Human Consciousness IS everything! ~ August 2, 208

Editor’s Note: Below is an email message from my good friend, J. who comments on an “aha” moment he has had regarding the continued hoopla and thoughts/hope/fears of the spiritual community on the spiritual matters of The Event.

In light of delays for the promised “good times” that always seem to be just out of humanity’s reach. perhaps a different “tactic” should bnw be considered. J has come to the realization that WE are the one who need to exemplify and BE the change we want to see in the world.

Below find his message, I add my own confirmation and supply timely articles about human consciousness in it’s evolution. We ARE our own individual consciousness that collectively adds up to ONE. Tricky thought and realization of our role as unique filters that effectively makes each of us on par with everyone else. Now it is time for us to leave the 3D world behind in out thoughts, and use 5D principles as we transition. Please read these messages below, think about this, and…



Hi Everyone,……As usual, I have a lot of time to reflect on various things happening around me. Working on boats day after day by myself is a very solitary kind of employment, it gives you time to think about all sorts of stuff, particularly at this moment when everything is going nuts. I’m blessed to have this occupation under these circumstances.

I had an “Ah Ha” moment this afternoon after thinking about what Eleia Benz had to say about the “Event”.
She is right on the money. This info would be a great topic for your next blog article Sophia, I hope you will give it some consideration.

We all come from an enslaved culture, it is ingrained in us, we wait for someone to do something for or to us, before we can move forward. Ascension is coming, and we will know it by the “EVENT”, and we will be carried to the 5th D.
How silly! But the masses are ingrained to see it that way. No blame here!

What are the basics? We are co-creators, we take part in the making, how often have we heard this (we have to do something, some action) not sit there and only RECEIVE! Damit!
If you just sit around and wait for the Event, you may not make it,……remember frequency?

Going from 3rd D to 5th D is CHANGE! How do we participate in this change? We start becoming the thing we want to see. When we do this, we start to change ourselves, this is called “inner work” by Jung. Listen to what Jung says about “inner work”.

If we do our work inwardly and do small rituals to express our inner situation, it often generates a great charge of constructive energy in the external world around us and shapes the external circumstances of our lives in ways that we would never have anticipated. This is part of the evidence we have for the existence of the collective unconscious: We find that the unconscious connects us to other people and to our entire environment; therefore; when we focus a great deal of energy within our own inner world, a parallel energy often arises in the people or situation around us. In this way, we can do healing through our inner work that we never could have done through external means. Very few people know or understand this. I said this to both of you early on when I first met you both,…..I say this to everyone who asks about healing themselves or their partner………and most of the times they roll there eyes.
You both are different, you get it. You do the inner work to shift yourself only (this produces a great charge) it moves into the field and influences everyone collectively …..WE MAKE THE 5TH D. MANIFEST.
Start acting and behaving like 5th D…..the 5th D is already here. The “EVENT” is just cotton candy!

the boat builder


Bravo, J.! You are so very right…it IS time to step up to the plate and understand our divinity NOW! We are creators and just plain do not know, or understand this. We are also ALL connected in ways we cannot yet surmise. I found the following from Disclosure News Italia very helpful today in realizing this consciousness aspect of myself…and everyone around me! Thank YOU for understanding the nature of this illusory game and sharing . We are indeed the “ones” we have been waiting for…let’s DO it!

Much Love…:)

Wave On Its Way 7/15 ~ July 15, 2018

Clairvoyant Aluna Ash offers more insight into the situation on Planet Earth as more and more awaken to the truth of consciousness being Divine. It’s all happening right NOW, please read for more information, and…


Mike Quinsey ~ Continuing Changes Upon Earth ~ July 13, 2018

By Mike Quinsey

You have noted for some considerable period that time has speeded up and continues to do so. It is a positive indication of a continuing change upon Earth, and as the vibrations increase you enter further into a new area of Spaced it will continue to be your ongoing experience. With the uplifting of vibrations also comes a more peaceful existence with less negativity and much more harmony between all living creatures. You have already seen examples amongst animals with the most unlikely friendships, and it is truly an example of the biblical story of the “Lion lying down with the Lamb”. So what does it signify, as surely it must be a lifting up of the vibrations bringing about more harmony and peace upon Earth.

