Mike Quinsey ~ Choose Your Evolutionary Speed ~ August 17, 2019

Via: Mike Quinsey

Many of you are aware that the Cabal was allowed comparative freedom to try and prevent Humanity reaching Ascension. However, they have been unsuccessful in spite of being able to use all means at their disposal against you, and were prepared to go as far as destroying the Earth. You had the support of the Light Forces yet they were not allowed to intervene where your freewill was concerned, but at the same time could assist you once you made positive decisions to bring more Light to the Earth. In other words, they could not do your work for you, but could help you to be successful and you were. The Cabal threat no longer hangs over you, and you have the assurance that you will safely reach that moment in time that you know as Ascension. The Cabal still has some power, but only to delay your progress in reaching your goal and not stop it altogether.

Your future is now starting to take shape and you are on course to become Galactic Beings, and that was always the intended future that you were being helped to reach. By comparison you are only at the commencement of your journey, but it can now really get underway and your progress will grow faster. Currently it is a matter of finding your way out of the muddle and confusion that exists upon Earth. We lament the fact that so many souls do not understand that you are not just part of the whole but in essence are all One. The differences between you all because of religion and custom, should be acknowledged and accepted knowing that there can equally be beauty and love in another souls beliefs. There is no need to fight over whose are true to the original teachings, because as you grow and understand more of the truth you will all gradually come together as One.

In spite of the perceived threats of war be assured apart from local skirmishes, you will not be allowed to promote it against another nation. The page has turned over and there will be no going back to the old warlike ways and times. Once trust has been firmly established between countries, in quick time you will come together for peaceful co-existence and all the trappings of war will be removed. Humanity as a whole is naturally peaceful and it is has usually been politicians, despots and the military that have harboured ideas of world domination through war. Humans are very adaptable and accept the subtle differences between Races, and can appreciate their life styles and beliefs. In the near future you will only elect those souls who have proved to be sympathetic to your beliefs. Only looking after “self” by putting “self” first is normally frowned upon, but in this particular time it is nevertheless important that you give every attention to your own needs. Each soul has their own plan for this period and their Guides will ensure that they adhere to it.

The current cycle is the time period that you have yearned for all along knowing that there must be something better than an almost continual state of war, perhaps without realising that it is you who determine what the future may hold. That is why it is difficult to predict the it as from moment to moment the potential can change. Your thoughts are more powerful than you realise and your influence upon events can change the outcome. That is why we have of late emphasised the need for you to be positive at all times. Remember that you attract to yourselves whatever you focus upon, and that all souls are at different stages of evolution at this time. It is why you are encouraged to allow others to progress to their chosen level at their own speed.

Have you noticed that there is more of a balance between you that is ensuring that all get equal opportunities in life, rather than allowing one dominance over the others. In part this obviously depends on which souls can carry the changes forward to break the dominance of the male souls. Each had qualities that could be used for humanities advantage and it has been used to get through the last hundred years. Now you have entered a period with more potential for world peace, and in general the female souls are better suited to establish and maintain it.

 Man has always been the warrior and normally even in physique has been well suited to play that role. Napoleon and Hitler were the extreme examples of the anti-Christ, and whilst both achieved a great degree of success in world dominance, in the end they were beaten by the Forces of Light. The whole episodes gave an opportunity for all souls involved to clear their karma, that could have accumulated over many lives having now entered what will become known as the beginning of World Peace. You will no doubt recall that the New Age commenced with the clearance of outstanding karma that gave every soul what you might call a new lease of life. Can you now see how matters are guided for the best results, yet without infringing upon your freewill.

As time continues to speed up so events are also doing the same and the changes that we have mentioned so often are drawing closer, the main one for you being the revaluation of the currencies. It has to come to bring some sense of fairness to the countries that struggle to survive. Clearly a New Age must address such issues and the plans to do so already exist, it will be a great step forward to bring all countries closer together, bringing about more equality and fairness into the money markets. In the past some countries have been held back deliberately so that their progress has been much slower. All matters of this nature will be rectified in good time and all souls will enjoy a happy and prosperous time

You are still taking part in an experiment that was to see how you would handle your freedom to set up your own lives and experiences. With our encouragement and guidance sufficient of you rose up above the lower levels of vibration, to enable Humanity to enter the new cycle that you are now in. You could say it has opened the floodgates, let in more Light and lifted you up. Your reward is to be allowed to get more help from your Guides and move more quickly to your destination. Regardless of what path you take it will result in you rising up into the higher vibrations. You have achieved a level that you were not necessarily expected to reach so you are to be congratulated for doing so.

