About all that “New Currency” business… ~ Nov. 30, 2016


LOT’s of info out there right now about a developed (or developing) new currency for our country, now being called “The United States of America”, no more USA! The principles for this currency sound mighty good, but I need to wait for the other “shoe to drop” before getting more excited.

So…please read this article from kuailapele’s blog, do your own research, and…


This was mentioned by Ben in his (upcoming) full report (link to partial report), as a very real thing, yet David, in likely a “rapid first look comment“, reported that it looked fake (“the US currency we were directed to is very clearly and obviously a complete fraud”).

I’m not completely sure about all of this, but I’m posting another couple of articles from that ReignoftheHeavens.com website for a bit more data.

“There has been a lot of buzz surrounding the disclosure of the new USA currency notes now known as the ‘Continental Dollar’… If you still have not seen them you can visit the The National Great Registry of The United States of America and scroll to the bottom of the page to see the new notes….  There is obviously a lot of controversy surrounding such a big announcement and change, and it is to be expected.

“After this website published the announcement of the ‘Continental Dollar’, Benjamin Fulford also received information and reported what his contacts were saying about this new currency from the USA.

“…I [Enerchi] still wanted to understand more about this new form of currency and decided to reach out to the source. I contacted both the Secretary of State of the USA and Treasurer of the USA and did get an official response back from The office of Governor.

[from document] “This office is not connected in any way to the Treasurer of the United States – Rosa Gumataotao Rios, the United States, Washington D.C., or Manhattan Island… The Continental Dollar is interest free and debt free money connected and backed by incun.1454.b5.

” The Legal tender of the Government of The United States of America is printed and ready for distribution. We have been inquiring with the corporate banks, and we have been informed that the legal tender has not yet been updated in their bank’s currency system. They have invited us to check frequently since their database is updated daily… The Legal tender of the Government of The United States of America has been released for distribution and is currently making its way around the country… International Public notices have been published in the newspaper…”


Questions Answered – An Official Response from The office of Governor of The United States of America
November 29th, 2016

There has been a lot of buzz surrounding the disclosure of the new USA currency notes now known as the ‘Continental Dollar’.  The community of readers who follow the news regarding the “new financial system/RV/GCR” got to see for the very first time what the new currency looks like and which institutions are responsible for this new colorful currency.    If you still have not seen them you can visit the The National Great Registry of The United States of America and scroll to the bottom of the page to see the new notes.  Higher resolution images are at this link here, just click/download on one of the images to see it in full view.  There is obviously a lot of controversy surrounding such a big announcement and change, and it is to be expected.  Researchers and viewers from around the world have been asking me questions, some have even vented their frustrations over this.  So as a reminder to the reader, just keep asking questions about everything you come across until you find what you are looking for, and even then keep asking questions.

After this website published the announcement of the ‘Continental Dollar’, Benjamin Fulford also received information and reported what his contacts were saying about this new currency from the USA.  Benjamin Fulford reports the following……

“The real biggie that came from two separate Pentagon sources is that the US government is about to announce new Treasury dollars for use in North America. Images of the bills can be seen at this link:  Link Here

The sources have done their own fact checking and they say there is a “90%” chance these are the real deal.

CIA sources in Asia go further and say the new bills will replace the US dollar bills currently in circulation inside the United States and that Americans will take a 50% haircut when they exchange for the new bills. US dollars outside of the United States will keep their current value, the sources say.” ~ Benjamin Fulford, November 28, 2016, Source Link

So of course, this adds another source of verification but I still wanted to understand more about this new form of currency and decided to reach out to the source.  I contacted both the Secretary of State of the USA and Treasurer of the USA and did get an official response back from The office of Governor.

The questions I asked were the following.

Addressed to Mr. Juan Antonio Ceniceros, Treasurer for the USA

  • Is this legal tender of the Government of The United States of America, backed by silver, gold and other hard assets?
  • Regarding the legal tender of the Government of The United States of America, is this currency already printed and ready for distribution at all major corporate banks (Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Chase, Citibank, etc)?
  • What is the expected release date for this new legal tender of the Government of The United States of America?
  • How will the general public and global population be educated and notify that these new notes are legal tender of the Government of The United States of America?
  • The photos released of this legal tender of the Government of The United States of America is of low image quality.  It is hard to read and interpret the different images on the currency.  Can you provide better photos or an information packet that shows the front and back of the currency as well as additional information about each note?
  • Feel free to provide any other information you find necessary.

