‘The Event’ Wave: What Higher Selves Under Hypnosis Tell Us [video] ~ Jan. 15, 2018

‘The Event’ Wave: What Higher Selves Under Hypnosis Tell Us

Hubby and I made a pact to take yesterday off and I chose this video for my downtime.

It’s a fascinating and cheerful chat with Allison Coe, a hypnotherapist, and her host Dan Hohlfeld. She tells us that when her clients are “under”, they are all telling her the same thing about “The Event”.

When multiple stories corroborate each other, it tends to lend credence to the information, and this is very similar to what we’ve been told for several years by other messengers. Take it for what you will.

The “higher selves” accessed during the sessions (Q said “TRUST SESSIONS”, did he not?  ;0)  told Allison that The Event would occur in the first quarter of 2018, that a coloured wave of energy would sweep and penetrate the planet and all life on it.

They also discuss our shift to the New Earth.

It’s a fascinating discussion, but it could be dangerous if, once again, folks take the apathetic approach and believe nothing now matters and cease to fight the cabal, expose the evil, save lives, seek to improve themselves, and strive for a better world.

What if The Event doesn’t happen for another year? It appears Q, Trump and Co. are fighting the cabal HARD right now, and we’re told others are working 20 hours a day behind the scenes to do legal documentation, etc., so it doesn’t sound like now is the time to relax and take furlough.

Besides, not everyone may be leaving this planet, so for the sake of those staying—and we don’t know who that will be—it’s best to continue to fight the good fight, together. Where we go when we leave the lower realms of 3D Earth will be determined by our personal vibration so we may want to raise it as much as possible.

The most important thing we must do, we’re told, is meditate. Allison says that was of secondary importance a year ago, but now—we’re told we must all meditate daily to get through the transition easily, for one hour minimum sessions, they say.

They also discuss portals, disappearing people, time, and how the Mandela Effect happens.

The approaching “supernatural galactic wave” is like a spiral galaxy or a gear, and the tips of the longer arms have been nicking the Earth occasionally for awhile, affecting timelines, etc. When the wave hits us full on—we’ll all know it, Allison says.

Thanks for sharing, L.

The ÉirePort reading for today says…

Thoroughfares of Energetic pathways have been cleared.

Higher Levelers are succeeding in the hu-being arena.

Nocturnal living is finished.

Levitations into Higher Consciousness become commonplace.


There is much to look forward to regardless of our final destination.  ~ BP