Leading Edge Makes a Quantum Leap ~ AA Michael ~ April 5, 2020

Editor’s Note: A new experience now blooms on Earth as all souls are being lifted up high, high enough to be self-sufficient as we discover our own spark of Source within us!

Energies from the Great Central Sun have arrived to elevate our platform of existence where a certain amount of discipline is needed to maintain the focus of BEing that spark of Source.

So…please view this video, understand and know your Divinity in now enhanced and expanded, allowing ALL of us to NOW hold and BE in…

Quantum Joy!


Align with Your Soul’s Divine Blueprint ~ 11:11 through 12:12 ~ November 18, 2019

Dear Ones,

The Activations from the 11:11 portal are creating a deeper alignment with your Soul’s Divine Blueprint. Energy upgrades are taking place that allow you to build a new structure for your energy system to be housed within. These downloads will continue until the powerful 12:12 transmissions.

Your new aligned Light Body has been prepared diligently over the past few years so you could receive the new codes of ascension more freely. As expected, the physical bodies have been the areas most at odds with the new energy. Symptoms have been rampant that displayed the dismantling of the old structures held within you for so long. This has been very uncomfortable, yet highly purposeful. Maintaining a positive outlook as your body reorganized down to the cellular level has been difficult for most people.

This is especially true when looking outside yourselves to see the world dismantling in a similar way.

The good news is that you have come to a turning point. The place where those at the forefront of the ascension wave are beginning the process of rebuilding the physical structure required for a new life within the higher frequencies of Light that make up the 5th Dimension.

In this new time, your energy systems have begun to enjoy the upleveling energies inherent within the process that are quite exalted. Even though your nervous system may still feel as though it has blown its circuits at times, there is an expansive gain in your heart’s understanding of the massive shift taking place within you.

Providing space for the restructuring  process will now take the place of the continuous dismantling

that has occurred since 2012, and for some of the Wayshowers well beyond.

Dwelling in the shadows has been a fruitful existence. It has enabled most of those who have been finding their way through the morass of overflowing past history to absolve themselves of blame and open the doors of their perception to look outside the inner turmoil. The sashes have been thrown open from the windows of the mind and light is pouring into all the dark corners. You are able to freely access those situations that have caused so much of the tumultuous learning processes necessary for your Soul’s education.

Now is the time for more Divine Insight to take root within your knowing. Whether it is clear or not, all of your past experiences have had a bigger purpose than what has been obvious. You have been provided with the actions necessary to clear your Akashic records down to the bare foundations the bedrock of your life known as the zero point. From here, it only goes up as you begin the rebuilding process of your physical structure to hold the higher frequencies.

You are the empty vessel that has been prepared to hold the Light of Divinity as a sacred chalice within. Remember this as you create the next steps in your life. Take your time to access the inner knowing as you live your physical existence. What you put into your sacred vessel includes your attitudes and outlook on life as you begin to build your physical structure from the inside out.

Preparing yourself to be a sacred chalice to hold Divine Light affects you on all levels. You will need to be serious about taking yourself lightly!

Make sure you provide yourself with plenty of time in sunshine and in Nature. You are being fed like the new leaves on a tree with the Light of photosynthesis. A process is afoot that will enable you to hold this energy as food, just as a tree with its roots in the Earth and its canopy in the Light. You are building the forces that will allow you to thrive in the midst of change and inevitable challenge.

Never doubt the presence of your Spiritual Resources that are working with you to insure you are guided in every moment. You are loved eternally as all you need is provided with Grace and Ease. All is truly well. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel

for Archangel Gabriel

November 12, 2019


Do You Have The Answers? ~ November 14, 2019

Editor’s Note: No…you do not have the answers of life, but… not to worry because YOU do know the meaning of life! In your heart, YOU instinctively, know allow your Divine Self to corral your unsettled mind into BEing the LOVE YOU ARE.

Please read this message, know how very many are excited by this spiritual reach humanity is making, and BE…



Many people have many questions about the so called future.  What is this energy invested in wanting to know answers and outcomes?

If there is an actual trick of consciousness playing out through testing experiences, then it would be in this; to focus on the distraction that is external instead of focusing on the actual  cause.

Also, there is any sleight of hand towards life and evolving, it would be this, believing that the external is where to focus to create change.

Of course this CAUSE is the you creating this. Through your UNIQUE vibration, thoughts, questions, emotions, responses, memory/karma and through HOW you are being moment to moment.

Since everything is only now, there are no answers concerning a future as outcome. The peace, the content, the happiness, the bliss, all exists in the now as states of consciousness that is present in the now through your heart.

Any questions are the result of anticipation of something that has not yet occurred. Or a verification of one what is not aware of now.

Everything is perfectly unfolding and in the NOW ~ all that is needed is present.

The heart knows this.

The mind if not yet submitted to the heart, resists in fear of losing its sense of false power. Who wins through this? Certainly not the old programming, as it is a duped system, destined to be obsolete. The resistance it experiences, is the pain and suffering of its belief in separation.

Uniting oneself with the Eternal self, is the road less traveled and the one that takes you on the journey to the heart, to the true self. To the freedom from the old patterns and beliefs. To the freedom that is limitless in its presence and Divine Power.

That knows it has never died, never born.

That knows to exist, is enough.

This heart connection is why we are here and activating you now.

Without the heart the awareness that exists as if separate from it and in control, is endless pain and loneliness. Not the loneliness of the external, the loneliness that exists, even if you are not alone. That feeling of not yet being united with the destiny, the heart, the love, the ONE.

In this we do activate you. To know is to know. To love is to love. To be is to be. All else is stuff that takes up energy space that leads to the distraction of WHAT YOU ARE.