Many of you know that you are ready to take your place within the higher vibrations, and are already ones who radiate love to all life forms, regardless of their historical place with Humanity. Furthermore, you are also aware that you have the power to bring peace to situations where confrontation is taking place, as even your very presence can help bring peace to them. Slowly others will find that stillness from inside and become a calming influence when all around may be in a state of turmoil. It is already happening and still growing, and as it becomes more far reaching there will be a greater emphasis on creating peaceful relationships and situations at all levels.

At long last belief systems are coming around to believing that life abounds in the Universe, and even at your lower vibrational level. Earth has been considered as something of a nursery where life can be experienced and grow with little outside help. Nevertheless, your activities have still been closely monitored so that the plan for your evolution can be carried forward, without interference from other sources. Having been given freewill to experience according to your desires, apart from guiding you along a preordained path you have had absolute freedom. It has been known that eventually you would find your way home, and your success in connection with the last cycle has entitled you to move into an area of higher vibrations, which is what you are doing now. It is difficult to leave old habits behind but that you must do and focus your attention upon all that is new as much is being offered to you that will hasten your full arrival into the New Age. There is much that awaits you, but first you must bring peace to Mother Earth and all upon her. Be assured it is breaking out in the animal kingdom, resulting in the most unusual friendships that could not have come about just a short time ago. Can you now see how powerful the new vibrations are and yet the new beginnings have only just commenced.

Regardless of what other groups do to hold onto the old ways of service to self, it will become difficult to maintain, and eventually becomes impossible. Their future will lay with the continuation of their path on another Earth that has been prepared for them, with a level of vibrations that will be suitable for their continued evolution. As has been previously indicated, you cannot reside in a particular level of vibration unless you are of a similar one yourself, as you would feel uncomfortable in a higher level than your own vibrations, and in any event you need to progress through uplifting yourselves from experience. Many ask “how can that be” and the simple answer will always be through learning how to spread Universal Love through your thoughts, actions and speech until it becomes your way of life.

The transition from life on Earth to leaving it in your ethereal body has intrigued people as they are not sure as to what actually happens. So having found the following extract from a Metraton message, I feel it would be of immense interest:

“What happens when you die”

‘Death is not a fearful experience to dread. What you term as ‘Death’ is a rebirth into your greater reality and in many ways is quite an exquisite beautiful awakening. In truth, birth into the physical realm is far more traumatic than the return to the ‘angelic realm’. Indeed the passing from physical may be appropriately described as ‘coming home’.

‘Dear Human, death can, in many cases, occur in a graduated process. For those that pass over at the end of an illness, the passing process will often occur in an intermittent lapsing, a fragmented, staged transfer of consciousness, in which transits out of and back into the physical body may ensue for a period of a few days before the final exit. In these graduated processes of passing the person is in a heightened state and will often see angels, guides and loved ones who have already passed over. ‘

‘There is nothing to fear. The only fear of death is with the living. Most of you will immediately realize the transition of your passing. You will be quite delighted to realize you are still conscious, even though dead in physical terms. Many of you will be overjoyed to comprehend that you are still ‘you’. Your inner narrator and observer of experience will be the same one you had in the recently completed physical sojourn. You will retain the full cognizance of your lifetime, and these memories will be focal and immediately accessible for a period of time. You will be able to communicate with others that were important in the completed lifetime.’

‘Now, there are rare circumstances in which one may die in a sudden unexpected circumstance such as an accident in which death occurs so abruptly that there is a very brief period of confusion. However this is infrequent and there are ‘guides’ on the other side, specialized in this service, and available to assist you in understanding what is occurring.’

‘So Masters, be aware that there are indeed guides to help each of you fully understand your situation in passing. Most of you will enter into the afterlife realm in clarity. And when one enters without disorientation, they are very often greeted by family and friends who have passed over before you. There is a sense of comfort and a euphoric recognition of this realm that exudes a sense of wellbeing.’

