Plan or Prophecy Revisted: What Are We Seeing in Our Skies? [videos] ~ June 18, 2018

Starship Earth puts our a rather contemplative post from my standpoint. LOT’s of unusual stuff in the skies all over our globe right now, some with explanation, and some…without. Are we actually seeing ancient prophecies revealed?

My thoughts on this excellent piece are somewhat guided by information revealed in the last video. We KNOW holograms do exist by which those only who base their beliefs on what they see may be in for a rude awakening. Technology DOES exist  to produce a “Project BlueBeam” experience where Earth’s populace are led to believe that aliens, Christ, or some other paranormal BEing has come to Earth.

But positive aliens, the return of Christ, etc. should also be accompanied by extremely positive “vibes”. It may be wise to ignore your eyes, and listen to your heart when anything unusual happens these days. Yep…the cabal, dark forces, Illuminati ARE that desperate in their never-ending bid to keep control of ALL of us on Earth!

So…please watch this video, know that any event truly celestial will be accompanied by good feelings and positivity, staging is occurring for a last grand-stand false-flag event, floolow your heart, and…



When you put all the evidence together, it’s apparent that some odd phenomena have graced our skies for some time.

Observant people with everything from serious photographic equipment to smart phones and even weather cams have captured remarkable footage so we can all appreciate what has appeared. Some of it actually made it to mainstream television.

Again, it appears that some of what we’re seeing is related to prophecy, either biblical or native people’s word of mouth passed down through the ages, such as the American Southwest’s Hopi prophecies.

We don’t know what’s causing a lot of the captures but we can appreciate them, regardless. Some are spectacular, and seem to be attempts to make them appear as prophetic events.

We know we aren’t meant to see much of it because feed from NASA cameras on the International Space Station and other space cameras and weather cams are frequently shut down at critical times.

It’s no accident that television and electronic gadgets help to divert our attention from the skies and keep us looking down, rather than up.

We’ve long known about a plan of the controllers to execute “Project Blue Beam” using holographic projections to trick us into believing something is happening that isn’t. From the small scale demonstrations I’ve seen of holographic wizardry, it’s not a stretch to suggest that many people will believe their eyes.

I’ll let the vloggers tell you what they’ve presented in these videos. Some feel they bring us this information at risk to themselves. Most have enough background to at least partially understand what they’re seeing, and why. The end of the video is well worth waiting for.

We certainly live in interesting—and colourful! times.

FAA weathercams shut down across Alaska and Canada. June 16 2018

The following video is a compilation of video and images from various sources. There are brief portions of the video with black screen only. The images will return shortly.

I’ve always been interested in the anomalies we’ve seen documented in the heavens and there are some new ones here I hadn’t seen before. Fascinating.  ~ BP

NI-BI-RU, Planet X, Pole Shift and the New 5D Earth ~ August 26, 2017

The channeler, Magenta Pixie, who reveals the thoughts of the group “White Winged Messengers of Nine” who comes to us with a message regarding topics which have been controversial in the “spiritual” community. Now that the Solar Eclipse has passed, how do YOU feel about the world you live in?

Be sure to listen to this audio, think about how the heart of the Inner You feels about what you hear, and…


Insights and Reflections of a Fellow Traveler – December 16, 2016 ~ posted Dec. 15, 2016


When I look ahead to December 16, what I see is that the road I am traveling on simply comes to a complete end. What I see beyond it is a fertile void without form, which I sense contains many new potentials that are still potentials and have not yet been breathed forth into form.

The barrier I have referred to can be thought of as an infinitely high and wide brick wall, past which nothing that is part of this Creation can pass.


The road I am traveling ends at a barrier that is like a massive brick wall.

However, that is not all there is to the picture. This immovable threshold or barrier marks the end of this Creation. It literally is the “end of the road” we are traveling on through 3D.


The road we are traveling on through 3D literally ends.

On the other side of this barrier, the new Creation will be breathed forth, just as our present Creation was breathed forth 4.5+ billion years ago. For now, it is just made up of potentials, which I see as a fertile void that contains them all. No forms are visible to me yet, so this void (which is NOT empty) appears to me something like this:

The fertile void looks something like this when I look at it.

