Q: WE ARE NOT ALONE. ~ March 11, 2018

I AM not alone, and it’s very,very nice to hear that “Q” is confident enough to state…”We are not alone.” as humanity lurches toward freedom. Hopefully, the path to freedom will smooth out as our questions are answered and the way cleared for our best!

In the meantime, please watch this video by Sgt Report, learn just how dominant evil IS in our society, it’s all geting ready to change, and…


[New post] The Ruiner: Shane—The Whole World is Laughing Vastness ~ Dec. 19, 2015


Ok folks…this is another post from Starship Earth: The Big Picture that makes me stop and think. I hope you are enlightened, as I was, by this message as well.

Our time of “unawareness” on this planet is due to end very soon. Already, many, many forms of “soft disclosure” are introducing us to our space cousins and being witnessed in alternative news and amazingly enough…our media as well! So…this may be the time to stop and consider “alien life forms”. What do they look like, how do they think, what might their personal atributes be?

So…please read this though-provoking article, dwell on life in many forms (you may want to take a look at the articles I have published from Sophia Love…a telepathic empath who regularly communicates with off-worlders, ex: http://roserambles.org/2015/12/18/sophia-the-ancient-builder-race-dec-18-2015/), and…


This is a reality check.

I believe Shane shares valuable information and sage advice. He is not static, is taking the next step on his evolving path, and shares a healthy dose of reality.

I think it’s important as we realize we are not alone in the cosmos, that we don’t romanticize or glorify other beings.

Aspects of ‘Star Wars’  and ‘Avatar’ are real, but not everything.

We are but children in the grand scheme of things, and need to learn as much as possible while taking baby steps.

Let’s be sure we push aside naïveté and are willing to face reality as we step into our role of galactic travelers. We need to recognize members of creation as equals, and, as on Earth, embrace the differences while harbouring a healthy respect for alternative life forms.  ~ BP




Let’s begin with something far too many seem to overlook. The vastness and diversity of our universe.

There are too many planets to put a number to that support life. Our solar system and those closest to us are a poor representation of what other parts of this galaxy and others in terms of the amount of life they hold.

When approaching a race, such as humans, visitors from another star system tend to introduce themselves as being from that star system. If this were humans visiting another galaxy, they would say “We are from The Milky Way” and those we visit may say we are something like “Milky Wayan”.

However we all know there is more to it than that. Perhaps you are Caucasian, from Brooklyn, and you’re Catholic. All of these would be different than say, someone from China who happens to be Buddhist. Each of these people would have different experiences, beliefs and perspectives.

We cannot assume other planets are any different in this regard.

What if you were a Mars colonist, black, and Jewish and you visited another planet in another Galaxy. You would have a totally different story to tell the world you are visiting.

Beings from Andromeda visiting earth calling themselves Andromedans is too unspecific as an example. There could be millions of planets and races from Andromeda in theory.

We also tend to describe ETs in terms of looks. Greys being the most common. There are literally millions of different “Greys” groups. “Tall Whites” or “Tall Blondes”/ Nordics are also not talking about a race or group, but rather an ET body type, like saying “Human”.

Even the name Human is widely used. Humans come in several varieties even in relation to individual planets. There have been many variations of Earth Human throughout Earth history.

Religions exist on other planets, governments and currencies. Planets at different stages of development with different preferences and cultures. Everything we see here multiplied.

The assumption that because a race has acquired the ability to travel the Galaxy and make contact with other worlds are more advanced in ways of morality, is false. It does not mean they have figured out everything. Some have very odd and/or twisted beliefs.

The diversity is astounding. The variety would surprise most who have been following UFO research over the years.

There are few that are of like mind. Those that are of like mind are mostly hive-mind races, but some are not and have merely found a way to work as a collective. For the most part however few races all agree with each other on everything regardless of how they are governed or organized.

Which means… Some are nice. Some are not so nice. Some seem nice and are not. Some seem like they are not but they are.

There is no magical utopia over the rainbow completely untouched by the light and the dark. Some planets are damn close, sure. The Universe has a funny tendency to wobble for a while to then restore balance again. It seems to promote growth, but I cannot speak for the Universe of course.

We can go to space. We are much more capable of traveling and existing off planet than most know. We are not a united planet all of like mind, or enlightened, or highly evolved, as we tend to expect other races from other planets to be.

This can be hard to accept. No race has “figured it all out”. As above so below. Some things they know about, obviously, but not everything. Some can even overlook or cannot make sense of things that seem simple to us.

People on this planet have figured out many things that are not commonly accepted by the majority. The majority has accepted things that are incorrect as well. Yet if we were somehow to magically eliminate all the contradictions and find the roots of our collective knowledge, we would see we have much more figured out than we realize.

