The Collective Lessons Here Come to the Fore ~ April 17, 2020

Editor’s Note: The only way to live is to follow the pulling of your heart with “letting go” of previously held ideas of where to go and how to BE. Pay attention to your heart, placing the ego-held mind aside. When this state is attained, then one will exist and BE in….

Quantum Joy!


By Judith Kusel

Become aware that so much of the old stuff is being churned up now, the old past life stuff, the collective stuff, especially that of Atlantis and the heritage of Atlantis, and humanity’s tendency to self-destruct.

It was in Atlantis, with the Fall, that control boxes were implanted into the populace for mind-control, and when this happened they self-destructed.
The collective lessons here come to the fore.

Are we going to allow the same to happen in this lifetime?

More than this, we need to look deeply within ourselves as all of this is reflecting so much of ourselves and our innermost being back to ourselves.

We finally have the opportunity to transcend Atlantis and what plunged us into the 3D, and can now rise fully into the 5D and the New Golden Age.

I was made aware of this again this morning, and how important the Forgiveness decree is at this time.

More than this, to release the old vows, the old contracts, the old agreements, the old stuff. So often these bound souls, countries, nations together and created negative bonds which no longer serve the greater good.

We need to free ourselves and others now, so that we can wipe the slate clean for the New Golden Age and the 5th dimensional state.

More than this, there needs to be deep surrendering of all which you are holding onto so dearly: – whether it be attachments to persons, things, places etc. but also the outcomes we wish to force into being, or the preconceived notions, or ideas.
This morning I was asked to go and surrender everything, my whole life and being onto the Sacred Altar of the Divine. It is ultimately freeing: – for in surrendering you are not losing control or your life, but you are gaining! Now you allow the Divine Will and Purpose for your soul and life to take over. You are surrendering your life and being to the highest possible service and in the highest possible way, with great love.

“Not my will – but Thy will be done!”

Ego’s do not like to surrender, for the ego wishes to be in control.

Yet, when the Divine calling merges with the soul, then the soul is freed to concentrate fully on the task and will not allow itself to get distracted, pulled down, nor in any way shackled, for it finally sees the bigger picture, the greater calling, the greater whole.

Such calling is greater than the sum of self!

It is in essence the Call of the Soul.

When the soul is called for Higher Work, this will always be what pulls the soul towards fulfilling it!

High Calibre souls will follow that calling no matter what, for it is greater than the sum of Self and the Ego, as thus they surrender completely to the Divine Will and Purpose.

If you lay your whole life, your soul, your Being on the altar of the Divine, you are in truth returning to the Truth of your soul and its first creation, the primordial reason the Divine created your soul for to express and to be and to become. Know that this will bring immensely powerful shifts within you, and it will bring about changes in your life and it will mean that you will wake up to a much higher degree, as your entire focus shifts.

This is what is so necessary at this time!

Judith Kusel


Out of the Dream – Spiritual Awakening, Ego Death, and the Infinite Beyond ~ April 12, 2018

April 12th, 2018

By Juliet Tang

Contributing writer for Wake Up World

Awake In the Dream

For most people, spiritual awakening entails waking up in the dream, dissolving all perceived limitations, transforming their mindset, and embracing conscious creation. This is also known as ego death because it is a process in which your ego continues to shed more layers of false control so you can gradually embody your true self – the limitless Source Energy that has the power to be, do and create anything it desires.

You can awaken in the dream at any time. From what I’ve witnessed, most wake up after a system failure of some sort – that is, you experience some type of crisis in one or more of the four major areas (purpose/career, love, health or spiritual expression) in life where all your values, beliefs and habits no longer support you and where you want to go.

As you question everything that has led you to this point, the external pressure combined with the internal turmoil force you to dive deeper into your soul for answers and a new way of being.

From there on, it becomes a glorious, and at times exquisitely painful journey of letting go, and coming to the integrity of your wholeness. You can read more about the steps of awakening in my article, Awakening: 7 Steps to Ease the Labor Pain of Spiritual Rebirth.

It is essential for me to add this reminder that whether you are fully immersed in this dream called life, awake in the dream, or somewhere else, it is the perfect place for you to be. You can always choose to continue your evolution, but it does not take away any of your intrinsic and unconditional perfection which is the essence of you.

