T Minus [0:00],Prepare For Release,The Storm Is Here ~ September 10, 2018

Obama spied on a reporters and also silenced them when he was president. WH now setting up another meeting with Kim Jong Un. The battle is Syria is on, this is a battle between the good guys and bad guys, we are not fighting Assad’s forces. This is the last holdout of the deep state and they are about to be taken out. Q drops more breadcrumbs, the storm has arrived. Any day now the FISA pages are going to be released and we are going to see the fallout. The storm is here and the physical storms are here, coincidence?

May Scuttlebutt for A Crumbling Regime; Cabal Surrender, says Keenan~ May 5, 2016


Oooh…there’s a LOT going on out there in the background my friends! I would advise staying close to the Alternet (alternative news on the Internet) as things begin to break. In the meantime, an excellent source for my news is Starship Earth: The Big Picture.

Pleas join me in reading this article which condenses many items of current interest regarding the fate of our Planet Earth. Thins definitely NOT going the way the Cabal, Illuminati would like.

I also rather imagine I like the announcement made by Sophia Love in the past indicating that the next Presidenial election for the US will never take place. This also makes sense to me given the field of candidates for this go-round. Yes, it’s ring-around-the rosey time in our Presidential election. The “Event” may not happen a moment too soon!

So…please read this article, watch as the news unfolds in the support of love, light and the truth, and…


Miscellaneous news can be very telling. Not all may be true, and certainly isn’t verifiable right away unless you’re a real insider, but we can decide what feels right. There is truth buried in the disinfo. Some things simply must remain hidden for now and sometimes the “good guys” release disinfo in this information war. There’s no denying the cabal’s ship is sinking.

Drake told us last night on the Cosmic Voice show that Canada is gittin’ ‘er done. They are making arrests—and one incident involved a tank. Go Canada! Sounds as though the Canadian Armed Forces stepped up to assist the civil authorities to remove some of the the pestilence. I bet Trudeau had a rude awakening when he was apprised of the magnitude of corruption and what was soon to take place globally. Perhaps there is still intel he has not been given for his own safety.

In the USA, Trump and the Trumpettes have been taking America by storm—but you’d never know it from the manipulated poll results and fabricated media reports. The riots the opposition staged in California lately and other places are astounding—yet not—and The Donald appears to be enjoying his work on the campaign trail, utterly nonplussed.

I groaned inwardly at the mere thought of another American election and the months of hooplah, lies, posturing, gaming, theatrics that always accompany the charade of democracy—but this year is different.

I’m loving it! Where else but America can you get a reality show like this? Cruz is now out of it, and the candidates are whittled down nicely.

People are now waking up to the corruption, vote-stealing, campaign tricks and are seriously questioning the same old, same old soft shoe routine.

Trump is a large part of that. Love him or hate him, trust him or not—he serves a greater purpose. He is exposing a lot of the despicable antics of the current regime and the Clintons’ past.

If anyone seriously wanted to impede votes for Hillary, though, I would suggest they translate the exposés into Spanish. She’s gunning for the Latina vote, and if they had a wake-up call, some might abandon her. Just a thought. The suggestion that The People should elect her because she’s a woman—typical.

Unfortunately for her, The Donald is the main attraction with patriots, and whether he is who he presents himself to be or not will be one of the highlights of this process.

The reality of murder and intrigue in America is better than any spy novel ever written, and the blockbuster history book of all time is writing itself before our very eyes. It would explode off the NY times best seller list—whether that list represented actual sales or just distributor orders, as it currently does.

I suspect that Trump will be elected as President so as not to shock the masses—IF—the election is allowed to go that far—or possibly appointed interim President as a result of Hitlary being indicted and ineligible for the position until such time as the skeleton crew are asked to step up and fill the urgent vacancies.

I would soon expect Trump to step down—his mission accomplished, at the appropriate time to enlighten Americans, and the world, as to what has happened. I doubt very much that he truly aspires to be President of the Republic. He has plenty of other more interesting things going on. He would have done his part to assist the Light in the dismantling of the cabal in a “gentle” way the masses could accept. He is probably the White Hats’ “Trump card”.

