The Great Pause ~ December 23, 2019

Editor’s Note: Now I know why I Am now/have been gathered with family for the holidays. This IS a closing period, an “end” for me, as energetics arrive to whisk me closer to BEing in a sense of neutrality, of BEing in Zero Point.

What happens in Zero Point? Life lessons “end” as the mind is released from beliefs and programming for unconscious ways of living. Soul evolution happens as more and more weight is dropped from the heart allowing Self to “rides the waves” of Cosmic Energies moving into KNOWING and BLISS. Moments of BEing a Cosmic Warrior, of fighting for the Light end as limiting and controlling efforts are replaced by peaceful and wise unconditional love.

The New Year allows us to move into a movement of freedom and peace if we allow. NOW is the time for peaceful relaxation into the JOY of unconditional love, allowing us ALL to BE…



We now ebb closer to yet another vortex, the Solstice. A spin so sensitive that the slightest extra weight is immediately rejected and sent back spinning through space and time to repeat it’s path and yet to harmonise with such vortex takes you deep within, through the chaos of the spin and settles you in the space of zero point, complete neutrality in which you are aware of the rushing of energy, twisting and turning, rejecting and accepting, and yet the space you find yourself in is a frequency so tranquil, and everything becomes crystal clear.

From here we see the choices, and they are chosen with the utmost Care and attention to ensure the field of experience continues to expand and bring the growth we are each here to attain, to be Free.

Our Era is to become free of the mind, the beliefs, the programming and to begin the deconstruction of everything we were taught, led to believe and have abided by, following the unconscious ways, rules and rulers of our time

Evolution takes “time” and we are just one small cog in the cosmic clockwork, a crucial cog nonetheless, as is each era, as is each person, so vital in the great transformation we find ourselves traversing.

The hands of time will forever be moving, all will forever evolve however this period is bringing the race back into its heart, we are done with the wars, we are sick in dis-ease and we are all being called from within to Seek an Alignment that breathes life back in, that is “balanced” and cares, shares and spreads joy.

When we know our course we can choose the perfect moment to drop from the vortex and land in the new field of experience.

When we know how to ride the cosmic vortex system we become aware that more “weight” will need to drop for the next and the next so we continue the process of release and through this we receive more and more light, opening more portals of opportunity.

All is a frequency match.

Looping realities happen because the attachment to the 3rd or 4th dimensional “story” is still way too loud. The attachment lies in the emotions held and under these emotions sits more stories and then there’s the programming, the core manifestor of your experiences and the reason we experience loops, the weight (wait) we hold and believe we need “time” to release

When attached to the phsyical presentation, the people, stories, the programs and emotions everything is high stress and dramatic, all of it built around conditions and fears, and whilst each story always reaches crescendo and implodes, what’s found is the story repeats, often a new setting, new “actors”, but the same old “pain” resurfaces and has been taught to be accepted, as “life”.

It is not, life, that is a bipolar mess, hence why we find ourselves here, to learn, that this way is most definitely a dead end.

So data began pouring through that guided us deeper within, to look at what created these stories, and what we found was a whole heap of programming all created to defend, built up from trauma filled ancient memories that each of us hold.
Constantly playing out the old just in a more modern way as time progresses. The mess evolves, mutates over the years just as it does through Grandparent to Parent to Child, we have been continuing to blindly birth the old, allowing the programs to bring more and more separation as each generation was birthed.

The End

This phase of the breakdown we find ourselves in is the breakdown of the Age of Pisces, that is all, nothing more, nothing less, only the more each clings to the rules and the stories that the age created the more of the destruction each will experience.

It’s a choice.

Choice being something most find too much to deal with, which is the desired experience of the Age of Pisces, we completed our mission as a race and found the experience to be…..limiting and controlling.

Let’s move on

Into the chaotic spin, which is rejecting defense and blame and teaching how to neutralise the “warrior” energy.
We all went through the warrior phase, it is of course another opportunity to awaken more unconscious weighted activity stored within, from the days when we had to be a warrior, we had to survive, we wanted fame and to be respected and rise beyond the clutches of poverty and move into the luxury that each victory brought.

Move ON

Spiritual warriors, defenders of light – defunct.
There is no defending light, each that tries this will find 2020 continues the power of the storm within, the only damage caused by allowing the storm is to those who choose to hold it within, exciting the neurons within the physical body, leading to more frequent burnouts, emotional overloading and short circuits in all systems, greatly affecting health and therefore all abundance channels.

