Who is Greta Thunberg and Why Should We Ignore Her? (Updated) [videos] ~ September 24, 2019

I’ve been ignoring Greta Thunberg because she is so obviously a cabal propaganda tool to promote the fake climate change deception…

BUT… everyone wants to talk about her, so let’s talk. Okay, I’ll talk, you listen.

Many news analysts are putting emphasis on this Nazi hoax. Look at her! She’s got the Hitler/Chucky scowl, for godsake. If looks could kill.

This is what the globalists do. They have a spokesperson that the gullible Humans will identify with, will believe speak from authority, and/or will generate an emotional response so they throw logic and critical thinking out the window and follow them down the garden path like the Pied Piper of Hamlin.

There is no basis for the climate change lie. No science to support it. That’s why they had to change the language from the original “global warming”. The planet is cooling and we can see the evidence of that. For awhile Antarctica had more ice than ever before. These past two years in Arizona have been the coolest in 15 since we arrived.

Polar bears and seals are not starving or nearing extinction because the ice flows are all melting.

From my own research and observations, “climate change” is a narrative, like any other, to manipulate the masses, shape public opinion, and get the distracted herd to docilely go along with the globalist agenda. For one, they want to impose MORE TAXES to combat this imaginary problem.

They want Americans to love the asinine “Green New Deal” from another loony, paid actress THEY placed in Congress.

The Greta Thunberg sensation is the wolf in sheep’s clothing to beguile the population of the planet while feeding them lies to generate guilt and shaming them into feeling responsible. Then they willingly give up things in an effort to do the right thing.

Sound familiar?

At the time of 9/11, the notorious attack on the World Trade Center in New York, remember—the globalists had The Patriot Act (hardly a title that describes it) all written and ready to fly through Congress—all 342 pages of it. Snap! Just like that in about 40 days. How is that possible? No one questioned. They were still shell-shocked.

Did that bill with the misleading name protect the patriots of America? No. It guaranteed that they would give up more of their rights; that they would be treated like criminals; that the TSA at airports would be able to grope them and their children whenever they wanted to travel; that they could alternatively irradiate them with backscatter X-ray machines that could give them cancer while enriching globalist Michael Chertoff whose company produced the machines; that they would no longer be able to bring drinks into an airport secure lounge, and the disgusting Nazis could even approach them as they waited for their boarding call and demand to test the bottled water purchased moments before at the airport for explosives with their magic wands.

And then we thank them for protecting us from the boogie men in the Middle East who hate us because we’re free.

The intimidation tactics work every time and the passengers who objected and spoke up were told by their peers to shut up and stop making a fuss—that it was for their own good. The sheep were policing the sheep. It’s a fascinating psychological journey to watch from the sidelines, particularly since the same thing is happening with Greta Thunberg. The outrage… the guilt trip… how offensive to say this little girl has an agenda or could possibly be incorrect. You’re a despicable person.

The airport gimmicks were just a start, remember. Once that door was open, it enabled Obama to introduce ten years later the NDAA. It’s the “totalitarian tip-toe”, ever-so-slowly creeping in to change our lives so incrementally that we hardly blink an eye.

The NDAA bill changed 15 existing laws, and it all happened because the globalists who sought world domination orchestrated over several years a massive, coordinated attack on the Twin Towers with up to seven different kinds of weapons, to convince Americans (and Canadians, too) that people on the other side of the world hate them because they’re free.

Have you ever heard of anything so absurd? When I heard that line I knew immediately it was a lie. It sounded like the logic of a twelve year-old, yet people bought it, and were happy to give up their rights to travel freely because they believed it would make them safer.

The Indefinite Detention law meant Americans could be detained and incarcerated, without charge, anywhere authorities chose, no phone call to a lawyer or family, and held indefinitely without any access to the outside world. Memory holed, tortured, or murdered… legally. All they had to determine was that the individual was a threat to national security—and that could simply mean they were a dissident who opposed the Nazi/Communist activities of the New World Order George Bush Sr. spoke about. It didn’t have to be true. They could use it to remove people who could become… inconvenient.

This climate change crap is no different. The Earth exists in balance with other heavenly bodies like our sun, in an electromagnetic bath of energies that ebb and flow and come and go in cycles. There have always been periods of warming followed by cooling. The pendulum always swings back the other way and in between there is equilibrium and moderation.

The dinosaurs and other prehistoric life didn’t die because of a naturally occurring ice age. Our entire history has been lied about and manufactured to manipulate us. We didn’t evolve from apes and our planet is not heating up because Humans eat meat or drive cars or use air travel or any other idiotic excuse these morons give us.

