The Ship is Soon to be Taking Off ~ July 19, 2019

Editor’s Note: What absolutely splendid advice which mirrors that from Michael Love today! (read that message here) At this particular moment, many Starseeds (including me) are re-visiting traumatic, or other painful periods in their past that are being faced. The reason for this last shaft of pain is to cause us to “release” the pain and LET.IT.GO.

Once the pain is “dismissed” (and only we can dismiss this through our thoughts), then our minds and hearts can open to the realization of true joy through a new beginning. It’s quite synchronistic that this last “purging of pain” process is occurring just before the close of the Galactic year, July 24-25 as the New Galactic Year begins July 26.

So…please join me in releasing pain form (y)our past, experience the peace and calm as a new cycle of life begins, and be…



By A Gift From Gaia

We are moving through an incredibly interesting and intricate part of this super important light filled year.

And for many of you it hurts…..

The data dump is well underway and has been for a number of weeks, the Solstice created a flip and now we move through.

But do you know what is exactly going on?

Do you understand why your reality has turned upside down and why it hurts so bad? Do you understand why your physical body is showing the signs of pain?

The keys are all here….

All is a reflection and an interesting one at that, as most have been programmed to avoid perceived pain, but are you aware it’s just your own creation of where you have been WEIGHTING for your reality to conform to your subconscious drivers, where you have fixed out there, waited for the response or reaction from another, attached or held expectations.

Where do you think all that condensed light must go?

It’s stored in the body and of course it’s creator…the mind.

Hence why many are experiencing what they call ascension symptoms

There are no ascension symptoms only sign posts where you avoid and hold blockages, these are symbols not symptoms….

Begin to be your own detective, work out where the programs exist and are rooted within you, drop those out there appointments with spiritual healers unable to See they are enabling you and avoiding Source it’s nothing but a scam because the only way to move through is to take the seat in your commanders chair and begin the process of learning to take full responsibility.

Do the internal work because you are only being asked to validate Self and from here the pain leaves, because as we release the mind from its programs we are no longer creating the discord within, therefore no longer creating realities you are required to see Self.

And whilst this is underway, are you aware that as your space clears that you are in high manifesting energies?

So be very aware of what you are feeling and thinking, as we act like magnets drawing more towards us.

When it’s gone let it go, don’t keep playing the old stories and calling it back in.

The ship is soon to be taking off, and we will be travelling deeper into the space within to discover yet more amazement of our Truth, we are stepping into our purpose which was only ever about being a game changer, an Earth Shifter or a new Quantum Pattern Designer.

So remember….embrace the pain and realise the sensations or experience as your truth, that you have avoided over this lifetime and many more before, that it no doubt runs thick through your ancestral line and it is NOW that we have the opportunity to move this.


In the Midst of Eclipses ~ Light Influx Goes Deep into Gaia ~ July 25, 2018

By Kara Schallock

More Light downloads?! Yep! This Light influx goes deep into Gaia; into Her heart actually; and this affects all living within Her, including ourselves of course. With more Light, there is more Awareness of old patterns to let go of as well as a heightened version of who we are. Drama intensifies as it is loosening its grip. You see, when something is about to transform, it gets really strong and in your face. Wave good-bye and don’t engage in the drama, lest you activate it more. Stay strong!

If you have been having memories of your past, realize this is a clearing. Be reminded that with every clearing, you also clear your ancestry (lineage) as well as your ancestors. This is quite freeing for you and them. Also know that it’s safe for you to share your gifts openly when it wasn’t so nice in the past; whether you were killed, ridiculed or persecuted, that all is cleared. You can share now without fear of reprisal. If it seems you’ve been waiting awhile to see how to show your gifts, all comes when you are ready…in Divine Time. Wait till something truly resonates without the urge to “just do something.” Separate ego wants doing; Soul wants being. Be still and patient. Meanwhile, continue to Be and continue to let go of anything that is not Love (Source). Express and experience yourself more than where you live, what you do and what you look like. You are much more than any description you have of yourself.

When you are truly an awakened one, you accept Divine Love wholly and completely; you are One with and as Source; therefore, you hear your Soul Song clearly. You are aware of opportunities, rather than seeing only challenges. Awakening is not one big event; nothing happens like that. Awakening is a continuous flow, as is everything. With Awakening, you become more and more authentic. There is no need to hide who you are or mask your true identity. When you are fully awake and authentic, it becomes a part of you, like breathing.

