garter. David Brewer is a Knight of the Order of the Garter, was Lord Lieutenant of Greater London, Insurance Broker, and the former Mayor of the City of London. Charles Kay-Shuttleworth, 5th Baron Shuttleworth was Director for Abbey National Bank and is a Knight of the Garter. Mervyn King, Baron King of Lothbury is a Knight of the Order of the Garter, former Governor of the Bank of England, and member of the Group of Thirty. John Morris, Baron Morris of Aberavon is a powerful British politician and Knight of the Garter. John Sainsbury, Baron Sainsbury of Preston Candover is worth 1.3 billion and is a British politician, Bilderberg member, Knight of the Garter, and a businessman connected with the Grocers Livery company.

Most of the members of the House of Windsor are members of the Order of the Garter including Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, Prince William Duke of Cambridge and Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex. Prince Prince Richard, Duke of Gloucester is a member of the British royal family, Knight of the Order of the Garter, and member of a major architect firm in the UK. Prince Michael of Kent is a Grand Master of the Mark Masons in England and a Knight of St John. Prince Andrew, Duke of York is a Knight of the Garter, and Special Representative for International Trade and Investment for the royal family. Prince Edward, Duke of Kent is a Knight of the Order of the Garter. The House of Windsor run the Order of the Garter with Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Charles as the sovereign heads. They also run several other Freemasonic British knighthoods and thousands of Freemasonic lodges all across the United States.

Ralph Percy, 12th Duke of Northumberland is a British Peer, former member of the House of Lords, major landowner, and is worth about a half a billion. The Percy family also have deep ties with Arab royalty. Hugh Grosvenor, 7th Duke of Westminster runs the international Grosvenor Group with assets estimated at 59 billion with properties in Sweden, Japan, China, and the Mid East. He was worth 13 billion as it was handed down from his father Gerald Grosvenor, 6th Duke of Westminster who was a Knight of the Garter. He died in 2016. William Legge, 10th Earl of Dartmouth is a British politician, and is on the Committee on International Trade. Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 7th Marquess of Salisbury is a major British politician, former Leader of the House of Lords, merchant banker, and Knight of the Victorian Order. David Ogilvy, 13th Earl of Airlie is a Royal Victorian knight, member of the Privy Council, and Merchant Banker in London. Charles Wellesley, 9th Duke of Wellington, Spanish Duke of Ciudad Rodrigo, and 9th Prince of Waterloo is a Knight of the British Empire and he has been the chairman or director for about a dozen merchant companies.

The Knights Templar City of London Corporation

The Zionist Black Nobility Clans

The Medici and Bonaparte families run Sephardic Zionism.

The Florentine Black Nobility were Sephardic Babylonians. Napoleon Bonaparte was the first political Zionist who proclaimed for all “Jews” to settle in Jerusalem.

The Medici family were one of the wealthiest banking families in Europe for centuries. The Medici family produced 3 Popes and 2 Queens of France. The Medici and Bonaparte families are closely related and are still working together. Both of these families still exist. Emilio Garrastazu Medici was a Brazilian military dictator that established the military government in Brazil.

The Brazilian Andre Cezar Medici works at the World Bank as a health economist in Washington DC today. The name Medici means medical and they have been linked with practicing sorcery.

Pharmacy derives from the Greek word Pharmakeia which means sorcery and poison. The extremely wealthy Dreyfus family serve the Medici and Bonaparte families as their court factors. Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte was the first President of France. French presidents are the heads of the Bonaparte’s Legion of Honour which has many members that are billionaires and heads of major corporations and banks like Alfred Dreyfus, Pierre Louis-Dreyfus, Benoit Potier, Pierre-Andre de Chalendar, Patrick Pouyanne, Rene Obermann and the eighth richest person in the world Bernard Arnault who is worth over 50 billion. Members of these crime families include Prince Ottaviano de Medici, Prince Julian de Medici, Prince Charles Napoleon Bonaparte, and Prince Jean Christophe Napoleon Bonaparte. Prince Jean Christophe worked for Morgan Stanley and Advent International which is a major buy out firm with assets estimated at over 30 billion.