Do you see the “elite” giving up their personal transportation, their meat, or any of their rights? No. They’re special. The laws don’t apply to them—only their chattel. That would be us.

Greta Thunberg is a Swedish actress—no different from the ones in Hollywood. She was groomed to do this, given a costume and braids and a script to memorize. She’s laying the guilt trip on an unsuspecting public because—who would ever suspect a plain little girl in braids like Dorothy in Oz to be capable of deceiving people? She’s an innocent, right? She just cares about the planet and her future. Wrong. Dead wrong.

She has a script, a costume, a handler, and she’s doing her JOB, which is deceiving people who find her credible, despite her having no credentials to support her claims. She’s SIXTEEN! Why would anyone place her in a position of authority??? Why would you allow her to lecture you?

It’s the old psychological tool that if you walk in like you own the place, people will think you own the place.

The globalists know people are busy and probably won’t fact check; that they would rather take on the guilt, give up their meat and transportation and anything else she says will save a “dying planet”. Give me a break.

Would YOUR sixteen year-old daughter be able to go on a globetrotting campaign to speak her mind like a politician—and scathe at the United Nations? Of course not—unless you’re obscenely wealthy and don’t mind taking her out of school. And they are, and they don’t.

So who the hell IS this precocious child? People should be asking that.

Have we learned nothing in the last 40 years?

Consider the voice of reason and question everything.

Any movement this big, getting this much mainstream press has big money and big agendas behind it. It’s not grassroots initiatives from a creepy little kid. It’s bordering on Spawn of Chucky, as you’ll see below.

I haven’t yet been able to watch the UN address from His Trumpness but I look forward to it. I know he’s not fooled by this snot-nose imposter. He got America out of the deceptive Paris Climate Accord and the People should be thankful he did.  ~ BP

Children of the Corn

Thank you Laura for your wisdom.

Laura Ingraham compares teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg to ‘Children of the Corn’

Thanks to the crew for the links.

George Soros is Backing Climate Activist Greta Thunberg

Short on time? Watch this quickie from our own crew member Sarah Tonen…

Exposing Greta Thunberg……..NWO puppet

This next video is excellent, too, but more in-depth.

Whatever Happened to Hansel & Gretel ? ? ?


I forgot to add the following. Canada is in lock step with the United States/NWO.

The Harper Government Has Trashed and Destroyed Environmental Books and Documents

9/11; The Explosive Evidence of the Conspiracy [videos] ~ May 11, 2018

If you don’t KNOW that 9/11 was an “inside job”, you need to watch these videos. If you DO know, you need to pass them on to someone who doesn’t.

In a powerful video excerpt which was recorded at the time 9/11 was going down shows President Bush was at a school in Sarasota Florida, in a classroom of children. Supposedly he was “reading a story” and the children performed a reading exercise.

It was a real “Kodak moment”, wasn’t it? How tender. How innocent.

When you hear the “chanting” going on, you may suspect it was all part of the plan. We know the El-ites are satan-worshipping witches who belong to “covens”. Yes, covens. This is well understood.

And what was the book he was holding? It was called, The Pet Goat.

Satanists worship Baphomet, their goat god, among others.

The satanic El-ites frequently hold ritual sacrifices wherein they chant and conjure up demons and other spiritual entities. It’s part of their “religion”. Take a look at the footage below; the linguistics of the “chant” they have coached these children to repeat.

Was 9/11 a ritual sacrifice? They read about it, they planted the seed, and then they had the children repeat the chant to bring it about. Classic witchcraft.

This is how they get unsuspecting Humans to produce the events they wish to have us create. They’re always planting seeds in our consciousness to serve their agendas and the mass media does the repeating to cement those ideas into our heads. Movies and other television “programming” does the same, creating deep, emotional connections…

…like the images of planes hitting the towers. We saw it on TV, so it must have happened, right? The problem is, no one saw planes hit the towers except in video footage we watched on television. Nor did anyone see a plane crash into the Pentagon that day. Some people have shown us that the footage we saw of the twin tower collisions on television was CGI; computer generated imagery—and very poor, at that.

FBI photo of Pentagon damage (not plane-shaped)

One has to wonder how the media got such great footage of planes hitting the towers so quickly. Who would have been filming the Twin Towers at 9 am and just happen to catch the carnage? It doesn’t make sense, but when people are traumatized, they aren’t thinking clearly and more easily accept the information given.

