Headlines and Updates for November 16, 2018: The War of Attrition [videos] ~ November 16, 2018

There is a military strategy that allows and encourages the enemy to exhaust itself. It’s called “attrition warfare”.

Top definition ‘War of Attrition’: A war in which forces do not confront each other in direct combat with the full strength of their teams, but instead aim to wear each other down over a period of time using tactics such as guerilla warfare , sabotage and other dishonourable means of combat. Source

Many of us who have been in the trenches for some time (6.5 years for us here at Starship Earth) occasionally feel like we’re being whittled down, but for the Light Forces, our ranks, weapons and resources have expanded considerably this past year.

It is heartening to see that so many more people are awakening to the fact that Humanity is engaged in a mostly subtle battle for our very existence. We really needed the reinforcements to be deployed to support the war-weary.

Some of us are just dog tired, while others are energized by the renewed activities to bolster the efforts on so many fronts. Many have fallen just trying to warn us that what we see unfolding now was coming—even 2 decades ago. Most of us didn’t listen, but the advent of the Internet, personal computers and hand-held devices slowly turned the tide.

Tired we may be, but discouraged we are not. We will not be taking the easy way out and those of us who are in it for the long haul will see this battle to fruition. Freedom, and a new world.

The People need to see hard evidence of this take-down; mass arrests, public perp walks and prison time. WE NEED OUR MEDIA TO HONESTLY REPORT. I have been saying this for years. The media may not be fooling as many as they were but they are still influencing some.

This war is largely fought in the courts, and Judicial Watch has been an energetic advocate. They’re going after Hillary Clinton, and she has 30 days to answer questions under oath. That is far too long, in my opinion. This drags on and on.

Perhaps as the planets change their alignment and leave their cluster all on one side of the sun the energies will become more balanced. They’re certainly volatile right now.

Despite the court process, these people are lawless, the oath of office means nothing to them, and she’s already lied under oath because their personal oath is to never admit guilt. Clinton is a compulsive liar and believes she is protected from prosecution. She (or her clone) is also delusional and their minions cannot always protect them. Reality bites.

BREAKING: Hillary Clinton Ordered by Court To Testify UNDER OATH about Private Email Server

The Truth About Hillary & Benghazi

Other than the treasonous media, one of the biggest problems is the infiltration of all organizations by the psychopaths. We fight them at every turn, in all walks of life. Those we believed protected us plot against us, arrest us, shoot us, incarcerate us, steal from us, rape and kill our children, and render us homeless.

The entire government is infested with these vermin who don’t want to give up their opulent, obscene lifestyles. We are their slaves and they like it that way  so they are fighting to retain their positions of power and wealth at our expense.

Here’s some good news:

We are so effective at educating the public about the causes and reasons for the California fires—supported by mountains of valid evidence—that the press has had to do damage control. They’ve taken aim at us… using the words “conspiracy”, aliens, credibility, lasers, and more. Oh—and conspiracy theorists are now arsonists!

Thanks for the video, James. Laughable, isn’t it? Beware the Internet! I hate the lamestream media with a passion.

Here’s another target for you, California: The Sacramento Bee. Go get ’em, the lying turds.


Richie from Boston brought us this interesting satellite footage below that I saw a couple of days ago on another channel. They were thinking “volcanic” action. Richie thinks DEW.

Wildfires set on purpose DEW caught on NASA website

Smart Meters might play a large role in this. Some even wonder if microwave ovens are in the mix. Is Pacific Gas and Electric to blame for any of these fires? Here’s the testimony of a former meter reader. It appears some Californians are getting organized, sharing information, and doing their homework.

I hope President Trump can do something to help Julian Assange. It seems this is being done quietly as they know there would be a public outcry at his prosecution.

Julian Assange Has Been Charged in Secret, Accidentally Revealed in US Court Filing


This is the video version of Thomas Williams’ show last night, and it is a controversial one with plenty of intel. Thomas and the Manna World Holding Trust team are out of patience and fried a couple of hundred cabal servers, worldwide, if I heard that correctly. They’re not messing around any more. The psychopaths continue to block the funds the Trust has tried to provide to rebuild the areas hit by hurricanes and flooding in the Carolinas and Florida.

