Energy Update – Turbulence – Environment – Satellite ~ March 29, 2020

Editor’s Note: Another confirming message for all to know that…LOVE WINS! Indeed, enough of humanity on Mother Gaia has reached the vibrational rate to escalate all on Earth, as well as our beloved planet herself, into existing on a higher dimension!

The signs and symbols are all in place, and it is the honor for all of humanity to simply sit back, and…enjoy the show as we watch the “Greatest Show on Earth” to unfold, ultimately leaving us all to BE in…

Quantum Joy!


Greetings My Beloved Masters of the Universe! I have just received an interesting message from the Pleiadians about what is happening now. Again please understand that we are simply in the midst of great changes, stay positive, stay in the NOW, and remember that you have been prepared well for this mission! I love you all! ❤

Glistening in the winds of change the plethora of unprecedented occurrences rises now in the unsettling environment of previous destinations, succinct to say that the anger and trepidation of that which is to come is overwhelming the circuits of your planet and hence the vibratory scales of internal vibrations are adjusting to allow even greater capacity in order to unite the aforementioned circuits with the new paradigms, shifts and platforms, the secondary degree of nurturing is abound and prosperity whistles are blown in order to unite mankind with its inner most deepest level of benevolence.

For the turbulence experienced by all residing on Gaia is of malevolent nature which is being swiftly eradicated from the earthly shores in order to make way for a new cognitive understanding of being. The informational portals are open for you now, and the upliftment of energies are surrendering those who have opposed said awakening to take hold. As much of your world is changing, the landscape of your reality is shifting rapidly for you now, as has been revealed to you in our previous messages.

And so, and thus, the benevolent co creation of the new matrix of Being is making waves in your earthly realities, and bringing focus within for those who have yet to comprehend the true nature of Being. Every moment of your reality a new cognition is born, and through said cognition a new member joins the ranks of the benevolent ones, the ranks of the awakened ones, leading the way for all of humanity.

And so and thus, in the days to come a major satellite event shall make itself known to your world, and through said satellite many more changes shall start to unfold rapidly in succession, as they are meant to be experienced by all on your planet.

The satellite of your planet has been reintroduced into your exosphere many months ago, and has been monitoring your planet’s natural patterns, volcanic activity, oceanic activity and pollution with which your planet has indeed been burdened.

And so, said pollution indeed is lessening due to the escalating adherence to the master plan behind said occurrence which in your known world is known as the coronavirus. For said virus is that which mimics that which your earthlings have indeed brought forth through their cognitive behavior tactics in order to magnify that which no longer works in your realities. Albeit the true nature of said virus, the energies which it has brought through have been mirrored back to those who brought it and utilized in order to shift the energies into the right gear.

And so, and thus, through said programming which has arrived on your shores in time, a major catastrophe has indeed been averted, as the pollution of your planet has increased the volcanic activity. And so, the clearance of the fear based programming is allowing your planet to restore balance within and without, to restore itself, re-balance and re-calibrate the natural flow of life, natural sequencing so that the survival of all beings and GAIA can proceed as has been invoked and asked for by those of you who call yourselves the children of the stars and whom we call the Ground Crew.

Archangel Raphael Disc: Opens and Heals the Heart, Assists in Healing. Helps to Develop Intuition. Brings Harmony, Wisdom and Love. Primary Chakras: Heart Charka, but AA Raphael’s disc is a versatile tool which works on ALL chakras in the body.

For indeed through your presence on the earthly shores, said benevolent interference was indeed possible, asked for and necessary in order to recalibrate the energetic pathways of your planet so that the ascension process can continue, advance and reach new heights.

For indeed, many on your planet have begun to awaken, awaken to the understanding of self, to the understanding of Being, and true reality of Being. And so and thus, the satellite of which we speak shall make itself known to you in the days to come and usher in a revolutionary understanding of your world. For through said satellite much needed change shall begin to unfold not only in your present reality but of all realities that are presently occupying your time and space continuum.

The feedback that has been received and the data that has been collected is showing the fluctuation and increase of awakened ones bringing a total of such souls to a desired number in order to continue the awakening process without further disturbance and through said participation, through said collective energy of positivity, the magnetosphere of your planet is becoming stronger, by the second. The energy field is strengthening which in turn is allowing many catastrophic events to bypass your world, (as I was channeling I was shown a few asteroids that were about to collide with earth but due to the recent events, pollution has lessened so much so, that GAIA was able to restore the protective energy field, coinciding with collective prayers which sent a lot of positive energy out into the collective consciousness these asteroids were buffered away from our planet), for indeed the seeming chaos of your of you world, has allowed much more light to enter into every fiber of your being, which resulted in the release and purification of energies that stuck on in the fibers of your energetic pathways which in turn allowed a tremendous shift influencing not only your immediate environment but environment of all that exists to shift into positive “gear” and propel humanity onto a new octave of Being, and albeit the seeming chaos and undesirable vibrations, the energy of your planet is escalating and the vibrations are rising higher and higher, all due to the alignment of each one with their higher selves, and the prayers which are seen as positive energy vibrations and which have indeed allowed your planet to move into higher gear and jump an octave.