Addressed to Secretary of State for the USA

  • The public is currently receiving intelligence briefing to make us familiar with the coming public events via people like Yosef, Kent Dunn, Corey Goode, Winston Shrout, Benjamin Fulford, Neil Keenan, and a few others.  These sources allow the public to better understand the bigger picture but sometimes the information cannot be crossed referenced and disagreement occur.
  • I was wondering if you can introduce yourself and provide any additional information about how the restored republic is to be recognized on a global scale and how the USA Corp will be eliminated?
  • When will the Secretary of State be able to notify the patriotic military to eliminate the chemtrail program operating illegally over the USA airspace?  Operations are still ongoing as of 11/27/2016.
  • Reports are saying Paul Ryan will be nominated by the Electoral Collage as the President for the USA along with VP Mike Pence.  Is this true and can you provide additional information about this transition?
  • When is the planned disclosure of the Extra-terrestrial presence to occur and is the UN going to be the official platform for public awareness or does it need to be a grass-roots effort?
  • When and who is the responsible organization for a world wide tribunal for those organizations, people, and families responsible for crimes against humanity?  When are the tribunals going to be made public and which organization will be making arrests?  I assume that this is the correct link … http://humanrightstribunal.international ?
  • Can you comment on the Satanic Pedophile Network that currently operates in all areas around the world and in positions of authority?  How will this situation be handled? #PizzaGate #Hampstead #FranklinCoverup
  • What media organizations have you aligned with so as your messages will not be censored?  Mainstream media (CNN, FOX, MSNBC, CBS, etc.) is currently compromised and has only reported false news for many decades.  They have brainwashed the public and have no credibility.  How will this be fixed and can you suggest to the public on where to look for credible information?
  • Feel free to provide any other information you find necessary.

Thank you to the The office of Governor and Mr. Juan Antonio Ceniceros for taking the time to answer some of these questions.  Here is the official response……

Response from The office of Governor Regarding the new currency called the Continental Dollar by enerchi1111 on Scribd [document embedded at the end]

We certainly live in incredible times and hope the community and the human collective pushes forward to reclaim the knowledge, happiness, health, and sovereignty we all seek.  It is the difficult moments in life that can make us stronger, and because of this we can overcome any obstacles that block our path to Self discovery.  Find your truth, keep asking questions, and the moment will come where all is revealed.  Best to everyone.

enerchi, ascensionwithearth.com


Here is more data from two of the Reign of the Heavens website, which I have seen flying around on the FaceBook and other internet tubes. It’s a lot to take in, and from my view, it’s possible that they have done everything “right and correct for this moment”. Anyway, the data is now out there, I’ve sent the links to Benjamin and David so perhaps they’ll have more to say about this later.

I must say, I do enjoy these colorful bills. If this indeed is the “Rainbow Currency” that we’ve all heard so much about, I’m all for it!!

Higher resolution images of the currencies are available here.


Message from the Treasurer for the Government of The United States of America (11-28-16)

“Hello everyone, I am Juan Antonio Ceniceros, and hold the office of the Treasury for the Government of The United States of America… There are some rumors starting to circulate that is obviously scaring some people. We don’t know how these rumors have started, specifically that this currency is backed by gold. The important thing to remember and notice is that the Continental Dollar has “National Currency” noted on the currency itself.

“The term “National Currency” is a direct threat to their plans of a world government. It is going to take the people to make sure that a world government does not happen… [it] is here now and no one knows whether or not Donald Trump is going to go back to a national currency. The Continental Dollar is the peoples National Currency.

“The Continental Dollar “National currency” is the first step folks. One step at a time and we can all make this happen for the next generation.”

The Continental Dollar is not a hoax! and a message to David Wilcock! (11-29-16)

[Juan Antonio Ceniceros] “The Continental Dollar has been in use for about a year and a half. This has been hidden from the people on purpose because of the Global Elite and their agenda. The American Nationals have been using the Continental Dollar to pay the IMF for postage bills, various fines if needed and other types of Government bills… The people of this great country are… being dis-informed by the claims that these are issued by the “US Treasury” or that they are backed by gold.

“The way back to a country is to start with a National currency and then move towards a gold and silver backed money. That is how the colonists did it and that is how we have to do it.

“The office of the Treasury for the Government of The United States of America would like to thank those who see the benefit for all and are helping to share this information… It resonates with most because you have come to that conclusion by researching and putting the information together. The Continental Dollar is printed on hemp paper.

[to David Wilcock] “…you comment that “the US currency we were directed to is very clearly and obviously a complete fraud”… it is not US currency. There is a difference between US, that is, United States and United States of America and The United States of America… That is three different legal entities.

“…note the currency symbol is a (+) for the Continental, whereas the private religious script (FRN) that is unrecognized by any constitution… uses the ($) symbol… a banner above the currency image clearly states “The legal tender of the Government of The United States of America”… it doesn’t read legal tender of “United States”… the url is… nationalgreatregistry.generalpostoffice.international. It is not usps[.com]…

“I point these quick details… so that you may begin to understand that the Government of The United States of America exists and the currency authorized by the Government of The United States of America is the Continental Dollar.

“…the deceit perpetrated by the PTB runs deep — very deep… The fraud also includes chain of title relative to the country, its founding, and its Government.

