Selections of the candidates is complete ~ May 25, 2018

Ah! A new post form our spiritual friends at Eireport that feels so right on with my current BEing! The feeling I have right now is so Joyous and complete, I can barely sit still. Please read this message, see how you feel, and…



Selections of the candidates is complete.

Profiteers are dissolved in the Light.

Essentials are complete.

Fasten the belts.

Is ‘The Event’ an Innie or an Outtie? [video] ~ March 17, 2018

Top of the mornin’ to you, my friend! (To be said with your best Irish accent.) The Captain’s Blog from Starship Earth brings us a very interesting question with no real answer until the long-awaited “Event” actually occurs…or is it happening already?

The positive effects of  the “Event” have been long awaited by many who are tired of war and long for true peace on our planet. What will this feel like for we…the participants? What will we experience both in our outside world, and our inner world.

My expectation is that we will be in for an explosion of love both internally AND externally. None will be immune from this regardless of their location on Earth! Please read more of the post, watch the video that is attached, and prepare yourself for an experience you will not forget, and…


For Humanity, this is uncharted territory. Is The Event an inner experience, or one outside of us—or both? We have a choice. It’s not so much a conscious choice, but if you’re reading this, the results just may be something you detect within; something you feel.

For those who refused to wake up, they may not see or feel anything at all. This is the way an “inorganic” ascension works.

Knowing the superwaves that are washing over the planet now are changing us molecularly and at the level of our DNA may enable us to feel a difference. If there is a single, tsunami of Light in the Key of Love, will we see or feel it?

That remains to be seen. Or not. What would it feel like to be awash in a sea of Love? I’m hoping most people feel it BIG time. It will be a personal experience, but also one we can share.

Suzanne Spooner works with Ron Head to bring us this interesting session that may resonate as we anticipate what is prophesied to be a blast of higher Light frequencies that will change everything and kick the planetary transformation into high gear. We’re going where no Earthling has gone before. Not in this life. And there will be no turning back.  ~ CB

The Eye: What It Is, What It Will Do… Soon [videos] ~ Feb. 21, 2018

Very interesting article by Starship Earth this morning. as it seems the Earth may be about to undergo quite a change for the spiritually minded population. Wouldn’t it be really nice if something were about to happen on our beleaguered planet?

So…please read this article, know that Love is always the answer, and…


Pardon the language; I know “soon” is our most hated four-letter word. I’m just the messenger. This time we have a date; a short window, if you will. I’m just the messenger.

Many sources have informed us that a cosmic event is enroute that will effect great change for Humanity. There have been varying reports on the details, but overall, it seems that a sudden shift, a boost in energy/vibration/frequency is expected, as well as telepathic gifts the awakened will receive while others won’t.

A couple of sources have spoken of “the eye”, and that it is not the Event, or the major transformational cosmic blast of energy that is also expected… soon. Will it bump us into another reality. I sure as hell hope so.

Yellow Rose for Texas said her sources predicted Earth would be drawn through the eye, while this source below through their clients’ quantum healing sessions is likening the eye to a pre-event that will mean a shift or step up the staircase of ascension, and that there may be several of these due to the wormhole. Sounds like semantics to me, and basically the same concept; not to be taken literally.

I don’t recall who shared the link to this website as I just get to the tabs on my browser when I get to them, but thank you. Very interesting. Perhaps this first “eye”, which is predicted for February 24th, is at least in part what we seem to be waiting for, and why little has happened in the way of arrests and other activities that might cause a major upheaval for a sleeping society.

There appears to be a surge in the process of education going on—such as “Q”, for instance. All talk, no action, some might say. I have felt for a long time that we are just putting in time… stalling… coasting… waiting… for something in the offing that few will come out and state besides Cobra.

I think those who know are keeping a lid on things. ‘Just keep sharing information and fight the good fight. Wake up as many people as possible. Work on yourself. It will be worth it in the end, and 2018 will be glorious.’

What we’ve heard stressed is that now the most important thing to do is meditate, which is underscored in the revelations about the coming “eye”.

But enough of the preamble. By way of introduction, I share this excerpt from the website:

I feel that I need to share with you the amount of work I have to do on myself to be able to share this publicly. ​ Sharing this information is uncomfortable for me.  What comes from my client’s sessions is so otherworldly and far out.  My faith is being tested and I am starting to run full force into the challenge.

