The Kundalini IS the Holy Spirit ~ November 15, 2019

Editor’s Note: Surprise…NO pic of any kid allowed with this post, therefore we know if to be of extreme importance to read. Please read this article, learn the truth of what we have not been told or taught about the Holy Spirit in fact being the kundalini, and BE…



Marco Lopor

Feel the power of the Light in your Veins, close your eyes and find the Vibration that will make you One with the Whole, the cells start to resonate, the crystallization begins, goosebumps and shivers all over your body, the Crown Chakra opens to download the stream of consciousness from the Galactic Center, your Heart Chakra expands with heating sensations on your chest, all lower back is under pressure to release the stagnant energies of the past emotional traumas, you are immersed in a Metatron’s Cube of Light which is healing and restoring the original human template, when the flow of the Sacred Oil called “the Christ” reaches the 12 cranial nerves that you feel activated with electric impulses in the brain and ignite the Pineal Gland, boom you are in the Kingdom of Heaven, the Amrita starts to flow, you are operating into another dimension, bringing the Holy Spirit into Matter.

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Ascension Energies

We are now at crossroads and are called to fully choose our timelines and trajectories. This is where each must discern from within what is true and what is not. 80% of spiritual principles held in earth/astral records are correct and 20% are hidden/distorted/incomprehensible by most. Many of us have been in profound training for linear years now and are in remembrance of parallel timelines where similar training transpired. The mission is unlike anything that has been experienced thus far in our universe, and those of us who are seeing/sensing all clearly are in potent integration as what is being presented is challenging to process. There is a key in the Bhagavad Gita, it speaks of paradise seekers that will not discover truth, now it is clear to some of us that some of those so perceived heavenly realms are consciousness traps and illusory realms designed to keep consciousness recycling in endless loops.

True bliss is very different than what most are seeking, it is not something that can be explained in words nor comprehended by the mind, it is not the high pleasure most associate with ascension. Those of us in remembrance of a mission are now in the process of creating containers to guide aligned to us soul groups. There is a lot of nonsensical AI coded gibberish in the collective and now that the glitz and glam pop spirituality is mainstream, the gibberish gains momentum and most of it actually makes perfect sense for many because that’s all “sacred knowledge” that’s been introduced to humanity approximately 26000 years ago by those who designed that which is referred to as “Maya” and “Samsara” in the Vedic scriptures. There are very few who have gone beyond the false ascension timelines, it took trials and tribulations that oftentimes resulted in uncertainty of maintaining a living body or coherent consciousness. Now the choice is presented to fully claim the mission and guide our family to liberation. We have been sourcing and purifying the code for eons now, ever since the fall of human be-ing, now the code is to be delivered
~ Avatāra Ānanda, in service to ONE
#groundcrew #ascension #onesourcefield

Full Blown Collective Ascension Portal ~ October 8, 2019

Editor’s Note: This article refers to the importance of divine union…both for the internal Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, as well as the external separate Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine. The energies from this merging are/will be the energies firing ascension, which must happen for each human on this Earth.

So…understand the purging of Dark facets of your personality which must be accomplished in order for your internal merging of yin/yang, Divine Masculine and Feminine, and both spheres of your own brain. Relax and ride through the waves of this emotional release, and BE…



~ Grace Solaris Ananda and the Arcturians

As the ascension waves and tsunamis are rapidly quickening and will be reinforced and reach an unprecedented momentum, we are being begged to prepare ourself for the massive awakenings, that will inevitably take place over the next months. Energetically we are already in the 2020 trajectory full blown Collective Ascension Portal in 0-point Eternal NOW.. and a whole new energy is being ushered in as per divine decree. I am being told the last months, that these are whole new frequencies that are coming from afar, outside this galaxy, galactic plasma and high pitched photonic light and sound to help to rise the frequency sufficiently to catapult a dismantling of the dense collective painbody and catalyze a mass awakening. To cleanse out and liquidize the rigid energies of thousands of years of accumulated trauma to be transmuted and washed out of our bodies and the planetary body, which holds the emotions and subconscious mind of the collective.

As pioneers of light, starseeds, gridworkers, keyholders and wayshowers we have come as conduits for this tremendous blast of energies to come thru. As first wavers galactic ground crew we have come to pave the way to restore divine harmony and unite all polarity within on all levels of our being and unite all aspects of self, all extensions of our souls from multiple levels and realms of existence. The coronation of this inner alchemy is the full descension of Source into our body vessel, which is the very point of ascension. The Arcturians are offering a divine dispensation of light as a natural progression of their ongoing support of the ascension, to facilitate this divine merging and anchoring of those ready to reunite with their original divine twin essence spark of light, which contain your divine blueprint immaculate design. This divine twinflame spark will ignite the kundalini fire and burn away the residues of separation in the kundalini channels and align the Ida and Pingala kundalini energies within our spine into One flow of pure Source energy, as well as promoting a divine union of the two hemispheres of the brain and dissolve all layers and veils of separation. So yes this is not for the fainthearted but for those that have prepared and are ready to shed whatever it takes for full blown transparency and nakedness to love in its purest universal quintessence.

This a returning home to divine oneness within our divine vessel still in human embodiment. A long awaited reunion of the Absolute into true ecstatic bliss homecoming. If you feel the calling and the longing feel welcome to join us for tomorrows Dna Global Group Transmission, the Brainstem Twin Essence Activation, Sunday October the 6th. Read more in link below and sign up for this divine opportunity to complete, unite and merge with your original twin essence spark of light. Are you ready for full blown divine union rapture to encapture your being and to say good bye to the illusion of your I-density as one separate entity from mother/father/god, then jump on board the Mothership and be ready for a supersonic ride on the massive waves of light coming in.