How about this? Fake witnesses reported seeing planes hit the towers to mainstream media reporters near the World Trade Center and the news anchors told us planes caused the damage and that became our reality. There were no pieces of planes at any of the sites. None whatsoever.

They carted away the rubble and transferred it to barges so quickly no one had the opportunity to look for it. It was far too hot and dusty onsite for investigators to prod the fallen material. Molten steel ran down the gutters in the streets, yet steel skyscrapers in other cities in various YouTube videos burned for hours on fire and never collapsed or lost structural integrity. Why?

Look at the Grenfell Tower fire in London on June 17, 2017. The high rise burned for 60 hours and never fell. What was different about the World Trade Center fire? And since no plane hit the third building that collapsed, WTC Building 7… there are many unanswered questions.

World Trade Center Building 7 in free fall, Sept. 11, 2011 9/11

Experts tell us jet fuel doesn’t burn anywhere near hot enough to melt steel in a building that was specifically designed to withstand the impact of a 747, and an aluminum plane certainly can’t slice through it. So what happened?

AE911 Truth (architects and engineers for 911 truth) tell us the following:

…the seismic data do provide corroborating evidence of explosions both before and during the collapse of all three WTC towers — and of explosions even before the plane impacts into the Twin Towers.


Did you catch that? “explosions even before the plane impacts into the Twin Towers”?

The families of many people who died in that unspeakably evil event are still, to this day, pushing for a proper investigation and demanding answers. They KNOW it was an inside job. Anyone who will look even superficially at a fraction of the evidence can see it did not, COULD not, happen the way we were told. Not at the Pentagon, either.

How do we know it was a conspiracy? How do you get past the simple fact that this emergency happened on 911? That is no coincidence.

It was a conspiracy, all right—with multiple agendas—and the day is looming closer and closer when that fact will be made official by prominent, credible people—so if you’re in denial, you’d best get out of it. Too many Americans will be reeling.  ~ BP

Begin watching this video at the 8:44 mark.

Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth produced this one hour video, among many, many others.

“The film does not speculate – but does empathize with viewers by also introducing the professional perspectives of eight psychologists who explain some of the reasons why it is so hard for people to face the scientific evidence. This is the most scientific and compelling 9/11 documentary film to date.”

Published on Sep 6, 2012

This is the 1-hour version of our 1 ½ hour groundbreaking documentary 9/11: Explosive Evidence — Experts Speak Out which is available for purchase as a DVD in our online store at http://shop.ae911truth.org/DVD-Cased-… or as a download at http://www.911ExpertsSpeakOut.com.

See also the video of the Pledge Breaks by Shari Bernson and AE911Truth’s Richard Gage, AIA – interviewed on air in Denver, CO during this historic TV premiere of 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out”. http://www.youtube.com?watch?v=sksg5w…

Colorado Public Television (cpt12.org), has courageously thrust themselves at the forefront of our nation’s public service media network. CPT12 aired this powerful and controversial film as a featured premium during their Summer fundraising campaign. The PBS national website then posted the re-broadcast which quickly became one of their “Most Watched” as well as “Most Shared” programs on PBS.

As millions of people are becoming aware that they haven’t gotten the whole story on 9/11, over 1700 architects & engineers are leading the way at AE911TRUTH, with dozens of these professionals giving testimonials in this documentary, putting their careers on the line in their demand for a new independent investigation. High-rise architects, structural engineers, scientists, physicists, chemists, scholars, educators, firefighters, forensic fire engineers, demolition experts and others also testify in this ground-breaking scientific assessment of the events at the World Trade Center.

The sudden, complete collapse of the third skyscraper,WTC Building 7 at 5:20pm on 9/11 at free-fall acceleration, is now being seen around the world as “the smoking gun” which disproves the official story about 9/11. These experts also introduce additional “overwhelming evidence” for a controlled demolition hypothesis of the three World Trade Center highrises – which raises many disturbing questions.

The film does not speculate – but does empathize with viewers by also introducing the professional perspectives of eight psychologists who explain some of the reasons why it is so hard for people to face the scientific evidence. This is the most scientific and compelling 9/11 documentary film to date.

Please support the organization that made this program possible by purchasing the full length DVD at http://shop.ae911truth.org/DVD-Cased-…

This is the shorter 58.5 minute version for promotional use. Please also support AE911Truth by downloading the full length HD file at http://www.911ExpertsSpeakOut.com

Please also support the work of AE911Truth, a non-partisan non-profit 501c3 organization with your financial support by visiting http://www.ae911truth.org/en/home/68-… today. We are a community organization with no corporate sponsorship. YOU are our lifeline. Join the family of sustaining supporters today!

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