However, from what the Hosts have told us, there is a gap between this Creation and the emergence of the next Creation. There is a complete DISCONTINUITY between the road we are on right now and the road will find ourselves on the other side of that gap.


There is a gap between this Creation and the next one.

In the Message, “The Harvesting of Souls,” they call that gap the “Null Point”:

“In a message that was delivered through J. J. Hurtak some years ago, reference is made to the “respatialization of consciousness” following the Null Point (he called it the Gravity Null Zone). This is very accurate. The Creation is about to be entirely re-created. All the foci of consciousness will be “blinked off” for an immeasurable “moment.” (Time will also cease, as there will be no material reality in that moment and time is a function of material reality; it is the “time” portion of space/time.) On the other side of the “blink,” the “players” in the drama of Creation will find themselves standing on other “spots” on the “stage.” It will be like closing your eyes and then reopening them, only to find that the scene you are looking at has changed drastically.

What this means is that all of the stuff of prediction is rendered null and void. All of the human prophets and seers have seen through the perspective of the present reality. There is no one that is or was in a physical body that can accurately predict what is about to happen or what one will experience after that “blink” has occurred. Each and every Oversoul will be affected in ways that even the Oversouls cannot anticipate. Their only task is to prepare themselves for the event by completing all of their “lives,” harvesting all but one of the souls back into the Oversoul, and retaining one portion of exteriorized consciousness with which to “seed” the new Creation.

There will be many fewer players on the “stage” when the new drama unfolds. You who are reading this message will be among those who are there to experience it, but you will be much changed from your present form and identity. You are being prepared by your Oversoul and overseen by your soul for this event. We are doing our best to prepare you so that you will not be overwhelmed by the magnitude of what is happening and by the new sensations and awarenesses that have begun to enter your consciousness.”

This new Creation will arise in a similar way to how the present Creation came into being. It will arise from a thought and play out through decision points that branch endlessly until all possible combinations and permutations are fully explored, within the parameters of that new Creation. This happens in an instant, even though it will take additional billions of years to play out within linear time.

The Hosts have referred to the kind of formless field I see as a sort of “cosmic soup”:

“In the beginning, all was a sort of cosmic “soup.” Everything was liquid and without defined form. Your scientists have approached this “soup” when they are able to create a plasma by using electromagnetic fields. It is a field or substrate of intelligent energy, but has no form of its own. Out of this intelligent “soup,” all form emerged, self-aware to the extent that it knew it existed, but not able to reflect upon itself. That would appear later in the scheme of things.

In this soup, all things are contained in potential. You cannot see any of them, because they exist only as a potential — a possibility out of many possibilities. We mentioned fractals yesterday. If you think of a decision point — something simple like “What will I have for breakfast?” — you will be able to follow what we are talking about here. You can have many things for breakfast. You could use something that you already have in the house, you could go to the store and buy something else, or you could go to a restaurant and choose from their menu. Even breakfast offers a multitude of possibilities.

These are decision points. They offer many possibilities, not just the two or three of “Yes,” “No,” or “Maybe.” Each decision leads to other decision points. Let’s say you decide to have eggs for breakfast, as part of your “breakfast” decision. Now you are faced with other decision points: How will you make your eggs? Scrambled? Poached? Fried? Boiled? And the from THAT decision, you will have other decisions to make. What will you have with your eggs? What “goes” with the eggs depends in part on how you decided to prepare the eggs. Scrambled eggs might call for the addition of some milk or onion. Boiled eggs might call for some mayonnaise or salt and pepper.

We use this simple example to show you how one set of possible decisions leads to other possible decisions. Computer programmers would call these “logic branches.” You can go this way (scrambled) or this way (poached) or this way (boiled), and so on. Then once one has chosen to travel through one “gate” to the exclusion of the other ones, other “branches” present [themselves].