The Medici family are tax collectors and they are overseeing the IRS through Rome’s network of power. The Medici family use the IRS to financially  persecute people that Rome has declared as heretics. Not only is income tax immoral but the IRS make up debts out of thin air and persecute people based on these made up debts,

Fox Family and Friends

The Fox family are an Anglo-Scot-Irish Illuminati bloodline involved with the British Peerage, British government, and the founding of the Quakers. They were also merchants and bankers that helped to create Barclays Bank. They are the Earls of Ilchester in the UK and own large amounts of land. Another branch from Cornwall helped to establish the Quakers and were involved with the merchant trades and banking. George Fox who is not identified as a relative of the Fox family of Cornwall established the Quakers or Religious Society of Friends. Catholic is defined as universal and claims to control all Christian denominations including the Quakers.

The Fox family are intermarried with the Barclay family who are also Quakers and they established Barclays Bank which has assets estimated at over 1.2 trillion today. The David Barclay and Frederick Barclay are relatives of this family and worth 6.5 billion. The Barclays brothers own Press Holdings and Telegraph Media Group.

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The Fox family established Fox, Fowler and Company which was bought by another Quaker bank called Lloyds Bank and Lloyds Banking Group with assets estimated today at over 817 billion. Liam Fox is an influential British politician with an Irish Roman Catholic background from Scotland. Liam Fox is Secretary of State for International Trade, President of the Board of Trade and was previously the Secretary of State for Defence where he supported using military force against Iran, Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

The name Fawkes as in Guy Fawkes is pronounced as Fox however some claim the name is a variant of Falco. Guy Fawkes was a leader in the Gunpowder Plot carried out by Vatican agents and Jesuits to overthrow the British government. The fox is considered a clever and cunning animal. Today the Cointelpro group called Anonymous wear the Guy Fawkes mask while they censor and cyber stalk people who speak out against Rome as they pretend to be opposed to corruption.

They are tricksters. Reynard is a character in fables who is a red fox and trickster. Anonymous members refer to themselves as Legion.  Roman regiments were called Legions. The Massimo family own the Holy See and are intermarried with the Foxwell family of London. Prince Stefano Massimo married Atalanta Foxwell who descends from British Peers and their son is Prince Valerio Massimo who recently founded an aerospace company called Auctus Industries with the House of Windsor’s cousin Edward Spencer Churchill.

Prince Valerio and Duke Edward are extremely evil and appear to be plotting a take over of the Virgin Aerospace companies. Prince Valerio Massimo (Foxwell) specializes in cunningness and trickery like a fox. Rupert Murdoch is a Vatican Knight of the Order of St Gregory, is the owner of Fox News and is worth over 13 billion. Fox News promoted the wars in the Mid East by using Christian Crusader ideologies. The Vatican controls Fox News and uses it for promoting wars and ideologies that serve its interests.

Reynard the fox has the same hat with a feather which Guy Fawkes is depicted wearing in portraits.

Craig Oxley the Illuminati Strategist

Craig Oxley is a top tactician for the Illuminati and false opposition. He runs a site where he exposes some higher levels of control like the Italian Nobility however he does it deceitfully and makes up lies like the “Orsini family are the Maximus clan” and never speaks about the Massimo family who actually were the Maximi family. He also made up an imaginary person named “Pepe Orsini”.

On his site called Unhived Mind he has this as a title; “SUPPORT THE PROMETHEANS & THE BRICS BANK IT’S OUR ONLY HOPE FOR HUMANITY. THE ZEUSIAN ARISTOTELIANS MUST BE STOPPED” and he is referring to me although I am only one person and not an “Aristotelian” either. He says to support the Prometheans. There is a statue of Prometheus at the Rockefeller Plaza.

