Headlines and Updates for February 15, 2019: Stock Up on the Popcorn [videos] ~ February 15, 2019

Big news and big drops from QAnon for us today. Popcorn mandatory. Be sure to peruse those drops here to get the info and/or see the videos below.

Q says be vigilant over the next ten days as there may be Fflags to take over the news cycle. (Look over here, not over there.)


Clinton’s “Public” Health Will Begin to Rapidly Deteriorate

2725Q!!mG7VJxZNCI 14 Feb 2019 – 9:46:33 PM Chatter – Bill & Hillary’s ‘public’ health will begin to rapidly deteriorate.
Q SerialBrain2 did two more decodes for us and I will be getting into some of this more deeply in a separate post because the subject matter warrants the attention.

Post # 139 – Q2675: The two F15s that reveal what Trump is really negotiating behind the scenes

Post # 138 – Trump’s Secret Message from El Paso: The Pieces of the Puzzle.

The President went live this morning with an announcement about the state of emergency in America. He says it’s a good thing to do because the country is being invaded with illegal traffic from gangs, drug cartels, and Human traffickers and it requires drastic measures to rein it in. Border Patrol and ICE are overwhelmed and they will be taking care of those situations to make America safe. He expects to be sued, which is common when you declare a national emergency, and he expects they will win.

He got REALLY tough with the media, stood up to their accusational interruptions and challenges and didn’t pass up another opportunity to call CNN “fake news”, reiterated the “one question” rule, and commanded them to sit down.

President Trump Declares National Emergency — Accuses Chuck and Nancy of “Con-Game” (VIDEO)

LIVE: President Donald Trump DECLARES National Emergency and Signs Funding Bill

Last night Thomas Williams told us Ruth Bader Ginsburg has not passed, and today, we get this headline:

Ginsburg back at Supreme Court

Thomas was shut down permanently last night 1 hr. and 41 minutes into the show. You can listen here.

He told us there are no military tribunals in process. That’s a big negatory, folks. No tribunals. Not yet.

George Soros was NOT arrested, as we heard, because he’s dead. Has been for some time, as we learned previously.

The banking shenanigans have grown to epic proportions and Thomas says the situation is dire. Wells Fargo has been operating at -200% (negative) liquidity and the Bank of America may be the first to fail.

CitiBank is operating at -500% (negative) liquidity, transferred all cash on hand to the Bank of Hong Kong and it has disappeared.

Folks, if you have your money in any of the big banks, you are advised to get it out now. Some suggestions we’ve heard… Get a safe and keep your money at home, stuff it in your mattress, buy silver or gold, bury your cash in the back yard… do whatever you have to do because it is not secure in the bank. Anything could happen.

The FDIC cannot protect you, despite what they tell you or imply. If there are massive, multiple bank fails for all Americans, how can they possibly give everyone their money—or even part of it? Do the math. You can’t just print more money as suggested by Sandy Ocasio-Cortez.

The central banking system is global; if the American economy and banks go down, it will cause a chain reaction across the planet.

Tulsi Gabbard presents bill to stop Trump from pulling out of INF treaty

The border situation in America is not a simple one. There are many reasons we must protect it. I’ll get into more in a separate post but here’s one aspect of it; around the middle of the video, in particular, with respect to the El Chapo arrest.

Thanks, L.

Patrick at IPOT reviews the Q drops. It certainly appears Q is using the boards to communicate with the team in their surveillance activities as they are clearly tracking targets in China.

Q Anon/News – #WinningBigly – In Pursuit of Truth Presents – 2.15.19

Q Anon/News – It’s All There – In Pursuit of Truth Presents – 2.15.19

I’m closing for now with a speech from Donald Trump Jr. at the El Paso rally this week. I missed it the other night when the President spoke as I struggled with a connection on my iPad. I never did get one and had to watch on my desktop.

I feel like I know Ivanka and Don Jr. a little bit because my other half liked to watch The Apprentice. I thought the show was hokey, but I had to admit I was very impressed with Trump’s children. They were sharp, honest, knowledgeable, tactful, professional, and always respectful of the “contestants”, no matter the situation.