In a fractal design, one can see this represented graphically. The origin point produces branches infinitely, as long as the values stay within certain limits. One can “explore” fractals endlessly as long as one stays within those limits. This is the way the Creation unfolds itself from within that cosmic “soup.” It begins to branch immediately by expressing a “set” of possibilities or potentials. Every time a “decision” is made to choose one possibility over the others, that decision point or branch becomes the starting place for a new set of possibilities, as we showed in the breakfast example. But that’s how the whole thing began — with a set of possibilities — so we have just recapitulated the starting point. This is called an “iteration.” An iteration is a cycle through a certain formula. Mathematicians use iterations to solve complex equations.

So this is how the Creation unfurls — through a series of iterations (cycles) of a complex formula that allows for an infinite number of decision points or branches to be explored. But what of the other points or branches? Well, the Creator explores them, too. But how can you have both poached eggs and fried eggs and boiled eggs and scrambled eggs? You probably wouldn’t want to have all of them at the same time. The Creator solves this dilemma by creating separate realities to accommodate all of the possible choices. If one expression of “you” chooses the poached eggs, there will be other expressions of “you” to make the other choices, and they will all go on, branching and branching and branching” (from “The Merging of Realities”)

In “Terra Lesson #2: Building Bridges,” the Hosts tell us much more about this subject, which I encourage you to read on your own, rather than repeat it here. However, I would like to single out certain sentences because I think they directly relate to what we are about to experience.

“From our perspective, there is no linear time, but we do perceive of sequence. … So now, we stand at a certain point in the journey, one that naturally arose from its relationship to the events that have taken place and as the bridge to those that will follow it. … we have ALSO spoken of a time when a threshold is reached that cannot be delayed, a kind of barrier that exists to limit further possibilities from being explored. You might call that the termination point of that particular Creation.”

This is where we stand this week. If my information is correct, December 16 is the termination point for this Creation.

“Through the mechanism of parallel realities, different pathways are charted through linear sequences of events that lead to different conclusions. We have referred to these as timelines. We have also spoken previously of a phenomenon in which people who appear to die on YOUR timeline are continuing just fine on another one. When a “death” occurs, the Oversoul disconnects the silver cord from that extension of itself and that physical body is left behind. This is why there were so many bodies left behind in the disaster that occurred in Asia near the end of December*. Their silver cords were disconnected and withdrawn into their Oversouls, but OTHER bodies created by those SAME Oversouls continued to be supported in other parallel worlds.

Nothing will be lost, but some will pass away from each timeline that is being followed, in the times you are in. When this is complete, the timelines will have separated completely from each other, and the people who occupy different timelines will also be separated from each other. To each person, the “others” will have disappeared, but they will experience themselves as continuing.

YOUR experience is perceived from within linear time; ours is perceived in a perpetual state of “now-ness,” from which we can only estimate things as to when they will emerge at the physical level. Things ALREADY exist as full potentials within “the Mind of God,” but as you have no doubt experienced already, there is a quality of unfolding that requires a passage through linear time for the full manifestation to take place at the observable level of space/time.”

*This refers to the massive earthquake that occurred in Indonesia on December 27, 2004. I just received an email with a link to a video that, if true, suggests a similar pattern is about to repeat on December 26, 2016. It seems plausible to me, but since this occurs AFTER December 16, it may play out differently on different timelines.

NOTE: In researching this issue, I discovered that (once again) there is a lot of “hype” about Planet X/Nibiru about to cause massive earth changes, even the Pole Shift itself, but just as none of the previous hysteria about this purported phenomenon came to anything, I suspect that will also be the outcome now. The late Zechariah Sitchin (the man who identified Planet X/Nibiru and presented references to it in ancient Sumerian manuscripts) said it was not due back in our solar system for another 1300-1600 years, but it seems that the hysteria about it is simply not going away any time soon.

There also appears to be a lot of hysteria going on about a magnetic pole shift, which is NOT the same as a shift in the planet’s axis of rotation. Magenetic pole shifts take place relatively regularly and do not cause the devastation that a shift in the axis of rotation does. I explored this concept in depth in the January 5, 2012 Update, so encourage you to read that again, if you haven’t done so recently. I also encourage you to re-read the Hosts’ most recent Message, received on October 3, 2016.