It’s disappointing to hear people attacking those who are doing more for the planet and her people than most others. The sarcastic comments are indicative of individuals who have no discernment and/or are not willing to take the time to educate themselves as to the reality. It’s easier to take jabs disguised as questions, compelling Thomas to spend precious time defending their actions which will one day be legendary, in my opinion.

I love the idea Thomas put forward about a new alt media. It would be a relief to leave the fake whistleblowers and intel artists behind. People are too often fooled by them and lack the discernment to tell who is part of the system and who is a dedicated truther and informant. The fact they hand over money to support them irks me. I like Mike Adams’ new video platform because it filters the shills to at least some degree.

Again, I thank Thomas, Kim and the team most profusely for their sacrifices and may they remain safe.

From Washington… more good news…

Trump Lays Groundwork To Ban Mandatory Vaccinations Across U.S.

Douglas is pretty pissed. Many of us are fed up and demanding actions and I think it’s accountability time. This is so long overdue it’s pathetic. And he’s right. People have died, and they continue to die and suffer because nothing to speak of has been done about these criminals.

Fire the whole SES, cancel all the NGO and mercenary contracts.

*BREAKING NEWS* Republicans Subpoena Comey & Lynch!

And here’s my alter, Dave, lol, with the financial and other updates. He is certain things are going the only way they can go. We’ll see.

Panic Sets In, The Financial Pundits Beg The Fed To Stop, The Plan Pushes Forward – Episode 1717a

This Is Why Everything Needs To Be Put In Place Before The Hammer Is Dropped – Episode 1717b

The Greatest Evil In Our World: Out of Darkness Into the Light | Jake Morphonios [videos] ~ October 21, 2018

There are no accidents. While awake during a typical 2:30 a.m.-ish stint so common these days, I suddenly thought of Jake Morphonios and made a mental note to check in with his channel the following morning.

Of course, by morning I’d forgotten all about it, but a friend sent me this video last night—one of those synchronicitous things.

Jake has been researching Human trafficking, child sex trafficking networks and cannibalization for some time—long before “Pizzagate”.

He is creating a video series on this and uploading a new video each day. Following are the first and second installments.  ~ BP

#1 – The Greatest Evil In Our World – Out of Darkness Into the Ligh

#2 – The Horror in Omaha – Out of Darkness Into the Light

Blackstone Intelligence Network
Published on Oct 20, 2018
There exists a terrible scourge that infects not just the United States, but the whole world – a global network of human trafficking operations, some of which are controlled by rogue elements inside the Central Intelligence Agency. The US State Department estimates that today there are between 20 to 30 million slaves in the world. Government statistics indicate that 600,000 to 800,000 people are trafficked across international borders every year, of which 80% are female and half are children. This video series will expose some of these operations – bringing these sick crimes out of the darkness and into the light.


Headlines and Updates for October 21, 2018: New Depths of Miscreant Behaviour [videos] ~ October 21, 2018

Is this what former Attorney General Eric Holder had in mind when he said, “We kick em.”??? So this is, “The Kolfage Kicker”?  This veteran doesn’t even have any legs to kick out from under him. This is what psychopaths do.

There is a huge job awaiting researchers at Wikipedia to correct all the lies published there about our history and the subhumans who subjugated Humanity over the centuries. Let them go down in infamy as a cautionary reminder of how complacency can be the undoing of an entire civilization. It happened many times.

Does anyone really want these people running their country—and the world? We’ll find out on November 6th.

Facebook Deletes Disabled Veteran’s Page Without Warning — After Taking $300,000 for Ads


Bill Still reports more psychopathic behaviour…

Minnesota Dems – We’ll Guillotine Republicans, 2416

If anything, I think it more likely it will be us guillotining the reps (that’s reptilians)—figuratively speaking, of course. Off with their ‘heads!

Simon Parkes notified us of a shocking development in the UK, which brought to mind for me the French Revolution whence came the famous phrase, “Let them eat cake” when the so-called aristocracy was so out of touch with the plight of the common folk that when they had no bread, the advice was to eat cake instead.

A Cunning Plan…
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Here in Great Britain the present Tory government has come up with a cunning plan.

More cunning than Blackadder’s Baldric.

Michael Gove has said he wants to open up council rubbish / trash sites so people can dig around and purchase items that have been discarded by others.

For instance a child’s push scooter would be £5.00 while a TV would be £40.00.

Me thinks that Gove has been reading too much Charles Dickens!