FREEDOM JOURNEY KARMIC RELEASE COURSE – The reason that I have put this course together for you is to give you the tools not only to understand what karma is, not only to get yourself off the Karmic Wheel of Life, but to find the FREEDOM of thought. This is a life changing course, a course that should help you move away from the outdated belief systems of your parents, grandparents, society, etc., and help you to find your own inner voice, the voice of truth. This course will help you shed the layers that you have allowed yourself to be encapsulated into by your upbringing. It will help you to dive deep within and release all the triggers that are holding you back from aligning yourself with the life that you are meant to live! This course will help you unlock the mystery of your heart. Get to the bottom of your issues, and let it all go.

And so, and thus, notwithstanding the turbulence and the hurdles that are yet to be overcome by all on your planet, recent events have allowed to avoid a true catastrophe that could have been.

And so, we congratulate you yet again, on a job well done, for it is through your intentions that you have been able to influence those around you into purification of being. And so and thus, as the situation continues to unfold and escalate in the geopolitical arena of your world, the energies of the heart shall begin to awaken further rand further in the ones stationed therein and multiply trifold as the struggle between two polarities continues to unfold on your shores. Rest assured that said turbulence shall pass , stay in the NOW moment, and allow only the positive vibrations to bathe you in the eternal vibrations of LOVE , Benevolence and truth, truth, benevolence and cocreation, cocreation, adherence to the true principles of Being and Benevolence. Stay true to that which you are, knowing that you are being supported by all that is.

That is all that we have for you now. We are with you. We love you.  Goodbye for now.

~Anna Merkaba – is a Channeler, Lightworker, Healer and Messenger of the KEYS to help YOU on your journey of awakening to your true self! For more channeled messages to help you on your journey of self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL–

FREEDOM JOURNEY KARMIC RELEASE COURSE – The reason that I have put this course together for you is to give you the tools not only to understand what karma is, not only to get yourself off the Karmic Wheel of Life, but to find the FREEDOM of thought. This is a life changing course, a course that should help you move away from the outdated belief systems of your parents, grandparents, society, etc., and help you to find your own inner voice, the voice of truth. This course will help you shed the layers that you have allowed yourself to be encapsulated into by your upbringing. It will help you to dive deep within and release all the triggers that are holding you back from aligning yourself with the life that you are meant to live! This course will help you unlock the mystery of your heart. Get to the bottom of your issues, and let it all go.


P.S. To help you on your journey I have written a book. It is now available for all of you in digital form. It is called “Mission To Earth – A Light workers guide to self mastery”. In it I explore topics such as: Why you are here and what you are doing on earth. How Starseeds get to earth to begin with. Why you feel the way you do. How to communicate with your guides. How to discover your life purpose. How to release everything and let it go. How to reprogram yourself in order to fully connect with your true essence. How to release old thinking patterns and institute a new reality into your life. How to change your life and make it what you want it to be, and most importantly how to find a link back HOME! There’s a lot more that I discuss in this book. I invite you to join me on this journey of self discovery as we explore together the “HOW”, the “WHY” and the “WHEN”. For more information please click here:

Please note: The author of this website and its assigns are not responsible in any way shape or form for any actions taken by individuals reading these posts. The information provided herein is for informational purposes only and does not constitute as any medical advice, whatsoever. Therefore the author and publisher of this site assume NO responsibility for any individuals’ interpretation or use of the information provided herein.

The Astrology of 2020: Part 2 ~ March 24, 2020

Editor’s Note: Yes, yes, yes…astrology does play a role in allowing us to peek into the effect geo-magnetic vibrations have on our human selves. Please read below to learn astrological details, learn to develop deeper levels of Love in your life, and then hold and BE in…

Quantum Joy!


By Sarah Varcas

Imagine That….

All dates are UT

If you’re seeking some astrological background to the current moment please read my January update here and my Uranus in Taurus update here.