The distractions of those still caught up in the lower vibrations must not cause you to waver from the higher path. Each soul is responsible for their evolution, even so that help and guidance is available from the Angelic Realms. There is no limit to your time in the lower vibrations as you can go through another cycle if necessary and will still benefit from your earlier experiences. Understand that much effort is put into getting you through the lower realms, so that you are never without help if you should need it. Just ask and your request will be noted and karma permitting you will get a response, but not necessarily in the way you would wish it to be.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


Closest Supermoon of the Century / Tidal Waves and Major Earthquakes Watch ~ October 2, 2016


I’m into Love, not fear porn. I AM presenting this article/video as a “wake-up call” for those on this planet who do not yet know why the events on our planet are playing out as they are. Spirituality, folks, is NOT just about the god of our religions! Spirituality is instead, all about…US!

The video at the end of this article presents many observations about what is happening on Earth. I leave for each of us to look into our hearts and shed a few tears for those in authority eho have built a house of cards based on personal greed.

We are entering a time where greed is ending with relief brought into all area of our lives (physical, mental emotional, and spiritual). We still have a ways to go, but now…the end is in site! Please read the article, watch the video, thik about all of this, and…


The Full Supermoon on November 14, 2016 will be an extraordinary sight! A rare, once-in-a-lifetime Sky Event.

This Supermoon will have a dramatic effect on the tides and, for many people, November’s Full Moon will be the largest and brightest Full Moon of a lifetime.

The supermoon (perigee full moon) on November 14, 2016, will bring the moon closer to Earth than it has been since January 26, 1948.


What’s more, the moon won’t come this close to Earth again until November 25, 2034. That makes the November 2016 full moon the closest and largest supermoon in a period of 86 years!

The moon will turn full at 8:52 a.m. EST (1352 GMT), just 2.4 hours after it comes within just 221,541 miles (356,536 km) of the planet. (The moon’s average distance from Earth in its elliptical orbit is 238,900 miles, or 384,470 km.)

Expect a large range in ocean tides (exceptionally low to exceptionally high) for the next few days.

Major Earthquakes May Be Triggered By The Moon Say Japanese Researchers.

A new study has argued that major earthquakes, such as those that devastated Indonesian in 2004, Chile in 2010 and Japan in 2011, are more likely to occur during full and new moons – the two occasions during each month when tidal stresses are highest.

Researchers found “that there is strong correlation between tidal stress fluctuation and earthquake occurrence in several regions close to the epicenter of the Tohoku earthquake”.

The study, published in the journal ‘Nature Geoscience’ and conducted by a team from the University of Tokyo, argues that the same gravitational influence that the moon has on the oceans may also trigger earthquakes along Earth’s most fragile fault lines.

The research team calculated the levels of ‘tidal stress’ before major earthquakes of the last few decades and found that high levels of stress were often followed by major quakes.

Sheldan Nidle Update 1-19-16… “All is well and wonderful with Gaia!” ~ Jan. 27, 2016

Sheldon Nidle

What a fitting time to read another message from Sheldon Nidle, a Sirian contactee. I rather like to read the posts of Sheldon because they are invariably positive, but this one is…exciting!

So…please read this post, examine your feelings, and…


Dratzo! A great shift is now taking place for the Light and her allies. This renewed effort is to bring humanity its freedom and a wondrous prosperity. At present, the dark realizes its terrible predicament. Special orders have gone forth to complete a number of key projects by the end of this first Gregorian month of January. This time is traditionally one of endings as well as beginnings. Following in this path is a special project to take down the wanton oligarchs of this realm. It is to be known only after it has succeeded in ridding this globe of the nefarious ones who have kept this land in near ruin for the past half millennium. At that time their Anunnaki masters gave these scallywags a great degree of power over surface humanity. This sudden newfound sense of power led to centuries of untold depravity. Unleashed technology propelled your realm toward the world that was eventually to be the one to be captured by the Light. In effect, the minions were unwarily setting the stage for their own demise.

This last century has seen the rise of situations that were completing the stage for their fortunate exit from this scene. Their actions were designed to relegate each of you to a permanent state of slavery to these unthinking monsters of the dark. Instead, each move was a brief prelude to a sonata whose unknown purpose was to give you your freedom and a destined mastery over the dark ones. While on the surface, it seemed that a certain degree of necessary progress toward their grand scheme was being made; it was in fact slowly loosening their grip upon you. These dark shenanigans were introducing devices essential to the rise of the age of digital electronics and the new era of global social media. This present time contained openings that permitted Heaven to begin to accelerate a march toward higher and higher levels of consciousness. This phenomenon was the key to their present undoing. It has led to data, which has permitted our earthly allies to gather a true history.

It is this date that allowed our allies to gather the power, which is now rapidly changing your world. This can be seen in the rise of BRICS and in the various new unions, which are in the process of bringing down the evil run of a truly devious financial system. A new and more transparent system is presently appearing in your realm. It is one that is to aid the prosperity and humanitarian funds global distribution. It is these funds that are to create a “true value” currency. This worldwide currency reset is to cleanse your realm of the worthless reign of the dark’s fiat currency. It is as well to set the stage for new governance and most of all, NESARA! It is this manifesting new era for humanity that is to allow us to stand openly upon the world’s stage. It is this divine watershed that is to complete this opening set of steps, which are to propel you toward full consciousness. The old dark ways are to be permanently abandoned.

