The Great Shift Gateway: September 23, 2017 ~ Sept. 21, 2017

Great article! Are you feeling tires, stressed, anxious for no apparent reason? You are NOT the only one with disturbed “insides” as humanity experiences a great inundation of positive spiritual energies otherwise known as (my favorite topic) LOVE!

This article was posted by Starship Earth: The Big Picture and I also appreciate this message of love and calmness as well all weather( in some cases literally!) the various storms in our personal lives.

So…please read on, time to bring out the buttered popcorn, and…


What’s all the hoopla about the date ‘September 23rd’? There’s been a lot of disinformation and fear porn making the rounds, but it’s another gateway—one of many.

The missive below resonated strongly with me and it may be just the message of support we need to get us through another difficult period. It’s probably crazy to think we can weather these storms—literally—and the tumultuous energies flying around without being at the very least grazed.

Mica isn’t himself, I’m definitely feeling it, and this “support memo” was like a warm shower on a cold day. We knew there’d be turbulence, but expecting it and experiencing it in its myriad forms, wave upon wave, is another thing entirely. It’s good to hear a reminder and realize… “Oh right—this was supposed to happen. I can do this.”  Thanks for the heads up, J.  ~ BP

by Morag, Guest writer,

We have been plunged into deep, turbulent waters of cosmic transformation friends. The culmination of 888 Lions Gate and American Solar Eclipse Gateway on 23rd September will mark the most accelerated wave of higher frequencies we have experienced so far. We each respond to upgrades and transmutation of negative energies in our own unique ways. For those who have been consciously and actively welcoming and embracing upgrades this current tidal wave is taking us to heights previously unknown, and depths previously feared. We are realising that to surf higher wavelengths, to integrate upgrades and to embed higher frequencies in our own energy field, is to be aware at all times of this momentous process. Fluctuating between dimensions on the vast universal frequency spectrum of life can be intensely challenging. The impending closure of 888 timeline gateway on 23rd September is cranking up the pressure on a global and individual scale. As the matrix is further decommissioned the elite fight dangerous and dirty in their bid to maintain their control.

Our systems are under constant pressure to ground us into lower or higher frequencies, this affects us in many ways. Disturbed sleep is very common as we flit between dimensions, we wake up to remind our spirit this is the dimension we have life form in. Nausea, stomach upsets and dizziness are experienced, like travel sickness, we are realigning and readjusting our cellular vibration whilst moving at an accelerated rate of evolutionary growth. This can make us feel shaky, sick and tired. The matrix programmes us relentlessly to consume, it poisons us with chemtrails and pollution, toxins that seep into our systems lowering our vibration. We are being pushed and pulled, our higher self urging us to meditate, connect to universal love and lighten our beings for ascension. The matrix dragging us back down. All the while cosmic waves of recalibration and upgrades flood our systems, individual and planetary. Geo-engineering of the weather manipulates our mindset, confuses our natural Gaia rhythm and throws us off kilter. Day to day interactions can be fraught as the world unravels around us. People have lost their inner radar of certainty. The so called sheeple are aware of the label and resentful of it. Awakened people are bemused and traumatised by what they see with their now open eyes. Empathy and compassion can cripple us in a reality torn apart by depravity, greed, deceit and mind control. We are in an almost impossible situation.

In their own way our guides and higher self are always reaching out to us, reassuring us. We all have good days and bad days, sad days and happy days, scared days and uplifting days. To navigate this vast scale of emotional energetic responses in our system is challenging at the best of times. To do so under a barrage of twisted, upside down, world corporate politics, intensive global mind control programming, constant war, poverty and disasters can bring the highest vibratory people down. When we feel like giving up, when it all gets too much, when our bodies ache, our minds fragment, and our souls despair, take refuge in knowing you are not alone. For many of us the bad days are so challenging now as to rock our very sense of self worth and commitment to this lifetime.
There will be better days. These symptoms of accelerated DNA upgrades are pushing many of us to new limits of tolerance. Seeking comfort in the present, in nature and loved ones will help. Reach out and let others know when the mud you’re pushing through begins to feel like quick sand. These are intensely tough times. Know this. Know we are warriors caught in a bitter war for our minds, our hearts and our souls. Look for healing groups to help you. Use the internet as a source of research and reassurance. Experiencing turbulence during this momentous transition from 3rd to 5th dimension of a whole planet, possibly solar system, is to be expected. Stay grounded and hydrated. Be kind to yourself. Release stress, anxiety and fear by embracing love, by being compassionate to yourself. In love and light beautiful people.

