The Tuesday Breakfast Buffet of News and Intel; July 3 [videos] ~ July 3, 2018

This is a longish piece from Starship Earth who brings us a plethora of reports out there on Alternative Media today. Molly actually does a very good job of providing a wide range of info about the news in our country today. She is correct, once the den of cabal vipers are contained and extinguished in our county, their elimination in the rest of the world ought to be faster and far easier.

So…pull up an easy chair, grab you screen or laptop, understand more of the game of chess currently  being played in our country, and…



Headlines and Updates for June 25, 2018; Earth and Her People are Coming Alive & Acting Out [videos] ~ June 25, 2018

Another great post from Starship Earth offering a smattering of reports showing the Great Awakening is in indeed….great!

Please read this post, view the vids, and understand why this will not go on much longer, and…



It seems the Irish are definitely awake. They held protests in Dublin for Hitlary’s speaking engagement, told her to go home and reminded her of Benghazi and the burgeoning body count. Love it!


Mr. MBB shows us a very curious seismic signature at Yellowstone Lake. He explains the graphs showing normal activity, making it clear why this one is so notable.

My favourite Canadian “Earth guy” Mike shows us breathtaking footage of the unbelievable speed of the rivers of lava released by Kilauea, and updates us on unusual global weather systems.

There has been another “military training exercize” death. Forgive us for raising an eyebrow over that news after several have been involved in specific sensitive missions that perhaps knew too much, including several Navy SEALS.

Here’s a rather amusing account of another space oddity they can’t explain.

Massive Explosion of Unknown Origin Rips Through Neighboring Galaxy at ‘Incredible Speed’

This update from Evolutionary Energy Arts for June 24th touched on some of the devastation across the planet from so much water falling and other events; more fires in Northern California, out of control and forced evacuations; lightning strikes have a rare intensity and no one seems in a position to say the current chaos is natural, unnatural, man-made, due to climate change, mysterious celestial bodies in close proximity, the grand solar minimum, or the unusual planetary alignment Earth is entering with all the other planets in our solar system beginning July 19. Perhaps it’s all of the above.

*Apocalyptic Storms*Flash Floods Greece-Sardinia-Rockford Illinois*Red Tide Florida*

And a NXIVM update on the pedophilia and sex trafficking cult. Dare we hope?

For those catching up on Pizzagate/Pedogate, Ben Swann does a credible recap for us. He was just breaking information like this when he suddenly disappeared, told us he’s okay, asked us to trust him, and then came back fairly recently to pick up where he left off.

The behaviour of some Humans is just plain embarrassing. Or are they even Human? Perhaps not. It’s hard to believe people let politics control their emotions to this degree and drive them to attack others.

This article is in followup to the reports that President Trump’s Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and her husband were driven from the Red Hen restaurant by the owner, who then called other “leftists” to gather there and continued to make the situation worse for the couple who went across the street to dine.

Whatever they’re paying Sarah, it’s not enough. I’ve not seen a better press secretary.

Red Hen Owner STALKED the Sanders Family, Screaming, Yelling

Ah… This next headline might shine a ray of Light on the subject. We just can’t get away from them, can we?

The Red Hen restaurant fiasco is getting deeper; child sex offender


Hawai’i: The Back Story [video] ~ June 23, 2018

Thanks to Starship Earth for helping us understand the truth of the matter! Think Deep State in the US magnified by 1000, and then you will begin to understand the desperation of the dark as they realize they WILL lose control of Planet Earth. Nothing is beyond them as they plan to sink Hawai’i and Planet Earth!

They do not understand the power of Love however, so we shall see how this all plays out. My personal intuition tells me next week is important (June 24 – 30). So…please read this short report, watch the video, think about this and inner You, and…



This video is an excellent, excellent account of what is and has gone on, and why. While a portion of an interview with Dr. Michael Salla is a near repetition to one I already shared, the rest is new and well worth your time if you want to understand the situation.

The deep state is involved, and I urge everyone to recognize this attack for what it is. There are no accidents, my friends. “They” understand the big picture and they capitalize on it at every opportunity.

My thoughts and very best intentions are with Hawai’i and her people.  ~ BP

The Majesty of Mother Nature and Kilauea [video] ~ May 29, 2018

This is a kind of exclusive report I found on Starship Earth showing the one man’s daring video showing the depth and scope of the lava/magma flowing from Kilauea fissures on the Big Island in Hawaii.

