Headlines and Updates for July 15, 2019: New Q and Circus Acts [videos] ~ July 15, 2019

Editor’s Note: Oh…the news just keeps getting better and better! Let’s not forget the fascinating ideas shared by Juan o’Savin about human consciousness and how it may work. That’s the “stuff” I really like…ideas about what is this life all about?

Oh my…please read/listen/watch this report to enlighten you mind and your heart, think about this, and be…



Q didn’t take Sunday off. There were lots of new drops. Some may have made folks wonder a little more deeply about what the hell they were doing in those tunnels on Epstein’s Orgy Island. Why do they need all those entrances/exits? What was going in and out, exactly? You know it’s nothing good. We believe it was children going in, but not coming out, and they needed vehicle access to those tunnels/bunkers. Humans are prey.3432

POTUS and Q Draining The Worldwide Swamp

Q!!mG7VJxZNCI 14 Jul 2019 – 1:15:23 PM Anonymous 14 Jul 2019 – 1:10:14 PM


DJI_0205 – Copy.jpg

This is the area I am really interested in. We have not one, but two tunnel/bunker entrances, one of them leading under the flag pole / house.


https://www.google.com/maps/place/18%C2%B017’52.0%22N+64%C2%B049’20.5%22W/@18.297787,-64.8229122,259m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m14!1m7!3m6!1s0x8c051168d7542dc5:0x110473b6198e7717!2sLittle+Saint+James!3b1!8m2!3d18.300278!4d-64.825556!3m5!1s0x0:0x0!7e2!8m2!3d18.2977874!4d-64.8223651 >>7040039 This is not another 4 year election….
“DRAIN THE SWAMP” does not simply refer to removal of those corrupt in DC….

This is an interesting one and Scott Mowry discussed on the Miracles Intel Call last night. He reminded us of a past Q post about power outages.  See that oldie but goodie below the next crumb. 3429

Was the Manhattan Power Outage an Attempt to Takeout Epstein?

Q!!mG7VJxZNCI 14 Jul 2019 – 12:47:53 PM How do you eliminate a LIABILITY?
Where is EPSTEIN being held?
Do you believe in coincidences?
POWERful people connected?
Q 64

POTUS Twitter Take Down

Anonymous 2 Nov 2017 – 4:31:24 PM Fellow Patriots,
I’m being advised actions have created accelerated counter-actions.
We have not yet ascertained the scope of the attack.
Watch the news outlets.
POTUS‘ Twitter take down was not by accident (as referenced several hours ago).
Should the lights go out please know we are in control.
Do not panic.
We are prepared and assets are in place.
God bless – I must go for good at this point.  (was this when the “old Q” transitioned to the “new Q”?—was it a test to see how the patriot community would respond—or IF they would respond to this method of communication?)
Q I had to laugh at some of those old posts when I wasn’t following QAnon.  Q then (who seems to be a different personality from the current one) was telling patriots they weren’t sharing this information to scare anyone and were telling folks to remain calm, and NOW the patriots are saying, “What’s taking so long…”Lock her up!”…  Let’s get those bastards… DO IT, Q!”

Stealth: One mean-looking piece of machinery, and sneaky, too.

Stealth: One mean-looking piece of machinery, and sneaky, too. Here’s more on arrests and blackouts. Discernment advised. Thanks, L. FBI Blacks Out New York City During Raid On Clinton Office As Democrat Party Child Sex Empire Crumbles We understand (stealth) arrests are ongoing and we also learned last night that a second Presidential Alert on the FEMA Emergency Alert System (EAS) cellular system will take place on Wed. August 7th at 2:28 pm EDT.  It’s a systems test. If you did NOT receive the last alert, you should contact your cellular provider and make sure you will be able to receive it on your phone. What we heard was that certain corrupt providers like Century Link had taken steps to BLOCK Americans in their territories from getting the Presidential alerts. The test enabled the White Hats to determine just who was guilty of that crime and rectify the problem. Hopefully it was resolved and our comms are all working as designed, this time.

Convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s assets are strewn around the country and if Trump’s executive order is enforced, there’s a lot to seize—and investigate.

Scott Mowry made an interesting remark on the Miracles Intel Call last night about that, suggesting that the billions of dollars from assets seized from those committing crimes against Humanity, and including what has been stolen from Americans, would be coming back to the People. The wall and many other things would be funded. Obviously the same scenario would apply in other nations.

Everything the “elite” have, they stole from We, the People of this planet. They don’t work, but they live in sinful luxury while the People starve and live on the street, dying from the diseases the psychopaths created.

They were systematically destroying us, but now we’re systematically destroying them. They will finish themselves off, eventually, from what I’m hearing. They’re not the sort anyone wants hanging about in their galaxy.

Jeffrey Epstein’s New Mexico ranch linked to investigation

As a deep state operative, Epstein was one of the untouchables—like the Clintons; the operative word being “was”, and there’s no question as to what the meaning of the word “was” was.

I think Alex Acosta played his role in the drama as requested and can exit, stage right.