Craig Oxley is really wicked and working with the British Peers and the higher level Italian Nobility like the Massimo, Colonna, and Bourbon Two-Sicilies families which he will not expose. He also sends out agents to steal knowledge from me. He is allowed to name some of the families I mention to function like a fishing net. So when I expose the controlling families and people search it out they get his site and his lies mixed with some truth. Prometheus is connected with forethought or premeditation. Craig Oxley is a calculating snake and a hardcore Satanist. Craig Oxley also works with an imposter from the UK who calls himself “Zeus Ombrios” who is intended to discredit me by creating a sense of association and he also steals elements of my knowledge and claims them as his own. This imposter is a blood drinking lunatic and murderer.

Grimaldi Crime Family

The House of Grimaldi rule over Monaco today and once ruled in Genoa as powerful bankers and politicians. Monaco was a principality of Genoa and ruled by the Grimaldi family during the 13th century. Francois Grimaldi was the first ruler of Monaco and was nicknamed the “Malicious One”. Today Monaco is a sovereign city state with an economy involved with casinos and operates as a haven for those trying to evade taxation.

There is no income tax in Monaco so many foreign businessmen including members of royal and noble lines operate from there and then conceal their wealth in private Swiss bank accounts. Casinos are a popular industry in Monaco and have always gone hand in hand with organized crime which use casinos for laundering profits. Casinos are the most effective tool for laundering large amounts of cash. This is even revealed in the movie Casino. This is why the Chicago Outfit set up in Las Vegas and the Five Families set up in Atlantic City.

The House of Grimaldi were the ones who established the first casinos. Prince Albert II is the blood appointed head of state in Monaco and his net worth is estimated at over 1 billion however it is likely more like most members of high level royalty. Prince Albert II is also a Knight of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and runs his principality as a branch of Rome. The House of Grimaldi is intermarried with various French and Genoese noble families  as well as German Nobility like the House of Hanover and House of Lorraine.

Like most Genovese Nobility the House of Grimaldi is involved with banking. They were one of the families that established the Bank of Saint George in 1407. The Republic of Genoa expanded its territories into the Black Sea region and used its bank to manage these regions. The royal owned bank was known for using Jewish bankers to manage their assets and finances especially in the Black Sea region. The Ghisolfi clan intermarried with nobility around the Black Sea  and this region was known as Gazaria taking its name from the more ancient Khazaria. The Ghisolfi clan managed these banks and used Gazarian agents as middle men that worked with Russia.

What people refer to as the “Khazarian Mafia” are the continuation of Genoese-Gazarian bankers today.

There is a large amount of organized crime and criminal banking in Russia, Turkey, Bulgaria, and Crimea and these same groups are doing business in Israel and Europe. The Russian gangster Felix Sater who has ties with Donald Trump is part of this Black Sea Mafia. The House of Savoy which runs the Genovese crime family works closely with the House of Grimaldi with Prince Albert II a knight of the Savoy’s Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus. Prince Victor Emanuele’s wife is from the Genevose Doria banking family. The Russian Mafia work with the Italian Mafia.

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Vladimir Putin is a Knight of the House of Grimaldi’s Order of Saint-Charles and is part of this criminal group. Banco di San Giorgio is a more recent bank that used the same name because it is covertly owned by the same families that owned the Bank of Saint George. Through a series of mergers Banca di San Giorgio merged with Banca Regionale Europea.

The Nazi Bank for International Settlements

The Bank for International Settlements is connected to most of the world’s central banks and is siphoning off tax and laundering the money in private Swiss bank accounts. The BIS was established by London Bankers and Nazi businessmen. The BIS is involved in making international bank transfers and it is through discreet tax contracts like the Belgian Scheldt dues with the United States how they steal from nations.