Can you believe the cojones of these El-ites?

What—no bread? Let them eat cake! What— no pram? Go to the local landfill and rummage about until you find what you’re looking for. We’ll give you a great deal!

You know what I say to these “elitist tyrants”? On your bike! Do not pass go. Cycle straight to the Tower where you shall spend the rest of your days for your crimes against Humanity.

Better yet—toss them in the dustbin of time and let’s be done with them once and for all. Ship them all off to the the Great Central Sun for recycling and make them useful for once.

And also in Britain…

Apparently the Brits are more civilized than the American heathens who beat up and bully anyone who disagrees with their opinion.

Hillary Clinton says civility won’t return unless the El-ites gain control of the government. Too bad she has no say in the matter.

Hitlary is basically under house arrest in the “catch and release” program so she can play her role and not tip off the somnambulent public as to the true state of affairs in America. She’s on a short leash and when the master tugs, she’ll have to go to her kennel at GTMO to await prosecution.

Fortunately, she looks great in orange. Unfortunately, since there is such a backlog of thousands of El-ites indicted, under arrest or soon to be and to imminently arrive at Guantanamo, the actual court cases could take many years. Whatever will she do?

Protesters participating in an anti-Brexit demonstration, march through central London © Reuters / Simon Dawson

1,000s gather in London for ‘biggest’ anti-Brexit rally seeking final say (VIDEO)

Holy hell, Canada. Wake the frig up! Who died and made doctors God? Thanks for the heads up, R.

Children’s Hospital Says It Will Euthanize Kids Without Parental Consent

Mike Adams has a message for the reprobates who believe they will simply eliminate the undesirable patriots in America on the “activation day”. Read his article at the link and/or watch his video. Apparently the reprobates need a reminder that they were completely unsuccessful in disarming Americans and at this stage some of them have itchy trigger fingers, especially in Texas, Mike says. Americans aren’t violent people, but they WILL protect their lives, their families, their President, and their country.

Civil war alert: Leftists openly plot executions of U.S. Senators, Supreme Court justices


Dave’s astute Sunday updates in the financial and geopolitical arenas…

The Economy Has Just Turned, & So Are Countries

World Peace?, Deep State Losing Control Of Narrative

Dave has a good chat with Frank at the Frankly Speaking channel. Frank is one of my favourite talk show hosts. Just a real, nice guy. Informed, well-spoken. Balanced.

Some semi-surprising moves from POTUS, but since we know the Trump administration is working with the team at the Manna World Holding Trust, the news is not out of the blue.

To close for now, we have a spectacular mystery light source at the South Pole general area illuminating the planet with what appears to be a “big blue flashlight” and other cool stuff/anomalies from Steve at WSO.

Geosat Shows Something Below Earth Flyin Around

Headlines & Updates for October 18, 2018; A Scary Time on Planet Earth? [videos] ! October 18, 2018

Hallowe’en must be close. The hatchet men, whack-jobs, nut bars, zombies, ghost voters and delusionary soul-less entities are haunting the planet.

Life is nothing if not entertaining. Thanks for the heads up, Daniel. This is so lame. “Project Zorgo”? Really? Pfffffttt!!!

You took YT down for 2 hours? Really? Big deal. Who took Amazon down? Who took multiple satellites down? Who took all the cellular networks down? Who took CBS, ABC and NBC off the air? Hmmmm????

There are far more powerful forces at work than you. You’re cyber terrorists—and you’re so desperate to create an illusion of power.  ~ BP

QAnon has gone dark for 9 days so we know there is BIG, important stuff happening. Patience…

New crumbs will appear here…

The War Drummer made another fantastic, well-researched video for us based on some older Q crumbs. What a sad history we have on this planet; much of it no longer common knowledge. We have a lot of work to do to put things right.

The 2nd Sacrifice – Erasing History – Masonic Sorcery – By The War Drummer

If you want real intel, tune in to the update from Thomas Williams this afternoon/tonight at 7:30 EDT/4:30 Pacific for the Truth, Honor & Integrity Show. Listen here or here.

The cabal is desperate to provoke war, but Russia ain’t taking the bait and are stating no one sane will go there.

Moscow ‘ready for larger-scale provocations’ by the West, says Lavrov

Putin has retained his sense of humour, however. I thought his remark humourous, at least.