The same can be said for races all over the universe as a whole. This is a process and all planets are at different stages, but the process, is long from complete.

out of shadowRead on for “Sane Shane’s” new blog, and post, “Step Out of the Shadows”, all the way from Toronto, Canada via the Blogosphere. Very refreshing, Shane.

He also echoes sentiments I, myself, have stated in the past. He is doing his blog “his way”, and reminds us we are glorious creators and loved beyond all imagination.

Thanks, Joy, for sharing.  ~ BP


Fall Equinox, Blood Moon, Lunar Eclipse: What It All Means For You ~ Sept. 24, 2015

full moon

By Bekah Finch Turner, 09/23/2015

Equinox: Wednesday September 23rd

Aries Full Moon/Eclipse: Sunday September 27th (full moon at 9/27 @ 11:52 pm PDT)

If I had to pick a theme for these three powerful events, it would be:

You are not alone.

It seems that way sometimes, doesn’t it? That you really are in this by yourself. Especially when things get hard and messy, as they sometimes do. Aries is the warrior of the zodiac. She is the first of the signs, triumphing light over dark, as she carries the banner of winter ending and spring beginning.

In her full moon form, always appearing close to the Autumnal equinox, she is less comfortable. The light is diminishing, and with the fourth and final of a total lunar eclipse tetrad, her fire will be completely put out.. or at least, it will appear that way.

Related Article: Very Rare Supermoon Lunar Eclipse Will Wow Viewers This Month

Aries is fierce, independent and insatiable in her desire. Ruled by Mars and cardinal fire, she is the heat in our bellies that stirs us to action, to laughter and to rage. She is the leader and she loves that role. I carry her as my moon sign and I can tell you, the moon is a hard place for the hot-tempered ram. The moon requests our softening to the mystery, our syncing with others and the cycles of life. Lunar energy is receptive, for the moon does not make her own light, she merely reflects the sun back at us, and is always half hidden herself. When Aries wears her moon cloak, she is forced to slow down, she is forced to flow, rather than burn, and she is beckoned to look deeper than her usual shallow yet intense pursuit of passion in the moment.

This full moon eclipse has a lot of people nervous. It is a final curtain of an energetic initiation and it is completing in the sign of powerful new beginnings. Our culture is so Mars dominated, anyway, our selfish obsessions with power, competition and prestige coming to a head over a planet in desperate need of healing and millions of beings trying to make a stand for a new way of living. Some might say the time of Aries is past, that we need to shift our collective consciousness and they are afraid the old way will not go out without a fight; after all, it IS Aries. But Aries is not all self-centered victory. Especially as the Moon. She is a mother who wants to protect her family. She is a seeker of truth. She is youth and youth can grow up.

Related Video: Stunning Video of the Shortest Lunar Eclipse of the Century on April 4, 2015

What better time to stand at this cross roads between immature wants and wisdom needs? Between the ego and it’s designs and the collective conscious and it’s evolution than Autumn Equinox, falling just days before the eclipse.

Equinox calls us into community, into our center. It asks for a pause to reflect, to find gratitude, rather than regret or lack and to fill ourselves and our families with light before the earth turns her other cheek towards the sun.

At this pivotal moment on one of the most intense days of the year, my intent for the Aries full moon is to challenge the mighty ram to take one more big, fiery summer breath and then go deep into the darkness as though falling into an embrace. She does not have to lead the fight. She does not have to fight back. She does not have to fight at all. We do not have to fight at all — and we are not alone.

Harness the fire of the night in celebration, ritual,  revelry. Come together to laugh and share in the gratitude of the moment. Autumn Equinox is on Wednesday, the full moon is on Sunday. Make this a week of sacred community. Call forth your loved ones, your like-minded warriors. Gather in person, in dreams, on the phone, over Skype, or in meditation.

Related Article: New Moon Magic: Why You Should Be Aware of The Moon’s Cycles

We do not have to wield a sword aimlessly toward the eclipse-blackened sky. We do not have to hide and shield ourselves from the unseen foes and fears that plague our hearts or minds. We can hold hands and circle closely. There is power in numbers. There is magic in celebration. Even if you feel like you are by yourself, that no one could help or understand, I challenge you to try. Big changes keep coming, time is moving so fast now. You do not have to do it by yourself. Aries only thinks she is better off alone. But I have seen her face in ritual and she lights up in a way no battle lust can touch.

Please remember, you are not alone. Not on this full moon, not ever. Warriors are stronger when they move together toward a common dream, when they are equal and protecting what they care for. Come together and dance. Come together and pray. Come together and breathe the light of love, despite the darkness.

Many blessings for an auspicious Autumn and Full moon,


About Bekah Finch Turner
Bekah Finch Turner is also a regular contributor to chakraboosters.com, home of Chakra Boosters Healing Tattoos™. She is a yoga teacher, shamanic practitioner and moon devotee. For more information on her work and writing please visit www.sacredwayyoga.com.