I’m thinking the dozen FBI agents rooting through Clinton emails are simply biding their time for the perfect moment to topple the cabal’s regime with their announcement of her arrest, as well as her husband’s. There is more than enough evidence to convict both from decades of crime. They don’t need any more evidence, but timing is everything—especially now.

This video from Anonymous is a full twelve minutes of the blatant lies and about faces she has done over the years. She’s nothing, if not “consistent”, lol.


The Obama family, I’ve heard twice now, has vacated the White House and occupies an apartment in DC to support the appearance of normalcy until the chosen time for the truth to emerge; an event such as the White House Correspondents’ Dinner on April 30th an example of keeping up the charade.

That was a most intriguing monologue Barack presented, beginning with, “end of the Republic”. In fact, I was blown away that he raised the issues—even in humour—of his Muslim faith, birth certificate, and other things he was accused him of. The smile on his face didn’t quite reach his eyes, and I didn’t get the feeling his words came from the heart. It was just a speech; an obligation.

It was a most poignant farewell. He put on a good face, but I felt regret in him, that he knew full well he was part of something he would have to answer for in the near future—even if he didn’t willingly participate. Not a pleasant future to anticipate. He also didn’t have the opportunity to make the changes he believed he would on entering the White House.

Obviously there is a lot unfolding behind the scenes few are speaking of. Thomas Williams at Cosmic Voice warned us last month that we will soon be hearing a lot of things we didn’t know and won’t like because it will be counter to things we believed about people and groups we follow. Of course there will also be a lot of good news, as well. It’s best not to be overly invested in our “heroes”.

It’s difficult to keep up with all the evil being exposed nowadays as the house of cards topples. Quaker Oats was just sued for selling glyphosate-soaked “natural” oatmeal.  You can read about that at Natural News. It’s more and more important to seek out organic food as often as possible and hope it really is—at least until we clean up the planet’s soil, air and water. Between glyphosate and vaccines, it’s a miracle we’re still alive.

On the financial front—a most volatile one—patriots wait with baited breath to learn about the Currency Revaluation (RV) etc. Keenan has an update on that for May 5th if you’d like to take in his videos, remembering that we live in an upside-down world on the wrong side of the looking glass, where good is bad, bad is good, and “never” means “soon”. Neil is looking a little worn, and I’m certain is ready for a respite from his hideous journey.

BREAKING NEWS: Obama Out / Cabal Surrender / Currency Revaluation In Progress

The scuttlebutt I got a few days ago was this, and I don’t vouch for it, but Keenan confirmed:

AIIB/WF/HSBC put a 10pm EST deadline on Citibank to get Basel lll compliant or default. At the same moment, Obama was scheduled to speak at the White House Correspondents Dinner in DC (WHCD). This was the back wall for cabal surrender or new President Dunford would have announced the Republic live in front of all the world’s press core. But absolute cabal surrender came at 8:59:59pm EST and thus Obama was allowed to speak and Citibank defaulted to AIIB/WF/HSBC and became Basel lll compliant.

If the cabal surrendered, I’ll have to eat my hat. I said they never would. But sometimes it’s good to be very wrong.

That’s it for now, but news drops at any hour of any day and the cards continue to fall in the brisk winds of spring. Rebirth is everywhere and the winter deadfall is cleared out. Beautiful and barely dreamed of gifts are found under rotting leaves and stubborn ice crystals and glorious and exciting days are ahead for Humanity.  ~ BP

News that Never Made the News; The Liberation of Planet Earth ~ Nov. 10, 2015


Are you kinda new to “waking up”? Do you feel like you are on a never-ending-wheel ultimately going nowhere as you eat.sleep.work…eat.sleep.work …with little respite and looking for a way out? Are you tired for being told what to do and how to do it by our government? If so, this article from Starship Earth: The Big Picture is what you need to read!

This article, in a nutshell, puts it all out there. How we as a human race are being steadily eliminated by those “in control” of our Earth who seek to make us sick, tired, ignorant, and poverty-stricken. Not very pretty, is it? If you doubt, take a look at the links provided by Starship Earth and you will see the proof on the “new printing press”… the Internet! But after you read these links…do NOT despair!