More CONFIRMED Information on Jeffrey Epstein, His Homes, and His Powerful Friends

Linda Paris/Deplorable McAllister had a riveting conversation with Juan O Savin and while it wasn’t intended to be shared, she felt it should be—and as usual, she’s right. The audio isn’t great, as she says, but I found with headphones it was fine. Linda also adds the appropriate graphics as visual aids to explain the concepts.

She began by asking about Pindar, which we understand is a title, rather than a named person. We’ve heard Putin was at one time Pindar, as was Obama. Grand Poohbah. The big poop. (So they think) The one holding that position changes but that is a momentary topic here.

They immediately launch into a more esoteric side of Humanity and our consciousness. I’ve not heard anyone else raise the issue of the location of our consciousness before. Juan offers “the cloud” concept and I thought this worth sharing for our greater understanding as we struggle to make sense of who we are and how we fit into his insane world we incarnated into for our life span.

If we cease to see our consciousness as residing inside us, and instead see it as animating our avatar via receivers picking up signals from elsewhere, a “storage facility”, that’s a little different way of looking at us, isn’t it?

It raises a number of questions. How does our unique frequency work, and why does it vary from person to person? Why are each of us so unique? If they can corrupt our DNA—the receptors—then do we, as a race, disappear?

Whoever Juan O Savin is, he gets it, and he’s involved with saving Humanity along with President Trump and the other White Hats. It’s a monumental, inter-galactic task.


What do you think about this remedy to the Goog monster problem? Would it work?

To Break Google’s Monopoly on Search, Make Its Index Public

I remarked some time ago that they will probably Trumpify Mount Rushmore. This T-shirt takes it one step further.

The circus acts and lies continue. How do they suppose it will ultimately serve them to outright lie with no proof? It is destroying their credibility and they don’t seem to care. They are illogical.

Far Left Rep. Escobar: ICE Is Keeping Facilities Empty While Forcing Migrants to Sleep Outside Under Tarps (VIDEO)

A firestorm has erupted between President Trump and the Democrats and fake news propaganda pundits over remarks about sending Americans back to their country of origin. It’s quite the show but I don’t want to get into the drama.

Trump to end asylum protections for most Central American migrants at US-Mexico border

Eric Trump

Law Enforcement is taking the swamp creatures to task. It is not, and never has been okay to violate and physically attack people you disagree with and we won’t tolerate it. Despite the fact that Eric Trump did NOT press charges, the criminal was arrested.

Waitress Arrested for Spitting in Eric Trump’s Face

As for Canada, the fun and games play out still. What did you expect him to say, Dan?

Methinks the Republic of Kanata is about to be turned on its ear. Fasten your seat belts, mes amis!

I had to add this old video from 2011 that I never saw until yesterday. If your eyesight isn’t great or you forgot your glasses, you would think this is Obama. He’s got this down—and he’s funny. Actually, in hindsight it’s even funnier.

Ciao for now.   ~ BP

Obama Impersonator at Republican Leadership Conference

Headlines and Updates for July 12, 2019: The Sun Will Rise Again [videos] ~ July 12, 2019

The sun will always rise again because there is apparently more than one. If the mainstay craps out, there’s a backup.

Sgt. Pattie Brassard showed us images of “our brown dwarf”. Funny NASA never told us about that. Other planets have brown dwarf accompaniment, too, she said.

I don’t know if it’s the energies at the root, (that wave that came in on the 6th) but I’ve been exposed to a lot of negativity of late. For a long time drivers in the ‘hood were respectful and then twice within a couple of days this past week or so, two of them yelled out the window at Mica and I as we walked on the edge of the road.

Some people in our residential neighbourhood don’t think they should have to share the road with pedestrians or pets. Since we don’t have sidewalks, and sometimes not even a shoulder, I take that to mean they believe we belong in the rocky ditch with the cacti, despite the fact that I pay taxes to use the roads. Why do we need signs in America to instruct drivers to “share the road”? It’s a sad commentary.

I reached my tolerance for negativity last night and had to get away from gloomy news, complaints, fault-finding, mud-slinging, drama, and anything that would lower my vibration. I reached out for some Sophia Musik and a meditation video to wipe out all the negative energy. It worked.

And negative comments on the blog may just get nixed. Depends on my mood.

Blatant censorship!!! Earlier, I happened upon this interesting Tweet from Methods… and for some reason Tweets are not displaying properly on the blog these days. Links are not working. Go figure. It was a Q post suggesting they knew what the #TwitterDown was all about.  Now the Tweets won’t display on Twitter, either. This Orwellian tyranny has to be stopped.

#TwitterDown makes me wonder if this happened again… pic.twitter.com/E8VUpntAXx

— M3thods (@M2Madness) July 11, 2019

Here’s a new Q drop—one of many. They’ll start with the small fry and work their way up. Epstein is a keyholder to the network. We’re going to see academy award level performances from many of the “actors” masquerading as “elite” scumbags.3419

Singer R Kelly Arrested on Federal Sex Crime Charges

Q!!mG7VJxZNCI 11 Jul 2019 – 8:25:38 PMhttps://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/R-Kelly-Arrested-on-Federal-Sex-Crime-Charges-512618121.html



Hit ’em where it hurts. It’s unbelievable that we would pay these predators to procure, dismember, and sell babies for body parts. Shut them down!