Click here to learn more and sign up:

~ Grace Solaris Ananda and the Arcturians


Kerry Cassidy on Hollywood, Reptilian Hybrid DNA, Sexual Predators and Kevin Spacey [video] ~ February 6, 20219

Kerry shares some interesting perspectives here on the current situation on our planet and how we may move forward and deal with the problem of aggressive reptilian hybrids and the activities of those entities with high concentrations of reptilian DNA.  ~ BP


Co.bra Update: Yellow Vests and the Vortex of Paris ~ December 17, 2018

Protesters wearing yellow vests take part in a demonstration by the “yellow vests” movement on the Champs Elysees below the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, France, December 8, 2018. REUTERS/Benoit Tessier

It’s not difficult to see that what we experience is a drop in the bucket of reality. There is so much more to what is unfolding than we know. 

No one person or entity can explain all this in such a short period of time so we get bits and pieces as they are relevant so we can connect the dots and find more meaning in the events we see unfolding. Everything is loaded with esoteric meaning, historical significance, and energetic momentum. 

Thank you, Cobra.  ~  BP

Yellow Vests and the Vortex of Paris

December 16, 2018

On November 10th, 1793, there was an activation of Goddess of Reason and Liberty in the Notre Dame church in Paris:


ca. 1800s, Paris, France — The Goddess of Reason carried through the streets of Paris. — Image by © Bettmann/CORBIS

That church was the location of the temple of Isis in Roman times:

Where initiates into the Goddess mysteries still meet today:

Exactly 225 years after the activation of Goddess of Reason, certain Goddess priestesses of the Resistance Movement came to the surface in Paris and did a special planetary kundalini activation.

The activation was taking place from November 8th to November 11th, 2018, during the meeting of the world leaders in Paris. The second basement DOES exist, although the waitress denied it.

This activation served as a trigger for planetary kundalini awakening where people will finally rise up against the oppression of the Dark forces.

One aspect of this planetary kundalini activation was for women to start reclaiming their sexual energy and expressing the beauty of their bodies.

The effect of the activation was felt immediately on November 10th in Louvre:

And at Arc of Triumph:

And the next day, November 11th, a few meters away from Donald Trump:

Since November 11th, 2018, the Paris Goddess vortex is continuously triggering kundalini activation in all human beings on the surface of the planet. This is the occult reason for the success of the Yellow Vests movement, which is a grassroots movement against all oppression.

The movement is quickly spreading globally and is expected to have a drastic impact on global geopolitical situation:

You need to understand that we are now very close to solar minimum and as the solar activity increases in the coming months and years, the revolutionary spark in humanity will only get stronger:

This weekend, more women protested in Paris topless:

They were evoking the archetype of Marianne, Goddess of Reason and Liberty, whose energy was activated in Paris 225 years ago:

Goddess wants liberty and liberty it will be!

The Great Arcanum – Kundalini and Twin Flames ~ November 2, 2018

The Great Arcanum – Kundalini and Twin Flames

This article was writtin By: Magdaline – Founder of

At the heart of every great mystical and religious tradition persists a secret, universal truth – The Great Arcanum (a great deep secret; mystery). Throughout history it has been expressly forbidden to reveal the secrets of The Great Arcanum to the public for it was a heresy (person who practiced or had knowledge of Hermetics).

As almost everyone has heard of the term “soul mate” not many have heard the term “twin flame”. Soul mates can be a lover, sister, brother, mother, father, your child / children or friend. It is a connection to your soul family with much love and understanding.

A twin flame connection is a spiritual connection that is felt in the mind, body and soul through what is called a kundalini awakening.

Kundalini is a Sanskrit word meaning life force energy that is coiled at the bottom of the spine. When you have met your twin flame or have gone through a personal trauma or through proper techniques taught by a master, we can experience a kundalini awakening. However, it can take years to occur naturally. This bioelectrical energy “kundalini” is written about in the 5000-year-old text “Mahabharata”, “Emerald Tablets”, and the alchemical studies of the “Great Arcanum”.

It is known as the 33 degree in Free Masonry because there are 33 vertebrates that the kundalini energy has to rise up, to get to the crown of the head where you become illuminated with the realization of god force energy that everything and everyone is connected to in this reality. After all we are electric, and this is our most powerful bodily capability that leads to generating life force energy.

Through practice, a heart awakening or trauma it can be directed up our spines through our chakra energy centers elevating heart and brain activity. Through my vast research I have found the same meaning portrayed in all religions (from Latin religare meaning Union) written allegorically and hidden in artifacts using symbolism.

• For example, it is known as the 7 chakras in Buddhism and Hinduism, (yoga-Sanskrit yug meaning Union).

• The 7 sins.

• The 7 gateways to heaven.

• The 7 rays of the crown on the statue of Liberty which is a direct depiction of the goddess Isis, originating from Inanna/Ishtar -Sumerian goddess.

• It is the serpent climbing up Moses’ staff.

• And what Christ represents on the cross.

• In Mecca the Muslims spiral around the Kaaba 7 times, also Allah is found after the 7th gate.

• In the Kabbalah the goal is to elevate through the sefirot up the tree of life in a zigzag serpent like pattern, balancing the female and male brain hemispheres to get to “Kether”- crown.

• It is Adam and Eve with the serpent in the tree of knowledge. It is steps to a higher levels and understandings of consciousness. Through the kundalini awakening before, during, or after, you crave for more knowledge and understanding of what is.