If this information is correct, we are about to go through some rapid changes.  I think it is safe to say that everyone feels the energy rising.  Synchronicity is happening more frequently.  Repeating numbers are popping up everywhere. The time between desire and physical manifestation is grows shorter and shorter. The matrix is changing.

We understand. The truth is really “out there” and most of us have experienced the discomfort of sharing our Truth with others.

And with that, I will send you to the place where you can read more about “the coming eye”, with reference to the major Event Flash they suggest will come later. For those on the path, it would be a welcome boost. For those who oppose the Light, they will be left behind and at a distinct disadvantage. This would explain why the globalists have desperately been trying to mess with timelines to slow them down and procrastinate the inevitable.

There is video, but also transcripts of the videos so you don’t miss anything. Interesting stuff—and February 24th is 3 days away. It would be nice if this fickle “ball of energy” would stop coming and going and just do it. The game is getting old.  ~ BP

Click this link to learn more:

as we shift – we can stop karma ~ August 12, 2017

This is a POWERFUL new blog from Sophia Love. I consider her to be the voice of “the masses”. That’s you and me folks. Many are now waking up to the fact of the financial slavery that has kept all of humanity worldwide in shackles of doubt, insecurity and outright fear.

Wasn’t that enough? Hell no, so our “controllers” linked our shackles together with chains of mis-education, medicine that doesn’t work, and religions whose teachings are false doctrine!

But…despite the heaping shovelfuls of sh** we have to wade through as we live our lives, humanity is now becoming aware that something isn’t quite right and are taking action to correct the way we live. Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf is one example of someone who is taking a stand against financial tyranny that is the “status quo”.

So…please watch read Sophia’s article, watch the video, think about it, and…



Why We’re Not Screwed: 10 Reasons For Hope and Optimism in These Wild, Crazy Times ~ April 7, 2017

Great post fromStarship Earth: The Big Picture that is quite appropriate given recent world events. The ptw (powers that were) will just NOT let up on ANY excuse to get another war going…yawn.

But, we gotta be ready for those next flase-flag-attacks that are in store regardless of where we live! So…please read this article, think about how close we are to lives NOT lived in desperation, and…


Why We’re Not Screwed: 10 Reasons For Hope and Optimism in These Wild, Crazy Times

On the heels of the last post announcing we can expect a future of false flag events and abundant fake news from the mass media, I had to share this excellent bit from Peers/Want to Know.

It’s interesting this piece should appear today, because yesterday the words “wild and crazy” came to mind and I envisioned Steve Martin, the comedian—the self-proclaimed “wild and crazy guy”. Laughter is good for the soul and there is plenty to be excited and optimistic about.

AND, they used my favourite word: EXPANSION.

Each point below leads to a supporting paragraph or more. Read it, and rejoice. This is what we came for.  ~ BP

Steve Martin, comedian

Why We’re Not Screwed: 10 Reasons For Hope and Optimism in These Wild, Crazy Times

What wild, crazy, and exciting times we live in! If you watch the news or read the newspaper, it may seem that everything is falling apart, the world is filled with war, fear, greed, and hate, and we’re all screwed. These are real challenges we are facing, yet there are also many amazing developments that the media is hardly reporting.

The old media truism is that fear-mongering and sensationalism sell. But what if we make it more fun and even profitable to spread love, joy, and inspiration in life?

Below is a list of 10 most inspiring trends showing that we are not screwed, that despite the challenges, there are many great reasons for hope and optimism. These inspiring trends suggest that we are in the midst of a huge shift that could very well lead to a much more rich and enjoyable world for all.

For each reason listed below, several links are given to verify the inspiring material presented and to dive deeper into it. Behold, 10 reasons to become hope-mongerers!

Reason #1 : Humans Are Not Lemmings! Global Population Leveling Off

Reason #2 : Solar Power Cheaper Than Coal, Gas, and Oil

Reason #3 : The Internet Miracle – Unprecedented Networking, Information Access

Reason #4 : Children More Loved, Supported Than Past Generations

Reason #5 : Violent Crime Has Dropped Dramatically, Wars Less Vicious

Reason #6 : Focus Shifting from Left vs. Right to 99% vs. 1% to the Human Family

Reason #7 : Man Behind the Curtain Exposed – The Global Power Elite

Reason #8 : Interest in Personal Growth, Consciousness Expansion on the Rise

Reason #9 : Love and Cooperation Are Rockin’ Our World!

Reason #10 : You Can Be Master of Your Own Life Now!!!