The Italian nobility and the European monarchs claim to have shares in the corporate governments and are the ones siphoning off tax from the nations. They use this money to pay their foreign agents and their secret societies. Even Hollywood is involved in this like the actor Don Johnson who was caught with 8 billion in transactions at the Swiss-German border.

Don Johnson Caught With £5 Billion In Suitcase

Banking in Switzerland is private and they are concealing billions in private accounts. The Swiss Guard protects the Vatican today. The House of Savoy ruled over Geneva for centuries for the Vatican and Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV of Savoy has a residence in Geneva today. The Vatican and Switzerland are the only two nations on the planet that use a square shaped flag. Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV, Prince Lorenz of Belgium, and Archduke Sigismund have all lived in Switzerland, worked bankers, and have Italian Nobility in their bloodlines. Lorenz and Sigismund also have Austrian noble lineages and Austrian Nobility helped to put the Nazis in power.

The Italian Fascists worked with the German Nazis. These three princes manage Switzerland for the Vatican and the Italian Nobility. Prince Lorenz of Belgium is of the House of Austria-Este, House of Savoy, and married into the Belgian royalty and has worked as a banker in Rome, Paris and London. Prince Lorenz is currently a managing partner at Gutzwiller Bank in Basel Switzerland right near the Bank for International Settlements in Basel which has three members of the board of directors from Italy. Archduke Sigismund is the head of the Austrian House of Habsburg-Lorraine which have Medici blood through the Lorraine lineage of Christina of Lorraine and this is why he holds the title of Grand Duke of Tuscany and he resides in Switzerland today.

The recent Bank Medici in Austria was shut down for corruption involved in the Bernie Madoff scandal. I am claiming that Grand Duke Sigismund was covertly running the Bank Medici.

Venetian Banking Clans

The Giustiniani family were a powerful nobility of Venice and Genoa involved in the Roman Catholic Church, Venetian politics, and merchant banking. The Giustiniani family produced Doges for Venice and were members of the Council of Ten. Many North Italian banking families from Venice, Genoa, and Florence reestablished themselves in the Holy Roman Empire.

I believe that the British Rothschild branch is closely related ancestors of the Bardi banking family of Florence that funded the King of England with 900,000 gold florins which was never repaid. The British Rothschild are financiers for the British Crown today just as the Bardi family financed the English Crown. The wealthy Mars family is the continuation of the Candia family of Venice.

The Fugger and Welser banking families appear to be closely related to the Giustiniani and Foscari families and likely other merchant banking clans from Northern Italy. The two families built palazzos next to each others on the Grand Canal in Venice.

The Italian word Giusto means “good” “right” or “well”. The German phrase Fug und Recht means good and right. Fug also means fog or daze similar to the Italian word fosco which means dark or cloudy. Fosco like Foscari and they were another powerful Venetian family that ruled as Doges in Venice and were members of the Council of Ten. The Fuggers were extremely wealthy bankers that intermarried with German and Austrian Nobility.

The Welsers were another powerful banking family. Both families established themselves in Augsburg Germany. The Welsers used the Fleur-de-lis on their coat of arms which also suggests a possible Florentine ancestry. Prince Hubertus Fugger-Babenhausen is the head of the Fugger family today.

All of these families were branches of North Italian bankers and merchants and especially the Giustiniani fand Foscari families. Wells Fargo is a continuation of the Venetian bankers. Guisto, Wells, Welser, and Fug all have the same meaning of well or right and all are connected with banking. The Fugger family appears to be mostly related to the Foscari family.

These families establish banks and then finance and control other family branches which evolve and blend into other regions and people. Today Alessandro Giustiniani is a senior economist that has worked with the International Monetary Fund in Washington DC and also for the Bank of Italy in Rome.  Baron Girolamo de Massa is the head of the Venetian Giustiniani family. Baron Girolamo de Massa is a really a Massimo-Giustiniani and is involved in overseeing Wells Fargo. In Rome there is a Villa Giustiniani Massimo.