The substance of heaven here and now. The Presence so powerful, it cannot be named. The Love so absolute, it knows nothing outside of itself. The beauty beyond everything, that never ends.

In this was activate all hearts. In the true knowing of ALL That is, eternal and now.

To the full uniting that is your Ascension experience.

To the Beloved awareness of you Divine Presence Now. And in this you may ask why? Because it is the destiny of all, that all hearts be consciously aware in a form on Earth, to all those signed up for this the ascension/evolution program.

Be ye, Gods unaware, through the heart, only knows.

In this we present to you, your anointing, the beloved beginning as you entered Earth to now and your full circle, blessings, of this the revealing and knowing, of ALL THAT YOU ARE.

In love we initiate you now. Forever, we are and so are YOU.

Conditional Love Versus Unconditional Love ~ October 2, 2019

Editor’s Note: Lovely article highlighting the true nature of unconditional love in that, in reality, true love stems from loving ourselves! Far from being egoistic, true self love understand begins with loving the inner union of your own divine masculine side and your divine feminine side.

Once these two aspects of yourself join…it’s delicious, and joyful, and happiness personified all the time! There may be occasional moments of personal doubt…after all we are still in very human bodies with minds that may go astray, but heart recognition of your own personal divinity constantly rises allowing one (me!) to stay in a very cool place of humility and gratitude, due to just feeling so darn good. It’s the vibrations that matter here…

This is following your bliss, which I encourage you to find. How? Start with loving all of you, dwell on things making you feel good inside (true or imaginary, doesn’t matter!), and BE…



By L’Aura Pleiadian

So many say they love someone unconditionally, but do they?

If we have conditions on our own self love, then we have conditions on loving someone else.

So, many say they have met their twin flame, yet they are not yet filled with true unconditional love for themselves, so how can that be?

We attract our current state of consciousness.

If we are in the process of preparation and clearing past life memories in the blueprint, which all stems from fear and separation (the opposite of love) then we attract to our benefit, what most will help us to SEE and know what this lack attracts.

The purpose of reincarnation is to evolve.

To become what we originally ARE.

What we originally are is a union state of consciousness, that knows not separation or fear.

If we have not forgiven ourselves, no one else will forgive us.

If we do not unconditionally love ourselves how can we expect someone else will?

This seems to be the average experience involving denial and escapism.

I NEED love therefore I will get it from someone else. This is a state of conditional love and reveals itself as the conditions we have placed on our own level of self love. NO exceptions.

We are attracting what we ARE.

Control and attempting to control the other also reveals insecurities and doubts within ourselves. Then this control becomes the doubt in the other.

It is a MIRROR ~ what are you expecting?

I am not saying every single action of others is our cause. Quite the opposite. They are living in their own limited version of love and looking for exactly what they are insecure about themselves.

Often families incarnate with similar “memories” too clear. It could be the opposite but work to ignite each other. One has power issues misuses it, the other is developing the awareness of the correct use of power.

LIFE has never been out to get you.

It is there for your to awaken to, what it is, is the cause of your level. It is always leading you to your next level.

The next level is more self love, as there will be no perfect unions consciously, till both are immersed in this self love being ness.

I want this, I want that, or that is not love, if in itself FAR from unconditional love.

When we love ourselves we ask nothing of ourselves.

We awaken to it is our Divinity, that we only count on. That perfect stream of unconditional love, that has no attachments, and flows freely, as if a pure innocent child.

This innocence state of consciousness is your Original state of being.

It lets other be, because it lets your own being, simply be. It is the highest and purest unconditional love.

In this, we initiate you, into more and more of what you eternally ARE. In love.


3D A-Team Update – July 12, 2018

3D A-Team Update. By Divinity.

In the struggle for the Liberation of the Planet these last passes have been very intense weeks.

Since the Ashtar Public Announcements in June the Dark Forces have unleashed numerous scalar weapons against the A Team, and primarily Mother Divinity.

There have been endless attacks and counter-attacks with the use of scalar weapons against relevant figures in this fight.

Finally, in the last days the attacks have diminished as the Dark Forces and their most powerful weapons have been systematically eliminated.

The Dark Forces have also used humans to attack key figures in this battle for the liberation, but this option has also been actively neutralized in recent days.

From the end of June all this is apparently over and in fact from that day there were no more attacks.

A huge number of Purple Orb has been put on all those not yet awakened, we are talking about millions (the population of the Earth is not actually 8 billion, most of these are creations of the Matrix/IA).

Affirmative Statements of Declaration From the Depths of Creation


Various programs of the Light Forces have been put in place to overcome the mental control of Religion and against the false news of the Mainstream Media.

The Veil has been finally knocked down, now the energies of the Galactic Sun can flow on the Planet as the help of the Galactics will have complete effect.

The Secret Space Program and all its armaments have been completely neutralized.

Schumann Resonance and Activity of the Light Forces

Schumann Resonance and Activity of the Light Forces

3D A-Team Update

Ashtar Command

Ashtar Command

3D A-Team Update

The 144,000 have been fully activated and now is the time for a large number of people to add to complete the change in 3D and direct us at full speed towards the 5D.

Soon we should receive instructions and guidance to get as soon as possible to 5D as the time is not so much; the Planet, Gaia, continues in Her work of cleansing with earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and various cataclysms.

What the Galactics seem to want to imply is that now it is time of training to raise everyone’s vibrational frequency and awaken as many people as possible.

This is, in a sense, the Event, or, since it is probably not something that happens overnight, a further step into the Event towards detachment from 3D.

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Fear make you prisoner. Hope can make you free.

Stephen King

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