White Crystal Wizard ~ October 9, 2020

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Editor’s Note: I agree with the thoughts provided below…when one becomes centered and balanced in the concept of LOVE, all things just seem to work themselves out. This instant manifestation becomes obvious through the ability to keep your frequency high without even thinking!

This new frequency IS what is changing our world. Please join me in greeting all in the world with Unconditional LOVE from your Magnificent Heart, which will in all ways leave you in…

Quantum Joy!


Note that we will go through immensely powerful energetic upgradings in the next three months, which is, like I said yesterday, comes with huge reconstruction on cellular levels, as well as throughout the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and all 12 energetic bodies. So many souls will awaken now, who were still asleep and those awakened will now move into the Upper Levels, the Higher Rooms and thus will find that much of what was once familiar, how they lived, operated, served, will now disintegrate and move into the higher octaves of frequencies.

It just means a totally new life and way of life in much higher and lighter frequency band.

I was struggling with some editing work which needs to be done, and what I wrote even a few years ago, I felt I had completely transcended. It then dawned to me, that that was what I lived as my highest service a few years ago, but was not relevant anymore. I have shifted lightyears since then.

You will all find this in much higher degrees now.

It so important to live every moment now in the Present. To be fully Present in the moment. And then become conscious of every thought you think – it will manifest instantly now. Even feelings you have – it will attract exactly what you are feeling.

When the emotional charges come up, and the old wishes to pull you back in, immediately stop the bus right there and then, and go into your heart space, and ask to be lifted into the Higher Levels and then observe this from the higher frequency band with love.

The minute you move into the heart of Love, your seeing and feelings will change. The emotional charges will be discharged and you can see and feel with the eyes and heart of Love again, and thus will bring the higher vibrational frequencies into the situation and into the souls involved and thus will not react anymore. Indeed, with the heart opening you will bless them, thank them and then the whole will resolve itself.

Why? Because you choose to stay in the highest frequency of Unconditional Love, and thus the lower self, and lower vibration, has no effect anymore. You are centered in the Heart and Frequency of Purity and Pure Love.

Note that you will often feel fatigued during this time. That is because your whole energetic systems are going through this intense revamping, and your physical form will have a hard time keeping up with it all. Allow yourself to take minute vacations, to seek out stillness, nature, and if need be, go for a walk and breathe in fresh air – or whatever it is that you feel will assist you in some refreshing way.

I find that when I do this, I find my inner joy. I find joy in highest loving service, and I find joy in resting and being and allowing. More than this, one has all the support, all the loving Guidance and all the Infinite Divine Love, Light and Wisdom within, to bring all into the highest states of Oneness and Unity, within and without!

What an immense blessing this is!

I wish that you feel the Divine Love, Light an Blessings in a profound way today.

In this moment.

Fully Present.

I love you! Judith Kusel http://www.judithkusel.com

The Future is Still Forming ~ September 16, 2020

So many think that life will go back to ‘normal’ again.

It will not.

Such deep and profound shifts have taken place in the last few months, and indeed immense paradigm shifts in all directions, that life just never will be the same again.

We cannot go back.

The old has gone.

The only place we can go now in any direction is in the here and now and being fully present, in the now.

The future is still in the forming.When I was meditating this morning, having a quiet spot by the beach, all to myself, with just the singing birds and the thundering surf as company, the mountains, and sea, my heart and soul was overflowing with gratitude.

It came from the deepest recesses in me.

With it the deepest understanding, that this moment was perfect.

This moment was a Divine Gift. This moment, brought Oneness in its most expressive form.No-thing was missing.

All was perfect in its cosmic, loving unfolding.Nothing I could do or say or act upon could add to that perfection.

I just needed to be held within it, and dissolve within it, and BECOME it!

There truly is a blessing, hidden within every seeming crisis.

There is a world hidden within a grain of sand.Most walk unconsciously in and on the sands of immortality and recognize it not!

Yet immortality lives within us, right here and right now.

What if that immortality, that perfection is now being created within ourselves and outside of ourselves, without our even being consciously aware of its unfolding?

What if we are looking of for a kind of world, which in truth has lived it course and has dissolved, and the New is unlike anything we ever have known before?