It goes without saying that we’re living amidst intense times. Fear is rife, isolation everywhere and contradictory information and opinion abounds, clarifying one minute, confusing the next. Communities are in lock-down (how easily that word has become an everyday utterance) and no one knows quite what happens next. A deepening unease is growing. Something in our world is very wrong which surpasses the apparent threat of physical disease. Rectification has long been needed on this planet and the current state of affairs is, in its own strange way, delivering it. Rivers are running clearer. The air is cleaner. Bird song can be heard in cities, usually drowned out by the roar of engines and machinery. Mother Nature continues business as usual, while the human race locks itself away. From our mass withdrawal, nature benefits. This tells us something we cannot ignore for a second longer. We have been a virus on this planet for way too long and must heal ourselves before it’s too late.

The Pause

Despite first appearances, we live in a time of opportunity, of fundamental and irreversible change. Things are never quite as they seem, nor as clear cut as they first appear. Truths are surfacing, along with the fear. As is compassion, innovation and a deeper sense of community as a gathering stillness spreads across the globe. The pause button has been pushed. We are being reset. Imagine if this made 2020 the year the human race recognised so deeply our destructive force upon this planet that we collectively vowed to change right here, right now, and halt this unending march to destruction? Imagine all it took was this one global pause that brought us up short and opened every eye….

Current planetary activity certainly speaks of the potential for great challenge and deep healing in equal measure. Truth rises like a bubble, shattering the hardened surface of complacency or denial. No one expected to be where we are so quickly. Of course, many fear for their own life or the lives of loved ones right now, but amidst this planetary panic all efforts to hold the collective space and maintain clarity contribute calmer ripples to the global pool. Every moment of peace aids rebalancing of the collective scales.

Fear is also a virus, and a highly contagious one! We don’t even need to be in physical proximity to catch it. It passes through the airwaves and the internet, over the phone, in text messages and videos. Through the TV and radio. And it’s tough to build immunity to it. It seems the more exposed to it we are, the more fearful we become. That’s why it’s important to take extra care of ourselves and each other right now. To be gentle and kind, to consider those who struggle the most. For some isolation is a panacea that creates feelings of safety. For others, an existential threat to a fragile stability held in place by the grounding nature of social connections, now severed amidst a climate of uncertainty and fear.

The Solution

We’re all part of the cause and the solution. The multifarious aspects of our world are so intertwined it isn’t possible to stand apart and claim no share in its fabric. Neptune still travelling through its own sign of Pisces reminds us we each arise from and return to the same source. We wrap our body and mind, heart and soul, around our presence and call it ‘me’. We feel ourselves as individuals, which we are at a relative level. But in the absolute we are simply parts of a whole, each uniquely fashioned to play its’ specific part. Reflection on this inter-connectedness is vital now, to counter any movement toward polarisation, ‘dog-eat-dog’ mentality or the alarming ‘every person for themselves’ approach which has emptied shop shelves and left the most vulnerable struggling to get by.

But with Jupiter about to conjunct Pluto (5th April 2020), both squared by Eris never has there been a more potent time for breakdown to become breakthrough or tragedy to become triumph. Unlike the single Saturn/Pluto conjunction of January 2020 this conjunction occurs three times (the next two being 30th June and 12th November 2020) reflecting a lengthier process of adjustment and recalibration than the sudden shift in January. Having arrived swiftly in our new Saturn/Pluto terrain we’re now in the orientation process, discovering how things work in this strange new world and just how influential we can be in its future shaping.

Jupiter speaks to us of learning through experience, of discovering the greater truths of this life through living it with an open heart and a mind to match. It reminds us there’s always more to know, to experience and to wonder at. Jupiter keeps us ever expanding, nudging us to explore beyond our comfort zone and embrace what we find there. It’s little wonder, then, that as Jupiter conjuncts Pluto – Lord of the Underworld – most people are feeling pushed to some degree or other outside of their personal safe zone!

The Power

Jupiter’s current alliance with Pluto begins a thirteen-year process of unearthing both the darkest aspects of humanity’s shadow and the most transformative energies available. In Capricorn, it affirms that pragmatic self-reliance is key to our journey ahead, whilst the North Node still in Cancer reminds us we are all part of the One Self, reliant upon each other too. What we do for each other we do for ourselves. Neither Jupiter nor Pluto would dream of giving their power away. And nor must we, especially not to fear. Which isn’t the same as denying or suppressing it. But we can know our feelings without giving them the final say on how we behave and the choices we make. Jupiter and Pluto invite us to discover just how expansive we can be around fear, just how vast we can become, giving it space to be without it defining all that we are.

We can all do this. But we can’t do it alone. We mustn’t let isolation define us nor let it deteriorate into fear and recrimination, blame or finger-pointing. Isolation is a behaviour, not a state of being. We’re all trying to get through this the best way we can and some may make mistakes. There will be differences of opinion about what’s needed, what’s happening and what to do about it. But still we are one and can join hands in spirit even when we can’t in the physical! Open hearts and expansive minds can prepare us to entertain new possibilities rather than calcify in fear.