The Wells family are related with the Wellesley family the Dukes of Wellington. Arthur Wellesley is a Hohenzollern, English Earl, Spanish Duke of Ciudad Rodrigo, French Prince of Waterloo, Belgian Marquess of Douro and Belgian landowner. This variety of titles makes him very high level and connected.

Legalization of Propaganda

The United States “legalized” propaganda or “information programs” by renewing the Smith Mundt Act of 1948 through the NDAA of 2011 and fully through the Smith Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 in the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012.

The intention of the Smith Mundt act is for international information programs which specifies that it does not exclude or prohibit national involvement. All of the mainstream media is international. How could it be possible to promote propaganda only on an international level without including the national media especially with the internet which connects the whole world? That would be impossible and means that VOA and its new CEO are working in sync with the national media.

I interpret this criminal bill as any propaganda that can be used on an international level is authorized even if that propaganda has more influence on a national level. It all comes down to their claim of intent. It states that they are not restricted in providing their information programs to national media based on a presumption it will be used to influence Americans. The type of wording used in this bill is contradicting and enables and protects them from doing what they claim is not their intention.

Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 – Amends the United States Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948 to authorize the Secretary of State and the Broadcasting Board of Governors to provide for the preparation and dissemination of information INTENDED for foreign audiences abroad about the United States, including about its people, its history, and the federal government’s policies, through press, publications, radio, motion pictures, the Internet, and other information media, including social media, and through information centers and instructors. (Under current law such authority is restricted to information disseminated abroad, with a limited domestic exception.)

Authorizes the Secretary and the Board to make available in the United States motion pictures, films, video, audio, and other materials prepared for dissemination abroad or disseminated abroad pursuant to such Act, the United States International Broadcasting Act of 1994, the Radio Broadcasting to Cuba Act, or the Television Broadcasting to Cuba Act.

Amends the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1986 and 1987 to prohibit funds for the Department of State or the Board from being used to influence public opinion or propagandizing in the United States. (Under current law such provision applies to the United States Information Agency [USIA].)

Applies such prohibition only to programs carried out pursuant to the United States Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948, the United States International Broadcasting Act of 1994, the Radio Broadcasting to Cuba Act, and the Television Broadcasting to Cuba Act.

States that such provision shall: (1) NOT PROHIBIT the Department or the Board from providing information about its operations, policies, programs, or program material, or making such information available to members of the media, public, or Congress; (2) not be construed to prohibit the Department from engaging in any medium of information on a presumption that a U.S. domestic audience may be exposed to program material; and (3) apply only to the Department and the Board and to no other federal department or agency.

Zionist Wall

One aspect of Zionism is corporate monopolization over wealth and industries. All through out history the Christian royal families have used Jewish Court Factors to handle their finances and collect taxes and this keeps the attention off them. The Court Factors are a middle wall of defense for the royalty which are higher level in the control system. The monarchs and princes authorize court factors from their royal courtrooms to carry out their financial interests.

The Waldenberg family are a German nobility subservient to the Hohenzollern and Wurttemberg families and formerly under the House of Habsburg who still have covert authority over the Germany royalty today. The Waldenberg family are of Swabia. The names Swabia and Sweden derive from the original Suavi settlers and their name means “ones own” or even “sovereign”. These current rulers of Sweden and Swabia are not real Suavian ancestors. In Sweden there is the extremely wealthy Wallenberg family who are a former branch of the House of Waldenberg. The Wallenberg’s manage many corporations as boards of directors. Together it is believed they manage companies worth hundreds of billions. They are also members of the Bilderberg Group. They have influence over the European Round Table of Industrialists which have leverage over the European Union. The Wallenberg family are Jewish Court Factors serving the House of Bernadotte which has Germanic ancestry.

