Headlines and Updates for February 6, 2019: The Tough Slog to Freedom [videos] ~ February 6, 2019

There is a lot going on all over the planet and it’s hard to know where to look next to keep up with it.

True to his word and commitment to protect America, Trump sent more troops to the border where it is strengthened in advance of another large group of migrants professing to be “dreamers”.  The President said they would create a Human barrier, if necessary, where no wall has yet been built.

Why does the media call it “concertina wire” rather than what it really is: razor wire? They have the language, don’t they? A “caravan” instead of an invasion by a horde of thugs. “Things” is more like it.

If you watched the video from And We Know explaining QAnon’s references to what we call “sleeper cells”, meaning Humans who have been weaponized—then you should have a clear understanding of the dire need for that wall.

Some of the “migrants” are programmed to appear normal until triggered when they launch into horrific acts of violence—like murdering someone on a New York subway platform; tying up and raping women, then killing them; torturing, sodomizing and murdering children; killing police officers—anyone they can take by surprise.

Is that how Americans want to live; afraid to leave their homes because some sub-Human weaponized entity might attack them? The drugs are used in programming and the satanic sex trade. It’s all related and has to be stopped.

The democrats are well aware of this strategy and the overall objective is to destroy America so they do not want a wall obstructing their stream of weaponized miscreants entering and mingling with Americans.

They don’t want to lose the parade of Humans serving their predatory needs or cut their lucrative revenue streams for organs, satanic rituals and adrenochrome, drugs, or arms.

President Trump has organized a rally in El Paso, Texas on the Mexican border for February 11, 2019.

Trump 2020 campaign manager Brad Parscale says Monday’s rally will be held less than 1000 feet from the successful border fence that keeps El Paso safe!

Harvey Schlanger and Sean at the SGT Report discuss the satanic world view that is “anti-human”. It’s a good discussion. We can see how the narrative is gradually getting folks to understand that “they” are NOT Human.

Their Satanic Worldview EXPOSED — Harley Schlanger

David Wilcock did a new 5-part series with the guys at Edge of Wonder and Part 1 is below. He says his sources assure him the military tribunals are in progress.

Deep State Predictions 2019: Major Data Dump with DAVID WILCOCK [Part 1/5!]

For those grappling with an inability to trust that President Trump is working for the People, we have Black Conservative Patriot explaining the finer points of a portion of the strategy. Some folks can see it, and some can’t.

We have been cautioned not to try to decipher what is currently happening in the news because it is impossible unless you’ve been fully read in on the Plan.

Advice: You don’t take what Trump says or does literally. He’s playing a role and will say and do whatever is necessary to remove the dark forces, and it will be done without resorting to violence, chaos and revolution—which is what the deep state wants.

It seems people have no trouble trusting there is a God despite the unbelievably evil things that have been happening on our planet for eons, yet regardless of the many great strides Donald Trump and the Alliance have made in just over two years, some can’t find it in them to trust the Plan—or Donald Trump.

If the Trump administration and people like Michael Flynn, and the others we KNOW are working behind the scenes to remove the criminals, clean up the judicial system, get the troops back home and end war, stop 5G and other technology from being weaponized to harm us, to secure the global accounts and begin eliminating the worst suffering on the planet—if they don’t deliver and all of that does not come to pass, then we will still be in a far better place to remove those who stand in our way of liberation and Golden Age.

No one else stepped up to do anything for Humanity until just recently. I hear a lot of people complaining but few are doing anything about the problems in America. It’s easier just to complain and demand to know why someone else doesn’t do something. It sounds like some Americans are the ones doing the “caving”.

Thanks for the share, J.


Congress is compromised, BUT, the Republicans run the Senate, and that is KEY.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr Explains How Big Pharma Completely Owns Congress

This just in. I wonder what it was about.

A spokesman for the De Nederlandsche Bank told NOS that the incident had nothing to do with the bank.

Dutch police shoot man next to central bank in massive firefight

Remember the pedestrian walkway in Miami, Florida that collapsed on top of traffic shortly after it was built? We have an update on that contractor.

Builder of collapsed FIU pedestrian bridge had troubling construction failure at Port Everglades

I listened to a replay of an older interview this week with Lt. General Michael Flynn on Caravan to Midnight. A few months ago I took in a chat with Flynn’s brother while Michael was embroiled in the law suit. If only everyone in America was as honourable and patriotic as this family.