We are in the middle of eclipses, so there is an Opportunity to be more. The Solar Eclipse of earlier this month brought up many old emotions. As emotions arise in you or others, step away and breathe. How you react creates more of the same. If you respond, you flow with the energy rather than against it and this also creates more of the same. There may be lots of physical adjustments, so you may be more Light. Observe your body changes. I had a funny thought this morning as I lay in bed somewhere between full wakefulness and sleep. What if we are changing into an animal? What if we are fully merging with our Totem? My Totem is Raven. Am I sprouting wings? Can I fly? Can I purr like Raven does at times? Of course! What Totem are you merging with and as? What are you learning? What gifts is your Totem showing you that are a part of who you are?

As this next Eclipse comes (we’re in its energy now), how is your body changing? We continue to let go of ancesteral lineage and old guilts created by unaware actions of our past. There may be some returning or new phenomena. For me, I experience rashes, dry skin, some strange headaches, dizziness and many other things that I have been experiencing for years and some new ones as well. All is in Divine Order.If you experience illness, this may be due to an adherence to the old (resistance). There are many endings as well as new beginnings. These new and old cycles reveal themselves individually. Only you know what it means for you. Pay attention to your sacred sight, sacred hearing, sacred knowing and sacred feeling, as these are being upgraded and will continue to do so. Gaia is releasing as you are; you not only feel this, you know it, see it and hear it. Be a strong lighthouse. This is standing in your Power, knowing that you give off Light to help. You are becoming stronger in your Authenticity and Light. It continues to help you evolve in pure consciousness. You are Christed; you have everything within you. It sits dormant, waiting for you to know it and be it.

Love and accept yourself, as you do with all other life forms. As one wise woman once said, “They go low, you go high.” It does not matter how another chooses to be; always be Love and remember that there is no real separation between you and others. There are just different degrees of Awakening. Be gentle with yourself when it seems your old self emerges from time to time. Honor who you were, who you are and who you’re becoming. It is so easy to go back to who you were and seemingly challenging to fully be who you are now. The New takes Commitment and ongoing Awareness. The old is easy to slip back into, because it’s what we have known. Yet the more you accentuate the New as you, the easier it becomes to be in the New; then it’s all you know; as simple and easy as breathing. Ease.

Let all of your past go so you don’t continuously repeat it. Some issues and people clear automatically. Don’t rush back to save or fix it. Let it go, whether it is people, things or attitudes. You need not perceive it as loss; it simply is Soul’s way of clearing you so you may evolve and be more Love/Light. We need not fix anything; just let it be. Once you are clear of the old, much is also cleared in your life. Opportunities show up, you intuit new directions and that which is to be in your life remains or returns…or not. Trust Divine Order. Does that feel freeing?

There is no need to be confused or lost. If you are guided by your Intuition to take a step in a particular direction, do so. If not, it’s not yet time. Do only that which is of the Heart; of Intuition. It comes in spurts at times and if it’s from Soul, it will not let go till you take an action step. Feel first and then act. Often you may simply observe yourself taking a step without thought. This is great! There is no thinking or analyzing involved when you act from the Heart. The Heart needs no explanation or “why;” it simply is.

As we are infused by this huge Light, we may feel very complacent with barely any energy; however, we are expanding mentally, spiritually and physically and are extremely sensitive to all in our environment…the dog barking seems louder and any noise seems intolerable and so it goes. There is nothing to be concerned about; we are simply vibrating higher in much higher dimensions, while in our 3D bodies. What is great about nuisances is that they bring us right into the moment. It’s all orchestrated by Source. Cool, huh? We get to choose our state of being. We can discard and ignore upgrades and downloads and remain small or we can open up and invite it all in. We can be grateful or resistant. We have Free Will…always. Know as you move through the 3D world, you move with Awareness. Our Lightbodies are activated and as we truly know this, we disengage from the old, controlling matrix, because we know who we are.

We are transitioning to a more expansive consciousness. This affects our world and beyond as well. We are building the New step by step. Stay in your lane, focused. Are you in the fast lane or the slow lane? It doesn’t matter at all. All lanes go forward not backward. We may shift lanes at times, yet we all arrive. Ooops! Did you get stopped for going too fast or slow? No worries; adjust your speed; any warning/message is to help you be congruent with your Soul.

Being in the Lunar Eclipse is like surfing the biggest wave ever. As you ride the wave, stay centered, be open and know you are not only Love; you are loved!