Mantra: I am one with universal love frequency.
I call my soul tribe to me.
I am a sovereign being, a co creator of this world. I am love.


The Blue Avians ~ The Turning Point ~ March 2, 2017

By Ute Posegga-Rudel, 03/01/2017

Dearest Humans!
As we look at your affairs we can affirm to you that your world is on an upswing. It is on the very turning point, where all energies, after having touched the lowest level they can reach, inevitably must turn upwards – and that point of turning upwards has arrived now!

This could happen as a sufficient number of you are yourselves at that turning point after reaching the bottom of your subconscious from where on you can’t go deeper, but by law you must go into the other direction towards the light: it is the turning point in human consciousness, having gone through an immense process of development in awareness and growing expansion of consciousness, not only concerning your mundane affairs but also your spiritual potential.

[This is] extremely good news! It has never happened before since the fall in Atlantis. Even better: having gone through this immense process of working through the separation from your own Divinity, you have arrived at a place of spiritual strength, humanity had never before accomplished in its entire history! Consider in this regard that you now have integrated the dimensions of duality in extreme density, but your soul still has managed to go through it, to come out on the other side more radiant than ever before!

This is the work of a hero, a Divine Hero, in fact the Work of the Ultimate Divine Who pervaded and integrated within Itself what is dark and absent from the enlightened State of the Divine through the body of humanity.

Now it is important that as many as possible ride this wave of resurrection, to continue to take advantage of the momentum of this rising energy and consciousness to make this process a full success and give it so much power that not a stone will be left standing in your old world.

The transition will be as easy as possible. But it also means that old structures will fall – inevitably! To make ultimate room for new and humane conditions. But as all transitions demand a letting go of the old, a time will come where you will have little or nothing familiar [for] you to stand on.

It is good to be prepared for this with joy and trust, always [be] focused on what you wish to create instead [of holding] on to what is in a process of dissolution.

Never forget how much you all are blessed and that the powers of Divine love and support are always with you exactly in the way you allow them to manifest.

We are proud of you as you have shown your strength and your true divinity! Without these qualities there would be no victory of humanity, which stands now as a glorious example for all to see in the universe! You have accomplished more than most of you can ever be aware of.

Glory to the breakthrough of the Divine Source in the worlds of darkness! This is the beginning of a new era that now slowly awakens to new horizons. Much work is before you! Much challenge awaits you! But as you have crossed the threshold a new power [has] arisen at the very core of humanity to grow into unforeseeable greatness.

This should be a time of perpetual celebration in the midst of sweat and your committed perseverance to ensure the flowering and unfolding of a new humanity in a new world.

It is with joy that we stand by you!

We are the Blue Avians!

Message conveyed by Ute

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“Blue Avians: The Turning Point,” channeled by Ute Posegga-Rudel, February 28, 2017, at

Source Link: Ute Posegga-Rudel Messages from the Realms of Light

Copyright© 2017. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, Please post your comments on my blog so that I can be aware of them. Please share this message only together with this information and without changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Opening Your Pressure Cooker ~ Feb. 20, 2017


Dear Ones,

Perhaps you feel as if you cannot remove your anger shell. For just as you shift to happiness, another event sends you into a tailspin of discomfort and fear.

Such is to be expected during this time. For you are clearing deeply seated fears as are so many – you are not only feeling your anger but also that of others.

As you move deeper into this transition, you have greater abilities to sense the feelings of others. Even though now you likely believe that such is a curse, it is merely an indicator of how far you have come in a short time.

Of course, you are tired of clearing. You want your rewards for a job well-done. It is no longer enough for us to tell you how courageous you are and have been. You are tired of 3D fears. You are tired of seemingly false carrots. You are just tired.