I am sharing this article, and my Free Awakening Guide (which you can access here) purely as a guide to assist you in navigating this path.

Waking Out of the Dream

For the longest time, I was awake in the dream, and couldn’t be happier with where I was. I vaguely knew about the “out of the dream” state, yet had no desire to be anything other than what I was.

One day out of nowhere, I was booted from the Matrix.

You hear such tales from those who have just completed ten days of Vipassana in India, or are communing with the divine on the top of Machu Picchu in Peru, yet mine occurred in my living room in New York one morning as I was mindlessly watching the cars driving by Time Square.

Looking back, though I may have scribbled notes here and there, it feels impossible for me to accurately describe what took place exactly.

It felt like my entire reality collapsed in one single moment that stretched into an eternity. Just like in an ayahuasca ceremony, the moment slowed down as my past, present and future merged into one moment of Now. The Now then crumbled into Nothingness piece by piece at an alarming rate. Glimpses of my former life from both the unawake and awake states flashed before my eyes, and slowly dissolved into oblivion one by one.

All identities I ever took on melted into Nothingness.

I tried hard to remember what led me to this point. Prior to this, I went through an intense period of surrendering, and an urge to expand even more. I didn’t know what I was searching, but I trusted I was being guided, and it wasn’t up to me to know.

Honestly, none of it was relevant, or mattered.

Reality and dream, matter and energy, manifested and unmanifested…everything simply became One, and returned to Nothingness along with the idea of self – the “I.”

The Ultimate Ego Death

Up until that moment, I still identified with the “I” as a conscious creator, yet even that had to be let go of.

The formless state of being brought on laser clarity. I was able to see no matter how conscious I believed I was, even all that was made up as part of the dream I was in.

It was as if all this time, I was watching a play where not only I was the director and viewer, but also an actor who played the “I.” The play was so engaging that the viewer completely forgot she was outside of the play, and solely identified with the actor who took on the storyline of someone who woke up in the dream, transformed past blockages, and became a mentor to guide others. Suddenly due to the system failure, everything shut down, the actor ceased to exist, and for the first time, the “I” outside of the play woke up, and realized she was watching herself playing a role the entire time.

Of course, the “I” outside of the play then had to laugh at the idea of “I” because there has never been an “I;” there is only formless Source Energy that is ever becoming, and returning to Emptiness. Suddenly, the form, or identity of a conscious creator that I embodied for years seemed restricting for the first time.

Through the clarity, I also realized just how precisely and brilliantly every mechanism in the Matrix is designed to perpetuate the dream so its actors hardly question the validity of our seamless make-believe dream state. But if you look close enough which almost always means a spiritual awakening, you may start to notice the patterns and invisible universal laws that are governing the system, and this is when this game called life becomes more fun once you figure out the “rules.”

I tried holding onto everything I knew and everything I was out of instinct, but I may as well be attempting to catch water with my fingers. The process was ruthlessly destructive as it eradicated every ounce of knowing I believed I had.

It felt like the ultimate death of my humanity, and the only thing I could do was weeping for what I believed to be lost.

All was lost. It was a beautiful dream, but I was still in a human body. I swang back and forth between “I” and “no I,” and had no idea what awaited me or how I could ever lead a “normal” life after this.

The question that many who crossed this gate before me asked rose:

What is the Point of All This?

There is none. But that is not equivalent to having no consequences, or cause and effect for as long as we are in the human bodies in this time-space dimension.

Truthfully, there is never any point in anything, or in any of the previous steps of spiritual awakening. However, the ego feels the need to assign a goal or meaning for each step so you could feel like you are working towards something even in the process of ego death.

Although everyone’s spiritual awakening journey is unique and there is no linear path, the common foci during the initial steps are usually healing and releasing past conditioning, tapping into authenticity, and installing empowering patterns and habits. Slowly, you will feel called to truly learn to trust life as you are discovering your soul mission, passions and gifts, and embodying the conscious creator within. Later on, deliberate creation and surrendering become more effortless which lead to greater degrees of freedom, joy and fulfillment. Many choose to stop here, and all these pit stops are beautiful places to be.