Let Go of Your Gods and Leaders: You are the Answer ~ May 7, 2018

Here’s Alexander, from Indigo Light, with another very good message about the steps we all can take to enhance our comfort level with…our own sense of spirituality. This is such a very important topic that many are scared of and may be afraid to recognize.

Alexander touches on the need for self-empowerment and liberation from dependency on others on your spiritual journey. The necessity to understand and assume your own infinity and status as the leader and creator of your energy is nigh, and the energies of this period require it. An Energetic Update is also included in the video.

It is time to let go, my friends, our your own attempt to control issues within your life, which is a mighty hard thing to do! So…please listen to this video for guidance, just let “it” go, and…


Full Moon in Scorpio, April 2018 ~ Oracle Revelations ~ April 29, 2018

By Star Sister (aka Marcia)

Hello, Beautiful,

Within and around you, Luna is ripening in the most transformative frequencies of the zodiac — Scorpio. This is where you shed your life’s dead skin. This is where the great mystery of metamorphosis unfolds. This is where the reality of three short words can change your life: “let it go.”

Not your normal Buddha Moon

A Scorpio Full Moon carries so much power that the Buddha himself was said not only to have been born under one, but to have reached enlightenment under one as well. When he left his body, Luna was in Scorpio. Those three events were so reality-changing that 2400 years later, more than 500 million Buddhists still celebrate them every year, in the full moon festival known as Wesak.  

In the normal order of things, the Scorpio Full Moon follows the Taurus New Moon.  

This isn’t a normal year. This year, the Scorpio Moon comes before the Taurus New Moon, not after. The cosmic power that transforms reality is unfolding a month ahead of Wesak. 

This year’s Buddha Moon is an oracle and a prophet.

Luna’s been whispering to you for months that you were entering an extraordinary time.

At last August’s total eclipse of the heart, her messages took on a new rhythm. Each  of the eight new moons that followed connected into the reality-bending potency of the Great Mystery at our galaxy’s center from a different point in your energy field. Each brought its transformative message with more urgency than the one before.

The Aries New Moon two weeks ago was the last of those nine new moons. Today’s Full Moon is the ripening of the seed energy it created.

Luna reaches fullness in a degree that releases the cosmic serpent energy known and revered by ancient cultures from the Australian aboriginals to the Maya, as well as the brilliant astrologers of ancient Persia and Greece. She’s squaring her own North Node, the cosmic point of fate and destiny. 

The frequencies of the Moon’s Nodes are those of the dragon who points the way toward the New that is your deepest purpose. As she squares the North Node, this Scorpio Moon is telling you that it’s time to take a leap. Whatever is coming up for you now contains the precise amount of leverage that you need to do it. 

That leverage is probably coming as a crisis. Squares are cosmic tools that move us forward — and crisis is their methodology. When a square is in play, the way forward isn’t away from the criss — it’s straight through. 

That means the dilemma you’re facing isn’t asking you to choose one side or the other. The way forward is the one that embraces both sides.This month’s sky pattern spells it out: the conflict between what you want and what you need can only be resolved in the heart. The dwarf planet Ceres — the Mother Goddess who came to Earth — is conjoined with the Dragon’s Head in the sign of the Heart. 

Ceres’ conjunction to the North Node tells us that right now, her Divine Feminine radiance — within and around you — is the way to the good future. She’s helping you see what to let go of so that you can move towards a future that’s rooted in the multi-dimensional, life-creating power of the heart. 

The cosmic tantra of now 10-day Aries breakthrough portal is wide open

Throughout the two weeks since the New Moon, the waves of shift have been accelerating. Almost as soon as that new seed of breakthrough was created, the greatest of the solar system’s centaur planets, the healer and magician we call Chiron, reached the degree where everything begins anew — the Aries Point — for the first time in 50 years. 

He’s still there, energizing the most dynamic and creative degree in the sky with his multidimensional medicine.  

Yesterday, Chiron was joined by the asteroid Juno (once known as Hera). More than any of her sister goddesses, Juno embodies the contradictions and compromises that patriarchy has meant for women. She’s the power of Great Goddess condensed into a single role — wife.  

Yet, despite the slings and arrows of centuries upon centuries of devaluation by the culture of domination, the resplendent and radiant Hera lives within us still. Now, she’ s come to the Aries Point, just in time for the Buddha Moon — to begin anew, with Chiron, the greatest healer of the Deep Time. 

That’s not all that’s happening in the sign where it all begins. Three days ago, the other planet associated with breakthrough — Uranus, the Quantum Awakener — entered the last degree of Aries.  For ten days these two are supercharging the sign where everything begins anew.  Chiron is at the Beginning Point, and Uranus at the last, critical degree, whose urgency births the future. 