Mars is conjunct Saturn in Aquarius with both trined by Venus at the first Jupiter/Pluto conjunction. Here we see the potential for innovation – a chance to birth sound and solid ideas about how to move us all forward out of this time of fear. If you’re stuck at home, perhaps it’s time to write that book you always said you would, work on that invention you’ve had in the offing forever, come up with a new business plan, rethink your career, write poetry, paint, dance, write some new jokes, pen a few letters, spring clean, dig the garden. Or simply spend time with yourself, in the quiet of isolation, listening to the still small voice within so often drowned out in the modern age. You may be surprised at what it says about these days.

The Renewal

This time makes mystics of us all, retreating into our inner worlds as we withdraw from the outer one. Who knows what will be revealed if we allow ourselves to settle into the stillness and silence, what pearls of wisdom await on the edge of awareness for a time such as this? Jupiter and Pluto have so much to reveal this year: great wisdom, deep truth and astounding potential. We mustn’t let the narrative of fear drown any of that out or blind us to the pure possibility of each moment. And even fear can be a wise teacher if we let it.

Mars conjunct Saturn in Aquarius tells us to hold our nerve and stay strong. We need a bold new perspective to move forward from here, not a return to the old ways once this time has passed.  We can only move forward. There is no other direction now. The world has changed in the blink of an eye, but we are the real change, waiting in the wings like caterpillars in a chrysalis. As the world retreats we liquify in our isolation chamber, awaiting re-emergence when the time is right. Jupiter and Pluto say it might be a while before we can stretch those wings, but when we do…oh my! What a beautiful sight they will be……

Sarah Varcas


Keith Jarrett Trio – When You Wish Upon a Star ~ January 14, 2020

Editor’s Note: (Thanks E!) Let’s take a break and be affected by some extremely positive vibrations as we listen to this smooth and relaxing piece of music. Better yet, it is so appropriately named (think disclosure) for this moment in time…don’t you think?

Let’s ALL relax, this is under control by the Light, breathe deeply, imagine the best, and BE…



Bringers of the Dawn – Pleiadians and Sexuality ~ November 11, 2019

Editor’s Note: (Thanks E!) The spirituality of the 11:11 portal is a very good time to explore the most potentially spiritually profound moment in all human lives…sexuality. The article below focuses on human sexuality and it’s true place in our 3D environment.Unfortunately, this vibrational tool for merging has been vilified, or mis-communicated as a “bad” act unless performed under the societal “correct rules” largely dictated by religion.

Please read below how Pleiadians regard sex as a sacred, yet enjoyable, means of communication between two souls. From personal knowledge, sacred sex amplifies the ability to reach even higher levels of consciousness which is beautiful! It goes without saying that intimacy calls for truthfulness and honesty between two souls which can catapult the energies of sex into new realms of existence.

Love serves to drive the energy found in sexual act(s) into new realms of completion. Please read the article below, know that the energies found in “casual” sex serve to contaminate your soul with unnecessary baggage that becomes wearying to carry, limit sex to meaningful encounters, and BE…



Lisa shared this article with me and it resonated deeply. We are taught that sexuality and spirituality are mutually exclusive, with sex being purely for procreation. As these illusions continue to be released, and acknowledged as the social programming that they are, more and more souls are beginning to realize the sacredness of our sexuality; to be honored not judged, celebrated not condemned. As we connect more with this knowing, so too do we unlock the depths of our human potential. ~BK

“When the library of yourselves was torn from the shelves and scattered, and the DNA was split so that there were only two strands left with very little data and very little memory, sexuality was left intact in the physical body. It was left as a form of reproduction, of course—as a form for the species to stay in touch with its own essence and bring itself into life. Very deep inside the mechanism of sexuality is a frequency that can be attained that has been sought after and misunderstood by many people. It is called orgasm. The orgasm has been distorted from its original purpose. Your body has forgotten the cosmic orgasm of which it is capable because society has taught you for thousands and thousands of years that sexuality is bad. You have been taught this in order for you to be controlled and to keep you from seeking the freedom available through sexuality. Sexuality connects you with a frequency of ecstasy, which connects you back to your divine source and to information. Sexuality has been given a bad name upon this planet, and that bad name is stored in your cellular memory. This is not just from this lifetime; it is from thousands of years of misappropriation and misuse. It is necessary for you to clear the negativity surrounding sexuality from this lifetime, as well as to experience and examine how you utilize sexual energy and sexual expression in your multidimensional selves. The sexual parts of the body are avenues to pleasure that create frequencies that heal and stimulate the body and potentially lead it to its higher spiritual self. Sexuality is so misunderstood on this planet that, when it is exchanged between two persons, very seldom is there an intent to connect spirituality with it. Sexuality invokes a spirituality that is free and that looks at itself as a creator. However, very seldom is sexuality used as a bridge to take you to higher levels of consciousness.