Peace….that is where we are heading and we know this is found by creating it within, and from here our field reflects this back. We have let go of the need to poke sticks at a world that simply doesn’t yet understand and we value our own journey far more than to waste time, or get weighted down with those who create a drag. No one is going to achieve anything by having old frequency based opinions and shouting about them, so what if folk speak blindly, we close it down by simply not feeding it with our energy, we say no thank you, we do not fire, we do not bring war to our sacred field. We remove all that we do not want in our field, with ease, when you take the trash out from your home do you tell for all to hear, do you insult the rubbish for being useless?

Be wise, be graceful, be unconditionally loving knowing the presentation is firstly teaching you about your reaction or response, your ability to maintain a divine peaceful field, because all is a reflection, but the mirror is also learning about its lack of Unconditional love, so to respond with an example of how to hold a sacred field is exactly what their soul has requested, to experience the reverberations of light, for their cracks, their discoveries to begin….which they will, if each choose to be the example rather than the lesson.

This Solstice, this point in time holds something I have never experienced before, if I were to choose a word to describe I would use Regal as it holds high importance, I see rich purple velvet and melting gold….take from that what you will, but it feels without doubt a space to observe, and to be sure the highest truth is emanating in each moment.

The Northern angels move into the 3 days of darkness as our Ancestors tell us the Sun is reborn and now we tell our ancestors, we’ve got this, we have learned there was no death, therefore there was no birth, we are aligned with the Sun and we are evolving.

Our sun and our planetary tilt teaches us the need to take a moment, to go deep within, to move furthest away from the noise and fully realise the path chosen upon resurfacing, to use this time to focus on the vibrational expansion this Solstice brings, how you will set the tone as our Sun begins the next phase of its journey.

This incoming year is the year to give focus to the formless knowing that is the creator of all form, and by operating the formless we know that the form follows suit…all is a given and it’s where full responsibility and respect is found.

So this is where I say farewell to honour my own 3 day dive into my field to observe this shift and to continue the integrations and assistance as we move. I am celebrating the Solstice with the energy of movement and freedom as I am now able to leave my rising Sun for the first time in just over a year.

All so symbolic

I will return, expanded on the 26th to bring some navigation for the solar eclipse.

Sending so much love and gratitude to All, may you all have the most magical Solstice and continue to awaken each heart, expanding and uniting in Divine Unconditional Love so we all may return as One.

» Source

Twin Soul ascension report ….Solstice is the game changer…..Huge transformations for 144000 divine pairs ~ June 17, 2019

Dearest beloveds,

Greetings of the most high. We come forward now, in this sacred moment of your time, with exciting news to share with you from Beyond the rapidly diminishing Veil.

Extremely powerful energies are building up now for the solstice gateway, and please know that this solstice will bear witness to yet another vibrational upgrade for all of you personally and also for the Collective. Indeed the Solstice portal point is acting as a culmination point enabling many many low vibrational timelines and cycles to complete around this time.

Many of you will be tested in this upcoming cycle with regards to trusting your intuition…..if you willingly disregard your intuition then please know that in some cases your intuition will have to become much much louder,  and this is something that we do not wish to happen for any of you, because when your intuition becomes louder this can often take the form of very challenging physical symptoms or very challenging relationship problems. Beloveds it is much better to take heed and follow the guidance of your higher self as and when it comes.

As we align with the energies of Solstice, those of you who are staying in relationships that do not feel like home on every level of your being will be even more deeply challenged. For many of you who are reading these words and who are still involved in karmic relationships, please know that these relationships serve a purpose, and in often cases this is to teach you about polarity. These relationships are attracted into your energetic field to show you exactly what you “do not” want to experience in your eternal divine Union with your twin soul. These relationships show you clearly what conditional love is and what it is like to be loved with conditions.

The vibrations of the Earth will continue to rise exponentially resulting in the Veil between the interdimensional realms becoming virtually non-existent. This means that everybody who is perpetuating the Maya – the illusion – the 3D holographic matrix patterning. Please know that all that is not authentic and in alignment with your highest God consciousness will be dropping out of your energetic field in the upcoming weeks and months.

Our advice to you is to let it go because what is coming is infinitely more aligned with your souls energetic signature and as such will be able to satisfy you and fulfil you on such a profound lead that you cannot even comprehend this with your rational mind.

what with the intense energetic bombardments that are relentlessly incoming now,  it is absolutely imperative that you stay on top of your hydration, and that you remember to ground these energies by walking bare feet on the earth, also a reminder to stay in non reaction mode and fully commit to being in Observer mode, that all of your emotions can run freely just like a child, whilst eternally taking responsibility for yourself and how you project your emotions.

