Is ‘The Event’ an Innie or an Outtie? [video] ~ March 17, 2018

Top of the mornin’ to you, my friend! (To be said with your best Irish accent.) The Captain’s Blog from Starship Earth brings us a very interesting question with no real answer until the long-awaited “Event” actually occurs…or is it happening already?

The positive effects of  the “Event” have been long awaited by many who are tired of war and long for true peace on our planet. What will this feel like for we…the participants? What will we experience both in our outside world, and our inner world.

My expectation is that we will be in for an explosion of love both internally AND externally. None will be immune from this regardless of their location on Earth! Please read more of the post, watch the video that is attached, and prepare yourself for an experience you will not forget, and…


For Humanity, this is uncharted territory. Is The Event an inner experience, or one outside of us—or both? We have a choice. It’s not so much a conscious choice, but if you’re reading this, the results just may be something you detect within; something you feel.

For those who refused to wake up, they may not see or feel anything at all. This is the way an “inorganic” ascension works.

Knowing the superwaves that are washing over the planet now are changing us molecularly and at the level of our DNA may enable us to feel a difference. If there is a single, tsunami of Light in the Key of Love, will we see or feel it?

That remains to be seen. Or not. What would it feel like to be awash in a sea of Love? I’m hoping most people feel it BIG time. It will be a personal experience, but also one we can share.

Suzanne Spooner works with Ron Head to bring us this interesting session that may resonate as we anticipate what is prophesied to be a blast of higher Light frequencies that will change everything and kick the planetary transformation into high gear. We’re going where no Earthling has gone before. Not in this life. And there will be no turning back.  ~ CB

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