Look into your heart and allow the inner seeing to lead you, and not the outer you, the mind.

The heart-soul will show you visions, show you and guide you into a much higher and more profound, version of your own Source-Soul-Self!I was given such a vision again, just the other day. I had tears.

The vision moved me so much! And I realized that the old me, the old me, even before the Lock-Down does not exist anymore.

I have evolved beyond recognition.

I needed that vision, to remind me, that I now need to operate at in a much higher dimensional octave and thus need to expand in all directions, and not shrink or try to shrink back in what I once thought I was!

Read that again!W

hat I was given, applies to you too.

You are expanding in all directions now, and you cannot shrink or try to shrink back into what you were before!

What a gift!Embrace it!

Your playing small does not serve you, nor the greater whole anymore.It is all hands on deck and not on a sailing ship anymore – but on a huge Inter-dimensional, inter-Universal Mothership and entering infinite space!

What a journey of discovery!What an opportunity!Wow!Stepping into our highest truth amplified by the Power of Love and the Source-Self within.

Judith Kusel

http://www.judithkusel.com ********

Central Sun LIONS ~ VIOLET LIGHT FLAME ~ LIBERATION and HEALING ~ September 13, 2020

When one steps fully into the highest soul self and the Divine Source Self and thus out of the timeline of the 3D, one is not bound by anything anymore.

One is timeless, boundless, and thus eternal. One steps fully into the co-creatorship and thus AS ONE with the DIVINE SOURCE AND ALL OF LIFE AND BEING.

You are another me. I am another you. AS ONE.

It is in the infinite and eternal higher soul source self-state, that one finally is whole. One cannot judge – for what is there to judge?

One cannot separate – for what is there to separate? One cannot see duality – for in truth it is ONLY ONE SOURCE ENERGY! ONE SINGLE FIELD. All THAT there is – is within me and ALL THAT IS, is there outside of me.

It is one and the same!

It is thus for you a time to remember that old is long gone, and it exists no more.

The old earth, the old ways, the old patterns and the old duality and polarity.

It has gone. The illusion may still play itself out in holographic forms as many of the un-awakened souls still choose to sleep in, and play out their actors roles on non-existent stages. Be not one of them, but rather rise above it all.

Choose to completely leave it behind and then allow the incredible inner beauty and loving essence of your own soul to rise to the fore, as it is filled with Divine Source Love, Light and Power and then rise into the new embodiment, the new Adam Kadmon body, and the truth of your own soul!

Judith Kusel http://www.judithkusel.com

Judith Kusel ~ July 24, 2020

Editor’s Note: Please read the message below, and…wow, I wondered why I was able to sense a real change in the world overnight, at least in my own personal world! The time is NOW to heal that internal portion of you which is in pain. Pain prevents that total acceptance for you to understand your Magnificent Heart, which exists in Quantum LOVE, and allows you to BE in…

Quantum Joy!


In the last few hours immense healing has come of the Masculine and Feminine Energies, as immense emotional trauma and pain has been lifted off the Sacral, Base and Solar Plexus Chakras of the planet as well as that of the collective of humanity.

This is a very deep release, of Billions of Years of Trauma and Pain, and it has literally moved deeply into the very bowls of the earth and is going to continue for the next few weeks, until all is released.

I ask you today, to ask for the Releasing of all present past life trauma and pain, all the suffering, not only of yourself, but use this as an opportunity to render highest service with great love.

Release all within you, which is still in bitterness, anger, unforgiveness, etc. and allow yourself to now receive the deepest healing of your Emotional Body.

Simply ask the Divine to bring about a deep healing of the Masculine and Feminine within you, and all your interactions with other souls in this lifetime and all other lifetimes which caused trauma, pain, anger, bitterness, resentments, fears, etc. and then ask for the release of all present and past life trauma with regard to any and all pain, bitterness, anger, resentment, hatred, fears and whatever is lurking there.

Know that the Divine reads your INTENT. Do you really wish to release this with all your heart, and soul and not hang onto anything – and I mean ANYTHING?