When will you finally feel the joy you have been promised?

You are  discovering more answers to last week’s question of, “Who am I?” But those answers have not necessarily produced joy within you. They merely opened some uncomfortable places that increase or maintain your fears – and therefore, anger.

What are you to do? You cannot return to 3D – that option closed the moment you entered 5D. Just as you cannot unlearn how to read. Yet, the future seems heavy and dreary to most of you given world events and personal concerns.

You have tried many techniques to move through your current fears – only to discover something new that returns you to deep fear. Of course, you could cloister yourself in your home, but even that does not seem to create the joy it once did. It is as if you have no place to run or hide.

So it is you are allowing, maybe even forcing yourself to discover what generated this latest dark hole of fear. Is it your family? Past life memories? Politics related to past fears? Or just a general anger that seems to float about your being without any given attachment.

In the next few days, that fear bubble will burst in ways you cannot yet imagine. For the political, personal, global fears you are now experiencing are coming to a head very rapidly.

Last week we indicated you were letting off steam. The next few days, you will remove the cover of whatever product you envision in your pressure cooker. Meaning you will receive an AHA of understanding how this fear piece directly relates to you – that it is not a global fear felt by all, but instead a unique fear that is yours and yours alone.

Those of you reading these words are most likely experiencing deeply hidden – personal fears, not global fears. Your politicians, family members, and society, as a whole, are working together to help you eradicate the fear you are now exploring.

Unfortunately, your transition continues to feel as if it is one continuous clearing. That you experience joy for a few days only to have that joy removed or disrupted. So it is that you are starting to fear this transition. For what other deep fears must you clear before you experience long-term joy?

We do not know the answer to that question any more than you. For you have transitioned so rapidly and so far beyond expectations that we are no longer privy to the master plan. But we do know that you will never destroy yourselves by delving too deeply into fears you feel necessary to eradicate each time you move deeper into new you.

Which brings up your anger pertaining to rewards for a job well done. Your life seems little different from when you started this transition. And for some of you, even less secure than was true before you started. Where is your joy?

En masse you requested this latest energy burst to expose the fear you are eradicating. You have all now requested a rest, a period of peace if you will. So it is that once you remove the lid of your pressure cooker, everything will seem to fall into place easily and effortlessly.

This latest round of clearing does not make you a better person, but instead a deeper person. Someone who is able to explore greater depths of 5D and beyond.

One piece of that 5D depth and beyond is ease of creation. So it is that some of you will discover others who wish to create new social realms with you. Others of you will wish to create more personal items or a combination thereof. For the social realms include scientific discoveries, new modes of social interaction, healing, governance, education, etc. And the personal realms include everything from a new home to new or more concrete relationships.

You have never been limited to what you could create while of earth. But eons of conditioning rendered your creation skills to a few after a great deal of work. So it is, that you forerunners are finally clearing that conditioning piece. And when you decide to open your pressure cooker to explore your finished product, you will express the same amazement about your skills as we do continuously.

You are in the midst of your fear feelings so you cannot understand how we can be so joyous in describing your new you evolution for you feel as if you have taken twenty steps back.  Instead, you have just created a new product, a more 5D competent you through this pressure cooker of fear. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2017, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel:  Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

Newsletter for Jan 2017: Super Quantum Earth and Our NEW Existence ~ Jan. 9, 2017


By Lisa Brown, 01/09/2017

Aloha beautiful love family, 

We’ve moved into a most powerful time (vibration), with our NEW Earth going Super Quantum with the transition through this last 11/11 – Solstice – now. Our human lives will never be the same. (Everyone say YAYYYYYYY and feel gratitude fill your every cell!)

Pivotal, profound, subtle, sacred, magical and free, blissful, inspiring, exquisite… these are just a few of our words as we transcend the old matrix/limited realities from within. In the beginning, it can be tough, as many of us chose tough realities for our human experiment/experience here. (Which is why we re-educate!). Our outside starts to shift for us and it’s beyond beautiful to experience and observe. Each must “do” their own journey inward and the deeper we go into our soul the more amazing the experience becomes. While we are “going through it”, not so fun, yet very necessary and important for us to dissolve/clear/drop the density that our human bodies held… all of those illusory and distorted programs of separation that we had no idea existed within. With higher consciousness MASTERY TOOLS and an open heart-mind, it can be sooo very easy. Yet each must be open to this (or human does it their way).