We have the strongest force in the Universe working on our behalf…and that is LOVE! Those currently losing control of the Earth do not love, nor understand the concept of love. Love is kind of like gravity in my book. Unseen, but slowly and steadily, love makes things right and heals. How does love do this? Why…in your heart!

So…please read this article, trust your heart, and…


This is my sermon for today. The most radiant choir knows who they are and may disregard.  ;0)

ufo Cal nov 7I feel like it’s a good time to connect with new folks who are seeking answers these days as to what the hell is happening on this planet, because after that dramatic light show conundrum on Saturday night in the US Southwest and the pat explanation provided by the mass media, I think a few more people are kicking around the Internet looking for answers.

In case they land here accidentally-on-purpose, following is a collection of some information they would not hear on the lamestream news.

Benjamin Fulford began his update this week with evidence that we in the blogosphere and alternative news sites rejoice to hear, because we never know for certain just how much of an impact our collective labour of love has on the greater consciousness—if any.

The storm of information poured out by the Internet, the new Guttenberg Press, has made a critical mass of people aware of the enormous crimes of George Bush Sr. and his Nazionist cohorts.

—and I hope that would include 9-11. This is music to our ears. As regulars on this blog know, in reality, life on this planet is a vast network of murder and intrigue that would blow the best Robert Ludlum novel out of the water, and unfortunately eclipses the greed, gore and ruthlessness of the Game of Thrones.

What has transpired and continues to unfold is so abhorrent to the Human sensibility that many simply cannot face that it could be true. If it were only Humans in the picture, that would make sense, but therein lies the rub.

Princess DianaThe perpetrators of these crimes are not who you think they are. They talk a good game, but they are not Human. Princess Diana Spencer confirmed that before she was murdered (by them).

When one fully probes with an open mind what is actually unfolding in our world and asks, “How could this be happening?”, we can come to only one conclusion. There is only one answer. Every single aspect of our lives is being controlled and manipulated. But by whom, and why? That’s when things get really good.

YouTuber Cindy Kay Currier uploaded a good video November 8th that touches on several items of note that just didn’t seem to make it on the 6:00 news and I have included that below. “High Strangeness” doesn’t BEGIN to describe what has been happening on Earth.

mass media brainwashingThere is what is REALLY happening, and what “they” TELL us is happening. When we allow them to tell US, we allow them to shape our reality and hide the truth. That has been one of the greatest hurdles to people understanding the plot and stopping it. As a result, apathy has become a disease in our society.

I, like many others, have been watching the battle for this planet and her people for several years. It’s not easy to fine tune the big picture due to all the disinformation purposely distributed on the Internet to confuse and control.

After awhile, though, we can get a good sense for what is true and what isn’t, and there are basic facts we DO know for certain. Sometimes we have to forget everything we were taught. When they say “the truth is out there”, they mean “out there” as in bizarre and on the fringes of human comprehension.

Many have realized that things are just not right on this planet, and began to look into certain aspects. It isn’t pretty, and it can be downright depressing and infuriating… but we need to remember two things; we are all in this together, and our release from hell has been orchestrated for a very long time by millions of benevolent souls who secretly play the part of our guardians and teachers.

11-11 portalThis excerpt from 5D News suggests that the mass awakening of Humanity continues and will blossom at the November 11th (11:11) portal. (tomorrow)

The 11:11 energies will bring cohesiveness to all selves and will fully usher in the dropping of the Veils.

Each soul will be able to “see” what their frequency, (consciousness), ALLOWS them to see.

It is a stair-step process.

Everything is not seen at once as consciousness has to expand to be able to comprehend each aspect of the greater self.

This will be a different process for ALL.

Some souls will begin to “see” corruption in the medical field.
Others in the pharmaceutical field.
Food industry.
Weather manipulation.
All Illusion.

Hopelessness abounds on our planet, but all is not lost. Despite how things look, we are nearly out of the woods. We can see the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. Dramatic changes are on the horizon and we are soon to know a freedom we have seldom dared to even dream about.

top secretThere has been a plan in place for decades to eliminate those who would control us, enslave us, and gladly eliminate us. The rescue did not unfold as quickly as expected because the Light Warriors underestimated the cunning of the dark ones.