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 The Walton family own Walmart which uses the six pointed star for its logo. The six pointed star is a symbol for Zionism.The Walton’s collective net worth is estimated around 150 billion and they are also Court Factors serving the House of Windsor and other German nobility. Corporate Zionism is about dominating industries and wealth with the intention of making a large portion of society impoverished. Walmart is an illegal monopoly that is taking away from small businesses. Small businesses cannot fairly compete with corporations which are also protected by laws and regulations issued by the federal government and put forth by corporate lobbyists. They use expensive lawyers who make hidden loopholes in these laws and regulations which only the privileged are aware of. This is why lawyers use their own terminologies.

These billionaires also use their large wealth as a pool of money for making illegal transactions. Someone with tens of billions can move around a hundred million and it goes unnoticed and then the money gets refilled by the foreign powers they serve. They use their wealth to fund secret societies and organized crime which are making covert war on the rest of society as a defense for the royal families. The Wallenberg and Walton families use their wealth to fund a Wall of defense.

These monopolies should be shut down immediately and these families need to be criminally investigated. Members of these criminal billionaire families include Jacob Wallenberg, Marcus Wallenberg, Peter Wallenberg, Jr, and Jim Walton, Samuel Robson Walton, Alice Walton, and others. They are working with Duke Carl of Wurttemberg, Duke Friedrich of Wurttemberg, Prince Georg Friedrich of Prussia, Karl Friedrich, Prince of Hohenzollern, as well as the royal members of the Bernadotte, Windsor, and Habsburg families.

Hip Hop Illuminati

The rapper RZA from Wu Tang Clan is a member of the Almighty Vice Lord Nation (AVLN) which operates in New Jersey where RZA has a residence. RZA is a shot caller for the AVLN and a 33rd degree freemason. The AVLN was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and the rapper Jay Z who is worth over 600 million created Roc-a-fella Records and is a member as well. Jay Z displays the hat cocked to the left in professional photos and wears a top hat and both of these are AVLN signs.

RZA is a Five Percenter which is connected with the Nation of Islam and the AVLN has incorporated Islam into its beliefs. The Five Percenters are a covert masonic organization and practice Solomon witchcraft and are involved in human sacrifice. RZA sacrificed Ol’ Dirty Bastard.

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Jay Z openly wore an Aleister Crowley shirt in public. Many rappers are members of the AVLN or other criminal organizations as well as masonic societies like the Nation of Islam or Five Percenters. RZA has covertly let me know that he knows where I live. I exposed the House of Saud and how they have a mafia involved with trafficking human beings at the Jersey ports and a few nights later RZA hired some thugs to roll up on my house just after I received a death threat.

Jay Electronica is also a masonic Five Percenter and member of the Nation of Islam. He dated Kate Rothschild and lived in London for some time where he was trained by the British Freemasons. Illuminati rappers like RZA, Jay Electronica, and Jay Z are involved with pedophilia, organized crime, gang stalking, threats, murder, and even human trafficking. Jay Z uses his hundreds of millions as a front to fund criminal activities. This past year Jay Z’s wealth increased about 90 million for working for the Vatican and House of Savoy by making illegal transactions that funded Nazi style persecution.

Suggested Weekend Listening: The Basic Formula for Control & What We Can Do [videos] ~ May 18, 2018

If you listen to these two videos you will have a solid background with which to navigate the bulk of the news coming out these days—and, you can help to grab control back for the People if you listen to the instructions at the end of the second video.

AIM4Truth’s Douglas Gabriel and Leader Technologies’ Michael McKibben explain the agenda to control and depopulate our planet in this excellent conversation about the SES and SERCO. The researchers have dug really deep and this is one of the best videos I’ve seen this past week, although it’s audio only.

It must be very difficult for newcomers to the truth movement to accept this massive conspiracy. It sounds too hard to believe, but unfortunately, there is far more evidence than we need to arrive at this conclusion. It’s important to understand the long standing agenda of the dark and the lengths they will go to for global domination of Humanity. This chat makes their long term plan crystal clear—and it’s also clear we have to DO something—and soon.