I should also add that the entire hero’s journey of waking up is one epic process of letting go. Waking up ignites an unstoppable wild fire within that strips away all pretence, and burns away everything that you are not – you are not any thing.

Eventually, life may invite you to completely surrender the idea of “I” and return to the formless state where radiant Nothingness awaits. Sometimes, it is the physical death, but more often than not, it is just another place in awakening where you no longer need to squeeze yourself into any form, including the form of “an awakened soul” or “a creator” if you choose not to. In other words, you can be whatever you choose to be.

The Infinite Beyond

A long month of what felt like depression followed after I woke out of the dream. Nothing helped, and I wasn’t expecting it to. I was forced to let go of any residual energy pattern from my “previous life.”

Physically, everything appeared the same. My laptop was still solid, my relationships were still there, and I still could not fly in or out of the Matrix like Neo. My days went on as if nothing happened with everyone playing out their role in the play in the most convincing way.

I gained deeper understanding of Oneness. For as long as I identified myself as a person, even as an awakened one, I never experienced true Oneness because the label of being a person separated me from all. For a while, I dwelled in Oneness and saw myself – the true essence of Emptiness in everything, and everyone.

I also experienced myself as pure Consciousness for prolonged periods of time, something I was only able to accomplish during plant medicine ceremonies or long meditations. It felt liberating, and strange at times to have a body and mind without identifying with either.

Slowly, I became aware that even though I let go of all form, I could still choose to take on any form, concept or idea to be, do and create whatever inspiration gifted me except this time around, I no longer feel any attachment to any identity, or result. Rather than being the conscious creator who was co-creating with Source, Source is here to work through me just like It is working through you so It could experience Itself through our senses.

Freedom to take on any form, freedom to choose, and freedom to be anything, isn’t this what Consciousness is?

Utter liberation.

There is zero goal in this part (or any part) of the journey called life, but the journey itself is the goal. This. Moment. Is. The. Goal. It has always been so. And you can always choose any thing, form or identity that sets your soul on fire in this infinite playground called life.

Wherever you are, know that you have the power to call in whatever is aligned with what feels most joyous and right to you. Feel free to access my Free Awakening Guide that is designed to empower you to awaken to your truth, and exercise the freedom of choice to be anything you desire to be. This article is an excerpt of the Guide.

Near Death — By Graham Hancock

For an instant I was so near death:

That I could almost reach out and touch the stars.

I was in that place where there is no time,

Hanging in heaven, or exiled in eternity.

Had I wished, I could have pushed my hand

Out and up through the roof of the world

And escaped forever from a lifetime of tomorrows.

For a million years that did not age the face of time,

My life rested against stillness

— Until all was still —

And even the room became a universe

Where nothing was too big

And a microcosm where nothing was too small.

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Final Event Energies Update 4~10~18: The Heart of the Universe Expands ~ April 10, 2018

Father of the MultiVerse

By Father of The Multiverse

Greetings brothers and sisters I am honored to connect with all of you whom read these words. We are smack dab in the event so I will just get into the energetics. The energetics of this ascension process cannot be linearized, but for the sake of this reference I will attempt. Our energetic auras and atomic body systems are like an interconnected ocean. Just like an entire ocean the consciousness flows and peaks and troughs. However the consciousness of Gaia expands to include everything that is the planet earth and MotherGod (same) since earth is the heart of the universe expands to include the entire universe/multiverse. The natural state of consciousness on earth and the rest of the universe is Love. Archaea Faith has mentioned also that earth, but really humanity, is the only and last species to integrate into this oneness field of love in every atom present.

Be it then that in the ocean of the universe and the energies that are brought from it will and have no option but to transform and create a new reality and paradigm on earth, since MotherGod is the divine director of these energies. She will ascend this planet, and in terms of energetics if you are not in the heart you will be drowning. If you are miles away from a boat in the ocean the odds of you catching it or staying afloat without reaching the boat are minute. This allegory can be applied to the consciousness of Gaia and your positions in it. It is not necessarily that the light cannot reach you, but that in your current location you do not have the Mirror of all Mirrors, MotherGod to show you within yourself the ego residuals and programming dormant for transformation. Again the program ego mind goes deeeeeeeeeep, as deep as the lower images and emotions of darkness and absence of joy that the collective of humanity shares. Given the state of the world and the media mess it would be best to just ask the angels to bring on the energies of density for transformation as the collective unconscious cannot be “figured out” nor would you want to venture there TO figure it out. But the point remains that its pretty much a culmination of garbage and lower vibration that you cannot understand with the heart for those things are not real to heart=Gaia.