‘Rest in Peace, as is shown on many tombstones, is something of a humorous misunderstanding. The ‘other side’ is extremely active ! You will be able to rest, if rest is desired or required. The resting phase is one of great expansion in which an ambience of ecstasy occurs. Often there is a feeling of floating in a field of bright white light lined with extraordinary vivid colours. In this phase you will be in a blissful state and adapt more easily into the understanding of the separation that has occurred. But you will still be able to focus thought to the Earth plane. You will discover that thought takes you quickly to whomever and wherever you focus. ‘

‘You may visit with friends and relatives, revisit the past, greet childhood friends and travel seamlessly through space and time. You may revisit your childhood; view yourself as a young child surrounded by family at Christmas, or walk down the halls of your high school as it existed decades earlier. You will realize that there is no ‘time-lag’ between the manifestation of any idea or thought and its initial conception, as there is in physical life. You will delightfully explore these ‘dream-like’ phenomena, but in a very real validity in extremely clear lucidity.’

‘There are ways to become familiar with the realities and dimensions of the afterlife while you are living on the earth-plane. There are also advanced ‘trainings’ available on the ‘other -side’ as you grow in light quotient and complete the ‘Earth-Cycle’.


I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

 Tree of the Golden Light


Ultimate Detox Pack

Humanity’s Major Transition From The Age of Pisces To Aquarius ~ Feb. 14, 2018

By: ARJUN WALIA Astrology is an ancient art and science dating back thousands of years. It appears in many cultures, but as with most ancient wisdom, much of it was and has been concealed and forbidden from public viewing. Secret societies, both those whose hearts are grounded in the good will for all of humanity, and those driven by greed and personal gain, have also used this type of ancient knowledge. From Atlantis to ancient Sumer, Vedic astrology to ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt, many great minds throughout the ages have practiced astrology, and for good reason.

Despite its many skeptics, astrology has much to offer. It’s also import to mention here that many of our founding fathers of modern science, especially in the fields of mathematics and physics/quantum physics, were all spiritual mystics. “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”- Nikola Tesla

Source of this article:… website for universal truth – website for news –

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‘The Event’ Wave: What Higher Selves Under Hypnosis Tell Us [video] ~ Jan. 15, 2018

‘The Event’ Wave: What Higher Selves Under Hypnosis Tell Us

Hubby and I made a pact to take yesterday off and I chose this video for my downtime.

It’s a fascinating and cheerful chat with Allison Coe, a hypnotherapist, and her host Dan Hohlfeld. She tells us that when her clients are “under”, they are all telling her the same thing about “The Event”.

When multiple stories corroborate each other, it tends to lend credence to the information, and this is very similar to what we’ve been told for several years by other messengers. Take it for what you will.

The “higher selves” accessed during the sessions (Q said “TRUST SESSIONS”, did he not?  ;0)  told Allison that The Event would occur in the first quarter of 2018, that a coloured wave of energy would sweep and penetrate the planet and all life on it.

They also discuss our shift to the New Earth.

It’s a fascinating discussion, but it could be dangerous if, once again, folks take the apathetic approach and believe nothing now matters and cease to fight the cabal, expose the evil, save lives, seek to improve themselves, and strive for a better world.

What if The Event doesn’t happen for another year? It appears Q, Trump and Co. are fighting the cabal HARD right now, and we’re told others are working 20 hours a day behind the scenes to do legal documentation, etc., so it doesn’t sound like now is the time to relax and take furlough.

Besides, not everyone may be leaving this planet, so for the sake of those staying—and we don’t know who that will be—it’s best to continue to fight the good fight, together. Where we go when we leave the lower realms of 3D Earth will be determined by our personal vibration so we may want to raise it as much as possible.

The most important thing we must do, we’re told, is meditate. Allison says that was of secondary importance a year ago, but now—we’re told we must all meditate daily to get through the transition easily, for one hour minimum sessions, they say.

They also discuss portals, disappearing people, time, and how the Mandela Effect happens.

The approaching “supernatural galactic wave” is like a spiral galaxy or a gear, and the tips of the longer arms have been nicking the Earth occasionally for awhile, affecting timelines, etc. When the wave hits us full on—we’ll all know it, Allison says.

Thanks for sharing, L.

The ÉirePort reading for today says…

Thoroughfares of Energetic pathways have been cleared.

Higher Levelers are succeeding in the hu-being arena.

Nocturnal living is finished.

Levitations into Higher Consciousness become commonplace.


There is much to look forward to regardless of our final destination.  ~ BP