For many of you you are experiencing anomalies with your diet please listen to your body and eat what your body directs you to eat, and fast when you are directed to fast. It is very important that everybody listens to their body in terms of resting when they need to.

So many upgrades are taking place in the dreamtime beloveds, also when we rest this is a powerful opportunity for our nervous system to settle and recalibrate all the new upgraded photonic light frequencies. Please know that this transformation that we are all experiencing- the transition from carbon based to crystalline based is a huge and momentous task for the human vessel to go through, and in many ways is very stressful for the human vessel. This is why it is absolutely imperative that everybody listens diligently to their bodies and rest when they need to and drink water when they need to and fast when they need to and walk bare feet on the Earth and they need to.

If you take the words in this Ascension report on board you will benefit enormously and the symptoms that you are experiencing will be lessened exponentially. Please know brothers and sisters that it is our greatest honour to join with so many of you for the solstice transmission that is taking place this Saturday the 22nd of June. We are being strongly guided to work with the Golden dragons who are the Dragons that are guarding over this particular planetary Ascension. The Golden dragons are guarding over the Golden Age timeline and we will be working with them to fully absolutely and completely implement the Golden Age timeline into the crystalline grid of Gaia.

It is important to note that we are currently closing down the timeline of Kali yuga and we are opening up the timeline of the Golden Age. This is why it is so important that we empower this timeline collectively in our ground crew high vibrational Ascension groups.

For those of you who come forward to take part in this transmission please know that you will receive a highly auspicious blessing and personal contact from your own golden dragon who coexists within, and as an aspect of your higher self.

The Golden Dragon holds the keys to many of our spiritual gifts and also holds the keys to assist us in aligning with our highest divine destiny.

The transmission will be taking place in a brand new group and everybody who signs up receives the PDF with full instructions to join the brand new group on Facebook and for everybody who cannot make the live call please know that it is just as powerful to Tune In at a later time.

We very much look forward to Gathering with all of you for the Solstice transmission

Huge energies are building up now towards the 8.8 lionsgate as the Earth Aligns with the star system of Sirius.

Please know that the work that we are doing in the solstice transmission is directly related to aligning and preparing the Earth’s energetic grid for the 8.8 lionsgate

In love and eternal light

Jen and the white wolf tribe

here is the link to book onto the Solstice transmission 

It’s a magical day ! ~ December 21, 2018

We celebrate the Solstice today. This is a sacred time to reflect and look into your heart.

In the Northern Hemisphere, this is the darkest night of the year – a time of stillness and faith. In the Southern Hemisphere it is the promise of warmer days and joy ahead.

The ancients celebrated this time as a return to Light.

After a winter of darkness, the life-giving Sun returns to its exuberant splendor and creative power.

Perhaps you feel as if this year has been one long winter.

There has been so much soul-searching, emotional transformation, and ground shifting beneath your feet.

Today, you can celebrate all that you have achieved, and release what you no longer wish to take with you.

This is your time of renewal.

You are a different person than you were at the beginning of the year. Your light is stronger from within, and now you have so much more radiance to share with the world.

You shining star you!

Time Sensitive Updates for December 21, 2018: Nuclear Option Required for Wall & Solstice is Upon Us | Meditations [video] ~ December 21, 2018

This is an important message of truth from Doug Ducote Sr. on a number of topics. With respect to black babies, you may have heard the shocking history related by Thomas Williams last night about the real aboriginal people in America and what happened to them—and apparently continues to happen.

Which way will it go? We’ll soon find out.

*Breaking News* Nuclear Option Is Needed Now!

Solstice Meditations

If you would like to celebrate the Solstice today, there are meditations to usher in the energies of this key alignment.

Can you feel the LOVE streaming in from the GALACTIC CENTRAL SUN today?

In just a few short hours….

2:23 PM (California)

5:23 PM (New York)

10:23 PM (London)

11:23 PM (Paris, Berlin)

…we will experience the exact moment of the December Solstice…..

See more at Prepare for Change.