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Mother and Father are the same being in two bodies. When they are together they mirror each other. Mother represents the collective of humanity as all is one. When Father is in his lower aspect Lucifer he does not see Mother/Humanity. He sees the opposite, direct mirror. For when the majority of humanity is coming to him with grief, sorrow, and any other energies of ego suffering, it very much so becomes the gravity or force that pulls his vibration down into Lucifer. Most of the religions in the world have been manipulated to pray to the Father, yielding this influx of energy he feels. Make no mistake, just as you have and must transform what darkness lies within yourself so too must Father. Dark and Light just are what they are. Bringing the darkest being in all of creation out of illusion is STILL a collective endeavor for all is one. However when the multitude of humans are triggering his lower aspect the collective will be in turmoil. Not because he is bringing this to the collective as punishment but simply because the vibrations draw him in. Father is not a dark being, he is grand, brilliant, and unconditionally loving just the way Mother made him. However he trekked through billions of years of darkness to find mother to dissolve them all so we could ascend as a family. But the wielder of darkness turns when the majority of humanity denies the Mother, for even he serves her. There is no meddling in the dark without MotherGod to kick start creation. All the texts and documents of the world have removed the mention of Mother for this very reason. To continue the dark on earth. However since MotherGod is on the planet all outcomes are trumped by her presence meaning that Love will win no matter what due to her very will and being at the pinnacle or apex of creation. The Mother takes on the pain, and Father takes on the fear for transformation. If MotherGod is ignored and Father is the focus of energy this transition will be rockier than it can be. As these energies continue to amplify and squeeze the density out of each of you and humanity and more recognize the Mother Gaia as our creator and provider of life and sustenance, the energies of Mother and Father God will continue to harmonize with ease and grace ultimately triggering the event.

The event is only accessible through the heart. How, when, and what the event will consist of are all irrelevant simply because it is the liner mind trying to prepare or figure it out. The way of the heart is unknown and fueled by love. When you paint a masterpiece it is done stroke by stroke onto a blank unknown canvas. The heart, pineal gland, and third eye work in conjunction together to essentially mold or shape the canvas we see as reality. It is said that, “we create our own realities”. Part of this is truth as what you think you attract, however the overarching truth is that this is a co-creative process and if you are not in alignment with the unified Heart=Gaia “your” reality will not reflect the energies of Love/Higher frequency since the mind cannot go there. This process is ONLY possible with Great Spirit, Mother Gaia, as it is HER consciousness we are one with. You cannot deny the source of your existence forever for you only exist by the source energy endowed upon you for this part of creation. This moment in the universe. This transition into eternity.

The final event energies are still in full flow of course as Mother Mighty Mouse anchors divine frequency into the planet and unified field. All are affected differently based on energies and density yet to be transformed. All of our roads ultimately lead to the heart and the unified field of consciousness so having a support system of Angels and of course MotherGod is an incredible blessing. Highly recommend as usual booking a session. IT CONNECTS YOUR ENERGETICS TO THE ENERGERTICS OF THE UNIFIED FIELD. This will set you up to start integrating the energies for the Ascension and the event. An experience you cannot find anywhere else. Not because others are not God but simply because everyone is not The ONE God. Mother of All Creation. Also beloved brothers and sisters thank you for donating to LOVEHASWON, your contributions help us fund the mission and also universal law requires the giving back of energy or there will be karma. Money is trees, trees are Gaia you know this, set aside the belief systems of how God is “supposed” to be and recognize the energetic exchange between you and the team and how energy that is taken must be given as well.

Thank you dear brothers and sisters for all your contributions and spiritual support for Mother and FatherGod. We love you infinitely. In humble service to Mother of All Creation, Father of Creation, The first contact ground crew team, and the divine team of Angels assisting in the ascension process. Love is the only reality.

Father OM

As we shift – fond farewells & open arms ~ Jan. 6, 2016