The events in the outer appear to be following the curve, but I sense a peak has arrived today and that what comes in the next few days will be the resolution phase of everything that appeared during the time between October 31 and now. It’s all in motion, and it’s all part of the ingredients for concluding this Creation with everything in place that is needed to seed the new one.

I personally feel quite emptied out of everything that used to interest me or define me. I am not working for pay right now and have already received everything I was due for work done in the past, so this week I am just tidying up my office and waiting to see what comes next. My husband and I are enjoying life as much as we can while we wait. I suggest you do the same.

Until the next time, love to you all.


A Rant, and New Hypotheses on the Odd Things Happening that Herald Something BIG—and Urgent ~ April 20, 2015


I like this article, I like this writer, and I really like the way she has taken pieces of the puzzle Earth is going through right now to offer her view of what’s going on right now. This writer, like myself, has done fairly exhaustive research that allows her to report what she sees…and that’s WAY more truthful than the CBS Evening News (or any other MSM for that matter). Did I read her article and get scared? NO WAY…rather I AM excited about changes, really big changes happening on our planet soon. If I’m reading signals right, looks like MAY should be very interesting and a good time to visit me here in Oregon…

Wonder what the heck I speak of? Good…please read this article, see how you feel about her comments made with only the best of intentions (that’s a form of Love, folks) , and…


I apologise for the length of this post, but there’s a lot to cover. I hope you find it worth your time investment.  First, the rant. Then I’ll feel better. If you don’t want to hear it, skip down to “-End-“.

Now that Gordon Duff at Veterans Today has come forward to GUARANTEE we morons that Jade Helm is a psyop, it opens the channels for other interesting possibilities.

Before I move on, however, I want to comment on the Duff/VT delivery on the Jade Helm “hoax”, as they call it. I saw RED when I glanced over them.

I’m not even going to link to the articles because they’re trash talk; arrogant lectures on how Truthers are just spreading fear-mongering. We shared the documents themselves, and were left to speculate about how it could all be interpreted in light of what we see happening all around us that NO ONE has told us the truth about.

How dare you deliver a holier-than-thou chastisement for casting aspersions on the golden boys of the US military for our belief that SOME of them would actually take unconstitutional action against their fellow Americans?

Such arrogance. Have we forgotten what those golden boys did in New Orleans after the cabal pulled off Hurricane Katrina? Have we forgotten that they went door to door executing their benevolent “wellness checks”, shoving old ladies onto the floor and confiscating guns????!!!!

Well, I haven’t, so spare me the offended airs because you military chaps are not all trustworthy, constitutional or ethical. You don’t all think for yourselves and you’re not all about “service to others”. Forgive us for NOT putting you on the pedestals you seem to think you deserve.

Let’s also remember the rampant rape and sexual assaults that are perpetrated in the American (and other military) that have been covered up for years—the perps getting off Scott free, taking their promotions and moving on to violate someone else while the victims are ridiculed, humiliated, and demoralized.

Finally, Gordon Duff et al should practice what they preach, because some VETERANS are taking the Jade Helm potential threat very seriously and moving to stop it. And many vets and retired military comprise the militias—who are on high alert and are ready to deploy to protect the citizens of America and their Republic should the need arise.

I guess they’re STOOOOPID too, for ever believing that JH15 could be anything other than what the positive/negative military say it is. We don’t even know any more who is who. Whose fault is that? We’re doing the best we can out here to protect ourselves and the sleeping ones from a tyrannical government who thinks nothing of mass murder and genocide.

Where’s YOUR respect, VT,  for those men who STILL honour their oath on the outside?

Save your snotty articles for an audience who swallows everything you print and never questions. Just because you bring us intel doesn’t mean you’re gods. You will get the respect you deserve, and while you only bring us the information you deem we are old enough to handle, YOU are complicit in manipulating the public.

You can’t tell us that JH15 is unequivocally a hoax, unless you KNOW otherwise. Therefore, you are withholding information WE, as inhabitants of this planet, have a right to know. Of COURSE your sources don’t see or hear anything untoward, because they know what’s going on!