From April 27 until May 7, you’re in a portal of deep, healing magic. The way in is Chiron’s way — leaning through the wound to deeper levels of the magic. The way out is Uranus’ way — a breakthrough into a freer reality.

This tantra of the Now is guided by the Aries Whisperer, the Cosmic Warrior. To say he’s ready is an understatement. Still tightly conjunct Pluto two days after beginning a new cycle in the relationship between power and drive, the Warrior is steeped not only in realism, wisdom, and rock-solid determination to reach his goal that are the hallmarks of the sign where he’s been since March 17— Capricorn. 

Make it real: the message saturating the Buddha Moon sky

Capricorn — the sign of the wisdom that comes only from experience and age — is where Mars is exalted. Like every planet who comes through this part of the zodiac, the Warrior is now taking his cues from the Gatekeeper of our reality, the Ringed One we call Saturn. 

The Ringed One turned retrograde on April 17. that electric day after the Aries New Moon when Chiron reached the Aries Point. Only then was it time to begin what Saturn does best when he’s retrograde — restructure your reality. This year, for the first time since 1989, he’s doing it in Capricorn. 

This is Saturn’s home sign, and it’s the very essence of structure. When something is built — whether a molecule, a galaxy, a painting, a habit — Capricorn medicine is at play. Saturn is at work.  That’s the medicine behind almost every planet in this Buddha Moon sky. The guidance for every classical planet but Neptune comes back to Saturn.

What is it that’s being restructured in your wisdom and your capacity to make it more real than ever? What boundaries are ready to be redrawn so that you can begin anew with your own healing magic?

Today, Saturn reaches the first milestone in his four-month journey of restructuring your life so you can bring more of your own wisdom to the table. As he trines the Sun today, he’s bringing you information about the purpose of this retrograde. 

What is he telling you? Listen carefully, remembering that challenge is his language. The gap between what is and what could be is where his medicine unfolds — one persistent, patient, determined step at a time. 

Revelations at Beltane

The revelations of this Full Moon — about the deep transformations now happening within the Earth and within you — come just before one of the year’s great energetic shifts.  On Tuesday, the Earth reaches the cross quarter, or halfway point, between the Aries Equinox and the Cancer Solstice that the Celts called Beltane. 

The word Beltane means “bright fire,” and at this sacred day the ancient Celts built sacred fires to welcome the Warrior into the world as the Green Man, the Lover of the Goddess and the world that embodies her.  Each year at the dawning of the May, the fertile, life-giving abundance of the May Queen changes places with the life-creating crone magic of the Winter Queen. 

Within and around you, what’s being celebrated is the wholeness of life. 

This ancient and sacred cosmic magic is mirrored by the Taurus Sun and Scorpio Moon. They’re dancing in something no one alive has ever experienced. At the Taurus New Moon two weeks after Beltane, Uranus brings his quantum magic to Taurus, for the first time in nearly a century. As the Centaur begins anew with the life force, the Awakener begins anew with the Earth.

May is a portal of world-creating power. Long ago, in the time before the Deep Time, it was the love of Ouranos the sky god for the irresistible blue beauty called Gaia that brought the World into being. Now, at the great turning of the cosmic age to Uranus’ own sign of Aquarius, it’s happening again — through you and through me.  We’re waking up — one cell and one intuitive flash at a time — to who we really are. Who the Earth really is. What’s really possible here. The miracle of metamorphosis is underway. 

Today’s Buddha Moon is the oracle telling us it’s time to let go of what’s in the way of our destiny — to become the re-making of the world. Our path leads right into the deepest magic of the Cosmos, paradox. Here in this moment, with all its polarity, conflict, and paradox, the magic is waiting for you.

May you be blessed in every way, as you begin to re-create the world, one breath, and one moment, at a time.

With love and blessings,

Star Sister (aka Marcia)

Your Aries New Moon special offer is open until May 15
Free the Wild Magic Within 
A Personal Reading with Star Sister

A Zen Master Explains the Art of ‘Letting Go’, And It Isn’t What You Think ~ March 16, 2018

Many thanks to for bringing us an article that answers the question many have. Just what is meant by the phrase we hear so often in spiritual circles…”Let it go”. Please read this article, learn more about “letting go”, and…


Thich Naht Hanh, the Zen Buddhist master, has some interesting advice about what it means to truly let go. Many people mistake detachment or non-clinging to be a form of aloofness, or emotional disconnect from others, but as Hanh explains, truly letting go often means loving someone more than you have ever loved them before.