Individual realities and collective realities.. these are definitely interesting to observe. This is part of “how we see”…. We step back and just see it all, we study the energy of all and what creates what, what affects what, what activates what… and we CHOOSE how we want to experience our realities now. It’s beyond beautiful for all utilizing this great Universal Gift that we all have access to.

Many are further awakening from the deep slumber of the blanket of amnesia that all AGREED TO experience here. There is much confusion and dis-illusionment as every bit of separation/lack energy starts to surface for resolving back into love within. Not one of us are a victim (yet unconscious makes the human victim until one realizes this). Many are just now starting to understand. Some not yet, others totally get it. Each exactly where they are meant to be. There is no “wrong way” to do this. That is human judgment, story and perception.

I’ve been observing the continual timeline collapses/convergences and the increasing cycles of this. Used to be (in lower vibrations), they were further apart and harsher. For those not understanding how to maneuver these, this technically still could be true. For those who live Quantum Existence & Realities already, this is just a small continual adjustment now. In observing a “folding over” of dimensional points, where the space between is now gone, this “fold over” has further created a more substantial “no time” affect, where everything is increasingly instant now. Thus far, we seem to have cycle of about 2 days of Diamond Light Codes/Crystalline Activations that slow us down (our brain doesn’t work and we are slower in processing) and then all collapses/converges, speeding up the physical reality to “deal/get through” (slam as I call it). The “mix” of frequencies, soft crystalline, diamond razors (these cut through the veils strongly) and gamma mixed in (these stimulate the nervous system/LightBody/brain) all running simultaneously on most days mean that all are occurring at some time, so there’s no separation between activations anymore. Other than on 1/1, we’ve not had a massive blast occur… yet I see us moving into this… and feel it with the StarGates activating, the Crystals in our Crystalline Structures activating, Inner Earth and Galactically as well. This morning we awoke to a bit of StarGate alignment again.

It’s interesting to observe mindsets and see how many are being “pushed” to move into their next phase. (This is human). I see many who don’t easily let go of the old to welcome in the new and those who are still holding onto lack mentalities and trying to keep others there too. (Luckily we don’t “play” that here, we let all go play in their own reality however they “need” to). Many are being called to pull out/pull away and be alone to connect within and with nature more. Many have been experiencing the support of the Universe to know that it’s there, yet now it’s time for them to move into BEING SUPPORTIVE and start “giving back/paying it forward”, stepping into learning HOW TO USE ENERGY and RESOURCES to make a difference here, many still waiting for someone/something else while others totally are gone….

Being Quantum means we are continually leaving/releasing old realities, completely. We do not desire to hold on, we do not desire to keep re-experiencing “lessons/experiences” to teach us “not to do that anymore” or to “step-up”. We actually don’t even have to have them anymore. We just see and we do. It is that easy.

Massive timeline collapses/convergences mean that all you desire is ready to now come forth. Yet not your human desires, your Soul’s desires …. and these can be total opposites or the more aligned, exactly the same thing. Realities now “push” to come forth, requiring that all be totally open, ready and doing. As we are, new realities don’t have to “push” the old ones out, for we’ve released them so the new ones can “just come” (Materialize for us). Yes, it is that easy, when we don’t “go human” anymore. We constantly challenge ourselves, we constantly “get it done”, we constantly “do what it takes”, we constantly allow awesome to come forth, from the depths of our Entire Being/Soul. In the beginning, this was a big deal, yet now… it’s just who we are. It is very simple when we allow it to be. 🙂

I’ve been noticing the difference in each’s Universe and how when all are in different vibrations of flow, it’s more challenging and takes more consciousness to synchronize all to be on the same page (same wavelength…It’s a bandwidth thing). It takes more open respectful communication, it takes total consciousness and consideration on each’s part, it takes everyone being ON-BOARD THIS SHIP…. coming together, working together and supporting each other, contributing fully (not just what is comfortable, convenient for one). If one is in still focused on what they are getting out of everything, then those who are focused on unity, creation, supportive environments and sharing are technically working from different places/spaces inside. Everyone has to get on the same page. We do, contribute, support and THEN WE RECEIVE in proportion to what we do, where we come from inside. Non-linearly. Everything “arrives” however, whenever, if ever… whatever is meant to be. We do not worry of how or when, as these are vibrations. We focus on our overall vibration, output, focus, intention, transmission and this collapses the how/when into the same moment… the moment WE ACHIEVE THAT VIBRATION FROM WITHIN.