And don’t give me that “need to know, matter of national security” shit. I think you owe a lot of people an apology. If you insult one, you insult us all.

– End-


Okay, I’m glad I got that off my chest and hold that last thought above, my friends, because it will come into play in a minute. Sorry, no time for lots of pretty pictures.

Before I leave the JH15 topic, I wanted to share more on the Canadian mirror exercises, because it looks like they will factor into future events in a POSITIVE way.

Yes, the Canadian military has already begun their TWO training exercises; Maple Resolve, which we mentioned before, and Maple Caravan. They are basically the same type of training.


My brother shares his updates with my mother, and so do I, and sometimes I get new info from north of the 49th that isn’t as viral or sensationalized as other material in the lime light.

My brother feels the Canadian contingent of these exercises is definitely part of the cabal take-down. So that is confirmation of my belief. I’m hoping to get his sources, but we’ll probably come across  similar material when we search. Once he hears what I am sharing here, he may modify his view slightly.

Let’s face it: It’s crazy to think that all the military in North America are going to slaughter civilians, throw them into FEMA camps, and take all their guns.

BUT—they ARE going to do what they took an oath to do; and that is to serve and protect the people and their country. And Canada WILL come to the aid of America if asked, but they may have their hands full…

And with that… on to the fascinating new thought processes we might want to explore around the “something BIG” that’s going on… and I’m just thinking out loud, here, so bear with me. It’s likely to be a little fragmented so I don’t forget anything.

Things are getting really good on Starship Earth, the planet. We wanted action… I think we’re going to get it.

I have to thank D for sharing links to some intriguing info, which got me thinking along other lines. Things I’ve read before twigged and things we’ve been told and I think some of you will take the ball and run with it. I have to say, it’s looking like we went down the wong wabbit hole—through no fault of our own. We’re constantly played and mislead.

Take a look at the last one about the pole shift, and the second one from April 18th. Great website.   This is a chat Q  & A update for April 18, 2015 about the earth changes and Jade Helm, Wal-Marts, drought, Nibiru, etc.    This is for a list of events in chronological order that the Zetas commented on. It’s like an “all you ever wanted to know about _______ ” but ‘they’ lied. Now we may have a more plausible explanation.

It looks like there may be at least two major requirements for boots on the ground in the USA in the next few months. The removal of the cabal, for one, and another possibility.

We have been told that Earth changes are getting more volatile, and while the Galactics have been mitigating the activity, I think you can probably recall a few of our messengers telling us that things are going to get pretty dicey—if not downright dangerous on the surface.

Sheldan Nidle and Tolec have been forthright about this. Click here to read Tolec’s info from Dec 2014. A link to some information brought to us from a woman named Nancy Lieder that the Zetas shared with her may shed light on this, too. See the Poleshift link above if you haven’t already.

A real Zeta footage - "Skinny Bob"a real Zeta “Skinny Bob”


From what I’ve seen—and I haven’t taken the time to go far with this because I wanted to share it ASAP—the areas surrounding the New Madrid Fault Line may cause significant problems for inhabitants, and I’m thinking about wildlife, too.

These souls may require emergency evacuation. Are the lights starting to come on? Does this connect some dots?

The stockpiled military vehicles… the trainloads of military vehicles heading to the West Coast…US and Canada working together… UN vehicles…the cabal relocating…NORAD relocating…Wal-Marts closing for undisclosed reasons in strategically located positions on the map…mega supplies of emergency food, water, blankets ordered by DHS…troops doing drills across the nation for covert reasons or “fake” reasons…

What do you think?


I’m sharing this as background as to where we may be at this point so we can be proactive, share information with others, and take care of our evolution with as much honour and dignity as we can muster.

Thousands of star beings have fought for us and are here to support us in every way possible. We still have free will and sleeping people to deal with, however.