They mention FEMA Region 9. You can read more about that here. It includes California and Hawai’i, interestingly enough. Is that a coincidence?

If the effects of 5G targeted attacks sound too out there to be believable, you may want to read the latest from Alfred Lambermont Webre. Very real horrific attacks on people illustrate exactly what they can do to manipulate the human body and mind with their technologies. They are already torturing some of us, as per the examples below.

From Alfred Webre’s website, New Inside Out…

Summary of Testimony of Kelly Wallace:

  • Kelly Wallace is neurologically controlled by remote DEW directed energy weapons clandestinely controlled as described above.
  • Through V2K she is induced with negative feelings and emotions which are not her emotions
  • These are evil emotions, negative in tone and note
  • The muscles and bones in Kelly Wallace face are remotely moved around by DEW
  • Her teeth are moved around
  • Her tongue is made to curl out of her mouth and hang to one side
  • Her tongue is made to rotate around in a circle
  • Her eyes are moved around in their eye-sockets independently
  • The pain of these remote DEW torturings carried out as described above is excruciating.
  • Kelly Wallace’s Senior Citizen parents are also being subjected to similar remote DEW torturing as described herein by the parties identified herein and above.

Learn more about this here.

This is another great explanation of how we arrived where we are and what must be done—and soon, to take back the financial system and end the corruption and manipulation by the banksters. A petition comes in part 2, so listen to the end. It’s time for action. We should all be Seething Frogs.  ~ BP

9/11; The Explosive Evidence of the Conspiracy [videos] ~ May 11, 2018

If you don’t KNOW that 9/11 was an “inside job”, you need to watch these videos. If you DO know, you need to pass them on to someone who doesn’t.

In a powerful video excerpt which was recorded at the time 9/11 was going down shows President Bush was at a school in Sarasota Florida, in a classroom of children. Supposedly he was “reading a story” and the children performed a reading exercise.

It was a real “Kodak moment”, wasn’t it? How tender. How innocent.

When you hear the “chanting” going on, you may suspect it was all part of the plan. We know the El-ites are satan-worshipping witches who belong to “covens”. Yes, covens. This is well understood.

And what was the book he was holding? It was called, The Pet Goat.

Satanists worship Baphomet, their goat god, among others.

The satanic El-ites frequently hold ritual sacrifices wherein they chant and conjure up demons and other spiritual entities. It’s part of their “religion”. Take a look at the footage below; the linguistics of the “chant” they have coached these children to repeat.

Was 9/11 a ritual sacrifice? They read about it, they planted the seed, and then they had the children repeat the chant to bring it about. Classic witchcraft.

This is how they get unsuspecting Humans to produce the events they wish to have us create. They’re always planting seeds in our consciousness to serve their agendas and the mass media does the repeating to cement those ideas into our heads. Movies and other television “programming” does the same, creating deep, emotional connections…

…like the images of planes hitting the towers. We saw it on TV, so it must have happened, right? The problem is, no one saw planes hit the towers except in video footage we watched on television. Nor did anyone see a plane crash into the Pentagon that day. Some people have shown us that the footage we saw of the twin tower collisions on television was CGI; computer generated imagery—and very poor, at that.

FBI photo of Pentagon damage (not plane-shaped)

One has to wonder how the media got such great footage of planes hitting the towers so quickly. Who would have been filming the Twin Towers at 9 am and just happen to catch the carnage? It doesn’t make sense, but when people are traumatized, they aren’t thinking clearly and more easily accept the information given.

How about this? Fake witnesses reported seeing planes hit the towers to mainstream media reporters near the World Trade Center and the news anchors told us planes caused the damage and that became our reality. There were no pieces of planes at any of the sites. None whatsoever.

They carted away the rubble and transferred it to barges so quickly no one had the opportunity to look for it. It was far too hot and dusty onsite for investigators to prod the fallen material. Molten steel ran down the gutters in the streets, yet steel skyscrapers in other cities in various YouTube videos burned for hours on fire and never collapsed or lost structural integrity. Why?