Higher Communication (Energetic/Telepathy): The enhancements with this have been huge. Telepathy (the human word), Energetic Communication (mine as a Higher Self) has enhanced our abilities substantially, yet can also create more of a communication gap if we are not totally consciously aware. This is where “getting lost in translation” comes in. If we are not completely clear, totally respectfully and openly communicating what we are meaning, we don’t understand that “others” cannot always (or ever) read our minds. They can’t see what we see or understand, especially for those who live in Holographic Existences. We have to “learn” how to communicate more openly, more precisely and check ourselves for reactions. This is ours. It’s all a part of learning/remembering how to exist with less words and through the communication of our Electromagnetic FIELDS/the Unified Field, yet requiring us all to be fully present, aware and considerate of others and our selves. It’s easy to just say “oh they don’t get it”, yet being able to truly communicate from our hearts & higher minds, without creating confusion or separation is a MASTERY SKILL within itself. We have to have more patience, communicate “better” and realize that we are all operating from different spaces/places even more vastly than ever before. There is a synchronization process that has to occur for all with each huge integration & upgrade that occurs. As we “go crystalline”, we are able to process ridiculous amounts of information simultaneously, while everyone else functions at their own individual processing speeds. We alternate from simultaneously processing multiple data-streams to going “offline” (literally as the crystalline gridwork is light technology (te-knowledg-e) and crystals that oscillate between transmitting, receiving, re-coding, generating and shutdown/reboot mode. In times of huge anchoring phases, our brains/new bodies don’t function as easily/at all, due to re-vamping/re-calibrating and re-coding of our structures and systems all being upgraded huge to come back online/link up at a much higher-operating-frequency than before. When we do, we obliterate, don’t have the delays (barriers between dimensions), function with greater ease, yet others might be in their “slower” (slow-mo) phase. The more human, the more one has to stop and think (process). This could take days, weeks, years, overnight or a just a few hours. (It’s much faster now for all). The more photonic light anchoring we are doing, the less our brains work, because our processing/operating system is being upgraded huge and our crystals are “offline”. After sleep to integrate, clear timelines/jump, then we awaken with our crystalline structure “bang on” and fully functional with “faster processor speeds” and we don’t have to “think” to accomplish like before. This is when the biggest Super Quantum Timeline Jumps occur. It’s important to be mindful that those around us are operating at their own ‘current processing speed’. This becomes more obvious at various times and when there is a huge dimensional difference going on. Be patient, slow down, open UP communication and let your personal stuff go. Get outside, go walk, exercise, move that energy & where needed, get the energy out. Come together to work/play/create together as “one unit”. The more peeps there are, the more everyone has to constantly synchronize for increased ease and immense awesomeness to occur. The most beautiful experience can unfold when we open up and allow it to ….

For me, these last many years of focusing on inspiring, explaining, sharing the knowledge, working with those who are truly ready has been the most rewarding experience and we are always “just getting started”. So, are you all ready to JUMP HUGE into all new timelines, realities and get all in there? Get your hands all in the awesomeness, come together to create more, share yourself, your resources and your gifts for all of HUmanity now? Are you going all out, honoring you, honoring your beautiful developing conscious plasma crystalline physical LightBody structure for what it speaks/tells you to do? Are you always connected, always listening, always in-tune, always honoring from your highest place of love, integrity and respect from within? This is the “task” we all must accomplish and it’s so much easier the higher we go. Let go/resolve where you are “stuck” in story, re-playing loop cycles and turn to embrace the NEW that awaits to come forth now.