ZetaTalk Warning 10/15/2001: Sensing that troubled times are soon at hand, many strongly in the Service-to-Self will attempt to line up a soft life for themselves, where they can be in control of others and dictate the daily events. This takes the form of attempts at leadership, and offering a safe haven to desperate people unable to do anything but grab a life-line. These safe havens, of course, will be anything but that, and are in essence slavery and abuse. Such offers, to the public at large or to selected groups recently made desperate by disasters in their communities, take the form of offers of assisted relocation, guaranteed work, loans with easy payment terms, and joining a community of supportive individuals.

And the Zetas have warned that governments will all to some degree have to declare Martial Law as the Earth changes progress.

ZetaTalk Comment 10/4/2014: The larger issue is the looming need to declare martial law in the near future after the announcement. The reaction in the public is an unknown. We have stated that the public will react with stunned inactivity, going through their daily routine in shock. The familiar routine comforts, and the average citizen lives paycheck to paycheck and does not have the capacity to take action. They will wait, and see what plans and policies are put into place by their governments. Martial Law will not be imposed automatically, but in stages.

Given that warning, what does operation Jade Helm taking place in late Summer 2015 and Obama’s recent Executive Order on cyber-security constituting a “national emergency” tell us? Is the US edging toward Martial Law? Per the Zetas, Obama is anticipating secession attempts among some states and disinformation via some media outlets for the benefit of some elite. The Zetas did not get specific.

Please be sure to use your own discernment with the above information. Channels do their best to bring what they get, but their own filters come into play, and  now the Sphere Alliance is here and I expect things will go much better than imagined even a few months ago.

The cabal/gov’t can’t tell us about the planet that has come so close to Earth that its magnetics shut down our power in multiple locations and has been doing that for years.  They tell us someone cut some underground cables north of Phoenix with a laser… some pretty wild stuff. WHY would they do that? Answer: they didn’t.

They throw all kinds of disinfo out there to keep us focused on what ISN’T happening.

The cabal has their underground strongholds and endless tunnels to hide in, so they don’t give a damn about the Humans. But will being underground not be a dangerous place when Gaia is shake, rattle and rollin’?  No wonder the cabal are scared. Not only can they not escape the planet without being shot down, their DUMBs and bunkers have nearly all been destroyed.

Just think, if there is only one… or maybe two bunkers left intact by the Galactics, where do the cabal HAVE to go? And what a great way to round them all up in one place, eh?  Brilliant.

Next: The power outages have been increasing, haven’t they? The earthquakes have been increasing in frequency and magnitude. The strange groaning noises in the Earth. The threat that if something happens in that New Madrid fault line that the center of the USA will drop and flood? California and the  East Coast, too. You probably saw that map below in the past 2 years or so.

And let’s not forget Canada’s huge coastlines that are not represented on this map. While Canada may stand on guard for the USA with respect to removing the cabal, they have their own shores to guard if the Earth changes flood both coasts as indicated on the map.

This is, I suspect, a map of the potential areas they believe COULD be affected when major poleshift/earth changes occur. They recently added additional states to the JH15 program. Does it fit? Yup! The Zetas say that Texas and Oklahoma are considered safe havens for refugees.


The government can’t tell us about Nibiru. Maybe they ARE spraying chemtrails so we can’t see what’s going on up there.

They can tell us what Jade Helm is NOT, but not what it really IS, because it is at least partially about having troops to keep the peace and aid in emergency situations that will no doubt arise should the Earth changes kick into high gear. I don’t imagine the Galactics can keep them in check forever.

And Cobra has told us that there will be no martial law, and that they now want to have disclosure BEFORE  The Event. But he ALSO told us that hundreds of thousands of people will die, but didn’t say how, why, or when. (BTW, I understand from a reader that Cobra’s newest interview in which he tells us JH15 is not a concern and if necessary the Event Horizon will be triggered early, will be posted today sometime, so I’ll share that as soon as I get it)

Several timetables appear to have been moved up recently, don’t they? Gaia’s needs have been put on hold for a very long time. When she’s ready to blow, she’s gonna blow, and we will have to be ready to do whatever is necessary to pull together and look after one another.