They never tore them down, and always gave them the opportunity to save face. That is how I recall it. They were quiet and reserved until called upon to deliver their ideas and assessments.

They exhibited grace and humility, in my opinion, and now that I have seen Melania interact with the media in her roles I have grown to respect the family very much. “Grace under pressure” comes to mind.

They all have a very quiet, but powerful presence hidden inside until it’s time to show it. There is no doubt with Melania’s “white hats” and military garb at the SOTU that she is invested in this process and will bow to no one. She is supporting her husband and fighting for America and Humanity.

I appreciate Craig at JustInformedTalk for sharing this video because it gives us another look at one member of the Trump family and the character of those with input into the reparations ongoing in America. I see strong, confident, and able people who do not stoop to the level of the enemy.

They are models for a sick society that needs to relearn how Humans should operate. They are leaders, and there you have one more reason why Donald Trump was chosen to free America. This family has the strength, honour and courage to do this, and the evil ones can’t stand it.

Everything You Need To Know About The Plan…

May Scuttlebutt for A Crumbling Regime; Cabal Surrender, says Keenan~ May 5, 2016


Oooh…there’s a LOT going on out there in the background my friends! I would advise staying close to the Alternet (alternative news on the Internet) as things begin to break. In the meantime, an excellent source for my news is Starship Earth: The Big Picture.

Pleas join me in reading this article which condenses many items of current interest regarding the fate of our Planet Earth. Thins definitely NOT going the way the Cabal, Illuminati would like.

I also rather imagine I like the announcement made by Sophia Love in the past indicating that the next Presidenial election for the US will never take place. This also makes sense to me given the field of candidates for this go-round. Yes, it’s ring-around-the rosey time in our Presidential election. The “Event” may not happen a moment too soon!

So…please read this article, watch as the news unfolds in the support of love, light and the truth, and…


Miscellaneous news can be very telling. Not all may be true, and certainly isn’t verifiable right away unless you’re a real insider, but we can decide what feels right. There is truth buried in the disinfo. Some things simply must remain hidden for now and sometimes the “good guys” release disinfo in this information war. There’s no denying the cabal’s ship is sinking.

Drake told us last night on the Cosmic Voice show that Canada is gittin’ ‘er done. They are making arrests—and one incident involved a tank. Go Canada! Sounds as though the Canadian Armed Forces stepped up to assist the civil authorities to remove some of the the pestilence. I bet Trudeau had a rude awakening when he was apprised of the magnitude of corruption and what was soon to take place globally. Perhaps there is still intel he has not been given for his own safety.

In the USA, Trump and the Trumpettes have been taking America by storm—but you’d never know it from the manipulated poll results and fabricated media reports. The riots the opposition staged in California lately and other places are astounding—yet not—and The Donald appears to be enjoying his work on the campaign trail, utterly nonplussed.

I groaned inwardly at the mere thought of another American election and the months of hooplah, lies, posturing, gaming, theatrics that always accompany the charade of democracy—but this year is different.

I’m loving it! Where else but America can you get a reality show like this? Cruz is now out of it, and the candidates are whittled down nicely.

People are now waking up to the corruption, vote-stealing, campaign tricks and are seriously questioning the same old, same old soft shoe routine.

Trump is a large part of that. Love him or hate him, trust him or not—he serves a greater purpose. He is exposing a lot of the despicable antics of the current regime and the Clintons’ past.

If anyone seriously wanted to impede votes for Hillary, though, I would suggest they translate the exposés into Spanish. She’s gunning for the Latina vote, and if they had a wake-up call, some might abandon her. Just a thought. The suggestion that The People should elect her because she’s a woman—typical.

Unfortunately for her, The Donald is the main attraction with patriots, and whether he is who he presents himself to be or not will be one of the highlights of this process.

The reality of murder and intrigue in America is better than any spy novel ever written, and the blockbuster history book of all time is writing itself before our very eyes. It would explode off the NY times best seller list—whether that list represented actual sales or just distributor orders, as it currently does.