We have spoken with a number of individuals who have been utilizing light. Since finding the proper partner in a monogamous situation, they have been able to achieve very high states of being. Monogamy tends to work for most of you very well because of where you are vibrationally. When you have many partners, you tend to be less than honest and to hide who you are: you share a little here, there, and everywhere in scattering your seed. It is best to be with one person, but this does not mean the same person forever. Be loyal, be open, and be sharing with the person you are working with, and go as far as you can with them. If it happens to be your whole life, wonderful. If it doesn’t, then when you come to a place where you are no longer communicating and serving one another, and you feel the relationship is not going to be able to make a leap, terminate the relationship and find another person who works with your vibration.

When you work one-on-one intimately, you develop trust. Most of you have difficulty trusting yourselves because you don’t have a role model for trust. You can learn about trust in a relationship because a relationship acts as a mirror for you, showing you what you cannot see from your own viewpoint. It shows you yourself outside of yourself when you have open communication within sexuality and deep intimacy, and when you are not using sexuality as a distraction for getting close. Many of you have used sexuality as a distraction and a way to avoid intimacy rather than to develop it. You begin to get energetic and to look into one another’s eyes and to feel all hot and excited. Then, instead of exploring each other intimately and spiritually, you shut down your feeling centers, put on your armor, and have shallow, genital sex because it is too frightening and too intense to go the deeper route of full body and full spiritual connection. Sometimes hot sex feels great and is wonderful. We are simply saying that there is more. There is much more, and no one is keeping it from you except yourselves and the beliefs and fear you have of letting down your boundaries and walls. Many of the fears you have are based on what you have created for yourselves and what you have done to others in your sexual life. Your sexual history affects every other portion of your soul, so all of your soul’s issues are broadcast loud and clear throughout your body. You don’t want to look at this sometimes because it is too painful, and you judge it because you think it is bad. Stop judging, and get neutral about what you have done—no matter what you discover, no matter how heinous it seems, no matter how difficult it seems, and no matter how much violation it involves. Understand that your purpose has been to gather data and to understand your selves. Sexuality is a frequency. It represents what was not taken away from you even though your history, your memories, and your identity were removed and scattered. The way you were left intact with the ability to discover who you were was through the sexual experience. Of course, you were never taught this. We are going to do some church bashing here. So sorry for anyone who is a member of the churches. The churches came about as organizations—businesses to control religion and spiritual development and to create jobs, to create a hierarchy, and to create a club. Very few churches came about with the idea of bringing information to people. You don’t usually think of religion as something that keeps you informed, do you? Any religion that brings information is a religion operating on the vibration of truth. Spiritual realms are places of existence that the human body is locked away from. Because sexuality was an opportunity for human beings to regain their memory, or to connect with their spiritual selves and spiritual creator, or to find an avenue to the spiritual realm that you are sealed off from, the churches came about and promoted sexuality for procreation. They taught you that the only reason you had sexuality was to produce little humans. Sexuality was promoted as something very bad. Women were told that sexuality was something they had to undergo to serve men and that they had no control over the birthing process. Women believed this; hence, to this day, you believe in general that you have no control over that portion of your body. You must realize that only you decide whether you are going to birth a child or not. This is not such a complicated thing as you have been told. Decision and intention are what bring the experience to your being. You can control whether you have a baby or not. If woman had had this ability for the last several thousand years, and if she had been able to explore her sexual self without fear of having a child, perhaps men and women would have discovered that they were much freer than they had been told they were. The discovery of the highest frequency of sexuality arises from the love experience. It has nothing to do with relationships being either homosexual or heterosexual. It has to do with two human beings bringing pleasure to one another in a way that opens frequencies of consciousness. You have bought many ideas about what is proper and what is improper within sexual expression.

Love is the essence that is to be created in all relationships. If you love and honor someone, it doesn’t matter what your composition of density is. What matters is the love vibration and how you explore this love, which ideally is gifted and coupled with the integration of the male and the female counterparts that make the twin flame.