Several channelers have told us that we will need to be “pulled”, and go to the ships. There was a lot of negative feedback and people warning us that we should never agree to go on any Galactic ships, blah, blah, blah. Whatever. I can’t wait! If some of us have to go, cool! Where I live is on the edge of the Valley of the Sun where I imagine the flooding potential would be focused in Arizona, so perhaps I shall be venturing skyward. Beam me up, Scottie!

Recently Corey/GoodETxSG has come forward—even though he is, by his own admission an introvert and said he would never come forward publicly, but was convinced to do so (and doing a simply marvelous job!).

WHY did Corey suddenly change his mind? He brought us fresh new info about the Blue Avians and the Sphere Alliance and David Wilcock has confirmed it, Cobra confirmed it, and now Tolec is introducing us to these benevolent beings as well. Be sure to listen to Tolec’s interview with Adona. It’s fabulous.

Then there was the 10 days that Putin disappeared and I really did feel he’d been with the Galactics and Corey confirmed that, but what was SO IMPORTANT that had to be discussed for that long, and why were the press advised to stick around because there might be a press conference that weekend? Putin must have had some inkling that it was potentially HUGE, but they have chosen NOT to tell the people of Earth anything now.

We might ask why are the many citizens of Earth being called into these meetings on ships these days? (nights) And there was the very successful disclosure event in Canada in April that just concluded and the tireless work Hon. Paul Hellyer has been doing around the exposure of the ET coverup and Stephen Bassett’s Citizen Disclosure work.

It looks to me like there is a big push to draw the Galactics ever closer, to educate us about them, make us feel comfortable about their presence, to expose more  humans to them, and step up the narrative to involve the extraterrestrials in a more open and matter-of-fact way.

Could that be because soon we will have no choice, unless we want to perish, but to let them transport us to safety? Will they give us technologies to help us deal with the emergency situations—to purify water, replicators for food, etc.?

Then there were those emergency alerts recently on some TV stations that freaked out a few people and obviously didn’t work properly but seemed like they must have been tested. That was confirmed by the Zetas.

The cabal can’t tell us this because they don’t want us to know all the lies and coverups about who we are, the ETs, everything. Same old thing—but the government knows about this stuff and they’re waiting for SOMETHING before they tell us little peons. Are they waiting for the full JH15 deployment to keep the peace before they drop the bomb?

The military won’t tell us why troops and vehicles and emergency procedures are being implemented. They’re trying to do it under the guise of training exercises and they started EARLY, because they need to do it gradually, but meet the possible deadlines geologists and ET scientists may have provided.

Just imagine if the poleshift occurs and/or Gaia goes into labour, the Earth’s crust begins to tremble, shift, sink, rise, water is displaced, flooding occurs, you can use your own imagination.

An emergency alert comes over all the TVs in America and Canada—and perhaps many other areas of the planet—and Mr. Obama his self comes on and says everyone in specific areas has to evacuate their homes, leave all their “stuff” and go to _________ by ____ and to do what the soldiers and LEOs tell them.

And what if the docile masses really DON’T heed the instructions, refuse to leave their homes (that happens in a lot of disasters) and keep lollygagging so long that they perish? Then that will be their soul’s choice.

And now, perhaps the issue of the American/Mexican open borders and refugees comes into play. What do you think? Maybe they will need a place to go, too?

Top this off with all sorts of space craft in our skies…

Can you imagine if the Earth changes, the mass arrests and disclosure all happened at once—or even within a few weeks of each other—the pandemonium?

Like I said, this is all musings from my little mind which is whirring away at a million miles an hour now and I could be totally out to lunch here.  Whaddya think?

I think it’s criminal that the military and the government are going to let people imagine the worst about Jade Helm when it will actually be about helping them. That’s a dirty trick—and it IS intentional misleading of the public because they know we awakened ones are on high alert in every second of every day as to what the cabal will try to do next.

We have a right to know what’s happening on this planet, damn it. We’re sick of being treated like children and manipulated by our handlers, aren’t we? To engage in what may be IMMINENT disaster preparedness exercises and not tell the public is just plain wrong.


We’ll see what Cobra has to say in this new interview.

Happy sleuthing, everyone!  ~ BP