Because these were taken at night, the effect is a beautiful, yet eerie display of the power of Mother Earth. Please take a look at this video, realize that not a single life has been taken by Mother Earth in this event, and…


Wow is right! It is literally “awe-some”.  ~ BP



Headlines for May 16 – 17, 2018: The Web Gets Stickier [videos] ~ May 17, 2018

Many thanks to Starship Earth for this one, and…



The headlines are revealing that the web we knew about is far larger than we imagined and it’s getting very sticky. Even the spiders themselves are ensnared in the instrument of their own making.

They thought they were protected because they’re “well connected”. They thought they were invincible, but because they’re literally connected and the thread has been pulled, it’s all coming apart.

Sooner or later, it will lead to the spiders’ nest, and then what will they do? Ironically, the predators have become the prey. They are stucker than stuck, and the more they try to wriggle free, the more they implicate themselves.

The truth is exposing the posers hiding behind their lies. How much longer can the masses fail to see the truth?

Some indications are that there may be a loud wake-up call just prior to the November elections. Many fingers are pointing to this fall for unmissable events. Will indictments be unsealed a month prior to the midterm election? See the Dauntless Dialogue video below.

We Spoke to the Man Who Blew the Whistle On Alleged Sex Cult Inside NXIVM

The Other Eric Schneiderman Scandal

 Clinton Campaign Funneled $150,000 To Hillary Clinton’s Personal Company

What does Hillary have to hide? We have a new photo of Hillary Clinton, looking very uncomfortable in democratian blue and sporting a voluminous scarf to camouflage what appears to be a back brace—or is it a full body cast? Thanks to AIM4Truth for sharing this one.

With respect to Hawai’i, there’s this latest warning from Dr. Michael Salla. On top of it, Yellowstone fears are still circulating, California rift alerts… a lot to take in. I recall Dutchsinse showing us a steam plume east of Palm Springs, California near the Salton Sea, which was created by an old tectonic shift that brought sea water into the inland depression. May everyone be safe. So far the residents of Hawai’i have been fortunate but it could get more difficult very soon. We hope a miracle will calm the restless Pele and bring peace to the island. The residents remain in our thoughts.

Hawaii Volcanic Eruption Intentionally Triggered to Generate Massive Tsunami?

And Mr. MBB uploaded this one 3 hours ago.

“Something BIG is brewing” – Its about to happen – SO2 levels soaring

Published on May 17, 2018

May 17. 2018: **Ikaika Marzo update from the Big Island near Kilauea Volcano. Cracks are now CONFIRMED in the highway at the summit of Kilauea. Highway 11.

I like this young man, Adam Riva of Dauntless Dialogue; his solid ethics. I agree that information needs to be shared, not covered up or ignored. It’s up to individuals to decide what is true for them and what isn’t. If you let contentious material sit, it can fester, and rear its ugly head later.

It’s better to get it out in the open, have the dialogue, and display the information that’s out there. That is our job; the mission we chose to foster as citizen journalists. It’s not about money, or recognition, it’s about doing what we believe is right. We don’t want to tell people what to think, but share our opinions based on what we have learned and what our inner guidance tells us.

It’s why we came: to pursue what is important to us, and it’s usually important to others. We don’t need the ridicule. We’ve had enough of that. We will continue to question, no matter the source. We don’t believe or agree with everything we hear or read. We are critical thinkers and we reserve the right to question.

I don’t agree with everything Adam believes, but I believe his moral compass is properly calibrated. We are here to be of service and we will do what we believe is right. People who don’t find value in what we do are welcome to unsubscribe, as he says.

He tells us about his insider source “Arthur” and reviews some of what he has shared, most of which sounds very credible to me. He also points out that Arthur took some heat for information he shared with Adam. Sometimes insiders share things they shouldn’t, and they have to take the flack for it. We appreciate intel but we don’t want anyone suffering to bring it to us.  ~ BP

You may recall almost a year ago in June 2017 when the USS Fitzgerald was hit by the Philippine-registered container ship ACX Crystal off the coast of Japan. The latest research suggests the official Naval report contained incorrect information. The Fitzgerald was not moving at the time, according to this video, and was a sitting duck when rammed by the much larger Crystal with its bow impacting the Fitzgerald broadside. That changes everything and throws the whole testimony into question. It also reminds us that rarely ever is anything what we’re told. Some interesting questions arise, such as, “Why wasn’t the captain on the scene?”
I hadn’t followed this story when it happened, but the new intelligence is very interesting. It seems an EMP attack is suspected to have immobilized the Fitzgerald, possibly an attempted false flag to instigate war with North Korea. Where have we heard that before? It was important enough to at least one person to dig into the testimony and formulate a theory with solid evidence.


If you choose to tune in to the Truth, Honor & Integrity Show tonight with Thomas Williams, here’s the link for 7:30 EDT, 4:30 Pacific.