More than this, know that you will be put through the Fires of Purification in the highest degrees: – if you are not ready for this, and not ready to forgive and finally let go, then this is not for you! You have free will and choice, and many will choose to rather hang onto the trauma, and pain, etc. because they refuse to let go of the 3D and all the trauma and pain of past and present lives.

All I can say, is that this truly is setting humanity free in ways I cannot even try to put into words.

We are being FREED.

The Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine are moving fully into the wide open heart center, in total balance and harmony, and this is an immense Divine Gifting! We are given the GIFT OF WHOLENESS. UNITY in the HIGHEST SENSE!

It is up to you, to claim this Divine Gifting for yourself – or not.

It literally means to finally being able to move into the Highest State of Loving Grace – where there is Unity, and pure unconditional LOVE!

Pure Love!

No-thing else but LOVE in its highest form and expression!

The Choice is yours!

Judith Kusel

Judith Kusel ~ July 23, 2020

Editor’s Note: This article enhances the idea of BEcoming “Quantum”…an ever endless expansion for Everything That Is, which is expressed through you and I as “I AM THAT I AM’. In other words…you and I , and every human on earth, innately has the capacity to realize that each of us IS much more than energy, for we each are, well…everything (!), including our energy! We are also ALL that is in which our energy fields are housed.

This is a YUGE idea/concept to wrap your head/heart around, yet BEcomes the basis for raising the human collective consciousness which will place humanity into a higher realm of existence. Perhaps the “meme” for Divinity, as expressed through energy, will now yield to the meme for BEing Quantum as Life of Earth is a progression of memes (ideas).

For me, the best way to consider this is through the example of a multi-layer cake (representing dimensions) which is placed outside (representing the Quantum field). How is the cake made? The multi-dimensional cake of YOU is made with, and frosted, with LOVE. That being said, please know that each of YOU exists in Quantum LOVE, as defined by your Magnificent Hearts, which allows YOU to experience…

Quantum Joy!


The Dimensional SHIFT has accelerated at an immense pace, since Sunday and it is going to accelerate even more in the coming months.

Mothership Earth is has opened the throttles and is NOW literally flying at immense HIGH Speeds. She is NOW moving into Universal Unity, and thus is NOW accelerating into the 7th Dimensional state.

We are in for more drastic and intense changes. Not Only inner, but outer ones as well.

The Old World is NO more.

You can cling onto what was and what you think still exists and will find you are standing on Shifting Ground.

What you are still experiencing is but a holographic image of the old world – in Truth it is not in form anymore. A lot of SOULs will so cling to the old world, and the holographic image of this, that they will choose Not to Ascend.

They will choose to stay there, and continue the suffering and pain, in accelerated forms. All have free will and choice.

This Accelerated SHIFT is reopening so much of what has lain dormant for billions of Earth years.

As Mothership Earth gains momentum, all will rise again, and so many of SOULs who are Awake and Aware, are NOW stepping into much HIGHER Dimensional Leadership Roles.

This is a Time when it will seem as you are living in no-form. The NEW You, is Not quite formed as yet. Yet it is already there and operating, living and breathing in the Higher Dimensional State.

At times, when you need to step back into the holographic image of the 3D, it will feel surrealistic. It is like you suddenly find yourself acting in a Drama in which you Not longer wish to act in.

You will just withdraw of it all, for you refuse to get caught up in the illusions anymore. You have outgrown it. You have expanded beyond it.

This morning in meditation, I received a Divine outpouring of LOVE, in ways I never was able to receive before.

I was shown how the Divine is pouring this LOVE into every living Cell, every DNA Strand, every Atomic particle on planet Earth, into All and everything and everyone.

This is the Profound!

Open your Heart Center and allow this outpouring to pour into you. It will SHIFT you even more. And with it your relationship with your SELF and everyone else will SHIFT.

I was shown how the SOUL families NOW gather, and how those would need to be together, are being drawn together. It maybe energetically at first, but it is Happening.

For SOULs are not bound by the physical form. SOULs can meet anywhere and in all Dimensional States, Parallel Existences and Universes.

This is Massive.

This is Intense.

This is Immense.

I am running out of words to describe this.

The enormity of what is NOW Happening is going to hit us in Tsunamis and Tidal Waves.

This is Unstoppable.

Judith Kusel 💜