And Then, there Is This…



What if…

The role of Barron Trump is far greater than we know??


Brett Tolman reveals the background behind presidential immunity and why it is so important:

“When the founders of our constitution decided whether a president with a felony could run for president they nearly unanimously decided that they should be allowed, and the reason they decided that was they knew they were giving extraordinary power.”


JUST IN—Trump speaks outside of the NYC courtroom and hits multiple issues in less than three minutes (without a prompter):

“Today was breathtaking. You saw what went on. Amazing testimony…open your eyes.”

“The economy has just been reported to be doing very badly. The stock market is way down and some horrible numbers just came out, including very high numbers on inflation.”

“You look at the various colleges all over the country, but beyond colleges because it’s happening in other areas too… Biden is sending an absolutely horrible message.”

“All over the world we’re being laughed at as a country because of [Biden] and his administration.”

“The US Supreme Court had a monumental hearing on immunity… a president has to have immunity or you don’t have a president…”


Reporter: “What’s your message to Joe Biden?”

Random Union Worker: “F*ck You”



Link 🔗


More fraud. This is how they have been scamming us for years.

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