After nuclear holocaust, we’ll go to heaven as martyrs; attackers will die as sinners – Putin

If any nation decides to attack Russia with nuclear weapons, it may end life on Earth; but unlike the aggressors, the Russians are sure to go to heaven, President Vladimir Putin has said.

If we’re all going to die from a nuclear holocaust, I hope people will learn how to pronounce ‘nuclear’ properly, just so the history books are accurate.

More outages… this time with Amazon. Some feel these rolling comms interruptions are veiled threats by the dark to show us just what they can and might do. Could be factions flexing their muscles, too. My Internet went down for a few minutes again yesterday afternoon. It’s so commonplace I expect it. We’re at the point now if it didn’t, I’d miss it.

A Starship crew member reports the following anomaly on television October 16th in New York State…

Another weird thing happened on TV on Tuesday evening, at least here in central NYS – the much ballyhoo’d “The Connors” was supposed to be on – which I didn’t plan to watch anyway – but I’m always checking the TV guide to see what’s on and at 8PM prime tv time, NBC, CBS and ABC were all off the air with a notice to “not call, we are aware of the problem” message – however all my other directv channels worked.

That’s a first, isn’t it? It sounds like there is some activity related to the lamestream media’s ability to broadcast and that “they” are not in control. Testing, perhaps. Very interesting. Thanks, K, for the heads up. I’m expecting some very enlightening announcements in the near future.

Suspected member of Khashoggi ‘hit-team’ dies in mysterious ‘traffic accident’ in Saudi Arabia

Trump declares Khashoggi appears to have been murdered and penalties will be stiff.

James Corbett’s tongue-in-cheek summary of the recent push for “climate change” funding clarifies the controllers’ last ditch effort to brainwash the public about the “global warming” lies. They need cash and they need it badly.

Pay Up or the Earth Gets It! – #PropagandaWatch


Watch this video on BitChute / DTube / YouTube

As predicted, the IPCC has released their hot air report on 1.5C of global warming and the lamestream fake news lying establishment lapdog media is hyping it as the end of the world as we know it…unless you pay the globalists more money to atone for your carbon sins, of course. This week on #PropagandaWatch James breaks down the latest propaganda push for carbon eugenics and what it means for the coming technocratic slave state.


Progress! More arrests. And we’re just getting started in this swamp.

U.S. Official Arrested, Criminally Charged For Leaking Confidential Documents in Russia Probe

Need a laugh? Those damn Russians are interfering in our election again? Not!

(Note: Make sure you are on the registered voting list for your district. We have heard that some people are finding they were not on the list and had to take steps to correct it before they could vote.)

Here’s where the problem in American elections lies. “I see dead people.”  We’ve heard in the past that “someone” has loaded oodles of names of the deceased onto voting lists. I wonder who got to cast their vote…

Seriously, though… if the only way you can win an election is to cheat, it’s time to throw in the towel. Just leave the planet.

Tom Fitton on CBN: 3.5 MILLION ‘Ghost Voters’ on Voter Rolls–‘That’s where you get fraud’

Maryland Implies Judicial Watch Has Ties to Russian Agents in Shameful Effort to Hide Voter Rolls Mess

Maryland officials have resorted to desperate measures to avoid giving Judicial Watch voter registration records—as required by federal law—by suggesting Judicial Watch is connected to Russian government agents.

The absurd implication was made in a federal court document involving a lawsuit filed last summer as part of a national Election Integrity Project to clean up voter rolls. Maryland is one of 11 states with more registered voters than citizens of voting age, according to U.S. Census Bureau data examined as part of Judicial Watch’s ongoing investigation.

In notice-of-violation letters Judicial Watch warned it would sue the 11 states if the problems weren’t fixed. In Maryland’s case, there are more registered voters in Montgomery County, the state’s most populous, than citizens over the age of 18. Besides threatening legal action, Judicial Watch’s notice letter to election officials requested access to Montgomery County voter registration lists to evaluate efforts to ensure the accuracy of eligible voter rolls during the past two years.

Section 8(i) of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA) authorizes and entitles Judicial Watch to inspect and copy the requested voter lists. Maryland officials refuse to provide them, claiming that state law restricts the release of voter registration information to Maryland registered voters. The NVRA trumps any reservation the state may have and Judicial Watch is confident it will obtain the records.