Throwback Monday – Lt. General Michael T. Flynn

The less honourable among us have come up with a new phone scam, so be aware. Article and video at the link.

Beware of ‘Can you hear me’ phone scam

Sun Tzu The Art Of War ~ July 21, 2018


Sun Tzu The Art Of War

Paul Serran

Sun Tzu The Art Of War. By Paul Serran.

#QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #IBOR #PatriotsFight #OIGReport #Unredacted @POTUS

(0) It’s been many weeks since I last saw Patriots losing their cool and falling prey to MSM’s narrative in such a big way.

So, it’s time to – ONCE AGAIN – write about “The Art of War” and Strategic Deception.

Paul Serran

1 – Sun Tzu The Art Of War

A Gallup poll shows that less than 1% of the general population care about the hysterical reaction to the Helsinki summit between POTUS and Putin. So why did so many people from #TheStorm get so worried?

Paul Serran

2 – Sun Tzu The Art Of War

Q has urged us: “Learn to play the game.”

So, let’s try to.

Learn To Play The Game
Paul Serran

3 – Sun Tzu The Art Of War

Whether Sun Tzu was an ancient historical Chinese general, or a mythological composite of many military leaders, seems unimportant.

Sun Tzu
Paul Serran

4 – Sun Tzu The Art Of War

He is traditionally credited as the author of “The Art of War”, a widely influential work of military strategy that has affected philosophy and military thinking all over the world.

The Art of War
Paul Serran

5 – Sun Tzu The Art Of War

“The Art of War” is one of POTUS’ favorite books, one that he deeply recommends.

Paul Serran

6 – Sun Tzu The Art Of War

The book is also basic reading for the USMC and the Intel Agencies. See how relevant it is for #TheStorm?

Sun Tzu
Paul Serran

7 – Sun Tzu The Art Of War

To begin with, learn that “The art of war is of vital importance to the State.” “It is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected.”

Sun Tzu
Paul Serran

8 – Sun Tzu The Art Of War

Understanding the following is vital: “Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”

“The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent.”

Sun Tzu
Paul Serran

9 – Sun Tzu The Art Of War

In 1941, the Atlantic Charter was drafted, then the Brusa Agreement. In 1946, the UKUSA Agreement, the basis for all signal intelligence cooperation between the US and the UK.

Military Deception
Paul Serran

10 – Sun Tzu The Art Of War

With the advent of the Cold War, the need for Intel gathering intensified, and massive capabilities were built, that would later be misused to spy against ordinary citizens.

Military Deception
Paul Serran

11 – Sun Tzu The Art Of War

I like this one: Strategic envelopment. See how I try to adapt this concept to my understanding of the eternally troubling Bob Russia probe.

Muller Horowitz
Paul Serran

12 – Sun Tzu The Art Of War

“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”

Meaning: you won’t know POTUS’ plans. Neither will the enemy.

Let your plans be dark
Paul Serran

13 – Sun Tzu The Art Of War

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”

Think North Korea.

Think North Korea
Paul Serran

14 – Sun Tzu The Art Of War

This one I think we should stop and think about for a while: please, read it with full attention.

Read it with full attention
Paul Serran

15 – Sun Tzu The Art Of War

How about if we read it yet again? It is worth the time.

Read it with full attention
Paul Serran

16 – Sun Tzu The Art Of War

“Engage people with what they expect; it is what they are able to discern and confirms their projections. ” So if silly D’s think POTUS is an idiot, you fuel that ridiculously wrong perception.

Engage people with what they expect
Paul Serran

17 – Sun Tzu The Art Of War

“It settles them into predictable patterns of response.”

That means you can actually PREDICT and CONTROL how they are going to react. That is a BIG advantage.

It settles them into predictable patterns of response
Paul Serran

18 – Sun Tzu The Art Of War

“Occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment — that which they cannot anticipate.”

Occupying their minds
Paul Serran

19 – Sun Tzu The Art Of War

This bit of wisdom: a desperate, surrounded enemy fights much harder than one that can disband and flee.

Desperate, surrounded enemy fights much harder
Paul Serran

20 – The Art Of War

This thread by no means covers the treasure trove of wisdom from this ancient book. But this should be enough to keep you from taking all things at face value and getting desperate for no reason.

Ancient book
Paul Serran

21 – The Art Of War

That was “The Art of War” for today.

The Art Of War
The Art Of War

QAnon Achive

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