The Buddha taught that detachment, one of the disciplines on the Noble Path, also called ariyasaavaka, is not a physical act of withdrawal or even a form of austerity. Though the Buddha teaches of a “non-action which is an integral part of the Right Way,” if it is taken out of context it can give the impression that we should develop a lack of concern for others, and that we should live without truly feeling or expressing our emotions – cutting ourselves off from life.

These type of misinterpretations are sadly common, since there are not always direct translations from the Paali language into English.

This form of “detachment” is an erroneous understanding of the Buddha’s message. Master Hanh states that to truly let go we must learn to love more completely. Non-attachment only happens when our love for another extends beyond our own personal expectations of gain, or our anticipation of a specific, desired outcome.

Hanh describes four forms of complete detachment, which surprisingly, aren’t about holing yourself up in a cave and ignoring everyone who has broken your heart, or ignoring your lust or desire for a romantic interest. This is not detachment. Letting go, means diving in. For example:

Maitri (Not the Love You Know)

Hanh describes the importance of Maitri, not love as we normally understand in a Westernized use of the word. He states,

“The first aspect of true love is maitri (metta, in Pali), the intention and capacity to offer joy and happiness. To develop that capacity, we have to practice looking and listening deeply so that we know what to do and what not to do to make others happy. If you offer your beloved something she does not need, that is not maitri. You have to see her real situation or what you offer might bring her unhappiness.”

In other words, your detachment may come in accepting that certain things you would normally do to make another person feel loved and appreciated may not be what the person you are actively loving now, needs. Instead of forcing that behavior on another person, with an egoic intent to “please” them, you simply detach from that need in yourself, and truly observe what makes another person feel comfortable, safe, and happy.

Hanh further explains,

We have to use language more carefully. “Love” is a beautiful word; we have to restore its meaning. The word “maitri” has roots in the word mitra which means friend. In Buddhism, the primary meaning of love is friendship.”

Karuna (Compassion)

The next form of true detachment is compassion. When we let go, we don’t stop offering a compassionate touch, word, or deed to help someone who is in pain. We also don’t expect to take their hurt or pain away. Compassion contains deep concern, though. It is not aloofness It is not isolation from others.

The Buddha smiles because he understands why pain and suffering exist, and because he also knows how to transform it. You become more deeply involved in life when you become detached form the outcome, but this does not mean you don’t participate fully – even in others’ pain.

Gratitude and Joy

In truly letting go you practice gratitude. Mudita, or joy arises when we are overcome with gratitude for all that we have, such that we no longer cling to some other longed-for result. The Buddha’s definition of joy is more like “Unselfish joy.” It means that we don’t only find happiness when something good happens to us, but when others find happiness.

If you’ve ever had to say goodbye to a love or friend so that they could continue on their life’s path – one that may not have continued to intertwine with your own – you may have felt pain when they found someone new to love, or made a new friend that seemed to take your place. This is not true detachment. Joy arises when you find happiness even when others find joy – and it has little or nothing to do with you.

Upeksha (Equanimity)

Master Hanh describes the final quality of true love which sheds inordinate light on the true process of letting go.

He states,

The fourth element of true love is upeksha, which means equanimity, non-attachment, nondiscrimination, even-mindedness, or letting go. Upa means “over,” and iksha means “to look.” You climb the mountain to be able to look over the whole situation, not bound by one side or the other. If your love has attachment, discrimination, prejudice, or clinging in it, it is not true love.

People who do not understand Buddhism sometimes think upeksha means indifference, but true equanimity is neither cold nor indifferent. If you have more than one child, they are all your children. Upeksha does not mean that you don’t love. You love in a way that all your children receive your love, without discrimination.”

Hanh explains that without this quality our love tends to become possessive – a stomping ground of the ego. We try to put our beloved in our pocket and carry them with us, when they are more like the wind, or a butterfly, or a stream, needing to move and flow, or risk dying. This is not love, this is destruction.

For love to be true love, it must have elements of compassion, joy, and equanimity – and this is truly letting go.

The Art of Letting Go is Artless

The real secret is that letting go is not an art, it is an allowing, a being. A non-attached relationship is healthy, strong and filled with effortless love, kindness and compassion. It is completely selfless because your sense of ‘self’ is no longer asserted in every situation. If you want to truly let go, you’ve got to love more, not less. This is the most common misunderstanding about this priceless teaching of the Buddha.