Court Rules President Trump Can Defund Planned Parenthood, Will Cut Almost $60 Million in Taxpayer Funding

They’re baaaaack! The Hampstead kids are in the news again.https://twitter.com/Johnjam02545194/status/1149527546033086465

What do you know? The link doesn’t work. It relates to this video, which also won’t display properly via link. I had to embed it.

It’s heartbreaking to hear how these children were used and their innocence stolen. We shared the full interview with them a few years ago. It’s shocking. And then the UK LEOs covered it up and it went away.https://youtu.be/N7_epvNbaPQ

It doesn’t appear a lot of the established US government figures are feeling well these days.

I have to say these “incubator” performances are nauseating, but thanks, Kip, for the coverage.

He mentions Angela Merkel’s uncontrollable shaking, and you may have heard speculation that she is being “microwaved”, as some claimed HRC was in that embarrassing head-bobbing incident. (below) We know they use directed energy weapons (DEWs) on many people, for many reasons.

This woman went down in a dead faint.

Collapsing Congresswoman Ruins AOC’s Anti-Trump-Immigration Monologue

On a lighter note, following is a Qute and fascinating video from Jennifer Mac. Folks are crunching numbers and coming up with some leading hypotheses… AND she includes some great jazz.

It’s so easy for uninformed people to say “nothing happened on July 4th”. Disinfo is rampant in ALL circles, and no one is immune.

We know what we know, and we may not get what we want, but we’ll get what we need.

The Patriots are making it FUN for us, folks. They’re delivering on the surprises if you’re paying attention—and there are two biggies in this video.

Juan O Savin, as I said, gives us so much information and coupled with the Q drops, we have more than we know.

You will probably want to pause the video briefly to read some frames.

The son will rise again? Assuming the overwhelming evidence we have is correct and Jr lives… what do you suppose he’s been up to for 20 years? He was a pilot, and we hear the military helped him make his escape. Think logically. I believe Jr has been preparing for precisely this time since he disappeared.

Q says he’s frequently “on the move”, and Juan says the same. When Q was silent, Juan had plenty of time to chat on the Abel Danger show. He told us to pause and reflect and enjoy the break before the next campaign began.

Now that Q is running on at the mouth (affectionately intended), Juan missed his scheduled slot on the show yesterday and squeezed in a short update. Just sayin’.

He’ll be back in a few days for a longer discussion.

More than JUAN guy believes Jr Lives. Look up to the sky… the sun will rise again!

The Epstein pedophilia case is going to have a massive domino effect on a multitude of players.

Acosta out as Trump Labor secretary

Last night Thomas Williams noted a significant number (around a dozen) Disney-related/entertainment figures “dying” suddenly. It’s called “escape” from justice or shut up the witnesses. Admittedly, some were old—as much as 105 (what does that suggest???) while one was only 20 years old. You decide.

Due to popular demand, the circus has been held over…

Mueller testimony likely to be delayed for one week

The People fight back.

Laura Loomer is Suing Facebook for $3,000,000,000 for Defamation (Yes, That’s 3 BILLION)

A likely story. We don’t want to hear your excuses. Just do it. You were all spying on each other, and everyone.


As we’ve said for many years, bugger the banksters. Let’s just hope it’s not too rocky a road as so many are already in dire straits, financially.


We woke up to our “normal” seasonal temps this morning of 94 F. Slight chance of rain possible, which would be awesome, but I don’t believe the monsoons are quite ready yet to deliver. Any time now, though, and boy do we need rain.

Here’s the Oracle Report for today, Friday. I’m glad Laura explained the photo. (below)  You can read the report at her website, below.

Oracle Report
Published on Jul 12, 2019
Laura Walker http://www.oraclereport.com Photo taken by wise owl Steve. This is lit and twirled steel wool at 15 degrees below zero F.

Exceptional multiple meteor event recorded over Brazil

You might want to turn off the sound.

Batton down for Barry! And as a very astute crew member pointed out, we had Hurricane Michael, and now Barry… you can’t make this up. These arrogant criminals name streets, towns, hurricanes, anything they choose after themselves, AND give each other awards for fabricated and non-existent deeds, including the Peace Prize for creating more wore than ever before.

In the upside-down world the psychopaths created, Peace Prizes are awarded to war criminals for crimes against Humanity.

This is a new era, however, and the People will now decide what shingle to hang around their necks.

Waves and storm surge produced by Barry to affect beaches in four Gulf Coast states

A little jazz, and now a little mambo… too funny. It might be their last dance, so humour them.

Are we going fast enough for everyone yet?

I’ve got places to go, so I’m out. Warp factor 7, helmsman!  ~ BP