It’s complicated, and that is the understatement of the millennia.

There were setbacks, yes, but if we could only see all the souls in the bleachers cheering for us, performing triage, and counseling those on the planet who are in a place to take these sub-human creatures out of power, we would rejoice. I already am.

Those of us who are aware of what is unfolding get our information from many sources. We use our filters to decide what is true and what isn’t and we all have our own truth. The details don’t matter much. We are all doing the best to can to educate and bring a positive outcome while living our busy lives.

hidden message moneyMany don’t know who to trust as far as our messengers, and I was in that category for a long time, but I have a comfort factor now with who I believe about the key issues. It doesn’t matter who is wrong and who is right because it will all work out for our highest good regardless.

At this point there is so much happening beneath the surface of everyday life for the masses that it is difficult for many of us to keep up, but Cindy’s video touches on a few things that may enable those seeking answers to understand that not all is what it seems. Perhaps that will give you a leg up to that first stair-step mentioned above.

light at end of tunnelI can tell you that from my perspective, once I began researching the medical aspects of the problem and branched out from there, I found that the truth is far more intriguing than any television program or fake news broadcast. The end game brings exhilarating hope for the Human race.

The reality is very difficult to believe, and it’s also pretty scary, but I never had any significant doubt as to the positive outcome.

“Drake”, a Vietnam vet, is mentioned in Cindy’s video, and he is STILL sharing his intel and educating people about precisely what has happened and what we can expect on his Facebook page (membership must be approved by admin) and his weekly BlogTalk Radio show every Wednesday evening. Those are just some of his tireless contributions as a Patriot. You can also sign up for his blog posts at his website Home Page.

The link to his interview with David Wilcock is below Cindy’s video and it was fascinating back when he first released that information to his listeners, and still is. I’m very glad someone reposted it after it disappeared recently, because few have been exposed to “The Plan” like Drake has.

government limitedI would point out that although the corrupt government has to go, Drake is no longer characterizing it as a “coup”. Specific corrupt parties will be removed by the military and other authorities, the fat skimmed from the structure and a new, honest, leaner and efficient government will result—a government truly BY the People and FOR the People. No more secrets. We will have complete transparency and accountability.

This same process will unfold in all countries as necessary. All of Humanity will be FREE.

When looking into any topic that may interest you, be aware that the Internet is controlled and censored to some degree, and searches don’t always yield the results we would like because the “controversial” material (aka The Truth) is often not displayed in the search engine results unless we learn to be very specific or know which websites we want to visit, so be patient and persistent.

There are over 5,800 posts on this blog alone, and hundreds of other terrific, valid web sites to satisfy your yearning for Truth.

big brother spying“Big Brother” is watching, however. There are hired guns and spies at every blog, video and web site that shares the truth where comments are permitted and the job of the trolls/shills is to ridicule information and confuse anyone searching for Truth.

Across the Web there is constant hacking of sites that share the truth about what the corrupt governments are doing. Information that contradicts the approved narrative is taboo.

Videos are deleted, articles taken down, links blocked, Facebook messed with, Internet radio shows fractured with interference, etc., but we persevere and we manage.

We are about to celebrate Victory, and life will never be the same again.

future worldHumanity will take giant leaps in technology, spirituality, the arts, ecology, medicine, transportation—every aspect of life. Our Golden Age is about to begin. It will be our New Renaissance.

So ‘New Truthers’—take heart, learn all you can and be ready to face your expansive future with hope and faith that you are here for a reason and about to reap your rewards for the misery you have experienced in your life.

All that is wrong will be put right, and we will bring Heaven down to Earth—whatever you imagine that to be. It has nothing to do with Religion and no one will be left behind.

Namasté, and big love to all—even the poor trolls.  ~ BP


If this video won’t play, click ‘YouTube’ and watch it there.


Published on Nov 8, 2015

High strangeness all across the land – Are we now in the midst of a worldwide military coup?

Investment Watch – CIA agents arrested by minutemen

The Free Thought Project – Founder of RT found dead in D.C.