“I realize there is much to absorb. But labeling our efforts a hoax is simply not accurate.”

[New post] The Ruiner: Shane—The Whole World is Laughing Vastness ~ Dec. 19, 2015


Ok folks…this is another post from Starship Earth: The Big Picture that makes me stop and think. I hope you are enlightened, as I was, by this message as well.

Our time of “unawareness” on this planet is due to end very soon. Already, many, many forms of “soft disclosure” are introducing us to our space cousins and being witnessed in alternative news and amazingly enough…our media as well! So…this may be the time to stop and consider “alien life forms”. What do they look like, how do they think, what might their personal atributes be?

So…please read this though-provoking article, dwell on life in many forms (you may want to take a look at the articles I have published from Sophia Love…a telepathic empath who regularly communicates with off-worlders, ex: http://roserambles.org/2015/12/18/sophia-the-ancient-builder-race-dec-18-2015/), and…


This is a reality check.

I believe Shane shares valuable information and sage advice. He is not static, is taking the next step on his evolving path, and shares a healthy dose of reality.

I think it’s important as we realize we are not alone in the cosmos, that we don’t romanticize or glorify other beings.

Aspects of ‘Star Wars’  and ‘Avatar’ are real, but not everything.

We are but children in the grand scheme of things, and need to learn as much as possible while taking baby steps.

Let’s be sure we push aside naïveté and are willing to face reality as we step into our role of galactic travelers. We need to recognize members of creation as equals, and, as on Earth, embrace the differences while harbouring a healthy respect for alternative life forms.  ~ BP




Let’s begin with something far too many seem to overlook. The vastness and diversity of our universe.

There are too many planets to put a number to that support life. Our solar system and those closest to us are a poor representation of what other parts of this galaxy and others in terms of the amount of life they hold.

When approaching a race, such as humans, visitors from another star system tend to introduce themselves as being from that star system. If this were humans visiting another galaxy, they would say “We are from The Milky Way” and those we visit may say we are something like “Milky Wayan”.

However we all know there is more to it than that. Perhaps you are Caucasian, from Brooklyn, and you’re Catholic. All of these would be different than say, someone from China who happens to be Buddhist. Each of these people would have different experiences, beliefs and perspectives.

We cannot assume other planets are any different in this regard.

What if you were a Mars colonist, black, and Jewish and you visited another planet in another Galaxy. You would have a totally different story to tell the world you are visiting.

Beings from Andromeda visiting earth calling themselves Andromedans is too unspecific as an example. There could be millions of planets and races from Andromeda in theory.

We also tend to describe ETs in terms of looks. Greys being the most common. There are literally millions of different “Greys” groups. “Tall Whites” or “Tall Blondes”/ Nordics are also not talking about a race or group, but rather an ET body type, like saying “Human”.

Even the name Human is widely used. Humans come in several varieties even in relation to individual planets. There have been many variations of Earth Human throughout Earth history.

Religions exist on other planets, governments and currencies. Planets at different stages of development with different preferences and cultures. Everything we see here multiplied.

The assumption that because a race has acquired the ability to travel the Galaxy and make contact with other worlds are more advanced in ways of morality, is false. It does not mean they have figured out everything. Some have very odd and/or twisted beliefs.

The diversity is astounding. The variety would surprise most who have been following UFO research over the years.

There are few that are of like mind. Those that are of like mind are mostly hive-mind races, but some are not and have merely found a way to work as a collective. For the most part however few races all agree with each other on everything regardless of how they are governed or organized.

Which means… Some are nice. Some are not so nice. Some seem nice and are not. Some seem like they are not but they are.

There is no magical utopia over the rainbow completely untouched by the light and the dark. Some planets are damn close, sure. The Universe has a funny tendency to wobble for a while to then restore balance again. It seems to promote growth, but I cannot speak for the Universe of course.

We can go to space. We are much more capable of traveling and existing off planet than most know. We are not a united planet all of like mind, or enlightened, or highly evolved, as we tend to expect other races from other planets to be.

This can be hard to accept. No race has “figured it all out”. As above so below. Some things they know about, obviously, but not everything. Some can even overlook or cannot make sense of things that seem simple to us.

People on this planet have figured out many things that are not commonly accepted by the majority. The majority has accepted things that are incorrect as well. Yet if we were somehow to magically eliminate all the contradictions and find the roots of our collective knowledge, we would see we have much more figured out than we realize.

The same can be said for races all over the universe as a whole. This is a process and all planets are at different stages, but the process, is long from complete.

out of shadowRead on for “Sane Shane’s” new blog, and post, “Step Out of the Shadows”, all the way from Toronto, Canada via the Blogosphere. Very refreshing, Shane.

He also echoes sentiments I, myself, have stated in the past. He is doing his blog “his way”, and reminds us we are glorious creators and loved beyond all imagination.

Thanks, Joy, for sharing.  ~ BP