Nevertheless, Judicial Watch had to sue in U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland to gain access to the voter registration lists under federal law, noting that Section 8(i) of the NVRA contains no requirement that only an individual person or a registered voter may request the documents that the statute describes.

Accordingly, Section 8(i) authorizes and entitles Judicial Watch to inspect and copy the requested voter lists. Maryland officials have chosen to dodge the law, refusing to provide the records and stonewalling with outlandish assertions during the pretrial discovery process. In a federal court document filed on behalf of State Administrator of Elections Linda H. Lamone, Maryland Attorney General Brian E. Frosh tries to associate Judicial Watch with Russian government agents.

Here is the excerpt straight from the interrogatory filed in court by Maryland’s attorney general: “Identify any Russian nationals or agents of the Russian government with whom you have communicated concerning this lawsuit, Judicial Watch’s request for a copy of the list of registered voters in Montgomery County, Maryland, the purposes for which you are seeking a copy of the list of registered voters in Montgomery County, Maryland, and/or any broader effort to obtain copies of similar lists from other jurisdictions of which Judicial Watch’s request for a copy of the list of registered voters in Montgomery County, Maryland, is a part.”

This shows that Maryland officials are using a baseless allegation to retaliate against an organization and its supporters because of their conservative political views, a violation of the First Amendment.

This week Judicial Watch responded to the plainly frivolous request as part of the pretrial process. There is not a shred of evidence or allegation in any pleading, document or even news report of any communications or associations between Judicial Watch and Russian nationals or agents of the Russian government.

Maryland officials knew that when they made the egregious request for documents they believed did not exist solely to associate Judicial Watch with an inflammatory, partisan fight making national headlines. This reflects negatively on Lamone and the Maryland State Board of Elections and both should be ashamed. “It’s completely outrageous,” said Robert Popper, director of Judicial Watch’s Election Integrity Project and a former deputy chief of the Voting Section of the Civil Rights Division at the Justice Department. “A government agency is taking Democratic talking points to beat someone up for suing them.”

Other states that Judicial Watch is forcing to clean up voter rolls include Alabama, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina and Tennessee. In California, Judicial Watch found more registered voters than voting-age citizens in 11 counties, including Imperial (102%), Lassen (102%), Los Angeles (112%), Monterey (104%), San Diego (138%), San Francisco (114%), San Mateo (111%), Santa Cruz (109%), Solano (111%), Stanislaus (102%), and Yolo (110%).

Under Section 8 of the NVRA, states are required to make a reasonable effort to remove the names of ineligible voters from official lists due to “the death of the registrant” or “a change in the residence of the registrant,” and requires states to ensure noncitizens are not registered to vote. Many states don’t bother conducting reasonable voter registration list maintenance as mandated under the NVRA.


Closing off on a positive note… thanks L.

BabylonBee.com 10-15-18… “Hillary Clinton Releases DNA Test Results Proving She’s Only Half Lizard Person” ~ October 15, 2018

Editor’s Note: Kp, over in Hawaii, put a humorous articel today I Am sharing with you for a good belly laugh! We chuckle at this satire, yet scratch our heads and start to wonder… Please read, and…



First of all, Babylon Bee is a satire site. Second of all, I just was laughing at this very loudly (inside, at least). Third of all, I pass this along with all due respect to what HRC really is, what kinds of lizard and/or other ET cultures are present on Earth, and many of which may have mated with humans for positive reasons!

Posted for humor reasons only.


Hillary Clinton Releases DNA Test Results Proving She’s Only Half Lizard Person

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Shortly after Elizabeth Warren released a DNA test that may or may not show that she is 1/1024th Native American, failed presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton showed the results of a recent DNA test that conclusively proved she is only 50% Reptilian.

The test, conducted by a renowned DNA expert, showed that only 50% of her blood comes from reptilian humanoids from space bent on destroying humanity. Many Washington insiders had claimed she was 100% reptile, but these claims are now known to be a hoax.

“I’m happy to announce that I’m only half reptile,” she said on an interview Sunday evening. “I hope my critics will think twice before calling me a space reptile now, since that’s only half true. I’m only part lizard person, thank you very much.”

But she was quick to point out that whether or not she’s an earth-conquering reptile is irrelevant, quipping, “What difference, at this point, does it make?”

At publishing time, Clinton had admitted the remainder of her DNA was that of a Cylon.