Dahboo77 – Mystery lights and secret military operations

Triedto Warnya – Planes diverted from LAX

WakeTheSheeple2015 – Military Coup of America

Natural Law America

Reign of Earth

The Great Forgetting of 1996 ~ Oct. 6, 212


This is the latest post from Cobra. This person started their blog in 2012 and has been a kind of “reporter” for the Resistence Movement here on Earth who keeps them informed via “code talk”, as well as being a liason for the human population of Earth. I urge you to go to his website, http://www.Portal2012 and investigate a great deal of stunning information you need to know.

This message from Cobra indicates for me just why so many of our neighbors “just don’t get it” when we,who are informed, get blank stares, or worse, when we introduce variant ideas from the societal norm. You know, topics like vaccninations, GMO food, ET’s and disclosure, etc.,etc. Perhaps that is why I AM the “conspiracy theorist” in my family!

But now, I’ve learned to corral my thoughts, and only share these with other Lightworkers…and this blog. Thank you for reading my thoughts, as I know they are resounding, in a small way, all across the world!

In the meantime, please read this blog post by Cobra, gain an understanding of the complexity of this planet-freeing operation, and…


During the invasion of 1996, the Archons and the Chimera have put a negative barrier at the edge of the Solar System (the heliopause). All beings contained within that barrier inside the Solar System, including all surface humans, all Cabal factions, all subterranean beings (with the exception of a very few individuals), all secret space programs personnel, all Pleiadians, Sirians, Andromedans, Arcturians, Dracos, Reptilians, Zetas and all other sentient beings whatsoever were implanted with plasma implants and tied to Chimera’s AI network (the Veil). Vast majority of beings who had connection with the Ascended Masters were having that connection cut. Many memories of spiritual nature were erased with electronic dissolution of memory (EDOM). Many beings who intended to release intel to the surface population were mind programmed and in many instances false intel and memories were implanted. All channelers were implanted and most their channeling connections were severely disrupted.

Strangelet and toplet bomb mechanisms were planted if Ascended beings would reach out and make contact. This effectively made our Solar System a zone with very little Ascended contact. Event the Pleiadians within the Solar System could not reach the Ascended beings directly as the contact was extremely limited.

This is called the Great Forgetting of 1996. This forgetting was so complete that very few people actually remember their spiritual contact with their Soul and with the Ascended beings from before 1996. This forgetting was so complete that many pople will have hard time comprehending what am I talking about.

Now most of this blockage is already removed but everybody inside Solar System (including surface humans and almost all beings from subteranean and space alliances) still have that part of implants that cuts their connection with Ascended beings, tied to strangelet  / toplet bomb mechanisms, controlled by the Chimera. This is the reason why I have not yet released the intel about the Ascension plan, as the situation is simply not ready.

If somebody still doubts that strangelet bombs are real, here is the physics behind strangelet conversion:


In 1999, the Light forces started constructing a Light barrier at the heliopause with the intention of containing darkness infection inside our Solar System and then later clearing it. This barrier was mostly complete in late 2014 and absolutely complete in May 2015. 


Since September 2015 the Light forces made much progress regarding the removal of implants. The implants are no longer black holes rotating inside a magnetic field but just naked singularity portals still containing strangeness producing quark-gluon plasma inside implants’ singularity well. All implants are still connected with hyperdimensional plasma wormholes (Tunnels of Set) into an AI-supported network that communicates across the Solar System plasma vortex (Yaldabaoth) and is tied to plasma strangelet / toplet bombs. This network is still connected with RHIC hadron collider and to a lesser degree with LHC at CERN. Those accelerators supply strangelets into the network mostly with gluon fusion interactions:


The Light forces will now deal with the quark-gluon plasma inside implants quite easily, but the quantum primary anomaly at the center of the implants’ naked singularity, hidden inside the strong force responsible for gluon binding energy might be a bigger problem:


The implants are the main reason for psychological mechanisms of denial and projection. Those two psychological mechanisms are the two causes of constant infighting between the Lightworkers (You have a big ego! No, you have a big ego!) and Lightwarriors (You are a disinfo agent! No, you are a disinfo agent!).