Ideally, sexuality is explored through feelings. The third and fourth chakras connect you to the emotional and compassionate selves, which connect you to the spiritual self. The spiritual self is the part of yourself that is multidimensional through which you exist in many forms simultaneously. It is your assignment and agreement and task to be aware of all these realities in the identity that you are. When you are aware, you can tune into the different frequencies, remember who you are, and change the vibratory rate of this universe. We love to talk about sexuality because it is so mysterious upon this planet. Certain mystery schools have held some of the knowledge about the potential uses of sexuality in secrecy. You are electromagnetic creatures, and when you come together physically with another human creature, you bond your electromagnetic frequencies together. When your frequencies are attuned and joined by a love frequency, incredible things can occur. Thousands of years ago, when society had more of a matriarchal view in certain areas of the planet, Goddess energy was coming through and working with certain individuals. The female understood her power, her intuition, her feeling center, her connection, and her desire to create life. She also understood that she never had to conceive a child if it was not her intention to do so.

In order for the patriarchal society to come full circle and prepare Earth for this shift in consciousness, female energy needed to take a back seat. So female power, energy, and understanding of sexuality were suppressed. In modern times—the past two thousand years—it came to be upon the planet that women believed they had no control over when they could have children, that sexuality was deemed bad and disgusting, and that sex was taught to be performed only within the rights of marriages and so on. All of this was a marketing program.

Some of the present-day marketing programs to create an even greater fear of sexuality and its expression are the new diseases: AIDS, herpes, and all the other things. You read about these things in your newspapers and become frightened of your own expression, frightened of your own intuition, and frightened of your own joy. Do you understand? Before DNA was rearranged, the way many people reached the higher realms and were able to climb the ladders of themselves and reach into off-planet frequencies was by electromagnetically bonding through love. They created a rocketship-like experience to propel them out into other systems of reality. This has been one of the best-kept secrets upon the planet. Many we have spoken to have had absolutely profound experiences with their sexuality. We would like to point out again that we are not making distinctions or judgments about who you happen to bond with in a relationship, and we suggest that you give up that judgment as well. It is old programming. It does not matter whether you bond with a member of the opposite sex or a member of your own sex. We are talking about two humans coming together by physically joining themselves in whatever ways are appropriate for them to join and create love, because they are sharing love. When integrity and love are missing from a joining of human bodies, that is when human beings do not think well of their experience. This can create all kinds of damaging results within the physical body. You were left with the frequency of the orgasmic experience in sexuality so that you could remember your higher identity. When this energy or history of yourself is revealed and you discover who you are, you will unite many bodies of your personal multidimensional identity in your physical form. To receive the full impact of the gridwork of your identity, let the twelve helixes fit in your body and allow the light-encoded filaments to rearrange themselves. This process has to do with the mental body, which is of course connected to the physical body. The emotional body, which is connected to the spiritual body, is the body that everybody wants to skip. You say, “I want to evolve. I want a rapid acceleration, but I do not want to go through the feeling center to do it.” You are connected to your multidimensional selves through your feelings, and it is in your feelings that you primarily get stuck. Accept that your “stuff” comes up for a reason. Many of you would like to bury your “stuff” and throw it out in the trash as if it is something ugly and not who you are. This “stuff” is the shadow portion of your identity that you don’t like to deal with or accept. We understand that sometimes, when something comes up, you label it and say, “I hate this part of myself. I want to just finish it and sweep it under the rug and forget it. I’m finished with this stuff.” Guess what. Your “stuff”—your issues—are the treasures of your life. They are how you learn. You have agreed to mutate, to pull light into your body, and to birth the family of light on this planet. Since light is information, you must deal with all of the things you have hidden from yourself. Sexuality is the primary issue because it is the secret self—the self you hide from. Society has said to you, “This is good. This is bad. You are to do this. You are not to do this.” Who gave you these laws? Who gave you any of your laws to begin with? You have been stuck because you can’t read the symbols of the language you are speaking to yourselves. So you dwell upon it. Many of you love your stories because they get you attention. If you didn’t have a story, who would talk to you? Observe your body and see what it is teaching the self. Ideally, you will heal the sore and create a place of greater comfort and joy as you learn to dwell more completely in your physical body and have a new identity of your sexuality.