In every moment YOU dictate the dimension of your Earth that you occupy. Your fully conscious involvement and (in)vested interest is necessary. This is your entire existence we are talking about. It is all of ours, yet now we get to choose the timeline, choose the reality, choose the physical dimension. Not one person doesn’t have this available in every moment. Only those who are not ready to open up fully to the EXPERIENCE of OUR NEW EARTH keep re-creating Old Earth realities until they decide they are done.

Welcome ABOARD our LIGHT SHIP loves. Get ready. We ain’t seen nothing yet. It’s always JUMP TIME NOW. ♥

Your energy is precious and so are you! ♥
Always, love, honor and respect you! ♥
This opens a portal for others to do this too! ♥

Aloha Nui Loa from magical LeMUria,Source Energies, Kauai ♥

Lisa and the Awesome Team! ♥

This is going to be a week (or two) of many announcements, as we (me & our BEyond awesome team) are always in producing & accomplishing mode (while honoring ourselves first/simultaneously too). In 2016, we launched the much awaited Mastery School, have a new monthly membership and new Live Courses continually being added/offered, have tons of interviews, videos and writings that are free for all to listen/activate to too. Our goal is to continually provide as much opportUNITY as possible for each to choose to embrace SIMPLE and EASY and to find this important information to awaken, embody and anchor HEAVEN ON EARTH now, to embrace their own beauty, magnificence and gifts and to move further into “full-service” for all of humanity here. This last year we moved from thousands to millions and going Super Quantum shall “blow all out of the water” in a WEALTH of ways. Yes, abundance is directly tied to our cellular body/light and how we SPEND our ENERGY, utilize physical world things and how dedicated we are to us all. Baby steps at first, those little steps become hops then huge catapulting jumps. Watch for these announcements where we provide more for all ready to shift into more amazingness and awesomeness now. WE Love you!!!! ♥

Join Us Live this Wednesday 1/11 (My Human Body Birthday)

Over the last few years, I’ve had the magnificent honor to share my “birthday” (this powerful Gateway day) globally, the last two being with Lauren Galey (Quantum Conversations) and all of YOU, to further awaken and activate masses to higher consciousness NEW Earth existence here. This year, I chose to do the same. It’s the GIFT that matters most to me…. For ALL to experience THIS PROFOUND AMAZINGNESS FULLY, and as all is truly meant to be. I’m looking forward to the live caller Q&A and sharing that which inspires, supports and brings forth powerful awareness – the knowledge of HOW all works energetically, physically, universally and cosmically. I would so love for you to join us or listen via replay.    REGISTER HERE

Check out what’s new! More being added soon. We’ve all got soooo much more awesomeness to experience, BE and DO! ♥       CLICK HERE


Yahweh Isn’t God – The Bible Doesen’t Talk About God !!! ~ Dec. 31, 2016


Now this is a very interesting discussion that you may want to know about. It’s hermetical discussion, which is why I will not be sending this to my Southern Baptist mother! Why? Because Mario Biglino, and Italian essayist and translator, has directly studied that Bible in the original language.

For Biglino, through direct analysis of the Hebrew texts of the Bible, knowledge and understanding of religious thought is today more accessible. Biglino translates literally what he reads in the Old Testament, deliberately ignoring those aspects of the faith, reserved for the personal sensitivity. Biglino therefore proposes an examination of the Old Testament through the literal translation of the Hebrew text, the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia. In particular, he emphasizes the technological knowledge of those who, according to the author, would have created man in his own image and likeness. Furthermore, he shows that, in the biblical texts, there are references to alien craft – or at least to devices built using technologies not known at the time and not compatible with the level of technological knowledge of the period – and the presence of beings from other planets. In addition to the UFO theories, he exposes translations that differ in form and in content from those adopted by the major religions. In his book “The Bible is not a holy book,” the author focuses on how the divinity, spiritually speaking, would not be present in the Old Testament, and also questions possible changes to the text during the centuries.

So…now we may imagine the basis for a long-held societal belief system, that…may not be true at all! This information may, or may not, make it easier for many to make the “switch” from one belief system to another as our planet goes through a (painful) transition. Please share this with others, read the English sub-titles, and…