I suspect that Trump will be elected as President so as not to shock the masses—IF—the election is allowed to go that far—or possibly appointed interim President as a result of Hitlary being indicted and ineligible for the position until such time as the skeleton crew are asked to step up and fill the urgent vacancies.

I would soon expect Trump to step down—his mission accomplished, at the appropriate time to enlighten Americans, and the world, as to what has happened. I doubt very much that he truly aspires to be President of the Republic. He has plenty of other more interesting things going on. He would have done his part to assist the Light in the dismantling of the cabal in a “gentle” way the masses could accept. He is probably the White Hats’ “Trump card”.

I’m thinking the dozen FBI agents rooting through Clinton emails are simply biding their time for the perfect moment to topple the cabal’s regime with their announcement of her arrest, as well as her husband’s. There is more than enough evidence to convict both from decades of crime. They don’t need any more evidence, but timing is everything—especially now.

This video from Anonymous is a full twelve minutes of the blatant lies and about faces she has done over the years. She’s nothing, if not “consistent”, lol.


The Obama family, I’ve heard twice now, has vacated the White House and occupies an apartment in DC to support the appearance of normalcy until the chosen time for the truth to emerge; an event such as the White House Correspondents’ Dinner on April 30th an example of keeping up the charade.

That was a most intriguing monologue Barack presented, beginning with, “end of the Republic”. In fact, I was blown away that he raised the issues—even in humour—of his Muslim faith, birth certificate, and other things he was accused him of. The smile on his face didn’t quite reach his eyes, and I didn’t get the feeling his words came from the heart. It was just a speech; an obligation.

It was a most poignant farewell. He put on a good face, but I felt regret in him, that he knew full well he was part of something he would have to answer for in the near future—even if he didn’t willingly participate. Not a pleasant future to anticipate. He also didn’t have the opportunity to make the changes he believed he would on entering the White House.

Obviously there is a lot unfolding behind the scenes few are speaking of. Thomas Williams at Cosmic Voice warned us last month that we will soon be hearing a lot of things we didn’t know and won’t like because it will be counter to things we believed about people and groups we follow. Of course there will also be a lot of good news, as well. It’s best not to be overly invested in our “heroes”.

It’s difficult to keep up with all the evil being exposed nowadays as the house of cards topples. Quaker Oats was just sued for selling glyphosate-soaked “natural” oatmeal.  You can read about that at Natural News. It’s more and more important to seek out organic food as often as possible and hope it really is—at least until we clean up the planet’s soil, air and water. Between glyphosate and vaccines, it’s a miracle we’re still alive.

On the financial front—a most volatile one—patriots wait with baited breath to learn about the Currency Revaluation (RV) etc. Keenan has an update on that for May 5th if you’d like to take in his videos, remembering that we live in an upside-down world on the wrong side of the looking glass, where good is bad, bad is good, and “never” means “soon”. Neil is looking a little worn, and I’m certain is ready for a respite from his hideous journey.

BREAKING NEWS: Obama Out / Cabal Surrender / Currency Revaluation In Progress

The scuttlebutt I got a few days ago was this, and I don’t vouch for it, but Keenan confirmed:

AIIB/WF/HSBC put a 10pm EST deadline on Citibank to get Basel lll compliant or default. At the same moment, Obama was scheduled to speak at the White House Correspondents Dinner in DC (WHCD). This was the back wall for cabal surrender or new President Dunford would have announced the Republic live in front of all the world’s press core. But absolute cabal surrender came at 8:59:59pm EST and thus Obama was allowed to speak and Citibank defaulted to AIIB/WF/HSBC and became Basel lll compliant.

If the cabal surrendered, I’ll have to eat my hat. I said they never would. But sometimes it’s good to be very wrong.

That’s it for now, but news drops at any hour of any day and the cards continue to fall in the brisk winds of spring. Rebirth is everywhere and the winter deadfall is cleared out. Beautiful and barely dreamed of gifts are found under rotting leaves and stubborn ice crystals and glorious and exciting days are ahead for Humanity.  ~ BP