Sexuality is a key. It is a doorway to the higher realms of consciousness. As you redefine yourselves, and the light-encoded filaments give you a new definition of yourselves, you are going to change who you are sexually as well. Sexuality must come up for all of you, and, we will say from experience, it is the area that you are most frightened of at this time. We guarantee there will be more frightening areas later. If you are stuck on the idea of love and cannot comprehend what is going on with it, your difficulty is that you are looking for love outside yourself. You are looking for somebody else to put meaning in your life and validate you. If you do not have that person, you become angry or feel you are worthless. This is a pattern you grew up with, which your parents and your society showed you. We have said over and over again that the most important thing you can do is love yourself and honor Earth. But you keep forgetting this and looking for the next relationship to make you whole or complete. You feel that without a relationship you are perhaps less than an acceptable citizen. Then you feel lonely. You must learn how to be alone. Loneliness is simply a state of mind. You are never, never alone. You have multitudes of entities around you. If you would stop feeling sorry for yourselves, you would find that there is so much data constantly being blasted at you that you may want to be alone so you can have a good time receiving the contact. When you love yourself and stop getting convoluted about the need to have someone else love you, you are able to accept what someone offers. It is imperative that you value yourself so that you do not settle for a love disguised. If you decide to go for a partner or to vibrate with someone, and you do not receive what you want, do not whine or nag or pout about the person to make them change according to your needs. If you set a value for yourself and do not create it, then simply change your reality and continue onward alone until you meet someone who reflects your value. All the while, vibrate in the love of the self, honor the self, and understand that the journey here is about self discovery in relationship to others. It is not just about husbands or wives. The journey here is about honoring your physical body and the uniqueness of the self as you touch the lives of many. Always allow yourself to work with the self and let the self evolve. You are all afraid of being intimate with yourselves—of being alone with the self. Once you develop an intimacy, a silence, a self-love, and a containment of your energy, then you will want to make that aspect of intimacy your standard for intimacy with someone else.

Sexuality can be very confusing at this time because you are raising and studying your frequencies. When you join bodies, even when you hug one another, you exchange frequency. When you have a sexual experience, there is a hormonal release inside the body. The hormones awaken certain energies inside the cells, and there is a transference of one person’s essence onto the other person. That is why when you have had sexual experiences with someone you sometimes cannot get their energy off you. Even though you don’t want to be with the person, the sexual experience stays with you because you have had an electromagnetic exchange. You are going through this frequency modulation and learning how to raise your frequency to a place of consistent information, self-love, and self-intimacy. Therefore, it can seem very confusing and sometimes frightening to take this vulnerable thing you are learning about yourself and layer up and merge with another. The more you become aware, the more you take charge of how you use your body, where you plug it in, where you sit it down, and certainly who you mix it with sexually.

If expressing yourself sexually now encouraged your greatest growth, you would automatically create that experience for yourself because you would be ready for it. Understand that, during the process of evolving the self, very often a period of dormancy in sexual activity occurs. Within the sexual frequency, you exchange with one another. So if you are bonding yourself and chemically exchanging with a person who is not of your likeness, you are taking on their garbage because you are exchanging energy quite intimately. Sometimes you will be led away from that kind of exchange. You may think, “Oh, my goodness, what is happening? Am I turning old? Am I drying up? What is going on?” That is not the case. You can learn to use the energy that would stimulate you sexually without giving it over to another person. Instead of getting chaotic and crazy, you may explore that energy by practicing the art of masturbation, knowing that it is perfectly legitimate and fine to do it. Or, you may want to simply observe that you feel a sexual arousal and decide what you are going to do with it. You may say, “Well, I’m not going to act on this now. Let’s see where this energy goes.” Take the energy, let it rise through your body, and use it in other areas. You will get to a point when you must adore, sustain, and love yourself as if you are holding yourself like a newborn babe in your own arms, knowing you will do the best for yourself. Many of you distract yourselves. Find the place of serenity and silence in which you can find answers. You cannot find answers by dialing the telephone all day long and asking everyone else for them. If you attempt to, you are demonstrating that you are looking outside of yourself. When you learn how to turn within to find answers, the self will speak. Usually you cannot hear because you are locked in behavioral patterns that you know you have to change but that you don’t want to change because you don’t know who you will be. In all honesty, you are afraid of yourselves. This is a very common thing. You are afraid you will not be complete, and you want to be complete very much. So you say, “I am complete. I am sovereign. I need someone else. I am attracted to someone. Oh, no, I cannot look. I am too frightened of that. I don’t need anyone. I do need someone.” You go back and forth. Learn to still your mind. Learn to become completely in charge of your energy. What does that mean? It means that wherever you are, you observe yourself—how your body is positioned, how you are using your hands, whether you are repeating yourself over and over again, whether you are speaking or silent. Learn to watch yourself with no judgment. Learn to watch and self correct by determining how you would like to be versus how you are. Learn to quiet your mind. Frequency is carried from you to another person particularly if there is a love bonding. A love bonding does not mean that you are going to cleave to one another forever. It simply means that you are in a relationship for however long you deem that relationship appropriate in that you honor one another and exchange energies and let the energies flow as if through open circuitry. When you do not love another and you are not bonded, there is no exchange; the circuitry does not open. It does not mean that you cannot have good sex; it simply means that the circuitry is not open. As this electrical current is raised higher and higher, there are greater heights of orgasmic experience that the human body can receive because the nervous system is able to handle the higher ecstatic frequencies. The nervous system will determine how you express yourself and how you feel. If you have a poorly evolved nervous system, your sexual experience will be very limited because the nervous system conducts the electrical current. The orgasmic experience brings about a healing and realignment of the physical body.
Eventually, you will not be able to get close to or be with someone who is not operating at the same voltage you are. You simply will not fit. It would be like putting a size nine foot into a size two shoe. It won’t work or be comfortable. You won’t fit because you won’t be able to merge vibrationally. You will eventually understand the importance of vibrational nourishment as you begin to link sexually. Linking sexually is only one way of merging with people who are moving at the same or a compatible voltage rate. Your reality is very interesting to us because you have so many clues in your waking world. When you go to a foreign country, your electrical appliances do not plug in. They don’t fit, so you need an adapter. It would be stressful if you had to continuously adapt to a vibration when you were involved intimately in a sexual relationship. It would be too much effort. You would spend all your energy creating the adaptive mechanisms. Then you would be in denial and not give yourself permission to go further because you would lower the ceiling.