Those two psychological mechanisms are further enhanced by negative non-physical entities and Archon/Chimera technology of the Veil:


The Light forces have communicated to me that an alliance / coalition of Lightworkers / Lightwarriors, working towards the common goal of planetary liberation, and refraining from constant infighting, would need to be formed on the surface of the planet. Such alliance is crucial for the successful compression breakthrough. Dragon forces have communicated that such coalition would serve as a conduit for the energies that will be released at the moment of compression breakthrough to ease the transition.

If this alliance is not formed, the Light forces have an alternative plan to carry out the compression breakthrough. That second plan is slower, but more secure. Details about that alternative plan will not be released on this blog, I will just say it will not alter much the way an average human will experience the Event.

The Resistance has communicated to me that they will contact Drake just before the Event and give him substantial intel to be released publicly.

Light forces watching the surface population are in constant frustration as the infighting between people, who are supposed to be leaders of change on the planetary surface, does not seem to end. This is why the Agarthans sometimes see the surface population as barbarian. Instead of people being in denial and projecting on Agarthans as being elitists, perhaps they could take a long hard look in the mirror, recognize the inner barbarian, and tame it. It took many Agarthan factions hundreds of years and even millennia of dedicated self improvement until they have learned to live in peace. After the Event as the strangelet bombs are removed, they will be able to help humanity directly and they will interact with people, but they will interact with caution, as they do not want to become targets of people’s projections and attacks. 


I have experienced my own share of people’s attacks and projections in the second half of September. How predictable – some people are so programmed and behave as Archon’s puppets so predictably that I can now even calculate with mathematical certainty when they will erupt.

Here I would like to communicate that I release intel to empower people to think with their own head and expand their horizons, not to create followers. I release intel about the Event not to make people passively wait, but to participate in the creation of the Event actively in whatever way they feel guided. Even on the highest level, intel is highly compartmentalized and on a need to know basis, so I do not know everything and my understanding of the deepest layers of the rabbit hole evolves with time when new intel comes in. Still, my intel sources are very reliable and are not subject to personality distortions, subjectivity and mind programming that the surface intel sources exhibit.

Many people are frustrated as there are no visible drastic changes yet. Any drastic change, such as a major disclosure intel release through the mass media, or a direct physical intervention of the Light forces on the surface, would trigger a cascade of events that would lead to triggering of the strangelet bombs. Therefore, drastic actions of the Light forces will only happen when all strangelet and toplet bombs are removed and pose absolutely no threat.

Responding to the urgent need in the current planetary situation with implants, entity attachments and healing of human psyche, Dragon sources are constantly improving their technology for implant removal, entity removal, auric protection and healing of physical and non-physical bodies. This technology is now available here:



There are massive geopolitical shifts taking place right now that will lead to the final defeat of the Cabal.

It is an interesting synchronicity that super-efficient Russian intervention in Syria started a mere week after I have released the Halafian pottery Syrian vortex healing meditation:


This has brought us one step closer to the resolution of the refugee crisis:


The area of the Hassuna-Samarra Goddess vortex (Syria and most likely soon Iraq) is now the playing ground for the proxy war between the Eastern Alliance and the Cabal:


The Islamic State is now trying to destroy as much beauty as possible before its final defeat:


Years ago, the Chimera has locked many physical Pleiadian hostages in prisons on the surface in Syria and Afghanistan. These hostages were captured by the Chimera forces during the invasion on 1996 throughout the Solar System and later transferred to Earth. These hostages are strategically important for the Chimera since they use them as a mechanism to block the progress of the Pleiadian fleet towards the Earth where they would like to help with the liberation of the planet. These hostages are the real occult reason behind the presence of the US negative military in Syria and Afghanistan.

For all those reasons it would be good if as many people as possible would do the Halafian pottery meditation to help stabilize the situation. The link to the meditation is here:


There are important moves taking place behind the scenes and I cannot report about them, even if I would like to. I will just say that despite the fact that nothing drastic has shifted yet, right now the foundation is being laid for the positive changes that will transform our world forever.

Victory of the Light!