Headlines and Updates for September 28, 2018; The Avalanche is Already Sliding [videos]

For some of us, “Red October” may be coming into focus. The goal to expose the Democrats and the deep state agenda via President Trump and QAnon has progressed very well. It seems folks are getting the message that only one thing is required of them this fall; vote Republican. It will be a “fall” to remember.

If the Trump rallies are any indication, it may be a foregone conclusion that the “red wave” will have America awash with previously unknown victories and new bodies in the House. Will it be the D5 avalanche predicted? It will be exciting to watch, regardless.

Two new polls: Number who say they’re more enthusiastic than usual to vote is highest in decades

I can’t provide personal feedback on the Kavanaugh/Ford hearing because I had no interest in watching or listening. The deep state democrats are determined to pull everyone down into the gutter where they fester and putrify everything they touch, growing more vicious at every turn.

Washington is no place for The Jerry Springer Show and America is rightly ashamed of this political side-show du jour, adding to the menu of the past; the OJ Simpson trial and the Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky sex scandal, for example. Everything is fodder for the Hollywood canon, it seems, and without it the legacy media would have no material to offer. They haven’t yet noticed their almost non-existent audience, apparently.

Environment Birth Earth Globe Arise New

What I can report on are some exciting updates from the Trump administration and the discussions with the team at the Manna World Holding Trust that will give America and the rest of the world hope for the near future.

Thomas Williams revealed that weeks of discussions brought concrete plans for the relief of financial burdens on America, and a new way of living with the newly established Sovereignty. What does “sovereignty” mean? In this case, for Americans it will mean…

  • abandoning the current Law of the Sea or Admiralty Law and returning to Natural or Common Law
  • the end of the American Bar Association and “legalese”
  • real government, not a corporation masquerading as a duly elected entity operating in contempt of the People under the auspices of the British Crown
  • the end of the ‘deep state’ and the ‘secret space program’ (SSp) and the psychopaths running everything
  • the right to print its own money out of the Treasury, breaking from the “Federal” Reserve
  • the right to all their in-ground natural resources
  • the end of war, the funding of war, and the sacrificing of military personnel
  • full individual accountability
  • multiple disclosures; extraterrestrials and religion will come later as they are too sensitive and have the potential to be devastating for large numbers of people
  • the end of bankster tyranny and the debt-based financial system
  • the end of the use of gas, oil and coal for energy production and the development of infrastructure for alternative, safe, clean, effective, and inexpensive alternatives
  • the end of medical system corruption and torture
  • the end of genetically modified, nutrient-deficient and toxic food, chemtrails, and vaccines
  • the end of the damaging education system used to dumb down the populace
  • the end of the IRS and income tax; leaving a flat 10% “retail tax” on goods purchased in place of regional varying sales tax
  • the restructuring of certain loans which may yield a reduced rate from the current one
  • the drastic reduction or total elimination of all student loans

How is this possible? The Manna World Holding Trust will be assisting in the above plan initially but the numbers indicate that in 3-5 years, America will be self-sustaining with no foreign interests as taxes will support the country, her people and infrastructure 100 per cent.

I feel like there should be something about an accountable media, reporting the unbiased truth but I don’t have that in my notes so must have missed it, as a truthful media is mandatory for our new society.

Note: the above conditions are at the request of the current government

Isn’t it amazing what can be done when trillions of taxpayer dollars siphoned off for the Nazi Secret Space Program (SSp) are rerouted to the People, where they belong? That rogue organization will be eliminated and replaced by the legitimate American Space Force; and perhaps NASA will be abolished along with it.

Yes, things are looking pretty rosy for America, Land of the Free—or soon to be, when US Inc. no longer runs the show. That’s what “sovereignty” is all about, and other countries will be declaring their sovereignty, as well, with the help of the Manna World Holding Trust and their team.

Sovereignty also means that every American citizen is accountable and will be very busy in the near future rectifying, restructuring, and repairing the damage done to every institution and the land, sea, air, and wildlife. The warriors of Midgard will be busy for some time, building the brave, new world they wish to live in. Perhaps some of the military will become “civil engineers”, but it’s certain we all have a lot of re-education in our collective future.

The above was a summary and I recommend you listen to Thomas expound on this. You can listen at Spreaker.com or watch the video below. Every citizen on this planet can look forward to similar changes in their country as determined by the People and the representatives chosen to facilitate the desired changes once sovereignty is established—and that is a process.

Thomas also reported that the backchatter is claiming October 3 is the new “D-day”, so if you haven’t prepared for outages and interruptions, you are advised to do so immediately.


A QAnon update for September 28… with the Dem’s plan for this autumn


D’s Playbook (Midterm E):
We will impeach Justice K (ZERO corroborating evidence and ALL factual witnesses provided by accuser ALL DENIED ALLEGATIONS) should we take control in NOV.
These people are EVIL, SICK, & STUPID.
You are watching/witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD.

My limited Kavanaugh side show information so far has come from Dave’s update on the X22 report, below, and this update. The latest is that AZ Jeff Flake will vote in favour of Kavanaugh—but I don’t trust him as far as I can throw him. He now wants to wait a week.

Report: Kavanaugh Has the Votes

September 28, 2018

Senate insiders are reporting that they have the votes to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

According to The Daily Wire:

According to Senate insiders, Republicans have the votes to confirm Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, which is expected to take place early next week.

After the explosive hearing on Thursday, which featured a moving testimony by accuser Christine Blasey Ford and an impassioned defense by Kavanaugh, Senate Republicans scheduled the vote to move the Supreme Court nominee out of the Senate Judiciary Committee and set the procedural vote for the Senate. According to insiders, Republicans have the votes to confirm the embattled nominee.

“With the Senate Judiciary Committee holding a vote at 9:30 A.M. tomorrow, a Senate insider has told Townhall that Kavanaugh has the votes to make it out of committee and the votes to be confirmed on the floor for a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court,” Towhnall’s Matt Vespa reports. “Sens. Flake (R-AZ), Collins (R-ME), Murkowski (R-AK), and Manchin (D-WV) are expected to vote in favor of Kavanaugh. All the Republicans are voting yes. Also, in the rumor mill, several Democrats may break ranks and back Kavanaugh. That’s the ball game, folks.”

The Atlantic’s Elaina Plott reported that a source close to Sen. Manchin told her, “Short of claims that definitively prove Dr. Ford’s allegations or a realization that Kavanaugh will gut the healthcare law, Manchin will side with the overwhelming number of people in WV who want Kavanaugh confirmed.”

On Friday morning RINO Senator Jeff Flake offered his support for Kavanaugh as well. It is looking promising for President Trump to get his second justice on the Supreme Court.


Here’s an interesting story we won’t have to tolerate much longer as the corrupt, judicial system is revamped and Common Law takes hold. The Manna World Trust Team is foreclosing on the banks and other evil institutions.

Judge Poisoned After Ruling Bank Foreclosure Is Illegal and All Mortgages Are Null and Void

One thought on “Headlines and Updates for September 28, 2018; The Avalanche is Already Sliding [videos]

  1. Reblogged this on Blue Dragon Journal and commented:
    Yes, it is time and beyond time for the Sons and Daughters of the true, newly reborn American Republic to get to work rebuilding our nation. America has always stood as a symbol of Freedom for the rest of the world. Let freedom be restored to the People by extinguishing the institutions foisted on the American people by treasonous criminals intent in bringing this country and its people down.

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