Late Headlines and Updates for February 9, 2019: [videos] ~ February 9, 2019

QAnon left a drop a couple of hours ago. My Internet went down and when the tabs refreshed, there it was.

New: Title TBD

2676Q!!mG7VJxZNCI 9 Feb 2019 – 1:48:12 PM Optics are important.
Stealth bombers silent?
Re_read Mueller re: ‘designed to’ drops.
Probe conclusion coming?
Coincidence ‘conclusion’ occurring as new AG installed?
What is the purpose of WHITAKER?
Re_read drops re: ‘Scaramucci’ model.
Who did Scaramucci remove?
Optics important?
What occurs post installed ‘BLOCKADE’ removal?
[RR] ‘complete’ removal?
OIG release of findings?
How are they preparing to combat [narrative = vital]?
House intel launch of more ‘FAKE’ investigations in attempt to retain ‘FALSE NARRATIVE’ and claim ‘POLITICAL ATTACK(S)’ if investigated/prosecuted themselves?
Attempts to retain ‘BLOCKADE’?
Attempts to prevent public release of the TRUTH?
ZERO leaks re: HUBER?
Do not mistake ‘public’ silence for inaction.
“This is not another 4-year election.”

She said one truthful thing: “This is the fight of our lives.” They’re losing. They’re going down, and running for President will not save them. A LOT can happen in 15 months.

Warren believes her apologies to the First Nations people will atone for her lies and misappropriation of funds that should have gone to someone who actually qualified? We’ll see about that. These people know no shame.

How was President Trump able to be so sure that “Pocahontas” had no DNA worth mentioning that would qualify her as “native Indian”? He never wavered. Lucky guess?

Warren officially jumps into crowded White House race

Josh Bernstein reveals some little known facts below about the late term abortion/infanticide legislation.

While some would like to make this about giving women more rights, it’s hardly a perfect world and the Democrats are involved in some disgusting practices and lifestyles with Humans as prey.

In a perfect world, we wouldn’t need walls at the borders to protect ourselves from mind-controlled predators, and we wouldn’t need to protect full term babies’ lives or their right to live and not suffer.

Some day, when we rid this planet of the evil parasites that are such a threat to us, we can hopefully eliminate walls and trust that women will make the right decision to either terminate a pregnancy early or carry a baby full term because they personally want to birth and nurture that child.

We’re not yet living in that perfect world, and a lot of people feel it’s our right to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Selling Human flesh as Planned Parenthood is known to do, does not resonate with many of us and we’re tired of the murderers altering legislation to suit their preferences and satanic lifestyle.

Legislation can be modified later to suit the majority, when we’re rational, altruistic, responsible Humans with more respect for Human life.

“We must build a culture that cherishes the dignity and sanctity of innocent human life.” — President Trump at the 2019 National Prayer Breakfast

The REAL REASON why TRUMP called for a ban on Late Term Abortions

We have opinions here from Venezuelans living in America who caution us about a socialist nation. They say in the real world it does not work and leads to decay and suffering. They left their homeland because of it.

Les Gilets Jaunes continue in Paris with no sign of letting up.

LIVE: Yellow Vest protests continue for 13th straight week in Paris – Part 2

David Zublick is proceeding with news about his previous warning that martial law is coming. It’s odd, isn’t it, that this is only coming from one source? At least so far…

He is correct in stating that we have technically been under martial law since September 2001. It was not overtly acted upon, however, so most are unaware. It was another deep state sleight-of-hand after 9/11.

He says this next move is to invoke martial law to allow mass arrests and keep in check the chaos and violence expected by the leftist psychopaths. He also says the move would require Donald Trump to step aside and not fill a second term. I don’t know how well that will go over with the Patriots.

It almost sounds like a move to oust the President. QAnon says this is not a 4-year election. If martial law is imminent, I would like to hear it from multiple sources in the Truth Media.

So much theatre in our lives any more. Use discretion, as always.

David Zublick: Trump To Impose Martial Law Part One

There are many horror stories from institutions that are supposedly to provide care and keep people safe but we have seen hidden camera evidence over the years of staff abusing and even causing the death of patients, including the elderly. Who vets these people? How could society have degraded to this point?

Perhaps it’s only the way this was written but it sounds as though they didn’t notice she was with child and suddenly she went into labour and gave birth at which point the administrators realized what had happened. I think you had at least 6 months heads up. Or are you completely negligent?

Hacienda HealthCare to close facility after incapacitated patient gave birth

A nurse at Hacienda HealthCare was arrested and charged with sexually assaulting the patient.

Simon Parkes did another show with Ted Maher at Out of This World Radio yesterday.

Out Of This World hour 1 02-08-19 guest Simon Parkes

Headlines for February 22, 2018; BIG Censorship—BIG Time! [videos] ~ Feb. 22, 2018

Are you strapped in folks? It’ getting even MORE interesting for u as we watch the present structure of our world unfold. Please read/watch this article from Starship Earth, concentrate on the Love that in is your heart, as you watch what is NOT Love in our world, and…


The number of videos on YouTube being removed is ramping up quickly and so is the information war. I often can’t get to a video I saved before it’s gone, so if you shared one, I may not even see it. Some of them say the account was outright terminated.