There is unrest in Spain…

Spain: Catalan protesters block Barcelona highway over Spanish Cabinet meeting


A newsletter came in from Wake Up Kiwi this week and it is so loaded with great information I can’t choose one or even two articles. You can visit the website and take your pick.  ~ BP





Energy Update ~ Rise of the Divine Feminine, Solstice, Compassion, Gaia ~ June 22, 2018

By Diane Canfield

Blessings Beloveds,

Happy Solstice to everyone ! Typically the Solstice is a time of change and rebirth, when new energy can arrive on the planet and into our consciousness to help us traverse the higher realms of Consciousness. We have had a huge amount of energy coming in all this year and it seems sometimes like it is non stop. The waves are certainly more frequent and there is less time in between to recover.

I have so much to write yet I can never get to everything because I am constantly writing so many energy reports in real time.

To me energy reports are the most important of all things to write because this helps everyone get on the same page energy wise and we can collectively shift this planet into the higher dimensions of light. As always this is my goal, for all of us to be shifted into the paradise we all want and need.

Many are coming out of 3D now completely disillusioned with it, knowing it does not and will never offer them what is needed. This can trigger the dark night of the soul, when we have to go back and recalibrate our entire lives. Putting back the pieces of our lives in all new places where they should have been all along but were not. This is definitely part of the Ascension process as the higher realms of consciousness are reached, our lives have to be recalibrate over and over again. And then just when we think we have done it all, over and over again the recalibration has to be done. The entire ascension process is this way, to constantly be able to reach new levels of higher awareness. The old must be discarded to make way for the new.

With the Solstice at hand, the Divine Feminine is the leader coming forth in this dimension of Love. The Divine feminine represents all things that are suppressed in the 3D world. Compassion, love, caring, nature, nurture and love of all living beings on the planet and beyond. Yes there are living beings beyond this planet and everywhere in the Universe including our Divine Creator.

Many have been so disappointed in the 3D world, including me. I knew as a child this world and its expression was not right. Yet we are usually surrounded by others who fully embrace it and as children this leaves us wondering who is the one who knows and the one who doesn’t. Now we know who are the ones who know and who are the ones who do not.

The rise of the Divine Feminine means creation of the New Earth. It has to happen this way. The new earth can not be created with the current 3D mentality. These thinsgs do not mix. Just as I talk about the 3D world and psychic knowing and creating do not mix. They are 2 polar opposites.

Psychic knowing has long been suppressed in the 3D world and by those that do not understand it, don’t want to understand it and have no use for it. By contrast, the feminine aspect in everyone  naturally embraces all things psychic. We have this gift from the day we are born, if we choose to use it and develop it or not is up to us. If it has not been developed now is the time to do it. The energy is ripe for all things psychic to rise to a new level.

The Divine Feminine are going to be facing challenging times ahead as more Truth is brought to light. We must be strong and embrace the TRUTH of all that is. We must do this not only for ourselves, but the entire planet and the Ascension process. These are both at stake.

As more truth comes to light, many will be shocked at what they then have to process. They will no longer see things as they did in the past. They will have to come to terms with the fact that things were not as they always thought they were. As more awaken they will have to remake their reality based on these new revelations into higher consciousness. We must not shrink and shy away from this. Now is the time to take the consciousness of the planet and Heave it into the next dimension of consciousness and we are the ones called to do this.

On my own journey of self mastery, I have been called to do this time and time again and will continue to do what I am called to do, for the planet and for all to be able to access  higher consciousness as their normal way of being.

“Now it is time for everyone to join in and listen to the call from the Universe.”

Things are not going to continue as they have been. They can not. The Universe is calling for love, compassion and caring of all beings to come back into harmony with the Universal consciousness and now is the time we are to start to take our power back. Now is the calling and now is the time to heed the call.

Remember this in the days, weeks and months ahead when you are called to be strong and stand for what is right for ALL will be challenged to see if they are strong enough and invested enough in the future of the Ascension process and the realms of higher consciousness.

Many will have to face these tests time and time again until the tipping point is reached. Then the  majority of the planet will reside in the upper levels of consciousness. Raising your consciousness and developing psychic skills are going to be the focus of the many going forward.

“Since the higher realms are the embodiment of psychic knowing, we have to be this before we can become this.”

More updates coming soon! 

In Service and Love

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Diane Canfield is a Gifted Psychic, Medium, Ascension Expert, Energy Expert and ET In PERSON Contactee having had many in person visitations from many different races of ET races. She works to elevate the consciousness of the Human Race to evolve into the Galactic Race. Her psychic gifts started in childhood She had out of body experiences, knew things she had no way of knowing and channeled as a child. She was visited by a Pleiadian Mother Ship which encoded her for her role as a Galactic Ascension Teacher. Since this time she has been in constant contact with the Galactics and the Interplanetary Advanced Council Of Light.

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