In this new time, you are to become uniquely aware of your origins and to completely rediscover the sacred mission, which led you to this wondrous orb approximately 900,000 years ago! It is this restored vision that is to drive you toward quickly returning to full consciousness. You are in fact a great people, which were chosen by the Heavenly hierarchies to come here and aid Gaia and her sister worlds. You are to reformulate a star nation. It is this manifesting star nation, which is to secure galactic peace and insure that the wonders of the Light be fully displayed in this broad galaxy. Thus, you have a sacred mission that was temporarily waylaid by the dark. We are here now to restore Heaven’s divine mandate and permit you to rediscover who and what you truly are. As physical angels, you have been given a sacred role to play as the Light’s power quickly unfolds in this special galaxy. You are a symbol of how those captured by the dark can be fully restored to the sacred energies of the Light!

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We are quite proud of those who are in our various secret societies. The dark has long thought it impossible to bring them down. In the great financial fall of the late first decade of this century, not one of the dark’s leading banking executives was touched, despite the degree of criminal fraud involved. Their arrogance is now a thing of the past. The Light has reached a point where any large incident is to be treated with arrests, seizure of funds and a general degree of moral contempt. It is as well the moment when a number of key fund transfers can at last happen. This is why we ask you to remain positively focused and ready when appropriate to go forth and fulfill your dreams. The time for our great triumph is at last at hand! Consequently, be confident of the simple fact that your time has come. Heaven is with us and the dark distant allies are no longer a threat to this sacred endeavor. Hosanna! Hosanna!

As this most glorious time approaches, it is vital that you remain positive in your outlook and in your daily actions. Prepare to be a beacon for the amazing events that are to wash across this land. It has taken longer to root out the numerous insidious elements that make up the oligarch’s vast network of minions. This task is nearly complete and this fact has allowed those who shepherd the immense global trusts to finally permit these enormous funds to begin to be released. This process is currently picking up speed and we are at the very edge of a new reality. We Masters are carefully monitoring this vast and complex operation. The time of the dark cabal is over. Its last plans are coming to nought and making it possible for this new world of banking, finance and prosperity to emerge from its long cloak of secrecy.

This new time is to give a whole host of new responsibilities. These new duties require us to instruct you in a true history. This is to be done appropriately after the new governance is established worldwide. These series of facts concerning your origin and your tale of lives upon this precious orb need to be delivered in a way that both excites and inspires you. It is here where the teachings and perceptions you adopted from the dark can be dispelled and a series of true realities put forth. No one can stifle this growing consciousness of yours. You are to demand the truth and it is to be provided by Heaven. This operation is a natural offshoot of your return to full consciousness. We bless the ways of Heaven and ready ourselves to be your servants and guides in this new age of Light! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Today we continued our mission to provide you with a message that explains what is now happening across this globe. Over the next brief time period you are going to see the rise of some truly amazing operations that are to alter this realm forever! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)


Porda ~ Jan. 18, 2016

Tree of Golden Light

By Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba, January 18, 2016


This is Porda. I come to you today because of your call to the universe for clarity and understanding. There is so, so much that is going on in the world. There are so many various and different kinds of operations to remove all that has been enslaving humanity, and all that has been holding up the time of prosperity.


This has turned out for awhile, to be a thorn in the galactic federation’s side so to speak. However, this is no longer the case. So much progress has been made. There were those that had the Iraq President under duress and threats of death if he went ahead and made the RV announcement back when he wanted to. That threat has now bee removed as well.


There were those so-called Cabal that had well laid plans to divert the monies as they came into people’s bank accounts and all would have been lost. Again, that has been removed and it no longer poses a threat. There is much misunderstanding out there from many sources and channels about what truly is going on. Some of it is correct, some is, and some is not complete information. All of these things do not give a clear picture of what is truly taking place. We have a regiment of people from the galactic federation that is primed and ready to move at a moment notice to bring a conclusion to this issue. They have recently been put on stand by to move unless what is being worked on right now comes into agreement and fruition. If not they will act!


Creator has been very involved in this and we spent a lot of time together talking about many things. One of my deepest concerns has been my family of earth. I know that Creator has issued certain directives to the federation to get this thing done, finished so all can move forward to the next step in the plan. He told me that humanities or the universal ascension cannot be stalled or held captive because of a few dark souls that do not wish to let go and surrender to the truth. Creator assured me that it would come to an end very, very soon. In fact, it is in the final countdown to its end!


We have a timeline that we are operating by and that timeline must be fulfilled by order of Creator. Look to see this RV thing and all that is to follow bring a sudden end to it. It will be unexpected in so many ways. Don’t fall into all the misinformation that is being released to throw you off the trail. Most time when it seems negative it is the opposite.


I, Porda, love you all so much and our time to reunite is near!


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