The sixties marked the opening of sexual exploration. In an instant, the paradigm shifted. Much of the energy that was on the planet at that time, coupled with the experimental ingestion of different mind-altering substances, immediately made a new paradigm and split you from previous generations. The boundaries were instantly changed. You were split from a generation that believed in war and did not feel—a generation whose sexual expression was done in the dark, perhaps with many clothes on. You broke the paradigm wide open in many ways, and you set new trends and created new ways of being. It was wonderful. “Oh, goodness, free sex and love and bodies showing!” you said. Now it is time for a whole new revolution through which you will become vibrationally hooked to a person. There will be no more distractions of sexuality and no more pretending that you are without hang-ups—that you are sexually liberated because you can be in this position and that position and say this and do that. That is simply body aerobics in the area of sexuality. We want you to get into the aerobics and contortions of the soul—the vibration. The depth of two people coming together and linking in this capacity is what you all crave. If you are frightened of it, it is because you don’t have a framework or role model for it. You must design one. You must trust that somehow the energy in the design of the cosmic blueprint will instantly bring about a new movement based on the desire for this next step of understanding yourselves. You will remember with great clarity your expressions of sexuality in your different manipulations through reality—when you have been both men and women and explored sexuality in every aspect. It takes courage to do this. If there is one area in which you really judge yourselves, and in which the planet does great judging, it is sex. You have had some definite ideas about what is sexually proper and improper. So, many of you may be shocked to remember what you have done with your sexuality. Understand that, on this planet, sexuality has always been the body’s link to its higher frequency. Even though much of the data was scattered and disassembled in the body, this potential to create life remained for you to completely understand who you are at the base of your being and at the core of who you are. Sexual vibration has been your link with your cosmic identity, but this whole concept has been completely misunderstood and lost. We are simply saying that there is a bigger story and that it is much more exciting than anyone has dared to believe. There were those who did not want you to be in tune with these frequencies because the sexual frequencies could have taken you to areas of liberation where you would have begun to figure things out. Sexuality was left as a frequency for you to ride through the nervous system and connect with the higher mind by going out of your body. If you had been told that this was the route out, who could have controlled or manipulated you? The population must clear the negative connotations and judgments that have colored your sexual experience for eons. You must make peace with sex in order to integrate the frequencies and identity. Things have been manipulated and given a boundary of limitation so that the truth of sexuality has been kept from you. You have been told that you can procreate with it and have orgasms, but you have not been told that you can open frequencies with it. You can come into contact and use it as a method of remembering who you are and altering the vibrational frequency of your body. In the next few years, your expression of sexuality will have a whole new dimension. You will evolve and grow, provided that you have a partner who is willing to take the same route and to be that open. But if you are with someone who wants to play the avoidance game or the game of denial, you will not get there.”

– via Barbara Marciniak, from the book “Bringers of the Dawn”
Brian Kelly at 3:33 AM

Minor elements are recognized in the Values they carry ~ August 10, 2019

Editor’s Note: This is the latest message from our spiritual friends at Eireport (Gaia Portal) who use their feminine energies to gauge the vibrational frequency of the collective consciousness.

Most of their messages are subtle with shaded meanings…and this message is no exception! Light-workers are definitely in the minority on Earth, yet have recognized the importance of their journey on Earth. As awakenings happen, the “hard” journey they make suddenly becomes much lighter as they loose fear, replacing this with Joy as it becomes a dominant factor in their lives!

Please read, make your own interpretation, and be…



Minor elements are recognized in the Values they carry.

Latter components heed the call.

Perilous journeys are recognized as mild.

Merrilous gatherings come to the fore.