Look at the Grenfell Tower fire in London on June 17, 2017. The high rise burned for 60 hours and never fell. What was different about the World Trade Center fire? And since no plane hit the third building that collapsed, WTC Building 7… there are many unanswered questions.

World Trade Center Building 7 in free fall, Sept. 11, 2011 9/11

Experts tell us jet fuel doesn’t burn anywhere near hot enough to melt steel in a building that was specifically designed to withstand the impact of a 747, and an aluminum plane certainly can’t slice through it. So what happened?

AE911 Truth (architects and engineers for 911 truth) tell us the following:

…the seismic data do provide corroborating evidence of explosions both before and during the collapse of all three WTC towers — and of explosions even before the plane impacts into the Twin Towers.


Did you catch that? “explosions even before the plane impacts into the Twin Towers”?

The families of many people who died in that unspeakably evil event are still, to this day, pushing for a proper investigation and demanding answers. They KNOW it was an inside job. Anyone who will look even superficially at a fraction of the evidence can see it did not, COULD not, happen the way we were told. Not at the Pentagon, either.

How do we know it was a conspiracy? How do you get past the simple fact that this emergency happened on 911? That is no coincidence.

It was a conspiracy, all right—with multiple agendas—and the day is looming closer and closer when that fact will be made official by prominent, credible people—so if you’re in denial, you’d best get out of it. Too many Americans will be reeling.  ~ BP

Begin watching this video at the 8:44 mark.

Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth produced this one hour video, among many, many others.

“The film does not speculate – but does empathize with viewers by also introducing the professional perspectives of eight psychologists who explain some of the reasons why it is so hard for people to face the scientific evidence. This is the most scientific and compelling 9/11 documentary film to date.”

Published on Sep 6, 2012

This is the 1-hour version of our 1 ½ hour groundbreaking documentary 9/11: Explosive Evidence — Experts Speak Out which is available for purchase as a DVD in our online store at… or as a download at

See also the video of the Pledge Breaks by Shari Bernson and AE911Truth’s Richard Gage, AIA – interviewed on air in Denver, CO during this historic TV premiere of 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out”.…

Colorado Public Television (, has courageously thrust themselves at the forefront of our nation’s public service media network. CPT12 aired this powerful and controversial film as a featured premium during their Summer fundraising campaign. The PBS national website then posted the re-broadcast which quickly became one of their “Most Watched” as well as “Most Shared” programs on PBS.

As millions of people are becoming aware that they haven’t gotten the whole story on 9/11, over 1700 architects & engineers are leading the way at AE911TRUTH, with dozens of these professionals giving testimonials in this documentary, putting their careers on the line in their demand for a new independent investigation. High-rise architects, structural engineers, scientists, physicists, chemists, scholars, educators, firefighters, forensic fire engineers, demolition experts and others also testify in this ground-breaking scientific assessment of the events at the World Trade Center.

The sudden, complete collapse of the third skyscraper,WTC Building 7 at 5:20pm on 9/11 at free-fall acceleration, is now being seen around the world as “the smoking gun” which disproves the official story about 9/11. These experts also introduce additional “overwhelming evidence” for a controlled demolition hypothesis of the three World Trade Center highrises – which raises many disturbing questions.

The film does not speculate – but does empathize with viewers by also introducing the professional perspectives of eight psychologists who explain some of the reasons why it is so hard for people to face the scientific evidence. This is the most scientific and compelling 9/11 documentary film to date.

Please support the organization that made this program possible by purchasing the full length DVD at…

This is the shorter 58.5 minute version for promotional use. Please also support AE911Truth by downloading the full length HD file at

Please also support the work of AE911Truth, a non-partisan non-profit 501c3 organization with your financial support by visiting… today. We are a community organization with no corporate sponsorship. YOU are our lifeline. Join the family of sustaining supporters today!

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