That’s what happens, my friends, when a monopoly is allowed to flourish. That is the key way the New World Order has been able to control every aspect of our lives. Monopolies are dangerous. They remove choice. They allow the power to be focused to the point that competition is eliminated, or close to it.

Google, YouTube, Twitter, Microsoft, big box retailers, eBay, Amazon, food companies, Big Pharma, Big Ag, Big Comm, Big Banks… they are almost completely controlling our lives and they’re getting rich doing it. They must be dismantled.

Fortunately there ARE some alternatives for video and social media, but they’re not highly recognized yet. I had to re-post a banned video from YouTube on Vimeo because it was a very important one from Randy Maughans on the background of the Parkland Shooting and those involved. It was a real eye-opener linking it to adoption, Autism Speaks, pedophilia, etc. Not surprising, really.

Following are some headlines and videos for the current state of affairs… which are in no way comprehensive as so much is unfolding simultaneously every day now. People are all over the QAnon posts and I haven’t even gotten to them yet for an overview. I feel it’s important to get the word out on the gun control/fake news/propaganda issue.

The Parkland school shooting was a typical orchestrated event to create a firestorm of public opinion, unrest, outrage and pain. Another drill, more CNN shadow government propaganda, more mind-controlled kids, psychotropic drugs, more screaming for gun control and… of course it’s Trump’s fault for not having legislation in place to prevent school shootings.

Well, well, well. Mr. Hogg is quite the celebrity. Is he a member of DeMolay, too? It appears he has an agenda of his own. Or his father’s. Or someone’s.

Not seeing it? David Seaman explains in this short video:  CNN’s Own Audience Revolting Over DAVID HOGG Interview!!!

What’s happening now is that We, the People are using the cabal’s own tactics against them. We are going to their fake news videos and voting down the content AND leaving our comments—just like they do to Truth Media videos. There’s one difference, however. We are not rude and abusive. We just state the truth; tell how we feel and SHAME THEM. If all the Truthers did that—wow.

A NEW LOW, even for CNN: Exploiting dead and traumatized children to push a radical left-wing anti-gun agenda

And where is the control going next? It may seem outrageous. You might think “it could never happen”, but then, folks said that about a lot of things, didn’t they? And now they’re status quo, because no one did anything about it when they could have.

Americans just can’t believe their government would do the things we say they did—and they’re correct. THEIR government wouldn’t—but it’s not THEIR government that’s the culprit. It’s the shadow government, the deep state, the New World Order and their secret societies that so many warned about long ago.

THEIR government has been bribed and blackmailed to the point most members of Congress and the Senate do anything the puppet masters tell them to do—like the health care bill Nancy Pelosi told them they would have to pass to find out what’s in it. And we don’t even know all the bombs they hide in those bills that are hundreds of pages long and few make the time to read.

In case you weren’t sure, the agenda is unfolding. The students raised 1.5M dollars for a march to demand gun control. Money for what? A protest doesn’t cost anything—unless you’re paying the protesters. Aha! Now you’re getting the picture. I’m sure this was a spontaneous idea the traumatized students had with no coaching at all from the handlers.

This tactic falls in line with previous warnings. They take a very few people and blow it up on the propaganda MSM and make it APPEAR that most of America feels the same way. Don’t fall for it. If most of America wanted to give up their guns, they would have done it long ago and America would have fallen.

The second American Revolution ongoing now is to reverse the damage done. This is a great video from Natasha who is hosting Isaac Green because his YouTube video about the school shooting and gun control narrative was terminated. This is war, my friends.

And that’s not all. Twitter. All kinds of people locked out. This is unheard of. If you don’t believe there’s an information war, think again.

They wanted a fight—and they’re getting it.

Texas Police Chief Advocates Arming Teachers to Prevent Mass Shootings

Share Tweet Reddit +1 Pin(TIM) — In the wake of the deadly shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, 17-year-old survivor Colton Haab told Fox News that he believes that if his football coach Aaron Feis, who died in the attack shielding students from gunfire, had been able to carry his firearm at school, he would have been able … Continue reading

There are a lot of people who know what the NWO has been up to and could spill the beans, but it’s no problem. They often go missing.

FOX: MISSING: CDC doctor (and Harvard grad) disappears “Without A Trace” (dog, wallet, phone left behind)

This just in from Montenegro. Rather a bizarre attack. A sleeper activated?

ALERT American Embassy Attacked

For the latest intel updates and news analysis or to get your questions answered, tune in to the ‘Truth, Honor & Integrity Show’ tonight with Thomas Williams at 7:30 EST, 4:30 Pacific. Below are the “THInk Different” People’s Club website where you can find the link to listen, and the Spreaker page.
